
Journey to Poland

Feb 6th, 2015
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  1. 18:34 Salesman Look miss database, I promise if you let us take Wishingwell, we will make sure he is safe the entire way there
  2. 18:35 GregClaskovic Are we going now? I think it's best if we get on with the journey.
  3. 18:36 WishingWell is still unconscious, armored, and without a word to say.
  4. 18:36 Salesman Uh..oh hey, a shipping depots, over there
  5. 18:36 Salesman ...Grab wells and lets go
  6. 18:38 GregClaskovic Coin man is in the back, unconcious. Is it close, do we need to take the truck?
  7. 18:39 Salesman No need for the ca-actually yeah lets take it
  8. 18:40 GregClaskovic starts up the car, it starts to move slowly from the parked space to the side of the road.
  9. 18:40 GregClaskovic Check if he's awake. It's not safe for us to be within the car when coin man can wake up at anytime.
  10. 18:46 Salesman goes to the deposit, after a bit of talking, he comes back, checks Wells, hes good, and says "In around 3 minutes a large plane will come and land, open its back, so we can drive into the large box"
  11. 18:46 GregClaskovic So... The plane won't be here for a while. May I ask of something?
  12. 18:49 Salesman Of course Greg
  13. 18:49 GregClaskovic Why were you asking for my sister?
  14. 18:51 Salesman Oh, you actually do have a sister, I was hoping to..well trick database by saying I would introduce Wells to her, Wells is a lonely man, he just needs someone in his life, so I thought it might convince Data '
  15. 18:52 GregClaskovic chuckles lightly, looking to the other side where the window is. "Yeah, I have a sister. I guess you could say she is 'hot'. "
  16. 18:54 Salesman, your family must be something huh?
  17. 18:56 GregClaskovic Yeah, my grandfather had the ability to change what do you call it, Positive Electrons into Negative Electrons... Big explosion happened and all of that... Do, you have a family, Sales?
  18. 18:57 Salesman Yeah, my father and mother were magic users like me, they let me and my brother choice what magic to study and learn, my older brother choice Dark Magic, wanting to....sigh
  19. 18:59 GregClaskovic So it hasn't been good in your family either, ya?
  20. 19:01 Salesman No, he choice dark magic saying he wanted to show how it can be used for good, and...well, our cat died a few days before, he devastated, he used Dark magic as soon as he could learnit to, bring her back, as some sorta, shadow spirit
  21. 19:02 Salesman I always hated tampering with life, stuff like a robotic leg, that I understand, but, killing without reason, and bringing back the dead, lets just say me and my brother don't talk much
  22. 19:03 GregClaskovic Yeah, had what I considered a brother too. Never knew where he went to anyways...
  23. 19:04 WishingWell "Brings me to tears"
  24. 19:04 WishingWell "Reminds me of my siblings."
  25. 19:04 WishingWell "Got shot"
  26. 19:04 WishingWell "And another thing"
  27. 19:04 WishingWell "Why the /fuck/ am I here!"
  28. 19:04 GregClaskovic Oh shit...
  29. 19:05 Salesman Huh, that stuff doesn't last long...oh look the plane
  30. 19:05 WishingWell "Plane?"
  31. 19:05 WishingWell "Haha, funny"
  32. 19:05 Salesman Drive greg, drive
  33. 19:05 GregClaskovic You know I could knock you out, without using the chloroform, coin man?
  34. 19:06 WishingWell rips off his seatbelt, "Looks like ya can't put two and two together though."
  35. 19:06 WishingWell "Like to see you try me while driving"
  36. 19:06 WishingWell opens the passenger door as the car moves
  37. 19:07 Salesman -the box is shut, no escape now-
  38. 19:07 GregClaskovic So, we're one big, happy family, huh, coin-man?
  39. 19:08 WishingWell "Box!?"
  40. 19:08 WishingWell "Are you two idiots"
  41. 19:08 WishingWell "We're /human/!"
  42. 19:08 WishingWell "We need oxygen!"
  43. 19:08 Salesman And I brought this
  44. 19:09 Salesman places a hand on greg
  45. 19:09 Salesman Greg can create an unlimited amount of metal, it might be a strain, but I can turn that metal to air
  46. 19:10 GregClaskovic Uh...
  47. 19:10 WishingWell begins pounding the interior of his now prison. His suit can deal with the oxygen problem. "By all means!"
  48. 19:10 GregClaskovic I understand, you are lonely, Coin man?
  49. 19:12 WishingWell "I'm also trying to pound my way out of a prison made out of what might be V-Titanium, on a plane heading to god knows where, after being chloroformed by a /pawn shop owner/ and some random fucking Russian!"
  50. 19:13 WishingWell "Average tuesday! Tell me something I don't know."
  51. 19:13 Salesman I had nothing to do with the drugging
  52. 19:13 Salesman And I know where we are going
  53. 19:13 GregClaskovic Relax, coin-man. I can absorb metal. I'll simply make a way out after all of this is done.
  54. 19:14 WishingWell sits on the floor and removes his helmet and rubs his temples, his fro looking very erratic.
  55. 19:14 WishingWell "Ok, ok.....where the hell are going?"
  56. 19:14 GregClaskovic Poland.
  57. 19:15 WishingWell "Of fucking course..."
  58. 19:15 GregClaskovic Why? You don't like Poland?
  59. 19:15 Salesman To close to russia?
  60. 19:16 GregClaskovic What's wrong with glorious motherland?
  61. 19:16 WishingWell "Oh no no, great food, strong history, it's just that I WAS FUCKING DRUGGED!"
  62. 19:17 GregClaskovic Well, you weren't drugged. A drug is phareceutical... Chloroform is just a substance that slowly puts the inflicted into sleep.
  63. 19:17 WishingWell ">Oh hey Wells could ya book us a flight to Poland. Really important. We might even need your help."
  64. 19:17 WishingWell "Oh sure. Why the fuck not."
  65. 19:18 GregClaskovic When are we over Poland, Salesman?
  66. 19:18 WishingWell "You people must be a rage at parties."
  67. 19:18 Salesman It depends on how fast the plane is, could be awhile
  68. 19:19 GregClaskovic Are the pilots aware that we are of in their plane?
  69. 19:21 Salesman I really hope so
  70. 19:21 WishingWell "Oh god, the city.....I don't ever leave the city....just what the fuck am I doing here....'"
  71. 19:21 GregClaskovic You need to get out more anyways.
  72. 19:23 WishingWell "And you need to sharpen your speaking skills"
  73. 19:23 GregClaskovic Anyways, when we get to my father, he will be able to tell us about some things that need to be explained."
  74. 19:24 WishingWell "Why am I even relevant...oh god."
  75. 19:24 WishingWell goes to a corner and simply curls up into a ball.
  76. 19:25 GregClaskovic We're going to need your coin powers to get the moneys. We're going to use you so that we can get food and all that.
  77. 19:25 WishingWell "Or, or, OR!!!!!"
  78. 19:25 WishingWell "You could ask for a loan!"
  79. 19:26 WishingWell "I run a bank for a reason..."
  80. 19:26 WishingWell "Salesman, how did you ever think this a viable all..."
  81. 19:27 Salesman I didn't,
  82. 19:27 Salesman Greg wanted you to come
  83. 19:27 GregClaskovic explodes into laughter. "Last time I got a loan from some man, he brought his friends to kill me. I don't trust people who provide money and ask for more back."
  84. 19:29 GregClaskovic Anyways, how long has it been? I'm starting to get sober.
  85. 19:29 WishingWell "I run a respectable business that conducts legal activities. Those tend to be a common thing in the U.S..."
  86. 19:30 GregClaskovic Well your government is flawed and thinks that others deserve more the "lower" class.
  87. 19:30 GregClaskovic Communism is true equality.
  88. 19:32 Salesman -as the two argue, the box moves slightly, not much, but its there-
  89. 19:32 *** Anguis joined #covenger_rp
  90. 19:32 +++ Ganondorf has given owner to Anguis
  91. 19:32 +++ Ganondorf has given op to Anguis
  92. 19:32 GregClaskovic ... What is happening?
  93. 19:34 Salesman moves to a wall, hearing a faint 'push men, push!'
  94. 19:34 GregClaskovic Cyka. Stay silent... They could hear us.
  95. 19:35 WishingWell didn't feel like expressing any sign of life anyway.
  96. 19:35 GregClaskovic Should we bust out, Salesman?
  97. 19:36 Salesman I guess so, might as we-
  98. 19:37 Salesman -before he can finish, the box is pushed out the plane, they are now in free fall-\
  99. 19:38 Salesman oh shit
  100. 19:38 GregClaskovic holds tightly to the car, looking around as the box shakes in the air, "They pushed us out?!"
  101. 19:39 WishingWell "What the /fuck/ "
  102. 19:39 Salesman turns a small part of the wall to glass, looking though it seeing the plane fly away "yep! If we survive remind me to sue Buddy, I said NO to drop delivery"
  103. 19:39 GregClaskovic Hang on, what's in the truck?
