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Jan 15th, 2012
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  1. ====================== SYSTEM INFORMATION ===================
  2. Linux localhost #99 PREEMPT Sat Dec 31 19:07:30 EST 2011 armv6l GNU/Linux
  3. []: [1]
  4. [ro.allow.mock.location]: [1]
  5. [ro.debuggable]: [1]
  6. [persist.service.adb.enable]: [1]
  7. [ro.setupwizard.mode]: [OPTIONAL]
  8. [ro.sf.lcd_density]: [240]
  9. [wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
  10. [wifi.supplicant_scan_interval]: [45]
  11. [ro.factorytest]: [0]
  12. [ro.serialno]: [T0UPF6STPBQP]
  13. [ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
  14. [ro.baseband]: [unknown]
  15. [ro.carrier]: [unknown]
  16. [ro.bootloader]: [unknown]
  17. [ro.hardware]: [htc]
  18. [ro.revision]: [0]
  19. []: [GINGERBREAD]
  20. []: [full_msm-userdebug 2.3.7 GINGERBREAD eng.bryan.20111230.132558 test-keys]
  21. []: [eng.bryan.20111230.132558]
  22. []: [10]
  23. []: [REL]
  24. []: [2.3.7]
  25. []: [Fri Dec 30 13:27:13 EST 2011]
  26. []: [1325269633]
  27. []: [userdebug]
  28. []: [bryan]
  29. []: [carbunkl]
  30. []: [release-keys]
  31. [ro.product.model]: [MSM]
  32. [ro.product.brand]: [Android]
  33. []: [full_msm]
  34. [ro.product.device]: [msm]
  35. [ro.product.board]: [xdandroid]
  36. [ro.product.cpu.abi]: [armeabi]
  37. [ro.product.manufacturer]: [XDAndroid]
  38. [ro.product.locale.language]: [en]
  39. [ro.product.locale.region]: [US]
  40. [ro.wifi.channels]: []
  41. [ro.board.platform]: [msm7k]
  42. []: [msm]
  43. []: [full_msm-userdebug 2.3.7 GINGERBREAD eng.bryan.20111230.132558 release-keys]
  44. []: [Android/full_msm/msm:2.3.7/GINGERBREAD/eng.bryan.20111230.132558:userdebug/release-keys]
  45. [rild.libpath]: [/system/lib/]
  46. [ro.telephony.default_network]: [0]
  47. [dalvik.vm.execution-mode]: [int:fast]
  48. [ro.opengles.version]: [65537]
  49. [dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [32m]
  50. [keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
  51. []: [MM-dd-yyyy]
  52. []: [true]
  53. [ro.config.notification_sound]: [OnTheHunt.ogg]
  54. [ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]
  55. []: [1]
  56. []: [10]
  57. [dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold]: [500]
  58. []: [Android]
  59. [net.change]: [net.dnschange]
  60. [dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
  61. [ro.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ]: [0]
  62. [ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ]: [1]
  63. [ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ]: [2]
  64. [ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ]: [3]
  65. [ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_ADJ]: [4]
  66. [ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ]: [5]
  67. [ro.HOME_APP_ADJ]: [6]
  68. [ro.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ]: [7]
  69. [ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ]: [15]
  70. [ro.FOREGROUND_APP_MEM]: [2048]
  71. [ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM]: [3072]
  72. [ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_MEM]: [4096]
  73. [ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_MEM]: [4096]
  74. [ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_MEM]: [6144]
  75. [ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM]: [6144]
  76. [ro.HOME_APP_MEM]: [6144]
  77. [ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM]: [7168]
  78. [ro.EMPTY_APP_MEM]: [8192]
  79. [net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  80. [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [4095,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  81. [net.tcp.buffersize.umts]: [4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
  82. [net.tcp.buffersize.edge]: [4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040]
  83. [net.tcp.buffersize.gprs]: [4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680]
  84. [init.svc.console]: [running]
  85. [init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
  86. [init.svc.vold]: [running]
  87. [init.svc.netd]: [running]
  88. [init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]
  89. []: [running]
  90. [init.svc.zygote]: [running]
  91. []: [running]
  92. [init.svc.dbus]: [running]
  93. [init.svc.installd]: [running]
  94. [init.svc.keystore]: [running]
  95. [init.svc.adbd]: [running]
  96. []: [true]
  97. [ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric]: [31000]
  98. [init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
  99. [sys.settings_secure_version]: [16]
  100. [hw.keyboards.0.devname]: [microp-keypad]
  101. [hw.keyboards.65536.devname]: [microp-keypad]
  102. [hw.keyboards.65538.devname]: [h2w headset]
  103. [hw.keyboards.65539.devname]: [gpio-keys]
  104. [net.hostname]: [android_60fdb26a8341547b]
  105. [dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
  106. [sys.settings_system_version]: [6]
  107. []: [HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 088853e 2011-11-09 19:03:50 +0100]
  108. [gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [31000]
  109. [gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: []
  110. [gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [us]
  111. [gsm.sim.state]: [READY]
  112. []: [2]
  113. [gsm.operator.alpha]: [T-CDMA 64]
  114. [gsm.operator.numeric]: [31000]
  115. [gsm.operator.iso-country]: [us]
  116. [gsm.operator.isroaming]: [true]
  117. [sys.boot_completed]: [1]
  118. [gsm.version.baseband]: [61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF]
  119. [persist.sys.language]: [en]
  120. []: [US]
  121. [persist.sys.localevar]: []
  122. [gsm.nitz.time]: [1326609772060]
  123. [ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1326609762020]
  124. []: [CDMA - 1xRTT]
  125. [net.dnschange]: [4]
  126. [net.gprs.local-ip]: []
  127. [init.svc.pppd_gprs]: [running]
  128. [net.interfaces.defaultroute]: [gprs]
  129. [net.gprs.dns1]: []
  130. [net.gprs.dns2]: []
  131. [net.gprs.remote-ip]: []
  132. [net.dns1]: []
  133. [net.dns2]: []
  134. ======================= SYSTEM LOG ===================
  135. 01-15 06:42:41.840 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for restart pid=1700 uid=1001 gids={3002, 3001, 3003, 1015}
  136. 01-15 06:42:41.930 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1703 uid=10000 gids={3003, 1015}
  137. 01-15 06:42:42.020 I/RecoverySystem( 1334): No recovery log file
  138. 01-15 06:42:42.050 I/BootReceiver( 1334): Copying /proc/last_kmsg to DropBox (SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG)
  139. 01-15 06:42:42.270 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXPLICIT freed 81K, 44% free 3450K/6151K, external 7987K/8884K, paused 230ms
  140. 01-15 06:42:42.310 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 129K, 45% free 4596K/8327K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 240ms
  141. 01-15 06:42:42.400 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 90K, 45% free 4634K/8327K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 80ms
  142. 01-15 06:42:42.400 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1334): Grow heap (frag case) to 10.499MB for 174776-byte allocation
  143. 01-15 06:42:42.490 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1K, 44% free 4803K/8519K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 70ms
  144. 01-15 06:42:42.600 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 170K, 46% free 4717K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 70ms
  145. 01-15 06:42:42.680 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 236K, 47% free 4610K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 80ms
  146. 01-15 06:42:43.100 I/ActivityThread( 1700): Pub
  147. 01-15 06:42:43.120 I/ActivityThread( 1700): Pub mms:
  148. 01-15 06:42:43.150 I/ActivityThread( 1700): Pub sms:
  149. 01-15 06:42:43.160 I/ActivityThread( 1700): Pub telephony:
  150. 01-15 06:42:43.160 I/ActivityThread( 1700): Pub icc:
  151. 01-15 06:42:43.170 I/ActivityThread( 1700): Pub mms-sms:
  152. 01-15 06:42:43.300 I/ActivityThread( 1703): Pub
  153. 01-15 06:42:43.690 D/CallManager( 1700): registerPhone(GSM Handler{405b1638})
  154. 01-15 06:42:44.140 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1733 uid=10001 gids={}
  155. 01-15 06:42:44.240 W/ActivityManager( 1334): Unable to start service Intent { }: not found
  156. 01-15 06:42:44.480 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyServiceState: 3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
  157. 01-15 06:42:44.780 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=false reason=gprsDetached interfaceName=null networkType=0
  158. 01-15 06:42:44.830 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=false reason=radioTurnedOff interfaceName=null networkType=0
  159. 01-15 06:42:44.920 D/BT HSHFP( 1700): Starting BluetoothHeadsetService
  160. 01-15 06:42:44.930 D/PhoneApp( 1700): Radio technology switched. Now CDMA is active.
  161. 01-15 06:42:45.520 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 176K, 46% free 3328K/6151K, external 4871K/6083K, paused 80ms
  162. 01-15 06:42:45.920 V/FOTAKill( 1733): Killing FOTA
  163. 01-15 06:42:46.040 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1744 uid=10015 gids={3003}
  164. 01-15 06:42:46.200 D/MediaScannerService( 1650): start scanning volume internal
  165. 01-15 06:42:46.290 I/ActivityThread( 1744): Pub
  166. 01-15 06:42:46.530 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1754 uid=10017 gids={}
  167. 01-15 06:42:46.640 D/dalvikvm( 1299): GC_EXPLICIT freed 11K, 50% free 2710K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 120ms
  168. 01-15 06:42:46.770 D/dalvikvm( 1299): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 50% free 2710K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 130ms
  169. 01-15 06:42:46.880 D/dalvikvm( 1299): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 50% free 2710K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 110ms
  170. 01-15 06:42:46.970 I/ActivityThread( 1754): Pub
  171. 01-15 06:42:47.130 W/BackupManagerService( 1334): dataChanged but no participant pkg='' uid=10017
  172. 01-15 06:42:47.270 I/MediaProvider( 1650): Upgrading media database from version 63 to 100, which will destroy all old data
  173. 01-15 06:42:47.300 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1763 uid=10022 gids={3003, 1015}
  174. 01-15 06:42:47.890 D/Calendar( 1744): missed alarms found: 0
  175. 01-15 06:42:48.010 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Force stopping package uid=10006
  176. 01-15 06:42:48.010 I/Process ( 1334): Sending signal. PID: 1610 SIG: 9
  177. 01-15 06:42:48.450 D/Calendar( 1744): missed alarms found: 0
  178. 01-15 06:42:48.570 I/ActivityThread( 1763): Pub
  179. 01-15 06:42:48.580 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Force stopping package uid=10009
  180. 01-15 06:42:48.610 I/ActivityThread( 1763): Pub
  181. 01-15 06:42:48.630 I/ActivityThread( 1763): Pub
  182. 01-15 06:42:48.900 D/EmailProvider( 1763): Creating EmailProvider database
  183. 01-15 06:42:49.040 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onCreate
  184. 01-15 06:42:49.070 D/EmailProvider( 1763): Creating EmailProviderBody database
  185. 01-15 06:42:49.080 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED }
  186. 01-15 06:42:49.080 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  187. 01-15 06:42:49.200 D/Genie ( 1685): Request failed at, 6:42am, January 15 next auto-refresh time =10800000
  188. 01-15 06:42:49.370 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onStartCommand
  189. 01-15 06:42:49.440 D/Email ( 1763): BOOT_COMPLETED
  190. 01-15 06:42:49.440 I/Email ( 1763): Onetime initialization: 1
  191. 01-15 06:42:49.560 I/Email ( 1763): Onetime initialization: completed.
  192. 01-15 06:42:49.620 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, stopping self
  193. 01-15 06:42:49.670 D/Eas Debug( 1763): Logging:
  194. 01-15 06:42:50.030 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1241K, 47% free 4628K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 10ms+0ms
  195. 01-15 06:42:50.270 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onDestroy
  196. 01-15 06:42:50.470 I/EventLogService( 1636): Aggregate from 0 (log), 0 (data)
  197. 01-15 06:42:50.500 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onCreate
  198. 01-15 06:42:50.640 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onStartCommand
  199. 01-15 06:42:50.740 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1375K, 58% free 2890K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 10ms+10ms
  200. 01-15 06:42:50.790 V/update.Download( 1636): deleting all update downloads
  201. 01-15 06:42:50.910 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, stopping self
  202. 01-15 06:42:50.930 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000000 } from pid 1636
  203. 01-15 06:42:50.940 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onStartCommand
  204. 01-15 06:42:51.080 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, stopping self
  205. 01-15 06:42:51.110 D/EAS SyncManager( 1763): !!! EAS SyncManager, onDestroy
  206. 01-15 06:42:51.220 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1790 uid=10031 gids={}
  207. 01-15 06:42:51.390 D/SystemClock( 1700): Setting time of day to sec=1326609772
  208. 01-15 06:42:52.240 V/OneTimeInitializer( 1790): OneTimeInitializer.onReceive
  209. 01-15 06:42:52.300 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40657d10
  210. 01-15 06:42:52.310 V/OneTimeService( 1790): OneTimeService.onHandleIntent
  211. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/CallManager( 1700): unregisterPhone(GSM Handler{405b1ea8})
  212. 01-15 06:42:52.450 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=false reason=radioTurnedOff interfaceName=null networkType=0
  213. 01-15 06:42:52.970 E/TelephonyProvider( 1700): Failed setting numeric '31000' to the current operator
  214. 01-15 06:42:52.970 D/MccTable( 1700): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=310, mnc=0
  215. 01-15 06:42:52.970 D/MccTable( 1700): locale set to en_us
  216. 01-15 06:42:52.970 D/MccTable( 1700): WIFI_NUM_ALLOWED_CHANNELS set to 11
  217. 01-15 06:42:52.990 I/WifiService( 1334): WifiService trying to setNumAllowed to 11 with persist set to true
  218. 01-15 06:42:53.000 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyMessageWaitingChanged: false
  219. 01-15 06:42:53.010 D/CallManager( 1700): registerPhone(CDMA Handler{40630438})
  220. 01-15 06:42:53.190 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1799 uid=10025 gids={3003}
  221. 01-15 06:42:53.410 D/PhoneApp( 1700): Radio technology switched. Now CDMA is active.
  222. 01-15 06:42:53.570 D/MccTable( 1700): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=316, mnc=10
  223. 01-15 06:42:53.570 D/MccTable( 1700): locale set to en_us
  224. 01-15 06:42:53.570 D/MccTable( 1700): WIFI_NUM_ALLOWED_CHANNELS set to 11
  225. 01-15 06:42:53.570 I/WifiService( 1334): WifiService trying to setNumAllowed to 11 with persist set to true
  226. 01-15 06:42:53.590 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=316/10 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=2/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=6}
  227. 01-15 06:42:53.810 D/MccTable( 1700): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=316, mnc=10
  228. 01-15 06:42:53.810 D/MccTable( 1700): locale set to en_us
  229. 01-15 06:42:53.810 D/MccTable( 1700): WIFI_NUM_ALLOWED_CHANNELS set to 11
  230. 01-15 06:42:53.820 I/ActivityThread( 1799): Pub
  231. 01-15 06:42:53.840 I/ActivityThread( 1799): Pub
  232. 01-15 06:42:53.840 I/WifiService( 1334): WifiService trying to setNumAllowed to 11 with persist set to true
  233. 01-15 06:42:53.900 D/dalvikvm( 1700): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1100K, 54% free 3151K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+0ms
  234. 01-15 06:42:53.940 D/MediaUploader( 1799): UploaderApplication.onCreate
  235. 01-15 06:42:54.240 D/MediaUploader( 1799): nonWifiLimit=20971520, default=20971520
  236. 01-15 06:42:54.250 I/MediaUploader( 1799): No need to wake up
  237. 01-15 06:42:54.360 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1812 uid=10041 gids={1015, 3003}
  238. 01-15 06:42:54.550 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 194K, 46% free 3378K/6151K, external 7575K/7609K, paused 100ms
  239. 01-15 06:42:54.950 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyServiceState: 0 roaming T-CDMA 64 31000 1xRTT CSS supported 8 6RoamInd: 64DefRoamInd: 160EmergOnly: false
  240. 01-15 06:42:54.980 I/ActivityThread( 1812): Pub com.cooliris.picasa.contentprovider: com.cooliris.picasa.PicasaContentProvider
  241. 01-15 06:42:55.010 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=false reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=7
  242. 01-15 06:42:55.450 I/BootReceiver( 1812): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED
  243. 01-15 06:42:55.490 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1821 uid=10011 gids={3003}
  244. 01-15 06:42:55.780 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=1 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=7
  245. 01-15 06:42:56.100 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.metago.astro/.FileManagerActivity } from pid 1547
  246. 01-15 06:42:56.180 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.metago.astro/.FileManagerActivity } from pid 1547
  247. 01-15 06:42:56.230 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc com.metago.astro for activity com.metago.astro/.FileManagerActivity: pid=1828 uid=10043 gids={3003, 1015}
  248. 01-15 06:42:56.360 I/ActivityThread( 1821): Pub
  249. 01-15 06:42:56.430 I/ActivityThread( 1821): Pub
  250. 01-15 06:42:56.780 E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 1300): failed to extract an album art
  251. 01-15 06:42:56.870 I/ActivityThread( 1828): Pub com.metago.astro.filesystem: com.metago.astro.provider.FileSystemProvider
  252. 01-15 06:42:56.980 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1835 uid=10012 gids={}
  253. 01-15 06:42:57.020 I/ActivityThread( 1828): Pub com.metago.astro.provider.FTPFileProvider
  254. 01-15 06:42:57.020 I/ActivityThread( 1828): Pub com.metago.astro.compressed: com.metago.astro.provider.CompressedFileProvider
  255. 01-15 06:42:57.020 I/ActivityThread( 1828): Pub com.metago.astro.extension: com.metago.astro.provider.FileExtensionProvider
  256. 01-15 06:42:57.270 D/FileManagerActivity( 1828): RELEAE_TYPE:NORMAL
  257. 01-15 06:42:57.320 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  258. 01-15 06:42:57.320 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  259. 01-15 06:42:57.670 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1230K, 47% free 4637K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 30ms+10ms
  260. 01-15 06:42:57.860 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  261. 01-15 06:42:57.940 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 47% free 4628K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 240ms
  262. 01-15 06:42:58.080 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  263. 01-15 06:42:58.170 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  264. 01-15 06:42:58.240 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  265. 01-15 06:42:58.350 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXPLICIT freed 166K, 43% free 3571K/6215K, external 8460K/9515K, paused 80ms
  266. 01-15 06:42:58.980 W/BackupManagerService( 1334): dataChanged but no participant pkg='' uid=10013
  267. 01-15 06:42:59.060 E/IconManager( 1828): Icon id icon.android_application not found in cache
  268. 01-15 06:42:59.070 D/DBOpenHelper( 1828): Creating DB dir /sdcard/tmp/.astro
  269. 01-15 06:42:59.380 D/DatabaseHelper( 1828): creating DB
  270. 01-15 06:42:59.740 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1848 uid=10038 gids={3003, 1015}
  271. 01-15 06:42:59.940 D/dalvikvm( 1828): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 318K, 48% free 3004K/5767K, external 2083K/2137K, paused 110ms
  272. 01-15 06:43:00.690 D/dalvikvm( 1828): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 18K, 48% free 3034K/5767K, external 2651K/2671K, paused 150ms
  273. 01-15 06:43:00.860 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  274. 01-15 06:43:01.020 D/dalvikvm( 1828): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 12K, 47% free 3076K/5767K, external 3340K/3390K, paused 70ms
  275. 01-15 06:43:01.200 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1857 uid=10006 gids={3003, 1015}
  276. 01-15 06:43:01.200 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1549): hidden #16
  277. 01-15 06:43:03.380 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed com.metago.astro/.FileManagerActivity: +7s190ms (total +11s750ms)
  278. 01-15 06:43:03.950 D/Finsky ( 1857): [1] # LocalAssets corrected : 0
  279. 01-15 06:43:03.950 D/Finsky ( 1857): Sanity check took : 60 ms
  280. 01-15 06:43:04.680 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  281. 01-15 06:43:04.680 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  282. 01-15 06:43:04.700 D/Finsky ( 1857): [1] ClearCacheReceiver.onReceive: Received android.intent.action.LOCALE_CHANGED. Clearing cache and exiting.
  283. 01-15 06:43:04.710 D/Volley ( 1857): [10] DiskBasedCache.clear: Cache cleared.
  284. 01-15 06:43:04.720 D/Volley ( 1857): [14] DiskBasedCache.clear: Cache cleared.
  285. 01-15 06:43:04.740 E/JavaBinder( 1857): Unknown binder error code. 0xfffffff7
  286. 01-15 06:43:04.740 W/Finsky ( 1857): [22] DownloadManagerImpl.queryAllDownloads: Download progress cursor null when attempting to fetch all Downloads.
  287. 01-15 06:43:05.080 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Process (pid 1857) has died.
  288. 01-15 06:43:05.500 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1885 uid=10006 gids={3003, 1015}
  289. 01-15 06:43:06.740 D/dalvikvm( 1828): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 629K, 49% free 3280K/6343K, external 4232K/4251K, paused 150ms
  290. 01-15 06:43:06.890 W/webcore ( 1828): Can't get the viewWidth after the first layout
  291. 01-15 06:43:07.380 E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 1300): failed to extract an album art
  292. 01-15 06:43:07.490 D/Finsky ( 1885): [1] # LocalAssets corrected : 0
  293. 01-15 06:43:07.490 D/Finsky ( 1885): Sanity check took : 10 ms
  294. 01-15 06:43:08.380 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 503K, 57% free 2903K/6727K, external 1634K/2137K, paused 0ms+30ms
  295. 01-15 06:43:08.500 D/Finsky ( 1885): [22] DownloadRecords.initializeAndPrune: Pruned 0 old downloads from the cursor.
  296. 01-15 06:43:08.560 I/Genie ( 1685): refresh service retry #0, ignoreMASFCache = false
  297. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): Failure retrieving icon 0x7f020000 in package com.GetLogs
  298. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): java.lang.NullPointerException
  299. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ResourcesKey.<init>(
  300. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  301. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  302. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getResourcesForApplication(
  303. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getDrawable(
  304. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  305. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationIcon(
  306. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.IconManager.loadPackageIcon(
  307. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.ThumbnailBuilder.handlePackageMessage(
  308. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.ThumbnailBuilder.handleMessage(
  309. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  310. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  311. 01-15 06:43:08.600 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  312. 01-15 06:43:08.680 W/BackupManagerService( 1334): dataChanged but no participant pkg='' uid=10013
  313. 01-15 06:43:09.060 V/SipBroadcastReceiver( 1700): start auto registration
  314. 01-15 06:43:09.400 I/GservicesProvider( 1636): override update completed
  315. 01-15 06:43:09.470 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  316. 01-15 06:43:09.470 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  317. 01-15 06:43:09.510 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  318. 01-15 06:43:09.510 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  319. 01-15 06:43:09.730 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  320. 01-15 06:43:09.730 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  321. 01-15 06:43:09.760 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  322. 01-15 06:43:09.760 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  323. 01-15 06:43:11.690 D/dalvikvm( 1669): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1450K, 59% free 2791K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 10ms+10ms
  324. 01-15 06:43:12.140 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 528K, 57% free 2905K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+10ms
  325. 01-15 06:43:12.270 V/update.Download( 1636): deleting all update downloads
  326. 01-15 06:43:12.280 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { dat=file:///sdcard/GetLogs.apk typ=application/apk cmp=com.metago.astro/.PackageDetails } from pid 1828
  327. 01-15 06:43:12.450 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1148K, 46% free 4716K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 10ms+20ms
  328. 01-15 06:43:12.590 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000000 } from pid 1636
  329. 01-15 06:43:12.740 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@405bd6a0 (uid=10043 pid=1828)
  330. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): Failure retrieving text 0x7f040001 in package com.GetLogs
  331. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): java.lang.NullPointerException
  332. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ResourcesKey.<init>(
  333. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  334. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  335. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getResourcesForApplication(
  336. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getText(
  337. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  338. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationLabel(
  339. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.model.PackageData.<init>(
  340. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.PackageDetails.onCreate(
  341. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  342. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  343. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  344. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$1500(
  345. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$H.handleMessage(
  346. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  347. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  348. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  349. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  350. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  351. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$
  352. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  353. 01-15 06:43:12.960 W/PackageManager( 1828): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  354. 01-15 06:43:13.340 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed com.metago.astro/.PackageDetails: +650ms
  355. 01-15 06:43:14.180 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///sdcard/GetLogs.apk } from pid 1828
  356. 01-15 06:43:14.320 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for activity pid=1920 uid=10018 gids={}
  357. 01-15 06:43:14.440 D/dalvikvm( 1299): GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 50% free 2710K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 130ms
  358. 01-15 06:43:14.540 D/dalvikvm( 1299): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 50% free 2710K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 90ms
  359. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/dalvikvm( 1299): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 50% free 2710K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 70ms
  360. 01-15 06:43:15.040 D/dalvikvm( 1920): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 308K, 50% free 2765K/5511K, external 2012K/2137K, paused 60ms
  361. 01-15 06:43:15.370 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +1s80ms
  362. 01-15 06:43:16.770 E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 1300): failed to extract an album art
  363. 01-15 06:43:17.260 W/BackupManagerService( 1334): dataChanged but no participant pkg='' uid=10013
  364. 01-15 06:43:17.360 E/MetadataRetrieverClient( 1300): failed to extract an album art
  365. 01-15 06:43:17.600 I/PackageInstaller( 1920): Launching settings
  366. 01-15 06:43:17.610 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.settings.APPLICATION_SETTINGS } from pid 1920
  367. 01-15 06:43:17.700 D/MediaScanner( 1650): prescan time: 6140ms
  368. 01-15 06:43:17.700 D/MediaScanner( 1650): scan time: 25260ms
  369. 01-15 06:43:17.700 D/MediaScanner( 1650): postscan time: 0ms
  370. 01-15 06:43:17.700 D/MediaScanner( 1650): total time: 31400ms
  371. 01-15 06:43:17.790 I/BootReceiver( 1812): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
  372. 01-15 06:43:17.830 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for activity pid=1927 uid=1000 gids={3002, 3001, 3003}
  373. 01-15 06:43:17.870 D/MediaScannerService( 1650): done scanning volume internal
  374. 01-15 06:43:18.070 D/MediaScannerService( 1650): start scanning volume external
  375. 01-15 06:43:19.080 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +1s270ms
  376. 01-15 06:43:19.260 D/MediaScanner( 1650): found .nomedia, skipping directory
  377. 01-15 06:43:19.300 V/MediaScanner( 1650): pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@4066a298
  378. 01-15 06:43:19.320 V/MediaScanner( 1650): /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@4066a298
  379. 01-15 06:43:19.320 D/MediaScanner( 1650): prescan time: 100ms
  380. 01-15 06:43:19.320 D/MediaScanner( 1650): scan time: 820ms
  381. 01-15 06:43:19.320 D/MediaScanner( 1650): postscan time: 20ms
  382. 01-15 06:43:19.320 D/MediaScanner( 1650): total time: 940ms
  383. 01-15 06:43:19.340 I/BootReceiver( 1812): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
  384. 01-15 06:43:19.360 D/MediaScannerService( 1650): done scanning volume external
  385. 01-15 06:43:19.370 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1703): hidden #16
  386. 01-15 06:43:20.510 D/dalvikvm( 1927): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 482K, 51% free 2883K/5831K, external 2041K/2137K, paused 90ms
  387. 01-15 06:43:21.290 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=false reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=7
  388. 01-15 06:43:21.350 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=1 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=7
  389. 01-15 06:43:21.490 I/MediaUploader( 1799): No need to wake up
  390. 01-15 06:43:21.570 D/Tethering( 1334): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  391. 01-15 06:43:22.000 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 585K, 57% free 2933K/6727K, external 1634K/2137K, paused 0ms+30ms
  392. 01-15 06:43:22.320 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40532cd8
  393. 01-15 06:43:22.370 D/GTalkService( 1636): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] ##### searchProvidersFromIntent
  394. 01-15 06:43:22.380 D/GTalkService( 1636): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] no intent receivers found
  395. 01-15 06:43:22.430 D/GTalkService( 1636): ##### Network broadcast (connected=false) type=mobile, state=CONNECTING
  396. 01-15 06:43:22.710 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 576K, 56% free 2971K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+10ms
  397. 01-15 06:43:23.920 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@405f6ba0 (uid=1000 pid=1927)
  398. 01-15 06:43:25.820 D/pppd ( 1949): using channel 1
  399. 01-15 06:43:25.820 I/pppd ( 1949): Using interface ppp0
  400. 01-15 06:43:25.820 I/pppd ( 1949): Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/smd7
  401. 01-15 06:43:25.820 D/Tethering( 1334): ppp0 is not a tetherable iface, ignoring
  402. 01-15 06:43:25.840 I/pppd ( 1949): local IP address
  403. 01-15 06:43:25.840 I/pppd ( 1949): remote IP address
  404. 01-15 06:43:25.840 I/pppd ( 1949): primary DNS address
  405. 01-15 06:43:25.840 I/pppd ( 1949): secondary DNS address
  406. 01-15 06:43:26.360 W/ProcessStats( 1334): Skipping unknown process pid 1951
  407. 01-15 06:43:26.400 W/ProcessStats( 1334): Skipping unknown process pid 1953
  408. 01-15 06:43:26.600 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=7
  409. 01-15 06:43:26.700 D/MobileDataStateTracker( 1334): CONNECTED event did not supply a default gateway.
