
Celestia Teaches Twilight Relaxation Nonsexually

Sep 25th, 2013
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  1. It was a bit of an awkward request. It seemed decadent, beneath Celestia's attentions, but recently it had all come to the fore, a curiosity undeniable. A strange new need, stark and real every day. Trying her best to hide the timber of her voice (and yes, she was certain it could be read by post), she took pen nib to paper and asked the burning question for her teacher:
  3. "How do I 'relax'? At school it meant just taking a study break or using more effective time management, but all my new friends here in Ponyville keep deman- (she struck this out) insisting I "lighten up," "relax," and "take a load off. But I already feel relaxed!"
  5. She went on at some length to flesh out a small scene at the cafe just the other day. Her friends had all convinced her to take a 'small break' from reshelving to get aquainted with the Cakes, and it was all well and good - but despite her best poise and 'active listening' skills and a nice scone, everyone had balked and hemmed and hawed "she seemed nervous."
  7. At that point she'd become MORE nervous to SEEM less nervous and it all wound up a wreck. Well maybe not in 'the real,' though she'd nearly forgotten what orientation to put the desert fork next to the coffee. It was very nearly a snafu.
  9. Celestia had always said Twilight could ask "anything" of her, and even if this made her feel a bit remedial surely her tutor would know the best way to approach "relaxation." She always seemed serene but happy.
  10. With a well-practiced "YOUR FAITHFUL STUDENT" she sealed the scroll, laid the wax and left it in Spike's "OUTBOX" bin by his new bed.
  12. β€”
  14. Celestia sometimes responded in unusual ways, but the carriage moments after Spike belched the reply was among the more eccentric. "LET ME SHOW YOU -C" was not her normal reply. Really it looked like Inkwell's writing and part of a telegram entry formβ€”
  16. But she barely had time to ponder that before the guards ushered her (gently, as always) onto the conveyance and the wind wicked away her best analysis of the reply. As usual, it was spring, and just as typically the wind was biting once they got past the lowest cloud layer. She could only dumbly wonder what was waiting her at the palace as it crept into view, then suddenly plunged toward her - and she toward it.
  18. The carriage pulled up at a smaller pavillion adjacent to the courtyard. She didn't really recognize it, but the guards seemed to know the way. Steam seemed to be coiling out of the entrance, gripping tight to some sort of vines marking a long low corridor. The guards said nothing but laughter echoed quietly. The scuffing of hooves on shiny wooden floors. Beating, pounding - and then it died away as she caught a pounding waterfall. It was on the far end of a cavernous room with stained glass rafter pouring sunlight in, but a waterfall nonetheless.
  20. Her jaw dropped. It was some sort of water-loop, a strong-magic wheel that not only fought gravity but nearly superheated the water at the top. Plants and a few birds had taken root and nest nearby, luxuriating in the heat and orange-streaked steam.
  22. Celestia's voice rang out clear over the din of the pounding waters, "Twilight! Wonderful to see you. Come in, the water's fine!"
  24. Twilight took a double-take. Her regal Princess was splayed in the warm frothing waters of the basin, a warm washcloth covering her eyes. At first Twilight had thought she was some sort of very large rainbow-tendriled kelp with Celestia's mane flared wide and wet in the water.
  26. "P-Princess?"
  27. Celestia waved a hoof - unshorn! - in a broad scooping, diving motion. Twilight complied trotted into the low end of the pool and kicked off; somehow the flooring was both ceramic and a sandy beach. "You requested me, Princess?"
  28. Celestia laughed, vectoring slightly even as she removed the still-steaming cloth from her smiling purple eyes. "I think rather YOU requested this, Twilight."
  30. Twilight couldn't help but laugh. Weeks in Ponyville and speaking by post didn't do the same as simply being in the same room with Celestia, let alone the easy grace should take even sopping wet in a steaming - and enormous - private bath. Things had been wonderful but this was such welcome comfort. "I thought you'd tell me how to deal with 'relaxing' like a normal pony, not invite me to your spa - ma'am."
  32. Celestia gave her a slow wry smile, kicking breast-stroke to come close to her purple student. "You're many things, Twilight, but a 'normal' pony you're not. I don't think you need close instructions on this, you need a little ... perspective."
  34. With that a warm wet darkness covered her eyes. She yelped, splaying at the waters, the barrel-deep water suddenly rising to her ears. Sort of ... fuzzy darkness. The towel?
  36. "I think you need someone to listen and feel out what makes you so nervous lately. I certainly want to hear about your new friends."
  38. β€”
  40. The warm waters seemed to take away all weight, and the heat was doing something curious and flux to all her joints. Celestia's paddling at her side was quiet but a nice reminder the world hadn't simply ceased to be in the endless warm ocean she found herself in. It was certainly not Ponyville or anyplace she'd been to. It still felt safe and warm and ... calming.
  42. "Well, Pinkie Pie is a wonderful friend but she has a habit of finishing my sentences before they're complete - it's like she has a gift or something, but when I'm trying to say how much I like Rarity's mane I feel like Rarity never quite hears how I've noticed it, and-"
  44. The words tumbled out long and freely against the calm rush of water. Celestia would make a comment like, "If they're with Pinkie surely they're used to messages being communicated by ... third party," with a small lilt in her certain sotto. Every time it was like a key in a lock, or the right string pulled in a knot. It made sense when Celestia pointed it out, it became a non-issue, or sometimes just "something to look for in the future."
  46. At length Twilight trailed off, most of Ponyville exhausted. She asked after Celestia's day and there was a funny story about Luna mistaking her conditioner for Celestia's - her hair turned out so bright and pastel it was keeping Luna awake. They both had a good laugh.
  48. "Thank you, Princess. I'm really relaxed now. But - how do I do this back in Ponyville?"
  50. Twilight felt the rocking in the small pool as Celestia drew near. She could practically feel the thoughtful gaze.
  52. "All you need to know, Twilight, is that your 'mistakes' are rarely dire and even if they are, your friends clearly love each other and you. Nightmare Moon was just the first hurdle I'm sure you'll face together, and just take challenges as they come. It seems many of these problems came from you worrying about what hasn't happened yet, when your friends all are truthful enough to tell you when they really do."
  54. Twilight pondered that as Celestia bobbed off again. Like a lot of things, it made sense, clear as a bell when Celestia said it. A ripple in a pond.
  56. There was a high whoop and a very large splash. Celestia must have jumped in, a ripple in the pond if Twilight ever felt one.
  58. Over the pounding waterfall the room filled with raucous laughter from a fully relaxed Twilight Sparkle.
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