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Jun 18th, 2016
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  1. “--Then, did you tell him them that I would be coming tomorrow as well?”
  2. 「——那么有传达明日来访时,我也会同席的事吗?」
  4. “No, I did not do that. I wanted to hear what you thought of it first, Your Majesty. Or am I permitted to use Your Majesty’s name?”
  5. 「不,那倒是没有。我想先听听陛下的想法。还是说搬出陛下的名号也没问题?」
  7. “...It’s fine as long as they are not humans who will make a fuss. Since they are friends of yours, that part of things will be at your own discretion.”
  8. 「……不是那种会吵闹的人类就没关系。毕竟是你认识的人,那方面的事就交给你决定吧」
  10. “Understood. Then I shall not disclose it for now.”
  11. 「遵命。那暂时先不公开吧」
  13. After discussing details like the time and so on, Ainzach stepped down from the coach again
  14. 详细商量好时间之类的问题后,艾因札克再次下了马车。
  16. Ainz felt a bit guilty about using him as a runner. While he knew this was not a world where seniority mattered, Suzuki Satoru was a working man, and it bothered him to order an older person around.
  17. 让他去作些跑腿般的事,让安兹感到了些许罪恶感。虽然知道这里不是排资论辈的世界,但是对年长的人颐指气使这件事,使曾为社会人的铃木悟觉得有些讨厌。
  19. Now I understand why people dislike having old subordinates.
  20. (终于明白为什么那么多人会讨厌有年长的部下了)
  22. He would not have had a problem ordering someone around from a completely different company. For instance, if Ainzach was from the Empire, he could point and dictate with no problems at all. The reason why Ainz could not do so was because he had come to see Ainzach as one of his subordinates.
  23. 这对属于完全不同社会的人来说毫无问题吧。如果换做是帝国人的话,不管对年纪再大也都能颐指气使。但之所以办不到也就是说,安兹已经把艾因札克看是作为自己的部下了吧。
  25. I need to reward him appropriately. The people of Nazarick don’t ask for payment, but they’re an exception. If I forget this, they’ll think of me as a terrible ruler. I must not become the boss of a black-hearted enterprise.
  26. (应该要给予正当的报酬才对。不求回报的纳萨力克是特例,要是不牢记这点的话便会沦为最糟糕的统治者。我绝对不要成为黑心企业的王)
  28. Ainz vowed that to the voice of Herohero in his mind.
  29. 安兹对掠过脑海的黑洛黑洛的声音强烈发誓。
  31. Although, when it comes to rewarding Ainzach… how much should I pay him, as a king? The same as a mithril-ranked adventurer? No, there should be a duty allowance as well… so another 5% on top of that? Is there anyone I can ask about how much is appropriate?
  32. (实际上,给艾因札克的奖励……以国王来说该支付多少才妥当呢?秘银级冒险者的行情就可以了吗?不,还有职务津贴的话一成……太多了所以增加百分之五吗?有谁可以告诉我什么才是适当的报酬啊)
  34. He could discuss it with Demiurge or Albedo, but it was unclear whether the two of them had any idea of what kind of payment was appropriate. He had the feeling they would reply with something along the lines of “He should be glad to serve you, Ainz-sama”.
  35. 要商量的话,可以找迪米乌哥斯或雅儿贝德,不过那两个人知不知道适当的报酬也是个疑问。总感觉会说出些「为了安兹大人工作应该要感到欢喜才对」的话。
  37. As expected… I need to find a wise human. Fluder said he was very confident of his magical knowledge, but he knew next to nothing about other matters.
  38. (果然……还是要找人类的智者啊。夫路达也说过自己虽然对于魔法很有自信,但对于其它的知识就很偏颇……)
  40. Nazarick was arguably invincible, but he felt uneasy about his lack of knowledge concerning human society.
  41. 虽说是无敌的纳萨力克,但对于人类社会的知识方面上还是存在着一丝不安。
  43. “...So it’s basically shell-promotion for him, then? I guess agreeing with Demiurge’s proposal was the right choice. Then again, I had no intention of denying him when he brought it up…”
  44. (TL Note: This part is fairly complex; Ainz uses a saying here which refers to self-promotion. However, Ainz has mis-stated one word, going from 隗より始めよ to 貝より始めよ. In CN, it’s 先自隗始, which became 先至贝始.)
  45. (……所谓先至贝始吗?同意了迪米乌哥斯的提案是正解啊。不过当迪米乌哥斯呈上来时,我就没有拒绝的意思了啊)*
  46. 【*这里是安兹记错了成语,原文(貝より始めよ)。正确的说法应该是(隗より始めよ),中文则是(先自隗始)】
  48. As Ainz drifted off into contemplation once more, someone knocked on the door.
  49. 在安兹漫无边际的思考的同时,有人敲了马车的门。
  51. “Forgive the delay, Your Majesty.”
  52. 「让您久等了,陛下」
  54. It’s not as though I was waiting for you. However, Ainz decided to allow Ainzach to continue, with a magnanimous attitude that best fitted a ruler.
  55. 虽然没有在等你啦,但是安兹还是以与统治者相应的大方态度让艾因札克说下去。
  57. “As you have desired, the appointment has been made to meet at ten in the morning tomorrow, Your Majesty.”
  58. 「如必陛下所愿,约好了于明天十点会面」
  60. “Umu. Then, there’s just the matter of waiting until tomorrow… Next, I shall use teleportation magic to send you to E-Rantel. Relax and accept the spell. [Greater Teleportation].”
  61. 「呜嗯,那么就等到明天吧……接下来我会用传送魔法送你回耶‧兰提尔。就放轻松接受魔法吧。<上位传送> (Greater Teleportation)」
  63. Ainzach’s body disappeared in an instant.
  64. 艾因札克的身影一下就消失了。
  66. [Greater Teleportation] would safely transport him to the outermost of E-Rantel’s triple gates. Even if there was someone at the destination, the spell would deposit him in the nearest safe location, so there was no need to verify the destination with magic.
  67. <上位传送>(Greater Teleportation)的话,毫无问题的能将其转移至耶‧兰提尔三重门中、最外侧的大门前。就算传送的目的地有东西在,也会跳到附近的安全地点,所以没有使用魔法确认的必要。
  69. “Then, I should contact that guy with [Message].”
  70. 「那么接下来用<讯息>(Message) 和那家伙取得联络吧」
  72. Ainz muttered to himself. This was a distasteful task, so he did that to pull himself together.
  73. 安兹喃喃自语。由于这是相当讨厌的工作,为了给自己打起精神才发出声音。
  75. He was sending the message to Fluder, who had offered everything to him. The reason why he had been dragging his feet on giving the man what he had promised was because he did not feel confident he could actually give that old man what he wanted.
  76. 使用<讯息>(Message) 的对象是答应将自己一切献上的夫路达。之所以即使知道他想要的东西却还是一直拖延着,是因为没有自信能支付给那个老人。
  78. Fluder wanted Ainz to teach him everything he knew about magic.
  79. 夫路达所希冀的报酬是安兹所拥有的魔法知识。
  81. However, Ainz’s power did not come from the study of magic.
  82. 然而安兹的力量并非是钻研魔法之力而积累出来的。
  84. Perhaps if this were YGGDRASIL, he might be qualified to talk about magic. Sadly, the magic system of this world worked slightly different from that of YGGDRASIL.