  410. 01-15 06:43:26.710 W/NetworkStateTracker( 1334): net.tcp.buffersize.1xrtt not found in system properties. Using defaults
  411. 01-15 06:43:26.720 D/Tethering( 1334): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  412. 01-15 06:43:26.770 D/GTalkService( 1636): ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=mobile, state=CONNECTED
  413. 01-15 06:43:26.800 I/MediaUploader( 1799): No need to wake up
  414. 01-15 06:43:27.220 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1151K, 45% free 4835K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 10ms+10ms
  415. 01-15 06:43:27.350 I/CheckinService( 1636): Preparing to send checkin request
  416. 01-15 06:43:27.350 I/EventLogService( 1636): Accumulating logs since 1326609770470
  417. 01-15 06:43:27.510 V/CheckinRequestBuilder( 1636): pre-froyo android id is 0
  418. 01-15 06:43:27.560 D/ResourceType( 1636): calling getConfigurations
  419. 01-15 06:43:27.570 D/ResourceType( 1636): called getConfigurations size=243
  420. 01-15 06:43:27.690 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 477K, 55% free 3067K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 10ms+10ms
  421. 01-15 06:43:27.980 I/CheckinTask( 1636): Sending checkin request (20981 bytes)
  422. 01-15 06:43:28.000 D/GpsLocationProvider( 1334): NTP server returned: 1326609793437 (Sun Jan 15 06:43:13 GMT+00:00 2012) reference: 361540 certainty: 260 system time offset: -14563
  423. 01-15 06:43:28.700 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { dat=file:///sdcard/GetLogs.apk typ=application/apk cmp=com.metago.astro/.PackageDetails } from pid 1828
  424. 01-15 06:43:28.920 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1744): hidden #16
  425. 01-15 06:43:28.950 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@405bd6a0 (uid=10043 pid=1828)
  426. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): Failure retrieving text 0x7f040001 in package com.GetLogs
  427. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): java.lang.NullPointerException
  428. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ResourcesKey.<init>(
  429. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  430. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  431. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getResourcesForApplication(
  432. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getText(
  433. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  434. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationLabel(
  435. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.model.PackageData.<init>(
  436. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at com.metago.astro.PackageDetails.onCreate(
  437. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  438. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  439. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  440. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$1500(
  441. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$H.handleMessage(
  442. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  443. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  444. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  445. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  446. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  447. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at$
  448. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at
  449. 01-15 06:43:29.090 W/PackageManager( 1828): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  450. 01-15 06:43:29.350 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed com.metago.astro/.PackageDetails: +470ms
  451. 01-15 06:43:30.610 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 396K, 52% free 3240K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+0ms
  452. 01-15 06:43:30.840 D/dalvikvm( 1502): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 236K, 49% free 2874K/5575K, external 2135K/2137K, paused 60ms
  453. 01-15 06:43:31.120 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///sdcard/GetLogs.apk } from pid 1828
  454. 01-15 06:43:31.320 D/dalvikvm( 1920): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 85K, 50% free 2778K/5511K, external 2582K/2705K, paused 70ms
  455. 01-15 06:43:32.700 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +1s550ms
  456. 01-15 06:43:34.590 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { dat=file:///sdcard/GetLogs.apk (has extras) } from pid 1920
  457. 01-15 06:43:34.740 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for service pid=1974 uid=10032 gids={1015, 2001}
  458. 01-15 06:43:35.120 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +490ms
  459. 01-15 06:43:35.340 D/dalvikvm( 1974): GC_EXPLICIT freed 314K, 51% free 2715K/5511K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 90ms
  460. 01-15 06:43:35.360 W/ActivityManager( 1334): No content provider found for:
  461. 01-15 06:43:35.380 W/ActivityManager( 1334): No content provider found for:
  462. 01-15 06:43:35.380 D/PackageParser( 1334): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl-88816796.tmp
  463. 01-15 06:43:35.460 D/PackageManager( 1334): Scanning package com.GetLogs
  464. 01-15 06:43:35.470 I/PackageManager( 1334): Unpacking native libraries for /data/app/com.GetLogs-1.apk
  465. 01-15 06:43:35.480 D/installd( 1306): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/com.GetLogs-1.apk' ---
  466. 01-15 06:43:36.150 D/dalvikvm( 1982): DexOpt: load 20ms, verify+opt 220ms
  467. 01-15 06:43:36.150 D/installd( 1306): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/com.GetLogs-1.apk' (success) ---
  468. 01-15 06:43:36.160 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Force stopping package com.GetLogs uid=10044
  469. 01-15 06:43:36.180 D/PackageManager( 1334): Activities: com.GetLogs.GetLogsActivity
  470. 01-15 06:43:36.440 I/installd( 1306): move /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.GetLogs-1.apk@classes.dex -> /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.GetLogs-1.apk@classes.dex
  471. 01-15 06:43:36.440 D/PackageManager( 1334): New package installed in /data/app/com.GetLogs-1.apk
  472. 01-15 06:43:36.690 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=1983 uid=10007 gids={1015, 3003}
  473. 01-15 06:43:36.930 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_EXPLICIT freed 835K, 46% free 4737K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 220ms
  474. 01-15 06:43:37.040 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  475. 01-15 06:43:37.280 I/CheckinTask( 1636): From server: 155 gservices
  476. 01-15 06:43:37.300 D/InstallReceiver( 1983): com.GetLogs
  477. 01-15 06:43:37.330 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.GetLogs flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  478. 01-15 06:43:37.360 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  479. 01-15 06:43:37.380 W/ResourceType( 1334): Failure getting entry for 0x7f0a0000 (t=9 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
  480. 01-15 06:43:37.390 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1763): hidden #16
  481. 01-15 06:43:37.440 D/GTalkService( 1636): handlePackageInstalled: re-initialize providers
  482. 01-15 06:43:37.440 D/GTalkService( 1636): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] ##### searchProvidersFromIntent
  483. 01-15 06:43:37.510 D/GTalkService( 1636): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] no intent receivers found
  484. 01-15 06:43:37.520 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc com.svox.pico for broadcast com.svox.pico/.VoiceDataInstallerReceiver: pid=1990 uid=10042 gids={}
  485. 01-15 06:43:37.840 W/RecognitionManagerService( 1334): no available voice recognition services found
  486. 01-15 06:43:38.050 I/ActivityThread( 1990): Pub com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider: com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider
  487. 01-15 06:43:38.080 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1790): hidden #16
  488. 01-15 06:43:38.210 D/SettingsProvider( 1334): external modification to /data/data/; event=2
  489. 01-15 06:43:38.210 D/SettingsProvider( 1334): updating our caches for /data/data/
  490. 01-15 06:43:38.220 D/SettingsProvider( 1334): cache for settings table 'secure' rows=27; fullycached=true
  491. 01-15 06:43:38.240 D/SettingsProvider( 1334): cache for settings table 'system' rows=49; fullycached=true
  492. 01-15 06:43:38.520 I/GservicesProvider( 1636): main update completed
  493. 01-15 06:43:40.010 E/ThrottleService( 1334): Error reading data file
  494. 01-15 06:43:40.800 D/ResourceType( 1636): calling getConfigurations
  495. 01-15 06:43:40.800 D/ResourceType( 1636): called getConfigurations size=243
  496. 01-15 06:43:41.100 D/dalvikvm( 1669): GC_CONCURRENT freed 371K, 58% free 2869K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+10ms
  497. 01-15 06:43:41.250 I/CheckinTask( 1636): Checkin success: (1 requests sent)
  498. 01-15 06:43:41.790 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 699K, 53% free 3187K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+0ms
  499. 01-15 06:43:42.070 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Force stopping package uid=10006
  500. 01-15 06:43:42.070 I/Process ( 1334): Sending signal. PID: 1885 SIG: 9
  501. 01-15 06:43:42.100 I/CheckinService( 1636): From server: Intent { act=android.server.checkin.FOTA_CANCEL }
  502. 01-15 06:43:42.110 V/update.Download( 1636): deleting all update downloads
  503. 01-15 06:43:42.240 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000000 } from pid 1636
  504. 01-15 06:43:42.440 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=2008 uid=10024 gids={3003}
  505. 01-15 06:43:42.500 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Force stopping package uid=10009
  506. 01-15 06:43:42.890 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40682328
  507. 01-15 06:43:42.940 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  508. 01-15 06:43:43.190 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1203K, 45% free 4816K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 0ms+20ms
  509. 01-15 06:43:43.320 I/ActivityThread( 2008): Pub
  510. 01-15 06:43:43.330 I/ActivityThread( 2008): Pub
  511. 01-15 06:43:43.680 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 624K, 54% free 3155K/6727K, external 1634K/2137K, paused 10ms+30ms
  512. 01-15 06:43:43.770 I/Launcher( 1547): setLoadOnResume
  513. 01-15 06:43:43.900 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc for broadcast pid=2017 uid=10006 gids={3003, 1015}
  514. 01-15 06:43:44.330 I/ActivityThread( 2017): Pub
  515. 01-15 06:43:44.860 D/Finsky ( 2017): [1] # LocalAssets corrected : 0
  516. 01-15 06:43:44.860 D/Finsky ( 2017): Sanity check took : 10 ms
  517. 01-15 06:43:44.940 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  518. 01-15 06:43:44.940 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  519. 01-15 06:43:45.010 D/VoiceDialerReceiver( 1657): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  520. 01-15 06:43:45.010 V/RecognizerEngine( 1657): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/
  521. 01-15 06:43:45.010 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1848): hidden #16
  522. 01-15 06:43:45.060 D/Finsky ( 2017): [22] DownloadRecords.initializeAndPrune: Pruned 0 old downloads from the cursor.
  523. 01-15 06:43:48.530 D/GTalkService( 1636): EVENT_GSERVICES_CHANGED: NO GTALK CONNECTION!
  524. 01-15 06:43:52.190 D/dalvikvm( 1685): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1213K, 55% free 3043K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+0ms
  525. 01-15 06:43:54.660 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity } from pid 1920
  526. 01-15 06:43:54.800 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Start proc com.GetLogs for activity com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: pid=2046 uid=10044 gids={3003, 1007, 1015}
  527. 01-15 06:43:55.400 D/dalvikvm( 1685): GC_CONCURRENT freed 531K, 55% free 3075K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 0ms+0ms
  528. 01-15 06:43:55.540 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: +760ms (total +13s100ms)
  529. 01-15 06:43:55.560 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1835): hidden #16
  530. 01-15 06:43:55.740 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1754): hidden #16
  531. 01-15 06:44:05.890 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_EXPLICIT freed 686K, 56% free 3025K/6727K, external 1634K/2137K, paused 110ms
  532. 01-15 06:44:27.330 D/dalvikvm( 1650): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1228K, 56% free 2967K/6663K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 140ms
  533. 01-15 06:44:35.950 D/dalvikvm( 1657): GC_EXPLICIT freed 371K, 51% free 2712K/5511K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 140ms
  534. 01-15 06:44:37.630 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 101K, 49% free 2789K/5379K, external 2061K/2137K, paused 120ms
  535. 01-15 06:44:38.150 E/su ( 2055): Notifications check failed with error message no such table: prefs
  536. 01-15 06:44:38.510 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } from pid 1983
  537. 01-15 06:44:38.880 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@40534948 (uid=10044 pid=2046)
  538. 01-15 06:44:38.900 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 2046): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  539. 01-15 06:44:39.010 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +480ms
  540. 01-15 06:44:41.050 D/SuRequest( 1983): Sending result: ALLOW for UID: 10044
  541. 01-15 06:44:41.060 D/su ( 2055): 10044 com.GetLogs executing 0 /system/bin/sh using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
  542. 01-15 06:44:42.360 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1049K, 54% free 3045K/6535K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 50ms
  543. 01-15 06:44:42.530 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 533K, 52% free 3151K/6535K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 50ms
  544. 01-15 06:44:42.740 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 740K, 50% free 3292K/6535K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 50ms
  545. 01-15 06:44:42.750 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2046): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.369MB for 448262-byte allocation
  546. 01-15 06:44:42.790 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K, 47% free 3730K/6983K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 40ms
  547. 01-15 06:44:42.810 I/GetLogs ( 2046): Replacing phone: ###MDN##
  548. 01-15 06:44:42.850 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 47% free 3732K/6983K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 30ms
  549. 01-15 06:44:42.870 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2046): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.798MB for 448262-byte allocation
  550. 01-15 06:44:42.920 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 44% free 4169K/7431K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 30ms
  551. 01-15 06:44:42.950 I/GetLogs ( 2046): Replacing device: ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###
  552. 01-15 06:44:43.020 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 438K, 48% free 4170K/7879K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 40ms
  553. 01-15 06:44:43.040 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2046): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.439MB for 672358-byte allocation
  554. 01-15 06:44:43.090 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed <1K, 44% free 4826K/8583K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 30ms
  555. 01-15 06:44:43.140 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 437K, 49% free 4388K/8583K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 30ms
  556. 01-15 06:44:43.150 I/dalvikvm-heap( 2046): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.440MB for 448342-byte allocation
  557. 01-15 06:44:43.210 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K, 47% free 4826K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 30ms
  558. 01-15 06:44:43.270 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1099K, 59% free 3736K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 40ms
  559. 01-15 06:44:44.510 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_CONCURRENT freed 619K, 54% free 4177K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 0ms+0ms
  560. 01-15 06:44:45.540 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_CONCURRENT freed 988K, 52% free 4392K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 0ms+0ms
  561. 01-15 06:44:45.580 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 657K, 53% free 4274K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 40ms
  562. 01-15 06:44:45.630 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 539K, 53% free 4274K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 40ms
  563. 01-15 06:44:45.680 D/dalvikvm( 2046): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 539K, 50% free 4543K/9031K, external 2408K/3007K, paused 40ms
  564. 01-15 06:44:46.370 D/dalvikvm( 1669): GC_EXPLICIT freed 323K, 60% free 2728K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 140ms
  565. 01-15 06:44:55.980 D/dalvikvm( 1685): GC_EXPLICIT freed 100K, 55% free 3061K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 140ms
  566. 01-15 06:45:05.980 D/dalvikvm( 1983): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1049K, 56% free 2785K/6279K, external 1648K/2137K, paused 140ms
  567. 01-15 06:45:33.860 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=97
  568. 01-15 06:45:33.880 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=92
  569. 01-15 06:45:33.900 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
  570. 01-15 06:45:33.920 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=83
  571. 01-15 06:45:33.940 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=79
  572. 01-15 06:45:33.960 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
  573. 01-15 06:45:33.980 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=70
  574. 01-15 06:45:34.000 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=65
  575. 01-15 06:45:34.020 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=60
  576. 01-15 06:45:34.040 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=56
  577. 01-15 06:45:34.060 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=51
  578. 01-15 06:45:34.080 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
  579. 01-15 06:45:34.100 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=42
  580. 01-15 06:45:34.120 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=38
  581. 01-15 06:45:34.140 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=33
  582. 01-15 06:45:34.160 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=29
  583. 01-15 06:45:34.180 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=24
  584. 01-15 06:45:34.200 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
  585. 01-15 06:45:40.860 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=15
  586. 01-15 06:45:40.880 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=10
  587. 01-15 06:45:40.900 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=5
  588. 01-15 06:45:40.920 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=0
  589. 01-15 06:45:40.920 I/power ( 1334): *** set_screen_state 0
  590. 01-15 06:45:41.260 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1342K, 45% free 4815K/8647K, external 3511K/3903K, paused 0ms+10ms
  591. 01-15 06:45:46.300 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 78K, 45% free 4788K/8647K, external 3868K/3903K, paused 120ms
  592. 01-15 06:45:46.720 D/dalvikvm( 1334): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 30K, 45% free 4815K/8647K, external 4885K/4888K, paused 120ms
  593. 01-15 06:45:47.160 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1334): wakeWhenReadyLocked(26)
  594. 01-15 06:45:47.170 I/power ( 1334): *** set_screen_state 1
  595. 01-15 06:45:47.170 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=6
  596. 01-15 06:45:47.190 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=13
  597. 01-15 06:45:47.210 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=20
  598. 01-15 06:45:47.230 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=27
  599. 01-15 06:45:47.250 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=34
  600. 01-15 06:45:47.270 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=40
  601. 01-15 06:45:47.290 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=47
  602. 01-15 06:45:47.310 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=54
  603. 01-15 06:45:47.330 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
  604. 01-15 06:45:47.350 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=68
  605. 01-15 06:45:47.370 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
  606. 01-15 06:45:47.390 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=81
  607. 01-15 06:45:47.410 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
  608. 01-15 06:45:47.430 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=95
  609. 01-15 06:45:47.450 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=102
  610. 01-15 06:45:48.850 W/InputManagerService( 1334): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@406a1540
  611. 01-15 06:45:56.680 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXPLICIT freed 620K, 47% free 3509K/6599K, external 5026K/5940K, paused 140ms
  612. 01-15 06:46:05.190 D/dalvikvm( 1828): GC_EXPLICIT freed 619K, 48% free 3495K/6599K, external 4618K/5158K, paused 150ms
  613. 01-15 06:46:10.160 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_EXPLICIT freed 105K, 56% free 3006K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 120ms
  614. 01-15 06:46:38.270 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 } from pid 1334
  615. 01-15 06:46:38.780 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 2046): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
  616. 01-15 06:46:39.580 I/ActivityManager( 1334): No longer want (pid 1927): hidden #16
  617. 01-15 06:46:39.680 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXPLICIT freed 314K, 45% free 3642K/6599K, external 4885K/5940K, paused 110ms
  618. 01-15 06:46:41.490 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10000000 } from pid 1547
  619. 01-15 06:46:42.680 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 526K, 45% free 3836K/6855K, external 5936K/5940K, paused 150ms
  620. 01-15 06:46:43.130 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +1s550ms
  621. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  622. 01-15 06:46:46.890 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=AUDIO
  623. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  624. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 1
  625. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  626. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  627. 01-15 06:46:46.890 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): redirecting output to SPEAKER
  628. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=1 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 1, Headset = 0
  629. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  630. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  631. 01-15 06:46:46.890 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: TPA2016D2: enabling speakers
  632. 01-15 06:46:46.900 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 1 5
  633. 01-15 06:46:46.900 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  634. 01-15 06:46:46.900 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  635. 01-15 06:46:46.910 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): A1010: do ioctl(A1010_SET_CONFIG) to 0
  636. 01-15 06:46:46.910 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  637. 01-15 06:46:46.910 W/AudioFlinger( 1300): write blocked for 130 msecs, 1 delayed writes, thread 0x20bb0
  638. 01-15 06:46:49.080 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.CALL_PRIVILEGED dat=voicemail: flg=0x10000000 } from pid 1547
  639. 01-15 06:46:49.460 D/PhoneUtils( 1700): checkAndCopyPhoneProviderExtras: some or all extras are missing.
  640. 01-15 06:46:49.490 D/PhoneUtils( 1700): checkAndCopyPhoneProviderExtras: some or all extras are missing.
  641. 01-15 06:46:49.510 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { dat=voicemail: flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } from pid 1700
  642. 01-15 06:46:49.650 V/SipCallOptionHandler( 1700): Call option is SIP_ADDRESS_ONLY
  643. 01-15 06:46:49.650 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.CALL dat=voicemail: flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } from pid 1700
  644. 01-15 06:46:49.840 I/InCallScreen( 1700): onCreate()... this =
  645. 01-15 06:46:49.970 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  646. 01-15 06:46:49.970 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=AUDIO
  647. 01-15 06:46:49.970 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  648. 01-15 06:46:49.970 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 1
  649. 01-15 06:46:49.970 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  650. 01-15 06:46:49.970 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  651. 01-15 06:46:49.990 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): patching device to mCurSndDevice(1)
  652. 01-15 06:46:49.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=1 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 0
  653. 01-15 06:46:49.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  654. 01-15 06:46:49.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  655. 01-15 06:46:50.010 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 1 5
  656. 01-15 06:46:50.010 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  657. 01-15 06:46:50.010 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  658. 01-15 06:46:50.020 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  659. 01-15 06:46:50.230 D/dalvikvm( 1700): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 415K, 52% free 3230K/6727K, external 2057K/2137K, paused 70ms
  660. 01-15 06:46:50.530 D/dalvikvm( 1700): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 70K, 52% free 3234K/6727K, external 2729K/2749K, paused 70ms
  661. 01-15 06:46:50.690 D/dalvikvm( 1700): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 15K, 52% free 3250K/6727K, external 3273K/3442K, paused 80ms
  662. 01-15 06:46:50.780 W/ResourceType( 1700): getEntry failing because entryIndex 65 is beyond type entryCount 1
  663. 01-15 06:46:50.910 D/dalvikvm( 1700): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 10K, 52% free 3272K/6727K, external 4347K/4350K, paused 70ms
  664. 01-15 06:46:51.510 I/AudioService( 1334): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls
  665. 01-15 06:46:51.660 D/AudioHardwareInterface( 1300): setMode(IN_CALL)
  666. 01-15 06:46:51.660 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): Routing audio to Handset
  667. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  668. 01-15 06:46:51.660 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=VOICE
  669. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  670. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 1
  671. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  672. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  673. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=0 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 0
  674. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  675. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  676. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: TPA2016D2: enabling speakers
  677. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  678. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  679. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  680. 01-15 06:46:51.660 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0000
  681. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  682. 01-15 06:46:51.660 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): updating volume method=VOICE
  683. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  684. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  685. 01-15 06:46:51.660 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  686. 01-15 06:46:51.960 W/BluetoothHeadset( 1700): Proxy not attached to service
  687. 01-15 06:46:52.000 W/BluetoothHeadset( 1700): Proxy not attached to service
  688. 01-15 06:46:52.080 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Process (pid 1812) has died.
