
Christmas gifts, Seeds and a Dead Wife [Day 189-?]

Dec 27th, 2013
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  1. Day 189
  2. I did it I got the jade just right!
  3. It's a polished jade necklace with a depressed upper top part where the hole was made for the string. The body of it is shaped in the smooth raindrop. It even has engraving on the back of a small heart. I really hope Hospik likes it I spent all night making it with my own two hooves.
  5. Day 190
  6. It's Christmas!
  7. I woke up not as depressed as I thought I would be since I wouldn't have any family this Christmas. Hospik was one of the reasons why I wasn't so sad, him and all of my friends. After seeing Hos off I cleaned the house and lit some incenses while letting the cold winter breeze blow in. Some how when I'm gone Liven always manages to get the house dirty and smell weird. After cleaning I just sat and stared at the fire trying to get warm and just remembering my family. It hurts thinking about them knowing I wont see them again, I wonder how they feel knowing that I wont be around to celebrate with them. I stayed that way for almost three hours.
  8. No one ever said live was easy by why does it have to be so damn difficult.
  9. [A few tear stains dot the page]
  11. After feeding Gustav I went on a brisk walk to clear my head. Greeted some carolers and chatted with some friends over some tea; it was refreshing to talk with them for a bit. I did see Phoenix during my walk and he invited Hos and me to a little Christmas dinner party he was throwing. I don't want to be a dick and not return the favor so I left some syrup by his door after a quick stop at the greenhouse to check on everything. I love seeing my plants that are still around alive and as health as they can try to be; it's a shame that this winter is so cold. I would love to see my plants bloom once again but all things happen in time.
  13. After picking up some gifts from the back room I went to the inn to spread some holiday cheer. Hospik soon followed in after me and we talked for awhile while I gave everyone a small gift of syrup. Apparently Santa loves us as a ponies to because he left all of us something under the tree. The box with my name on it had a nice vest in it which I promptly wore; that vest is silky smooth and it gives me a idea as to who our secret Santa might have been.
  15. Hos gave me some presents after I saw Lemon down half of a five gallon bottle of syrup. He gave me a new and pretty pair of boots, a fine wool scarf, and a thick cotton winter coat. Guy must have read my mind or really took note of how much I hate the cold. I really do love those gifts he got me even if he thinks I'm skeptical about it. I think I might go ice skating with him now that I have the proper gear to stay outside for five minutes longer before turning into a popsicle.
  17. Now it was my turn to give Hos his Christmas present. I kept it in my bag all day for safe keeping and was happy to see that nothing smudged it. I didn't want to ruin the surprise so I made Hos close his eyes as I draped the jade raindrop on his chest. He was quiet for a moment which worried me slightly; the thought of him not liking the gift actually crept across my mind for a moment but was quickly dispelled. He said it was one of the nicest gifts that he had ever gotten. Seeing his bright smile made all of my troubles wash away and just made me happy. I think I saw him tear up a bit but didn't see any fall out. I didn't know that my gift would have such a effect on him.
  19. After taking off my new winter gear at home Hos had me close my eyes so I could receive my last gift from him. After closing my eyes tight he put my hands down; I had some many thoughts race through my mind in the few seconds that my eyes were closed. I felt a slight pressure on my neck from the small chain that he laid across it. He told me to open my eyes so I could see the shiny golden locket hanging around my neck with its gold chain supporting it. I was giddy at the sight of it but there was more. He asked me to open it which I eagerly did. Just writing this makes my stomach flutter. On the inside of the locket was a jade heart and on the front of the locket I read a small inscription. "So you will always remember who my heart belongs to." I felt time slow when I saw the words and everything became slightly fuzzy. In the haze I locked eyes with Hospik and then wrapped him in a hug and showered him in kisses.
  21. I love the gift and I love Hospik.
  23. We kissed and embraced each other passionately but I had to end it short before things but too hot and heavy. I didn't want to be all sticky or leave a stain on Phoe's chair when we went to his dinner party. His party was actually going to start soon but Hos and I had time too bad Liven's spider kinda killed our cuddling by well being a big ass spider. I'm just happy Hos didn't smash it that probably wouldn't go over well with Liven.
  25. Along the way to Phoenix's party my friend Steve gave us a bottle of wine as a gift; we thanked him kindly and decided that it would make a nice present to show up with. Plus it's customary to bring a gift to people's house when they invite you over. Then we just had a lovely Christmas dinner and parted ways after desert, then I took Hos home and let him stuff my Christmas turkey~.
  27. Day 191
  28. Meet a new person named Aaron Amethyst she's pretty cool but man does she have some weird colors. She has different colored eyes and some face fur thing going on; it doesn't look all that bad but it's busy. I invited her to stay at my place for awhile until she can get a place for her own. I did also talk to Liven about getting a job at the clinic, he said I should come in tomorrow and check. I'm hype for it.