  85. 若是在YGGDRASIL还能谈论魔法的知识,但遗憾的是这个世界与YGGDRASIL系统似乎并不相同。
  87. Why was it that they learned the same spells in different ways? He had asked himself that question many times, but he could not find the answer. In addition, there was a veritable mountain of other unanswered questions. In the worst-case scenario, he had to consider that he might not be able ot use his powers from YGGDRASIL.
  88. 明明是不同的学习方式,为什么魔法是相同的。诸如此类的疑问比比皆是,然而答案却依旧无法判明。再说其它无法理解的事更是堆积如山。最糟的情况下,还必须考虑到突然无法使用YGGDRASIL力量的可能性。
  90. Perhaps he could find the answer by using the level-draining option of the super-tier spell [Wish Upon A Star]. In this world, that spell could alter reality itself, and by draining multiple levels, it could fulfil a greater wish.
  91. 对于这些问题的解答,使用在这个世界效果产生了变化的超位魔法<向星星许愿> (Wish Upon A Star)复数降级式发动的话—— 一口气降低数个等级来实现更强的愿望——说不定就是可以知道。
  93. However, that was a very risky gamble.
  94. 但那是非常危险的赌注。
  96. It was unknown if he would find the answer even if he used it. It was very likely he would just be wasting effort. More importantly, he was afraid to use a spell which qualified as a trump card. Of course, it would be a different matter if he had a way to obtain large amounts of experience, but sadly, he had not discovered such a way so far.
  97. 就算使用了,能不能得到答案还是个谜。也十分有可能是白费力气。更重要的事,实在没勇气去使用可称得上是王牌的魔法。当然,要是有大量赚取经验值的方法那就另当别论,不过可惜的是目前并没有发现那样的方法。
  99. Although he had no lungs, Ainz went “Haaah~” as he sighed. He had the attitude of a salesman who was prepared to to apologize for failing to deliver the requested goods to a client as he cast the [Message] spell.
  100. 安兹哈的一声——虽然没有肺——吐了口气。他抱着向客人保证能入手却没有办到的谢罪心情发动了<讯息> (Message)。
  102. “Fluder Paradyne. It is I, Ainz Ooal Gown.”
  104. Once he reached him, he continued speaking the pre-arranged words.
  106. “You were born in Belmous Village. Your earliest contact with magic was through the spellcaster in your village.”
  107. 「夫路达‧帕拉戴恩。是我,安兹‧乌尔‧恭」说到这里,又继续说了约定好的话「贝尔莫司村出身。接触魔法……确实在记忆中最早是、你村子里的咒师吧」
  109. 『Ohhhh! It is you, Teacher! Long have I awaited this!』
  110. 『喔喔!是老师啊!恭候多时了!』
  112. He could feel the gratitude from Fluder.
  113. 从夫路达那里传来了感谢的心情。
  115. Those pre-arranged words were a form of code, because Fluder had said that there was no way to tell if the person on the other side of a [Message] was a friend or a stranger. Thus, they had arranged to verify their identity by mentioning the (already-changed) name of his village and his memory.
  116. 刚刚说的是暗语。因为夫路达说<讯息>(Message)的另一端可能会是别人假扮熟人也说不定,所以约好了一开始要说出早已改名了的村子和他的回忆。
  118. Still, even after doing that, Fluder’s doubts about the [Message] spell remained.
  119. 但是就算这么做,夫路达的心中对<讯息> (Message)的忧虑仍是挥之不去。
  121. He’s got it pretty bad. That said, there was not much Ainz could do about it.
  122. 真是病态啊。虽然安兹确实是这么想的,不过既然是那样也没有办法吧。
  124. Ainz made his reply, feeling slightly intimidated by the burning intensity of Fluder’s enthusiasm.
  125. 安兹对夫路达那热情过度到燃烧般的态度感到些许退缩的同时回答道。
  127. “Forgive the slight delay. I believe it is time to teach you magic, as we agreed. Are you free now?”
  128. 「稍微拖了点时间不好意思了啊。我想也差不多是时候教你约好的魔法了。现在有空吗?」
  130. 『Of course! I will make as much time as needed for you, Teacher!』
  131. 「当然有!如果是为了老师的话,不管有什么事我都会腾出时间给您的」
  133. He wanted to say, “You don’t have to try so hard”, but Fluder’s enthusiasm about magic was the truest expression of his character. In the face of this magic-crazed madman, Ainz could not help but feel a little tongue-tied, as a regular person.
  134. 虽然想说不用那么努力也可以的,但是这份对魔法的热诚正是对夫路达这个人物最如实的写照。而在这样的魔法狂人如此渴求指导的情况下,不过是一般人的安兹却不得不想办法将其塘塞过去。
  136. As he considered this great task, which seemed like settling a claim by a difficult customer, his stomach began to ache.
  137. 面对匹敌处理难搞的投诉人诉求这样的大任务,安兹的胃开始痛了起来。
  139. ...My stomach must hurt the worst of anyone in the Imperial Capital.
  140. (……现在这个帝都里,最胃痛的人肯定是我啊)
  142. Still, he could not delay it any further.
  143. 但是,已经没有办法再拖下去了。
  145. Before teleporting to Fluder’s room, Ainz decided to verify his destination with a divination spell.
  146. 安兹为了传送到夫路达的房间,首先准备起了确认地点用的情报系魔法。
  148. “All right. I shall now cast [Greater Teleportation] to reach your chambers.”
  149. 「好吧。那么我现在就用<上位传送>(Greater Teleportation)去你房间」
  151. 『Ohhh! Not [Teleportation], but [Greater Teleportation]! Dare I ask which tier of magic it belongs to?』
  152. 「喔喔!并非<传送>(Teleportation)而是<上位传送> (Greater Teleportation)吗!敢问那到底是第几位阶的魔法呢!?」
  154. “...Let’s leave that for later. The [Message] will not last forever. Neither do I have levels in commander-type classes… Still, I would like to ask you something before that. What sort of anti-divination countermeasures have you taken? What spells have you cast? How did you cast them? Did you do anything to ward against teleportation?”
  155. 「……那种事情之后再说吧。<讯息>(Message)也不是能永远持续的。我并没有指挥官系的职业。……在那之前有想向你确认一下的事。作为情报系魔法的对策,你施加了什么样的魔法?怎样施加的?关于传送妨碍上,做了些什么手段吗?」
  157. 『None, none at all, I have not taken any such measures.』
  158. 『没、没有,那些手段全都没有施加』
  160. Ainz’s nonexistent brows twitched as Fluder replied.
  161. 被这样断言,安兹那不存在的眉毛抽动了一下。
  163. “Isn’t doing nothing at all a little careless…?”
