
EHAF: Jail Break

Feb 26th, 2014
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  1. >Be in Equestria.
  2. >Portals between the human race and Equestria have been open for nearly a year, and already there has been great damage done to the security of the kingdom. Hordes of autists and waifu-fags roam the land, taking advantage of many an open heart and smearing the reputation of the entire human race in the eyes of the Equestrians.
  3. >But there are those who fight.
  4. >After the opening of the portals, and the time spent mingling and learning in the alien country, you have chosen to join the Equestrian Human Auxiliary Force: a growing army of humans willing to serve the Princesses, filling in many holes in security and aiding the relatively small native armed forces in maintaining order.
  5. >And today, you've received a special assignment.
  6. >Rainbow Dash, essential member of the six elements of harmony, had gone missing during a routine exercise session somewhere in the Whitetail Woods. None of her friends could say where she might have went, until recently, when a Pegasus scout happened upon a suspicious shack in the heart of the woods.
  7. >You are sent in with your squad, as well as a compliment of Royal Guards to oversee the operation.
  10. >You close in on the tiny one-room shack, and a voice can be heard from within. It's stressed, angry even. But you cannot make out the words just yet.
  11. >You creep ever closer, reaching the rickety wooden door of the home; on the side is an open window, which you peer through.
  12. >The smell of old cooking and sweat is heavy, and along the ground, you can see socks, shirts and pants strewn about. This was definitely a human's home. Also, you notice several pictures crudely nailed to the walls.
  13. >All of them, pictures of a familiar rainbow-maned pegasus. You've got him.
  14. >You turn to the Royal Guard Captain.
  15. >"We've got it surrounded, there's no other visible exits."
  16. "Do it?"
  17. >"Do it."
  19. >You kick the wooden door off it's hinges; before it hits the floor, you're already rushing inside, followed by several of your comrades.
  20. >The building is tiny, but it does have a single turn in it to the right; as you turn you see a flight of stairs leading down to a metal door.
  21. >That's when you hear the scream. A young mare's scream.
  22. >You tug on the door, but it's secure; another scream echoes out from within, one of great pain.
  23. >You shout back up at the Royal Guards.
  24. "UNICORNS! Get fucking Unicorns in here and get this door off!"
  25. >A group of Unicorns rush in and focus on the door; it is saturated with light, and then bursts off it's hinges, falling down.
  26. >You waste no time charging past it, and the screams get louder.
  27. >You're greeted with a long, dark, concrete corridor with many adjoined rooms. The sounds of radio transmissions can be heard, but they don't concern you. You slow your pace, but stay quick as you make your way down the hall, checking left and right as you pass the rooms.
  28. >Behind you, your squad and the Royal Guards file in. Then you make first contact.
  29. >Leaping out from behind cover, a young male human in a fedora and army fatigues aims at you with a rifle. Yours was already raised and you easily dispatched him; two in the chest.
  32. >Shouts can be heard down the hall, but all are drowned out by another scream, deeper inside.
  33. >Down the hall, several men rush out, weapons in hand, and spray bullets down the hall.
  34. >You duck into a room, and all hell breaks loose.
  35. >The hall lights up with magic and muzzle flare, and the air is filled with orders shouted and cries of anguish from both sides. You poke out and fire a few shots, tagging another one as he reloaded-while standing in the middle of the hall.
  36. >You duck back behind cover and grab a grenade from your vest; as you do this, you look up and see a set of televisions on a table. Each one displaying a different area of the outside, as well as the surface floor of the shack.
  37. >Cameras, they knew you were coming.
  38. >You ponder this for just a moment, when another scream pierces the sounds of combat.
  39. >You can't fail this; that mare is too important.
  40. "Grenade!"
  41. >You let loose your grenade down the hall; the enemies frantically push past each other in their attempts to hide, and one foolishly reaches to grab it to throw back.
  42. >It explodes, throwing him back and injuring several others on their side. You advance.
  43. >Those still alive on their side are too injured to fight back, and simply cower on the floor.
  44. >You step over them an motion a few of your men to stay.
  45. >At the end of the hall is a T-intersection, but another scream confirms that you go right.
  46. >You reach a single door, which you swing open to find a single man crouching in the corner of this tiny cell, holding Rainbow Dash against his chest with arm, while holding a knife with the other to her neck.
  49. >"I love her... We all love her. But she doesn't understand... She needs to learn."
  51. >You keep your weapon trained on him as you step closer. Rainbow drenched in sweat, panting and shivering. Her wings look a mess, and her hooves drop limply at her side.
  52. "Rainbow Dash?"
  53. >The mare's vibrant pupils are surrounded by red veins and pink eyes, and tears stain her cheeks. But she looks at you; she's still here.
  54. >Her captor tightens his grip on her, visibly trembling himself.