  104. 19:42 Salesman ?
  105. 19:43 WishingWell "Suing Buddy...I can get behind that."
  106. 19:43 GregClaskovic The truck, it has a parachute... Only one, if more, two can have use of it.
  107. 19:44 WishingWell "I can handle myself"
  108. 19:45 WishingWell pulls out a pair of quarters and readies to jump out. "Anytime you guys are ready..."
  109. 19:45 GregClaskovic What are you going to do?
  110. 19:46 Salesman puts on the parachute. "I'm sure he will be fine, if anything I'm the one at risk here! Normal body with no armor and all"
  111. 19:46 WishingWell "Oh you'll see. Not really important seeing as how we're still plummeting to our demise. I suggest ya speed up..."
  112. 19:47 GregClaskovic sighs and spouts out a small chuckle. "See you on the ground, friends!" Greg jumps off without hesitation for the others.
  113. 19:48 Salesman watches as greg creates a huge hole for him and wells
  114. 19:48 WishingWell jumps out after, no use prolonging this.
  115. 19:48 Salesman Oh boy
  116. 19:49 Salesman jumps out as well
  117. 19:51 GregClaskovic smashes down into a small farmer's house, creating a crater inbetween a old kitchen and a living room.
  118. 19:52 WishingWell gently floats down, hanging on to his quarters, looking at the unprofessional display of grace below him.
  119. 19:53 Salesman genty falls on top of Greg
  120. 19:53 GregClaskovic I might of caused unneeded attention, are the people of this home awake, or dead?
  121. 19:54 Salesman Neither, look at the cobwebs, place is abandoned
  122. 19:54 GregClaskovic Good.
  123. 19:57 GregClaskovic So... We need to go and find my father. Hopefully we landed near Lublin.
  124. 19:58 Salesman Hopefully, let me check around
  125. 19:58 WishingWell puts the check he was about to leave in the crater away, "So we just show up and get to work!? Please at least give me specifics before I risk my life for stupid shit..."
  126. 20:00 Salesman We aren't here for a fight, we're here to meet gregs father, and before we go, here
  127. 20:00 GregClaskovic What way will we go? Do we have transportation?
  128. 20:00 WishingWell "C-Couldn't ya just sent a letter..."
  129. 20:02 GregClaskovic So... Salesman, do you have your phone? We need to go to Lublin.
  130. 20:02 Salesman gives Greg and wells a necklace with a rune on it
  131. 20:02 Salesman Translation Runes, so we can understand what people say here
  132. 20:03 *** WishingWell quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  133. 20:04 *** Database quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  134. 20:04 GregClaskovic [huehue]
  135. 20:06 *** WishingWell joined #covenger_rp
  136. 20:07 Salesman [you missed nothing]
  137. 20:07 WishingWell [i assumed]
  138. 20:08 Salesman So, lets get walking
  139. 20:09 GregClaskovic How long will it take to "walk"?
  140. 20:11 Salesman sees a city over the horizon of a hill
  141. 20:11 Salesman Not long
  142. 20:12 WishingWell lays on the floor, not looking forward to this at all and drags himself forward, with help of his quarters.
  143. 20:12 GregClaskovic Now it may be strange at first, but we'll try to act as calm as we can, yeah?
  144. 20:13 WishingWell grunts in agreement
  145. 20:14 Salesman We have to remember something, Neon is filled with Metas, but we have no clue about here
  146. 20:14 Salesman So, Wells, can you, have your armor...idunno, compress?
  147. 20:15 WishingWell "Guess I'm not laying down for this trip..."
  148. 20:15 WishingWell gets up and has his armor retract back to his wrist.
  149. 20:16 WishingWell covers his 'watch' with his sleeve.
  150. 20:16 GregClaskovic So, we're all save, yeah?
  151. 20:17 Salesman chuckles at the panties poking out of Wells pants, and hint, its not in the pocket
  152. 20:17 GregClaskovic ... Why are you wearing women's undergarments, coin-man?
  153. 20:20 Salesman N-No, we s-Heheh-Shouldn't judge!
  154. 20:20 WishingWell grimaces as he continues on to the city. "Undercover thing..." He pulls up his pants. "Ugh. I'm a disgrace...Mother always said 'If you can see the waist, then you're a waste.' "
  155. 20:21 WishingWell "Describes me perfectly"
  156. 20:22 GregClaskovic Hang on, there's something strange happening now...
  157. 20:23 Salesman ?
  158. 20:24 GregClaskovic Feels like something is making everything light, can you feel this as well?
  159. 20:25 Salesman No, are you ok greg?
  160. 20:25 GregClaskovic Just feels... weird.
  161. 20:26 Salesman -what ever was doing this, heard a voice. "Not now my friend, wait till he is alone"
  162. 20:27 GregClaskovic We're close.
  163. 20:27 Salesman To your fathers?
  164. 20:28 GregClaskovic Yes. it's the cabin over there, to the left.
  165. 20:28 Salesman cabin?
  166. 20:28 Salesman Oh!
  167. 20:29 WishingWell "...Right."
  168. 20:30 WishingWell "Long story short, I really don't trust this scene..."
  169. 20:30 Salesman goes right up and knocks on the door
  170. 20:30 GregClaskovic No, no! This is the place.
  171. 20:33 WishingWell "If ya say so..."
  172. 20:34 *** DimitriClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  173. 20:34 DimitriClaskovic [thank fug]
  174. 20:35 DimitriClaskovic opens the door unsteadily, a bottle of half empty vodka in his left hand, and a swiss army knife in the other. "What do you rejects want?"
  175. 20:37 GregClaskovic It's me, Papa, Greg... You remember me?
  176. 20:37 Salesman [sorry to do this now, but I need to go for a bit, like 6, 7 minutes]
  177. 20:37 Salesman [sorry]
  178. 20:37 --- Salesman is away (Away)
  179. 20:37 DimitriClaskovic [kk bb]
  180. 20:51 Salesman [and I'm bakc
  181. 20:51 --- Salesman is back
  182. 20:51 Salesman Lets resume]
  183. 20:52 DimitriClaskovic slowly chuckles to himself. His chuckles start to form into small, soft laughter. "You, you can't be my son. He is dead." He starts to laugh louder, pointing at the three of us.
  184. 20:53 WishingWell iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii889[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
  185. 20:53 WishingWell [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
  186. 20:53 WishingWell [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
  187. 20:53 WishingWell [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
  188. 20:53 Salesman OH GOD NOT AGSAIN
  189. 20:53 GregClaskovic whuh
  190. 20:54 *** WishingWell quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 35.0.1/20150122214805])
  191. 20:54 Salesman [This happend before, but a lot longer, and it was a p]
  192. 20:54 GregClaskovic wah
  193. 20:54 GregClaskovic This is literally going to look like shit on pastebin lol
  194. 20:54 Salesman [I think he fell asleep and fell on his keyboard]
  195. 20:55 Salesman Nah, what will look shit is me missing the first part]
  196. 20:58 Salesman [lets resume]
  197. 20:58 Salesman picks up a rock, turning it to metal and handing it to Greg
  198. 20:58 GregClaskovic [without him?]
  199. 20:59 Salesman [we can wait if you want]
  200. 21:00 GregClaskovic turns the metal into a liquid substance, swirling it around in his finger. The metal then fuses with his finger. "I'm your son, Dimitri."
  201. 21:01 DimitriClaskovic looks at Greg and Salesman, he stutters. "How did you get here?"
  202. 21:02 Salesman Dropped from a plane
  203. 21:03 DimitriClaskovic It has been a long time, son. Come in, come in... There's something you need, I presume.
  204. 21:05 GregClaskovic Yeah, there has been some things that I need to know about the, Bol'Shoy Circus Show.
  205. 21:05 Salesman ....Uh...may I come in?
  206. 21:06 DimitriClaskovic looks out at Saleman awkwardly. "Yes, yes sorry. Come in. Come in."
  207. 21:08 Salesman Thank you good sir, names Salesman, I'm a friend of gregs, payed for the trip here, gave him a job/home, and a desire to help him turn , well, normal
  208. 21:10 DimitriClaskovic looks at Greg. "You want to be normal, become weak, loose your heritage?" He gets up, angered by the very quote. "Normal. normal... Bah. There's nothing special about being human, Greg. You're born with a gift."
  209. 21:11 Salesman Well, also have a bi of alchemy, he wanted to look normal but have his gift, thats actually why I paid to come here
  210. 21:13 DimitriClaskovic Him, and you, don't realize it. The entire Bol'Shoy bloodline cannot be wiped just with, whatyouhaveit magic and science... It's something beyond both.
  211. 21:14 GregClaskovic It can't be that, father. You're talking utter crap...
