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a guest
Oct 13th, 2015
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  1. // Server
  2. seta sv_hostname "^1{WeB}^7*^1Ve^7n^1om ^1Ni^7ghtma^1re^7*"
  3. seta sv_minrate "8000"
  4. seta sv_maxrate "25000"
  5. set sv_dl_maxRate "42000" // increase/decrease if you have plenty/little spare bandwidth
  6. seta sv_master1 ""
  7. seta sv_allowDownload "1"
  8. seta sv_dedicated "2"
  9. seta sv_dlURL
  10. seta logfile "2"
  11. "" //This folder should contain a main (or coopmain) folder containing the pk3 files
  13. // Private / Pub
  14. seta g_needpass "0"
  15. seta g_password "viking22"
  17. // Rcon
  18. seta rconpassword ""
  20. // Public info
  21. sets "Hosted by" "^3SL Hosting"
  22. sets "Forum" ""
  23. sets "Mod" "^3COOP"
  24. seta "Admin" "^3DOG|GANGSTA"
  26. // Logs
  27. seta g_log "main/games.log"
  28. seta logfile "2" //console log - 0=no log 1=buffered 2=continuous 3=append
  29. seta g_logsync "1"
  31. // Game stuff that's rearly touched..
  32. seta g_voicechatsallowed "3"
  33. seta g_gametype "2"
  34. seta g_inactivity "0"
  35. seta g_knockback "0" // Never liked it...(FYI - default = 1000)
  36. seta g_doWarmup "1"
  37. seta g_warmup "20"
  38. seta g_antilag "1"
  40. // COOP
  41. seta g_allowvote 0
  42. seta g_freeze "0" // Player is freezed on spawn and mate has to knife him to be able to move..
  43. seta g_gameskill "1" // 0 = test, 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard
  44. seta g_airespawn "-1" // Respawn Enemies...
  45. seta g_spawnpoints "2" // multiplayer style flagzone respawn
  46. seta g_maxspawnpoints "2" // 0 = no limit, else a limit of respawn points per game
  47. seta sv_maxcoopclients "8" // Max players
  48. seta sv_maxclients "128" // Counts bots as well
  49. seta g_maxlives "0" // Maximum lives per round
  50. seta g_sharedlives "1" // Divides g_maxlives between all clients - otherwise each gets maxlives..
  51. seta g_friendlyfire "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = on but takes attackers hp + score instead of victims, 3 = same as 2 but takes more score
  52. seta g_limbotime "10000" // 30000 = 3 sec for speedrun gametype
  53. seta g_reinforce "2" // 0 = default enemies spawn, 1 = more enemies spawn, 2 = even more enemies spawn
  54. seta a1_pass "pass1"
  55. seta a2_pass "passmid"
  56. seta a3_pass "coisty88"
  57. seta a1_tag "^1Member"
  58. seta a2_tag "^3Admin"
  59. seta a3_tag "^0Admin"
  60. seta a3_allowAll "1" // So level 3 can execute any Admin command.
  61. seta adm_help "1" // Let admins know what they can use by allowing !list_cmds
  63. // Mod (game settings)
  64. exec mod.cfg
  66. // Kick start the map if it's not set in command line
  67. coopmap escape1
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