
Metal Shining Rising

Jul 22nd, 2013
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  1. >In this land of magical talking ponies, you found out it is far different than back home.
  2. >There is magic, flying ponies, monsters, but the biggest, and worst of all, its run by women.
  3. >Here the females wear the metaphorical pants, and the males wear the metaphorical skirts.
  4. >Luckily none of that shit applied to you, being not a pony, and not having been raised in female oppression your whole life.
  5. >Those sad stallions however, not so much.
  6. >As you walk through town in Ponyville, you see Caramel walking meekly behind his mare.
  7. >That same look of sorrow, and shame as he lugs big bags of her stuff, you shake your head before going back home.
  8. >As you enter, some stallions move about, and shuffle paperwork. This has been the operations center for a little over 6 months.
  9. >Closing up the blinds, you head to the living room, and have a seat. A few minutes later, there is a 3 rhythm knock at the door. Getting up, you go over to door.
  10. >Sliding open a little slit, you can see a pony in a large cloak that covers most of its body.
  11. “Can I help you?”
  12. >”Only if I can help myself.”
  13. >The secret code has been spoken.
  14. “Welcome brother.”
  15. >You open the door for him, and let him come in. He looks around, but seems reluctant.
  16. “Its ok, you’re among friends here.”
  17. >With a sigh, he takes off his hood, its Shining Armor.
  18. “What the hell is the prince of the Crystal Empire doing here of all places?”
  19. >”I really need your help.”
  20. “All stallions come to me for help, be more specific.”
  21. >He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, but still remains silent.
  22. “You want a drink? You seem like a drinking man to me.”
  24. >Shining Armor sits on the couch, while you hand him a can of booze. He pops the tab open, and the thick foamy brew slowly comes out the top.
  25. >He quickly slurps it up, before sighing, “She doesn’t respect me.”
  26. “They never do.”
  27. >”No, I mean, she REALLY doesn’t me, like at all. Did you know she doesn’t even call me a prince? I’m a “co-leader” whatever the buck that means. Not only that, she also doesn’t even consider me royalty, and always…forces herself on me.”
  28. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, how can the mighty man race have fallen so hard here?”
  29. >”What can I do Anon?! I heard you were the best in getting stallions to be on equal grounds with mares.”
  30. >You take a long hit of your drink, before sighing and rubbing your chin.
  31. “Hmmm….A snooty mare is one thing, but this is the leader of the fucking Crystal Empire. She may be much harder to standup to than normal.”
  32. >”I’ll do anything.”
  33. “You have to do that, and then some.”
  34. >You get up, down your drink, and crush the can on your forehead, before grunting like a caveman “Doesn’t that hurt?”
  35. “Its all fucking mind over matter! Just like standing up to a mare! Are you with me!?”
  36. >”Yeah.”
  37. “Are you with me!? Sound off like you got a pair!”
  38. >”Yeah!”
  39. “I cant hear you!!”
  40. >”YEAH!!!”
  41. >He slams his own drink onto his horn, but ends up piercing it, and causing the leftover to spray like mad all over the place.
  42. “My fucking carpet!!”
  43. >”Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I’ll clean that right up!”
  44. >He rushes away, and returns with a roll of paper towels, and begins to frantically dab off the drink. You walk before him, and look down at him.
  45. “When I’m done with you, you’ll never have to clean up your own messes again.”
  47. >Day 1 of training Shining Armor. Despite being in the “Royal Guard” he may as well have been in the fucking Candyass Reserves. Since anything having to do with mares, sent him into pussywhipped mode.
  48. >You stand next to a big Cadence doll, and point at it.
  49. “She just told you that you’re a “co-leader”, what are you gonna do about it?”
  50. >He can’t even bring himself to face it, despite being a poorly made replica. In the smallest of a whisper, he looks to the side, and udders ”I’m royalty.”
  51. >You lean in, and bring your hand close to your ear.
  52. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear that, but it sounded like a little castrated stallion trying to speak up. What did he say?”
  53. >”I’m…I’m royalty.”
  54. “You’re royalty and what?”
  55. >”Male?”
  56. “No, PROUD. Now say it.”
  57. >”I am royalty, and proud.”
  58. “Louder.”
  59. >”I am royalty, and proud!”