  689. 01-15 06:46:52.120 D/dalvikvm( 1700): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 56K, 50% free 3370K/6727K, external 5293K/5456K, paused 110ms
  690. 01-15 06:46:52.150 I/power ( 1334): *** set_screen_state 1
  691. 01-15 06:46:52.180 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=3 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=2GVoiceCallStarted interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=7
  692. 01-15 06:46:52.420 D/Tethering( 1334): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  693. 01-15 06:46:52.430 D/GTalkService( 1636): ##### Network broadcast (connected=false) type=mobile, state=SUSPENDED
  694. 01-15 06:46:52.490 D/AccelerometerListener( 1700): enable(true)
  695. 01-15 06:46:52.490 I/MediaUploader( 1799): No need to wake up
  696. 01-15 06:46:52.580 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE
  697. 01-15 06:46:52.730 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE
  698. 01-15 06:46:53.160 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE
  699. 01-15 06:46:53.460 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +3s730ms (total +4s280ms)
  700. 01-15 06:46:53.710 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE
  701. 01-15 06:46:53.800 D/AccelerometerListener( 1700): orientation: vertical
  702. 01-15 06:46:53.980 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE
  703. 01-15 06:46:54.070 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): Routing audio to Handset
  704. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  705. 01-15 06:46:56.990 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=VOICE
  706. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  707. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 0
  708. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  709. 01-15 06:46:56.990 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): patching device to mCurSndDevice(0)
  710. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=0 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 0
  711. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  712. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  713. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: TPA2016D2: enabling speakers
  714. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  715. 01-15 06:46:56.990 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  716. 01-15 06:46:57.000 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  717. 01-15 06:47:03.090 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): Routing audio to Speakerphone
  718. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  719. 01-15 06:47:03.090 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=VOICE
  720. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  721. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 0
  722. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  723. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=1 Mic = 1, DualMic = 1, Speaker = 1, Headset = 0
  724. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  725. 01-15 06:47:03.090 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  726. 01-15 06:47:03.200 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: TPA2016D2: enabling speakers
  727. 01-15 06:47:03.210 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): mCurSndDevice <- SPEAKER_MIC
  728. 01-15 06:47:03.210 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 13 5
  729. 01-15 06:47:03.210 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  730. 01-15 06:47:03.210 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  731. 01-15 06:47:03.220 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): A1010: do ioctl(A1010_SET_CONFIG) to 2
  732. 01-15 06:47:03.760 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  733. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR Filter FLAG = ffff.
  734. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR NUMBER OF BANDS = 04.
  735. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR Filter N1 = 833f.
  736. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR Filter N2 = 3dee.
  737. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR Filter N3 = e293.
  738. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR Filter N4 = bceb.
  739. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR FILTER M1 = ddae.
  740. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR FILTER M2 = bc26.
  741. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR FILTER M3 = 812a.
  742. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR FILTER M4 = 787.
  743. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR FILTER M16 = 1ee4.
  744. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): IIR FILTER SF1 = 02.
  745. 01-15 06:47:03.760 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0004
  746. 01-15 06:47:03.760 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  747. 01-15 06:47:03.760 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): updating volume method=VOICE
  748. 01-15 06:47:03.760 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 13 5
  749. 01-15 06:47:03.760 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  750. 01-15 06:47:03.760 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  751. 01-15 06:47:06.090 D/dalvikvm( 1799): GC_EXPLICIT freed 407K, 51% free 2736K/5575K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 120ms
  752. 01-15 06:47:07.820 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): Routing audio to Handset
  753. 01-15 06:47:07.820 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  754. 01-15 06:47:07.820 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=VOICE
  755. 01-15 06:47:07.820 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  756. 01-15 06:47:07.820 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 13
  757. 01-15 06:47:07.820 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : HANDSFREE
  758. 01-15 06:47:07.820 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table: TPA2016D2: applying VOICE settings
  759. 01-15 06:47:07.840 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=0 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 0
  760. 01-15 06:47:07.840 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  761. 01-15 06:47:07.840 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  762. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: TPA2016D2: enabling speakers
  763. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  764. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  765. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  766. 01-15 06:47:07.850 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0000
  767. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  768. 01-15 06:47:07.850 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): updating volume method=VOICE
  769. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  770. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  771. 01-15 06:47:07.850 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  772. 01-15 06:47:09.290 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE
  773. 01-15 06:47:09.340 I/AudioService( 1334): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phone_Ring_And_Calls
  774. 01-15 06:47:09.430 I/TelephonyRegistry( 1334): notifyDataConnection: state=2 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=2GVoiceCallEnded interfaceName=ppp0 networkType=7
  775. 01-15 06:47:09.470 I/PowerManagerService( 1334): clearUserActivity for 10000ms from now
  776. 01-15 06:47:09.530 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): Routing audio to Handset
  777. 01-15 06:47:09.670 D/MobileDataStateTracker( 1334): CONNECTED event did not supply a default gateway.
  778. 01-15 06:47:09.680 W/NetworkStateTracker( 1334): net.tcp.buffersize.1xrtt not found in system properties. Using defaults
  779. 01-15 06:47:09.700 D/Tethering( 1334): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  780. 01-15 06:47:09.710 D/GTalkService( 1636): ##### Network broadcast (connected=true) type=mobile, state=CONNECTED
  781. 01-15 06:47:09.830 D/dalvikvm( 1502): GC_CONCURRENT freed 294K, 49% free 2976K/5767K, external 2308K/2670K, paused 10ms+10ms
  782. 01-15 06:47:09.850 I/MediaUploader( 1799): No need to wake up
  783. 01-15 06:47:09.870 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW flg=0x10000 } from pid 1700
  784. 01-15 06:47:09.980 I/ActivityManager( 1334): moveTaskToBack: 12
  785. 01-15 06:47:10.120 D/AudioHardwareInterface( 1300): setMode(NORMAL)
  786. 01-15 06:47:10.140 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): Routing audio to Handset
  787. 01-15 06:47:10.140 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  788. 01-15 06:47:10.140 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=AUDIO
  789. 01-15 06:47:10.140 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  790. 01-15 06:47:10.140 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 0
  791. 01-15 06:47:10.140 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  792. 01-15 06:47:10.150 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=0 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 0
  793. 01-15 06:47:10.150 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  794. 01-15 06:47:10.150 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  795. 01-15 06:47:10.150 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  796. 01-15 06:47:10.150 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  797. 01-15 06:47:10.150 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): A1010: do ioctl(A1010_SET_CONFIG) to 0
  798. 01-15 06:47:10.160 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  799. 01-15 06:47:10.160 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0000
  800. 01-15 06:47:10.160 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  801. 01-15 06:47:10.160 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): updating volume method=AUDIO
  802. 01-15 06:47:10.160 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  803. 01-15 06:47:10.160 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  804. 01-15 06:47:10.170 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  805. 01-15 06:47:10.340 D/AccelerometerListener( 1700): enable(false)
  806. 01-15 06:47:10.350 D/BT HS/HF( 1700): CDMA call state: IDLE prev state:IDLE
  807. 01-15 06:47:10.480 D/dalvikvm( 1636): GC_CONCURRENT freed 523K, 55% free 3054K/6727K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 10ms+10ms
  808. 01-15 06:47:10.490 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Process (pid 1920) has died.
  809. 01-15 06:47:10.560 I/ActivityManager( 1334): moveTaskToBack: 12
  810. 01-15 06:47:11.140 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed +1s70ms
  811. 01-15 06:47:12.470 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=97
  812. 01-15 06:47:12.490 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=92
  813. 01-15 06:47:12.510 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=88
  814. 01-15 06:47:12.530 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=83
  815. 01-15 06:47:12.550 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=79
  816. 01-15 06:47:12.570 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=74
  817. 01-15 06:47:12.590 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=70
  818. 01-15 06:47:12.610 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=65
  819. 01-15 06:47:12.630 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=60
  820. 01-15 06:47:12.650 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=56
  821. 01-15 06:47:12.670 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=61
  822. 01-15 06:47:12.690 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=67
  823. 01-15 06:47:12.710 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=72
  824. 01-15 06:47:12.730 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=78
  825. 01-15 06:47:12.750 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=83
  826. 01-15 06:47:12.770 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=89
  827. 01-15 06:47:12.790 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=94
  828. 01-15 06:47:12.810 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=100
  829. 01-15 06:47:12.830 D/lights ( 1334): Setting brightnessMode=0 brightness=102
  830. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_start_acoustic_setting
  831. 01-15 06:47:12.870 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): disabling volume method=AUDIO
  832. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 0
  833. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Use current device 0
  834. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  835. 01-15 06:47:12.870 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1300): patching device to mCurSndDevice(0)
  836. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=0 Mic = 1, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 0
  837. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): UpdateAudioAdieTable(bAudioUplinkReq 1,bAUXBypassReq 0, bEnableHSSD=0, bForceUpdate = 0)
  838. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Update not required
  839. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 0 5
  840. 01-15 06:47:12.870 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): Acoustic profile : EARCUPLE
  841. 01-15 06:47:12.880 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1300): msm72xx_set_acoustic_done
  842. 01-15 06:47:14.410 D/dalvikvm( 1547): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 310K, 43% free 3930K/6855K, external 6415K/7451K, paused 90ms
  843. 01-15 06:47:16.710 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity } from pid 1547
  844. 01-15 06:47:17.370 I/ActivityManager( 1334): Displayed com.GetLogs/.GetLogsActivity: +640ms
  845. 01-15 06:47:20.810 D/su ( 2095): 10044 com.GetLogs executing 0 /system/bin/sh using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
  846. ======================= RADIO LOG ===================
  847. 01-15 06:42:27.480 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0023]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  848. 01-15 06:42:27.480 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0024]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  849. 01-15 06:42:27.480 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0025]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  850. 01-15 06:42:27.480 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0026]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  851. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0027]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  852. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0028]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  853. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0029]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  854. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0030]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  855. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0031]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  856. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0032]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  857. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0033]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  858. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0034]< GET_SIM_STATUS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  859. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0035]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  860. 01-15 06:42:27.500 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0036]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  861. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/GSM ( 1520): Baseband version: 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF
  862. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/GSM ( 1520): Radio Technology Change ongoing, setting SS to off
  863. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/GSM ( 1520): Radio Technology Change ongoing, setting SS to off
  864. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/PHONE ( 1520): [PhoneProxy] Switching phone from GSMPhone to CDMAPhone
  865. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/PHONE ( 1520): [PhoneProxy] Make a new CDMAPhone and destroy the old GSMPhone.
  866. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/GSM ( 1520): [GsmDataConnection-1] DcInactiveState: msg.what=EVENT_RESET, ignore we're already reset
  867. 01-15 06:42:27.550 D/GSM ( 1520): [GsmDataConnection-1] NotifyDisconnectCompleted
  868. 01-15 06:42:27.570 D/GSM ( 1520): [GsmDataConnection-1] clearSettings
  869. 01-15 06:42:27.580 D/GSM ( 1520): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  870. 01-15 06:42:27.870 D/PHONE ( 1520): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
  871. 01-15 06:42:27.870 D/PHONE ( 1520): mCallRingDelay=3000
  872. 01-15 06:42:27.950 D/CDMA ( 1520): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection constructor E
  873. 01-15 06:42:27.950 D/CDMA ( 1520): [CdmaDataConnection-2] clearSettings
  874. 01-15 06:42:27.950 D/CDMA ( 1520): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection constructor X
  875. 01-15 06:42:27.950 D/CDMA ( 1520): [CdmaDataConnection-2] Made CdmaDataConnection-2
  876. 01-15 06:42:30.930 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  877. 01-15 06:42:31.710 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_SYSTYPE: 2,2,1,0,3
  878. 01-15 06:42:31.720 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_ERIIND: 3,160,0,0,0,0,0,,1
  879. 01-15 06:42:31.720 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTCCTZV: "12/01/15,06:42:33-32,0"
  880. 01-15 06:42:31.720 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_3GIND: 0
  881. 01-15 06:42:31.730 D/RILJ ( 1520): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 12/01/15,06:42:33-32,0
  882. 01-15 06:42:33.170 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  883. 01-15 06:42:35.150 D/GSM ( 1520): Radio Technology Change ongoing, setting SS to off
  884. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): Exception querying IMSI, RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  885. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): Error getting ICC status. RIL_REQUEST_GET_ICC_STATUS should never return an error
  886. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  887. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): at
  888. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): at
  889. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): at
  890. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): at$300(
  891. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): at$
  892. 01-15 06:42:35.150 E/GSM ( 1520): at
  893. 01-15 06:42:35.150 D/GSM ( 1520): [IccCard] Error in querying facility RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  894. 01-15 06:42:35.150 D/GSM ( 1520): [IccCard] Error in querying facility RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  895. 01-15 06:42:35.160 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0037]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  896. 01-15 06:42:35.160 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  897. 01-15 06:42:35.160 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0037]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  898. 01-15 06:42:35.160 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0038]> OPERATOR
  899. 01-15 06:42:35.170 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0039]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  900. 01-15 06:42:35.170 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  901. 01-15 06:42:35.170 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0038]< OPERATOR error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  902. 01-15 06:42:35.170 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0040]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION
  903. 01-15 06:42:35.170 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  904. 01-15 06:42:35.180 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0041]> OPERATOR
  905. 01-15 06:42:35.180 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION (95)
  906. 01-15 06:42:35.180 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_NAM_SEL?
  907. 01-15 06:42:35.180 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0042]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  908. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0043]> BASEBAND_VERSION
  909. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0039]< REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  910. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_NAM_SEL: 0,0,"###MDN##"
  911. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  912. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_DM=C826030100
  913. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0044]> RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY
  914. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_DM: C826030100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000031020000000000000000000000000DD0ADDE850000008500000026030100000000FF0000AA4E3FBC00030E0138B0000000
  915. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  916. 01-15 06:42:35.190 V/RIL ( 1298): Hex SID/NID: 00000000
  917. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_RSINFO=0
  918. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/CDMA ( 1520): Event EVENT_RADIO_ON Received
  919. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/CDMA ( 1520): Event EVENT_NV_READY Received
  920. 01-15 06:42:35.190 D/CDMA ( 1520): loadEriFileFromXml: check for alternate file
  921. 01-15 06:42:35.200 D/CDMA ( 1520): loadEriFileFromXml: no alternate file
  922. 01-15 06:42:35.200 D/CDMA ( 1520): loadEriFileFromXml: open normal file
  923. 01-15 06:42:35.210 E/CDMA ( 1520): Error Parsing ERI file: 12 defined, 13 parsed!
  924. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/CDMA ( 1520): loadEriFileFromXml: eri parsing successful, file loaded
  925. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/CDMA ( 1520): ERI read, notify registrants
  926. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_RSINFO: 2.32.00WF,M76XXDSDCABPZM-6125,805FB05F,51081,1,310003173406283,14005c57524206c9,1.42_003
  927. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  928. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  929. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_SRV_STATUS?
  930. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0040]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION {###MDN##, 0, 0, 3173406283, 51081}
  931. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_SRV_STATUS: 0,2,"0310000"
  932. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  933. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_SYSTYPE: 2,2,1,0,3
  934. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_ERIIND: 3,160,0,0,0,0,0,,1
  935. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  936. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_3GIND: 0
  937. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  938. 01-15 06:42:35.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_GETSYSTYPE=0
  939. 01-15 06:42:35.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_GETSYSTYPE: 2,2,1,0,3
  940. 01-15 06:42:35.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  941. 01-15 06:42:35.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CREG?
  942. 01-15 06:42:35.220 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0041]< OPERATOR {, , 31000, null}
  943. 01-15 06:42:35.220 I/CDMA ( 1520): NITZ: 12/01/15,06:42:33-32,0,307190 start=310690 delay=3500
  944. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  945. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  946. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_BSINFO?
  947. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_BSINFO: 6,8,406,+0,+0,-96,"12/01/15,06:42:37-32,0"
  948. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  949. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: BASEBAND_VERSION (51)
  950. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+RADIOVER
  951. 01-15 06:42:35.230 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0042]< REGISTRATION_STATE {5, null, null, 6, 406, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 64, 1, 160, -1}
  952. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +RADIOVER: 61.27W.25.23U
  953. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  954. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@v
  955. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 2.32.00WF
  956. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  957. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: DEVICE_IDENTITY (98)
  958. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+GSN
  959. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0043]< BASEBAND_VERSION 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF
  960. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###701
  961. 01-15 06:42:35.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  962. 01-15 06:42:35.250 I/CDMA ( 1520): NITZ: Auto updating time of day to Sun Jan 15 06:42:36 GMT+00:00 2012 NITZ receive delay=3510ms gained=1270ms from 12/01/15,06:42:33-32,0
  963. 01-15 06:42:35.250 D/RILJ ( 1520): [0044]< RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY {###IMEI/MEID/ESN###7, 011, 805FB05F, ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###}
  964. 01-15 06:42:36.520 I/CDMA ( 1520): NITZ: update nitz time property
  965. 01-15 06:42:36.520 I/CDMA ( 1520): NITZ: end=310730 dur=40
  966. 01-15 06:42:36.640 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  967. 01-15 06:42:41.780 W/RILC ( 1298): EOS. Closing command socket.
  968. 01-15 06:42:43.220 I/PHONE ( 1700): Network Mode set to 0
  969. 01-15 06:42:43.220 I/PHONE ( 1700): Cdma Subscription set to 1
  970. 01-15 06:42:43.250 I/RILJ ( 1700): Connected to 'rild' socket
  971. 01-15 06:42:43.250 I/RILC ( 1298): libril: new connection
  972. 01-15 06:42:43.250 I/RILC ( 1298): RIL Daemon version: HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 088853e 2011-11-09 19:03:50 +0100
  973. 01-15 06:42:43.250 D/RILJ ( 1700): Radio ON @ init; reset to OFF
  974. 01-15 06:42:43.250 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0000]> REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE : 0
  975. 01-15 06:42:43.260 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0001]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION : 1
  976. 01-15 06:42:43.260 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE (73)
  977. 01-15 06:42:43.260 D/RIL ( 1298): In requestSetPreferredNetworkType RAPH
  978. 01-15 06:42:43.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+BANDSET=0
  979. 01-15 06:42:43.260 I/PHONE ( 1700): Creating GSMPhone
  980. 01-15 06:42:43.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  981. 01-15 06:42:43.280 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CGAATT=2,2,0
  982. 01-15 06:42:43.290 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  983. 01-15 06:42:43.290 D/RIL ( 1298): Using GSM Phone
  984. 01-15 06:42:43.290 D/PHONE ( 1700): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
  985. 01-15 06:42:43.290 D/PHONE ( 1700): mCallRingDelay=3000
  986. 01-15 06:42:43.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=112
  987. 01-15 06:42:43.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  988. 01-15 06:42:43.300 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0002]> RADIO_POWER
  989. 01-15 06:42:43.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=911
  990. 01-15 06:42:43.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  991. 01-15 06:42:43.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=000
  992. 01-15 06:42:43.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  993. 01-15 06:42:43.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=08
  995. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  996. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=110
  997. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  998. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=118
  999. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1000. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=119
  1001. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1002. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CPIN?
  1003. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CPIN: READY
  1004. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1005. 01-15 06:42:43.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CIMI
  1006. 01-15 06:42:43.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 316010071585986
  1007. 01-15 06:42:43.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1008. 01-15 06:42:43.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+COPS=0
  1009. 01-15 06:42:43.340 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: radio available
  1010. 01-15 06:42:43.340 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0003]> SCREEN_STATE: true
  1011. 01-15 06:42:43.340 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: Radio On
  1013. 01-15 06:42:43.340 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: SIM ready
  1014. 01-15 06:42:43.340 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_READY
  1015. 01-15 06:42:43.400 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_ECCL: 4,"911","*911","#911","112"
  1016. 01-15 06:42:43.420 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1017. 01-15 06:42:43.420 W/GSM ( 1700): Can't open /system/etc/voicemail-conf.xml
  1018. 01-15 06:42:43.420 W/GSM ( 1700): Can't open /system/etc/spn-conf.xml
  1019. 01-15 06:42:43.420 D/GSM ( 1700): [DSAC DEB] registerForPsRestrictedEnabled
  1020. 01-15 06:42:43.420 D/GSM ( 1700): [DSAC DEB] registerForPsRestrictedDisabled
  1021. 01-15 06:42:43.440 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CSCB=1
  1022. 01-15 06:42:43.490 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1023. 01-15 06:42:43.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@HTCCSQ=1
  1024. 01-15 06:42:43.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1025. 01-15 06:42:43.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CSMS=1
  1026. 01-15 06:42:43.510 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] DataConnection constructor E
  1027. 01-15 06:42:43.510 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] clearSettings
  1028. 01-15 06:42:43.510 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] DataConnection constructor X
  1029. 01-15 06:42:43.510 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] Made GsmDataConnection-1
  1030. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1031. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION (77)
  1032. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: RADIO_POWER (23)
  1033. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CFUN=0
  1034. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0000]< REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE
  1035. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0001]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION
  1036. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 2
  1037. 01-15 06:42:43.520 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1038. 01-15 06:42:43.590 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 0
  1039. 01-15 06:42:43.590 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_ENTER_LPM
  1040. 01-15 06:42:43.590 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1041. 01-15 06:42:43.610 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0004]> RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING
  1042. 01-15 06:42:43.620 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SCREEN_STATE (61)
  1043. 01-15 06:42:43.620 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: radio off or not available
  1044. 01-15 06:42:43.620 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED RADIO_OFF
  1045. 01-15 06:42:43.650 D/STK ( 1700): StkService: StkService: is running
  1046. 01-15 06:42:43.650 D/STK ( 1700): StkService: NEW sInstance
  1047. 01-15 06:42:43.650 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0002]< RADIO_POWER
  1048. 01-15 06:42:43.650 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0003]< SCREEN_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1049. 01-15 06:42:43.650 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING (103)
  1050. 01-15 06:42:43.660 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0004]< RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1051. 01-15 06:42:44.440 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0005]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1052. 01-15 06:42:44.450 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0006]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1053. 01-15 06:42:44.450 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1054. 01-15 06:42:44.450 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0005]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1055. 01-15 06:42:44.450 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0007]> RADIO_POWER
  1056. 01-15 06:42:44.460 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1057. 01-15 06:42:44.460 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0006]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1058. 01-15 06:42:44.460 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1059. 01-15 06:42:44.460 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1060. 01-15 06:42:44.460 D/GSM ( 1700): Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported 0 0RoamInd: 0DefRoamInd: 0EmergOnly: false] newSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1 oldType=unknown newType=unknown
  1061. 01-15 06:42:44.470 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: RADIO_POWER (23)
  1062. 01-15 06:42:44.470 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CFUN=1
  1063. 01-15 06:42:44.500 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0008]> SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC
  1064. 01-15 06:42:44.520 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1065. 01-15 06:42:44.520 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1066. 01-15 06:42:44.520 D/GSM ( 1700): Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1 oldType=unknown newType=unknown
  1067. 01-15 06:42:44.520 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED READY reason null
  1068. 01-15 06:42:44.540 V/GSM ( 1700): SIMRecords:fetchSimRecords 0
  1069. 01-15 06:42:44.540 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0009]> getIMSI:RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI 11 GET_IMSI
  1070. 01-15 06:42:44.550 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0010]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x2fe2 path: 3F00,0,0,15
  1071. 01-15 06:42:44.560 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0011]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f40 path: 3F007F10,0,0,15
  1072. 01-15 06:42:44.570 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0012]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fc9 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1073. 01-15 06:42:44.570 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0013]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fad path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1074. 01-15 06:42:44.570 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0014]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fca path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1075. 01-15 06:42:44.580 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0015]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f11 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1076. 01-15 06:42:44.610 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0016]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fcb path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1077. 01-15 06:42:44.750 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0017]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f13 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1078. 01-15 06:42:44.760 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0018]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f46 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1079. 01-15 06:42:44.760 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0019]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fcd path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1080. 01-15 06:42:44.760 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0020]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fc5 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1081. 01-15 06:42:44.770 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0021]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f38 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1082. 01-15 06:42:44.770 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0022]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f16 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1083. 01-15 06:42:44.770 D/GSM ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1084. 01-15 06:42:44.790 D/GSM ( 1700): [DSAC DEB] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
  1085. 01-15 06:42:44.790 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1086. 01-15 06:42:44.790 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1087. 01-15 06:42:44.790 D/GSM ( 1700): Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1 oldType=unknown newType=unknown
  1088. 01-15 06:42:44.790 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0023]> GET_SIM_STATUS
  1089. 01-15 06:42:44.800 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0024]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK
  1090. 01-15 06:42:44.810 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0025]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK
  1091. 01-15 06:42:44.810 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0026]> RADIO_POWER
  1092. 01-15 06:42:44.810 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1093. 01-15 06:42:44.820 E/GSM ( 1700): Wrong network type: 0
  1094. 01-15 06:42:44.820 D/GSM ( 1700): Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[3 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1 oldType=unknown newType=unknown
  1095. 01-15 06:42:44.820 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] DcInactiveState: msg.what=EVENT_RESET, ignore we're already reset
  1096. 01-15 06:42:44.820 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] NotifyDisconnectCompleted
  1097. 01-15 06:42:44.820 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] clearSettings
  1098. 01-15 06:42:44.820 D/GSM ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1099. 01-15 06:42:44.830 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED NOT_READY reason null
  1100. 01-15 06:42:44.840 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0027]> BASEBAND_VERSION
  1101. 01-15 06:42:44.850 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0028]> GET_IMEI
  1102. 01-15 06:42:44.860 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0029]> GET_IMEISV
  1103. 01-15 06:42:45.040 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1104. 01-15 06:42:45.040 D/RIL ( 1298): Using GSM Phone
  1105. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=112
  1106. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: Radio On
  1108. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0030]> OPERATOR
  1109. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1110. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=911
  1111. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0031]> GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1112. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1113. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=000
  1114. 01-15 06:42:45.050 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0032]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1115. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1116. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=08
  1117. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0033]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1118. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1119. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=110
  1120. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0034]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1121. 01-15 06:42:45.060 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1122. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=118
  1123. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1124. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ODEN=119
  1125. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1126. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CPIN?