  212. 21:15 DimitriClaskovic So have you been able to explain it? Have you your magic, and your science, and whatever you're trying to do to yourself trying to wipe your blood of a natural given gift?
  213. 21:16 Salesman
  214. 21:17 Salesman At first, I thought it just, a upper layer of skin, but, his whole body, solid metal, I know he isn't a Golem, I...I don't know what he is
  215. 21:17 GregClaskovic What do you mean?
  216. 21:19 DimitriClaskovic He means that you and I, we aren't explainable, son. What, with the Soviet government party trying to hunt us down, You'd think they would have done something with the people they captured.
  217. 21:19 Salesman captured?!
  218. 21:20 GregClaskovic What?
  219. 21:20 DimitriClaskovic But they haven't. That diamond boy you used to know, he's gone. He was taken after you had that fight with him. I had to run, and they took your mother as well, Gregory.
  220. 21:22 GregClaskovic gets up. He's at his breaking point, and doesn't feel like talking anymore. Although he has one more question. "Where's my sister?"
  221. 21:23 DimitriClaskovic She's still living with me, but she's gone to the town square in Lublin. Gone to get food, and what have you. Why?
  222. 21:24 Salesman Mister Dimitri, if I can ask, do you have a family or circus picture, is their anyone else like greg?
  223. 21:26 DimitriClaskovic There was nobody like him, like his sister, like me, and his mother. Each bloodline differs. There was his Diamond Friend though, they were very similar.
  224. 21:27 GregClaskovic There's someone else, who's like me, father.
  225. 21:28 DimitriClaskovic Who?
  226. 21:29 GregClaskovic coughs nervously. He itches his hand straining to say it. "I had a son, Father."
  227. 21:32 Salesman ...Your definitely older then you look
  228. 21:34 DimitriClaskovic What...?
  229. 21:36 GregClaskovic He has my metal powers, but they're weaker than mine. But he has this red energy power, it is strange.
  230. 21:36 DimitriClaskovic Then you obviously bred with a normal human, haven't you? trying to kill out your blood? Is that it?
  231. 21:40 Salesman He wont get a room if he visits our house
  232. 21:40 GregClaskovic He doesn't get along that much with family...
  233. 21:41 DimitriClaskovic Why not? Do you not teach your son things? Those the mother have a job?
  234. 21:41 GregClaskovic The mother's a prostitute, father.
  235. 21:42 DimitriClaskovic What's that? Some kind of accountant?
  236. 21:43 Salesman A female that sells her body
  237. 21:46 DimitriClaskovic looks at Greg with disgust. "You are no son of mine, Gregory. You have stooped that low, to buy sex from a woman..."
  238. [21:46] DimitriClaskovic looks at Greg with disgust. "You are no son of mine, Gregory. You have stooped that low, to buy sex from a woman..."
  239. [21:02] GregClaskovic looks down in shame and sighs nervously. "I know, Father. I am sorry. But has anyone you've known been able to at least find a way to become normal, while still having their powers?
  240. [21:39] WishingWell sits outside, mumbling to himself, "Wish I had a father to be disappointed in me..."
  241. [21:45] Salesman Uh, Mister Dimitri, may let our friend Wells in?
  242. [21:46] DimitriClaskovic I thought he intentionally wanted to stay outside. You can call him in if you please.
  243. [21:51] Salesman opens the door and taps on Wells shoulder. "Come on man, join in"
  244. [21:53] WishingWell walks into the house, despite his reluctance.
  245. [21:56] DimitriClaskovic As you were saying, Son. There has been people who've "perfected" their meta-power. But it takes the greatest of mental power, something I believe you don't have.
  246. [21:57] DimitriClaskovic People have been able to find a switch, as well as other abilities... but only a handful.
  247. [21:57] Salesman Honestly thats a rarity in Neon, and thats like the Meta capital of the world
  248. [21:58] WishingWell "Define perfected..."
  249. [21:59] DimitriClaskovic There has been people who only have a limited use of their potential. If they were to further their potential, say Greg, he could possibly manipulate himself, since he's made of metal.
  250. [21:59] Salesman I assume its like the legendary Alchemist I told greg about, turning lightning to stone, mountain Golems, correct?
  251. [22:00] WishingWell "Define perfected in terms of manipulating coins?"
  252. [22:01] Salesman now, Mister Dimitri...full potential is not all its cracked out to be, trust me
  253. [22:01] Salesman It can, create horrible things
  254. [22:02] DimitriClaskovic I understand that. It's a rarity, but, I have seen someone perfect their meta power. It, wasn't pretty...
  255. [22:02] DimitriClaskovic And for perfecting the power of manipulating coins? I don't know.
  256. [22:02] DimitriClaskovic laughs a bit. "Perhaps you'll move on to bills?"
  257. [22:03] WishingWell "Right..."
  258. [22:03] GregClaskovic So I have to perfect the ability by thought?
  259. [22:04] DimitriClaskovic Well, you certainly wouldn't just read an instruction manual, would you? The mind is a powerful weapon, son.
  260. [22:04] Salesman Honestly, I do not believe Perfection is needed. and, I do not understand why Greg wants to have flesh and skin, lose his strength and control
  261. [22:05] Salesman If he became human, the Russian government wouldn't be happy, would they
  262. [22:05] GregClaskovic Try and walk around a normal city without having the soviet forces try to take you and dissect you for experiments, or the american special units coming in to neutralize you.
  263. [22:05] Salesman Neon is an...almost normal city
  264. [22:06] Salesman and Xenon would never let special forces into Neon...unless its theirs
  265. [22:06] DimitriClaskovic Well, as I said, Greg could still retain his abilities, and disable and enable them at will. He has to perfect his ability, mind you. Or at least, further increase his potential.
  266. [22:07] Salesman What else can he do though? Have better control of metal?
  267. [22:07] DimitriClaskovic Can he turn himself into that metal puddle substance and manipulate himself to fly around?
  268. [22:08] Salesman ....
  269. [22:08] GregClaskovic shakes his head admitting to the idea that he can't. "No. I've tried, but it doesn't end up well."
  270. [22:09] DimitriClaskovic That's what I imagine what he could do if he had full control over his powers.
  271. [22:10] WishingWell mumbles to himself, "Can I become day..."
  272. [22:10] DimitriClaskovic But, knowing Greg, he will never be able to do so. He's not bright, and I saw that in him as a child. He couldn't read a book till he was 12.
  273. [22:12] GregClaskovic angrily states. "Could of actually did something, instead of punishing me for not being as smart."
  274. [22:13] Salesman Mister Dimitri...If, i may ask, what does Russia have to capture Greg, what, metas or robots, whatever, do they have anything that can threaten Neon
  275. [22:14] Salesman if greg is going to stay with me in Neon, me and Wells should know
  276. [22:14] DimitriClaskovic I don't know... but, I was captured once. Had to escape. My friend, he could invoke fear into people. He was experimented on. Things... things happened. He turned into some monster. Wen't around, staring at people, making them... I don't want to talk about it.
  277. [22:18] Salesman greg told me about his Sister, tell me, what powers do you and...Gregs, mother, have?
  278. [22:19] DimitriClaskovic I have the ability to phase through objects, that sort of stuff. Very useful.
  279. [22:20] DimitriClaskovic Greg's Mother, had the ability to create or destroy natural things or animals. Stone, Grass, Wood... She could pick up dirt and turn it into a bird.
  280. [22:21] DimitriClaskovic She got most attraction, people would bring their pets to her, she would revive them.
  281. [22:21] Salesman looks a bit angry
  282. [22:22] Salesman Sorry, I'm, not really the biggest fan of life tampering
  283. [22:22] WishingWell "Christ..."
  284. [22:22] DimitriClaskovic Wouldn't you like to bring your loved ones back to life?
  285. [22:23] Salesman ...No
  286. [22:23] DimitriClaskovic People you cared for the most, out of the bottom of your heart?
  287. [22:23] WishingWell "Hey uh, doc, people need to understand that um...this aint natural... "
  288. [22:24] Salesman If its there time, its there time, I'm not one to mess around with the natural order of things
  289. [22:25] DimitriClaskovic So you don't value life? What, would you say yes or no to another chance? Life is an opportunity, not a law, friend.
  290. [22:25] GregClaskovic sits silently, wanting to ask a question, but begs himself not to.
  291. [22:25] Salesman I value life, I help stop an entire underground human organ and parts line
  292. [22:26] Salesman the, bastard who ran it got away...but I swear, if I see him again....l-lets change the subject...
  293. [22:27] GregClaskovic When is Anna coming home? Will she recognize me?
  294. [22:28] DimitriClaskovic She's only known you for one, eighth of her life, Gregory. You'll have to make up for the time. She'll be coming along shortly.
  295. [22:30] Salesman whispers to Wells "You going to freak out when a female enters the room?"
  296. [22:30] DimitriClaskovic Any other questions, or are you quite clear about what you need to know?