  60. “Louder! Let the fucking neighbors hear!”
  62. >Outside, Twilight is walking by, and hears the commotion, “Is that what Anon calls himself?”
  64. >Day 2 of training. You pace back and forth in front of Shining Armor, looking at him as he still keeps looking to the side avoiding eye contact with you.
  65. “Hey, eyes on me, I’m not a fucking mare; men look each other in the eyes, no matter how uncomfortable. Like sex with the lights on, in your face, and without shame.”
  66. >”Cadence…always wants the lights off.”
  67. “Well the next time she pulls that shit, say “Hell no, I want you to know who is fucking you.””
  68. >”I can’t tell her that!! It’s demeaning!”
  69. “To who?”
  70. >”To mares.”
  71. “Fuck mares, they are just ponies like you, not fucking angels from heaven. They shit, sweat, and piss like you and me. They shouldn’t get shit for special treatment.”
  72. >”I…I guess that makes sense, but even so, she is still an Alicorn.”
  73. “Fuck Alicorns too, that shit stopped being special the moment Twilight became one. I could probably be a fucking alicorn, if it wasn’t for my shit rhyming.”
  74. >He says nothing, so you continue.
  75. “Now repeat after me, “Cadence, can you make me a sandwich?””
  76. >*sigh* “Do I really have to tell her that?”
  77. “What? What’s wrong with that?”
  78. >”I mean, we have so many chefs, why ask HER specifically to make me one.”
  79. “Because you love her cooking, and want to have a nice, home cooked meal from the mare you love. How could anyone possibly be offended by a stallion wanting something made with love from his special somep0ny? I’ll tell you who, the maretriarch, and its high time those archaic rules be taken down.”
  80. >”WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!! I just wanted some respect! Not take down our form of government!!”
  81. “Shining, what would you rather have, respect for just you, or respect for all stallions in Equestria?”
  82. >*sigh*
  83. “Now repeat after me, “Cadence, can you make a sandwich?””
  85. >Day 3, progress has been slow, but that’s how these things always go. Once confidence has been built however, they usually can take it from there.
  86. “Now, you’re sitting on the couch, minding your own business, when suddenly Cadence yells “Shining! Get over here!” You get up, and go quickly, this has to be some sort of emergency. You round the corner, and bam!”
  87. >You point to the pink Cadence doll sitting by a toilet with the lid up.
  88. “She fell into the toilet, because she is to god damn stupid to check the seat first, what do you say?”
  89. >”Uhh…I’m sorry.”
  90. >You smack him with a rolled up newspaper.
  91. “No! Bad pony! You tell her, “Well you should’ve fucking checked first.” She’s the god damn ruler of a fucking empire, she can check to see if her royal ass wont fall into the toilet.”
  92. >”Isn’t that kinda mean?”
  93. “If it’s mean to call somebody out on their stupidity, I don’t want to be fucking Mr. Rogers.”
  94. >”Who?”
  95. “Now, tell her how stupid she was. Don’t be a dick, but call it like you see it.”
  97. >Day 13, you are in your bedroom on the bed with the Cadence doll in your hands. You spread her legs apart, and point her towards Shining Armor.
  98. “Now, she just asked you to go downtown on her, what do you say?”
  99. >Suddenly the door gets broken down, as several Royal Guards fill the room.
  100. >”Freeze!”
  101. >They all look at you still on the bed, holding the Cadence doll with custom built in marelite.
  102. “This isn’t what it looks like.”
  103. >Loud hoofsteps can be heard slowly coming up, before Celestia enters your room. She takes one look at the doll, cringes, and uses her magic to drape a blanket over the dolls mare parts, “Anonymous, you are under arrest for treason, and plotting to topple the kingdom.”
  104. “You can’t arrest me, I know my rights.”
  105. >”This is Equestria, males have no rights, take him away boys.”
  106. >3 guards pounce on you, as you kick and scream. You got a few good shots in, but they overpower you in seconds.
  107. >As they drag you away, you reach out for Shining Armor.
  108. “Remember all I taught you! Remember the plan!! Mares pee sitting down!!”
  109. >Dragged into the shadows, all the guards leave, as Cadence comes in, “Oh my Shining Armor! I’m so glad they rescued you from this…is that a doll of me? I am NOT that ugly!”