  56. >You raise your hand to calm him.
  57. >"Now listen! We've got reinforcements coming- a whole ARMY! You don't have much time! So you and your guys just back off, and leave us alone!"
  58. "That can't be done, buddy. We're taking Rainbow home. But you still have the choice: life or death?"
  59. >He hesitates for a second, but his eyes glint with desperation and madness.
  60. >"...Fuck you. Fuck you! Fuck you and fuck the Princesses! She belongs with me! She-she LOVES me!"
  61. >You nod towards her wings.
  62. "Did you do that?"
  63. >The man whimpers. He hugs the Pegasus close, but she keeps looking at you; you notice her eyes are dilated.
  64. >"You... Don't understand. Sh-she's stubborn. Everyone knows Dashie's stubborn... She needs to learn."
  65. "So you broke her wings."
  66. >"She kicked me! She fought with us everyday! Even with the-"
  67. >His eyes droop, and he gestures to a used needle on the hard floor.
  68. >"She needs to learn that we love her- and that-that we'll take care of her if only she'd LISTEN!"
  69. >From down the hall, a voice calls urgently.
  70. >"We've got company topside! Tons of'em! We're surrounded!"
  71. >The man in the cell allows himself a nervous chuckle.
  72. >"You're running out of time, best get out of here while you-"
  73. "NO!"
  74. >Your snapping reply made him wince. And his knife danced around Dash's neck.
  75. "YOU are running out time, asshole! Even if we can't fight our way through your faggot friends, I'll make sure to kill you before I die. YOU decide, right now, LIVE or DIE!"
  79. >He stares at you, petrified.
  80. "...Fuck it."
  81. >You aim down your sight.
  82. >"WAIT!"
  83. >The man drops the knife and holds his hands high, letting Rainbow Dash crumple at his side.
  84. >You reach forward and grab her, lifting her body with one arm while keeping your weapon trained on him as well.
  85. >"You're gonna let me live... Right?"
  86. >You give a grunt, not allowing a chuckle at is cowardice.
  87. "Yeah."
  88. >You close the door and lock it, leaving the man alone in the cell.
  89. >You race down the hall with the Pegasus in your arms; the few soldiers remaining down here with you, are quick to follow as you climb the stairs and enter a woodland of zipping bullets and flying spells.
  90. >The Royal Guard Captain, a Pegasus, flies up to you.
  91. >"Hand her to my stallions; we'll fly her out!"
  92. "What? They'll shoot you out of the sky!"
  93. >"No they wont! I'll have my fastest flier take her to safety!"
  95. >The hiss of a flying rocket whizzes overhead, and you both duck.
  96. "Look, if we do that now, they'll shoot, and she could be killed. Let's at least wait until we reach the jeeps."
  97. >With the battle closing in, there was little room for discussion. The Captain sighed.
  98. >"Fine. Let's get to it."
  99. >As you exit the shack via a newly ripped hole in the side, you take note of your dead, seeing many of the Pegasi and Earth Ponies among them, along with a couple of your men. Those left cover you as you dash through the trees with your precious cargo, feeling the leaves and twigs falling from the trees as bullets land all around you.
  100. >Through the branches, you can see your vehicles that you'd left behind with minimal protection.
  101. >But as you break out from the foliage, you see bloodstains, and the drivers dead in their seats.
  102. >A hoof grabs your shoulder and turns you around. The Guard Captain takes Rainbow from you.
  103. >"There! We're at the jeeps! Now my stallions will get her out of here!"
  107. >Before you can speak, he gives the mare to his fastest stallion; a golden-furred, blue-maned Pegasus who takes off immediately, flanked by two other Pegasi.
  108. You watch them fly up, up, above the treeline, when a shot rings out from in the woods, and the Pegasus carrying Rainbow Dash went limp in the air. The others scrambled to grab them, when more shots rang out and suddenly they were having trouble flying as well.
  109. "FUCK!"
  110. >You break into a sprint towards the descending foursome, but from within the bushes, you see incoming fedora-clad men. They see you too, and open fire. One bullet knicks your shoulder, while another goes clean through your right calf. You stumble and fall.
  112. >Your own men come to your aid, putting suppressive fire on the enemies while another helps you to your feet. You raise your own gun and shoot into the bushes.
  114. >Once you've emptied your clip, you glance back to Rainbow and her escorts. One of the Guards was still stirring, but as more bullets flew from within the woods, he went down for good. But Dash was still alive, and struggling to her hooves.
  115. >You spot a pair of autists come out from cover and reach for her, but you and your men shoot them down before they can touch her. The Pegasus stands on the road, looking down at the bodies around her.
  116. "Rainbow Dash!"
  117. >She looks over at you, still with pink, dilated eyes. You beckon her to come to you.