  297. [22:30] WishingWell whispers back "Lack of love life doesn't equate to extreme social anxiety."
  298. [22:31] Salesman The people that took you, did they have a name?
  299. [22:31] Salesman Are they still around
  300. [22:33] DimitriClaskovic I imagine they are. They were once funded by the government, but I imagine they're still around. Project Transtsendentsii. "Transcendence."
  301. [22:36] Salesman Transcendence, Wells, can you have Database remember that?
  302. [22:39] WishingWell "She's kinda not here....I need more frequent flier points for that..."
  303. [22:40] Salesman Really? guess thats why she, stopped
  304. [22:40] WishingWell "But my hobby of recording everything is still a thing."
  305. [22:41] Salesman Right, I will have to tell Xenon about them
  306. [22:41] WishingWell "Don't we have a government..."
  307. [22:42] AnnaClaskovic opens the door slowly, sees both Greg, Wells and Sales. confused at first, looks at Dimitri, "Who are they?"
  308. [22:43] Salesman ...This house is fire proof, right?
  309. [22:43] DimitriClaskovic Anna, meet Gregory, the metal one. Your brother.
  310. [22:44] AnnaClaskovic It's alright, I put my body at just above room temperature. What are those things you're wearing around your necks? Necklaces?
  311. [22:45] Salesman Translation Runes, so we can understand what you say, I assume you are speaking either Polish or Russian?
  312. [22:45] AnnaClaskovic Polish. I've never been to Russia.
  313. [22:46] GregClaskovic Hello, Anna. It's nice to meet you, again.
  314. [22:48] AnnaClaskovic sits down in the chair next to the staircase. "It's been nice for I as well, thank you."
  315. [22:49] Salesman Pleasure miss Anna, I am Salesman
  316. [22:50] AnnaClaskovic Pardon me, but, what are you doing here, as of now? Is there something wrong?
  317. [22:51] Salesman Oh, well, Greg said his father can help with our problem, turning Greg normal but still have his powers
  318. [22:51] WishingWell "I was taken against my will. Also, hi."
  319. [22:52] Salesman I'm what you call an Alchemist, able to turn one thing to another
  320. [22:52] AnnaClaskovic That must've been terrible for you, are you alright as of now?
  321. [22:52] WishingWell "Oh, uh, it's fine. "
  322. [22:53] WishingWell "I can hold my own."
  323. [22:53] GregClaskovic chuckles. "He still suffers from crybaby-itis."
  324. [22:54] WishingWell "Says the man who stole a young girl's father from her just to have some financial backup."
  325. [22:54] AnnaClaskovic You're a father?
  326. [22:55] Salesman Wait, what did you do Greg? I know the dad thing but
  327. [22:56] WishingWell "Not genetically...Salesman, you witnessed it all."
  328. [22:56] Salesman Oh, Database
  329. [22:56] AnnaClaskovic What do you mean not genetically, did you adopt her?
  330. [22:57] WishingWell "Oh no, I gave life to her."
  331. [22:57] GregClaskovic He hears voices in his head, Anna.
  332. [22:57] Salesman Oh, Wells, Can she connect to my phone?
  333. [22:57] WishingWell "She doesn't leave the city."
  334. [22:58] WishingWell "Not a traveler"
  335. [22:58] Salesman Ohh, ok
  336. [22:59] AnnaClaskovic I still don't get it... does she not have a phone?
  337. [22:59] DimitriClaskovic I have to be quite honest, I'm confused myself.
  338. [23:02] WishingWell "Christ. I'm not the best at putting things into words. Look, she's an AI with limited access."
  339. [23:03] AnnaClaskovic Oh...
  340. [23:03] WishingWell "She operates only within the city. More of a personal thing than an actual limitation..."
  341. [23:03] WishingWell "I should talk to her more often..."
  342. [23:04] Salesman She is protective of you
  343. [23:06] DimitriClaskovic checks the clock. Half Past 12. "Dah, we should get to bed. Very late..." He slowly gets out of his chair. "I have some guest rooms. Care to tend to them?"
  344. [23:06] Salesman Oh sure, thank you
  345. [23:08] WishingWell "Sleep sounds nice..."
  346. [23:08] DimitriClaskovic walks to the flight of stairs, taking his first step and looking back. "Anna, you can stay up and get your self a quick lunch. You've been out for quite a while..." He slowly walks up the stairs for the others to make way.
  347. [23:16] Salesman so, how many beds do you have?
  348. [23:17] DimitriClaskovic 3. Fortunately the guest room has 3 single beds for you, so you won't be sharing.
  349. [23:17] Salesman Oh, good, really good
  350. [23:19] DimitriClaskovic walks to into his own room, yawning slightly. He forgets to show the room, walks to the doorway of his room and says to the bunch. "It's the room to the far left of the corridor."
  351. [23:21] WishingWell walks into a room and slowly closes the door, making an exaggerated scowl to his kidnappers until he's out of sight.
  352. [23:22] Salesman opens te door. "Sorry Wells, one Guest Room"
  353. [23:23] GregClaskovic follows Salesman in, taking the nearest bed and removing the small blanket. "Goodnight."
  354. [23:30] Salesman lays in the bed, thinking about life, death. "Greg, why do you really want to be human?"
  355. [23:33] WishingWell sits in the corner scowling like a little child
  356. [23:35] Salesman Look at me and Wells, compared to you, peak physical condition, top strength, not the smartest but...
  357. [23:35] GregClaskovic It's something that I've dreamed of, Salesman. Just to be able to walk outside and not see a squad of men trying to take me alive, or some other bullshit...
  358. [23:37] GregClaskovic My powers have caused me nothing but trouble. I haven't put them into good use, I haven't done anything. I've killed innocent people, trying to run away from something. Either the government, some ass, or a mob.
  359. [23:38] Salesman But, you can in Neon, there are people much, weirder then you, Guffy and Hatemonger...and you can put them in use there...When Buddy gave you that job offer, did you almost join to become normal, like how you joined me?
  360. [23:41] GregClaskovic I wanted to join Buddy because I felt as if there's something I could do for somebody without feeling as if it was going to lead me into trying to kill him for something stupid. When I heard you had the powers to change elements, I just thought it could've been the final solution for my problem.
  361. [23:43] Salesman now here we are in Poland, heh, lets hope whatever wants you don't know your here. You still feel lighter?
  362. [23:44] GregClaskovic A bit, yeah. It kind of got worse until Anna arrived, which was strange. It's dying down a bit, probably something to do with the temperature.
  363. [23:50] Salesman Oh dude, thats just being nervous, everyone gets that
  364. [23:56] GregClaskovic I don't know... It didn't feel nervous until that whole incident with my father.
  365. [00:07] Salesman Oh, well....Greg, if you want to be, normal, I promise I will try my best to help
  370. WishingWell looks at the two all suspicious like. "I feel something is up. Can't put my tongue on it, but something is up. Had bad vibes since we got here."
  371. Mon Salesman Who, with Greg and Anna? I understand Anna a bit, but Greg is a good man"
  372. Mon WishingWell stares at his traveling company."I'm referring to you two, as if you're trying to set somethin up. I'm on to you..."
  373. Mon Salesman starts doing some stretches once he is outside
  374. Mon GregClaskovic steps outside, taking a breath of fresh air. Greg had taken a small, tin can with him. He places it on the ground, points at it, with the tin turning into liquid. The liquid follows Greg's finger, he starts making it into different shapes and sizes.
  375. Mon Salesman places hand on the ground, two large dirt Golems come up from under it. "Right, give me all you got, lets test my dodging"
  376. Mon WishingWell stares at the two, simply juggling a few coins in the air,"Whatever happened to modestly running a pawn shop..."
  377. Mon Salesman dodging punches, decides to ask Greg something. "Say, Greg, you ever have any regrets?"
  378. Mon GregClaskovic I would honestly not talk normally about this, but I trust you guys. You know there has been some things that I have done that don't reflect good morality?
  379. Mon GregClaskovic When I went to try and flee to America, I came across a surviving nazi scientist in Austria. He had set up his own workshop, making very advanced robots. That kind of stuff...
  380. Mon GregClaskovic His political views on Russians were... not nice. Attempted to dissect me, in the name of the fuhrer, that kind of crap. While me and him were confronting each other, I got frustrated, and... destroyed his entire home, along with his family in it.