  1127. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CPIN: READY
  1128. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1129. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CIMI
  1130. 01-15 06:42:45.070 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CME ERROR: 14
  1131. 01-15 06:42:47.080 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CIMI
  1132. 01-15 06:42:47.080 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CME ERROR: 14
  1133. 01-15 06:42:49.090 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CIMI
  1134. 01-15 06:42:49.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 316010071585986
  1135. 01-15 06:42:49.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1136. 01-15 06:42:49.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+COPS=0
  1137. 01-15 06:42:49.230 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: SIM ready
  1138. 01-15 06:42:49.230 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_READY
  1139. 01-15 06:42:49.230 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0035]> OPERATOR
  1140. 01-15 06:42:49.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_ECCL: 4,"911","*911","#911","112"
  1141. 01-15 06:42:49.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1142. 01-15 06:42:49.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CSCB=1
  1143. 01-15 06:42:49.270 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0036]> GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1144. 01-15 06:42:49.460 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0037]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1145. 01-15 06:42:49.520 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0038]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1146. 01-15 06:42:49.540 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0039]> SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC
  1147. 01-15 06:42:49.540 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0040]> OPERATOR
  1148. 01-15 06:42:49.550 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0041]> GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1149. 01-15 06:42:49.560 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0042]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1150. 01-15 06:42:49.570 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0043]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1151. 01-15 06:42:49.630 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED READY reason null
  1152. 01-15 06:42:49.680 V/GSM ( 1700): SIMRecords:fetchSimRecords 14
  1153. 01-15 06:42:49.680 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0044]> getIMSI:RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI 11 GET_IMSI
  1154. 01-15 06:42:49.710 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0045]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x2fe2 path: 3F00,0,0,15
  1155. 01-15 06:42:49.720 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CMS ERROR: 500
  1156. 01-15 06:42:49.720 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@HTCCSQ=1
  1157. 01-15 06:42:49.740 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1158. 01-15 06:42:49.740 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CSMS=1
  1159. 01-15 06:42:49.750 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1160. 01-15 06:42:49.750 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC (46)
  1161. 01-15 06:42:49.750 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+COPS=0
  1162. 01-15 06:42:49.750 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0007]< RADIO_POWER
  1163. 01-15 06:42:49.800 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_ECCL: 4,"911","*911","#911","112"
  1164. 01-15 06:42:49.810 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1165. 01-15 06:42:49.820 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_SYSTYPE: 0,0,1,4,3
  1166. 01-15 06:42:49.820 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 2
  1167. 01-15 06:42:49.820 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_IMSI (11)
  1168. 01-15 06:42:49.820 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CIMI
  1169. 01-15 06:42:49.850 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 316010071585986
  1170. 01-15 06:42:49.850 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1171. 01-15 06:42:49.850 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1172. 01-15 06:42:49.850 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,12258,0,0,15
  1173. 01-15 06:42:49.910 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,0000000A2FE204000F005501020000
  1174. 01-15 06:42:49.910 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1175. 01-15 06:42:49.910 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1176. 01-15 06:42:49.910 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28480,0,0,15
  1177. 01-15 06:42:49.990 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,000000266F40040011005501020126
  1178. 01-15 06:42:49.990 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1179. 01-15 06:42:49.990 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1180. 01-15 06:42:49.990 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28617,0,0,15
  1181. 01-15 06:42:50.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0008]< SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC
  1182. 01-15 06:42:50.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0009]< GET_IMSI
  1183. 01-15 06:42:50.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): < iccIO: 0x90 0x0 0000000A2FE204000F005501020000
  1184. 01-15 06:42:50.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0010]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1185. 01-15 06:42:50.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): < iccIO: 0x90 0x0 000000266F40040011005501020126
  1186. 01-15 06:42:50.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0011]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1187. 01-15 06:42:50.050 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0046]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f40 path: 3F007F10,0,0,15
  1188. 01-15 06:42:50.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1189. 01-15 06:42:50.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1190. 01-15 06:42:50.120 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1191. 01-15 06:42:50.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28589,0,0,15
  1192. 01-15 06:42:50.120 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0012]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1193. 01-15 06:42:50.120 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0047]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fc9 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1194. 01-15 06:42:50.180 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,000000046FAD040005005501020000
  1195. 01-15 06:42:50.180 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1196. 01-15 06:42:50.180 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1197. 01-15 06:42:50.180 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28618,0,0,15
  1198. 01-15 06:42:50.240 D/RILJ ( 1700): < iccIO: 0x90 0x0 000000046FAD040005005501020000
  1199. 01-15 06:42:50.240 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0013]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1200. 01-15 06:42:50.240 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0048]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fad path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1201. 01-15 06:42:50.290 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0049]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fca path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1202. 01-15 06:42:50.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1203. 01-15 06:42:50.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_SYSTYPE: 2,2,1,4,3
  1204. 01-15 06:42:50.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_ERIIND: 3,160,0,0,0,0,0,,1
  1205. 01-15 06:42:50.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 5
  1206. 01-15 06:42:50.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTCCTZV: "12/01/15,06:42:51-32,0"
  1207. 01-15 06:42:50.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1208. 01-15 06:42:50.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1209. 01-15 06:42:50.340 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1210. 01-15 06:42:50.340 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28433,0,0,15
  1211. 01-15 06:42:50.460 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 12/01/15,06:42:51-32,0
  1212. 01-15 06:42:50.460 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0014]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1213. 01-15 06:42:50.460 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0050]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f11 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1214. 01-15 06:42:50.470 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0051]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fcb path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1215. 01-15 06:42:50.490 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1216. 01-15 06:42:50.490 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1217. 01-15 06:42:50.490 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1218. 01-15 06:42:50.490 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28619,0,0,15
  1219. 01-15 06:42:50.510 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0015]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1220. 01-15 06:42:50.640 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1221. 01-15 06:42:50.640 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1222. 01-15 06:42:50.640 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1223. 01-15 06:42:50.640 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28435,0,0,15
  1224. 01-15 06:42:50.750 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0016]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1225. 01-15 06:42:50.750 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0052]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f13 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1226. 01-15 06:42:50.780 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1227. 01-15 06:42:50.780 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1228. 01-15 06:42:50.780 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1229. 01-15 06:42:50.780 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28486,0,0,15
  1230. 01-15 06:42:50.780 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0017]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1231. 01-15 06:42:50.810 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0053]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f46 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1232. 01-15 06:42:50.820 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0054]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fcd path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1233. 01-15 06:42:50.820 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0055]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fc5 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1234. 01-15 06:42:50.850 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0056]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f38 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1235. 01-15 06:42:50.880 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,000000116F46040005005501020000
  1236. 01-15 06:42:50.880 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1237. 01-15 06:42:50.880 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1238. 01-15 06:42:50.880 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28621,0,0,15
  1239. 01-15 06:42:50.880 D/RILJ ( 1700): < iccIO: 0x90 0x0 000000116F46040005005501020000
  1240. 01-15 06:42:50.880 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0018]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1241. 01-15 06:42:50.900 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0057]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f16 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1242. 01-15 06:42:50.910 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0058]> GET_SIM_STATUS
  1243. 01-15 06:42:50.930 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0059]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK
  1244. 01-15 06:42:51.010 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0060]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK
  1245. 01-15 06:42:51.030 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1246. 01-15 06:42:51.030 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1247. 01-15 06:42:51.030 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1248. 01-15 06:42:51.030 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28613,0,0,15
  1249. 01-15 06:42:51.030 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0019]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1250. 01-15 06:42:51.050 D/GSM ( 1700): IMSI: 316010xxxxxxx
  1251. 01-15 06:42:51.050 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED IMSI reason null
  1252. 01-15 06:42:51.070 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0061]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x2fe2 path: 3F00,0,0,10
  1253. 01-15 06:42:51.070 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0062]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb2 0x6f40 path: 3F007F10,1,4,38
  1254. 01-15 06:42:51.170 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1255. 01-15 06:42:51.170 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1256. 01-15 06:42:51.170 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1257. 01-15 06:42:51.170 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28472,0,0,15
  1258. 01-15 06:42:51.170 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0020]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1259. 01-15 06:42:51.220 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0063]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6fad path: 3F007F20,0,0,4
  1260. 01-15 06:42:51.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 144,0,0000000C6F38040015005501020000
  1261. 01-15 06:42:51.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1262. 01-15 06:42:51.240 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1263. 01-15 06:42:51.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CRSM=192,28438,0,0,15
  1264. 01-15 06:42:51.240 D/RILJ ( 1700): < iccIO: 0x90 0x0 0000000C6F38040015005501020000
  1265. 01-15 06:42:51.240 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0021]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0
  1266. 01-15 06:42:51.300 I/GSM ( 1700): NITZ: 12/01/15,06:42:51-32,0,324540 start=325510 delay=970
  1267. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CRSM: 148,4
  1268. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 4
  1269. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_SIM_STATUS (1)
  1270. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CPIN?
  1271. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0022]< SIM_IO error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1272. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CPIN: READY
  1273. 01-15 06:42:51.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1274. 01-15 06:42:51.390 I/GSM ( 1700): NITZ: Setting time of day to Sun Jan 15 06:42:52 GMT+00:00 2012 NITZ receive delay(ms): 1060 gained(ms): 670 from 12/01/15,06:42:51-32,0
  1275. 01-15 06:42:51.390 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CIMI
  1276. 01-15 06:42:52.100 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 316010071585986
  1277. 01-15 06:42:52.100 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1278. 01-15 06:42:52.100 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK (42)
  1279. 01-15 06:42:52.100 D/RIL ( 1298): FACILITY
  1280. 01-15 06:42:52.100 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCK="SC",2,"",7
  1281. 01-15 06:42:52.130 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0023]< GET_SIM_STATUS
  1282. 01-15 06:42:52.180 I/GSM ( 1700): NITZ: after Setting time of day
  1283. 01-15 06:42:52.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCK: 0
  1284. 01-15 06:42:52.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1285. 01-15 06:42:52.190 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK (42)
  1286. 01-15 06:42:52.190 D/RIL ( 1298): FACILITY
  1287. 01-15 06:42:52.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCK="FD",2,"",7
  1288. 01-15 06:42:52.190 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0024]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK {0}
  1289. 01-15 06:42:52.200 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0064]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6f46 path: 3F007F20,0,0,17
  1290. 01-15 06:42:52.210 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0065]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f17 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15
  1291. 01-15 06:42:52.220 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0066]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6f38 path: 3F007F20,0,0,12
  1292. 01-15 06:42:52.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCK: 0
  1293. 01-15 06:42:52.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1294. 01-15 06:42:52.230 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: RADIO_POWER (23)
  1295. 01-15 06:42:52.230 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: BASEBAND_VERSION (51)
  1296. 01-15 06:42:52.230 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+RADIOVER
  1297. 01-15 06:42:52.230 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0025]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK {0}
  1298. 01-15 06:42:52.240 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0026]< RADIO_POWER
  1299. 01-15 06:42:52.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +RADIOVER: 61.27W.25.23U
  1300. 01-15 06:42:52.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1301. 01-15 06:42:52.240 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@v
  1302. 01-15 06:42:52.240 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Query facility lock : false
  1303. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 2.32.00WF
  1304. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1305. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_IMEI (38)
  1306. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+GSN
  1307. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0027]< BASEBAND_VERSION 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF
  1308. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Query facility lock : false
  1309. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/GSM ( 1700): Baseband version: 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF
  1310. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###701
  1311. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1312. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_IMEISV (39)
  1313. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+GSN
  1314. 01-15 06:42:52.250 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0028]< GET_IMEI
  1315. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT< ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###701
  1316. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1317. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1318. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE (21)
  1319. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CGREG?
  1320. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0029]< GET_IMEISV
  1321. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0030]< OPERATOR error: OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW
  1322. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1323. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1324. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1325. 01-15 06:42:52.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CGREG?
  1326. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0067]> OPERATOR
  1327. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1328. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1329. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CGREG?
  1330. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1331. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1332. 01-15 06:42:52.270 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CGREG?
  1333. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1334. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1335. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/RIL ( 1298): Using CDMA Phone
  1336. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_GPSONE=4
  1337. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: radio technology change GSM to CDMA
  1338. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED NV_NOT_READY
  1339. 01-15 06:42:52.280 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0068]> GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE
  1340. 01-15 06:42:52.290 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_GPSONE: 0
  1341. 01-15 06:42:52.290 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1342. 01-15 06:42:52.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLVL=102
  1343. 01-15 06:42:52.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1344. 01-15 06:42:52.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+COPS=0
  1345. 01-15 06:42:52.300 D/RILB ( 1700): Notifying: NV ready
  1346. 01-15 06:42:52.300 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED NV_READY
  1347. 01-15 06:42:52.330 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0069]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1348. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_ECCL: 4,"911","*911","#911","112"
  1349. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1350. 01-15 06:42:52.370 E/RIL ( 1298): requestRegistrationState must never return an error when radio is on
  1351. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1352. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45)
  1353. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1354. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1355. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE (21)
  1356. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1357. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45)
  1358. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC (46)
  1359. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1360. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE (21)
  1361. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1362. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45)
  1363. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_IMSI (11)
  1364. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1365. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1366. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1367. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1368. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1369. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1370. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1371. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1372. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1373. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1374. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1375. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1376. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1377. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_SIM_STATUS (1)
  1378. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK (42)
  1379. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK (42)
  1380. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1381. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1382. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1383. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1384. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1385. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIM_IO (28)
  1386. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1387. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE (21)
  1388. 01-15 06:42:52.370 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0031]< GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1389. 01-15 06:42:52.380 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0032]< REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1390. 01-15 06:42:52.380 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0033]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1391. 01-15 06:42:52.380 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0034]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1392. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0070]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE
  1393. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/GSM ( 1700): Radio Technology Change ongoing, setting SS to off
  1394. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/PHONE ( 1700): [PhoneProxy] Switching phone from GSMPhone to CDMAPhone
  1395. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/PHONE ( 1700): [PhoneProxy] Make a new CDMAPhone and destroy the old GSMPhone.
  1396. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] DcInactiveState: msg.what=EVENT_RESET, ignore we're already reset
  1397. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] NotifyDisconnectCompleted
  1398. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0035]< OPERATOR error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1399. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0036]< GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1400. 01-15 06:42:52.390 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0037]< REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1401. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1402. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE (45)
  1403. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0038]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1404. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0039]< SET_NETWORK_SELECTION_AUTOMATIC error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1405. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0040]< OPERATOR error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1406. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0041]< GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1407. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0042]< REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1408. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0043]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1409. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0044]< GET_IMSI error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1410. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0045]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1411. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0046]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1412. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0047]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1413. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0048]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1414. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0049]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1415. 01-15 06:42:52.400 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0050]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1416. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0051]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1417. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0052]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1418. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0053]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1419. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0054]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1420. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0055]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1421. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0056]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1422. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0057]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1423. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0058]< GET_SIM_STATUS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1424. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0059]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1425. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0060]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1426. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0061]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1427. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0062]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1428. 01-15 06:42:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0063]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1429. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/GSM ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1430. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0064]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1431. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0065]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1432. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0066]< SIM_IO error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1433. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0067]< OPERATOR error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1434. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0068]< GPRS_REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1435. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0069]< REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1436. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0070]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1437. 01-15 06:42:52.420 D/GSM ( 1700): [GsmDataConnection-1] clearSettings
  1438. 01-15 06:42:52.520 D/PHONE ( 1700): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
  1439. 01-15 06:42:52.520 D/PHONE ( 1700): mCallRingDelay=3000
  1440. 01-15 06:42:52.830 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection constructor E
  1441. 01-15 06:42:52.830 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] clearSettings
  1442. 01-15 06:42:52.830 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection constructor X
  1443. 01-15 06:42:52.830 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] Made CdmaDataConnection-2
  1444. 01-15 06:42:52.920 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 0,0
  1445. 01-15 06:42:53.030 D/GSM ( 1700): Radio Technology Change ongoing, setting SS to off
  1446. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): Exception querying IMSI, RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1447. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): Error getting ICC status. RIL_REQUEST_GET_ICC_STATUS should never return an error
  1448. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1449. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): at
  1450. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): at
  1451. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): at
  1452. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): at$300(
  1453. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): at$
  1454. 01-15 06:42:53.030 E/GSM ( 1700): at
  1455. 01-15 06:42:53.030 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Error in querying facility RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1456. 01-15 06:42:53.030 D/GSM ( 1700): [IccCard] Error in querying facility RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1457. 01-15 06:42:53.040 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0071]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1458. 01-15 06:42:53.060 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0072]> OPERATOR
  1459. 01-15 06:42:53.060 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1460. 01-15 06:42:53.060 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0071]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1461. 01-15 06:42:53.080 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0073]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1462. 01-15 06:42:53.080 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1463. 01-15 06:42:53.080 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0072]< OPERATOR error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1464. 01-15 06:42:53.080 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0074]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION
  1465. 01-15 06:42:53.080 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1466. 01-15 06:42:53.090 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0073]< REGISTRATION_STATE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
  1467. 01-15 06:42:53.090 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0075]> OPERATOR
  1468. 01-15 06:42:53.090 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION (95)
  1469. 01-15 06:42:53.090 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_NAM_SEL?
  1470. 01-15 06:42:53.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_NAM_SEL: 0,0,"###MDN##"
  1471. 01-15 06:42:53.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1472. 01-15 06:42:53.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_DM=C826030100
  1473. 01-15 06:42:53.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_DM: C826030100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000031020000000000000000000000000DD0ADDE8500000085000000260301000B0100A3254EA44E3FBC00050B022CB0000000
  1474. 01-15 06:42:53.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1475. 01-15 06:42:53.120 V/RIL ( 1298): Hex SID/NID: 00000000
  1476. 01-15 06:42:53.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_RSINFO=0
  1477. 01-15 06:42:53.130 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_RSINFO: 2.32.00WF,M76XXDSDCABPZM-6125,805FB05F,51081,1,310003173406283,14005c57524206c9,1.42_003
  1478. 01-15 06:42:53.130 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1479. 01-15 06:42:53.130 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0074]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION {###MDN##, 0, 0, 3173406283, 51081}
  1480. 01-15 06:42:53.140 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0076]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1481. 01-15 06:42:53.160 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1482. 01-15 06:42:53.300 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0075]< OPERATOR {, , 31000, null}
  1483. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1484. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_GETSYSTYPE=0
  1485. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0077]> BASEBAND_VERSION
  1486. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_GETSYSTYPE: 2,2,1,4,3
  1487. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1488. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CREG?
  1489. 01-15 06:42:53.310 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0078]> RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY
  1490. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,2
  1491. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1492. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 2
  1493. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: BASEBAND_VERSION (51)
  1494. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+RADIOVER
  1495. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1496. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_RADIO_ON Received
  1497. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_NV_READY Received
  1498. 01-15 06:42:53.320 D/CDMA ( 1700): loadEriFileFromXml: check for alternate file
  1499. 01-15 06:42:53.340 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +RADIOVER: 61.27W.25.23U
  1500. 01-15 06:42:53.340 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1501. 01-15 06:42:53.340 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@v
  1502. 01-15 06:42:53.340 D/CDMA ( 1700): loadEriFileFromXml: no alternate file
  1503. 01-15 06:42:53.340 D/CDMA ( 1700): loadEriFileFromXml: open normal file
  1504. 01-15 06:42:53.350 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0076]< REGISTRATION_STATE {2, null, null, 6, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null}
  1505. 01-15 06:42:53.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 2.32.00WF
  1506. 01-15 06:42:53.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1507. 01-15 06:42:53.350 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: DEVICE_IDENTITY (98)
  1508. 01-15 06:42:53.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+GSN
  1509. 01-15 06:42:53.350 E/CDMA ( 1700): Error Parsing ERI file: 12 defined, 13 parsed!
  1510. 01-15 06:42:53.360 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0077]< BASEBAND_VERSION 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF
  1511. 01-15 06:42:53.360 D/AT ( 1298): AT< ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###701
  1512. 01-15 06:42:53.360 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1513. 01-15 06:42:53.360 D/CDMA ( 1700): loadEriFileFromXml: eri parsing successful, file loaded
  1514. 01-15 06:42:53.360 D/CDMA ( 1700): ERI read, notify registrants
  1515. 01-15 06:42:53.360 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0078]< RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY {###IMEI/MEID/ESN###7, 011, 805FB05F, ###IMEI/MEID/ESN###}
  1516. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): Exception parsing SIM record
  1517. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): java.lang.NullPointerException
  1518. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1519. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1520. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1521. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1522. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1523. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  1524. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1525. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at$
  1526. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1527. 01-15 06:42:53.570 W/GSM ( 1700): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  1528. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): Exception parsing SIM record
  1529. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): java.lang.NullPointerException
  1530. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1531. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1532. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1533. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1534. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1535. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  1536. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1537. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at$
  1538. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1539. 01-15 06:42:53.710 W/GSM ( 1700): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  1540. 01-15 06:42:53.920 D/PHONE ( 1700): PhoneSubInfo finalized
  1541. 01-15 06:42:53.920 D/GSM ( 1700): SimSmsInterfaceManager finalized
  1542. 01-15 06:42:53.920 D/GSM ( 1700): SimPhoneBookInterfaceManager finalized
  1543. 01-15 06:42:53.920 D/GSM ( 1700): IccCard finalized
  1544. 01-15 06:42:53.920 D/GSM ( 1700): GsmCallTracker finalized
  1545. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): Exception parsing SIM record
  1546. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): java.lang.NullPointerException
  1547. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1548. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1549. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  1550. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  1551. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1552. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  1553. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  1554. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at$
  1555. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at
  1556. 01-15 06:42:54.050 W/GSM ( 1700): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  1557. 01-15 06:42:54.060 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received
  1558. 01-15 06:42:54.060 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE
  1559. 01-15 06:42:54.060 D/CDMA ( 1700): GET_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION SID=0
  1560. 01-15 06:42:54.060 D/CDMA ( 1700): GET_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION NID=0
  1561. 01-15 06:42:54.060 D/CDMA ( 1700): GET_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION MDN=###MDN##
  1562. 01-15 06:42:54.060 D/CDMA ( 1700): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED IMSI reason null
  1563. 01-15 06:42:54.090 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0079]> OPERATOR
  1564. 01-15 06:42:54.100 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0080]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1565. 01-15 06:42:54.100 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1566. 01-15 06:42:54.110 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0079]< OPERATOR error: OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW
  1567. 01-15 06:42:54.110 D/CDMA ( 1700): Baseband version: 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF
  1568. 01-15 06:42:54.110 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaServiceStateTracker] [CdmaServiceStateTracker] ERI file has been loaded, repolling.
  1569. 01-15 06:42:54.110 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0081]> OPERATOR
  1570. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1571. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_GETSYSTYPE=0
  1572. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_GETSYSTYPE: 2,2,1,4,3
  1573. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1574. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CREG?
  1575. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1576. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1577. 01-15 06:42:54.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 5
  1578. 01-15 06:42:54.130 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_BSINFO?
  1579. 01-15 06:42:54.130 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0082]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1580. 01-15 06:42:54.130 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_BSINFO: 6,8,406,+0,+0,-125,"12/01/15,06:42:54-32,0"
  1581. 01-15 06:42:54.130 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1582. 01-15 06:42:54.140 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1583. 01-15 06:42:54.180 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
  1584. 01-15 06:42:54.180 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0080]< REGISTRATION_STATE {5, null, null, 6, 406, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 64, 1, 160, -1}
  1585. 01-15 06:42:54.180 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0081]< OPERATOR {, , 31000, null}
  1586. 01-15 06:42:54.190 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1587. 01-15 06:42:54.190 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_GETSYSTYPE=0
  1588. 01-15 06:42:54.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_GETSYSTYPE: 2,2,1,4,3
  1589. 01-15 06:42:54.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1590. 01-15 06:42:54.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CREG?
  1591. 01-15 06:42:54.200 D/GSM ( 1700): Invalid or missing EF[MSISDN]
  1592. 01-15 06:42:54.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1593. 01-15 06:42:54.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1594. 01-15 06:42:54.210 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_BSINFO?
  1595. 01-15 06:42:54.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_BSINFO: 6,8,406,+0,+0,-125,"12/01/15,06:42:54-32,0"
  1596. 01-15 06:42:54.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1597. 01-15 06:42:54.220 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0082]< REGISTRATION_STATE {5, null, null, 6, 406, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 64, 1, 160, -1}
  1598. 01-15 06:42:54.250 D/GSM ( 1700): Invalid or missing EF[MSISDN]
  1599. 01-15 06:42:54.250 D/GSM ( 1700): Invalid or missing EF[MAILBOX]
  1600. 01-15 06:42:54.250 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0083]> OPERATOR
  1601. 01-15 06:42:54.360 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0084]> REGISTRATION_STATE
  1602. 01-15 06:42:54.360 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: OPERATOR (22)
  1603. 01-15 06:42:54.360 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0083]< OPERATOR {, , 31000, null}
  1604. 01-15 06:42:54.680 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: REGISTRATION_STATE (20)
  1605. 01-15 06:42:54.680 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_GETSYSTYPE=0
  1606. 01-15 06:42:54.680 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_GETSYSTYPE: 2,2,1,4,3
  1607. 01-15 06:42:54.680 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1608. 01-15 06:42:54.680 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CREG?
  1609. 01-15 06:42:54.690 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CREG: 1,5
  1610. 01-15 06:42:54.690 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1611. 01-15 06:42:54.690 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_BSINFO?