  30. Day 192
  31. I got the job! See that diary the person writing in you know is a registered nurse on top of being a botanist and hair dresser. I feel accomplished but still I want more; I want to be a doctor specifically a cardiothoracic surgeon just like I wanted to be back home. Now I'm just one step closer.
  33. I did stop by Al and Weather's place on my way home. I haven't talked to them in awhile because whenever I see them there all lovey dovey and I don't want to interrupt. Did give Al that ruby we've been talking of all week I just wonder how he's going to use it. Weather is a pegasus and she doesn't have a horn or fingers so a ring would be a odd choice, but whatever works for them.
  35. Day 193
  36. Today Curious asked me to help make a fast acting sedative to help take care of some griffon bandits that were stealing food from Hoof's farm. I was very reluctant to do it but I agreed to try to make something in exchange for Curious helping me find a R.O.U.L.S to test on later. I know were ponies and all and rat biology is way different from a horses but it's the only thing I could think to test on.
  38. Another thing that stood out today was Brute coming back with amnesia and slicing part of his tail off. He walked in all cut off and with a beard which was surprising because I didn't know horses could have facial hair. When we talked to him he didn't remember really anything last he remembers is looking in a trap. Checking one of Mary's traps in a good way to lose your mind, figuratively and literally. I tried to jog his memory by showing one of the unopened gifts; believe it or not I missed one with my name on it after all this time. I presented it to Brute and when the opened it I saw a giant wood bong.
  39. Good shit Brute.
  40. After thanking him he went off to shave and ended up cutting part of his tail off; I promptly left for the clinic. First day on the job and I get someone that comes in slicing their tail off; such a lovely first day. Lucky Phoenix as there to help so we stitched it up and Phoenix sent him packing.
  42. Day 194
  43. Didn't plan on doing much today besides using my new bong and smoking with George; funny how plans can change really fast. Right when I was thinking of taking a nap Curiosity came a knocking on my door. She started talking about some plan to make money and asked if I wanted to help ou. After smoking a clip with her we left.
  45. We walked up to a old house and I asked what we were doing at it. Curiosity surprised me a little when she said we were going to rob the place; I really didn't see my day turning this way. After crawling through the window we lit some candles and started looting the place. Found some real cool stuff to like gems and a axe. Shit was cool and we left with small stuff before our bags got to heavy and dumped it in a abandoned shed in the cemetery. Then we went back to go get the heavy smith hammer and fabric roll the size of a pony. We later divided up the goods and went back to see if we left anything behind. I didn't see a name on the house Curiosity and I robbed but I hope the people don't miss their stuff to much.
  46. Looting is fun.
  47. [Things I stole- Rusty knives, Rusty Sword, Wood axe, Pick axe, Glowmoss, Poppy, Hemp, Pseudonita mushrooms, Yellow paint berries, Red Paint berries, Cinnamon, Strawberries, Rosemary, Parsley, Random Books, 7 Amethyst crystals, Semi precious stones, Glass vials, Ironwood lump (Hard ass piece of wood),Empty potion flasks, Random bones, Length of rope, Sailor outfit, Frying pan, Blacksmith hammer, Coat color potion] Pretty good haul.
  49. Day 195 [Should be this day unless I fucked up]
  50. Man things have a way of turning to shit really quickly
  51. I woke up today after Rain broke through the ceiling and had some clouds attached to her that bleached her fur; Light got some on him and it did the same but his turned yellow after awhile. Rain started saying something about how the cloud was chasing her and sounded like a horse but she couldn't see it a windingo I think is what she called it. Said only being nice to each other is a way to make it go away, that being the only option I opted to start hugging everyone and it was nice until Hos and Fox started yelling. Then it started getting colder.
  53. Started yelling stuff about Brute being back in town and about Star and assault and rape. It's just a big mess and I'm going to talk to Al later about it because this shit isn't fly.
  55. Day 196
  56. Visited Brute today in jail to get his side of this wonky story. I got his side of the story and he said Hos in essence said leave or die. After Brute told me his side Hos came; he said he assaulted Star Dust and could have raped her. Hos left in a grump only to be replaced by Golden and Al. Al dragged me into his office and asked if I could talk to Hospik because everyone but me has a hard time getting through to him. I then talked to Golden and asked if Hos threatened Brute with death. He confirmed it and that upset me something fierce. After I heard it I just sat in a far off chair in the barracks for awhile and told some guards to fuck-off.
  58. I later went to the town square from the inn and saw someone lighting fireworks and it made me feel a bit better. I just wonder why someone made snow dicks everywhere.
