

Aug 21st, 2017
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  1. I'd like to believe my work will get better but that would be foolish. New policies were put in place over the summer that have made things worse and worse and it's only going to compound once we hit November and PEAK begins. Everyone around me at work knows I'm frustrated, I've tried explaining it to management and none of them understand why but the base is this: forced overtime is bullshit. Being pushed into doing overtime because you have a workaholic in your work group that pulls in extra work that then also gets pushed onto you is bullshit. I don't care about the extra money that overtime brings in, it isn't worth the damage it does to me mentally and physically. And imagine that, managers have a hard time understanding that I don't want to kill myself for my job.
  3. The one major policy change that I'll explain that ties into this is instead of taking 30 minute breaks, we're now forced to take 60 minute breaks. "That's great!" you might think. Extra rest right? Except that's not what it's for. What happens is we're required to hit time commitment on every package and that's cutting 30 minutes out of our day to try to push us to work harder and faster to keep that time commitment. In the case of other guys, it's because they know they have day care and things to do with their kids so because they have required commitments outside of work, they'll destroy themselves to get done at the same time, but without the benefit of that extra 30 minutes of work time. It doesn't seem like a lot but it snowballs badly. It's a super shady way to raise their productivity ratings just to make our station look better to the detriment of the employees.
  5. But enough of that. Gaming is going well. I have very few games left in my current backlog and while some of them are of dubious quality (Troll & I...), others have been enjoyable like Fire Emblem Echoes or Hey Pikmin, both of which are nice 3DS titles I'd recommend (though Hey Pikmin only cost me $6 so that might be why I'm happy with it, try waiting until it's ~$15 and you'll get your money's worth).
  7. Really though, I just want to relax. I want peace and quiet and game time and I got that for like 3 hours last Saturday before more family stuff interfered. Maybe next weekend question mark?
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