  1612. 01-15 06:42:54.700 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_BSINFO: 6,8,406,+0,+0,-125,"12/01/15,06:42:54-32,0"
  1613. 01-15 06:42:54.700 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1614. 01-15 06:42:54.700 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0084]< REGISTRATION_STATE {5, null, null, 6, 406, 0, 0, 1, 6, 8, 64, 1, 160, -1}
  1615. 01-15 06:42:54.930 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaServiceStateTracker] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 64. mCdmaRoaming = true, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = false , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 64, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 160
  1616. 01-15 06:42:54.930 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaServiceStateTracker] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 home null null null Unknown CSS not supported 0 0RoamInd: 0DefRoamInd: 0EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 roaming null 31000 1xRTT CSS supported 8 6RoamInd: 64DefRoamInd: 160EmergOnly: false]
  1617. 01-15 06:42:55.140 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_REGISTERED_TO_NETWORK Received
  1618. 01-15 06:42:55.140 D/CDMA ( 1700): needsOtaServiceProvisioning: ret=false
  1619. 01-15 06:42:55.150 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1620. 01-15 06:42:55.590 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcInactiveState msg.what=EVENT_CONNECT
  1621. 01-15 06:42:55.590 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] CdmaDataConnection Connecting...
  1622. 01-15 06:42:55.590 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0085]> SETUP_DATA_CALL 0 0 3 IP
  1623. 01-15 06:42:55.630 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SETUP_DATA_CALL (27)
  1624. 01-15 06:42:55.630 D/RIL ( 1298): requesting data connection to APN ''
  1625. 01-15 06:42:55.630 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCC
  1626. 01-15 06:42:55.640 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1627. 01-15 06:42:55.640 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_DUN=0
  1628. 01-15 06:42:55.650 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_DUN: 0
  1629. 01-15 06:42:55.650 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1630. 01-15 06:42:55.650 D/AT ( 1298): AT> ATH
  1631. 01-15 06:42:55.650 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1632. 01-15 06:42:55.660 D/AT ( 1298): AT> ATDT#777
  1633. 01-15 06:42:55.670 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 0 to 8
  1634. 01-15 06:42:57.160 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +PB_READY
  1635. 01-15 06:42:57.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1636. 01-15 06:42:59.600 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 1,0
  1637. 01-15 06:43:01.830 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1638. 01-15 06:43:05.190 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0086]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH
  1639. 01-15 06:43:10.300 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0087]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH
  1640. 01-15 06:43:10.740 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1641. 01-15 06:43:13.310 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0088]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH
  1642. 01-15 06:43:14.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] Call End, curr_mode 2, call_type 2, end_status 155, thr_end_status 0
  1643. 01-15 06:43:14.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1644. 01-15 06:43:14.390 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 8 to 0
  1645. 01-15 06:43:14.390 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 3
  1646. 01-15 06:43:14.400 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CEER
  1647. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CEER: No cause information available
  1648. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1649. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIGNAL_STRENGTH (19)
  1650. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/RIL ( 1298): Sending stored RSSI values to RIL
  1651. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIGNAL_STRENGTH (19)
  1652. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_CSQ
  1653. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0085]< SETUP_DATA_CALL error: GENERIC_FAILURE
  1654. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcActivatingState msg.what=EVENT_SETUP_DATA_CONNECTION_DONE
  1655. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection Init failed GENERIC_FAILURE
  1656. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection setup result='Other error' on cid=-1
  1657. 01-15 06:43:14.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0089]> LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE
  1658. 01-15 06:43:14.420 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1659. 01-15 06:43:14.420 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1660. 01-15 06:43:14.420 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SIGNAL_STRENGTH (19)
  1661. 01-15 06:43:14.420 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_CSQ
  1662. 01-15 06:43:14.440 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1663. 01-15 06:43:14.440 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1664. 01-15 06:43:14.600 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0086]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {99, 99, 115, 130, 120, 200, 0}
  1665. 01-15 06:43:14.600 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0087]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {99, 99, 115, 130, 120, 200, 0}
  1666. 01-15 06:43:14.600 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0088]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {99, 99, 115, 130, 120, 200, 0}
  1667. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE (56)
  1668. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0089]< LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE {65535}
  1669. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcActivatingState msg.what=EVENT_GET_LAST_FAIL_DONE
  1670. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcInactiveState: setEnterNoticationParams cp,cause
  1671. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcInactiveState: enter notifyConnectCompleted
  1672. 01-15 06:43:14.610 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] notifyConnection at 1326609794610 cause=Unknown Data Error
  1673. 01-15 06:43:14.690 D/CDMA ( 1700): Data Connection activate failed. Scheduling next attempt for 6s
  1674. 01-15 06:43:14.840 D/CDMA ( 1700): NOT Posting Data Connection Unavailable notification -- likely transient error
  1675. 01-15 06:43:17.420 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1676. 01-15 06:43:21.260 D/CDMA ( 1700): Data reconnect alarm. Previous state was FAILED
  1677. 01-15 06:43:21.270 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcInactiveState: msg.what=EVENT_RESET, ignore we're already reset
  1678. 01-15 06:43:21.270 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] NotifyDisconnectCompleted
  1679. 01-15 06:43:21.280 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] clearSettings
  1680. 01-15 06:43:21.280 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1681. 01-15 06:43:21.310 D/CDMA ( 1700): needsOtaServiceProvisioning: ret=false
  1682. 01-15 06:43:21.310 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcInactiveState msg.what=EVENT_CONNECT
  1683. 01-15 06:43:21.310 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] CdmaDataConnection Connecting...
  1684. 01-15 06:43:21.310 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0090]> SETUP_DATA_CALL 0 0 3 IP
  1685. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SETUP_DATA_CALL (27)
  1686. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/RIL ( 1298): requesting data connection to APN ''
  1687. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCC
  1688. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1689. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+HTC_DUN=0
  1690. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +HTC_DUN: 0
  1691. 01-15 06:43:21.350 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1692. 01-15 06:43:21.360 D/AT ( 1298): AT> ATH
  1693. 01-15 06:43:21.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1694. 01-15 06:43:21.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT> ATDT#777
  1695. 01-15 06:43:21.380 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 0 to 8
  1696. 01-15 06:43:21.880 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1697. 01-15 06:43:22.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 5,0
  1698. 01-15 06:43:23.090 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_3GIND: 1
  1699. 01-15 06:43:23.090 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 8 to 9
  1700. 01-15 06:43:24.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1701. 01-15 06:43:24.680 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RegSM 0 from 0 to 1
  1702. 01-15 06:43:25.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RegSM 0 from 1 to 2
  1703. 01-15 06:43:25.530 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 1
  1704. 01-15 06:43:25.550 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 9 to 10
  1705. 01-15 06:43:25.840 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 10 to 11
  1706. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0090]< SETUP_DATA_CALL {1, ppp0,}
  1707. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcActivatingState msg.what=EVENT_SETUP_DATA_CONNECTION_DONE
  1708. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] interface=ppp0 ipAddress= gateway= DNS1= DNS2=
  1709. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DataConnection setup result='SUCCESS' on cid=1
  1710. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcInactiveState: setEnterNoticationParams cp,cause
  1711. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] DcActiveState: enter notifyConnectCompleted
  1712. 01-15 06:43:26.550 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaDataConnection-2] notifyConnection at 1326609806550 cause=No Error
  1713. 01-15 06:43:26.640 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
  1714. 01-15 06:43:35.260 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 5,0
  1715. 01-15 06:43:39.720 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1716. 01-15 06:44:05.990 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] Call End, curr_mode 2, call_type 2, end_status 25, thr_end_status 0
  1717. 01-15 06:44:05.990 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_3GIND: 2
  1718. 01-15 06:44:10.980 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1719. 01-15 06:44:13.220 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1720. 01-15 06:44:17.690 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1721. 01-15 06:44:19.930 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1722. 01-15 06:44:22.160 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1723. 01-15 06:44:46.730 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1724. 01-15 06:44:47.380 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_3GIND: 1
  1725. 01-15 06:45:25.440 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] Call End, curr_mode 2, call_type 2, end_status 25, thr_end_status 0
  1726. 01-15 06:45:25.450 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_3GIND: 2
  1727. 01-15 06:45:26.930 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1728. 01-15 06:45:29.160 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1729. 01-15 06:45:31.400 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1730. 01-15 06:45:35.870 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1731. 01-15 06:45:40.340 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1732. 01-15 06:45:41.090 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0091]> SCREEN_STATE: false
  1733. 01-15 06:45:41.100 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SCREEN_STATE (61)
  1734. 01-15 06:45:41.100 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ENCSQ=0
  1735. 01-15 06:45:41.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1736. 01-15 06:45:41.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@HTCPDPFD=1
  1737. 01-15 06:45:41.120 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1738. 01-15 06:45:41.120 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
  1739. 01-15 06:45:41.120 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1740. 01-15 06:45:41.120 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0091]< SCREEN_STATE
  1741. 01-15 06:45:42.570 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1742. 01-15 06:45:47.040 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1743. 01-15 06:45:47.290 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0092]> SCREEN_STATE: true
  1744. 01-15 06:45:47.300 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SCREEN_STATE (61)
  1745. 01-15 06:45:47.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+ENCSQ=1
  1746. 01-15 06:45:47.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1747. 01-15 06:45:47.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT@HTCPDPFD=0
  1748. 01-15 06:45:47.310 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1749. 01-15 06:45:47.310 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
  1750. 01-15 06:45:47.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1751. 01-15 06:45:47.320 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0092]< SCREEN_STATE
  1752. 01-15 06:45:51.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1753. 01-15 06:46:11.630 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1754. 01-15 06:46:18.330 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1755. 01-15 06:46:40.680 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1756. 01-15 06:46:42.750 D/PHONE ( 1700): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getVoiceMailNUmber:
  1757. 01-15 06:46:47.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1758. 01-15 06:46:49.460 D/PHONE ( 1700): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getCompleteVoiceMailNUmber:
  1759. 01-15 06:46:49.650 D/PHONE ( 1700): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getCompleteVoiceMailNUmber:
  1760. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): extractSelCodeFromOtaSpNum -1
  1761. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): extractSelCodeFromOtaSpNum -1
  1762. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): isOtaSpNumber false
  1763. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): extractSelCodeFromOtaSpNum -1
  1764. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): extractSelCodeFromOtaSpNum -1
  1765. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): isOtaSpNumber false
  1766. 01-15 06:46:51.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE
  1767. 01-15 06:46:51.500 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] acquireWakeLock
  1768. 01-15 06:46:51.500 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] CdmaConnection: dialString=*86
  1769. 01-15 06:46:51.500 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] CdmaConnection:formated dialString=*86
  1770. 01-15 06:46:51.500 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0093]> SET_MUTE false
  1771. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1772. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1773. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1774. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0094]> DIAL
  1775. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0093]< SET_MUTE
  1776. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=IDLE new=OFFHOOK
  1777. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: DIAL (10)
  1778. 01-15 06:46:51.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT> ATD*86;
  1779. 01-15 06:46:51.560 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1780. 01-15 06:46:51.560 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0094]< DIAL
  1781. 01-15 06:46:51.940 D/CDMA ( 1700): extractSelCodeFromOtaSpNum -1
  1782. 01-15 06:46:51.940 D/CDMA ( 1700): extractSelCodeFromOtaSpNum -1
  1783. 01-15 06:46:51.940 D/CDMA ( 1700): isOtaSpNumber false
  1784. 01-15 06:46:51.960 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=OFFHOOK new=OFFHOOK
  1785. 01-15 06:46:51.990 D/PHONE ( 1700): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getVoiceMailNUmber:
  1786. 01-15 06:46:52.180 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
  1787. 01-15 06:46:52.190 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0095]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1788. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1789. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCC
  1790. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCC: 1,0,2,0,0,"*86",129
  1791. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCC: 254,0,0,1,0,"#777",129
  1792. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1793. 01-15 06:46:52.200 I/RIL ( 1298): Calls=2,Valid=1
  1794. 01-15 06:46:52.200 V/RILJ ( 1700): Incoming UUS : NOT present!
  1795. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/RILJ ( 1700): InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled
  1796. 01-15 06:46:52.200 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0095]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,DIALING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,0]
  1797. 01-15 06:46:52.410 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0096]> SET_MUTE false
  1798. 01-15 06:46:52.430 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1799. 01-15 06:46:52.430 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1800. 01-15 06:46:52.440 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1801. 01-15 06:46:52.440 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0096]< SET_MUTE
  1802. 01-15 06:46:52.610 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0097]> SET_MUTE false
  1803. 01-15 06:46:52.620 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1804. 01-15 06:46:52.620 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1805. 01-15 06:46:52.630 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1806. 01-15 06:46:52.630 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0097]< SET_MUTE
  1807. 01-15 06:46:52.840 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0098]> SET_MUTE false
  1808. 01-15 06:46:52.880 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1809. 01-15 06:46:52.880 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1810. 01-15 06:46:52.890 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1811. 01-15 06:46:52.890 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0098]< SET_MUTE
  1812. 01-15 06:46:52.910 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +COLP: "*86",129
  1813. 01-15 06:46:52.930 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_PRIVACYCHG: 1
  1814. 01-15 06:46:53.210 D/RILJ ( 1700): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED
  1815. 01-15 06:46:53.210 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received
  1816. 01-15 06:46:53.210 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] parent= DIALING, newParent= DIALING
  1817. 01-15 06:46:53.210 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] update: phone # changed!
  1818. 01-15 06:46:53.210 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] --dssds----null
  1819. 01-15 06:46:53.220 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] Update, wasConnectingInOrOut=true, wasHolding=false, isConnectingInOrOut=true, changed=true
  1820. 01-15 06:46:53.220 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=OFFHOOK new=OFFHOOK
  1821. 01-15 06:46:53.480 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0099]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1822. 01-15 06:46:53.490 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0100]> SET_MUTE false
  1823. 01-15 06:46:53.500 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1824. 01-15 06:46:53.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCC
  1825. 01-15 06:46:53.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCC: 1,0,0,0,0,"*86",129
  1826. 01-15 06:46:53.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCC: 254,0,0,1,0,"#777",129
  1827. 01-15 06:46:53.500 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1828. 01-15 06:46:53.510 I/RIL ( 1298): Calls=2,Valid=1
  1829. 01-15 06:46:53.510 V/RILJ ( 1700): Incoming UUS : NOT present!
  1830. 01-15 06:46:53.510 D/RILJ ( 1700): InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled
  1831. 01-15 06:46:53.520 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1832. 01-15 06:46:53.520 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1833. 01-15 06:46:53.520 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1834. 01-15 06:46:53.540 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0099]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,ACTIVE,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,0]
  1835. 01-15 06:46:53.540 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0100]< SET_MUTE
  1836. 01-15 06:46:53.790 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received
  1837. 01-15 06:46:53.790 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] parent= DIALING, newParent= DIALING
  1838. 01-15 06:46:53.790 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] --dssds----null
  1839. 01-15 06:46:53.790 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] Update, wasConnectingInOrOut=true, wasHolding=false, isConnectingInOrOut=false, changed=true
  1840. 01-15 06:46:53.790 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] onConnectedInOrOut: connectTime=1326610013790
  1841. 01-15 06:46:53.790 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] releaseWakeLock
  1842. 01-15 06:46:53.800 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=OFFHOOK new=OFFHOOK
  1843. 01-15 06:46:53.920 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0101]> SET_MUTE false
  1844. 01-15 06:46:53.940 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1845. 01-15 06:46:53.940 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1846. 01-15 06:46:53.940 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1847. 01-15 06:46:53.940 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0101]< SET_MUTE
  1848. 01-15 06:46:58.510 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1849. 01-15 06:47:07.450 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 4,0
  1850. 01-15 06:47:09.100 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] hangupForegroundResumeBackground
  1851. 01-15 06:47:09.100 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0102]> HANGUP_FOREGROUND_RESUME_BACKGROUND
  1852. 01-15 06:47:09.100 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: HANGUP_FOREGROUND_RESUME_BACKGROUND (14)
  1853. 01-15 06:47:09.100 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CHLD=1
  1854. 01-15 06:47:09.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1855. 01-15 06:47:09.110 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0102]< HANGUP_FOREGROUND_RESUME_BACKGROUND
  1856. 01-15 06:47:09.110 D/AT ( 1298): AT< [MSM] Call End, curr_mode 2, call_type 0, end_status 29, thr_end_status 0
  1857. 01-15 06:47:09.120 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0103]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1858. 01-15 06:47:09.140 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9)
  1859. 01-15 06:47:09.140 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CLCC
  1860. 01-15 06:47:09.150 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_PRIVACYCHG: 1
  1861. 01-15 06:47:09.150 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_OTAMSG: 0
  1862. 01-15 06:47:09.150 D/AT ( 1298): AT< +CLCC: 254,0,0,1,0,"#777",129
  1863. 01-15 06:47:09.150 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1864. 01-15 06:47:09.150 I/RIL ( 1298): Calls=1,Valid=0
  1865. 01-15 06:47:09.150 I/RIL ( 1298): Audio Close
  1866. 01-15 06:47:09.150 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0103]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS
  1867. 01-15 06:47:09.230 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0104]> SET_MUTE false
  1868. 01-15 06:47:09.250 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1869. 01-15 06:47:09.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1870. 01-15 06:47:09.250 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1871. 01-15 06:47:09.250 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0104]< SET_MUTE
  1872. 01-15 06:47:09.330 D/CDMA ( 1700): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received
  1873. 01-15 06:47:09.330 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] adding fgCall cn 0 to droppedDuringPoll
  1874. 01-15 06:47:09.330 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CDMAConn] onDisconnect: cause=LOCAL
  1875. 01-15 06:47:09.330 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=OFFHOOK new=IDLE
  1876. 01-15 06:47:09.420 D/CDMA ( 1700): [DataConnection] Start poll NetStat
  1877. 01-15 06:47:09.490 D/CDMA ( 1700): isOtaSpNumber false
  1878. 01-15 06:47:09.800 D/CDMA ( 1700): [CdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE
  1879. 01-15 06:47:10.260 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0105]> SET_MUTE false
  1880. 01-15 06:47:10.300 D/PHONE ( 1700): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getVoiceMailNUmber:
  1881. 01-15 06:47:10.300 D/RIL ( 1298): onRequest: SET_MUTE (53)
  1882. 01-15 06:47:10.300 D/AT ( 1298): AT> AT+CMUT=0
  1883. 01-15 06:47:10.310 D/AT ( 1298): AT< 0
  1884. 01-15 06:47:10.310 D/RILJ ( 1700): [0105]< SET_MUTE
  1885. 01-15 06:47:10.830 D/PHONE ( 1700): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getVoiceMailNUmber:
  1886. 01-15 06:47:16.370 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 2,0
  1887. 01-15 06:47:20.830 D/AT ( 1298): AT< $HTC_CSQ: 3,0
  1888. ======================= KERNEL LOG ===================
  1889. [ 0.000000] Linux version (oliver@localhost) (gcc version 4.5.1 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010.09-50) ) #99 PREEMPT Sat Dec 31 19:07:30 EST 2011
  1890. [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv6-compatible processor [4117b362] revision 2 (ARMv6TEJ), cr=00c5387f
  1891. [ 0.000000] Machine: HTC Rhodium cellphone
  1892. [ 0.000000] fixup: nr_banks = 2
  1893. [ 0.000000] fixup: bank0 start=10000000, node=00000000, size=06300000
  1894. [ 0.000000] fixup: bank1 start=20000000, node=00000000, size=04e00000
  1895. [ 0.000000] Ignoring unrecognised tag 0x00000000
  1896. [ 0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
  1897. [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 45312
  1898. [ 0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c034f61c, node_mem_map c06d8000
  1899. [ 0.000000] DMA zone: 44644 pages, LIFO batch:7
  1900. [ 0.000000] PLL0: MODE=00000007 L=0000000c M=00000004 N=00000005 freq=245760000 Hz (245 MHz)
  1901. [ 0.000000] CPU0: D VIPT write-back cache
  1902. [ 0.000000] CPU0: I cache: 32768 bytes, associativity 4, 32 byte lines, 256 sets
  1903. [ 0.000000] CPU0: D cache: 32768 bytes, associativity 4, 32 byte lines, 256 sets
  1904. [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 44644
  1905. [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 physkeyboard=rhod400 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=716800
  1906. [ 0.000000] Unknown boot option `lcd.density=240': ignoring
  1907. [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 10, 4096 bytes)
  1908. [ 0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x30
  1909. [ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
  1910. [ 0.000854] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
  1911. [ 0.001892] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
  1912. [ 0.017639] Memory: 99MB 78MB = 177MB total
  1913. [ 0.017700] Memory: 173052KB available (3048K code, 1321K data, 132K init)
  1914. [ 0.018859] Calibrating delay loop... 527.56 BogoMIPS (lpj=2637824)
  1915. [ 0.260681] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
  1916. [ 0.261871] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
  1917. [ 0.264343] net_namespace: 804 bytes
  1918. [ 0.265594] NET: Registered protocol family 16
  1919. [ 0.266571] acpu_clock_init()
  1920. [ 0.266815] L val: PLL0: 12, PLL1: 50, PLL2: 55
  1921. [ 0.266876] Turbo mode supported and enabled.
  1922. [ 0.266906] Suboptimal up stepping for CPU freq 245760 KHz.
  1923. [ 0.267089] OC: ADJUSTING FREQ TABLE freq=236800 div=2 ahbclk=118400 ahbdiv=1
  1924. [ 0.267120] OC: ADJUSTING FREQ TABLE freq=355200 div=1 ahbclk=88800 ahbdiv=3
  1925. [ 0.267181] OC: ADJUSTING FREQ TABLE freq=710400 div=0 ahbclk=177600 ahbdiv=3
  1926. [ 0.267211] ACPU running at 710400 KHz
  1927. [ 0.267242] CPU-Freq PLL DIV AHB-Freq ADIV AXI-Freq Dn Up
  1928. [ 0.267303] 19200 -1 1 19200 1 30720 -1 4
  1929. [ 0.267333] 120000 1 8 60000 2 61440 -1 5
  1930. [ 0.267364] 122880 0 2 61440 2 61440 -1 4
  1931. [ 0.267425] 236800 2 3 118400 2 61440 -1 6
  1932. [ 0.267456] 245760 0 1 81920 3 61440 -1 7
  1933. [ 0.267486] 320000 1 3 107000 3 120000 1 6
  1934. [ 0.267547] 355200 2 2 88800 4 120000 3 7
  1935. [ 0.267578] 480000 1 2 120000 4 120000 5 8
  1936. [ 0.267608] 710400 2 1 177600 4 160000 6 -1
  1937. [ 0.267669] 5 scaling frequencies supported.
  1938. [ 0.267700] msm_proc_comm_wince_init: WinCE PCOM initialized.
  1939. [ 0.267761] PLL0 @ f8005300: MODE=00000007 L=0000000c M=00000004 N=00000005 freq=245760000 Hz (245 MHz)
  1940. [ 0.267822] PLL1 @ f800531c: MODE=00000007 L=00000032 M=00000000 N=00000001 freq=960000000 Hz (960 MHz)
  1941. [ 0.267883] PLL2 @ f8005338: MODE=00000007 L=00000025 M=00000000 N=00000001 freq=710400000 Hz (710 MHz)
  1942. [ 0.267944] PLL3 @ f8005354: MODE=00000000 L=0000000a M=00000006 N=00000019 freq=196608000 Hz (196 MHz)
  1943. [ 0.268005] PCB XC: 00000004
  1944. [ 0.268005] AMSS version: DSDCABPZM-6125
  1945. [ 0.269744] vreg_get: gp6 -> 23
  1946. [ 0.269775] vreg_get: msmp -> 1
  1947. [ 0.269775] vreg_get: msme1 -> 2
  1948. [ 0.269805] vreg_get: rftx -> 11
  1949. [ 0.269805] MMC: WiFi device enable
  1950. [ 0.269989] MMC: SD-Card interface enable
  1951. [ 0.725402] msm_i2c_probe
  1952. [ 0.725585] msm_i2c_probe: clk_ctl 35d, 100000 Hz
  1953. [ 0.750823] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.13
  1954. [ 0.751281] NET: Registered protocol family 31
  1955. [ 0.751342] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
  1956. [ 0.751403] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
  1957. [ 0.753692] NET: Registered protocol family 2
  1958. [ 0.841064] IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
  1959. [ 0.841827] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
  1960. [ 0.842346] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
  1961. [ 0.842620] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
  1962. [ 0.842651] TCP reno registered
  1963. [ 0.871154] NET: Registered protocol family 1
  1964. [ 0.871887] Unpacking initramfs... done
  1965. [ 1.350830] Freeing initrd memory: 1855K
  1966. [ 1.351593] [HTC] htc_hw_init: Initializing HTC hardware platform driver
  1967. [ 1.351867] [HTC] htc_hw_probe: done
  1968. [ 1.352752] smd_init()
  1969. [ 1.352844] smd_core_init()
  1970. [ 1.352935] smd_core_init() done
  1971. [ 1.353393] smd_alloc_channel: cid 0 fifo found; size = 8192
  1972. [ 1.353454] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DS' cid=0
  1973. [ 1.353698] smd_alloc_channel: cid 1 fifo found; size = 32768
  1974. [ 1.353759] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DIAG' cid=1
  1975. [ 1.353942] smd_alloc_channel: cid 2 fifo found; size = 8192
  1976. [ 1.354003] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_RPCCALL' cid=2
  1977. [ 1.354187] smd_alloc_channel: cid 5 fifo found; size = 8192
  1978. [ 1.354217] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_CONTROL' cid=5
  1979. [ 1.354370] smd_alloc_channel: cid 7 fifo found; size = 32768
  1980. [ 1.354431] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DATA1' cid=7
  1981. [ 1.354583] smd_alloc_channel: cid 8 fifo found; size = 32768
  1982. [ 1.354614] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DATA2' cid=8
  1983. [ 1.354766] smd_alloc_channel: cid 9 fifo found; size = 32768
  1984. [ 1.354827] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DATA3' cid=9
  1985. [ 1.354980] smd_alloc_channel: cid 15 fifo found; size = 8192
  1986. [ 1.355010] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DATA9' cid=15
  1987. [ 1.355163] smd_alloc_channel: cid 26 fifo found; size = 8192
  1988. [ 1.355224] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_DATA20' cid=26
  1989. [ 1.355377] smd_alloc_channel: cid 27 fifo found; size = 8192
  1990. [ 1.355438] smd_alloc_channel() 'SMD_GPSNMEA' cid=27
  1991. [ 1.356414] RPC rpcrouter_init
  1992. [ 1.356994] RPC_dev init complete!