  164. 「有点太不小心了吧。什么都没有施加」
  166. In other words, everything he said in Fluder’s Room might well have been leaked to a third party.
  167. 这也就是意味着在夫路达房间里所诉的全部对话,都有可能会泄漏给第三者也说不定。
  169. 『My sincerest apologies. However, I am not adept in that field of magic.』
  170. 『万分抱歉。但是由于我并不擅长那方面的魔法……』
  172. “In that case, you should use magic items to substitute for that, right? I have seen many magic items in the Imperial Capital, all purportedly made by you.”
  173. 「那样的话,用魔法道具来代替才是最基本的吧?我在帝都里看到各种道具,听说都是你那里做的喔?」
  175. Ainz recalled what he had seen when he first came to the Imperial Capital. He had been startled by the fact that they had things like refrigerators on sale.
  176. 安兹想起了第一次来到帝都的事。居然有在卖与冰箱相似的东西,这件事当时让他吃了一惊。
  178. 『It is as you say, but as you must surely know, one must know a related spell in order to make a magic item. For instance, one must know the [Fireball] spell to make a flaming weapon. However, only a few people are willing to learn anti-divination spells...』
  179. 『您说的是,不过正如您所知的那样,要制作魔法道具,能够使用相近魔法是极为重要。像是要制作寄宿着火焰的武器时,会使用以<火球>为代表的攻击魔法。但防御情报系这类的魔法,则只有相当一少部分人会愿意去学……』
  181. “I see,” Ainz muttered.
  182. 原来如此,安兹不禁这么感叹道。
  184. In YGGDRASIL, one could normally only learn three spells per level. A level 20 character would thus be able to learn a maximum of 60 spells. It would be quite difficult to incorporate anti-divination magic into such a limited selection of spells.
  185. 在YGGDRASIL中,以普通的手段一个等级只能学三个魔法。二十等级的话就是六十个魔法。在那之中要掌握探知妨碍魔法可说是相当困难的事。
  187. Perhaps those who were not in the know might think 60 was a sizable sum, but if Ainz were limited to 60 spells from the 3rd tier of magic, he would probably have to spend all day worrying over his choices.
  188. 六十这个数字对不知情的人来说可能感觉很多,不过如果说要安兹在自己掌握的第三位阶魔法中只能严选出六十个的话,光是思考大概会就要烦恼上一整天吧。
  190. This was because he had to consider future uses, whether or not he would change his class and so on. There were many things which needed to be planned and anticipated.
  191. 这是由于,未来要用在哪种用途上呢、有没有打算变更职业呢,之类的,像这样必须设想的情况涉及多方面的缘故。
  193. From that point of view, his rebuke of Fluder was petty and sad.
  195. “Indeed, I misspoke. It is as you say. Divination magic would necessarily be a lower priority when studying offensive and defensive spells.”
  196. 「的确,是我过失啊。正如你所说的那样。的确如果要学攻击魔法和防御魔法的话,探知系魔法系的优先度不管怎样都会被压低」
  198. In the game, he could say, “I’ll learn this, so I’ll leave that to you” and easily settle things. However, the choice of spells was a life-changing decision to the people of this world. It would take a very brave person to learn an unpopular spell.
  199. 虽然在游戏里,「我来学这个所以那个就拜托你了」是这样子轻松就能决定了的事。但是对于他们来讲,魔法的选择近乎是决定人生的行为。去学没有人气的魔法是件相当需要勇气的事吧。
  201. In addition, the divination school of spells was quite deep. One needed to anticipate the means that the foe would use to collect information.
  202. 而且探知系可是相当深奥的,必需要会判断对方会使用什么魔法来收集情报才行。
  204. Simply put, becoming a divination specialist was something which one would stake their lives on.
  205. 简单来说,特化探知系魔法的魔法吟唱者,可以说是拿名为人生的筹码来下赌注的职业吧。
  207. “Alright. Then I shall give you the anti-divination item I possess. Use that to ward yourself in future.”
  208. 「好吧。那就把我所拥有的、探知妨碍的道具交给你好了。以后就用那来警戒吧」
  210. 『Yes!』
  211. 『是!』
  213. Even without looking, he could tell that Fluder’s head was deeply lowered. For all he knew, he might even be genuflecting.
  214. 不用看也知道夫路达深深的低下头来,搞不好都已经跪着了也不一定。
  216. 『I have certainly received your loving words, Teacher!』
  217. 『老师那充满慈爱的话语,我确实确实的感受到了!』
  219. Ainz had originally planned to give him a decent item, but the thought of that pained his heart.
  220. 本来还想着给个差不多的道具就好的,安兹感到些许心痛。
  222. “Ah, ahhh… Then I shall scry your room now.”
  223. 「啊、啊啊……。那么现在来观探你的房间吧」
  225. Ainz cast his spell on Fluder’s chambers.
  226. 安兹对夫路达的房间发动了魔法。
  228. He looked down upon the genuflecting Fluder.
  229. 可以俯瞰到跪着的夫路达。
  231. Then, he decided to check for magical auras, and as expected of Fluder, there were many different colors of them in his room. However, none of them looked like a dangerous color which would impede teleportation. After verifying that, he cast [Greater Teleportation].
  232. 试着探查了下魔法的气息后,该说不愧是夫路达吗,房间里存在着许多种颜色。不过并没有会妨碍传送的危险颜色。安兹只确认这个后,发动了<上位传送> (Greater Teleportation)。
  234. His field of view changed, showing that he had successfully teleported to Fluder’s room. Though there had been no delays, and he did not sense anyone spying on him, and he was quite certain that he had not jumped into the enemy’s base, he still took a quick look around himself.
  235. 视野切换,成功传送到了夫路达的房间。虽然既没有发生延迟、也没有被窥视的感觉,所以很清楚并没有跳到敌人的阵地,但他还是迅速的环视了周围。
  237. In truth, there was no need to be so worried. However the brief period of vulnerability after teleportation was when it was easiest to be attacked. These protective actions -- to defend against being PKed -- had been long drilled into Suzuki Satoru’s body.
  238. 其实并没有必要警戒到这种地步。但是刚刚传送完后无防备状态是最容易受到攻击的。采取了保险的行动——对应PK的行动已经深深渗入到铃木悟的身体里了。
  240. “I bid you welcome, my Teacher.”
  241. 「欢迎您的到来,我的老师啊」
  243. “...Raise your head,” Ainz commanded Fluder. In all honesty, there was no need for him to go that far.
  244. 「……抬起头来」
  246. That sort of loyalty -- or rather, his thirst for knowledge that led to a desire to obey -- was abnormal.
  247. 忠诚心——他的情况应该说是对求知欲的顺从才对——也太异常了。
  249. It was quite similar to how the people of Nazarick acted. Although Ainz had finally started getting used to that sort of thing recently, seeing it from someone he barely knew made him want to back away.
  250. 已经和纳萨力克的众人很相似的地步。虽然最近安兹也终于开始习惯,纳萨力克众人的忠诚心了。但看到这种不怎么熟悉的人表现出的绝对忠诚,还是会不禁缩下身子。
  252. “Yes!”
  253. 「是的!」
  255. “Speaking while standing is not good. I’ll take a seat.”
