
satyr idea

Jul 30th, 2013
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  1. andomvectorguy mod: mom dies
  2. randomvectorguy mod: and have to move into this big house
  3. randomvectorguy mod: so your chillin on the roof then a ufo crashes near your house
  4. MaxFive: lemme guess
  5. MaxFive: space pones?
  6. randomvectorguy mod: you sneak out the house to see it
  7. randomvectorguy mod: YESS
  8. randomvectorguy mod: a big sphere comes into view
  9. randomvectorguy mod: it opens
  10. randomvectorguy mod: and a satyr comes out
  11. randomvectorguy mod: unicorn
  12. randomvectorguy mod: wings
  13. randomvectorguy mod: plazma gunns
  14. randomvectorguy mod: sleek robotic skin tight clothes
  15. randomvectorguy mod: space suit lookin thing
  16. MaxFive: needs boons too
  17. MaxFive: boobs*
  18. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  19. MaxFive: fuuuuck
  20. randomvectorguy mod: yes she does
  21. randomvectorguy mod: what ??
  22. MaxFive: i managed to mess up my typing and now i have to rewrite the last few code sections
  23. randomvectorguy mod: aww
  24. randomvectorguy mod: :c
  25. MaxFive: thought i was typing in chat but the was still in eclipse
  26. randomvectorguy mod: found it
  27. randomvectorguy mod: lol fail
  28. randomvectorguy mod: and so she come out
  29. randomvectorguy mod: of this sphere
  30. randomvectorguy mod: disorented
  31. randomvectorguy mod: and blood coming down her for head
  32. randomvectorguy mod: theis symbol is on her thigh
  33. randomvectorguy mod: cutie mark stuff
  34. MaxFive: special talent crash landing
  35. randomvectorguy mod: she look at you in extream pain and aimes her gun at you
  36. randomvectorguy mod: your like whole nigger balls
  37. randomvectorguy mod: holy nigger balls**
  38. randomvectorguy mod: she shots and it miss you
  39. randomvectorguy mod: burning the tips of your hair
  40. randomvectorguy mod: she then falls out of
  41. randomvectorguy mod: FUCK LET ME RESTART
  42. randomvectorguy mod: i have a better idea
  43. randomvectorguy mod: so she fall to the ground and you slow aproch her
  44. MaxFive: >see motionless alien on the ground
  45. MaxFive: >poke with stick
  46. randomvectorguy mod: omgg yes
  47. randomvectorguy mod: then feel her unicorn
  48. randomvectorguy mod: then realize its frozen
  49. MaxFive: >touch horn
  50. MaxFive: dude
  51. randomvectorguy mod: shes hyperventiating
  52. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  53. randomvectorguy mod: what
  54. MaxFive: you needa claim it as a toke of victory
  55. MaxFive: token*
  56. randomvectorguy mod: what do.....oh god
  57. randomvectorguy mod: do you mean chop it off
  58. MaxFive: ah on second thought thats not i good idea
  59. MaxFive: just touch it
  60. randomvectorguy mod: lol jack it off a bit
  61. randomvectorguy mod: so you realize she freezing
  62. randomvectorguy mod: and shaking
  63. randomvectorguy mod: likes shes cold
  64. MaxFive: >not wraping your dick around the horn
  65. randomvectorguy mod: lololol
  66. MaxFive: oh man that would look weird
  67. randomvectorguy mod: fuck her in the butt while she has hypothermia
  68. randomvectorguy mod: any ways
  69. MaxFive: warming from the inside
  70. randomvectorguy mod: you realize shes in awful condition
  71. randomvectorguy mod: and grab her
  72. randomvectorguy mod: and brink her in to the house
  73. randomvectorguy mod: brink her in to the house
  74. randomvectorguy mod: you find out she is an ancent god pony satry
  75. randomvectorguy mod: one of the strogest and few that are still alive
  76. randomvectorguy mod: you find out she has the god like power to grant your wishes
  77. randomvectorguy mod: or some shit
  78. randomvectorguy mod: that what she tells you
  79. MaxFive: ooohhh i smell infinite money and bitches
  80. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  81. randomvectorguy mod: or infinate butt rape