  60. Day 196-197
  61. Went to the inn still pretty rustled and Mary asked why and I told her it was over this whole Brute and Hos thing. We talked about the legitimacy of his amnesia and thought of a way to expose it if he was lying. Since Mary is like the only person in town who traps things we figured that he had to be in one of hers if he was telling the truth. Mary and I left out but she sent me back to grill Brute for some answers.
  63. I asked and he told me that he basically got smacked by a tree and found his way back to town from the smoke it produced; I even had him take me back to the site where he got hit to confirm it. I later relaid back the information to Mary when I saw her.
  65. Day 198
  66. Brute's creepy
  67. Booze tried to convince me his dog wasn't all explodey and prone to catch on fire. I don't really buy it; I still think that dog would explode given the chance. I did smoke with Brute and Star today.
  69. After I offered smoke out Brute when he was in jail he kept bothering me asking when we would do it; Never have I seen such thirst. So to get him to leave me alone I took him to my place with Star. Star is a cool guy in my books so he was a great guy to blaze with. Brute on the other hand was not. Brute passed out in the couch about a third of the way down and I packed them pretty fat so Star and I were baked. Lit the second one and let Star play with it while I smoked out Gustav. We bummed around for awhile and then Star left. As soon as he left Brute woke up. Star 10/10 would smoke with again
  71. Now here comes the reason I wont smoke with him again. Brute started coming onto me and I wasn't cool with it; killed my buzz. Naturally compliments occurred then he asked if I tasted sweet, that's a question only a few people could answer and he definitely wont be one of them. I then told him that I had a boyfriend and he just disregarded it. After telling him no and that I had Hos for a second time he finally got the message and left after trying to get me to follow him to the inn. Have to tell Hospik about this one, you would think you wouldn't come onto the girlfriend of the guy who's trying to lock you up. Brute 0/10 Would not smoke with.
  73. Day 199
  74. Well I helped save a life and got something in return.
  75. Went to the catacombs with some others today and saw people working on my new farm. It's nice seeing my new place getting built; but that wasn't the focus of the task today. We were going to check to see what was scaring the mess out of George. We got to the entrance of the hole where I put the sign and tried to make a plan. For some reason Cury and Ders just took the lead and didn't say anything to anyone. I saw them start to go in and followed after with the others; apparently gears of war is real in Equestria. One the other side of the door I saw a rock worm happily munching away on the aqueduct. It seemed content just eating rocks and gems even when it had the opportunity to eat Jim. Since the worm was around fifty feet long, has rock hard skin, and eats gems I decided to take then non murderhobo route and left to get some of the amethyst that Cury and I stole. When I got back I saw the others lining up a path of gems while I gave Mary the amethyst. After getting the worm to notice us it barreled out of the catacombs at a full sprint and fell in the river being carried down stream.
  77. I did see some strange door that was a little blocked off. It had some strange writing on the side of it. Have to check that out later.
  79. When we found the bug it was shaking and started having some frost build up on it; the others were thinking about putting it down but I still was optimistic and opted to save it. I had Mary try to use her horn to make fireworks but it didn't work; then I had Phoenix and Aler write a cloud message in the sky. Since I couldn't do much I hugged the worm showing it some love before it could kick the bucket. All it wanted to do was just eat rocks all day and we messed it all up for it. I guess my hug had some chain reaction because I the others started hugging it to and putting their jackets over it to warm it up.
  81. Some of the people from the town started coming by having seen our message and helped us move the worm out of the water. After getting it's tail out of the water Booze and I noticed some smooth orbs around the base of its tail. I split the cracked one open and it turned out to be a egg. I didn't feel good after I did that. So as to not let more eggs die from being squished or frozen I took a egg while Booze took another. After we got the worm stable and naming it Felix we started taking it to the unused cave up north. It settled in nicely and might be used for mining purposes later on but Mary and I are going to try to train it later on.
  83. Aler invited us over to his place after we got the worm situated and made us some tea. We talked about plumbing for awhile while I heated the egg by the fire. I then told them about Brute hitting on me and Mary almost spat her tea out; Mary doesn't like Brute he looks kinda like Sarge. Then Aler asked Mary to a 3-way and a left not wanting to intrude on that.
  85. Brute did stop me on my way home and asked to keep quiet about him coming onto me. I told him that I already told people and then he asked for me to forgive him and I did. I then stopped at the inn to warm up and ended up staying longer then I thought I would have. Did see Mary come in looking flustered and knew why; I shortly left and then returned with my box full of gear and gave it to her. I just hope she cleans them before she returns them. After giving Mary my gift I curled around my egg and went to sleep. I hope it hatches relatively soon.
