
Aug 18th, 2016
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  1. /datum/species/kiobu
  2. name = "Kiobu"
  3. name_plural = "Kiobu"
  4. //icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_lizard.dmi' // add these later, for now they're funny humans
  5. //deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_def_lizard.dmi'
  6. unarmed_types = list(/datum/unarmed_attack/stomp, /datum/unarmed_attack/kick, /datum/unarmed_attack/punch, /datum/unarmed_attack/bite) // replace bite with SICK ASS MANDIBLE BITE
  7. //primitive_form = "Stok" // grub when implemented (if?)
  8. darksight = 7 // why can they see in the dark? I had a reason for this
  9. slowdown = -0.2 // zippy bugs
  10. brute_mod = 1.2 // squishy bugs
  11. oxy_mod = 1.2 // large bugs
  12. toxins_mod = 0.8 //bugs from an environment full of poison (remember this if we make them allergic to anything)
  13. radiation_mod = 0.8 // biology robust to mutations
  14. burn_mod = .9 // fire-resistant carapice
  16. num_alternate_languages = 2 // probably fine though they have a weirder relationship with language than most
  17. secondary_langs = list("Farwa") // placeholder, replace Farwa with bugchat
  18. //name_language = "Sinta'unathi" // they need a whole name gen written for them :(
  19. health_hud_intensity = 2.5 //this is standard for aliens, I'm not touching it
  21. min_age = 18 // wooould maybe change this but this is for Eros
  22. max_age = 70 // also subject to change, idk.
  24. blurb = "The buglike Kiobu hail from the PLACEHOLDER system's second world, HOLDPLACER, a verdant tropical paradise rich in oxygen and low in gravity.<br/><br/>A an extremely competitive all-female race unified by a religion characterized by ancestor veneration, familial feuds, and veneration of the Sakamoto Empresses, decendents of the founder of their religion. Discovered by the galactic community thirty years ago, they remain somewhat reclusive, internally divided by political and theological debates, granting exit visas to their best and brightest to learn from other cultures and carve a niche among the diseperate species."
  25. //I'm going to have to re-format this SO MANY TIMES.
  26. //and rephrase. i'm so bad at writing aah
  27. heat_level_1 = 400 //Default 360 - Higher is better
  28. heat_level_2 = 480 //Default 400
  29. heat_level_3 = 1000 //Default 1000
  30. // as usual, things subject to change
  31. // why heat levels but no cold levels? ~adapatability~
  32. spawn_flags = SPECIES_CAN_JOIN
  34. // leaving the above alone until I figure out what they do (especially HAS_LIPS). Probably axe that and HAS_UNDERWEAR
  35. blood_color = "#FEFE88" //grayish-yellow ichor
  36. flesh_color = "#7C8864" //steely greenish gray?
  38. reagent_tag = IS_KIOBU //drunk them with caffiene, increase nutrition gain from sugar, others?
  39. base_color = "#066000" //leaving it alone since I don't know what it does.
  41. heat_discomfort_level = 315
  42. heat_discomfort_strings = list(
  43. "You feel uncomfortably warm.",
  44. "You start to feel lethargic.",
  45. "Your chitin expands irritatingly."
  46. )
  47. //going to assume the code expects them to be three-member strings but OH WELL
  48. cold_discomfort_strings = list(
  49. "You feel chilly.",
  50. "You buzz and shiver.",
  51. "You hear your chitin creak."
  52. )
  54. siemens_coefficient = .08 //they're a little bit shock-resistant
  55. gluttonous = 1
  56. has_organ = list(
  57. O_HEART = /obj/item/organ/heart,
  58. O_LUNGS = /obj/item/organ/lungs,
  59. O_LIVER = /obj/item/organ/liver,
  60. O_KIDNEYS = /obj/item/organ/kidneys,
  61. O_BRAIN = /obj/item/organ/brain,
  62. O_EYES = /obj/item/organ/eyes
  63. )
  65. genders = list(FEMALE)
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