

Dec 2nd, 2016
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  1. # [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
  2. # CratesPlus V4.1.0 Config
  3. # [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
  4. # ------------------------------------------
  5. # There are many placeholders that can now be used withing the config and messages file, placeholders are as followed:
  6. # - %name% - Replaces with the players name, Example: "Notch".
  7. # - %displayname% - Replaces with the players display name, Example: "[Owner] Notch".
  8. # - %uuid% - Replaces with the players UUID.
  9. # - %crate% - The crate types name.
  10. # - %prize% - The name of the winning.
  11. # - %percentage% - Percentage of the winning, useful for "Chance Message".
  12. # ------------------------------------------
  13. # Don't change the config version!
  15. Config Version: 6
  17. # Checks if an update is available and notifies staff
  18. Update Checks: true
  19. Update Branch: "spigot"
  21. # Uploads anonymous data about your server, used for general statics
  22. Metrics: true
  24. Crates:
  25. Example:
  26. Knockback: 0.5
  27. Broadcast: false
  28. Firework: false
  29. Color: GREEN
  30. Block: GLASS
  31. Preview: true
  32. Cooldown: 2
  33. Hide Percentages: true
  34. Permission: cratesplus.crate.example # Permissions can be anything, it will check that the player has the permission before opening
  35. Vote:
  37. Name: '%type% Crate Key'
  38. Enchanted: true
  39. Winnings:
  40. '1':
  41. Type: ITEM
  42. Item Type: GOLDEN_APPLE
  43. Item Data: 1
  44. Percentage:
  45. Name: '&6&l1 God Apple!'
  46. Amount: 1
  47. Enchantments:
  48. Lore:
  49. - "&aWon from a Vote Key!"
  50. '2':
  51. Type: COMMAND
  52. Item Type: GOLDEN_APPLE
  53. Percentage: 75
  54. Commands:
  55. - 'give %name% GOLDEN_APPLE 16'
  56. Name: '&e&l16 Golden Apples!'
  57. Item Data: 0
  58. Amount: 16
  59. Enchantments:
  60. - DAMAGE_ALL-5
  61. - DURABILITY-3
  62. - FIRE_ASPECT-2
  63. '3':
  64. Type: COMMAND
  65. Item Type: MOB_SPAWNER
  66. Percentage: 25
  67. Commands:
  68. - 'spawner give %name% spider'
  69. - 'say %name% opened a crate'
  70. Name: '&e&lSpider Spawner'
  71. Item Data: 0
  72. Amount: 1
  73. Enchantments:
  74. - DAMAGE_ALL-5
  75. - DURABILITY-3
  76. - FIRE_ASPECT-2
  77. '4':
  78. Type: COMMAND
  79. Item Type: TRIPWIRE_HOOK
  80. Percentage: 5
  81. Commands:
  82. - 'crate key %name% vote 3'
  83. - 'say %name% opened a crate and received 3x Vote keys!'
  84. Name: '&e&l3 Vote Keys!'
  85. Item Data: 0
  86. Amount: 1
  87. Enchantments:
  88. - DAMAGE_ALL-5
  89. - DURABILITY-3
  90. - FIRE_ASPECT-2
  91. AnotherExample:
  92. Knockback: 0.5
  93. Broadcast: false
  94. Firework: false
  95. Color: GREEN
  96. Block: GLASS
  97. Preview: true
  98. Permission: cratesplus.crate.example # Permissions can be anything, it will check that the player has the permission before opening
  99. Key:
  100. Item: TRIPWIRE_HOOK
  101. Name: '%type% Crate Key'
  102. Enchanted: true
  103. Hologram Text:
  104. - '&c%type% Key!'
  106. # Opener which is used by default
  107. Default Opener: BasicGUI
  109. # Cooldown between opening crates
  110. Cooldown: 5
  112. # If true it will stop players without the admin perm breaking crates
  113. Crate Protection: false
  115. # Disable players being allowed to drop keys to other players, putting them in a chest, or even drop them on death
  116. Disable Key Swapping: false
  118. # %crate% can be used to show the crate name
  119. # If a crate has no specific hologram text set, this will be shown
  120. Default Hologram Text:
  121. - "%crate%"
  122. - "Right-Click to Open!"
  123. - "Left-Click to Preview!"
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