  118. >Instead, she shouts something unintelligible and takes to a staggering trot into the woods on the other side.
  119. "RAINBOW?? RAIN- Fuck! Let's go get'er!"
  123. >You look back and count who's left:
  124. > The Pegasus Captain, and three EHAF's left of a force that stood at 12 Pegasi, 9 Unicorns, 5 Earth Ponies, and nearly two-dozen humans.
  125. >Grim numbers, though with the continued sound of fighting deeper in the woods, you can assume there's more still out there.
  126. >You order your men.
  127. "You two, stay with the Captain at the jeeps and wait for the others, and for god's sake, call for back up. You, come with me; we'll get the mare."
  128. >The humans nod, but the Captain objects.
  129. >"We should go back and cover our own. I've already lost most of my Guards; I'm not losing anymore."
  130. >Having no patience for an argument, you just shrug him off.
  131. "If you want to go back there and get shot, you be my guest, Captain, But my orders were to bring that Pegasus back to Ponyville alive, and I intend to do it."
  133. >The two of you run past bushes and trees, calling out for the missing VIP.
  134. "Rainbow! Come on out, we're here to protect you!"
  135. >"Rainbow Dash! We're not the bad guys, come out and talk to us!"
  136. >The sounds of fighting get further and further away, and outside of the rustling of leaves and chirping of birds, the woods are silent.
  137. >Just a few feet ahead of you, you notice a disturbed bush. You close in to investigate.
  138. >As you scrutinize it, a cerulean hoof extends out from within, and places itself on the ground.
  139. >You signal your partner over and speak to the pony.
  140. "Okay, Rainbow Dash. Just calm down, I'm going to pull you out of the bush, and we're gonna take you home, okay?"
  141. >You reach into the bush, feeling soft fur and delicate feathers between your fingers as you wrap your hands around her frame. But she kicks, and shakes and struggles with the bush while the other soldier rushes over.
  142. >Just as he reaches to help you, Rainbow breaks from the bush and sprints out. The other guy jumps to tackle her, but his grasp falls short, and the mare greets him with a jolt of her back legs, thwacking him hard on the left elbow.
  146. >He cries out in pain, clutching his elbow.
  147. >"Aaaw, SHIT! Fuck, I think she broke something!"
  148. "I'm sure it's fine, just leave it for a bit. Get up, she went off that way."
  149. >The two of you follow the direction she went in, and soon enough you can hear her hooves on crunching leaves and twigs ahead. Her sprint had quickly slowed to a walk.
  150. >In time, you can see her rainbow tail through the dense undergrowth.
  151. "Alright, this time, we've got her. You go left, I'll take right, and we'll surprise her."
  152. >"Got it. Let's do this and go home."
  153. >You crouch and sneak around the next tree, and she's in sight, and seemingly in poor condition.
  154. >Her wings droop at her sides, and she has a slight limp. From here, you can hear her heavy panting and muttering of nonsense.
  155. >"Not gonna die.. Not-not gonna.... Go. Not back where you were-not... Back where it was... Not stabbing...Nu-not... Uhm... Breaking."
  156. >You saw your partner in position, and wasted no time. Together, you jumped out from cover and grabbed at her.
  157. >Rainbow Dash screamed and tried to run, but your arms locked around her body while the other one held down her front hooves.
  159. "Relax! Fuck, you got any zip ties on you?"
  160. >The other soldier pulls out two.
  161. >"Yeah, I'll get her legs."
  162. >The two of you completely subdue the disoriented Pegasus, and she gives in, trading her hollering for shallow panting.
  163. >"You think we should give her some water?"
  164. "Nah, she'll get what she needs back at base."
  166. >As the two of you return to the road, you note the lack of gunshots. You hadn't been gone too long, but there were lots of autists; it's possible they've already overrun your men.
  167. >Rainbow Dash is at rest in your arms, and you can finally feel her heart slowing down in her chest. But at the same time, her drug-induced ramblings carry on.
  170. >"He said... 'I love you'... And he just kept saying 'I love you' over and over... But I didn't eat... And no water... And then...."
  171. >You look down to see her eyes sprouting fresh tears.
  172. >"And he just... 'I love you' over and over... And he grabbed my wings and... Twisted... And tugged and it hurt soo much."
  173. "I'm sorry."
  174. >"No, you... You're taking me back."
  175. "I'm taking you home."
  176. >"Not home! No... Home isn't...."
  177. "Please stay calm. We're going to take you to Ponyville."
  178. >The Pegasus groans and tries another go at her improved cuffs, straining against them, and gnawing with her teeth.
  179. "Rainbow Dash, stop that. Do you want a bag over your head?"
  180. >In truth, you had no bag, but the mare believed it and instead directed her anger at you. She twisted her head around and nipped at your fingers.