  87. Day 200
  88. I just woke up from some strange dream. Just assassin creed chest smashed some Chinese cartoon characters while some bear named Beery or something ran away. I'm not going to be able to figure this one out.
  90. I got startled up from my egg nap at the inn by some ruckus. I saw Mary run into the kitchen and was just confused. Brute told me that she should just be alone but I knocked anyways. When she I saw her face she looked terrified and had blood all over her hooves. That concerned me but I went with the bigger task at hand and asked what was wrong. Mary's problem was with Brute because he reminded her too much of Sarge the guy who tried to rape her. I can see why she's upset if I had to see someone who looked like a rapist everyday I would be upset to. She also worries that she's losing her mind and that she would just explode on him. She can't even bring herself to talk to him so I volunteered for speak for her.
  92. I left the kitchen back bloody along with her while she went to the fire with blood on her hooves. I asked for a rag to help clean the boar blood off my back but Red was happy do it; didn't expect her to use her tongue but it made it all the better. I'm not going to lie I liked the licking a bit too much. I then went to sleep wrapped around my egg Egg Bert after getting some meat to feed Gustav.
  94. Day 201
  95. Well I got in a little lewdish kiss off with Air in front of Hospik and ended up kissing him was kinda funny when Hos told him to sit in the corner. Shortly after Brute walked over and asked to speak with us. I already knew what it was about and let Hos pick since it was his thing. They reconciled some but not fully since trying to get him killed and all; I just hope they can make light of it in the end. I then spent some time with him until he left to take care of something.
  97. Then some talk of griffons came up something about Far Beak tribe and how their caption was killed off and nesting sites. Just a thing that wrapped itself up. Later on I just got really sad for some reason I don't know why but it just happened. I just left at some point and I couldn't go to sleep because of it.
  99. Day 202
  100. Today was a nice day I didn't freeze to death and I went on a nice date with Hospik. His original idea was to take me ice skating on the river but that plan failed when it couldn't support the weight of one of his hooves. After seeing how thin the ice was we opted to sit on the bridge. We sat for awhile just making sweet pleasantries to each other and then went to the inn to get some food. Mary can make a nice boar steak mine so really good. After we finished up Hos started nibbling on my ear and I started getting turned on. I didn't want to have to serve at the inn as punishment so we took our love somewhere else.
  101. Hos really like my maid outfit.
  103. Day 203
  104. Well I got pretty pissed over some dumb shit at the inn with Brute. Apparently HP and some girl Etch shared a bed with him the other night but just cuddled. I can see why Res would be pissed and saw him yell at him for a while because of it. I told Brute he was fucked afterwards. I did meet new pony named Zeen that took my mind off the whole situation for awhile. Then I made some mush in the kitchen and tossed it outside just to have it stick to the plate. I ended up throwing the plates away and got covered in goo. I wasn't happy about this at all and went inside just to hear Brute say the worst thing. He said that he went to bed with HP and the other lady to show that he had self control. That pissed me off and I kicked him out of the inn because of it. That was by far the most autistic cringe worthy thing that I have ever heard.
  106. 205
  107. Emotional brain pain is the worst
  108. Hospik fed me a rabbit pelt when he came to the inn with Booze. I actually ate the thing for the most part except for a foot which still had some bone in it. After giving him a quick nuzzel he got up and went to Booze and Curi with a out stretched hand. He hugged Curious but Booze was to slow and Hos pulled it away before he could shake it and got offended. Hos then kissed me and told me that he loved me and then walked out and I followed after him. I followed him to the bridge with Booze tailing after us. They shook hands and said they were cool but Hos didn't mean it; he was hurt and I'm surprised Booze didn't see it.
  110. He asked if he should stay and I told him that he should. Told me to be honest and I was. He then brought up Silent and how I loved her. To be honest I forgot about her because I was with Hospik I couldn't care less about her actually. He asked why he was always the drama queen how how he hated it. He wanted me to tell him something that I hated and I did. I whispered in his ear because I was scared that someone would hear me besides him even thought no one was around. I told him how I hated potentially not being able to have kids and that pained me deeply. I try not to think about it but every now and then the thought creeps from the back of my repressed mind and causes turmoil.
  112. I started crying after I told him and hid my face. It was just too much for me and I didn't want him to see me cry, not him out of all people. He hugged me tightly and said that he would always be there for me and that he loved me and that he could help me have a child; but I'm scared. I'm not even sure if I want kids or should any at all. Then I started getting sick end told him to take me home.
  114. He took me to his house and set me in his bed with a kiss and I curled up in pain. A couple minutes after my stomach hurt and I found myself outside in the cool night air. I heard Hos but I didn't know what he said because I was too busy puking my guts out. After my stomach was clear we went back inside and went to bed and told me he would always be there if I wanted a child even if it wasn't his and I shushed him. If I want anyone's child it would be with the guy I'm with, Hospik.