  256. 「那么站着说话也不好。我就坐下了啊」
  258. “Yes! Everything I have is yours, Teacher. Please, sit anywhere you like!”
  259. 「是!我所有的一切都是老师的东西。请随意使用!」
  261. Complex feelings of whether or not to get used to this ran through Ainz’s heart as he sat on the sofa. However, Fluder did not take the seat opposite him. Instead, he remained as he was, kneeling on the ground with his head raised.
  262. 安兹抱着既想习惯又不想习惯的复杂心情坐在了沙发上,不过夫路达却没有坐在对面的座位上。只见他继续保持跪在地板上的姿势抬着头。
  264. “It’s fine. Have a seat.”
  265. 「可以了。坐吧」
  267. “Is, is it really alright? For me to sit in the same way as you, Teacher.”
  268. 「这、这合适吗?和老师一样坐着」
  270. “...You should have disciples too, right? Do you treat them this way as well?”
  272. This sort of sports-team attitude alarmed Ainz, which prompted his question. In response, Fluder shook his head.
  274. “Not like that, but the difference between myself and you is like that between the heavens and the earth, Teacher. I fear to even begin to mention myself in the same breath as--
  276. “--It’s fine. I grant you permission to sit down. Come. have a seat.”
  278. “Yes!”
  280. After he made sure Fluder was seated, Ainz thought, my belly really hurts as he spoke.
  282. “First, how is the matter that I as--”
  284. He changed his mind halfways through the word “asked”.
  286. “--that I ordered you to handle? That is to say, making a written record of the Empire’s information on the various countries?”
  288. “Yes! Most of the information pertaining to the neighboring countries has already been completed. However--”
  290. “What happened? Is there a problem?”
  291. 「怎么了?有什么问题吗?」
  293. “Yes! Or rather, I should say, as expected of the Emperor.”
  295. A look of pride crossed his face. It was the expression a teacher might have toward an outstanding pupil.
  297. “He seems to have noticed my treachery.”
  298. 「是!应该说不愧是皇帝吗」脸上露出了自豪的神色,那是老师对着优秀弟子时的表情「似乎是察觉到我的背叛了」
  300. It was only natural for employees to swear not to reveal their former company’s secrets before job-hopping. WIth that in mind, Ainz was a villain for making Fluder feed him sensitive information on the Empire.
  301. 跳槽的时候发誓不泄漏之前公司的机密是理所当然的。这样想的话,让夫路达像企业间谍一样的把内部情报流出的安兹可说是邪门歪道。
  303. However, Ainz knew well that he did not run a company, but a country. Nothing was off-limits for the sake of his nation’s prosperity -- for the happiness of the people who belonged to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.
  304. 但是安兹很清楚,自己所统治的不是公司而是国家。为了国家繁荣——所属于纳萨力克地下大坟墓的人的幸福的话,无论做什么都是正确的。
  306. Ainz held no grudge against Jircniv. However, that meant nothing in comparison to the well-being of his own country. If his misfortune made the Sorcerous Kingdom prosper, then he would simply have to suffer.
  307. 安兹跟吉克尼夫无怨无仇。不过这比起自己国家的利益来说根本算不了什么。要是他的不幸能让魔导国变得富庶的话,那就让他有多不幸就多不幸吧。
  309. That said, Ainz still preferred coexistence and mutual prosperity to conflict.
  310. 话虽如此,比起正面交锋,安兹还是更希望能够共存共荣。
  312. Punitto Moe once said something about Mr. Nash and prisoner’s conditions and something along those lines, but the general upshot of that was, if opportunities were unlimited, cooperation would reap the greatest benefits for all parties involved.
  313. (TL Note: Ainz is getting it wrong again - see Nash Equilibrium and the Prisoner’s Dilemma)
  314. 布妞萌曾经说过,纳许先生成了囚犯的情况之类的意义不明的话,不过意思就是说假设机会是无限的,彼此合作才能得到最大的利益。*
  315. 【* 安兹又搞混了 这里请参考博弈论的纳许均衡点和囚徒困境】
  317. Ainz knew that international relationships were basically a matter of each party using the other, but he wanted to maintain a good relationship with Jircniv.
  318. 安兹虽然知道两国之间是互相利用的关系,但和吉克尼夫个人还是想要保持良好关系的。
  320. I kept the number of Imperial casualties to a minimum as the price of poaching Fluder, so we’re probably even on that count. I feel a little close to him now. It must be because of all the times I’ve spied on him.
  321. (作为把夫路达挖角过来的代价,卡兹平原那时候已经让尽可能的不对帝国的人民造成伤害了,算是正负相抵吧。而且大概是经常偷看的缘故吧,总觉得有股亲近感啊)
  323. “...Is something the matter, Teacher?”
  324. 「……请问怎么了吗,老师?」
  326. “Er, um, nothing. Just thinking about certain matters.”
  327. 「唔、嗯,没什么。只是有些要考虑的事」
  329. “Really? My deepest apologies for interrupting your thoughts, Teacher!”
  330. 「是这样吗?竟然打扰到老师了,真的万分抱歉!」
  332. “There’s no need to apologise. I am here today because of you.”
  333. 「没什么需要道歉的喔。我今天本来是为你而来的」
  335. “Ohhh! Thank you very much, Teacher!”
  336. 「喔喔!真是非常感谢,老师!」
  338. Why is he thanking me so vigorously? Though Ainz was puzzled by that, he eventually managed to get the topic back on track.
  339. 好像被强烈感谢了耶,为什么啊。感到这样疑问的安兹还是将话题给扯了回来。
  341. “Ah-- yes, the fact that you’ve been turned. Well, it’s alright for you to be exposed, but there is a problem. That is to say, your safety.”
  342. 「啊—,挖角的事对吧。即使暴露了也没有关系,不过有一个问题。那便是你的安全」
  344. “Ohh! To think you would actually be worried about the safety of someone like me, Teacher!”
  345. 「啊啊!老师啊,居然担心像我这样的人的安全!」
  347. Why did this old man have to overreact to everything? The basic duty of a boss was to look out for the well-being of anyone he did not intend to discard from the beginning. Or did they do things differently in the Empire?
  348. 为什么这个老人什么都要弄得那么激动啊。只要不是一开始便打算舍弃的话,那么注意保障部下的人身安全,不是上司最基本的责任吗。还是说这点再帝国不一样吗。
  350. If it’s the latter, that would be scary… Well, I might kill people who got in my way, but killing people who were once my subordinates is still...
  351. (如果是后者的话就可怕了……。虽然我说不定也会杀了碍事的人啦,但果然要杀曾经的部下还是有点那个什么啊)
  353. “Fluder, that’s right, do not get too excited. It would be odd if anyone around you noticed.
  354. 「夫路达啊,对了,不要太兴奋了。周围要是有谁在的话会觉得很奇怪吧」
  356. “That will not be a problem. This floor is exclusively for my use. Nobody else is around.”
  357. 「没有问题。这一层楼是我专属的,没有其它的人在」
  359. He had come here before. That said, this tower was quite large, so it was no wonder the greatest magic caster of the Empire was allowed an entire floor to himself.