  181. "Ouch! What the fuck, stop!"
  183. >You see the road ahead. All is still quiet, but you can see no bodies, other than those of the drivers that had been pulled out from the vehicles.
  184. >You crouch behind one jeep and look between the tires. On the other side of the road are a whole group of autists standing around something.
  185. >The road is empty in both directions, but you fear that starting the car will just end with them shooting both of you.
  186. "Shit... Maybe we should leg it back."
  187. >"No way, the road will get us there in like, 10 minutes."
  188. "Yeah, but not if we're fucking dead."
  189. >A struggle occurs at the autist group, one going at another, but more importantly you see what they were standing around.
  190. >The Pegasus Captain, bloody and beaten, but still snarling at his enemies.
  191. "Awe shit, we gotta help him."
  192. >"Who?"
  193. "That Guard Captain that came with us, he's over there."
  194. >"Shit, how do we get him out?"
  195. "...Kill them all, I guess."
  196. >You ready your rifle.
  197. >"Won't the rest of them just come?"
  198. "...Yeah. Alright, you stay here with Dash and start the jeep; I'll go get him."
  199. >"Okay, don't get killed."
  200. "I never do; there's lots of them, but they can't shoot for shit."
  207. >You laugh to yourself as you get into position, but as you glance over to the still corpses of those three Pegasi that tried to fly off, your ease dissolves. One or two of these bastards can really shoot, and you hope you aren't about to show yourself to them.
  208. >The two autists brawl on the ground while the others watch, egging them on. You aim into the group of them.
  209. >With a burst of fire, three of them drop; two dead, one writhing about. The other one in the group, and the two fighting spring to their weapons and run around, confused.
  210. >You fire another burst into the two that had been brawling, and they both fall. The Pegasus Captain rises to his hooves and staggers in your direction.
  211. >The last one apparently had enough and ran off; behind you, the jeep starts up.
  212. >The Captain, rushes to the back side door of the jeep, and you run around to grab Rainbow Dash.
  213. >"Anon! Open the door!"
  214. "You open it! You've got hooves."
  215. >"Anon... I can't use my wings."
  216. >You give him a look, and notice that one of them had come clean off and was still bleeding from the place where it had been.
  217. >Without another word, you swing the door open, and he hops in.
  218. >You pick Rainbow up, and thankfully she did not protest. You run to the front passenger-side door.
  219. >"Oh no, YOU drive, Anon."
  220. "No, you're driving."
  221. >"My elbow is fucked!"
  222. "Oh is it fucked? Cause I thought you just got kicked by a pony. I've got a hole in my fucking calf!"
  223. >The other soldier grumbles and takes the wheel.
  225. >The four of you speed down the empty road. The woods didn't get many visitors since the arrival of humans, and now you know why. There'd been a whole army growing within spitting distance of Ponyville, and nobody had a clue, though it was common knowledge that bad goings-on happened here in the night, and sometimes ponies would disappear if they went alone.
  226. >Rainbow Dash remained in her bindings, but was fast asleep and snoring loudly. You were hard at work on the Guard Captain's wounds.
  230. "So Captain, what happened back there?"
  231. >The Captain grunted as you wrapped a long bandage around his body to cover the lost wing.
  232. >"I went to find anyone still out there. There were a few- some Unicorns and a human or two, but they were all scattered and cut off from the road by those renegades. I did manage to grab a few ponies from out there, but when we came back to the jeeps, we were surrounded, and they surrendered. The two you left at the jeeps surrendered too... They took my Guards away, but I chose to fight."
  233. >You pause from your dressing.
  234. "What happened to my guys?"
  235. >The Captain looked at the floor of the jeep.
  236. >"They lined them up, and executed them."
  237. >You remained silent, but the Captain continued.
  238. >"They shot off my wing... And they beat me with their rifles. Two of them were arguing about something... Who would 'own' me... Who had to claim the crippled one...."
  239. "...Jesus."
  240. >The Pegasus reached with his hooves and grabbed your hand staring you in the eyes.
  241. >"They took the few ponies that were with me, there could be more as well. Anon, I loath to think of what they'll do to my Guards... And what they did to your own men. As soon as we drop her off at base, we need to regroup and kill them all."
  242. >You think back to the concrete corridor, and the tiny cell where Rainbow Dash had been kept. You think of the one you spared, locking him in that very cell. He's probably out now, and taking part in whatever it is they're doing to the ponies left behind. You spared his life.
  243. "We'll show no mercy."
  244. >The driver calls back to you.
  245. >"Guys, there's something going on up there."
  246. >You climb back to your seat in the front and take a look. On the right side of the road, some large bushes were trembling and shifting.
  247. "What the hell? Speed up, don't stop for anything."
