
Eevee Problems (12/3/13)

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. (17:13:15) SonicBoom dumps it into a blender.
  2. (17:13:16) ShadowXUnicorn: ...
  3. (17:13:22) ShadowXUnicorn cringes
  4. (17:13:28) ShadriaFan gags and leaves blanket
  5. (17:13:42) MollyFairyOfWeather puts the blender's contents in her shaved ice
  6. (17:13:45) ShadowXUnicorn: :c
  7. (17:13:48) SonicBoom adds milkshake fixings.
  8. (17:14:19) SonicBoom blends and serves.
  9. (17:14:22) blackchaolover Not even sure what is happening anymore
  10. (17:14:27) ShadowXUnicorn hellish screeching
  11. (17:14:30) ShadowXUnicorn drinks it violently
  12. (17:14:33) ShadowXUnicorn falls over
  13. (17:14:38) blackchaolover: ._.
  14. (17:14:39) SonicBoom: Pumpkin pie milkshakes.
  15. (17:15:08) MollyFairyOfWeather dumps the milkshakes into her shaved ice @ SonicBoom:
  16. (17:15:11) ShadowXUnicorn paralyzed because PUMPKIN GAME 2 STRONG
  17. (17:15:24) EeveeFan: STRONK
  18. (17:15:30) EeveeFan: :D
  19. (17:15:51) SonicBoom: ...Shadria, are you okay?
  20. (17:16:33) Skyralie: guys plz
  21. (17:17:10) blackchaolover: @ Skyralie: What is it even for?
  22. (17:17:22) Jack_Augustine hugs Molly
  23. (17:17:24) ShadriaFan: .....ew
  24. (17:17:35) ShadriaFan: milkshakes
  25. (17:17:45) ShadowXUnicorn cradles pumpkin milkshake
  26. (17:17:50) SonicBoom: ...what's ew? the pumpkin pie or the fact that it's blended?
  27. (17:18:09) Dr._Roivas: ok it just occured to me that i have no idea how to unzip using winrar
  28. (17:18:14) EeveeFan: Molly you're such a slut
  29. (17:18:18) Skyralie: @ blackchaolover: the city with the highest amount of votes gets the dub shown in theatres there
  30. (17:18:22) SonicBoom: ...
  31. (17:18:26) ShadowXUnicorn: @ Dr._Roivas: theres a button that says extract
  32. (17:18:31) ShadowXUnicorn: somewhere on winrar
  33. (17:18:33) blackchaolover: @ Skyralie: wow ._.
  34. (17:18:34) ShadowXUnicorn: like
  35. (17:18:36) SonicBoom: @ Dr._Roivas: Right click, extract here.
  36. (17:18:38) MollyFairyOfWeather: @ EeveeFan: quite simply nobody likes you so please leave
  37. (17:18:42) ChaoBot: CommanderKaiser has been logged out (Timeout).
  38. (17:18:42) Dr._Roivas: oh gfd you should call it extract then
  39. (17:18:43) ShadowXUnicorn: open the rar with winrar and then do what sb just said
  40. (17:18:48) Dr._Roivas: i was looking for unzip
  41. (17:18:53) ShadowXUnicorn: oop
  42. (17:19:29) EeveeFan: @ MollyFairyOfWeather: Shut up
  43. (17:19:45) Yukki: @ EeveeFan: Oh YOU do NOT tell Molly to shut up!
  44. (17:20:06) EeveeFan spikes Molly
  45. (17:20:06) Mana: what is happening
  46. (17:20:07) Dr._Roivas: so this is happening
  47. (17:20:13) SonicBoom: @ Dr._Roivas: th06e
  48. (17:20:44) EeveeFan: Molly being a *****
  49. (17:20:46) Yukki: @ EeveeFan: Enough!
  50. (17:20:47) ShadriaFan: OMG
  51. (17:20:51) EeveeFan: I'm not sticking around
  52. (17:20:52) ChaoBot: EeveeFan is now away.
  53. (17:20:54) Jack_Augustine: I AGREE
  54. (17:20:55) Jack_Augustine: Good.
  55. (17:20:58) Jack_Augustine: Eevee
  57. (17:21:02) Jack_Augustine: Instead of Awaying
  58. (17:21:05) MollyFairyOfWeather: Oooh you internet spiked me ooooooh
  59. (17:21:07) ChaoBot: Midnite logs into the Chat.
  60. (17:21:09) ShadowXUnicorn: @ ShadriaFan: i already told you this
  61. (17:21:09) Jack_Augustine: Leave for a bit
  62. (17:21:13) SonicBoom: Yes.