  381. Mon GregClaskovic Left him while he was mourning over what was once his home. It hasn't fled my mind ever since.
  382. Mon Salesman You regret killing, I regret letting someone live
  383. Mon WishingWell shoots a coin off into the distance. "I regret not buying those girl scout cookies..."
  384. Mon Salesman Awhile back, me and some others meet a man named Reemus, he ran a body shop, kidnapping people and, using there parts to make a profit. It was the first time in my life feeling hate, disgust....wanting to kill
  385. Mon Salesman I was the last one standing, I don't know if my subconscious didn't let me, or I just made a mistake, but I let him get away, get away to start again
  386. Mon Salesman and I swore if I ever saw him again I would...I would...sigh...
  387. Mon Salesman has the dirt golems go back to dirt, sitting down
  388. Mon GregClaskovic So, we all at least have something we regret, truely. What about you, Wells?
  389. Mon WishingWell "Me...."
  390. Mon WishingWell "Well...."
  391. Mon Salesman [yes, you are Wells]
  392. Mon WishingWell "I learn to accept life for what t is."
  393. Mon WishingWell "I regret nothing really, I'm not the edgiest guy around. I'm pretty tame. Unlike you crazies..."
  394. Mon WishingWell "Wish I had a box of girl scout cookies though...with my brother."
  395. Mon Salesman brother?
  396. Mon WishingWell "Oh yeah. Family. I only ever liked my little brother. Too bad he's dead, Along with the rest of em."
  397. Mon WishingWell "That's life, y'know."
  398. Mon WishingWell "Happens"
  399. Mon Salesman We all had a brother lost in both our eyes and world
  400. Mon WishingWell ".....right"
  401. Mon GregClaskovic So, I'm going to go into the forest. See how many threes I can punch over. What are you guys going to do?
  402. Mon Salesman Gather rocks and such, enough material should let me fix the truck, no more walking everywhere in Neon
  403. Mon WishingWell " per usual."
  404. Mon Salesman You can try talking to Anna, I'm sure you two would get along good
  405. Mon GregClaskovic walks straight to the mouth of the forest, responding to wells. "Right." slowly after the sight of Greg is engulfed by the branches of trees.
  406. Mon WishingWell "Fun guy"
  407. Mon WishingWell "For a commie"
  408. Mon Salesman Whats wrong with being a commie?
  409. Mon *** Terrax joined #covenger_rp
  410. Mon WishingWell has a handful of coins orbit his person. "Dosh is life. You'd know, being a business man yourself."
  411. Mon Terrax appears out of seemingly nowhere, formally greeting both WishingWell and Salesman. "Salutations, Organisms."
  412. Mon Salesman Hi there, still don't see whaaaaaaaaaaa
  413. Mon Salesman ...Are you seeing the robot as well?
  414. Mon WishingWell "Man. I think I have clairvoyance for approaching weird shit... "
  415. Mon Terrax No need to be alarmed. I'm not here to harm you, nor your friend. I'm simply gathering information. Information that is... important, to me.
  416. Mon WishingWell "You remind me of a girl I know..."
  417. Mon Salesman looks to Wells "Sound familiar "
  418. Mon Terrax It seems that I have multiple sources retaining to the, idea, that there is another among you. Greg Claskovic, sound familiar?
  419. Mon Salesman Greg, yeah, I'm his coworker, paid his way here
  420. Mon WishingWell "I dunno, maybe."
  421. Mon WishingWell "God dammit..."
  422. Mon WishingWell "Ya gotta keep a stiff lip in these situations..."
  423. Mon Terrax I have only some information traced back to you, your friend here and him seemingly driving a truck into a cargo plane, and dropping out of it?
  424. Mon WishingWell "Sir, I'd respect if you stopped stalking me, i-it's flattering but I'm not interested."
  425. Mon Terrax Your co-ordinations, very near Lublin, for reasons, I presume?
  426. Mon Salesman Yeah...whats it to ya?
  427. Mon Terrax I'm only looking for the whereabouts of Greg. Nothing else. Unless it's too much of a burden on you...
  428. Mon WishingWell starts looking around confused, "I haven't the slightest idea where we are. I forgot we were in Poland...."
  429. Mon Salesman looks to WishingWell and back to Terrax. "Sorry, no clue"
  430. Mon WishingWell "Huh? oh yeah. No idea bruh."
  431. Mon Terrax I mean, you don't seem like the person to not stop and think about your actions... To me, your making efficient use of your time, and mine as well.
  432. Mon WishingWell "I-I'm the last person to consult about efficient use of time..."
  433. Mon Salesman You seem to know about us, anything about you we can know, maybe your creator?
  434. Mon Terrax My creator? Simply a genius. No doubt. Born 1891, Paris, France, went and served the army, had an interest in advanced mechanisms, wanted to create his own, and here I am.
  435. Mon Terrax I mean, we can all trust each other here. I'm seemingly defenseless.
  436. Mon WishingWell "Shoulda painted you yellow, like the rest of France."
  437. Mon Salesman WW2? Whaat side was he?
  438. Mon Terrax His side? Well, he wasn't a man to pick sides, he was... forced.
  439. Mon Terrax Of course, we could switch subject. I think it would be important for me to know about Greg's whereabouts.
  440. Mon Salesman Right, hes over there, in the destroyed house
  441. Mon WishingWell rubs his stomach."I like my right side personally..."
  442. Mon Terrax Thank you for your time, I'm sure you can learn to appreciate someone you've just met.
  443. Mon Salesman whispers to Wells "distract him" then bolts it to the forest
  444. Mon Terrax floats slowly over to the broken down house, scanning for rooms, a quiet, buzzing noise is heard.
  445. Mon Salesman is in the forest, looking for Greg "Hes big and metal, how can he hide so well?"
  446. Mon WishingWell casually follows Terrax, whistling nonchalantly,"So uh.... s or m....?"
  447. Mon Terrax I don't follow gender, something that obviously holds importance to you and your species, but I am not one to judge.
  448. Mon Terrax Tell me, Wishingwell, is it? How does it feel to be forced into doing actions that you have no will over?
  449. Mon WishingWell "Sucks man...."
  450. Mon WishingWell "Like.....a lot."
  451. Mon Terrax We can help each other out. I know your troubles, kind sir. Something no created being of sapience, or sentience should endure.
  452. Mon Terrax You want to go back home, don't you?
  453. Mon WishingWell "Eeeeeeeeeeeeh, well ya see...I'm pretty stacked man...I could always catch a plane when I'm ready. Thought that counts though..."
  454. Mon GregClaskovic continuing his training in the far distances of the edge of the forest, a loud shouting can be heard echoing, while the collapsing of trees can be seen from the horizon.
  455. Mon Salesman Greeeg! Over here!
  456. Mon Terrax Ah, but it would be good, yes? I could get you back to Neon City, you wouldn't have to waste resource, you wouldn't have to worry about the trouble of wasting an opportunity. I assume you know that feeling, Wishingwell... The feeling of regret.
  457. Mon GregClaskovic stops immediately after hearing his name echoed through the forest, He shouts back, "Where are you?"
  458. Mon WishingWell smirks, "Funny preaching about feeling, being the automaton that you are."
  459. Mon Terrax Do you deny the idea that AIs can't feel? I mean, what about Database? She seems somewhat fond of you.
  460. Mon Terrax She would defend you, after your drugging... threatening your very captors.
  461. Mon Salesman turns a rock into a flat metal disk, shinning the light for Greg
  462. Mon WishingWell ditches the comical look at mention of his daughter, "And just who read my biography to you... Wasn't aware anyone wrote it yet..."
  463. Mon GregClaskovic runs in the general direction of the light, pushing the branches out of his way. "Sales, Sales? Where are you?"
  464. Mon Salesman runs towards Greg, tripping and nearly breaking his nose on his metal bod
  465. Mon Terrax I don't need a small, biography. I know about your entire business, a lot of detail can be lost with a few whispers, my companion. So that's why you must keep those you love close. So... about that free ride home, Wells?
  466. Mon GregClaskovic What? What happened? Did Wishingwell collapse?
  467. Mon Salesman Some floating Robot was looking for you, Wells is distracting him
  468. Mon GregClaskovic Floating robot? What?
  469. Mon Salesman I'm not the most trust worth when it comes to robots, so I went to get you
  470. Mon GregClaskovic Do you know where it is?
  471. Mon Salesman He should be at the old house we fell into
  472. Mon WishingWell sighs and suits up, "Of all the days to get another irrational hate for something. First demons, then magic. Now obnoxious asshloish pieces of metal that think they reason for existing."
  473. Mon Terrax makes the humming louder, suddenly Wishingwell's suit becomes more dense, tightening around him. "I didn't want to fall back on physical, precautions. You tell me now, where Greg Claskovic is, or your suit will become a coffin."
  474. Mon GregClaskovic Are we close? I don't have a good sense of direction...
  475. Mon Salesman I....don't know
  476. Mon WishingWell begins struggling, fighting against his suit, "Shit. I'm not the one with experience but, I doubt this is the ideal first date, at all."
  477. Mon Terrax This is nothing like your petty "dates". Tell me, where Greg is. I can make that suit as tight as the skin around your body, if you want...