  248. >Then, the two bushes separate, and a dirt-coloured van rolls out. It's covered in metal plates and the windows are blocked as well. Your own jeep is an unarmored civilian vehicle.
  251. "Ah fuck..."
  252. >"What do I do?"
  253. >The side door on the van opens, revealing a heavy machine gun aiming right at your vehicle.
  254. "Shit!"
  255. >"What do I do!?"
  256. "Fucking drive!"
  257. >You poke out of your window and fire into the van, most bullets hitting the sides, but a few fly inside and hit the gunner before he can fire. But as soon as he slides down, another jumps on the gun and start firing madly.
  258. >Your windshield immediately shatters, and several bullets pierce the front and go into the engine.
  260. >You and the driver scream as the jeep veers left and down into the trees; the Guard captain holds Rainbow Dash close, and the jeep tumbles onto its side, rolling over and over, deeper and deeper into the woods.
  261. >You hold onto your seat, but the force is too much, and you're flicked out the window, landing on your back on the mossy earth.
  262. >You lay there in pain, most of it throbbing in your wounded calf, but you can't stay long, as shouts and footsteps approach from the road.
  263. >You roll onto your stomach, rifle still in hand, and aim. No targets can be seen, but they can be heard rushing ever closer.
  264. >You glance back at the smoking jeep, no signs of life at all can be seen.
  265. >A branch can be heard breaking just ahead of you, so you turn back towards the road and see three autists running down to the crash, not even noticing you.
  266. >"Come on! I think they had Dashie!"
  267. >"Oh no, I hope she's okay."
  268. >"Those bastards, she'd better be alright!"
  270. >The three of them rush past you to the jeep, talking to themselves. Above, you see the van readjusting itself to aim down at the wreck.
  271. >You roll back over to face the wreck yourself, and see the three autists trying to force one of the back doors open.
  272. >"I think she's breathing! And there's another pony in here, too!"
  273. >"Is he alive?"
  274. >"No, but look at his armour! That's cool!"
  275. >You empty the rest of your clip into them, killing two and hitting the last one right through the back and out the other side.
  278. >He screams and twirls while he falls, losing his gun and fedora simultaneously. The autist is left leaning against the flipped bottom of the jeep, whimpering and sputtering blood on his lips.
  279. >"Wha.. W-what ha-"
  280. >Finally he sees you rising from the ground, gun still trained on him.
  281. >"Oh... Horseapples."
  282. "God dammit, shut up."
  283. >You put one more through his eye and he slumps over. You hear metal squeaking from the axles of the van behind, and you turn to see the machine gun centring on you.
  284. >In a flash, you dash behind the jeep, ignoring all your pains, as grass and moss fly up from the ground from a spray of bullets.
  285. >You duck down by the roof of the jeep. You can hear the thuds of bullets hitting the other side. You push your head through the sunroof.
  286. "Hey! Anyone still here?"
  287. >You grab the driver and shake him, but he's lifeless and his many wounds have gone dry. You look in the back and see the body of the Captain still tightly gripping Rainbow Dash; his armour is dented all over, and he's bleeding from everywhere.
  288. "Hey Captain! You still with me?"
  289. >Slowly, he turns his head to look at you. He opens his mouth to speak, but first a mouthful of blood and teeth come out.
  290. >"I'm okay."
  291. "Sure you are... What about Rainbow Dash?"
  292. >"She's in better shape than I am."
  293. >You reach inside and grab him, he groans, but it must be done.
  294. "That's not saying much. We've got to move."
  295. >To your surprise, the Pegasus Captain rises to his hooves and begins to trot off, carrying Rainbow Dash on his back.
  296. >Before you go too, you grab two extra magazines and a grenade from the dead driver.
  298. >"So we're just running it back to Ponyville?"
  299. "Afraid so, unless we sprout some new wings."
  300. >"That was terribly rude of you!"
  301. "...Sorry."
  302. >You've been jogging non-stop through the woods, chased by the sounds of a hundred other feet scrambling behind you.
  303. >With the sleeping Rainbow in your arms, you follow alongside the road.
  309. >You carry on, hearing the sound of a vehicle getting closer. But this time from the other side.
  310. "Hey Captain, I think there's someone coming."
  311. >"Then get down!"
  312. "No no, it doesn't sound like that van they got."
  313. >You run onto the road and see two white jeeps approaching, emblazoned with the insignia of EHAF, A golden shield, inside of which are two wings coloured white and blue, respectively, protruding from a rising, beige fist.
  314. >You wave to the coming vehicles, and they pull over to the side of the road. The Captain joins you at your side.
  315. >Both jeeps are packed with EHAF soldiers, all sporting full body armour, tactical helmets, and assault rifles. One gets out of the passenger side of the front jeep.
  316. >"We're Bravo team; we heard you guys ran into trouble over there. Is this all that's left?"
