

Jan 8th, 2015
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  1. [url=Fucktrain's Music]Fucktrain[/url] vs [url=Warrior's Music]The Ultimate Warrior[/url] vs [url=Goldust's Music]Goldust[/url] was next.
  3. The match begins with Goldust and DiBiase yelling at Fucktrain to attack Warrior. Fucktrain looks at Warrior, and the two nod, and start double-teaming Goldust. Fucktrain whips Goldust into Warrior, who clotheslines him, and then they reverse that. Eventually, Goldust rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, and the short-lived truce is over. Fucktrain and Warrior start beating on each other, and Goldust walks over to the commentary booth, shoving Piper out of the seat. “Don't you have a match to prepare for, old man?” Piper glares at Goldust, and grabs a steel chair and sits in it, grabbing a spare headset. “You young ones these days! No respect for your elders!” Goldust and Piper start arguing, while the other commentators try to get them to focus on the match. Eventually, Goldust turns his attention to the match, talking smack about Warrior, and saying that he still has no idea what DiBiase sees in the uncouth Fucktrain. It doesn't matter, though, because at the end of the night, he'll still have his title. Meanwhile, in the ring, Fucktrain has been working over Warrior, wearing him down, until Warrior escapes the Big Sweaty Bomb. He starts hitting Fucktrain with his signatures, clotheslining him, shoulder blocks, and an Atomic Drop, until he sets up for an Ultimate Splash. This is when Goldust decides that it's been fun, but alas, it's time for him to get back into the match. He shoves Piper out of the steel chair, and folds it up, as Warrior goes for the pin.
  5. 1... No! Goldust hits Warrior with the chair, forcing him to break the attempt. Warrior and Goldust go at it, as Warrior clotheslines Goldust to the outside, and follows him. As the two of them brawl, DiBiase starts yelling at a dazed Fucktrain from the apron, and Fucktrain nods after a bit, and just stands in the ring, glaring at Goldust and Warrior. Warrior whips Goldust into the Barricade and is about to clothesline him into the crowd when Goldust kicks Warrior in the junk, and throws Warrior to the outside instead. Goldust walks back into the ring, nods at DiBiase, nods at Fucktrain, and pokes Fucktrain with an outstretched Pinky Finger. Fucktrain flops to the floor!
  7. Goldust goes for the cover, 1...2...3! [b]Goldust is still your WWF Champion[/b]
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