  1993. [ 1.357025] RPC Init done
  1994. [ 1.357086] SMD: ch 2 CLOSED -> OPENED
  1995. [ 1.357147] RPCCALL opened
  1996. [ 1.357147] [RR] send control message cmd=3 srv.cmd=3 prog=00000000:0 id=0:00000000
  1997. [ 1.412750] [RR] send control message cmd=2 srv.cmd=2 prog=00000000:0 id=0:00000000
  1998. [ 1.413452] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  1999. [ 1.413513] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000025:0
  2000. [ 1.413909] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000025:0
  2001. [ 1.414337] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000025:00000000
  2002. [ 1.414428] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2003. [ 1.414520] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000044:fc86b3a6
  2004. [ 1.414825] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000044:fc86b3a6
  2005. [ 1.414916] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2006. [ 1.414978] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000043:0
  2007. [ 1.415222] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000043:0
  2008. [ 1.415283] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2009. [ 1.415344] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000005:a78d6a03
  2010. [ 1.415618] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000005:a78d6a03
  2011. [ 1.415679] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2012. [ 1.415740] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000061:0
  2013. [ 1.416046] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000061:0
  2014. [ 1.416076] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2015. [ 1.416168] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000003:0
  2016. [ 1.416412] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000003:0
  2017. [ 1.416473] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2018. [ 1.416534] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000060:0
  2019. [ 1.416778] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000060:0
  2020. [ 1.416809] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2021. [ 1.416870] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000005f:0
  2022. [ 1.417144] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000005f:0
  2023. [ 1.417175] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2024. [ 1.417236] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000040:0
  2025. [ 1.417510] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000040:0
  2026. [ 1.417572] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2027. [ 1.417633] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000021:0
  2028. [ 1.417907] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000021:0
  2029. [ 1.417938] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2030. [ 1.417999] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000002:aa2b1a44
  2031. [ 1.418243] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000002:aa2b1a44
  2032. [ 1.418304] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2033. [ 1.418334] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000020:0
  2034. [ 1.418609] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000020:0
  2035. [ 1.418640] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2036. [ 1.418701] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000fffe:0
  2037. [ 1.419036] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000fffe:0
  2038. [ 1.419067] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2039. [ 1.419158] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000001f:0
  2040. [ 1.419403] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000001f:0
  2041. [ 1.419464] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2042. [ 1.419525] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000000:4c47642
  2043. [ 1.419830] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000000:4c47642
  2044. [ 1.419891] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2045. [ 1.419952] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000001d:0
  2046. [ 1.420227] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000001d:0
  2047. [ 1.420257] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2048. [ 1.420349] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000005b:0
  2049. [ 1.420623] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000005b:0
  2050. [ 1.420684] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2051. [ 1.420745] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000003c:befbc33e
  2052. [ 1.421051] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000003c:befbc33e
  2053. [ 1.421112] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2054. [ 1.421173] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000003b:0
  2055. [ 1.421508] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000003b:0
  2056. [ 1.421539] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2057. [ 1.421630] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000005a:0
  2058. [ 1.421905] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000005a:0
  2059. [ 1.421936] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2060. [ 1.421997] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000059:0
  2061. [ 1.422363] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000059:0
  2062. [ 1.422424] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2063. [ 1.422485] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000001b:f01bbdda
  2064. [ 1.423187] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000044:fc86b3a6
  2065. [ 1.423400] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000043:00000000
  2066. [ 1.423553] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000005:a78d6a03
  2067. [ 1.423675] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000061:00000000
  2068. [ 1.423828] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000003:00000000
  2069. [ 1.423950] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000060:00000000
  2070. [ 1.424102] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000005f:00000000
  2071. [ 1.424255] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000040:00000000
  2072. [ 1.424377] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000021:00000000
  2073. [ 1.424560] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000002:aa2b1a44
  2074. [ 1.424743] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000020:00000000
  2075. [ 1.424896] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000fffe:00000000
  2076. [ 1.425048] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000001f:00000000
  2077. [ 1.425201] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000000:04c47642
  2078. [ 1.425354] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000001d:00000000
  2079. [ 1.425506] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000005b:00000000
  2080. [ 1.425659] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000003c:befbc33e
  2081. [ 1.425811] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000003b:00000000
  2082. [ 1.425964] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000005a:00000000
  2083. [ 1.426116] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000059:00000000
  2084. [ 1.426300] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000001b:f01bbdda
  2085. [ 1.426422] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000001b:f01bbdda
  2086. [ 1.426483] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2087. [ 1.426544] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000019:829ee27c
  2088. [ 1.426818] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000019:829ee27c
  2089. [ 1.426879] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2090. [ 1.426940] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000037:9668230
  2091. [ 1.427154] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000037:9668230
  2092. [ 1.427185] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2093. [ 1.427246] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000055:0
  2094. [ 1.427490] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000055:0
  2095. [ 1.427520] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2096. [ 1.427581] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000016:ccaef99b
  2097. [ 1.427825] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000016:ccaef99b
  2098. [ 1.427856] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2099. [ 1.427917] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000053:3475fff
  2100. [ 1.428131] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000053:3475fff
  2101. [ 1.428161] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2102. [ 1.428222] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000014:0
  2103. [ 1.428436] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000014:0
  2104. [ 1.428466] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2105. [ 1.428527] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000051:0
  2106. [ 1.428741] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000051:0
  2107. [ 1.428771] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2108. [ 1.428833] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000013:0
  2109. [ 1.429077] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000013:0
  2110. [ 1.429107] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2111. [ 1.429168] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000012:0
  2112. [ 1.429412] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000012:0
  2113. [ 1.429443] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2114. [ 1.429504] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000fe00:0
  2115. [ 1.429718] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000fe00:0
  2116. [ 1.429748] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2117. [ 1.429809] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000010:0
  2118. [ 1.430053] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000010:0
  2119. [ 1.430084] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2120. [ 1.430145] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000006c:0
  2121. [ 1.430358] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000006c:0
  2122. [ 1.430389] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2123. [ 1.430450] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000000f:1c5ace2a
  2124. [ 1.430664] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000000f:1c5ace2a
  2125. [ 1.430725] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2126. [ 1.430786] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000006b:aabc7a4
  2127. [ 1.430999] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000006b:aabc7a4
  2128. [ 1.431030] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2129. [ 1.431091] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000000e:364ec9c8
  2130. [ 1.431335] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000000e:364ec9c8
  2131. [ 1.431365] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2132. [ 1.431427] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000089:f2d105fa
  2133. [ 1.431671] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000089:f2d105fa
  2134. [ 1.431701] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2135. [ 1.431762] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000006a:0
  2136. [ 1.432006] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000006a:0
  2137. [ 1.432037] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2138. [ 1.432098] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000068:0
  2139. [ 1.432342] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000068:0
  2140. [ 1.432403] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2141. [ 1.432464] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000067:0
  2142. [ 1.432708] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000067:0
  2143. [ 1.432739] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2144. [ 1.433166] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000019:829ee27c
  2145. [ 1.433349] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000037:09668230
  2146. [ 1.433532] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000055:00000000
  2147. [ 1.433715] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000016:ccaef99b
  2148. [ 1.433929] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000053:03475fff
  2149. [ 1.434082] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000014:00000000
  2150. [ 1.434265] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000051:00000000
  2151. [ 1.434448] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000013:00000000
  2152. [ 1.434661] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000012:00000000
  2153. [ 1.434844] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000fe00:00000000
  2154. [ 1.435028] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000010:00000000
  2155. [ 1.435180] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000006c:00000000
  2156. [ 1.435363] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000000f:1c5ace2a
  2157. [ 1.435546] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000006b:0aabc7a4
  2158. [ 1.435729] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000000e:364ec9c8
  2159. [ 1.435913] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000089:f2d105fa
  2160. [ 1.436096] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000006a:00000000
  2161. [ 1.436279] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000068:00000000
  2162. [ 1.436492] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000067:00000000
  2163. [ 1.436553] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000048:0
  2164. [ 1.436920] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000048:0
  2165. [ 1.436981] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2166. [ 1.437042] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000000a:0
  2167. [ 1.437316] rpcrouter_create_server: 3000000a:0
  2168. [ 1.437347] [RR] - ver=1 type=4 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2169. [ 1.437408] [RR] o NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000066:0
  2170. [ 1.437652] rpcrouter_create_server: 30000066:0
  2171. [ 1.437988] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000048:00000000
  2172. [ 1.438201] rpcrouter_create_server: rs3000000a:00000000
  2173. [ 1.438446] rpcrouter_create_server: rs30000066:00000000
  2174. [ 1.472961] [RR] o HELLO
  2175. [ 1.473022] [RR] x HELLO
  2176. [ 1.473052] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000fffe:1 id=1:fadefade
  2177. [ 1.473114] [RR] x NEW_SERVER 3000fffe
  2178. [ 1.473144] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000025:0
  2179. [ 1.473175] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000025:0 id=0:00000001
  2180. [ 1.473236] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000044:fc86b3a6
  2181. [ 1.473266] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000044:fc86b3a6 id=0:00000001
  2182. [ 1.473327] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000043:0
  2183. [ 1.473388] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000043:0 id=0:00000001
  2184. [ 1.473449] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000005:a78d6a03
  2185. [ 1.473480] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000005:a78d6a03 id=0:00000001
  2186. [ 1.473541] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000061:0
  2187. [ 1.473571] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000061:0 id=0:00000001
  2188. [ 1.473632] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000003:0
  2189. [ 1.473663] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000003:0 id=0:00000001
  2190. [ 1.473724] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000060:0
  2191. [ 1.473754] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000060:0 id=0:00000001
  2192. [ 1.473815] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000005f:0
  2193. [ 1.473876] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000005f:0 id=0:00000001
  2194. [ 1.473907] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000040:0
  2195. [ 1.473968] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000040:0 id=0:00000001
  2196. [ 1.474029] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000021:0
  2197. [ 1.474060] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000021:0 id=0:00000001
  2198. [ 1.474121] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000002:aa2b1a44
  2199. [ 1.474151] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000002:aa2b1a44 id=0:00000001
  2200. [ 1.474212] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000020:0
  2201. [ 1.474243] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000020:0 id=0:00000001
  2202. [ 1.474304] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000fffe:0
  2203. [ 1.474334] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000fffe:0 id=0:00000001
  2204. [ 1.474395] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000001f:0
  2205. [ 1.474456] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000001f:0 id=0:00000001
  2206. [ 1.474487] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000000:4c47642
  2207. [ 1.474548] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000000:4c47642 id=0:00000001
  2208. [ 1.474609] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000001d:0
  2209. [ 1.474639] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000001d:0 id=0:00000001
  2210. [ 1.474700] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000005b:0
  2211. [ 1.474731] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000005b:0 id=0:00000001
  2212. [ 1.474792] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000003c:befbc33e
  2213. [ 1.474822] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000003c:befbc33e id=0:00000001
  2214. [ 1.474884] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000003b:0
  2215. [ 1.474945] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000003b:0 id=0:00000001
  2216. [ 1.474975] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000005a:0
  2217. [ 1.475036] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000005a:0 id=0:00000001
  2218. [ 1.475097] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000059:0
  2219. [ 1.475128] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000059:0 id=0:00000001
  2220. [ 1.475189] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000001b:f01bbdda
  2221. [ 1.475219] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000001b:f01bbdda id=0:00000001
  2222. [ 1.475280] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000019:829ee27c
  2223. [ 1.475341] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000019:829ee27c id=0:00000001
  2224. [ 1.475372] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000037:9668230
  2225. [ 1.475433] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000037:9668230 id=0:00000001
  2226. [ 1.475494] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000055:0
  2227. [ 1.475524] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000055:0 id=0:00000001
  2228. [ 1.475585] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000016:ccaef99b
  2229. [ 1.475616] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000016:ccaef99b id=0:00000001
  2230. [ 1.475677] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000053:3475fff
  2231. [ 1.475738] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000053:3475fff id=0:00000001
  2232. [ 1.475799] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000014:0
  2233. [ 1.475830] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000014:0 id=0:00000001
  2234. [ 1.475891] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000051:0
  2235. [ 1.475921] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000051:0 id=0:00000001
  2236. [ 1.475982] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000013:0
  2237. [ 1.476013] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000013:0 id=0:00000001
  2238. [ 1.476074] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000012:0
  2239. [ 1.476104] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000012:0 id=0:00000001
  2240. [ 1.476165] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000fe00:0
  2241. [ 1.476226] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000fe00:0 id=0:00000001
  2242. [ 1.476257] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000010:0
  2243. [ 1.476318] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000010:0 id=0:00000001
  2244. [ 1.476379] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000006c:0
  2245. [ 1.476409] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000006c:0 id=0:00000001
  2246. [ 1.476470] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000000f:1c5ace2a
  2247. [ 1.476501] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000000f:1c5ace2a id=0:00000001
  2248. [ 1.476562] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000006b:aabc7a4
  2249. [ 1.476593] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000006b:aabc7a4 id=0:00000001
  2250. [ 1.476654] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000000e:364ec9c8
  2251. [ 1.476715] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000000e:364ec9c8 id=0:00000001
  2252. [ 1.476776] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000089:f2d105fa
  2253. [ 1.476806] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000089:f2d105fa id=0:00000001
  2254. [ 1.476867] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000006a:0
  2255. [ 1.476898] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000006a:0 id=0:00000001
  2256. [ 1.476959] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000068:0
  2257. [ 1.477020] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000068:0 id=0:00000001
  2258. [ 1.477050] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000067:0
  2259. [ 1.477111] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000067:0 id=0:00000001
  2260. [ 1.477172] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000048:0
  2261. [ 1.477203] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000048:0 id=0:00000001
  2262. [ 1.477264] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=3000000a:0
  2263. [ 1.477294] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000000a:0 id=0:00000001
  2264. [ 1.477355] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=0:00000001 prog=30000066:0
  2265. [ 1.477386] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=30000066:0 id=0:00000001
  2266. [ 1.583282] rpc_servers_init
  2267. [ 1.583587] Init amss parameters, found AMSS: 6125
  2268. [ 1.583679] -msm_rpc_create_server
  2269. [ 1.583984] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=1:fadefade prog=3000000b:0
  2270. [ 1.584045] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000000b:0 id=1:fadefade
  2271. [ 1.588684] Found SND_DEVICE_IDLE id 17
  2272. [ 1.592864] ram_console: got buffer at 8e0000, size 20000
  2273. [ 1.593048] ram_console: found existing buffer, size 123195, start 123195
  2274. [ 1.599273] console [ram-1] enabled
  2275. [ 1.608276] Initialize HTC acoustic driver for wince based devices
  2276. [ 1.608947] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160
  2277. [ 1.609222] raphnavi_tp: Registering Raphael NaviPad driver
  2278. [ 1.609527] htcraphael_init_panel: Initializing panel
  2279. [ 1.609588] htcraphael_init_panel: disabling raphael panel
  2280. [ 1.609619] Disabling Diamond Panel
  2281. [ 1.609649] htcblackstone_init_panel: Initializing panel
  2282. [ 1.609680] htcblackstone_init_panel: panel does not apply to this device, aborted
  2283. [ 1.609741] htckovsky_init_panel: Initializing panel
  2284. [ 1.609771] htckovsky_init_panel: disabling kovsky panel
  2285. [ 1.609802] htctopaz_init_panel: panel does not apply to this device, aborted
  2286. [ 1.609863] Panel type detected: 15
  2287. [ 1.609893] htcrhod_init_panel: Initializing panel
  2288. [ 1.610748] mdp_probe: initialized
  2289. [ 1.610870] vreg_get: gp2 -> 21
  2290. [ 1.610900] vreg_get: gp4 -> 7
  2291. [ 1.611236] Rhodium audio registering drivers
  2292. [ 1.611358] adc_probe
  2293. [ 1.612060] Common pwrsink setup succeeded (0)
  2294. [ 1.612243] H2W: Registering H2W (headset) driver
  2295. [ 1.613342] input: h2w headset as /devices/virtual/input/input0
  2296. [ 1.614685] BT RFK register
  2297. [ 1.614746] vreg_get: rftx -> 11
  2298. [ 1.614898] BT RFK probe
  2299. [ 1.614929] msm_gpio_set_function(5b, 40)
  2300. [ 1.614990] msm_gpio_set_function(1f, 40)
  2301. [ 1.615020] msm_gpio_set_function(5e, 40)
  2302. [ 1.615051] msm_gpio_set_function(23, 40)
  2303. [ 1.615081] bluetooth rfkill state OFF
  2304. [ 1.615142] msm_gpio_set_function(13, c0)
  2305. [ 1.615173] msm_gpio_set_function(14, c3)
  2306. [ 1.615203] msm_gpio_set_function(15, c3)
  2307. [ 1.615234] msm_gpio_set_function(6c, c0)
  2308. [ 1.615264] msm_gpio_set_function(44, 4)
  2309. [ 1.615295] msm_gpio_set_function(45, 4)
  2310. [ 1.615325] msm_gpio_set_function(46, 8)
  2311. [ 1.615356] msm_gpio_set_function(47, 8)
  2312. [ 1.615478] get_smem_clock: state 10d09 clock 0
  2313. [ 1.780090] ashmem: initialized
  2314. [ 1.781127] squashfs: version 3.4 (2008/08/26) Phillip Lougher
  2315. [ 1.781463] msgmni has been set to 341
  2316. [ 1.781921] io scheduler noop registered (default)
  2317. [ 1.782012] io scheduler anticipatory registered
  2318. [ 1.782043] io scheduler deadline registered
  2319. [ 1.782257] io scheduler cfq registered
  2320. [ 1.783416] mddi: init() base=0xd5004000 irq=16
  2321. [ 1.783569] mddi runs at 0
  2322. [ 1.783691] htcrhod_mddi_power_client (on)
  2323. [ 1.783905] mddi: host core version: 0x20
  2324. [ 1.783966] mddi cmd send rtd: int 23a000, stat 808063, rtd val 11
  2325. [ 1.784088] mddi_probe: got mfr b9f6 product 5580
  2326. [ 1.784149] mddi: registering panel mddi_c_b9f6_5582
  2327. [ 1.784210] mddi: publish:
  2328. [ 1.785156] mddi_client_novtec_init
  2329. [ 1.785522] mddi_novtec_probe
  2330. [ 1.786651] msmfb_probe() installing 480 x 800 panel
  2331. [ 1.849182] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 60x100
  2332. [ 1.940765] msm_serial: driver initialized
  2333. [ 1.941772] msm_serial_hs.1: ttyHS1 at MMIO 0xa0300000 (irq = 52) is a MSM HS UART
  2334. [ 1.943450] msm_serial_hs module loaded
  2335. [ 1.951721] loop: module loaded
  2336. [ 1.952636] pmem: 1 init
  2337. [ 1.954803] pmem_adsp: 0 init
  2338. [ 1.956268] pmem_gpu0: 0 init
  2339. [ 1.958038] pmem_gpu1: 0 init
  2340. [ 1.959991] pmem_camera: 0 init
  2341. [ 1.963470] logger: created 64K log 'log_main'
  2342. [ 1.964263] logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
  2343. [ 1.964965] logger: created 64K log 'log_radio'
  2344. [ 1.965423] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
  2345. [ 1.966247] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
  2346. [ 1.966583] PPP BSD Compression module registered
  2347. [ 1.968231] mt9t013_init
  2348. [ 1.968688] __mt9t013_probemsm_gpio_set_function(0, 5)
  2349. [ 2.050140] msm_gpio_set_function(1, 5)
  2350. [ 2.050415] msm_gpio_set_function(2, 5)
  2351. [ 2.050659] msm_gpio_set_function(3, 5)
  2352. [ 2.050903] msm_gpio_set_function(4, 5)
  2353. [ 2.051147] msm_gpio_set_function(5, 5)
  2354. [ 2.051391] msm_gpio_set_function(6, 5)
  2355. [ 2.051635] msm_gpio_set_function(7, 5)
  2356. [ 2.051879] msm_gpio_set_function(8, 5)
  2357. [ 2.052124] msm_gpio_set_function(9, 5)
  2358. [ 2.052368] msm_gpio_set_function(a, 5)
  2359. [ 2.052642] msm_gpio_set_function(b, 5)
  2360. [ 2.052886] msm_gpio_set_function(c, 5)
  2361. [ 2.053131] msm_gpio_set_function(d, 5)
  2362. [ 2.053375] msm_gpio_set_function(e, 5)
  2363. [ 2.053619] msm_gpio_set_function(f, 1c4)