  317. "We don't know, they took prisoners."
  318. >"Is that Rainbow Dash?"
  319. "Yes it is."
  320. >"Hand her over."
  321. >You hesitate for a second, but you carefully deposit her into the soldier's arms.
  322. "Careful, her wings are busted."
  323. >"Alright... God, you two look fucked up!"
  324. >The Captain at your side growls.
  325. >"How kind of you to notice."
  326. >The soldier just smiles.
  327. >"Alright, well, best of luck to you two!"
  328. "What? We're coming too!"
  329. >"No you're not, can't you see? The jeeps are full."
  330. "Fuck you, we'll sit on your fucking lap if we have to!"
  331. >The soldier raises his weapon at you.
  332. >"Our orders are to bring her home safely. Your team failed, now it's up to us. You know where Ponyville is."
  333. >He turns around and gets in the car, but before he puts Rainbow Dash aside, you reach in and start socking him in the mouth. The other soldiers shout and exit the jeep, but the driver yells too.
  334. >"Truck! Truck on the road!"
  335. >Everyone stops, and down the road you see a truck speeding at you, with something strapped to the back.
  336. "Ah fuck, is that another machine gun?"
  337. >The soldiers open fire on the coming truck, and it fires back with a hiss... And the second jeep explodes.
  342. >You fall to the ground, ears ringing.
  343. >Around you, the soldiers fire at the truck, and it comes to a stop. From the back, a couple autists jump down and return fire.
  344. >"Fuck! Where the hell did they get an rpg from?!"
  345. >You see the Captain jump into the jeep and grab Rainbow by the back of the neck in his teeth. He pulls her out and waves for you to follow.
  346. >You crawl on your hands and knees after him, leaving the soldiers to fight the truck.
  347. >"Get up, and take her!"
  348. >You grab Rainbow Dash in your arms again and rush off. You glance back and see Bravo team dropping like flies as more and more autists pour out from the roadside.
  349. >The two of you take to the trees again.
  351. "Can't believe those assholes, hey? They were gonna leave us out here like that...."
  352. >"Yes, my Guards would never do such a thing."
  353. "Hey, it's not EHAF's fault... It's just sometimes we get cunts like that, who think they're cool shit because they get guns and helmets and things."
  354. >"One of the principles of a Royal Guard is modesty."
  355. "Yeah, whatever."
  356. >The woods were quiet again; perhaps the autists believed they'd killed Rainbow in the attack, or maybe they were just regrouping.
  357. >Either way, it felt good to hear just the birds again, and not the sounds of a hundred assholes coming to kill you.
  358. "...Hey, what's your name?"
  359. >"Wind Breaker."
  360. "That's a stupid name."
  361. >"It's better than Anon."
  362. "Uh, no it's not."
  363. >"Yes it is."
  364. "Actually when you think about it, Wind Breaker is a pretty stupid name."
  365. >"You wouldn't know."
  366. "Oh yeah?"
  367. >"You have never thought."
  368. "Fuck you."
  369. >Rainbow Dash stirred in your arms. You look down to see two large eyes finally opening again, still pink and strained, but clearer than they had been.
  370. >"...Who are you?"
  371. "I'm a soldier."
  372. >"...Let me go."
  373. "I'm taking you to Ponyville right now. Just relax and enjoy the ride."
  374. >Not really listening, Rainbow gives a half-hearted struggle with her restraints, before settling down. Then she notices Wind Breaker walking next to you.
  377. >"...What happened to your wings?"
  378. >Wind Breaker rolls his eyes and flaps his one wing.
  379. >"There's nothing wrong with this one."
  380. >Rainbow huffs.
  381. >"You know what I mean."
  382. "He lost it. Some asshole shot it off.
  383. >"Anon!"
  384. "Wind Breaker!"
  385. >"Don't tell everypony about my wing!"
  386. "I'll tell what I like to tell. And besides, it's kind of obvious."
  387. >Rainbow Dash tries to flap her own wings, getting as far as raising them an inch before moaning in pain.
  388. >"My wings!...My... What happened?"
  389. "I don't know, we found you that way in the cell."
  390. >She went quiet, and your group walked in silence for some time before she spoke up again.
  391. >"Is your name Anon?"
  392. "Yeah."
  393. >"...Do you have some water?"
  394. >You glance up through the trees; the sun is going down, maybe stopping for a bit would not be so bad.
  395. "Alright, gimme a second. Let me get those zip ties off you first."
  396. >"Why did you tie me up?"
  397. "You were going wild."
  399. >The three of you sat and rested for a few minutes as the sky darkened. The trees cast long shadows, and some parts of the woods already looked pitch black. Still, no sounds could be heard of the autists.
  400. >Rainbow drank up your whole canteen and thoroughly licked the cap and the rim, despite your protests. Wind Breaker had no canteen, so he sat and watched.