  478. Mon WishingWell "J-Jokes on you! -cough- I haven't ever been on a date. Haha.....ha....."
  479. Mon Salesman yells as loud as he can "HES OVER HERE YOU TINCAN"
  480. Mon Terrax let's go of Wishingwell's suit. He turns over, looking back at both Sales and Greg. At the moment he sees Greg, he suddenly freezes. The humming intensifies, but doesn't do anything.
  481. Mon GregClaskovic starts taking steps towards Terrax. "Who are you, and what do you want?" Greg shouts.
  482. Mon WishingWell retracts his suit."-cough- Shit man....ya got quite the grip."
  483. Mon Terrax "Indexing... Facial Structure, Skin Tone, Color, accepted. Program initiate."
  484. Mon WishingWell "R-Racist."
  485. Mon Terrax makes the humming noise quiets down, but Greg comes flying from the ground into the air infront of Terrax. "Destroy." Slowly, but strongly, the magnetic pulse starts to pull Greg's limbs. His arms start getting stretch marks, almost breaking, and his legs cracking and breaking from the sheer force.
  486. Mon Salesman Oh Fuck!
  487. Mon Salesman places his hands on the ground, two golems made from dirt and stone grab onto Terrax
  488. Mon WishingWell gets up, gathers a few coins and melts them, allowing them to fly toward Terrax thanks to magnets.
  489. Mon Terrax You wouldn't want to do anything to me yet, friend. You harm me, and Greg's mongloid head flys RIGHT off.
  490. Mon Salesman runs up to under Greg "this is why I don't like robots...tell me, do you know what my power is?"
  491. Mon WishingWell stops his molten madness.
  492. Mon Terrax Alchemy, I understand. But if you turn him into any material that's weaker than metal, there's a slight chance that he will tear apart. Are you willing to take that chance?
  493. Mon WishingWell "Doesn't seem smart to kill the subject you're looking for in my opinion..."
  494. Mon WishingWell "You obviously need him..."
  495. Mon WishingWell "Alive too, considering he still is......that."
  496. Mon Terrax You don't understand, do you? He's no subject... I'm simply designed to specifically kill him. But I still retain value, and wish to keep myself, thank you.
  497. Mon Salesman ....Yes
  498. Mon Salesman grabs Gregs leg, turning him to lead
  499. Mon Terrax NO!
  500. Mon WishingWell "How about I give you 50 groszy, and we all walk outta this as friends."
  501. Mon GregClaskovic suddenly lands to the ground, grasping for air, coughing loudly.
  502. Mon WishingWell "That's a lot right..."
  503. Mon Salesman Sorry man, you might experience a little, ok a lot of stress and pain
  504. Mon Terrax You think that I want money? No. I'm here to kill Greg, and that is what I will accomplish, my purpose.
  505. Mon Salesman is no longer next to greg
  506. Mon WishingWell starts shooting coins. "Shame. I'll give you some anyway."
  507. Mon Salesman -as Terrax is distracted, he is sundently slammed by a large silver truck [something like this ] Sales behind the wheel]
  508. Mon Terrax suddenly stops trys to retain his balance after getting smashed. "I will, I WILL! I'll end you all! No matter what, I will find a way..." Suddenly, Wishingwell is levitated into the air again, his armor tightened around his body again, then thrown into Sale's truck at an alarming speed.
  509. Mon Salesman , Wells, and the truck is sent flying back
  510. Mon GregClaskovic suddenly gets up and catches Terrax into a backhold position. "Give it up, NOW!" Greg tightens his arms around Terrax, the sound of bending metal can be heard, as Terrax struggles.
  511. Mon Salesman is wounded, bleeding to death, he places his hand on the ground, a trail leading to greg, and around 5 feet around him turns to Lead. "Need some more?"
  512. Mon WishingWell pulls out his check book in a daze. "I-I swear I'll bust this shit out a-and then you'll s-see!"
  513. Mon --- AnnaClaskovic is away (Auto away)
  514. Mon GregClaskovic suddenly notices the blood, his grip around Terrax tightens to the point where Terrax is near broken. Greg then lifts Terrax and slams him into the concrete. "This is WHAT you've done!" Greg starts grabbing and pulling parts out of Terrax, smashing his fist occasionally into him.
  515. Mon Salesman -A voice comes out of the radio. "So your going to let your rage control you, as your friends bleed to death?"
  516. Mon Salesman -You want to be a hero, save them, let the machine go-
  517. Mon GregClaskovic gets tired, and with shredded arms and legs, attempts to walk over to both Wells and Sales. He get's exhausted, the damage down to him is exponential. He grabs Sales. "Are you alright?"
  518. Mon WishingWell stares in mild terror. "S-So this is the cutting edge in the war against social classes..."
  519. Mon Salesman I'm g-good, really wish Evo's came out this far.
  520. Mon WishingWell removes his helmet, still taken aback. "Fuck dude. The bourgeoisie better look the fuck out... "
  521. Mon Salesman slowly turns Greg back to normal
  522. Mon GregClaskovic carries Salesman towards the cabin. "You're going to be alright, you took some heavy beating."
  523. Mon Terrax spouts out in sudden laughter. "So, you, couldn't-couldn't-couldn't finish the job..." The parts ripped from Terrax suddenly levitate along with Terrax' broken remains. "There will be a day. And I will be victorious."
  524. Mon Salesman gets out of gregs arm, places his hand on the ground, and has a huge as fuck fist punch Terrax to go knows where
  525. Mon WishingWell "That humming was fucking annoying......ASSHOLE!!!.......that's fuckin right..."
  526. Mon GregClaskovic I'm sorry, friend. I shouldn't have gotten any of you involved.
  527. Mon Salesman Greg, you knew there was a chance of this happening when we came here
  528. Mon Salesman So did I
  529. Mon GregClaskovic I just didn't think it would come to that kind of situation, that quickly.
  530. Mon Salesman Lets be happy it wasn't transcendence...Say, when the plane comes to deliver us back home, you guys want to take it over? Our own private plane
  531. Mon WishingWell "Plane?"
  532. Mon WishingWell "Plane!?"
  533. Mon WishingWell "PLANE!?!?"
  534. Mon WishingWell "You fucking what!?"
  535. Mon WishingWell "After all this bullshit, you have a private jet on speed dial all of a sudden?"
  536. Mon Salesman When the V-tech plane comes to mail us back, you want to take it over
  537. Mon --- AnnaClaskovic is back
  538. Mon AnnaClaskovic ran over to see what had happened. "W-what happened? Did you get into an accident?"
  539. Mon --- Budman is away (Auto away)
  540. Mon WishingWell "Oh yeah, we all tripped real fucking hard."
  541. Mon WishingWell "Mighta broke something..."
  542. Mon Salesman or everything
  543. Mon Salesman How did you not hear the fighting?
  544. Mon WishingWell "Oh yeah....sorry should get a band aid..."
  545. Mon AnnaClaskovic I did, but, I'm not that much of a fighter... I came up as soon as I heard a huge bang.
  546. Mon AnnaClaskovic I didn't want to get in the way, or anything...
  547. Mon WishingWell "Innocent civilian casualties are the last thing I want...."
  548. Mon WishingWell "Speaking of which.....where is the rest of civilization...?"
  549. Mon AnnaClaskovic grabs well's arm lightly. "You're badly hurt, maybe you should take a rest?"
  550. Mon Salesman hope you don't mind your guest beds being bloody
  551. Mon WishingWell unlocks sight into his past life, regrets, and successes after contact is made with the female. "I'll.......sleep.....outside."
  552. Mon Salesman -few hours later-
  553. Mon Salesman opens his eyes, left arm broken, laying in the guest bed
  554. Mon Salesman looks under the bandages, a small scar is on the back his hand and forearm
  555. Mon WishingWell sits outside the house, thinking to himself, "I should buy a cellphone..."
  556. Mon Salesman grabs his phone, calling the delivery company
  557. Mon Salesman an hour, yes that will be fine
  558. Mon WishingWell "And a private jet..."
  559. Mon Salesman walks outside, sitting next to Wells
  560. Mon Salesman So, you in for taking over the delivery plane once it gets here?
  561. Mon WishingWell "I wanna go home"
  562. 00:01 Salesman GregClaskovic, what a man huh?
  563. 00:01 Salesman He defended us, saved us, and yet you still hate him
  564. 00:02 WishingWell "Eh. He's cool."
  565. 00:02 WishingWell "I'm honestly just a bitter asshole for the sake of it."
  566. 00:03 WishingWell "Nothing better to do."
  567. 00:03 Salesman Heh, your no Guffy Wells, but, I am glad to call you me friend
  568. 00:04 WishingWell smiles, "Likewise."
  569. 00:04 Salesman You use to be in a team correct?
  570. 00:07 WishingWell "Still am. Everyone's a no show though, save for a few. We come and go as we feel."
  571. 00:08 Salesman Me and Greg can be a permanent team, I'm sure he would want you on
  572. 00:11 WishingWell "Uh. Nice offer but, I'm a surprisingly busy guy. Run a company, and a crime fighting organization, and city projects, plus my own hero stuff."
