

Oct 10th, 2014
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  1. Dear Steak,
  2. What is superior like Excalibur and paramount in taste? What thing could possibly be this remarkable? Some may question this but it’s not covert what this item is. The extraordinary thing I mentioned is steak. Steak serves as a memory in my heart as I can clearly recall reclining in my seat famished when finally my waiter dressed in exquisite clothing sprints nimbly like a ninja toward my table. The waiter falls down and my steak descends to the floor. He apologized for being so much of an oaf and insisted I must have a free hamburger. After the meal having eaten both the hamburger and the steak I preferred the steak. Some may think calling a steak paramount is worthy of ridicule but I resent that statement as I interpret it as a form of slander. Steak is not only high-class, unbeatable in taste and adequately healthy but it also is the reverie I never can end.
  4. -The Diabolic Gift
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