  360. 虽然有来过一次,不过这座塔相当大,居然能够一个人用一层楼,真不愧是帝国最厉害的魔法吟唱者。
  362. “Back to the matter of your personal safety. Has anyone tried to kill you after your treachery came to light?”
  363. 「回到你的人身安全问题吧。背叛的事曝光后,有人来杀过你吗?」
  365. “Nothing of the sort. However, my responsibilities have steadily decreased, and while the Emperor frequently came to consult me in the past, he has not summoned me ever since he returned from the glorious domain that you rule, Teacher.”
  366. 「没有那种迹象。不过要职上的工作逐渐被削减,而且原本皇帝经常会找我商谈,但从老师所统治的伟大之地回来后就一次也没被召见过」
  368. “I see… Then, Fluder. Do you want to come to my side?”
  369. 「原来如此……。那么夫路达啊,要来我这里吗?」
  371. “Ohhh! Gladly!”
  372. 「哦哦!乐意之至!」
  374. He answered right away...
  375. (立刻回答吗……)
  377. “Then, after considering your profession -- no, before, that there is something I must do. It concerns your reward.”
  378. 「那么在考虑你的职务后——不,在那之前还有该做的事啊。是关于奖励你的事」
  380. After saying that, Ainz exhaled, and then reached into his pocket dimension. He had rehearsed the flow of the conversation which would follow many times, poking fun at the words even as he corrected them.
  381. 安兹说着那么接下来,然后呼了口气后将手伸进空间里。之后对话的流程已经反复练习过许多次,自己还一边吐槽一边做出了修正。
  383. Although he had no way to be sure if Fluder would react as Ainz imagined, he had put in enough practice already.
  384. 虽然无法推断夫路达是否真的会如同安兹想象般那样行动,但练习已经有够充分的了。
  386. “As agreed, I shall now impart a portion of my knowledge to you. Take and study this book.”
  387. 「如约定的那样,我现在会将我智慧的一部份赐予汝。收下,然后解读这本书吧」
  389. Ainz handed a tome called The Book of the Dead to him.
  390. 安兹将名为死者之书的书本交给了他。
  392. It was a fairly ancient volume, which gave off a musty smell. Surprisingly enough, the book itself was very sturdy, with no trace of being worm-eaten.
  393. 是一本相当古老的书籍,而且还散发出一股霉味。不过不可思议的是,书本身非常牢固,一点被虫蛀过的痕迹都没有。
  395. Fluder accepted the book Ainz offered with trembling hands. Ainz was glad that he was undead. If he were still human, the book might be wobbling nonstop from nervousness.
  396. 夫路达颤抖着收下安兹取出的书籍。安兹为自己身为不死者的事感到非常庆幸。要是还是个人类的话,可能会因为紧张感而让书也抖个不停吧。
  398. Fluder’s goal was to plumb the abyss of magic, but Ainz did not know what the abyss of magic was. He could teach him about YGGDRASIL, but the abyss of magic or whatnot was right out.
  399. 夫路达所追求的是窥探魔法的深渊。但是安兹并不清楚那所谓魔法的深渊是什么。如果要教授在YGGDRASIL这个游戏里学到的知识的话倒还是有办法的,可什么魔法的深渊就做不到了。
  401. That said, not giving it to him would be a betrayal of his loyalty. One had to repay good unto good and reward loyal service. Thus, Ainz had given him a book from his collection, which seemed the most likely to hold the secrets of magical knowledge. The parts he had flipped through seemed to contain something about magic which he could not understand.
  402. 但是,若不交给他的话,那便会成为背叛了他忠诚的举动。以恩报恩,对于忠心必须报以奖励。因此安兹才把自己所有物之中、看起来最像是有记载魔法知识的书交给了他。实际上看过的部分的确是有记载着一些看不懂的、关于魔法的东西。
  404. “Then, please excuse me.”
  405. 「恕我失礼了」
  407. Fluder reached out to the book, and that delighted expression of his soon twisted into despair after flipping though a few pages.
  408. 夫路达将手伸向书本,那满是喜悦的脸在翻了数页后就因失望而扭曲。
  410. “--What’s the matter? Is this not what you sought?”
  411. 「——怎么了,这不是你所想要的东西吗?」
  413. Ainz suppressed his unease as he asked that question. It was fine even if it was not what he wanted. He had already practiced for that eventuality.
  414. 压抑住不安,安兹冷静的问道。就算说这不是想要的东西也没问题,关于这方面的展开早已经练习过了。
  416. No, it’s not like that. I simply cannot understand it.”
  417. 「不、不是这样子的。我无法读懂这个。」
  419. “Ah, I see.”
  420. 「啊啊,原来如此」
  422. Ainz took the book from Fluder, flipped through it, and stopped at a certain page.
  423. 安兹从夫路达手上接过书本,哗啦哗啦地随便翻到一页后停了下来。
  425. “This chapter concerns the transformation of the dead into souls; specifically, the section about differentiation.”
  426. 「这一章是在说关系到死者变质的灵魂——异质化的部分啊」
  428. It was written in Japanese, so obviously Fluder could not understand it. However --
  429. 的确用日文写的话,夫路达自然是看不懂的。不过——
  431. This looks more like a setting book for a fantasy world than a fantasy novel. The hell is this differentiation stuff. And then there’s souls as clouds and so on. It looks really hard and I can’t wrap my brain around it at all. Feels like I can only scratch the surface… Could it be that I can’t understand this book, even if I can read it?
  432. (比起奇幻小说,这更像是奇幻世界的设定数据集之类的啊。异质化是什么啊。写着灵魂云云之类的,感觉都是一堆很难的东西,完全进不到脑子里。好像只能看到表面一样的感觉……。难不成这本书是对我来说就算能读也理解不了的吗?)
  434. Books were like the occult, or rather, this book was pretty much an occult volume. To Suzuki Satoru, who had no knowlege in this field, all he saw was a collection of scribblings. Still, all this seemed to have been taken from some kind of mythology. If Tabula Smaragdina were around, he would probably be able to explain it to him.
  435. 书的都是像神秘学一样的东西,不如说,就是神秘学吧。对于没有这方面知识的铃木悟来说,会当成是谁随便写写的东西也说不定,不过这也是从哪里的神话搬来的东西吧。要是翠玉录在的话就能详细解说给他听了。
  437. “Ohhh!”
  438. 「喔喔!」
  440. The sense of guilt in Ainz’s heart grew as he watched Fluder look at him with joyful eyes.
  441. 对着用欢喜的双眼看向自己的夫路达,安兹的心里罪恶感油然而生。
  443. “Indeed… Well, I cannot give this to you because I only have one set, but give this a try.”
  444. 「也是啊……。因为只有一个所以不能给你,不过试试看这个吧」
  446. Ainz placed a pair of glasses on the book and handed it to him. Fluder put it on and hurriedly flipped through the pages.
  447. 安兹把单片眼镜放到书上交给他,夫路达马上戴起来慌慌张张的翻动书页。
  449. “This, this is! It’s saying that souls are entities like the foam left by the waves of this great world, and so whether great or small, they are fundamentally the same. That meeeeaaaannnns!!!”