  401. >Despite her ordeal, Rainbow Dash seemed to be in high spirits.
  402. >"Oh, thank you! They didn't give me anything to drink, there. I'm as dry as a raisin!"
  403. "Good to know... Hey, about your wings... Will they heal?"
  404. >Rainbow scoffs.
  405. >"It's not the first time I broke my wings, Anon. I'll be back in the sky in no time, as long as I get a cast on these babies."
  406. >It was nearly night time, and it was getting hard to see very far in any direction.
  407. >"Hey! Let's start a fire!"
  408. >Wind Breaker pointed out the obvious.
  409. >"No fires; they'll see our fire and ambush us."
  410. >Rainbow sighed and turned her attention to you.
  411. >"Hey Anon."
  412. "Yep?"
  413. >"Do you have any food?”
  417. >Thankfully, you did have an energy bar tucked away. The three of you split it and dined like kings.
  418. >Rainbow scoffed hers down in one bite, but you and Wind Breaker were nursing yours.
  419. >"So, how long before we get to Ponyville?"
  420. "Can't be far; if we leave soon, we might reach it within the hour."
  421. >"Awesome, I can't wait to sleep in a bed again!"
  422. >"I'm sure the authorities will want to speak with you before you get-"
  423. >Before Wind Breaker could finish, a pair of autists rushed in, hollering with bayonets fixed on their rifles.
  425. >"Charlottesville Virginia!"
  426. >One tried to gut Wind Breaker, but in a stunning show of acrobatics, he knocked the gun away and delivered a hefty kick to his face.
  427. >You raised your rifle and blocked the other autist's incoming blade. He growls in your face, but you overpower him and throw him to the ground.
  428. >Just as you do, another autist rushes in with a samurai sword.
  429. >"I NEVER LOSE!"
  430. >He stabs at you as you turn, forcing the blade through part of your vest and out the side of your shirt, only grazing your side. You respond with an elbow to his temple, and he falls backwards.
  431. >You see the one you just knocked down closing in on Wind Breaker, along with the other one. But Rainbow Dash charges him from the right and head-butts him in the ribs, knocking the wind out of him.
  432. >You feel the sword pull out from your shirt and turn to see the swordsman raising it above his head.
  433. >You reach up and grab hold of his arms, not allowing the sword to come down. The two of you perform an awkward dance, trying to win the blade, but he trips you and the two of you fall into a heap. He ends up on top with the sword in his hands still, but you grab the handle with your left hand, and shove the other one in his face, covering his mouth. He struggles more with the one on his mouth, and you easily flip him over. Now on top, you force the sword to the ground and keep your pressure on his face.
  440. >The autist lets out panicked, muffled cries and shakes your hand off. But as soon as he does, you wrap both hands around his neck. Now choking, the autist forgets his sword and wrestles with your vice-like grip around his throat. He gags and kicks and flaps his hands at you, trying for your own throat, and then goes still.
  441. >You leave him, and see Wind Breaker squaring off with one autist, while Rainbow is pinned under another.
  442. >"GET OFF ME!"
  443. >Quickly, you grab the samurai sword and rush to help.
  444. >She gets both her back hooves under him and kicks the autist off; he lands perfectly on his feet, putting his neck at the perfect height for you to swing and bury your sword in it. Spurts of blood, black in the dark, spit from the wound. You retrieve the sword and he falls dead.
  445. >The last one is sent flying by another kick from Wind Breaker, and he lands next to a rifle.
  446. >He grabs it and prepares to fire, but you swiftly strike and remove his hand before he can, but you sword snaps in two at the impact.
  447. >Shards of metal fly into the autist's face and he screams; you kick his gun away and fall on him with the half-sword, stabbing until he shuts up.
  448. "Fuck, that was close. Let's get lost before more show up."
  449. >As you say it, two more come running out wielding Equestrian spears. You whip out your pistol and gun them both down before they reach striking distance.
  450. "... Like that."
  452. >The three of you run in the direction you believe to be Ponyville. Wind Breaker was happy to have gotten a spear, but without the use of his wings, he left it behind, having not received an Earth Pony's training for it.
  453. >Rainbow Dash didn't need to be carried now, and ran freely in front of you, claiming she could "smell" Ponyville from here.
  454. >You stagger just behind them, finally feeling the aches of combat, and the crash... And the hole in your calf.
  455. >The sounds of chasing autists are back, even louder now.
  456. >But Ponyville is close. Just a bit more running and you'll be home free.
  460. >The lights of the town could be seen; the woods were at an end. The EHAF and Royal Guard would know the mission was a disaster at this point, and would hopefully be preparing for a massive rescue mission.
  461. >... A disaster, but still a success.
