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Honnoji Prologue

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Mar 14th, 2017
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  1. Prologue of Okita is best girl
  2. [Alarm sounds]
  3. Dr Roman shouts that an intruder has appeared at Chaldea and wonders where the intruder is coming from.
  4. Da Vinci says it seems the intruder is from another place, but the reaction it gives, she wonders what it is.
  5. Mash runs in and ask Roman what's wrong, before greeting you good morning.
  6. You ask her what she ate for breakfast.
  7. Mash says that she ate a Poached Egg, Nori and Miso Soup. For Desert she ate boiled pumpkin. She continues by saying she took all those from the food storage and it makes a good, wholesome breakfast.
  8. Dr Roman then talks about how the pumpkin harvest last time was plentiful hence they have a lot of leftover in the storage. He then snaps out of it and say that that isn't the problem, the problem is there's an intruder.
  9. Mash says if that's the case, she will prepare for battle. She also asks you to give her the commands.
  10. [Mash switches to battle attire]
  11. Mash says that there's seems to be a presence nearby. Roman cuts in and warns Mash about her back.
  12. Mash is shocked.
  13. Joke Creature appears saying NOBUNOBU____.
  14. Mash is extremely confused and shocked.
  15. Roman is also shocked.
  16. You are also shocked.
  17. Joke creature says NOBUNOBU____ again.
  18. Mash ask what is that thing.
  19. Da Vinci ask Mash to be careful.
  20. Despite how silly that thing look, according to the reaction, it's combat power is fairly high.
  21. Joke Creature says NOBU____!!
  22. Mash asks you to move aside as it is dangerous.
  23. Suddenly, Someone shouts this is the end.
  24. Joke Character is no longer smug and says NOBU!?
  25. Joke character was cut in half.
  26. Best Girl appeared saying nice to meet you, she is the newly chosen.... No, she is what you guys call Sakura Saber.
  27. Mash say Sakura.... Saber?
  28. Sakura Saber says yes. In order to chase after the joke creature, she came here from another world.
  29. Someone in the distance shouts to Sakura Saber to stay still and don't leave her behind.
  30. A girl wearing red catches up and says that to the normal her, this is such a stupid and tiring problem.
  31. Mash asks the two people who are they.
  32. Girl wearing red says she is the sixth demon king.... No, that's wrong, she is a demon , that's right, she is Demon Archer.
  33. Mash says Demon Archer and Sakura Saber....
  34. Roman then cuts in and say sorry for the the interruption. He now knows why the strange creature came. It seems that is due to other spaces and Chaldea meeting together that caused this. If this isn't solved quickly, Chaldea would be full of those strange, foreign creatures.
  35. Da Vinci says that she managed to find the place to go and ask you guys to get going.
  36. Mash understands and says that she and you will hurry there, but what about the other two?
  37. Sakura Saber says she hopes they will be able to co-operate with each other.
  38. She then asks Archer if there is any problem.
  39. Archer agrees by saying she understands since this is also their own problem, she is also tired already and do not wish to chase her everywhere.
  40. She continue on by saying she,the sixth demon king, also demon archer, will help you guys out.
  41. [At the Lab]
  42. Roman wonders how they managed to materialise directly at chaldea.
  43. Da Vinci says it must be some high level magecraft that linked the world together. Looking at the singularity they're going, the situation seems very complicated.
  44. Roman says he has never seen such strange creatures before and will try and find a way to fix this. So after all this, he's going to make sure he get a good rest since he didn't have much sleep last night. He continues that if he doesn't sleep, he feel that his brain would burst.
  45. Fou does his thing.
  46. Roman ask fou whether it has been left behind, then continues on by saying it sensed something wrong that's why it doesn't want to go?Fou does his thing again.
  47. [Grassland]
  48. Mash says that leyshift is complete but where is this place?
  49. Nobu says it seems due to th holy grail going out of control, this place is created.
  50. Mash doesn't understand.
  51. Sakura Saber say enemies are coming, ask later.
  52. [Battle Start]
  53. [Battle End]
  54. Mash says the grail going out of control?
  55. Sakura Saber explains that in their world, there was a holy grail war. The grail was suppose to be a wish granting device, but someone used a strange magic to change the grail, resulting in its powers going out of control.
  56. Demon Archer says that her latent consciousness got dragged into this and gain a sense of self, hence leading to all this. Some of her powers has also been absorbed away leading to her losing her BOSS status and losing 0.5 star. But to tell the true it weakened her by about 1 star. you ask about the star. Demon Archer says she's suppose to be 5 star and wonder why is became like this.
  57. Mash asks whether the strange creature has Archer's powers since she came from her consciousness.
  58. Demon Archer says she doesn't quite know herself, but that thing existence definitely came like that.
  59. You say that that creature only has one eye.
  60. Nobu says that that's because the hair covers it just like Mash.
  61. Mash asks her not to compare them together. She then says that during battle she saw a bowl, or was that a iron pot.
  62. Demon Archer says it looks like the grail's magical powers made her consciousness most valuable items.
  63. Mash says the black pit and old bowl doesn't seem all that valuable.
  64. Da Vinci asks Mash to let her see those items. Da Vinci then says what are those items, she can't seem to find value.
  65. Demon archer is angry and says that they don't understand beauty.
  66. Da Vinci says even if those items have value.... She suddenly becomes interested and asks you to retrieve this items to the workshop.
  67. Mash says you like it?
  68. Da Vinci explains that she is starting to understand the value of suce an items. She says this type of items have a something to them.
  69. You say artistic value.
  70. Demon archer is glad you understand and offers to make some tea for you later.
  71. Mash says whatever it is, it's time for them to hurry and find the cause of the singularity.
  72. Sakura Saber says although she thinks along the way of asking for help, she will stray away from the main issue, she still wants you to take good care of her.
  73. Demon Archer says if that's all, it's time to go.
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