  82. randomvectorguy mod: lol wut
  83. randomvectorguy mod: but any ways
  84. randomvectorguy mod: shes freezing
  85. randomvectorguy mod: and you goog what to do
  86. randomvectorguy mod: shes in your bead
  87. randomvectorguy mod: bed
  88. randomvectorguy mod: and your like the fuck am idoing
  89. randomvectorguy mod: google says to strip naked
  90. randomvectorguy mod: both of you
  91. randomvectorguy mod: and give her body warmth
  92. randomvectorguy mod: your like GOD DAMMIT GOOGLE, YOU HAD ONE JOB
  93. randomvectorguy mod: so you do
  94. MaxFive: well google might be right about that one
  95. randomvectorguy mod: lol ya i saw it once before
  96. randomvectorguy mod: lol thats why she has to be cold
  97. randomvectorguy mod: to get her naked
  98. randomvectorguy mod: ;3
  99. randomvectorguy mod: so its lke 3 am
  100. MaxFive: haha getting tired?
  101. randomvectorguy mod: and you warm her up while you fall aseep
  102. randomvectorguy mod: then your awoke for some reason
  103. randomvectorguy mod: and all you see is her glowing eyes
  104. randomvectorguy mod: lookin at you dead in the eyes
  105. randomvectorguy mod: yo the realize there is some thing extremly sharp at your neck
  106. randomvectorguy mod: shes bout to kill you
  107. MaxFive: lol
  108. randomvectorguy mod: your like
  109. randomvectorguy mod: FUCKING NIGGER BALLSS AGAIN
  110. randomvectorguy mod: she keeps looking at you
  111. randomvectorguy mod: you move you hand to feel whats on you neck
  112. randomvectorguy mod: and grasp her hand
  113. randomvectorguy mod: she pulls back
  114. randomvectorguy mod: and trys to get out of the bed
  115. randomvectorguy mod: and stumbles
  116. randomvectorguy mod: you get her clothes
  117. randomvectorguy mod: mind you neither of you have talked to each other
  118. randomvectorguy mod: you grab her clothes
  119. randomvectorguy mod: and give it to her
  120. randomvectorguy mod: and puts on and stumbes on aginst the wall
  121. randomvectorguy mod: shes breathing hard again
  122. randomvectorguy mod: you go to grab her hand but she thurst it away
  123. randomvectorguy mod: as if your she thinks your lookkng dow on her
  124. randomvectorguy mod: she then walks a little more
  125. randomvectorguy mod: and passes out
  126. randomvectorguy mod: you grab her
  127. randomvectorguy mod: and put her back in you bed
  128. MaxFive: >rape because she tried to kill you
  129. randomvectorguy mod: ahahahah
  130. randomvectorguy mod: mornight finds you dad calling for you
  131. randomvectorguy mod: about to come in to your house
  132. randomvectorguy mod: jsut out the room loooking liek an idot
  133. randomvectorguy mod: findes out dad is going to be gone for a week
  134. randomvectorguy mod: busnisee related
  135. randomvectorguy mod: shes in bed
  136. randomvectorguy mod: has a fever
  137. randomvectorguy mod: your dad leaves
  138. randomvectorguy mod: and you keep her in bead rested
  139. randomvectorguy mod: and give her a cold towel
  140. randomvectorguy mod: and her forehead
  141. randomvectorguy mod: and give her teaspoons of gingerale
  142. randomvectorguy mod: to make her feel better
  143. randomvectorguy mod: my mom used to do that to me when i was sick
  144. randomvectorguy mod: i loved it made me feel 100 times better
  145. randomvectorguy mod: anyways do that to her
  146. randomvectorguy mod: an cop coms by asking about any thign strange
  147. randomvectorguy mod: has warrent to look in to everthign
  148. randomvectorguy mod: or some shit
  149. randomvectorguy mod: really shady
  150. randomvectorguy mod: goes to the room
  151. randomvectorguy mod: doesnt see anything there
  152. randomvectorguy mod: she uses magic
  153. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  154. randomvectorguy mod: man goes away
  155. randomvectorguy mod: you go to the local wall mart and buy her clothes
  156. randomvectorguy mod: people look at you like your discusting
  157. MaxFive: lol
  158. randomvectorguy mod: weird getting along with her
  159. randomvectorguy mod: she feels better
  160. randomvectorguy mod: uses a translator to talk to you
  161. randomvectorguy mod: deices to use magic to make her self look like your sister
  162. randomvectorguy mod: you dont have a sister
  163. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  164. randomvectorguy mod: starts going to school with you
