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Rectifying the often misintepreted concept of Karma

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Nov 3rd, 2016
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  1. [WRITTEN BY Philæsophia]
  2. Actual "karma" can be defined as a set of forces that guide your life. But it is not a punishment. You can refer to it as a residue of sorts. Your soul reincarnates endlessly (in most cases)changing bodies and whatever. It's natural and does not obey any moral rules. Karma is neither good nor bad. It just is. The natural law for all beings is to "know thyself" and understand the why's and how's of their existence.
  3. For instance, surgery is painful - suffering. But it would save your life. Drugs feel good but it can lead to complete personal ruin. Good/Bad "consequences" does not exist in nature. Nature itself is incapable of reasoning that way.
  4. This is why it is existential, set, a law and NOT subjective/opinion based.
  5. Now, people lost the touch with spirituality, so we have completely fallen into materialism. Karma is not always "good". For example, the 'Saturn' (reality, limits, responsibility) and a 'Jupiter' (positive influences, expansion) - a 'Neptune' (unknown, ethereal) and a 'Uranus' (what we do not understand as humans). It goes on and on. These very influences exist everywhere in the Universe. From the animal kingdom to existence itself. Nature and it's "all-intelligence" "communicates" with us constantly, but the enemy has removed our 'ears and eyes' .Someone's Karma can be "good/positive" but their life can be a prison. Like a Billionaire who lived ignorant from insight to existence but had "joy and pleasure" and just that. No "Neptune" aspect. Or someone can be a murderer/druggie and waste away as a degenerate "suffering". One is more desirable, of course, but the outcome is the very same for both
  6. Neither advanced or evolved spiritually. The enemy is solely about advancing "matter" "materialism" because this exactly - no spiritual insight - will make everyone be tricked into wasting their lives in ever newer plateaus of confusion, destruction, spiritual degradation. No one advances or evolves that way. That is how the enemy can continue their slave-order that is only possible through spiritual ignorance.
  7. Sorry, my connection is terrible
  8. These "Karmaic rules" were created to merely exercise fear over the unknowing, so they can be herded and controlled, never to "rebel."
  9. The enemy wants to keep people in an eternal "Rotar" ... anagram of "Torah" which is the Hebrew book. Rotar means wheel. Wheel, is the cyclical flow of life upon which everyone who is ignorant is bound to continously repeat their lifetimes until the soul dissipates through a lack of meditation, back into the Aether.
  10. In Rotar / constant reincarnation - there exists no advancement. Everything, forever, remains the same. Stagnation. The Jewish programs all talk about how you should "dissipate" this or that; "let go"; since existence is also "mundane and nonsense, pointless." This creates the physical life is them moulded to fit that ideal. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity all preach this same anti-life rhetoric.
  11. That is the literal death of the soul.
  12. Anywho, as far as personal Karma goes, you can clearly see this in Astrology. You can easily tell who is "normal" or experienced, spiritually awakened and not.
  13. In plain english, Karma is the energetic imprint of the luminaries on your soul, set at the time of birth that defines your relationship with existence. This is why the ancients timed conception to the birth to ensure the child does not "suffer". Your existence is set either for better or for worse.
  14. The enemy calls it "luck and chance" while Satan knows the reality and tells us the truth.
  15. If your soul is new, it did not reincarnate - just incarnated, you have no karma. You begin acculumating experiences and "karma" as you reincarnate. You gain karma from your parents, as they are your literal creators (physical and metaphysically). So parents are another source, they affect you too, better or for worse. They shape your psychology.
  16. That is the "deterministic" part of Nature, but it is also natural.
  17. That "deterministic" method has been twisted and corrupted by the enemy and they try to tell us that everything is deterministic, nihilistic.
  18. Anywho, you can avoid and escape this by developing your soul. You only then become an individual. Most never do this, that is why they become a book written by all these influences.
  19. What I'm trying to show is that karma can interact - as seen in synastry. We share our karma as we form relationships and "fate" takes us for a ride.
  20. Its simple, this can be seen in racial memory, family lineages, whole countries. Metaphysical advancement and knowledge from parents, that is why there can be "royalty" and the simpler families. Inherited karma.
  21. Even from a solely psychological view, parents are the catalyst in your existence. Usually, we should be able to go past this and just reap the benefits (family wealth, etc) but now we are in a reality where you are what your parents "made you to be". Because the soul has been isolated. "Karma" takes us on a ride. The energies are set now, since we are born and will stick (good or bad) until we die.