  63. (17:21:13) ShadowXUnicorn: when you logged in
  64. (17:21:15) Mana: can i hear another side of the story that was poorly explained anyway
  65. (17:21:18) Dr._Roivas: @ ShadriaFan: mmhm
  66. (17:21:21) ShadriaFan: no
  67. (17:21:21) ChaoBot: EeveeFan is back.
  68. (17:21:21) EeveeFan: @ Jack_Augustine: I'd rather you did
  69. (17:21:23) ChaoBot: EeveeFan is now away.
  70. (17:21:27) blackchaolover: Ah, thar you are Midnite
  71. (17:21:28) ShadriaFan: you didn't say that uni
  72. (17:21:32) Jack_Augustine: ...****
  73. (17:21:34) ShadowXUnicorn: @ ShadriaFan: ...
  74. (17:21:36) SonicBoom: @ ShadriaFan: he wanted a challenge.
  75. (17:21:45) ChaoBot: ZipoCXG is back.
  76. (17:21:49) ChaoBot: StaticCXM logs into the Chat.
  77. (17:21:49) Yukki: oh, so its watching us, scared of coming back and losing the fight and being proved wrong yet again?
  78. (17:21:50) MollyFairyOfWeather: @ EeveeFan: you're the only one and nobody listens to or likes you
  79. (17:21:52) ZipoCXG: she gone yet..?
  80. (17:21:53) blackchaolover: WB Zipo
  81. (17:21:54) Midnite: @ blackchaolover: Sorry, my internet spazzed out.
  82. (17:21:57) Jack_Augustine: You're random, rude, and, yes, spastic.
  83. (17:22:00) Dr._Roivas: @ SonicBoom: ok so ive unzipped like 3 times now
  84. (17:22:04) blackchaolover: @ Midnite: Its fine
  85. (17:22:04) Dr._Roivas: nothings happening
  86. (17:22:14) ShadowXUnicorn: @ ShadriaFan: (17:00:22) ChaoBot: ShadriaFan logs into the Chat.
  87. (17:00:29) ShadowXUnicorn: hi shadria
  88. (17:00:29) blackchaolover: Nope
  89. (17:00:39) ShadowXUnicorn: we made roivas download a too hoo
  90. (17:22:28) Dr._Roivas: i gotta go
  91. (17:22:30) Dr._Roivas: bbl
  92. (17:22:33) MollyFairyOfWeather: @ ZipoCXG: she's away and occasionally coming back just longenough to insult me or jack or yukki
  93. (17:22:36) blackchaolover: ok
  94. (17:22:39) ShadriaFan: didn't see that
  95. (17:22:42) Midnite: I'm still kinda lagging, so it might have to wait until tomorrow if that's fine.
  96. (17:22:44) ZipoCXG: 'cause i can't be in here if **** is happening with you know who
  97. (17:22:45) Jack_Augustine: And you're even a jerk to some of us.
  98. (17:22:46) ShadriaFan: I was loading youtube
  99. (17:22:56) ShadowXUnicorn: oh
  100. (17:22:56) SonicBoom: @ Dr._Roivas: Did you look in the file?
  101. (17:23:00) Midnite: Wait, what happened now?
  102. (17:23:24) Midnite: Oh dear..
  103. (17:23:35) ShadriaFan: sb, Roivas is gone
  104. (17:23:57) MollyFairyOfWeather: @ ZipoCXG: we told her off and she left. It's about time too.
  105. (17:23:59) ChaoBot: Dr._Roivas has been logged out (Timeout).
  106. (17:24:00) blackchaolover: @ Midnite: So ready for that trade?
  107. (17:24:09) ChaoBot: Yzarro logs into the Chat.
  108. (17:24:10) ShadowXUnicorn: sometimes wearing shorts is weird because i dont wear them often and then im just like
  109. (17:24:12) ShadowXUnicorn: oh
  110. (17:24:13) ShadowXUnicorn leg
  111. (17:24:14) ChaoBot: Yzarro logs out of the Chat.
  112. (17:24:18) ChaoBot: Yzarro logs into the Chat.
  113. (17:24:22) ZipoCXG: @ MollyFairyOfWeather: but...she's still technically in here right? she's just away
  114. (17:24:25) Midnite: @ blackchaolover: If I don't lag out, sure. Otherwise we might need to wait 'til tomorrow if it isn't a problem.
  115. (17:24:30) MollyFairyOfWeather: @ Yukki: It was deserved. Everyone is sick of her ****.
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