  2364. [ 2.053863] config_camera_on_gpios CDMA
  2365. [ 2.054138] msm_gpio_set_function(1a, 0)
  2366. [ 2.054382] msm_gpio_set_function(6b, 0)
  2367. [ 2.054626] msm_gpio_set_function(22, 0)
  2368. [ 2.054901] msm_gpio_set_function(6d, 0)
  2369. [ 2.055145] msm_gpio_set_function(21, 0)
  2370. [ 2.055419] clk_regime_is_on: 96 is 0
  2371. [ 2.055694] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=40 rate=24000000
  2372. [ 2.056060] clk_regime_is_on: 96 is 0
  2373. [ 2.056274] clk_regime_is_on: 55 is 0
  2374. [ 2.056518] clock-regime-amss: msm_clk_regime_amss_vfe_set_rate : Frequency was set to 24000000 Hz
  2375. [ 2.057067] clock-regime-amss: Clock 43 status changed to 1
  2376. [ 2.057434] sctrl.node 0
  2377. [ 2.113433] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=40 rate=24000000
  2378. [ 2.113861] clk_regime_is_on: 96 is 0
  2379. [ 2.114105] clk_regime_is_on: 55 is 1
  2380. [ 2.214721] clock-regime-amss: msm_clk_regime_amss_vfe_set_rate : Frequency was set to 24000000 Hz
  2381. [ 2.347595] mt9t013:kobject creat and add
  2382. [ 2.347839] mt9t013:sysfs_create_file
  2383. [ 2.428558] msm_gpio_set_function(0, 0)
  2384. [ 2.428680] msm_gpio_set_function(1, 0)
  2385. [ 2.432678] msm_gpio_set_function(2, 0)
  2386. [ 2.436462] msm_gpio_set_function(3, 0)
  2387. [ 2.440185] msm_gpio_set_function(4, 0)
  2388. [ 2.443939] msm_gpio_set_function(5, 0)
  2389. [ 2.447937] msm_gpio_set_function(6, 0)
  2390. [ 2.451843] msm_gpio_set_function(7, 0)
  2391. [ 2.455780] msm_gpio_set_function(8, 0)
  2392. [ 2.459686] msm_gpio_set_function(9, 0)
  2393. [ 2.463531] msm_gpio_set_function(a, 0)
  2394. [ 2.467315] msm_gpio_set_function(b, 0)
  2395. [ 2.471221] msm_gpio_set_function(c, 0)
  2396. [ 2.475036] msm_gpio_set_function(d, 0)
  2397. [ 2.478820] msm_gpio_set_function(e, 0)
  2398. [ 2.482543] msm_gpio_set_function(f, 1c0)
  2399. [ 2.487670] allocated dma buffer at ffc0b000, dma_addr 2428e000
  2400. [ 2.495117] read CFG0 = aa5400c0, CFG1 = 8744a
  2401. [ 2.498992] CFG0 = e85408c0, CFG1 = 4745e
  2402. [ 2.502807] CFG0: cw/page=3 ud_sz=516 ecc_sz=10 spare_sz=0 num_addr_cycles=5
  2403. [ 2.510437] NAND_READ_ID = 5501bcec
  2404. [ 2.514373] status: c03020
  2405. [ 2.518066] nandid: 5501bcec maker ec device bc
  2406. [ 2.521820] CFG0: cw/page=3 ud_sz=512 ecc_sz=10 spare_sz=4
  2407. [ 2.529510] DEV_CMD1: f00f3000
  2408. [ 2.533416] <6>NAND_EBI2_ECC_BUF_CFG: 1ff
  2409. [ 2.537322] flash_id: 5501bcec size 20000000
  2410. [ 2.541595] msm72k_udc: msm72k_probe
  2411. [ 2.545654] msm72k_udc: msm72k_probe() io=d5008000, irq=47, dma=ffc0c000(2428f000)
  2412. [ 2.554077] android init
  2413. [ 2.558197] android_probe pdata: c0332130
  2414. [ 2.562255] android_bind
  2415. [ 2.565979] android_bind_config
  2416. [ 2.569671] android_usb gadget: android_usb ready
  2417. [ 2.573516] msm72k_udc: msm72k_udc: registered gadget driver 'android_usb'
  2418. [ 2.581390] f_adb init
  2419. [ 2.585357] android_register_function adb
  2420. [ 2.589172] f_mass_storage init
  2421. [ 2.592926] android_register_function usb_mass_storage
  2422. [ 2.596832] f_rndis init
  2423. [ 2.601196] android_register_function rndis
  2424. [ 2.605377] rndis_function_bind_config MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00
  2425. [ 2.613159] android_usb gadget: using random self ethernet address
  2426. [ 2.620849] android_usb gadget: using random host ethernet address
  2427. [ 2.629699] usb0: MAC d428c934
  2428. [ 2.634002] usb0: HOST MAC d428cbcd
  2429. [ 2.638519] mass_storage_bind_config
  2430. [ 2.642913] fsg_probe pdata: c0332164
  2431. [ 2.647766] msm72k_udc: IDLE -> ONLINE
  2432. [ 2.652160] hsusb: reset controller
  2433. [ 2.656677] android_usb gadget: Number of LUNs=1
  2434. [ 2.661163] adb_bind_config
  2435. [ 2.666534] mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
  2436. [ 2.683258] msm_gpio_set_function(6f, 4)
  2437. [ 2.687896] msm_gpio_set_function(70, 4)
  2438. [ 2.693542] input: gpio-keys as /devices/platform/gpio-keys/input/input1
  2439. [ 2.702575] msm_gpio_set_function(71, 4)
  2440. [ 2.707305] msm_gpio_set_function(72, 4)
  2441. [ 2.711822] msm_gpio_set_function(73, 4)
  2442. [ 2.716369] msm_gpio_set_function(74, 4)
  2443. [ 2.720916] msm_gpio_set_function(75, 4)
  2444. [ 2.725250] msm_gpio_set_function(76, 4)
  2445. [ 2.729675] msm_gpio_set_function(77, 4)
  2446. [ 2.734191] msm_gpio_set_function(78, 4)
  2447. [ 2.738616] msm_gpio_set_function(79, 4)
  2448. [ 2.743164] msm_hsusb_phy_reset: success
  2449. [ 2.773559] "Old" touchscreen driver called for a non-blackstone device
  2450. [ 2.782135] If you really want that, edit the msm_ts.c file and delete this check
  2451. [ 2.790649] msm_vkeyb: init
  2452. [ 2.794860] msm_vkeyb: virtual keyboard is disabled by cmdline, not loading
  2453. [ 2.803375] tssc_manager_init
  2454. [ 2.807983] tssc_manager_probe
  2455. [ 2.812896] input: tssc-manager as /devices/virtual/input/input2
  2456. [ 2.882202] tssc_manager_input_init: Start touchscreen tssc-manager in interrupt mode
  2457. [ 2.891204] tp_init_module():
  2458. [ 2.895660] TP_IOC_GETMFG=-2147188479
  2459. [ 2.895690]
  2460. [ 2.904541] misc_register(): OK
  2461. [ 2.909942] capella_cm3602_probe: probe
  2462. [ 2.915130] input: proximity as /devices/virtual/input/input3
  2463. [ 2.944549] msm72k_udc: ulpi: write 0x40 to 0x31
  2464. [ 2.950866] ulpi_write: timeout
  2465. [ 2.956085] capella_cm3602_setup
  2466. [ 2.961700] RTC probe
  2467. [ 2.967437] msm_rtc msm_rtc: rtc core: registered msm_rtc as rtc0
  2468. [ 2.977447] MSM RTC started
  2469. [ 2.982788] i2c /dev entries driver
  2470. [ 2.988403] microp-ksc: Registering MicroP-KEY driver
  2471. [ 2.993499] microp-ksc: Initializing MicroP-KEY chip driver at addr: 0x67
  2472. [ 3.003356] msm72k_udc: ulpi: write 0x1d to 0x0d
  2473. [ 3.009979] ulpi_write: timeout
  2474. [ 3.015014] msm72k_udc: ulpi: write 0x1d to 0x10
  2475. [ 3.021850] ulpi_write: timeout
  2476. [ 3.027008] msm72k_udc: ept #0 out max:64 head:ffc0c000 bit:0
  2477. [ 3.036987] msm72k_udc: ept #1 out max:512 head:ffc0c080 bit:1
  2478. [ 3.046752] msm72k_udc: ept #2 out max:512 head:ffc0c100 bit:2
  2479. [ 3.056579] microp-ksc: Initialized MicroP-KEY chip revision v0488
  2480. [ 3.066711] bma150: Registering Bosch BMA150 driver
  2481. [ 3.072174] bma150: Initializing BMA150 over i2c driver at addr: 0x38
  2482. [ 3.083160] input: bma150 as /devices/virtual/input/input4
  2483. [ 3.093566] msm72k_udc: ept #3 out max:512 head:ffc0c180 bit:3
  2484. [ 3.103942] msm72k_udc: ept #4 out max:512 head:ffc0c200 bit:4
  2485. [ 3.114471] msm72k_udc: ept #5 out max:512 head:ffc0c280 bit:5
  2486. [ 3.125976] msm72k_udc: ept #6 out max:512 head:ffc0c300 bit:6
  2487. [ 3.137145] msm72k_udc: ept #7 out max:512 head:ffc0c380 bit:7
  2488. [ 3.147918] msm72k_udc: ept #8 out max:512 head:ffc0c400 bit:8
  2489. [ 3.158813] msm72k_udc: ept #9 out max:512 head:ffc0c480 bit:9
  2490. [ 3.170166] msm72k_udc: ept #10 out max:512 head:ffc0c500 bit:10
  2491. [ 3.181396] msm72k_udc: ept #11 out max:512 head:ffc0c580 bit:11
  2492. [ 3.192352] msm72k_udc: ept #12 out max:512 head:ffc0c600 bit:12
  2493. [ 3.203338] msm72k_udc: ept #13 out max:512 head:ffc0c680 bit:13
  2494. [ 3.214996] msm72k_udc: ept #14 out max:512 head:ffc0c700 bit:14
  2495. [ 3.226562] msm72k_udc: ept #15 out max:512 head:ffc0c780 bit:15
  2496. [ 3.237976] msm72k_udc: ept #0 in max:64 head:ffc0c040 bit:16
  2497. [ 3.249450] msm72k_udc: ept #1 in max:512 head:ffc0c0c0 bit:17
  2498. [ 3.261901] microp-klt: Registering MicroP-LED driver
  2499. [ 3.268249] microp-klt: Initializing MicroP-LED chip driver at addr: 0x66
  2500. [ 3.280059] msm72k_udc: ept #2 in max:512 head:ffc0c140 bit:18
  2501. [ 3.292572] msm72k_udc: ept #3 in max:512 head:ffc0c1c0 bit:19
  2502. [ 3.305053] msm72k_udc: ept #4 in max:512 head:ffc0c240 bit:20
  2503. [ 3.317474] msm72k_udc: ept #5 in max:512 head:ffc0c2c0 bit:21
  2504. [ 3.330474] Registered led device: klt::home
  2505. [ 3.337463] Registered led device: klt::back
  2506. [ 3.344360] Registered led device: klt::end
  2507. [ 3.351013] Registered led device: klt::send
  2508. [ 3.357543] Registered led device: klt::action
  2509. [ 3.364288] Registered led device: lcd-backlight
  2510. [ 3.371032] Registered led device: button-backlight
  2511. [ 3.377624] Registered led device: keyboard-backlight
  2512. [ 3.384094] Registered led device: amber
  2513. [ 3.390777] Registered led device: green
  2514. [ 3.397308] micropklt_set_color_led_state: OFF
  2515. [ 3.403656] msm72k_udc: ept #6 in max:512 head:ffc0c340 bit:22
  2516. [ 3.415771] msm72k_udc: ept #7 in max:512 head:ffc0c3c0 bit:23
  2517. [ 3.428466] msm72k_udc: ept #8 in max:512 head:ffc0c440 bit:24
  2518. [ 3.441070] msm72k_udc: ept #9 in max:512 head:ffc0c4c0 bit:25
  2519. [ 3.453552] msm72k_udc: ept #10 in max:512 head:ffc0c540 bit:26
  2520. [ 3.466064] msm72k_udc: ept #11 in max:512 head:ffc0c5c0 bit:27
  2521. [ 3.479156] msm72k_udc: ept #12 in max:512 head:ffc0c640 bit:28
  2522. [ 3.492065] micropklt_spi_bl_status_print: light sensor auto=10=0x0a SPI=136=0x88
  2523. [ 3.505157] htc_headset_microp_probe: addr=0x66
  2524. [ 3.512939] msm72k_udc: ept #13 in max:512 head:ffc0c6c0 bit:29
  2525. [ 3.525878] msm72k_udc: ept #14 in max:512 head:ffc0c740 bit:30
  2526. [ 3.539337] msm72k_udc: ept #15 in max:512 head:ffc0c7c0 bit:31
  2527. [ 3.552459] usb: notify offline
  2528. [ 3.558959] msm_hsusb: enable pullup
  2529. [ 3.565429] htc_headset_microp_probe: done
  2530. [ 3.571868] microp-klt: Initialized MicroP-LED chip revision v0a88
  2531. [ 3.584594] micropklt_panel_resume
  2532. [ 3.625274] kionix-kxsd9: Registering Kionix KXSD9 driver
  2533. [ 3.632019] tpa2016d2: tpa2016d2_init
  2534. [ 3.638641] tpa2016d2: tpa2016d2_probe
  2535. [ 3.645904] A1010_init
  2536. [ 3.654022] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.14.0-ioctl (2008-04-23) initialised:
  2537. [ 3.667053] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.2
  2538. [ 3.673431] Bluetooth: HCI H4 protocol initialized
  2539. [ 3.679718] Bluetooth: HCI BCSP protocol initialized
  2540. [ 3.685913] Bluetooth: HCILL protocol initialized
  2541. [ 3.692901] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=19 rate=144000
  2542. [ 3.706542] mmc0: Qualcomm MSM SDCC at 0x00000000a0400000 irq 24,0 dma 8
  2543. [ 3.719085] mmc0: 4 bit data mode enabled
  2544. [ 3.725280] mmc0: MMC clock 144000 -> 32000000 Hz, PCLK 64000000 Hz
  2545. [ 3.737426] mmc0: Slot eject status = 1
  2546. [ 3.743499] mmc0: Power save feature enable = 1
  2547. [ 3.749633] mmc0: DM non-cached buffer at ffc0e000, dma_addr 0x242b2000
  2548. [ 3.762237] mmc0: DM cmd busaddr 0x242b2000, cmdptr busaddr 0x242b2300
  2549. [ 3.774902] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=21 rate=144000
  2550. [ 3.787780] sdslot_switchvdd: Disabling SD slot power
  2551. [ 3.793975] msm_gpio_set_function(3e, 0)
  2552. [ 3.800018] msm_gpio_set_function(3f, 0)
  2553. [ 3.805969] msm_gpio_set_function(40, 0)
  2554. [ 3.811889] msm_gpio_set_function(41, 0)
  2555. [ 3.817687] msm_gpio_set_function(42, 0)
  2556. [ 3.823425] msm_gpio_set_function(43, 0)
  2557. [ 3.829406] mmc1: Qualcomm MSM SDCC at 0x00000000a0500000 irq 26,102 dma 8
  2558. [ 3.841369] mmc1: 4 bit data mode enabled
  2559. [ 3.847320] mmc1: MMC clock 144000 -> 32000000 Hz, PCLK 64000000 Hz
  2560. [ 3.858581] mmc1: Slot eject status = 0
  2561. [ 3.864501] mmc1: Power save feature enable = 1
  2562. [ 3.870422] mmc1: DM non-cached buffer at ffc0f000, dma_addr 0x242b3000
  2563. [ 3.881896] mmc1: DM cmd busaddr 0x242b3000, cmdptr busaddr 0x242b3300
  2564. [ 3.894348] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.18a.
  2565. [ 3.906890] No device for DAI CODEC_DAI
  2566. [ 3.913024] No device for DAI CPU_DAI
  2567. [ 3.919372] msm_soc: create pcms
  2568. [ 3.925659] asoc: CODEC_DAI <-> CPU_DAI mapping ok
  2569. [ 3.931396] msm_soc:ALSA MSM Mixer Setting<6>ALSA device list:
  2570. [ 3.944458] #0: msm-audio (MSM-CARD)
  2571. [ 3.950622] TCP cubic registered
  2572. [ 3.956481] NET: Registered protocol family 17
  2573. [ 3.962646] Bluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.11
  2574. [ 3.968750] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
  2575. [ 3.974761] Bluetooth: SCO (Voice Link) ver 0.6
  2576. [ 3.980590] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
  2577. [ 3.988800] htc_pwrsink: ID 8, Util 100%, Total 38000 uA
  2578. [ 4.000122] htc_pwrsink: ID 8, Util 0%, Total 38000 uA
  2579. [ 4.006408] msm_gpio_set_function(3e, 8)
  2580. [ 4.012542] msm_gpio_set_function(3f, 8)
  2581. [ 4.018493] msm_gpio_set_function(40, 8)
  2582. [ 4.024291] msm_gpio_set_function(41, 8)
  2583. [ 4.029815] msm_gpio_set_function(42, 8)
  2584. [ 4.035308] msm_gpio_set_function(43, 8)
  2585. [ 4.040679] sdslot_switchvdd: Invalid VDD 17 specified
  2586. [ 4.046325] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
  2587. [ 4.051879] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
  2588. [ 4.057403] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.10
  2589. [ 4.062988] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
  2590. [ 4.068572] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
  2591. [ 4.079437] reset imem_config
  2592. [ 4.084686] IMEM OLD: VAL = 0
  2593. [ 4.089904] [RPC] CALL to 30000055:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2594. [ 4.100280] [RPC] READ on ept d41ea0c0
  2595. [ 4.108032] htc_pwrsink: ID 8, Util 100%, Total 38000 uA
  2596. [ 4.113739] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d41ea0c0
  2597. [ 4.125030] +rpcservers_probe
  2598. [ 4.130432] [RR] x NEW_SERVER id=1:d42caf20 prog=3000005d:0
  2599. [ 4.140930] [RPC] READ on ept d41ea0c0 (28 bytes)
  2600. [ 4.149353] [RR] send control message cmd=4 srv.cmd=4 prog=3000005d:0 id=1:d42caf20
  2601. [ 4.162231] -rpc_server_register: 3000005d:00000000
  2602. [ 4.167999] -rpc_server_register_all
  2603. [ 4.173919] -rpcservers_probe
  2604. [ 4.179412] mmc1: Command timeout
  2605. [ 4.190460] mmc1: Command timeout
  2606. [ 4.201751] mmc1: Command timeout
  2607. [ 4.212951] mmc1: Command timeout
  2608. [ 4.224761] sdslot_switchvdd: Invalid VDD 15 specified
  2609. [ 4.273162] IMEM NEW: VAL = 0
  2610. [ 4.278259] [RR] x REMOVE_CLIENT id=1:d41ea0c0
  2611. [ 4.283355] [RR] send control message cmd=6 srv.cmd=6 prog=00000001:d41ea0c0 id=-1071137200:c005ea44
  2612. [ 4.293701] clock-regime-amss: msm_clk_regime_amss_is_on not yet fully tested. Clock id used by clk_regime_is_on is not the same as enable/disable
  2613. [ 4.309753] clk_regime_is_on: 55 is 0
  2614. [ 4.314971] clock_late_init() disabled 15 unused clocks
  2615. [ 4.322998] [BATT] HTC Battery Driver initialized
  2616. [ 4.329437] Registering MicroP keypad driver
  2617. [ 4.335113] microp-keypad: Initializing MicroP keypad driver
  2618. [ 4.346282] input: microp-keypad as /devices/virtual/input/input5
  2619. [ 4.372192] clock-wince: pc_clk_set_rate: id=21 rate=25000000
  2620. [ 4.382659] mmc1: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable.
  2621. [ 4.393096] mmc1: new SDHC card at address e624
  2622. [ 4.399139] mmcblk0: mmc1:e624 SU04G 3872256KiB
  2623. [ 4.404998] mmcblk0: p1
  2624. [ 4.426666] microp_keypad_probe done
  2625. [ 4.432525] msm_rtc msm_rtc: setting system clock to 2012-01-15 06:37:28 UTC (1326609448)
  2626. [ 4.443206] Freeing init memory: 132K
  2627. [ 4.448852] BFS CPU scheduler v0.316 by Con Kolivas.
  2628. [ 109.777862] msm_nand_read_oob 2ce0000 2000 0 failed -74, corrected 0
  2629. [ 116.674865] Something used micropklt_lcd_ctrl. This function should no longer be used.
  2630. [ 116.690246] Something used micropklt_lcd_ctrl. This function should no longer be used.
  2631. [ 117.111816] touch_calibration: Point 1 824, 864.
  2632. [ 117.117431] touch_calibration: Point 2 206, 866.
  2633. [ 117.122924] touch_calibration: Point 3 511, 520.
  2634. [ 117.128540] touch_calibration: Point 4 815, 182.
  2635. [ 117.134002] touch_calibration: Point 5 820, 177.
  2636. [ 117.139251] touch_calibration: do calibration ok.
  2637. [ 117.144378] touch_calibration: x max 162, x min 874.
  2638. [ 117.149444] touch_calibration: y max 133, y min 918.
  2639. [ 117.154510] touch_calibration: x same direction, y same direction.
  2640. [ 117.598266] init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
  2641. [ 117.636230] novtec_unblank
  2642. [ 117.874877] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol nf_nat_setup_info
  2643. [ 117.887756] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol xt_register_target
  2644. [ 117.899688] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol nf_ct_iterate_cleanup
  2645. [ 117.913391] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol xt_unregister_target
  2646. [ 118.053741] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (3072 buckets, 12288 max)
  2647. [ 118.223876] init: cannot find '/system/etc/', disabling 'flash_recovery'
  2648. [ 118.273193] iptable_filter: Unknown symbol ipt_do_table
  2649. [ 118.298767] iptable_filter: Unknown symbol ipt_unregister_table
  2650. [ 118.334320] iptable_filter: Unknown symbol ipt_register_table
  2651. [ 118.423370] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
  2652. [ 118.492828] enabling adb
  2653. [ 118.521270] adb_open
  2654. [ 119.194244] warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
  2655. [ 119.351287] SMD: ch 0 CLOSED -> OPENED
  2656. [ 121.218139] htc-acoustic_wince: acoustic_open
  2657. [ 121.224182] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_GET_CAPABILITIES called 1300.
  2658. [ 121.236511] tpa2016d2: set power 1
  2659. [ 121.243591] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1300 rc 0.
  2660. [ 121.256469] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 1, value 0xc2
  2661. [ 121.277893] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  2662. [ 121.296783] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  2663. [ 121.318572] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  2664. [ 121.339324] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 5, value 0x14
  2665. [ 121.361450] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 6, value 0x19
  2666. [ 121.384124] tpa2016d2: tpa_read_register: reg 7, value 0xc0
  2667. [ 121.396392] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_READ_CONFIG called 1300 rc 0.
  2668. [ 121.419494] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  2669. [ 121.436859] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc2
  2670. [ 121.474182] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x1
  2671. [ 121.493621] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  2672. [ 121.512908] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  2673. [ 121.531982] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x0
  2674. [ 121.550903] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x19
  2675. [ 121.586364] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0xc0
  2676. [ 121.622375] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1300 rc 0.
  2677. [ 121.859863] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2678. [ 121.904327] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2679. [ 121.946990] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2680. [ 121.981781] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2681. [ 122.016540] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2682. [ 122.051269] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2683. [ 122.085906] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2684. [ 122.120605] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2685. [ 122.155517] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2686. [ 122.190948] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2687. [ 122.227050] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2688. [ 122.240173] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2689. [ 122.253417] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2690. [ 122.267395] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2691. [ 122.281280] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2692. [ 122.295135] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2693. [ 122.310394] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2694. [ 122.325042] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2695. [ 122.340057] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2696. [ 122.356201] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2697. [ 122.371734] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2698. [ 122.387939] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2699. [ 122.413757] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2700. [ 122.438751] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2701. [ 122.465972] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2702. [ 122.485015] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2703. [ 122.501007] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2704. [ 122.525970] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2705. [ 122.577972] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2706. [ 122.629882] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2707. [ 122.681854] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2708. [ 122.734008] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2709. [ 122.786499] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1300 result=0
  2710. [ 122.838897] htc-acoustic_wince: update_codec_table : table size = 704
  2711. [ 122.886657] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_HTC_VOC_CAL_CODEC_TABLE pid=1300 result=0
  2712. [ 123.032531] snd_set_volume 17 1 5
  2713. [ 123.050384] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  2714. [ 123.076141] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  2715. [ 123.084014] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  2716. [ 123.108978] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  2717. [ 123.169738] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  2718. [ 123.184906] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2719. [ 123.210723] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2720. [ 123.225708] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2721. [ 123.251312] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2722. [ 123.266296] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2723. [ 123.291961] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2724. [ 123.307037] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2725. [ 123.332977] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2726. [ 123.348388] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2727. [ 123.374450] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2728. [ 123.389862] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2729. [ 123.415985] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2730. [ 123.431335] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2731. [ 123.457427] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2732. [ 123.472808] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2733. [ 123.498840] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2734. [ 123.514190] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2735. [ 123.540405] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2736. [ 123.555725] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2737. [ 123.581756] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2738. [ 123.597106] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2739. [ 123.623199] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2740. [ 123.638488] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2741. [ 123.663635] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2742. [ 123.679534] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2743. [ 123.704711] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2744. [ 123.720642] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2745. [ 123.745758] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2746. [ 123.761688] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2747. [ 123.786865] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2748. [ 123.802703] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2749. [ 123.822814] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2750. [ 123.839355] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  2751. [ 123.864532] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  2752. [ 123.880401] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  2753. [ 123.887969] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  2754. [ 123.906372] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  2755. [ 123.914581] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  2756. [ 123.929595] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  2757. [ 123.937042] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  2758. [ 123.962036] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2759. [ 123.977783] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  2760. [ 124.002746] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  2761. [ 124.018615] snd_set_device 1 1 0
  2762. [ 124.026123] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  2763. [ 124.050933] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  2764. [ 124.059295] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  2765. [ 124.084411] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  2766. [ 124.105895] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  2767. [ 124.137420] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  2768. [ 124.179443] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  2769. [ 124.232086] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  2770. [ 124.274536] snd_set_volume 1 1 5
  2771. [ 124.305694] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  2772. [ 124.347656] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  2773. [ 124.368743] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  2774. [ 124.420623] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  2775. [ 124.442047] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  2776. [ 124.473266] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  2777. [ 124.514953] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  2778. [ 124.647338] snd_set_volume 256 0 5
  2779. [ 124.654907] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  2780. [ 124.669586] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  2781. [ 124.677703] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2782. [ 124.703033] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  2783. [ 124.710601] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  2784. [ 124.735168] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  2785. [ 182.317932] hw3d_open: pid 1344 tid 1348 opening client node
  2786. [ 182.317962] locked_open_wait_for_gpu: wait_for_open 1
  2787. [ 182.317993] locked_open_wait_for_gpu: woke up (1 0 00000000)
  2788. [ 182.318023] hw3d_open: pid 1344 tid 1348 got gpu
  2789. [ 182.375061] remapping device 173
  2790. [ 183.221679] capella_cm3602_open
  2791. [ 183.221771] capella_cm3602_ioctl cmd 1
  2792. [ 184.104736] capella_cm3602_ioctl cmd 2
  2793. [ 184.104797] capella_cm3602_disable
  2794. [ 184.104797] capella_cm3602_disable: already disabled
  2795. [ 184.104827] capella_cm3602_release
  2796. [ 184.104858] capella_cm3602_disable
  2797. [ 184.104858] capella_cm3602_disable: already disabled
  2798. [ 278.769561] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1323 result=0
  2799. [ 278.769622] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1323 result=0
  2800. [ 278.769805] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1323 rc 0.