  110. >Back in Canterlot, you struggle with the chains they slapped on you, and roll in circles on the castle floor. Celestia stands before you, and looks down on you before giving a smug smile.
  111. “Just kill me now, or do whatever it is you do people who wont conform.”
  112. >”Oh I won’t kill you Anonymous, that’ll only make you a martyr. No, what I have planned is something, far, far worse.”
  113. >She reaches down, and runs her hoof along your chin; you bat her away, and sneer.
  114. “Get your hoof off of me you damn dirty horse!”
  116. >Several months later, Cadence and Shining Armor lie in bed and watch TV. Suddenly on the news, there is a mare that begins to speak, “And in our final story, Princess Celestia is getting engaged!”
  117. >Cadence squeals in delight, “Oh how wonderful!”
  118. >”To some strange creature named Anonymous.”
  119. >The camera pans over, to you in Celestia’s loving embrace, “We’re just so happy, isn’t that right, dear~”
  120. >You look at the camera with unenthusiastic eyes, and sarcastically sigh.
  121. “I’ve never been so happy in my life; she is the sunrise on what has been a bleak darkness of a life.”
  122. >”Awwww, that wasn’t what I wrote for you, but that was better.” Celestia kisses you, as you grit your teeth in some twisted smile, the mare broadcasting goes back to say.
  123. >”The two are now off to the honeymoon, but Princess Celestia, and co-leader Anonymous will return after the weekend to resume their royal duties.”
  124. >Suddenly the TV turns off, as Celestia holds the remote, and tosses it away, “Speaking of “Royal Duties” I think its time my little husband does his own duty~”
  125. >She spreads her legs apart, and looks at him with hungry eyes, “Say, Cadence hunny, ummm, do you think I could like, not perform tonight? I’m not really..”
  126. >”Are you telling me no?”
  127. >”No! Not at all, just…not right now.”
  128. >”I know it must be stressful, being “co-leader” and all, but I had a long day too you know, and I need some relief.” Cadence nudges herself closer, and brings him into a hug, before she starts kissing him from the neck down.
  129. >Shining Armor winces, and tries to endure, (“Oh Anon, what do I do?”)
  130. (“Remember what I taught you.”)
  131. >With what strength he could muster, he pushed Cadence away, “Shining! What the..”
  132. >She pauses when she glimpses into his eyes, gone is the uncertainty, and worry. Instead, they are full with assuredness, and confidence to reach his goal, “I’m done keeping it to myself, from now on, no more Mr. Nice Armor. Cadence, we are gonna have a talk, and lets start with the most important one, [spoiler]Neigh means neigh.[/spoiler]
  133. >And with that first ground rule, a revolution was started, and the rise of the stallions began.
  138. Extra page that was discarded
  140. >Heading over to Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac chops wood alone on the outskirts of the farm. This was the closest to a real man you'd had seen in your time here. Stoic, strong, and "Big Mac! Get over here an come fix dis fence!" Completely wrapped around the hooves of his mare family.
  141. >Sure he was smart enough to be single, but he still must obey his mare overlords. Deciding not to bother talking with him, you head back home.
  142. >As you walk down the town, you see Twilight's place, and the shining example of just how whipped males are here.
  143. "Hey Spike, Twilight has you cleaning out the gutters?"
  144. >On the side of her house, Spike stands on a ladder, and uneasily shoves his claws into the drain. Pulling out a lumpy fistful of shit, he plops it on the ground, and wipes away all his sweat, "Oh yeah, just doing my #1 assistant duty!"
  145. >Poor deluded kid, a victim of the matriarch, and not even aware of it. Suddenly the door opens, as Twilight and Rarity come trotting out.
  146. >"Hey Twilight, and Rarity~"
  147. >"Hey Spike, oh, hello Anon."
  148. "Hey."
  149. >"We're just on our way to visit my brother, wanna come with us?"
  150. "Who me?"
  151. >"Sure, the more the merrier."
  152. "Yeah, I got nothing better to do, you coming Spike?”
  153. >”Nah, I gotta stay here and finish these gutters.”
  154. >Poor deluded Spike
  155. >After a long train ride, Twilight, Rarity, and you, all head to the Crystal Empire. Disembarking,
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