  573. 00:12 WishingWell "You two got good chemistry though, you'll make it big."
  574. 00:12 Salesman place ahand on Wells shoulder. "If you ever need a friend, I'm here""
  575. 21:42 GregClaskovic is seen rubbing his left shoulder from the previous fight with Terrax. "Do you think he'll come back?" Greg asks, cautious of the other's reactions.
  576. 21:43 Salesman Depends, how much damage we did, if he has self repair, if theres more of him
  577. 21:43 Salesman if it is a him
  578. 21:43 WishingWell looks kicks the dirt, "Eh, doubt it."
  579. 21:45 GregClaskovic I don't know... I'll be honest, I was scared. It was the first time I felt vulnerable, He could've just killed me with minus effort.
  580. 21:46 Salesman If I just piad for your trip here, you've would of been dead
  581. 21:48 WishingWell "Next best idea: Kidnap the rich guy, not that I care anymore..."
  582. 21:48 GregClaskovic We're lucky nobody actually heard us with our confrontation with Terrax, something to be considerate about.
  583. 21:50 Salesman How Anna and your dad, they ok?
  584. 21:51 GregClaskovic Anna's gone back to the house. Father's after waking up, she's telling him about something, possibly asking him about the answer to us being here.
  585. 21:53 Salesman your powers? I'll be honest greg, I never meet some one whose powers weren't magic, or science. Wells, what of your powers, were they with you at birth like Greg?
  586. 21:54 WishingWell nonchalantly says "Underground science experiment. Thought I died, threw me away."
  587. 21:55 WishingWell "Now I'm loaded."
  588. 21:55 Salesman See? Magic, or Science
  589. 21:55 WishingWell "Wait, how are your powers not science?"
  590. 21:56 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  591. 21:56 WishingWell "Sure you don't understand it, but has to be an explanation..."
  592. 21:56 Salesman Oh, well.
  593. 21:56 GregClaskovic If it can be explained, it can't be explained with magic nor science.
  594. 21:57 GregClaskovic It's something that I was born with, something that's natural to me so I don't question it.
  595. 21:57 GregClaskovic Until now.
  596. 21:58 Salesman lifts back of shirt. "A transmutation circle, was used by ancient Alchemists, draw around what you needed to change, and something of equal value, which was more often or not the alchemists blood
  597. 21:59 Salesman The found out by bounding it with a user, the became a walking transmutation circle, their blood being used to make up for the lost equality
  598. 22:00 GregClaskovic I still have to learn how to change other elements, by the way.
  599. 22:00 Salesman places shirt back down. "but I was required to learn the scientific Alchemy, and, greg...
  600. 22:00 *** AnnaClaskovic joined #covenger_rp
  601. 22:01 WishingWell "Of course your powers are science. It's obviously bound biologically. Magic, when not being a vague system of 'do whatever you want' is used as an excuse for anything unexplained..."
  602. 22:02 Salesman As I said, blood must be used to make up for lost equality, and I'll just ignore that 'unexplained comment'
  603. 22:02 Salesman Do you, have blood greg?
  604. 22:02 AnnaClaskovic walks over to Sales, Wells and Greg. "I've been thinking, I went to see if my father was okay and the conversation lead to something about "Neon City..." Is that the place you guys are going?
  605. 22:02 Salesman Home sweet home
  606. 22:03 GregClaskovic I have no blood, my body has organs, but they aren't used... Don't ask me why I know that...
  607. 22:03 WishingWell "Sweet is one thing you could say about it..."
  608. 22:06 GregClaskovic So we still need to learn about the project transcendence thing. we need to know that perhaps whether or not they're still active or inactive...
  609. 22:07 WishingWell "Whatever it is, not my problem until they start invading..."
  610. 22:07 GregClaskovic So it is a problem to you then?
  611. 22:08 Salesman transcendence kidnap and experiment on Metas, if they find Neon, it will be a massacre
  612. 22:13 WishingWell "Not a problem yet."
  613. 22:13 Salesman yet
  614. 22:14 AnnaClaskovic So can I go with you all, then? I think I'll be reliable to you, I mean, if that's okay...
  615. 22:14 Salesman Sure, you can even live with Wells 'me chuckles at his little joke'
  616. 22:15 AnnaClaskovic Well, can I, Wells? I promise I won't be a nuisance...
  617. 22:16 WishingWell "Aegis HQ is almost as empty as my social life."
  618. 22:16 WishingWell "More room for you I suppose."
  619. 22:16 WishingWell "A lot in fact..."
  620. 22:16 WishingWell slumps in sadness
  621. 22:16 Salesman Well, now you can have a 'hot' roommate
  622. 22:17 GregClaskovic laughs silently. "You could say things are getting hot in here."
  623. 22:18 WishingWell recalls all the faces that have come and go in his time, "R-Right. So when's that plane coming..."
  624. 22:18 AnnaClaskovic What's that supposed to mean, Sales? Greg?
  625. 22:20 Salesman Uhhh, oh look, the plane! Greg help me get the truck ready
  626. 22:20 GregClaskovic I-I'll start it up...
  627. 22:21 AnnaClaskovic So, you guys were talking to father about Gregory's abilities, yes?
  628. 22:23 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  629. 22:23 Salesman is looking at the damage Wells did when he was slammed into the truch, placing his hand on it repairing it. "Oh, yeah, problem is he has no blood, which he needs for alchemy"
  630. 22:25 AnnaClaskovic Well, my father's friend studies the metahumans of the Bol'shoy Circus. It's a huge overlook and studies that have proven that if a metahuman or even a normal human trains his or her mental stability to a point, they begin to produce "Sila".
  631. 22:26 AnnaClaskovic Would it be useful to you all if I brought them with us?
  632. 22:26 Salesman Sila?
  633. 22:27 WishingWell "It'll only make being dropped out of a plane even more momentous."
  634. 22:29 AnnaClaskovic Sila is, by theory, the "fifth" state of matter. You know, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, then Sila... except it isn't as scientific as you would expect it to be. It consists within the mind, like how your body conserves chemical energy in your body. Except, it can't be explained by just poking it with a needle.
  635. 22:29 AnnaClaskovic You have to train your mental state to fully understand Sila, once you do, you'll know it's there.
  636. 22:29 WishingWell whispers to himself quietly, " 'Matter' "
  637. 22:40 GregClaskovic What we need to find out now is if we can prepare for Project Transcendence or not...
  638. 22:41 Salesman I'll tell Xenon about them when we get home
  639. 22:43 WishingWell "You do that. I'll catch up on my Soaps."
  640. 22:44 WishingWell "Last episode I saw, General Mateo came back from the war to interrupt Shelly's wedding."
  641. 22:44 WishingWell "Now that her father's here, I wonder if he'll approve of Jackson..."
  642. 22:45 AnnaClaskovic Wait, you catch soaps, but you're talking about Generals and Weddings... is this what America is like?
  643. 22:46 WishingWell "Best description of America I ever done saw....considering I don't get out much..."
  644. 22:48 AnnaClaskovic America sounds like a strange place...
  645. 22:48 GregClaskovic The plane has landed, will we all go now?
  646. 22:48 Salesman Just wait till you Neon, lets get in the box
  647. 22:50 WishingWell walks over to his temporary prison,"This is the most weird thing I've done if out of context, I swear..."
  648. 22:51 GregClaskovic walks behind Wells. "This wasn't the weirdest way I got to America, let me tell you that." He chuckles.
  649. 22:52 Salesman drives te truck in.
  650. 22:53 GregClaskovic suddenly notices the cramp conditions. "Perhaps you could've drove in before us, Sales?"
  651. 22:55 Salesman Yeah...Sorry, neither of you gave me a choice
  652. 22:56 WishingWell "Not the tightest spot I've been in.................haha.....................who am I kidding, I'm sleeping for the rest of the trip..."
  653. 22:56 WishingWell hops into the back seat and tries to catch some Z's.
  654. 22:57 AnnaClaskovic gently slides pass the car to it's door, slightly opens it, and turns into a small, flickering flame which suddenly jumps into the car seat, and forms Anna's body again, sitting silently.
  655. 22:57 GregClaskovic ... How am I supposed to get in?
  656. 22:58 Salesman drives the truck back a bit
  657. 23:00 GregClaskovic slides out, and jumps over the hood the car to the left of it, opens the passenger's seat door and slides in, careful of making too much sound
  658. 23:03 Salesman Just, let Wells stay where he is
  659. 23:15 *** WishingWell is now known as Chloran
  660. 23:16 *** Eridana is now known as Radiant
  661. 23:19 Salesman -after an hour, the box is dropped, this time with a few parachutes, landing safely outside NeonLights
  662. 23:22 GregClaskovic suddenly wakes up from the sudden thump. "No, No...! I am a Foreign Exchange... Student..." after stumbling his words slowly, he falls back into his sleep.
