
2019-04-08 TOEFL: tests

Apr 9th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
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  7. Reading Test - ETS 1.1 - When you’re finished, submit your answers online.
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  9. If you just guessed “b” for everything, and “A, B, C” for the summary questions, you would have gotten 27%.
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  11. BREAK
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  13. Discuss questions everyone got wrong
  15. 1 - fact - D (“The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country; it is now restricted to the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River.”)
  16. 2 - inference - B (They migrate during the winter because plants are harder to find in the areas they live in the summer.)
  17. 3 - vocabulary - C (The forest sometimes makes grass and other meadow plants harder to grow, so the deer eats bushes and shrubs in those locations.)
  18. 4 - vocabulary - D (If someone says two things in the same breath, they say them very close together.)
  19. 5 - purpose - A (The whole paragraph is about how the population varies. Lewis and Clark were almost starved and it was 2.5 weeks before they saw an elk. Then in the rest of the winter they killed 150 elk and 20 deer.)
  20. 6 - fact - C (“The deer...were gone, hunted to extermination.”)
  21. 7 - purpose - A (“should have”... “But for the black-tailed deer, human pressure has had just the opposite effect.” - This sentence reinforces what we would normally expect, like the previous sentences.)
  22. 10 - vocabulary - B (“this population rebound” means we read about it before. Paragraph 4 talks about how Washington “has had more deer than at any other time in its history”. The population increased. The examples following this sentence give specific reasons for the increase, like reduced numbers of predators. The third reason uses the synonym, “restoration”.)
  23. 11 - paraphrase - B (The original sentence has two parts. First it talks about more food, then it talks about more nutritious (i.e. better) food. Answer choice B is the only one that also includes both facts.)
  24. 14 - summarize - C D E
  25. 15 - vocabulary - A (The first important thing you should notice is that the “marked skill” is in contrast to the expectation of “crude” artistic efforts.)
  26. 18 - fact - D (“difficulty of access has been interpreted by some [researchers] as a sign that magical-religious activities were performed there” = Some researchers think that the difficulty of access means magical-religious activities were performed there.)
  27. 19 - vocabulary - D (They apear on bare walls, with no other things in the paintings, such as decorations.)
  28. 21 - fact - D (“Another explanation might be that [they wanted] to improve their luck at hunting. suggested by...chips in the painted figures”)
  29. 24 - fact - A (“That is, mammoths, bovines, and horses are portrayed more often than deer and reindeer.” - This explains more about the previous sentence: “In addition, the paintings mostly portray animals that the painters may have feared the most…”)
  30. 25 - fact - C (“in that period,...the art cesed to focus on portrayals of animals”)
  31. 28 - summarize - A D F
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