  165. randomvectorguy mod: cops become more suspicious
  166. randomvectorguy mod: some poeple call you a wierdo becuse same people saw yyou buy her clothes befor
  167. randomvectorguy mod: you start to fall inlove with her
  168. randomvectorguy mod: but things arnt waht they seem
  169. randomvectorguy mod: you she tells you more about her self
  170. MaxFive: inb4 acused for incest
  171. randomvectorguy mod: find out she can grant wishes
  172. randomvectorguy mod: lOL
  173. randomvectorguy mod: LOL
  174. randomvectorguy mod: i knowww
  175. randomvectorguy mod: hope fully i can add that
  177. randomvectorguy mod: e
  178. randomvectorguy mod: ee
  179. randomvectorguy mod: e
  180. randomvectorguy mod: e
  181. randomvectorguy mod: e
  182. randomvectorguy mod: e
  183. randomvectorguy mod: e
  184. randomvectorguy mod: e
  185. randomvectorguy mod: e
  186. randomvectorguy mod: e
  187. randomvectorguy mod: sorrry need to put a marker down
  188. randomvectorguy mod: wiht the letter e i guess
  189. randomvectorguy mod: aways
  190. MaxFive: lol
  191. randomvectorguy mod: find outs she can grant powers
  192. randomvectorguy mod: tricks you in to asking for the power, what ever it takes to protect her
  193. randomvectorguy mod: or some shit
  194. randomvectorguy mod: idk maybe i change that
  195. randomvectorguy mod: ok i got it
  196. randomvectorguy mod: she says she will grant him one wish she can only do it when the time is right
  197. randomvectorguy mod: or some shit, for beter or worse
  198. randomvectorguy mod: anyways
  199. randomvectorguy mod: cops come
  200. randomvectorguy mod: make a big scene
  201. randomvectorguy mod: she goes on a killing spree
  202. randomvectorguy mod: your lke
  203. randomvectorguy mod: FUCKBALLSTIMES1000!!!!!
  204. randomvectorguy mod: or some shit
  205. randomvectorguy mod: then in the middle of it
  206. randomvectorguy mod: some massive ufo ship comes and
  207. randomvectorguy mod: and aliend solders come out
  208. randomvectorguy mod: and take her away
  209. MaxFive: ultimate ogre take
  210. randomvectorguy mod: lol what
  211. randomvectorguy mod: ogre
  212. MaxFive: and she leaves you to the cops
  213. randomvectorguy mod: shrek
  214. MaxFive: nice
  215. randomvectorguy mod: lol yor like fuck
  216. randomvectorguy mod: you jump on to the ship
  217. randomvectorguy mod: and try to saver her
  218. randomvectorguy mod: yoru wish is the power to save her
  219. randomvectorguy mod: the guads find you
  220. randomvectorguy mod: and they drop of of light speed and drop of you on to a deserted planet
  221. randomvectorguy mod: there
  222. randomvectorguy mod: you relize how low you have gottne
  223. randomvectorguy mod: soem one takes you in
  224. randomvectorguy mod: umm add something here and help me out
  225. MaxFive: >yoda
  226. randomvectorguy mod: god dammint lol
  227. MaxFive: deserted planet, someone takes you in, maybe help you...
  228. randomvectorguy mod: something liek that
  229. MaxFive: just had to think of yoda or obi-wan
  230. randomvectorguy mod: sorry still thinking
  231. randomvectorguy mod: max can you hear this
  232. MaxFive: wat?
  233. randomvectorguy mod: my live stream
  234. randomvectorguy mod: ??
  235. MaxFive: yep just unmuted it
  236. MaxFive: oh man
  237. randomvectorguy mod: im at an hour already
  238. randomvectorguy mod: ok so find you some back story on her
  239. MaxFive: oh god it reminds me of that one time where i listened to that heyeeeyeaaah 10 hour version
  240. randomvectorguy mod: aperently
  241. randomvectorguy mod: ??
  242. randomvectorguy mod: whats that
  243. MaxFive:
  244. randomvectorguy mod: anywasy you find out she is like the acomplice of ther greatest villan in the known universe
  245. MaxFive: aww shiieet
  246. randomvectorguy mod: ther is show much talk about how she is the most evil thing ever
  247. randomvectorguy mod: lol to this song
  248. randomvectorguy mod: and you think shes dead
  249. MaxFive: aaand the triiieees
  250. randomvectorguy mod: ??
  251. MaxFive: ah nothin im just gettin carried away
  252. randomvectorguy mod: oh kkk
  253. MaxFive: that song
  254. Saxy Mich ban: morning all
  255. randomvectorguy mod: sup sup
  256. randomvectorguy mod: saxy mich
  257. MaxFive: why would you think shes dead?
  258. MaxFive: morning michi
  259. randomvectorguy mod: you just mised me taking abou the most epic story in the universe