  450. 「这、这是!也就是说灵魂是如同巨大的世界奔流上所溅起的飞沫般的存在,即使大小不同,也都是相同的本质。这样说的话啊啊啊!!!!」
  452. The absolute madman.
  453. (噫、疯了。)
  455. Even Ainz was startled, to the point where he nearly shrank back.
  456. 那是连安兹都被吓得差点后仰的骤变。
  458. The way Fluder’s eyes were wide open and bloodshot, his breathing like a wild beast’s, made it seem as though he was about to pounce on someone.
  459. 眼睛瞪的老大,充满血丝,呼吸如同野兽般粗重,就像是要扑到谁身上去一样。
  461. “How, how is it?”
  462. 「怎、怎样?」
  464. Fluder’s eyes pivoted and stared straight at Ainz.
  465. 夫路达的眼睛咕噜一转,从正面紧盯着安兹。
  467. “This, this is amazing, Teacher! This is the lore that I sooooooooooouuuuught! Hyaaaaah!”
  468. 「这、这实在是太棒了,老师!这正是我所想要的知识识识识识!!噫呀呀呀!」
  470. The alarm he felt at the old man’s mania exceeded a predetermined threshold, and Ainz swiftly calmed down again.
  471. 面对老人的狂乱姿态,精神动摇超过一定数值的安兹急速地安定了下来。
  473. “--Is that so. Then, return me the glasses.”
  474. 「——这样啊。那么把眼镜还给我吧」
  476. “Wha! But, this..”
  477. 「什!可是,这……」
  479. “Consider the translation of that book to be your training. Once you can understand and digest it, you will be able to set foot in a higher domain. It would be pointless for you to use these glasses.”
  480. 「将那个翻译出来正是给你的修行。将那个解读并理解之后,你便能踏上更高的领域了吧。使用这眼镜可就毫无意义了啊」
  482. “How could this be… Then, may I be allowed to give this book a once-over first?”
  483. 「怎么能这样啊……。那能允许我先把整本书过目一遍吗?」
  485. “One page should still be all right. But if you continue after that, it will negatively affect your growth.”
  486. 「只是一页的话我想应该还没有问题,但继续看下去的话,可不利于你的成长啊」
  488. Fluder closed the book shut with a patan, and then closed his eyes.
  489. 夫路达啪的一声把书阖上,闭起了眼睛。
  491. After several seconds, he opened his eyes and spoke. His voice had returned to normal.
  492. 过了十几秒后,终于打开了眼睛并开口道。此时他的声音已恢复了平静。
  494. “Understood. I will abide by your teachings, oh Teacher. May I seek your aid if there are matters I do not understand?”
  495. 「遵命。我会谨遵老师的教诲。那么老师啊,要是有不懂的地方我能够来请教老师吗?」
  497. “Umu. As long as it is within my power to answer.”
  498. 「嗯、嗯。如果是我能回答的话」
  500. “Yes!”
  501. 「是!」
  503. Fluder removed the glasses and returned them to Ainz.
  504. 夫路达脱下眼镜,交还给安兹。
  506. Excellent! I won’t hear anything from Fluder for a while now. Ah, I need to instruct him about this first. That… how shall I say this...
  507. (很好!这样子就有一阵子不会被夫路达说什么了。啊,只有这个必须先嘱咐好。那个……要怎么说来着)
  509. Ainz struggled to pry open the vaults of his memory. Then, in solemn, heavy tones -- which made one think of the voice a leader would have -- Ainz spoke:
  510. 安兹拼命的想打开记忆的锁。接着用沉重——让人觉得和统治者相称的声音呼唤道。
  512. “Fluder.”
  513. 「夫路达啊」
  515. “Yes!!”
  516. 「在!!」
  518. “I have entrusted you with this book of arcana because I trust you. You must never hand it to a third party. The same applies to any notes you make to study it. Nothing about this book can be allowed to spread.”
  519. 「我因为信任你,才把记载着秘法的书籍借给了你。绝对不能将其交到第三者的手上,当然也包括你为了解读所做的笔记。关于这本书的一切都不可外传」
  521. “Yes!!!”
  522. 「是!!」
  524. “There is hardly a need to tell you the reason for that, but this is knowledge that surpasses what humans can comprehend. It would be very troublesome if others came to learn of it… Although someone of your talent might not be beyond salvation. I do not want to have to clean up behind you ten years down the road.”
  525. 「理由不用说也明白吧,这是超过了人类所能掌握的知识。要是让他人知晓了的话会变得很麻烦。……若是拥有像你一样的才能的人的话或许还有救。我可不想十年后还要替你收拾残局喔?」
  527. “But of course. I will not leak any of the knowledge I have obtained from you to others. I swear it.”
  528. 「这是当然的。从这上面得到的知识,我绝对不会泄漏给任何人的。我向您保证」
  530. “--I trust you, Fluder. Do not disappoint me.”
  531. 「——我相信你,夫路达。别让我失望了」
  533. “Yes!!!!”
  534. 「是!!!」
  536. Fluder got up from his chair and knelt on the ground.
  537. 夫路达从椅子上下来、跪在了地板上。
  539. He wanted to say that there was no need to go to that extent, but this too was proof of how effective his air of majesty had been. Ainz could not help but feel proud that his hours of acting and vocalization practice could be put to good use.
  540. 虽然想说不用做到那种程度也可以。不过这也是说明,自己的威吓就是有这么高明。安兹不禁为自己花了达十小时的演技,和发声练习有派上用场而感到满足。
  542. “Enough. Since you understand, I shall say no more. Return to your seat. Still, it will be very difficult for you to decipher an unknown language without any help. Do you have some way of overcoming that?”
  543. 「好了好了。既然你都明白的话,我也就不用再多说什么了。回到座位上吧。虽说如此,在没有任何帮助的情况下,去解读未知的语言可是很困难的。对此你有什么解决的手段吗?」
  545. “Yes! I can use a translation spell, though its efficacy is very power. I believe that with that, I can slowly decipher the text.”
  546. 「是!虽然效率非常的差,但我能够使用解读魔法。若是使用那个的话,应该就可以慢慢地来解读了」
  548. “Really now. Really now! Marvellous.”
  549. 「是吗!是吗!那真是太好了」
  551. This answer was exactly what Ainz wanted to hear. By slowly giving him the appropriate practice, he would be able to buy himself time. In addition, a problem like that would not be enough to make Fluder give up.
  552. 这回答简直正中安兹的下怀。逐渐给予适当的试炼,就能够争取到时间。而且这种程度的问题,也不至于使夫路达放弃。
  554. “Then I shall hand this to you… no, that’s it. I will lend you a box for you to store it in. I do not think that you will treat it lightly, but someone might wish to steal it from you.”
  555. 「那么就把这个交给你……不,对了。借你个能装的箱子吧。虽然不觉得你会草率的对待,但说不定会有人想从你那里将它偷走」
  557. Ainz pulled a box out of his pocket space. It was an item of the same grade which he used to store his personal notebook.