  116. 206
  117. I couldn't get my hair to stand up much and it's all lopsided at the top. Nothing really I could do to get it straight so I left the house with looking like that. I did meet with Mary and invited her to come to the vault with me to check out what was in the clump of compost where I got hit by the door. After telling some lady our names and looking over the place we went to the lab; I'm surprised so many people were around.
  119. After scrubbing up I got the sifter and started straining the dusty plants through it. After some elbow grease and juice I found what was making the glow. It was the small glow off a single seed of dark almost black, brown. The seed looked like a walnut, about the same size with a mottled looking tough exterior, what's odd about the shape of the seed is that its almost tear shaped, or a sunflower seed even. I have no clue what the fuck this thing is.
  121. After looking at it some other ponies came in and started talking and I decided to be and listen in. They were talking about some testing and I saw a small plume of black some form a broken heart over them. I looked at what they were working on while they bickered and it looked like piece of drift wood that had a small drip of acid poured on it since its was causing it to bubble a black liquid. Then the two ponies started fighting. After wrestling the pair down and working some wrestling moves we finally got them to calm.
  123. Some how Light wandered in from somewhere and fixed the green guy named Lime's nose. The two made up and the blue unicorn named Sprinkle started telling us about his wood sample. Some new place they found called Mount Wing Breaker is where they got it and they said it had a lot of totem poles scattered around of animal carvings. Also added that the place was old and the recon team that went there turned against each other before they got back to town.
  125. The two thought that the wood and some emotional control over them and that that was the reason why they got angry. They deemed it dangerous and wanted to destroy it but I protested against it. After finding out they were using magic unicorn fizz to test it I decided to try my little bottle of acid. Two drops was all it took.
  127. The acid made the stub of wood sizzles on contact as per normal, however what is strange is the fact that it started to bubble and make black slime that looked like tar in its consistency. Then it boiled out with skulls appearing in the muck before it died down into a pile of goo. Needless to say I was speechless. I wasn't going to touch that shit so I had sprinkle do it; as he poked the glass the goo splattered on the inside of it. Seriously the thing literally jumped from the tray to the jar. The part that was left on the tray started eating away the metal trying to work its way to the ground but luckily Mary was fast enough to catch it and it splattered all on the inside of the lid. Sprinkle contained the goo while it swirled around in the jar like it was possessed. It soon calmed and I decided that I had enough for one night and went home.
  129. Day 207
  130. Well this is embarrass Hospik caught me masturbating in his kitchen. It was awkward for me at first especially when he asked what off. I laugh now but it was to him being in drag; then he told me to get the dress. I quickly gathered my stuff after braving the frigid cold and presented him with the stolen sailor outfit. maid outfit, and toys. After putting on his sailor suit I put on my dress and fucked him. I then fell asleep after he gave me a tongue bath.
  132. I then later got called a pussy by some midget toddler named Anny and saw Rain spank her.
  134. Day 211
  135. Well I saw Hospik and Liven fight today, it was a short match because Liven just 1-2ed him. Hos wasn't really a good sport about it but I sat next to him afterwards until it was my turn with Fox. Fox knows how to fight she roughed me up pretty quick and got carried over to a little snow bank to chill out. After some rest and seeing more distasteful acts I saw Liven go to fight Curiosity but their fight never happened. Since Liven was off in his own little world I stepped in for him and had a knife fight with her.
  137. I got a little too carried away and ended up stabbing Cury in the shoulder. After Hos stitched her up we guided her back to her house for some rest. I do owe that mare some mushrooms now but what else can I do.
  139. Day 213
  140. Don't feel like writing much so I'll be brief
  141. Got a new employee named Alten; He's going to do fine in the greenhouse. Then I meet up with Hos fooled around at the inn then left because the beds were already sticky and went to my place. I learned a valuable lesson that night always build up to rough sex. It fucking hurts when someone starts jack hammering into you.
  143. Day 220
  144. Today started so great... how could it go so wrong.
  145. Guess I'll start with the good first; at least that way I can skip over the sad parts when i look through you again. Went to the vault dragging Mary along with Golden following behind. We got stopped before we could enter but after some talk we got in. Able's still pissy about the whole Cliff thing even though I wish him and Al would drop it. After walking in and setting everything up Alten showed up next to me; I don't know where he came from but the more the merrier I guess.
  147. Looked at four different seeds; the first looked like a shriveled bean with a cool blue color, reminded me of a jelly bean. The second was shaped like a tiny fan with green veins on the outside that pulsed slightly. The third has a red coloration and gives off a small bit of heat and is shaped like a pebble. The fourth and last seed was shaped exactly like a D and was very smooth.After planting them I caught a peek of the glowing seed I planted like a week ago, it already has some flowers on it and looks like a weedy little daisy, got a sharp smell to it.