  260. randomvectorguy mod: im getting to that
  261. randomvectorguy mod: she had a death warrent out
  262. MaxFive: a what?
  263. randomvectorguy mod: universal warrent
  264. randomvectorguy mod: out for her death
  265. MaxFive: oooh so she was senteced to death
  266. MaxFive: i get it
  267. randomvectorguy mod: sorry about this fvillan
  268. randomvectorguy mod: he has taken over many galxys
  269. randomvectorguy mod: and shit
  270. randomvectorguy mod: doesnt want to rull the world, whants to rule the universe
  271. randomvectorguy mod: sooo basicly she granted his wish to be the ruller of everthing
  272. randomvectorguy mod: and he used her
  273. randomvectorguy mod: for power
  274. randomvectorguy mod: anon finds out more about from a fellow satyr
  275. randomvectorguy mod: and other people
  276. randomvectorguy mod: basicely he makes her goo out and do his work
  277. randomvectorguy mod: and uses her power to make her invincable
  278. randomvectorguy mod: or the power to be extreamly lucky
  279. randomvectorguy mod: you found out your powerr later in life
  280. randomvectorguy mod: after goin tot that planed
  281. randomvectorguy mod: planted you find out how evil she is, but also find out about the warrent
  282. randomvectorguy mod: and find out he has a specal power
  283. randomvectorguy mod: anon is about the use his brain power and unlock 100% of this pontental
  284. randomvectorguy mod: so he is ungodly powerful
  285. randomvectorguy mod: anon find out that if you use the power that god pony gives you in the wrong way, i will be used against you
  286. MaxFive: oh man this is getting out of hand
  287. randomvectorguy mod: lol what do you think
  288. randomvectorguy mod: 10 years pass by
  289. MaxFive: aliens crash on front lawn
  290. randomvectorguy mod: and out out shes alive
  291. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  292. MaxFive: become ultimmate power fueld god guy
  293. MaxFive: eventually
  294. MaxFive: bit too much for my taste but if its written in a funny way i guess ill roll with it
  295. randomvectorguy mod: yes
  296. randomvectorguy mod: i will put as may lols as posible
  297. randomvectorguy mod: but emagine this power of anons
  298. randomvectorguy mod: i give you an idea
  299. randomvectorguy mod: full control of boddy
  300. randomvectorguy mod: as in
  301. randomvectorguy mod: i dont know really how to exlain it
  302. MaxFive: his body is ready
  303. randomvectorguy mod: example
  304. randomvectorguy mod: yes
  305. MaxFive: >invincibilty
  306. MaxFive: my sides
  307. randomvectorguy mod: kinda
  308. randomvectorguy mod: liek say a buss was comming straight at you
  309. MaxFive: he should fart napalm and shoot lasers from his eyes and ears
  310. randomvectorguy mod: noooo
  311. randomvectorguy mod: grow huge bone that dig in to the ground
  312. randomvectorguy mod: FUCKKK
  313. randomvectorguy mod: i hav to draw this
  314. randomvectorguy mod: to make it understable
  315. randomvectorguy mod: fukc it
  316. randomvectorguy mod: any ways h
  317. randomvectorguy mod: he find out shes alive
  318. randomvectorguy mod: and attempt rescue her
  319. randomvectorguy mod: the only reason shes alive is becuse the powers go away of you die
  320. randomvectorguy mod: you rescue her
  321. randomvectorguy mod: againts a galxy armada and shit
  322. randomvectorguy mod: and have to make a decison
  323. randomvectorguy mod: stop the evil guy or kill her
  324. randomvectorguy mod: i dont know th reast
  325. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  326. MaxFive: well what would deadpool do?
  327. randomvectorguy mod: what would he do
  328. MaxFive: hed go for the boobies!
  329. randomvectorguy mod: kill her
  330. randomvectorguy mod: ??
  331. MaxFive: no
  332. randomvectorguy mod: i mean there i vast amout of room for change
  333. randomvectorguy mod: oh, he bangs her
  334. MaxFive: ^
  335. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  336. MaxFive: or at least he does errthing to get her
  337. randomvectorguy mod: ??
  338. MaxFive: well he goes for the bad guy to save her in hop to get laid
  339. randomvectorguy mod: lol
  340. randomvectorguy mod: what do you think i shuld change
  341. MaxFive: cant really tell...
  342. MaxFive: im not much a fan of god powers
  343. randomvectorguy mod: its not really god powers
  344. MaxFive: so id personaly would keep them to a minimum
  345. randomvectorguy mod: i can really explain it
  346. randomvectorguy mod: can't
  347. randomvectorguy mod: like changing you bone structre adn body
  348. randomvectorguy mod: idk im gong crazy
  349. randomvectorguy mod: maybe ill scrap it
  350. MaxFive: try drawing
  351. MaxFive: before scraping
  352. MaxFive: you never know what the end result might be
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