  558. 安兹从空间取出了箱子。那和放自己笔记本的箱子是同等级的物品。
  560. “Once you store the book in here, even if this box is stolen, it will take quite some time to open it. Of course, it will all be for nothing if someone overhears the command word to open the box… so be careful.”
  561. 「收在这里的话,就算被盗走,打开还是需要不少时间吧。虽然要是连打开盒子的关键词都被偷听去的话,就没有意义了……这点要注意哦」
  563. “Of course, Teacher! I will never do anything like that!”
  564. 「这是当然,老师!我绝对不会做出这样的事」
  566. “Good.”
  567. 「那样就好」
  569. Ainz shifted his gaze from Fluder -- who was caressing the book in delight -- to the ceiling. Now, what would he talk about next?
  570. 安兹把视线从很高兴似的摸着书的夫路达身上转向天花板。思考着接下来必须要讲的事项是什么呢。
  572. “Ah, that’s right. The matter of your treachery coming to light, and thus you coming over to me. When can you leave?”
  573. 「啊,对了。因为背叛的事暴露了,所以要来我这里的事情还没有说完。什么时候能过来?」
  575. “If Teacher wishes it, I can leave at any time. I have no attachments to this country.”
  576. 「只要老师希望,什么时候都能过来。我对这个国家没有丝毫的挂念」
  578. Ainz mentally furrowed his brows.
  579. 安兹在心中皱起下眉头。
  581. He had no idea what to say to someone who could casually discard his position of trust. He might well do the same thing to Ainz in the future.
  582. 轻易就把负责人的地位给扔下的性格,真让人不知该说什么好。今后他在安兹的身边,也有可能会做出一样的事。
  584. Ainz marked Fluder down several points with a red pen in his heart’s ledger.
  585. 安兹用红笔在夫路达的履历书上扣了几分。
  587. “...Then, Fluder. I wish to have you participate in the magical research of the Sorcerous Kingdom. However, your spells will not spread. They will only be given to me and those whom I trust. Can you bear it? Can you forsake your desire for fame?”
  588. 「……那么夫路达啊。我想让你也加入到魔导国的魔法开发事业。但是,你所开发的魔法全都不会流出。只会在你和我还有我的亲信之间流通。你能够忍受吗?能够舍弃对名声的欲望吗?」
  590. “There will be no problem at all. The only thing I desire is to glimpse the secrets of magic. I desire nothing else.”
  591. 「没有任何问题。我所求的就只有窥探魔法的奥妙。对于其它的我并不奢求」
  593. Ainz studied Fluder in earnest, the man who could make such a statement.
  594. 安兹认真的观察起如此断言的夫路达。
  596. Ainz had no ability to evaluate a person’s character. As human beings, it was obvious that Fluder -- a genius sage who had lived far beyond the span of a normal human being and who was deeply involved in the operations of the vast nation called the Empire -- was superior to him. There was no way for him to see through any attempt by Fluder to deceive him.
  597. 安兹没有看穿他人本质的能力。若是要比较人性的话,生活过人类所无法企及的时间,在帝国这个巨大的国家营运上参了一脚,身为天才学者的夫路达绝对更加厉害。他若是想欺骗安兹的话,是绝对无法看穿的吧。
  599. However, being unable to see through such things and not trying to see through such things were two different matters. With that attitude in mind, Ainz stared at Fluder, and in the end he simply said, “Good.”
  600. 但是,无法看穿和不去看穿是两回事。安兹抱持这样的心情凝视着夫路达,最终他仅是说了一句「那样就好」
  602. “I will entrust you with all the powers and privileges of your office once you arrive in the Sorcerous Kingdom. I also intend to help you with magical research as much as possible. Then--”
  603. 「在你来到魔导国之时,我便会将全权托付你。在魔法的开发上我也是打算尽可能的协助你的。那么——」
  605. Now, there would be one more person helping Nazarick, beyond the Bareares. If he could obtain the woman which Demiurge and Albedo had recommended, Nazarick would be further strengthened.
  606. 这样继巴雷亚雷家后,协助纳萨力克的人又得手了一个。接下来再得到迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德推荐的那个女人的话,纳萨力克的强化将更进一步。
  608. He had to increase his power as much as possible, so long as he could not see the true face of his enemy.
  609. 在看不见的敌人现出真面目之前,必须尽可能的提高自己的力量。
  611. The enemy possessed a World-Class Item, so he had to obtain a power aside from YGGDRASIL’s as soon as possible. He had to assume that anything he could do, the enemy could as well.
  612. 对方拥有世界级道具,不赶快得到YGGDRASIL以外的力量可不行。必须把自己办得到的事,看作对方也能做到来订定战略。
  614. However, there was one more problem.
  615. 不过,还有一个问题。
  617. That would be, how would he protect the Empire.
  618. 那就是怎样保护帝国。
  620. Demiurge felt that the Empire was a potential enemy, but Ainz did not think so.
  621. 虽然迪米乌哥斯认为帝国是潜在的敌人,但安兹却不这么认为。
  623. Although the future was unclear, the use of force alone in world conquest was not a wise decision. If the Sorcerous Kingdom was painted as a nation which annihilated everyone who stood against it, countries which might have been friends would probably end up as enemies.
  624. 虽然未来如何并不清楚,但就算目标是征服世界,单靠力量来猛冲并不是明智的作法。要是魔导国被传为是将对抗的敌人全部毁灭的国家的话,本来能拉拢为友方的国家也会成为敌人的吧。
  626. That being the case, why not form a deep friendship with his fellow dictator Jircniv, and send that message to their subordinates?
  627. 正因为这样,如果绝对支配者的吉克尼夫和安兹彼此深深确认了友谊,并将其传达给臣下的话又如何呢?
  629. This way, I’ll be able to minimize the force Demiurge and the others use in world conquest. What a brilliant plan. More than the alliance of nations, or the alliance of guilds… friendship?
  630. (这样的话,就能把迪米乌哥斯他们依靠力量的征服行动抑制到最低了吧。真是出色的计划。超越了国家藩篱的友情。也就是说超越了公会的友情。……朋友吗?)
  632. The shapes of his heteromorphic friends appeared in Ainz’s mind.
  633. 安兹的脑海中浮现了异形的、同伴们的身影。
  635. Still, how should I make friends with him? Giving people things isn’t the right way to make friends, right… Thus, protecting Jircniv’s precious thing, the Empire, should be the best way. It’s quite likely that my enemies will set their sights upon them.
  636. (可是,就算说要交朋友是要怎么做?送给人想要的东西不是正确的交友方式吧……。那么果然保护吉克尼夫最重要的东西,也就是帝国才是最好的吧。被我的敌人盯上的可能性也很高啊)
  638. He put himself in the role of the people who brainwashed Shalltear. If they used the methods Ainz used, then--
  639. 作为将夏提雅洗脑的未知敌人的一手,如果是安兹的话就会用的作战,那就是——
  641. In the worst-case scenario, they might use [Ia Shub-Niggurath] on the Imperial Capital. Everyone would think I did it, regardless of the actual culprit… Then, they would spread that news throughout the world. That would greatly decrease the Sorcerous Kingdom’s influence.