  149. After taking the seeds home with help from Alten and Mary I had some tea with them and after they left Nurse Ambiance came in asking for Liven. She talked about babies and told her to check the inn. I decided to check it out and left to help. Found out it was Golden's wife Starlight who was giving birth, I haven't seen her in awhile and kinda forgot she was pregnant. I wasn't standing around for too long because she started giving birth like five minutes after I came in. I have no real experience birthing children and just aided Liven and Phoenix.
  151. First kid came out fine, nice and healthy and with good lungs to. I can't ever forget the face he made when he saw his little boy. The second kid... caused some problems. Apparently the kids horn cut something and Star started hemorrhaging. Golden was told to leave the room while we prepped her for a C-section.
  153. She asked why it was raining and I just thought it was the drugs kicking in and told her that it was pouring some outside even though it's the dead of winter. Then I heard some crying and looked down to see that the other baby had been born. I was happy to see her and even more so when Star held her heard her say she loved her and then she simply just died.
  155. I didn't know what to do so I just prayed while I cleaned up her child. I got lost in my mind for awhile, I'm not entirely sure for how long or what happened while I was gone but I just hugged Golden because he was hurting and walked into the other room. I just saw one of my good friend's wife die right next to me and I... I don't know, I'm done.
  157. Day 222
  158. Well this has been a emotional few days with a pinch of self-loathing.
  159. I just sat at the bar today in a giant cloud of self doubt and alcohol. I didn't do much besides think and look longingly into my drink staring at my reflection. I just kept hearing a small voice in the back of my head whisper harming things to me that made me depressed. Hospik tries to take these feelings away but his encouraging words only last for so long before the thoughts come out of there dark crevices in the cracks of my mind. This isn't me. I don't deserve this feeling that eats away at the back of my head. I hate this feeling so much. I'm going to go get some help with this issue before it breaks me.
  161. These thoughts keep me awake at night but writing helps me ignore them for a little while. Right now it's two in the morning and I've been up since yesterday. Might as well reflect upon today's events while I'm here.
  163. Today was Golden's birthday and it wasn't cheery. He seemed happy when he bounded in with Phoenix but that was because he was drunk. Booze gave him and Birdy a drink in celebration but Orange flipped her wig when she saw them drinking. She dragged Turkey outside while I played some music. I don't know all that happened but I saw Golden leave dishearten and followed after him with Phoenix. Pegasus are fast when it comes to moving because I was out of breath by the time I caught up with him. Phoenix was already with him and I sat near by just to provide support; Orange later came by and we became a pile of crying horses. After apologies and tears Golden shaped up a left for the spa.
  165. Since his birthday was going down the tubes I thought he would appreciate a gift. After rummaging around in I found my Cadence plushie and thought it would make a nice gift, even if he couldn't use it his kids sure would. Golden did like the gift I gave him. I hope it does well for him is what I thought as I went to the inn; I then I heard news of Lemon being pregnant and then I blacked out and woke up in a bed upstairs.
  167. Day 224
  168. I woke up in the clinic today, apparently I had another panic attack yesterday and passed out in the snow after running out. I need to get this handled; I can't just keep running off seizing up all over the place. It's not healthy. I did try something to clear my mind today, I went into the catacombs to look at the door I spied when I was getting rid of the worm. I posted a message on the bulletin board to get some people to help and lucky for me they came.
  170. Curiosity, Alten, and some drunk guy came by to help out we didn't do too much but after moving the rocks away we realized that the door wasn't a door at all it was actually a mural. It was on a yellow slab and showed a hunched over diamond dog pointing out atop of a mound with many diamond dogs rushing by wearing armor and wielding spears. In the background there are scenes depicting an exodus away from the battle to come that is off the murals sight. Further inspection revealed that the figure atop of the mound was almost human yet it still had claws and fur like the others. It looked nasty.
  172. After cleaning up and thanking my workers I went to Moon's place to see if she could make me a pea coat, now all I have to do is find her something nice to pay her with.
  174. Day 225
  175. Talked to Kai today about my problem that I've been having. She didn't help too much besides telling me to keep my head up, she also told me to get a message because I was all tense. That and maybe to help take Golden's mind off of Star.
  177. Day 226
  178. I talked to Mary about what's been up with me. She didn't really know what to say but she was willing to help just like Kai so it was reassuring to know. Awhile after that I decided to just say fuck it to my problem with kids. I'm tired of thinking about it and having it eat away at me. I just done with it. I have nothing more to say to the issue and if it happens well shit I guess it happens. Nothing in this life is guaranteed so I will just make the most out of it while I can.