  462. >You'd be promoted, you'd get the ear of the Princesses... Finally be able to ask for more funding, better equipment and training... But what mattered most was that you saved her.
  463. >And him.
  464. >You three had scarcely known each other, still don't, in fact, but after all this, Wind Breaker is your brother, and Rainbow Dash your sister.
  465. >You watched them survive the darkest hours of their lives, you've seen her open her eyes and look up at you like a newborn child, and you've seen him cope with the loss of a wing, rendering him forever flightless.
  466. >You would gladly spend the rest of your life with them.
  468. *CRACK*
  470. >As loud as a whip, something pierces the woods, and drives deep into your lower back.
  471. >You groan and keel over. Wind Breaker and Rainbow Dash stop and rush to your side.
  472. >"ANON! Were you hit?"
  473. >"Anon, get up, we're nearly there!"
  474. "Oh fuck... It hurts so fucking bad...."
  475. >The bullet was somewhere inside of you, in your organs, mixing with your blood. You drag yourself up, and stagger along, holding yourself up with the trees.
  476. "You guys... Go on... Get help."
  479. *CRACK*
  481. >Another one punctures your lung, and you fall breathlessly down, falling through the last of the bushes and into open field, in full sight of Ponyville.
  482. >The other two grab your arms, but you push them off with the last of your strength.
  483. >"Come on, Rainbow Dash! We'll alert home base!"
  484. >"NO! I never leave my friends! GET UP, ANON!"
  485. "Get offa me... Don't get caught again... Looking after my ass...."
  486. >Tearing up, Rainbow is led away by Wind Breaker. But you call to them one last time.
  487. "Wind...."
  488. >He turns to you sullenly.
  489. >"...Yes, Anon?"
  490. "Change your name to Dirt Breaker... You crippled fuck."
  494. >You manage a short chuckle, and surprisingly, so does he, before nodding at you and rushing with Rainbow to the town.
  496. >You lay there forever, hearing the autists come closer, and closer. Next thing you know, they're rushing past you.
  497. >Some stop to give your body a kick, and one picks at you with his bayonet. You groan weakly .
  498. >He shouts and flips you over.
  499. >"Commander! This one's still alive!"
  500. >You look around you; the commander approaches, holding a marksman's rifle.
  501. >He looks just like....
  502. "...Ah fuck... Knew I should've killed your ass."
  503. >He smiles smugly, and reloads his weapon in front of you, slowly placing each bullet.
  504. >"Where did you take Rainbow Dash? When I find her next, I'll make sure she can't escape. I'll put a cute little collar on her, with a leash, and train her to behave."
  505. "God, you're... You're a sick cunt."
  506. >"Every human deserves his own little pony, and once we take Ponyville, we'll nearly have accomplished that. Once others hear of our victory, they'll flock to us, and our numbers will be too much for the Princesses to defeat."
  507. >Shoving the last bullet in, he cocks his gun and aims it down at you.
  508. >"Then even they will wear cute little collars. If you'd have joined us, you might have gotten your own pony."
  509. >The sky lights up as several flares fly out from Ponyville. Gunshots and magic bolts ring out as the battle commences.
  510. "I HAVE a pony, asshole. In fact... I've got two."
  511. >"Oh?"
  512. "Rainbow Dash and Wind Breaker. They're my friends... And I wouldn't trade them for a billion fucking slaves."
  514. >The autist leader's chest explodes; an Equestrian spear had fell from the heavens and lodged itself in his chest cavity.
  515. >All around, the sounds of fighting come closer and closer, and soon you see Pegasi flying overhead.
  516. >You force your pistol out, and crane your head just enough to see that autist bastard on his side, spitting blood and watching you with dying eyes.
  517. >You laugh.
  518. "Stupid fuck...."
  519. >With two bangs, you shoot his eyes out.
  525. "....Never monologue... 'Till You're sure you've won."
  526. >You lay back, and despite the pain all over, especially in your chest and guts, you're laughing.
  527. >You laugh as the autist forces are routed and forced back into the woods. Even as Royal Guards, levied militia and EHAF troops chase them down by hoof, wing, foot and jeep.
  528. >You're still laughing when your friends find you, and cradle your head, an comfort you as you slowly drift away.
  530. >"You're a hero, Anon. We'll always remember you."
  531. >"Yeah Anon, you rock... Thanks for everything."
  533. You were gone before medical aid arrived, but you died an honorable soldier, and a true Equestrian.
  535. Wind Breaker chose to stay a Royal Guard though he did push the Princesses for better equipment and training for EHAF, as well as better ground battle training for Pegasi and Unicorns.
  537. Rainbow Dash made a full recovery, and to this day, goes on grand adventures with her friends, loving and cherishing them more with every day.
  539. THE END.
  541. Hope you anons enjoyed.
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