  663. 23:22 *** Chloran is now known as WishingWell
  664. 23:22 Salesman Anna, can you place Wells in the trunk?
  665. 23:22 Salesman I'll drive you t-oh crap Database
  666. 23:23 WishingWell arises, his, suit on, but he is zombiel-like
  667. 23:23 AnnaClaskovic Wait, what?
  668. 23:24 Salesman Database, his AI daughter, she must of let us go cause we left neon before she could stop us
  669. 23:25 WishingWell "Let you go, but only for a short time. You will always be within my grasp as long as you live in this city."
  670. 23:25 *** Radiant is now known as Eridana
  671. 23:28 Salesman look, miss Data, he didn't mind..after a while, b-but look! We got a roommate, [whispers to Database] a female too
  672. 23:30 Salesman So, he wont be as lonely anymore
  673. 23:30 WishingWell stomps his foot into the ground, causing a small hole,"Have I concern for some thing as trivial as that!"
  674. 23:31 Salesman You wouldn't hurt a guy with a broken arm...right?
  675. 23:31 WishingWell "I was not built to have morals Businessman."
  676. 23:31 WishingWell "But I have free will, so I choose to ignore these recent events."
  677. 23:32 Salesman ohthankgod
  678. 23:32 Salesman Well, shall you take Miss Anna here to Wells home?
  679. 23:32 AnnaClaskovic America is a very strange place indeed...
  680. 23:32 WishingWell "But I won't in the future. Do not take him from me. For whatever reason."
  681. 23:33 WishingWell stares at the new arrival.
  682. 23:33 WishingWell "She is none of /my/ concern."
  683. 23:33 AnnaClaskovic Excuse me?
  684. 23:33 WishingWell "Whatever lodging was promised to her, I hope my father wakes up in time to provide it."
  685. 23:33 WishingWell begins to walk off.
  686. 23:36 Salesman Yeah, Data can be a bit...protective of her dad
  687. 23:36 --- Budman is back
  688. 23:50 Salesman I'll drive you to Wells bank, I...think he lives there
  689. 23:51 WishingWell [fucking seriously]
  690. 23:51 WishingWell [you're gonna dump a girls at a bank]
  691. 23:51 WishingWell [my sides]
  692. 23:52 Salesman I mean, I live at my store *Shrugs*
  693. 23:52 GregClaskovic ... Who are you talking to Sales?
  694. 23:53 Salesman looks around. "Anna?"
  695. 23:54 AnnaClaskovic Yes?
  696. 23:56 Salesman Oh, uh, well, I can drive to my house, stay there for tonight, stay at the bar...or follow Database to Wells house
  697. 23:57 AnnaClaskovic That, seems fine, so uh, what is there to do in Neon?
  698. 23:57 Salesman ....or we can drive around town, I gave you a choice you cant pick all three
  699. 23:57 Salesman Oh!
  700. 23:58 Salesman removes Translation Rune necklace, handing it to Anna
  701. 23:58 GregClaskovic Whats this?
  702. 23:59 GregClaskovic Why are you giving her the amulet?
  703. 23:59 Salesman Its a Translation Rune, so she won't need to learn English right away
  704. 23:59 Salesman I gave one to you and Wells
  705. 00:00 GregClaskovic I know, but why? She understood us back... oh, she'll need it...
  706. 00:00 AnnaClaskovic So I just have to wear this around my neck and I'll understand english?
  707. 00:01 Salesman Right, either she wears one, or everyone else in Neon does
  708. 00:01 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  709. 00:02 Salesman Wear it, keep it in your pocket, its a touch active thing, see how you can understand us even though your holding it?
  710. 00:02 F021 Hello
  711. 00:02 Salesman looks outside the truck, seeing F021
  712. 00:03 Salesman oh, Hi F
  713. 00:03 GregClaskovic Who's this?
  714. 00:03 Salesman F...numbers, I meet him t te bar a few times
  715. 00:03 F021 [Shit wrongchannel, gonna leave or...]
  716. 00:03 Salesman [its fine dude, do whatever]
  717. 00:04 F021 [Thought this was the general chat]
  718. 00:05 F021 -- The tentacle-handed man smiles before extending one of his tentacles to salesman and Greg. "My name is F021, but call me One, please."
  719. 00:06 Salesman Never got the chance to fully meet, looks like we do now though
  720. 00:06 Salesman shakes his...Tentacles. "Salesman, I run the pawn/magic store here in Neon"
  721. 00:07 Salesman me steps out of the large silver truck
  722. 00:07 Salesman steps out of the large silver truck
  723. 00:08 GregClaskovic I'm slightly sure that Wells won't be in our future misadventures...
  724. 00:08 F021 "Magic pawn shop? Hmm, interesting. I work for Xenon, although I have a side job as gemstone seller. Y'know, diamonds, rubies, that sort of things."
  725. 00:09 Salesman Xenon! You have connections with Meri?
  726. 00:10 F021 "Who is this Meri you're talking about? I don't really know much about Xenon's employees man." The man retracts his tentacle back.
  727. 00:13 Salesman Meridian, rumors have it hes the main runner of Xenon
  728. 00:13 McGoFuckYourself (Fucking /what/?)
  729. 00:13 Budman [Fucking /what/?]
  730. 00:13 F021 [What]
  731. 00:13 Salesman [I dont know much about xenon, sorry]
  732. 00:15 F021 "Meridian, yes... I have no idea about him/her. My memory is very.. glitchy."
  733. 00:16 Salesman All I know is that he has power in Xenon, and might be the best person to tell of what we learned
  734. 00:18 GregClaskovic Couldn't we just tell him about this and let him bring it to his superiors?
  735. 00:18 Eridana [Making up shit: The Chatroom]
  736. 00:18 F021 [Sry, got 2 go]
  737. 00:19 Salesman well maybe
  738. 00:19 Salesman looks up seeing he has left
  739. 00:20 GregClaskovic So yes, Tentacle man, go, and tell your superiors about "Project Transcendence", Have them look into it.
  740. 00:20 Salesman Hes gone greg
  741. 00:20 GregClaskovic ... He heard me... I think.
  742. 00:21 *** F021 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  743. 00:23 Salesman Riiiight, maybe we can find someone that can help us
  744. 00:23 Salesman We have a truck, so might as well look around
  745. 00:24 AnnaClaskovic Could you drop me off at your guys place?
  746. 00:24 Salesman Oh, sure
  747. 00:24 Salesman gets back in, starts to drive and think
  748. 00:26 Salesman Maybe Guffy can help? No, he wouldn't care. Miss Juniper? Buddy? I..I dont know
  749. 00:27 GregClaskovic I haven't had the pleasure of meeting any of those people, Guffy, seems to sound specifically nice.
  750. 00:28 Salesman ...Yeeeaaah, maybe deep down in his soul
  751. 00:29 GregClaskovic as for the other two, Juniper and Buddy? Would they be nice to meet?
  752. 00:31 Salesman Buddy owns a company that got use to Poland, but he doesn't seem the type that would care. And Juniper is sweet, ever know someone so powerful, you fear they may, turn on everyone
  753. 00:31 GregClaskovic How powerful? I had my own country turn against me, so I know the feeling.
  754. 00:34 Salesman According to the rumors I've heard from other users of magic, pretty powerful, crush a building with a blink powerful, shes just a kid, so...lets not worry about that now
  755. 00:35 GregClaskovic How can we even get Xenon to worry about Transcendence anyways?
  756. 00:37 Salesman no clue, Xenon thinks they can handle anything, what with Hatemonger, Evos, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't know
  757. 00:40 GregClaskovic I don't enjoy the idea that there's impending doom that could possibly come here, and to think, they test on Bol'Shoy Metahumans, by then they probably have strategies to deal with super powered humans, already...
  758. 00:41 Salesman I'm guessing Russia didn't have that many Metas?
  759. 00:42 Salesman Because, and I mean no offence, the Bol'Shoy circus would fail here in Neon
  760. 00:42 GregClaskovic A rare breed, Metahumans were. We were seen as Circus Freaks, with unnatural abilities.
  761. 00:43 GregClaskovic Then the government get's interested, and we're hunted like loose cattle. Then I come here, and when I walk past someone they don't take a second turn to look at me.
  762. 00:44 Salesman Sometimes I think the USA has a nuke aimed at us 24/7
  763. 00:45 Salesman Not that it would do damage for many
  764. 00:45 GregClaskovic I find it funny, actually...
  765. 00:46 GregClaskovic In Russia, Metahumans were seen as a necessary resource, for war, In America, they're seen as freaks, that are packed into one small city....
  766. 00:49 Salesman hehe, yeah
  767. 00:55 Salesman I mean, most people here aren't really freaks, like, if they think everyone looks like Hatemonger then,yeah
  768. 01:01 Salesman You and Anna are some of the most Normal ones here
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