  180. Day 227
  181. A new day.
  182. Well Hospik is considering showing people the way out again even though he will get in deep trouble if he does. I just wonder why he thinks he has to do it, it's not like he owes these people anything. If they are so inclined to leave they can just guide themselves out. I don't want Hos to get in trouble for something dumb like this. After some more talk Hospik told me Reseph and Hot Pot were getting married next weekend, so that got me excited. We later came out of the cellar in the inn after I made him do math to quell his boner.
  184. I showed this new guy named Nate around after I offered him a job. He's a pepagsus so now I can have some one fly up and clear the clouds for me. Doesn't talk that much but he seems nice. Curious followed to and talked to Alten about making glue for a shield for High Tide. I want to meet Tide again, I hope the real one is more charming then the changeling one. After showing Nate around Curious whispered to me that Hospik thinks that he doesn't deserve me.
  186. I don't understand why he would think that. Hospik knows that I love him and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Apparently Booze does the same thing with Curious so she is in the same boat as me. I don't know if he compares himself to others or something but he should know I only have eyes for him. I did talk late into the night talking to Curi about this and the conversation changed course and then we started talking about how they are in bed. I need to talk to Curious some more she's fun.
  188. Day 231
  189. Sample A- seems to have grown to a stalk of blue fibers.
  190. Sample B- has exponentially grown over and out in a remarkable amount of time with large leafy fronds on it.
  191. Sample C- has grown slower than the others it seems making the appearance of red grass.
  192. Sample D- is rather scary in the fact that black shoots have gotten to small tendrils of the same color.
  193. Sample 1- Hasn't shown signs of growth. I have to ask someone to clear the skies for me later.
  194. Day 240
  195. Specimen A- seems to have started to grow like an iris with long graceful looking leaves.
  196. Specimen B- has grown at a ridiculous rate with small spines that sting when you touch them, it appears to be a low laying plant with large leafy looking petals.
  197. Specimen C- is still emitting puffs of smoke like a lazy cigar or like one of my incense sticks, it has a pale rosy pink coloration to it.
  198. Specimen D- Seems to have grown the slowest with small little black vines that emanate from the center of the plant, or at least it looks like the center of the plant.
  199. Specimen 1 The first seed I planted- The flower seems to be in a sickly state even in the sun. Its petals softly glow in their cup like shape. The flower is not quite yet blooming.
  201. Besides look at flowers all day I did take a trip down to the changeling town with some others. I didn't really do to much because I got covered in changeling dust. We were checking out some smith and I turned a corner, wham face and eye full of dead bug men. I couldn't see work shit and my eyes stung real bad, luckily Rain helped me wash my eyes out but god damn did that hurt.
  203. After some walking we started going down a huge tunnel, to bad I could barely tell it was a tunnel; I only knew because I heard my voice echo off the walls. I started hearing some chatter as everyone stopped around me, I wasn't sure what it was at first but it sounded like the cicadas we would get during the summer back at home. I later found out the buzzing was coming from a changeling after I saw it french kiss Golden, I think I saw some tongue to hehe. After we talked and feed the bug we found out that it's name was Drone 234 Miner and that the dragon is the one who toasted its whole town. After coxing it out some more I held my hand out to it. I know it wasn't the best idea but it did seem to do the trick. I then started just feeling really tired and a bit light headed but I think that was from the long walk over. Little guy or girl I'm not really sure was nice it helped me walk straight by give me some help with its shoulder. I did notice its speak evolve from clicks and whistles to sentences so I guess giving it a little emotion did it some good, made me happy to see the thing alive.
  205. My eyes still hurt like hell hours after we took the Bug down to the vault and I decided that the clinic was the best spot for me. I got Kai to clean out my eyes and they felt much better, I then learned that Feldspar had her baby so I'm going to visit her later and drop her off a care package.
  207. 245 Civil war doctor powers activate!
  208. Went to work at the clinic today after my shift at the spa, not two seconds after I got in did I hearing yelling. I saw the mangled mess of Booze and Nate with a not torn apart Curious at the side. I helped care for the two but Nate's leg looked like shit, thing was about ready to come off and was just a general mess.
  210. I asked what happened to them and Booze told us that Nate was in some trance or something and attacked Booze after he broke his stick. Not really a good reason to fight someone but I guess it must have meant something to Nate if he fought and got his ass whooped for it. Nate seemed to have lost his marbles because he didn't know where he was of who anyone was. He started pulling a Brute amnesia trip but I wasn't really having it.
  212. Some hours passed by and Liven came in with a saw to amputate Nate's pulverized leg. The surgery was a success but it took a long time to complete but, it went off without a hitch. Only really bad part is when Nate's leg stump squirted some blood at me. I think Nate will make a full recovery but I fear his brain might be another case.