  22. For example, the planets assert forces on us, they correspond to our chakras. Our chakras are what links us to the planets - to the Universe. Existence. In physical terms, it manifests your actual body, soul.
  23. The relation of the planets and the soul/body have influences which can be used by typical occultists and astrologers but cannot be understoodby typical occultists and astrologers completely.
  24. To those locked out of their souls, comes theories of "luck, chance, coincidence", just so they can sleep easy at night.
  25. The fact that these are "determined", by "choice" (conscious or not) does not mean anything is actually "determined". Because every force can be altered by another force - like synastry.
  26. The teaching of Satan - who, as Siva - was the first "God" to defeat the planets... Overcome "karmaic fate."
  27. In a sane world (Satanic), that 'battle' has to happen so humans can survive and "conquer" external influences. From this came the false allegory "Man reigining over the Gods" (Gods as a known code word for Planets) and reigning the forces of nature that keep us in strict line. It is a hard and lengthy process, but it is through meditation.
  28. Whether you like it or not, you possess a astral body. The biggest joke the enemy played is that "you only live once" "its a coincidence". For any 'coincidence' to happen, forces need to be interacting.
  29. For there to be forces, someone has to have these forces. That is how "Karma" works.
  30. You reap the best of karma by meditation.
  31. So theres good and bad news;
  32. Bad news -
  33. The Egyptians had figured out - as they were told by the Gods - that CONSCIOUSNESS is everything. Why? Is can also be known as 'attentiveness', I pay attention, I am an entity. So you know and experience all around you. Using this, you can control the automatic processes of the Female part of the psyche. It also is what ties into Karma. If you do not attend to it, the soul will wither and die. Your existence is a loop, until you cease to exist.
  34. This loop is the Rotar.
  35. UNLESS, external (not natural) forces of conscious beings intervene, your life will go as fated, by "karma."
  36. The enemy is upset that Satan gave us the ability to be conscious. This includes advanced genetics, third eye, perception power, higher intelligence than that of animals. (It is why we have altruism)
  37. Simply, of you are not aware - unconscious - of your Karma, it will play as it was planned until you die. Accumulation of Karma is through living, interacting (synastry), addictions, dreams, relationships, reality, everything.
  38. It can all be understood througn astrology, attentiveness.
  39. With knowledge, everything can be understood. Energy can be observed. One notices patterns. Astrology and others does shed light into these areas of existence. Will and Energy or what we know as "programming" can be altered by us.
  40. Karma is stored in the soul and it blooms like a flower, for better or for worse, when the circumstances are applied by the world, the karma is applied to your life.
  41. We currently live in a world without spirituality - so 'Neptune' has manifested hallucinogenic drugs as a closer route; put here by the enemy. Then you become an addict or get destroyed instead of advancing. Another example of karma influcences.
  42. Another "Karmic" event, is that of an accident (car accident etc). We call it an accident become one lost attention (attentiveness!)and causes the accident. That is a simple way of understanding why attentiveness is crucial.
  43. Now the good news!
  44. As the mind can create karma, good or bad - is also has the ability to master it.
  45. Direct it, giving one true freedom away from the Rotar of the enemy.
  46. That is the essence of Satanism, ancient Paganism - whatever.
  47. The 3rd Eye is glorified because we gain insight through this into the human soul. The higher dimensions of existence. That is where Karma takes place, and that is where we alter it, so we can be free.
  48. It is not easy at all
  49. And that is the essence of real evolution.
  50. People in this age do not possess free will.
  51. They do have the potential of free will, given by Satan.
  52. Satan was not able to finish the Great Work (immortality) on Humanity. But He is here to guide everyone into the path if they choose.
  53. The lie of "free will" is perpetuated by the enemy, on purpose - to misguide us into thinking we are really free, that this is it.
  54. Its been proven that the unconscious female part of the brain governs our "conscious" choices.
  55. Thats why people involuntarily fall in love, etc. It is neither good nor bad. It just is.
  56. Is is a mechanism, tampered into by the enemy, karma, subconscious programming, and people will always make the wrong choices. This seeps into civilisations, households, relationships. It CAN be fixed. Meditation, attentiveness, knowledge. You can develop a free will, you can escape Rotar.
  57. Like a disease that keeps returning, habits - Karma will be the cause until you eradicate it, controlling it
  58. Your "Karma" has nothing to do with how much ass you kiss, how much of a good goy you were, if you pray. It can be manipulated by the enemy, they went without punishment for hundreds of years despite murdering children, despite turning your Gods into monsters, despite lying and perpetuating our enslavement with no intention of stopping.
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