  642. (最坏的情况就是,<黑暗丰穰之献祭>(IaShub-Niggurath)可能会被用在同盟国的帝国首都吧。不管是谁做的都会被当成是我干的……。接下来会为了在世界中散播那个消息而行动的吧。那样的话就会让魔导国扩大势力的速度下降)
  644. Ainz recalled his YGGDRASIL days.
  645. 安兹回想起YGGDRASIL的时代。
  647. It was foolish to directly fight a powerful guild, so it was quite common to instigate wars with other guilds to weaken the powerful guild’s influence. These methods would probably be applicable here. Ainz would probably do so if placed in that situation, and so it was very likely his foe would do the same thing.
  648. 与强大的公会正面对抗是愚蠢的事,所以会为了削减该公会的势力而煽动其它的公会去抗争。这次这种手段应该也派得上用场。安兹要是处于相反的立场也肯定会这么做的吧,因此对手也是很有可能做出同样的事。
  650. In order to prevent this sort of thing from happening, Ainz considered allowing Fluder to spread rumors that he could not use that spell again (a lie, naturally). However, Fluder could no longer be used, so he had to consider some other method.
  651. 为了阻止这种事发生,安兹考虑暗中让夫路达把自己无法再使用这个魔法——虽然是谎言——的流言给散播出去。但是夫路达已经无法再派上用场。必须想些其它的手段才行。
  653. This is close to forbidding the carrying of palm-sized dangerous objects… As expected, I’ll need to discuss the matter with Demiurge, maybe order him to think of a way to deal with this. However, would he not think it strange? Ahh, how troublesome, I can’t figure it out.
  654. (和制止携带手掌大小的危险物很接近,这个……。果然还是要和迪米乌哥斯谈谈那方面的事情,想办法命ling他考虑对应的方法比较好吧。但是会不会被他觉得很奇怪啊?啊-、好烦。搞不懂了啦)
  656. If only he could hand everything to those two. However, if he did that, it would damage his image as an absolute ruler. He had to think of a way to solve his problems while maintaining his position.
  657. 要是能把所有一切都扔给他们那就再好不过了。但真那样子做的话,很可能会伤害到作为绝对者的形象。如果不一边保护自己的立场,一边想出解决的方法可不妙。
  659. “Teacher, what is wrong?”
  660. 「老师,怎么了吗?」
  662. “...Fluder, I intend to protect the Empire for some time. Do you have any ideas?”
  663. 「……夫路达啊。我打算暂时保护下帝国,你有什么好主意吗?」
  665. “...May I know why you ask?”
  666. 「……这是出于何种缘由?」
  668. “Conquering it would be easy, but I have no interest in standing atop a pile of rubble. I wish to keep the Empire intact, and so I would like to prevent the loss of fighting power that would result when they lose you.”
  669. 「虽然要征服很是简单,不过我并没有站在一堆瓦砾上的兴趣。我想完全姿态的合并帝国,因此我想阻止由于失去了你,而造成的战力低下」
  671. Fluder’s wrinkles deepened.
  672. 夫路达的皱纹变得更深了。
  674. “It is difficult to answer that question immediately. I believe that there will be no problems for a while even if I am not around. That said, it is also true that nobody can fill the void that I will leave… If it is fine, then I shall stay for the time being.”
  675. 「真是难以立刻回答的问题啊。我想就算我不在了,一时之间也不会有出现什么问题的可能性。话虽如此,没有人有能力来填补这漏洞也是事实。……若是没有问题的话,那我就暂且留下吧」
  677. “Are you willing to do so? Then, I will contact you again tomorrow, after the discussions are complete.”
  678. 「你愿意这么做吗?那等这里讨论完,日后再与你联络吧」
  680. “Yes!”
  681. 「是!」
  683. “Right, there are two more things I want to ask you. First, I would like to know the details of the Martial Lord. The second matter concerns Death Knights…”
  684. 「对了,最后还有两件想要你做的事。一件是我想要关于武王的详细情报。然后另一件则是关于死亡骑士的事」
  686. ***
  688. With the appointed time drawing near, Ainz cast a detection spell. Normally, he would have stacked numerous defensive spells in himself first, but it would be too wasteful to expend a lot of valuable scrolls. Unlike how things were at the graveyard, when he was sure there were hostiles present, Ainz simply cast the spell.
  689. 在快到约定好的时间之前,安兹首先使用了探知魔法。本来应该要先使用复数的对抗魔法,但是将大量贵重的卷轴使用掉实在太浪费了。和明确有敌人在的墓地那时不同,安兹只是单纯的发动了魔法。
  691. That said, he picked a place where any counterattacks would not strike others.
  692. 但是为了小心起见,选择了遭到反击也不波及他人的地方。
  694. A different scene appeared on his field of vision. This was the interior of a coach. Ainz manipulated the floating point of view and observed the exterior of the coach.
  695. 视野上映照出不同的光景。那是马车的内部。安兹操纵飘浮着的视野,转而观看马车的外部。
  697. Then, Ainz cast [Greater Teleportation].
  698. 这时安兹发动了<上位传送>(Greater Teleportation)。
  700. The teleport took place without incident, and Ainz opened the door to the coach. Ainzach, who was seated within, had a look of shock on his face. However, Ainz nonchalantly boarded, closed the door, and dispelled the invisibility spell he had cast on himself.
  701. 传送毫无意外的成功,安兹就这样打开了马车的门。坐在里面的艾因扎克露出惊谔的表情。但安兹并不在意的搭上马车后,将门关上,解除了所发动的不可视化的魔法。
  703. “As I thought, it was Your Majesty. Although I understand the need for secrecy, could you please not use an invisibility spell next time?
  704. 「果然,是陛下啊。虽然我觉得隐隐约约的已经明白了,不过能请您别发动着不可视化进来吗?」
  706. “If I do not use invisibility, I will be spotted, no?”
  707. 「如果不用不可视化的话,我的样子会被看到了吧?」
  709. “It should be fine because of Your Majesty’s mask, am I wrong?
  710. 「由于您戴着那面具,所以我想应该是没有问题的吧?」
  712. “Indeed, that might be the case, but I used a teleportation spell. I would like to avoid being drawn into troublesome matters.”
  713. 「可能是那样没错,不过我使用了转移魔法。我想尽量避免被卷入麻烦事中」
  715. “Indeed…”
  716. 「确实是那样啊……」
  718. “Well, since you understand, shall we leave?”
  719. 「你好像可以理解了,那我们走吧?」
  721. “All right. Let us depart.”
  722. 「好的。我们出发吧」
  724. The coach passed through the opened gate, and reached the place designated by the doorman. This was a parking area which could accommodate several coaches.
  725. 马车穿过开启的门,抵达了门卫所指定的场所。那里是可以让好几台马车停置的马车停泊处。
  727. “Then, let us proceed.”
  728. 「那就让我们走一遭吧」
  730. Ainz dismounted from the coach after Ainzach.
  731. 安兹接在艾因扎克之后下了马车。
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