  214. Day 245
  215. I helped put down some animals that were infected and crazy from these mushrooms Mary has been burning; have to look at the thing some time.
  217. Day 248
  218. Today was Hospik's birthday and I think we celebrated it very well; he really liked my little dance routine I put on for him.
  220. Day 249
  221. Finished up making Nate's leg today after Booze told me Moon had extras; I feel like I wasted my time making this. Moon probably makes them better then I can and I thought about just throwing it away but decided against it, Nate can have two pairs of legs. I did finish making my pipe today after all these weeks of careful crafting. It looks great to has brown and white stripes going down its sides giving it that classy look. I'm excited to use it now I can look like one of those 80's dads who smoke and sip scotch while they read a newspaper. Now all I need is a fire place, a housecoat, and a bear skin rug and I'll complete the look.
  223. I did try and help solve some issues today with Alten, Mary, and Snow. It didn't go very well because Alten just started speaking some spanish jibberish and then left in a huff like Mary and Snow did. I also found out Orange is pregnant with Lamon's kid so their is another little nugget of niceness in this day.
  225. Day 250
  226. Al came over today for a little visit in my greenhouse. I thought it was just going to be me and him but the Greens showed up, I didn't have a real problem with it but it was just unexpected. We had a nice time.
  228. Day 263
  229. Wow such it's been such a long time since I've written in you journal; so much stuff has happened that I need to jot down. Some time ago the strange plants I started growing seems to have grown to full size.
  230. Sample A- The iris has grown to full 20 centimeters and has a light blue flower that reminds me of a lily though there is some ice hanging off of the flower petals themselves. Some blue ice covers plant but when I had Mary use some magic on it it gave her a headache.
  231. Sample B- This ones fronds have stretched out far with around 5 centimeters of height; the leaves and roots have stretched out and starts to overlap on the edge of the pot it's in. Damn thing made my tongue swell up after I bit into it by accident. I actually had to go to the clinic and spend the night because of it, I'm just happy the swelling went down the next day.
  232. Sample C- The small looking incense stalks have grown about a centimeter further and the smokes that wafts from them smell spicy and reminds me of cinnamon and pepper; the pale pink has started to darken in coloration. The plant is spicy when you eat part of it, could be used in cooking.
  233. Sample D- The vines have grown out and looking strong and the leaves wiggle when you touch them. The vines are about as thick as a kids wrist and they ooze out a slime...a very oily slime. I later found out that the ooze that it produces makes you feel super horny but makes you sick if you eat it.
  234. Sample 1- Appeared to be slightly better from the last time as it had a light glow to it of yellow coloration though it looked like it was on the lowest setting of brightness it has. When I had Mary zap it with magic it perked right up from its dull state and glowed brightly. When the plant is disturbed it flashes a bright light like a flash grenade and then goes back to its dull state. It's charged with either sun light or magic but with magic it makes the person tired.
  236. Tried to get the translations for the changeling speak the other day but couldn't because some guard stopped me and said they didn't have them, either that or he was unsure if they had any.
  238. I meet my god child in the inn, it's actually a sad story of how she was found. Apparently Star found her in the square with no one around Vesuvian just abandoning her like that. Why she didn't just hand deliver her baby I will never know but what's done is done. When I first saw the little girl I told Star I would help take care of her, like a mother... it actually pains me somewhat to put this down but this is what journals are for. Just letting everything hangout. I took care of that baby for most of the day until Hospik figured out that it was Phoenix's kid. When Birdy saw his kid he hugged her and I told him I would help take care of his child.
  240. Did have a craft fair the other day in the meeting hall, it's nice and spacey in there and I think it might be turned into a rec center in the future. Sold some plants to Nova while Al did his thing with the sap, I don't know what he got but I got Nova to do a commission for us and I have Eternity as a personal chef. After wrapping things up and having Al take over I went to go visit Short Fuse.
  242. I did get asked to Rains council back after I requested a heather for my greenhouse.
  244. I did get the day off today after working 2 24 hour shifts at the clinic. I tried to unwind at the inn but that plan simply turned to shit. Some lady smashed HP over the head with a chair while she was yelling at Res. Just when I think I'm done I have to go back to look over people who get hurt. After cleaning HP up I left her at the clinic to recover and went to the inn to do stuff with Hospik. I swear some dumb shit always happens right before I'm about to have sex.
  246. [This part of the page is slightly singed and has a burn spot on the side]
  247. Found out what happens when you eat the smoke plant today, apparently you burp fire after it beats up on your stomach. You do feel great afterwards but it will be hell when I go to the bathroom.
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