  2801. [ 278.769866] snd_set_volume 256 0 4
  2802. [ 278.769897] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  2803. [ 278.769927] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  2804. [ 278.770690] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  2805. [ 278.770751] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf980
  2806. [ 278.770782] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf980 id=-736354464:c017c788
  2807. [ 278.770874] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  2808. [ 279.436645] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 276330000000 (2012-01-15 06:42:00.860000000 UTC)
  2809. [ 279.450958] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2810. [ 279.457885] micropklt_set_color_led_state: OFF
  2811. [ 279.459320] micropklt_set_color_led_state: GREEN
  2812. [ 289.781066] binder: release 1522:1522 transaction 2679 out, still active
  2813. [ 289.898132] rpcrouter_open
  2814. [ 289.902130] rpcrouter_open
  2815. [ 289.902557] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2816. [ 289.903320] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2817. [ 289.903686] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2818. [ 289.903717] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2819. [ 289.903900] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (64 bytes)
  2820. [ 289.904541] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2821. [ 289.904724] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2822. [ 289.904754] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2823. [ 289.904876] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (64 bytes)
  2824. [ 289.905426] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2825. [ 289.905609] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2826. [ 289.905639] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2827. [ 289.905761] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2828. [ 289.906005] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2829. [ 289.906219] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  2830. [ 289.906616] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2831. [ 289.906768] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2832. [ 289.906829] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2833. [ 289.906951] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (64 bytes)
  2834. [ 289.907592] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2835. [ 289.907653] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf140
  2836. [ 289.907684] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf140 id=-736354464:c017c788
  2837. [ 289.907836] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2838. [ 289.907928] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2839. [ 289.908081] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2840. [ 289.908599] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2841. [ 289.908752] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2842. [ 289.908813] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2843. [ 289.908935] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (64 bytes)
  2844. [ 289.909576] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2845. [ 289.909881] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2846. [ 289.909942] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2847. [ 289.910095] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2848. [ 289.910614] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2849. [ 289.910797] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2850. [ 289.910827] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2851. [ 289.910949] [RPC] CALL to 3000001d:0 @ 0:00000001 (52 bytes)
  2852. [ 289.911254] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2853. [ 289.911437] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  2854. [ 289.913513] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf380
  2855. [ 289.913726] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf380
  2856. [ 289.913757] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf380 (28 bytes)
  2857. [ 289.913940] [RPC] CALL to 3000001d:0 @ 0:00000001 (48 bytes)
  2858. [ 289.914489] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf380
  2859. [ 289.914642] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf380
  2860. [ 289.914672] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf380 (28 bytes)
  2861. [ 289.914825] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2862. [ 289.915344] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2863. [ 289.915527] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2864. [ 289.915557] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2865. [ 289.915679] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (64 bytes)
  2866. [ 289.916198] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2867. [ 289.916259] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf140
  2868. [ 289.916290] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf140 id=-736354464:c017c788
  2869. [ 289.916748] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2870. [ 289.916778] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2871. [ 289.916931] [RPC] CALL to 3000005b:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  2872. [ 289.917449] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=32 dst=1:d4abf140
  2873. [ 289.917633] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140
  2874. [ 289.917663] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf140 (28 bytes)
  2875. [ 290.121551] binder: 1334:1350 transaction failed 29189, size 4-0
  2876. [ 290.121612] binder: send failed reply for transaction 2679, target dead
  2877. [ 302.906311] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  2878. [ 303.630310] hw3d: current 1349 ppid 1 file c37bd140 count 4
  2879. [ 303.630371] hw3d: current 1349 ppid 1 file c37bd140 count 3
  2880. [ 303.630401] hw3d: current 1349 ppid 1 file c37bd140 count 2
  2881. [ 303.631195] hw3d: closing
  2882. [ 303.631256] hw3d_release: in release for pid=1344 tid=1349
  2883. [ 303.631286] hw3d: releasing 1344
  2884. [ 303.631286] hw3d: had file
  2885. [ 303.631317] hw3d: was enabled
  2886. [ 308.931274] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  2887. [ 329.905761] binder: 1334:1339 transaction failed 29189, size 116-0
  2888. [ 342.048828] binder: 1857: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
  2889. [ 342.048858] binder: 1650:1656 transaction failed 29201, size 28-4
  2890. [ 342.048889] binder: send failed reply for transaction 9753 to 1857:1880
  2891. [ 360.367431] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  2892. [ 362.893890] SMD: ch 7 CLOSED -> OPENING
  2893. [ 362.894012] SMD: ch 7 OPENING -> OPENED
  2894. [ 377.720458] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  2895. [ 428.095245] micropklt_set_color_led_state: AMBER
  2896. [ 428.101623] micropklt_set_color_led_state: AMBER
  2897. [ 438.136474] micropklt_set_color_led_state: OFF
  2898. [ 438.151031] micropklt_set_color_led_state: GREEN
  2899. [ 491.333923] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2900. [ 491.352416] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2901. [ 491.372650] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2902. [ 491.392547] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2903. [ 491.412597] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2904. [ 491.432769] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2905. [ 491.458160] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2906. [ 491.472961] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2907. [ 491.493041] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2908. [ 491.513122] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2909. [ 491.533172] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2910. [ 491.553222] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2911. [ 491.573242] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2912. [ 491.593414] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2913. [ 491.613494] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2914. [ 491.633514] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2915. [ 491.653625] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2916. [ 491.673706] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2917. [ 498.351440] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2918. [ 498.368072] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2919. [ 498.388458] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2920. [ 498.409698] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2921. [ 498.412322] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 494460000000 (2012-01-15 06:45:40.920000000 UTC)
  2922. [ 498.412475] Sending arm9_low_speed 2
  2923. [ 498.413330] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  2924. [ 498.528015] novtec_blank
  2925. [ 498.528076] novtec_suspend
  2926. [ 498.575103] htcrhod_mddi_power_client (off)
  2927. [ 498.575164] mddi_suspended
  2928. [ 498.575195] htc_pwrsink: ID 0, Util 7%, Total 7000 uA
  2929. [ 498.673217] active wake lock vbus_present
  2930. [ 498.673248] active wake lock SMD_DS, time left 44
  2931. [ 504.672790] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 500710000000 (2012-01-15 06:45:47.170000000 UTC)
  2932. [ 504.672882] htc_pwrsink: ID 0, Util 38%, Total 38000 uA
  2933. [ 504.672912] novtec_resume
  2934. [ 504.672943] htcrhod_mddi_power_client (on)
  2935. [ 504.677459] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2936. [ 504.678283] mddi_resumed
  2937. [ 504.683685] hw3d_late_resume: resuming
  2938. [ 504.683715] tssc_manager_resume(): ts->use_irq=1
  2939. [ 504.683746] Sending arm9_low_speed 7
  2940. [ 504.692169] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2941. [ 504.712432] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2942. [ 504.734527] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 0/10
  2943. [ 504.756225] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2944. [ 504.772705] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2945. [ 504.791992] novtec_unblank
  2946. [ 504.802062] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2947. [ 504.812866] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  2948. [ 504.832946] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2949. [ 504.852935] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2950. [ 504.872985] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2951. [ 504.893005] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  2952. [ 504.913085] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2953. [ 504.933197] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2954. [ 504.953155] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  2955. [ 555.658508] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  2956. [ 564.443450] audio_enable()
  2957. [ 564.443542] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2958. [ 564.443634] [RPC] CALL to 30000013:0 @ 0:00000001 (72 bytes)
  2959. [ 564.444061] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  2960. [ 564.444152] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  2961. [ 564.444305] audmgr_rpc_thread() start
  2962. [ 564.444335] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  2963. [ 564.446105] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf800
  2964. [ 564.447692] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (24 bytes)
  2965. [ 564.447784] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
  2966. [ 564.447814] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  2967. [ 564.458557] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  2968. [ 564.458801] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  2969. [ 564.458862] audmgr: rpc 1000000 0 14
  2970. [ 564.458923] audmgr: rpc READY handle=0x00000000
  2971. [ 564.458953] [RPC] REPLY to xid=1b @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  2972. [ 564.459045] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  2973. [ 564.521209] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  2974. [ 564.521362] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  2975. [ 564.521392] audmgr: rpc 1000000 1000000 14
  2976. [ 564.521392] audmgr: rpc CODEC_CONFIG volume=0x00000609
  2977. [ 564.521453] audpp: enable
  2978. [ 564.521484] adsp: opening module AUDPPTASK
  2979. [ 564.521545] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  2980. [ 564.521606] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc760
  2981. [ 564.525634] [RPC] REPLY to xid=1c @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  2982. [ 564.525726] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  2983. [ 564.525787] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc760
  2984. [ 564.525909] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc760 (24 bytes)
  2985. [ 564.525970] adsp: module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  2986. [ 564.526000] msm_adsp_enable() 'AUDPPTASK'
  2987. [ 564.526031] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  2988. [ 564.526062] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc760
  2989. [ 564.526824] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=68 dst=1:fadefade
  2990. [ 564.526916] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160 (64 bytes)
  2991. [ 564.526977] adsp: rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=3, image=1
  2992. [ 564.527191] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc760
  2993. [ 564.527282] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc760 (24 bytes)
  2994. [ 564.535736] adsp: module AUDPPTASK: READY
  2995. [ 564.542114] [RPC] REPLY to xid=1d @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  2996. [ 564.543273] htc_pwrsink: ID 1, Util 100%, Total 138000 uA
  2997. [ 564.543334] audpp: ENABLE
  2998. [ 564.543334] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG ENABLE
  2999. [ 564.544372] adsp: waiting for DSP write ready
  3000. [ 564.545410] adsp: waiting for DSP write ready
  3001. [ 564.548553] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3002. [ 564.548583] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3003. [ 564.548797] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3004. [ 564.549041] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3005. [ 564.549102] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3006. [ 564.549163] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3007. [ 564.549194] snd_set_volume 256 1 0
  3008. [ 564.549224] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3009. [ 564.549255] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3010. [ 564.549774] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160
  3011. [ 564.550201] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3012. [ 564.550292] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3013. [ 564.550689] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=1, headset = 0
  3014. [ 564.550720] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3015. [ 564.550750] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3016. [ 564.554321] tpa2016d2: set power 1
  3017. [ 564.555450] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3018. [ 564.555480] tpa2016d2: set power 1
  3019. [ 564.556518] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3020. [ 564.556610] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc3
  3021. [ 564.558441] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  3022. [ 564.559967] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3023. [ 564.561431] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3024. [ 564.562805] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x10
  3025. [ 564.564178] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x0
  3026. [ 564.565521] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0x0
  3027. [ 564.566864] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3028. [ 564.567047] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3029. [ 564.567077] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3030. [ 564.567138] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc3
  3031. [ 564.568511] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  3032. [ 564.569946] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3033. [ 564.571319] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3034. [ 564.572692] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x10
  3035. [ 564.574066] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x0
  3036. [ 564.575439] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0x0
  3037. [ 564.576782] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3038. [ 564.577087] snd_set_device 1 1 0
  3039. [ 564.577117] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3040. [ 564.577178] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3041. [ 564.577789] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3042. [ 564.577880] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3043. [ 564.577972] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3044. [ 564.578094] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3045. [ 564.578125] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3046. [ 567.645812] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3047. [ 567.646362] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3048. [ 567.646453] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3049. [ 567.646545] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc3
  3050. [ 567.651336] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  3051. [ 567.652893] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3052. [ 567.654357] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3053. [ 567.655853] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x10
  3054. [ 567.657257] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x0
  3055. [ 567.659240] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0x0
  3056. [ 567.660675] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3057. [ 567.660736] snd_set_volume 256 1 0
  3058. [ 567.660736] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3059. [ 567.660797] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3060. [ 567.670745] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3061. [ 567.670959] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3062. [ 567.671386] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  3063. [ 567.671447] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3064. [ 567.671478] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3065. [ 567.673889] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3066. [ 567.673980] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc2
  3067. [ 567.675415] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x1
  3068. [ 567.677276] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3069. [ 567.678863] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3070. [ 567.681091] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x0
  3071. [ 567.682708] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x19
  3072. [ 567.684143] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0xc0
  3073. [ 567.685546] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3074. [ 567.685607] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3075. [ 567.685668] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3076. [ 567.685821] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3077. [ 567.685852] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3078. [ 567.685913] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3079. [ 567.686096] snd_set_device 1 1 0
  3080. [ 567.686126] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3081. [ 567.686157] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3082. [ 567.696594] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3083. [ 567.696716] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3084. [ 567.696838] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3085. [ 567.696929] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3086. [ 567.696990] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3087. [ 567.697052] audio_disable()
  3088. [ 567.698089] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG DISABLE
  3089. [ 567.698089] audpp: disable
  3090. [ 567.699096] msm_adsp_disable() 'AUDPPTASK'
  3091. [ 567.699127] audpp: DISABLE
  3092. [ 567.699188] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3093. [ 567.699218] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc760
  3094. [ 567.703399] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3095. [ 567.703430] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3096. [ 567.703460] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc760
  3097. [ 567.703582] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc760 (24 bytes)
  3098. [ 567.703613] adsp: closing module AUDPPTASK
  3099. [ 567.703643] [RR] x REMOVE_CLIENT id=1:d0ccc760
  3100. [ 567.703643] [RR] send control message cmd=6 srv.cmd=6 prog=00000001:d0ccc760 id=-1071137200:c005ea44
  3101. [ 567.703704] adsp: disable interrupt
  3102. [ 567.703735] [RPC] CALL to 30000013:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  3103. [ 567.715911] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf800
  3104. [ 567.716033] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (24 bytes)
  3105. [ 567.716064] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
  3106. [ 567.716094] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3107. [ 567.739196] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3108. [ 567.739440] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3109. [ 567.739471] audmgr: rpc 1000000 6000000 14
  3110. [ 567.739501] audmgr: DISABLED
  3111. [ 567.739562] ------------------------------
  3112. [ 567.739624] htc_pwrsink: ID 1, Util 0%, Total 38000 uA
  3113. [ 567.743164] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf800
  3114. [ 567.743255] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf800 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3115. [ 567.743438] [RPC] REPLY to xid=1e @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3116. [ 567.743499] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3117. [ 569.202056] ++ IN CALL ++
  3118. [ 569.346801] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3119. [ 569.347106] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3120. [ 569.347167] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3121. [ 569.347198] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3122. [ 569.347229] snd_set_volume 256 0 0
  3123. [ 569.347259] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3124. [ 569.347320] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3125. [ 569.348754] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3126. [ 569.348876] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3127. [ 569.349090] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  3128. [ 569.349121] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3129. [ 569.349151] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3130. [ 569.349334] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf980
  3131. [ 569.349365] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf980 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3132. [ 569.350067] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3133. [ 569.350097] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3134. [ 569.350128] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3135. [ 569.350158] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3136. [ 569.350250] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3137. [ 569.350341] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3138. [ 569.350372] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3139. [ 569.350555] snd_set_device 0 0 0
  3140. [ 569.350616] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3141. [ 569.350646] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3142. [ 569.351440] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3143. [ 569.351501] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3144. [ 569.351593] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3145. [ 569.352050] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3146. [ 569.352081] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3147. [ 569.352294] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3148. [ 569.352478] snd_set_volume 0 0 5
  3149. [ 569.352508] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3150. [ 569.352569] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3151. [ 569.353118] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3152. [ 569.353363] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3153. [ 569.353881] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3154. [ 569.353942] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3155. [ 569.354064] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3156. [ 569.354187] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3157. [ 569.354217] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3158. [ 569.367462] capella_cm3602_open
  3159. [ 569.367553] capella_cm3602_ioctl cmd 2
  3160. [ 569.367553] capella_cm3602_enable
  3161. [ 569.595245] proximity 1
  3162. [ 569.595397] proximity 1
  3163. [ 569.737335] select 1812 (, adj 14, size 4470, to kill
  3164. [ 569.737426] send sigkill to 1812 (, adj 14, size 4470
  3165. [ 569.846374] request_suspend_state: wakeup (0->0) at 565690000000 (2012-01-15 06:46:52.150000000 UTC)
  3166. [ 571.698455] audio_enable()
  3167. [ 571.698486] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  3168. [ 571.698547] [RPC] CALL to 30000013:0 @ 0:00000001 (72 bytes)
  3169. [ 571.699676] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf800
  3170. [ 571.699798] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (24 bytes)
  3171. [ 571.699829] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
  3172. [ 571.699829] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3173. [ 571.715545] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3174. [ 571.715698] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3175. [ 571.715728] audmgr: rpc 1000000 0 14
  3176. [ 571.715728] audmgr: rpc READY handle=0x00000002
  3177. [ 571.715759] [RPC] REPLY to xid=1f @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3178. [ 571.715789] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3179. [ 571.738555] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3180. [ 571.738708] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3181. [ 571.738739] audmgr: rpc 1000000 1000000 14
  3182. [ 571.738769] audmgr: rpc CODEC_CONFIG volume=0x00000204
  3183. [ 571.738800] audpp: enable
  3184. [ 571.738830] adsp: opening module AUDPPTASK
  3185. [ 571.738891] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3186. [ 571.738952] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc5e0
  3187. [ 571.748565] [RPC] REPLY to xid=20 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3188. [ 571.748657] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3189. [ 571.748718] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc5e0
  3190. [ 571.748809] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc5e0 (24 bytes)
  3191. [ 571.748840] adsp: module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  3192. [ 571.748870] msm_adsp_enable() 'AUDPPTASK'
  3193. [ 571.748901] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3194. [ 571.748931] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc5e0
  3195. [ 571.758789] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3196. [ 571.758850] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3197. [ 571.758880] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=68 dst=1:fadefade
  3198. [ 571.759002] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160 (64 bytes)
  3199. [ 571.759063] adsp: rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=3, image=1
  3200. [ 571.768707] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc5e0
  3201. [ 571.768859] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc5e0 (24 bytes)
  3202. [ 571.768920] adsp: module AUDPPTASK: READY
  3203. [ 571.768951] [RPC] REPLY to xid=21 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3204. [ 571.768981] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160
  3205. [ 571.770050] audpp: ENABLE
  3206. [ 571.770080] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG ENABLE
  3207. [ 571.771118] adsp: waiting for DSP write ready
  3208. [ 571.772155] adsp: waiting for DSP write ready
  3209. [ 571.773193] adsp: waiting for DSP write ready
  3210. [ 571.775268] htc_pwrsink: ID 1, Util 100%, Total 138000 uA
  3211. [ 574.706512] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3212. [ 574.706970] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3213. [ 574.707061] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3214. [ 574.707122] snd_set_volume 256 0 0
  3215. [ 574.707183] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3216. [ 574.707275] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3217. [ 574.708160] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3218. [ 574.708343] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3219. [ 574.708740] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  3220. [ 574.708801] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3221. [ 574.708831] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3222. [ 574.709838] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3223. [ 574.709899] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3224. [ 574.709960] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3225. [ 574.710021] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3226. [ 574.710144] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3227. [ 574.710327] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3228. [ 574.710418] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3229. [ 574.710723] snd_set_device 0 0 0
  3230. [ 574.710784] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3231. [ 574.710876] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3232. [ 574.713195] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3233. [ 574.713378] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3234. [ 574.713531] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3235. [ 574.713836] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3236. [ 574.713897] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3237. [ 574.714019] audio_disable()
  3238. [ 574.715057] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG DISABLE
  3239. [ 574.715118] audpp: disable
  3240. [ 574.716156] msm_adsp_disable() 'AUDPPTASK'
  3241. [ 574.716217] audpp: DISABLE
  3242. [ 574.716278] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3243. [ 574.716339] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc5e0
  3244. [ 574.717193] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc5e0
  3245. [ 574.717346] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc5e0 (24 bytes)
  3246. [ 574.717407] adsp: closing module AUDPPTASK
  3247. [ 574.717468] [RR] x REMOVE_CLIENT id=1:d0ccc5e0
  3248. [ 574.717529] [RR] send control message cmd=6 srv.cmd=6 prog=00000001:d0ccc5e0 id=-1071137200:c005ea44
  3249. [ 574.717590] adsp: disable interrupt
  3250. [ 574.717651] [RPC] CALL to 30000013:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  3251. [ 574.724395] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3252. [ 574.724487] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3253. [ 574.724578] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf800
  3254. [ 574.724731] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (24 bytes)
  3255. [ 574.724792] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
  3256. [ 574.724822] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3257. [ 574.831329] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3258. [ 574.831542] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3259. [ 574.831604] audmgr: rpc 1000000 6000000 14
  3260. [ 574.831634] audmgr: DISABLED
  3261. [ 574.831695] [RPC] REPLY to xid=22 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3262. [ 574.831756] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3263. [ 574.831848] ------------------------------
  3264. [ 574.831909] htc_pwrsink: ID 1, Util 0%, Total 38000 uA
  3265. [ 574.832092] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf800
  3266. [ 574.832153] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf800 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3267. [ 576.639739] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  3268. [ 580.825164] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3269. [ 580.825622] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3270. [ 580.825714] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3271. [ 580.825775] snd_set_volume 256 0 0
  3272. [ 580.825866] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3273. [ 580.825958] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3274. [ 580.826873] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3275. [ 580.827026] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3276. [ 580.827331] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=1, speaker=1, headset = 0
  3277. [ 580.827392] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3278. [ 580.827453] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3279. [ 580.827667] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf980
  3280. [ 580.827728] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf980 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3281. [ 580.919769] [0] ADC3001[0x0] = 0x0
  3282. [ 580.921569] [1] ADC3001[0x1] = 0x1
  3283. [ 580.922576] [2] ADC3001[0x4] = 0x3
  3284. [ 580.923126] [3] ADC3001[0x5] = 0x11
  3285. [ 580.923645] [4] ADC3001[0x6] = 0x5
  3286. [ 580.924163] [5] ADC3001[0x7] = 0x4
  3287. [ 580.924652] [6] ADC3001[0x8] = 0xb0
  3288. [ 580.925170] [7] ADC3001[0x12] = 0xb0
  3289. [ 580.925659] [8] ADC3001[0x13] = 0x82
  3290. [ 580.926147] [9] ADC3001[0x14] = 0x80
  3291. [ 580.926666] [10] ADC3001[0x1b] = 0x4c
  3292. [ 580.927154] [11] ADC3001[0x1c] = 0x1
  3293. [ 580.927642] [12] ADC3001[0x1d] = 0x2
  3294. [ 580.928161] [13] ADC3001[0x1e] = 0x81
  3295. [ 580.928649] [14] ADC3001[0x5] = 0x91
  3296. [ 580.929168] [15] ADC3001[0x35] = 0x2
  3297. [ 580.929687] [16] ADC3001[0x0] = 0x1
  3298. [ 580.930175] [17] ADC3001[0x34] = 0xfc
  3299. [ 580.930664] [18] ADC3001[0x37] = 0xfc
  3300. [ 580.931182] [19] ADC3001[0x33] = 0x8
  3301. [ 580.931671] [20] ADC3001[0x0] = 0x0
  3302. [ 580.932159] [21] ADC3001[0x3d] = 0x1
  3303. [ 580.932647] [22] ADC3001[0x51] = 0xc0
  3304. [ 580.933135] [23] ADC3001[0x52] = 0x0
  3305. [ 580.933654] tpa2016d2: set power 1
  3306. [ 580.934722] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3307. [ 580.934783] tpa2016d2: set power 1
  3308. [ 580.935852] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3309. [ 580.936004] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc3
  3310. [ 580.937438] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  3311. [ 580.938842] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3312. [ 580.940368] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3313. [ 580.941802] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x10
  3314. [ 580.943237] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x0
  3315. [ 580.944641] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0x0
  3316. [ 580.946044] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3317. [ 580.946319] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3318. [ 580.946411] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3319. [ 580.946502] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc3
  3320. [ 580.947937] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  3321. [ 580.949371] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3322. [ 580.950805] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3323. [ 580.952209] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x10
  3324. [ 580.953613] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x0
  3325. [ 580.955017] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0x0
  3326. [ 580.956420] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3327. [ 580.956726] chk_wakeup_A1010: 0
  3328. [ 580.956787] A1010_set_config: wakeup a1010
  3329. [ 580.956817] A1010_write_cmds: block write start (size = 4)
  3330. [ 580.956848] 80 <6>25 <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3331. [ 580.957641] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3332. [ 580.957672] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 25
  3333. [ 580.957702] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3334. [ 580.957763] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3335. [ 580.979339] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3336. [ 580.980987] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3337. [ 580.981048] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 25
  3338. [ 580.981079] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3339. [ 580.981109] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3340. [ 580.981140] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3341. [ 580.981170] 80 <6>25 <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3342. [ 580.981262] A1010_write_cmds: block write end
  3343. [ 580.981292] A1010_set_config: change to mode 2
  3344. [ 580.981323] A1010_write_cmds: block write start (size = 68)
  3345. [ 580.981384] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>2 <6>
  3346. [ 580.981445] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3347. [ 580.981506] 80 <6>1b <6>0 <6>9 <6>
  3348. [ 580.981567] 80 <6>15 <6>0 <6>8 <6>
  3349. [ 580.981628] 80 <6>23 <6>ff <6>f6 <6>
  3350. [ 580.981689] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>3 <6>
  3351. [ 580.981750] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>3 <6>
  3352. [ 580.981842] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3353. [ 580.981903] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>1 <6>
  3354. [ 580.981964] 80 <6>c <6>3 <6>0 <6>
  3355. [ 580.982025] 80 <6>d <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3356. [ 580.982086] 80 <6>c <6>4 <6>0 <6>
  3357. [ 580.982147] 80 <6>d <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3358. [ 580.982208] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>23 <6>
  3359. [ 580.982269] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>1 <6>
  3360. [ 580.982330] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>2e <6>
  3361. [ 580.982421] 80 <6>18 <6>ff <6>bf <6>
  3362. [ 580.983154] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3363. [ 580.983184] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 17
  3364. [ 580.983215] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3365. [ 580.983276] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 2
  3366. [ 581.009338] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3367. [ 581.010162] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3368. [ 581.010162] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 17
  3369. [ 581.010192] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3370. [ 581.010192] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 2
  3371. [ 581.010223] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3372. [ 581.010223] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>2 <6>
  3373. [ 581.010925] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3374. [ 581.010925] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 18
  3375. [ 581.010955] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3376. [ 581.010955] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3377. [ 581.039398] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3378. [ 581.040985] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3379. [ 581.041015] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 18
  3380. [ 581.041015] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3381. [ 581.041046] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3382. [ 581.041046] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3383. [ 581.041076] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3384. [ 581.041717] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3385. [ 581.041748] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 1b
  3386. [ 581.041748] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3387. [ 581.041778] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 9
  3388. [ 581.069427] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3389. [ 581.070220] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3390. [ 581.070251] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 1b
  3391. [ 581.070281] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3392. [ 581.070281] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 9
  3393. [ 581.070312] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3394. [ 581.070312] 80 <6>1b <6>0 <6>9 <6>
  3395. [ 581.070983] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3396. [ 581.071014] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 15
  3397. [ 581.071044] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3398. [ 581.071044] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 8
  3399. [ 581.099487] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3400. [ 581.101104] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3401. [ 581.101104] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 15
  3402. [ 581.101135] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3403. [ 581.101135] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 8
  3404. [ 581.101165] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3405. [ 581.101165] 80 <6>15 <6>0 <6>8 <6>
  3406. [ 581.101837] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3407. [ 581.101867] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 23
  3408. [ 581.101867] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = ff
  3409. [ 581.101898] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = f6
  3410. [ 581.129516] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3411. [ 581.130310] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3412. [ 581.130340] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 23
  3413. [ 581.130371] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = ff
  3414. [ 581.130371] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = f6
  3415. [ 581.130401] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3416. [ 581.130401] 80 <6>23 <6>ff <6>f6 <6>
  3417. [ 581.131103] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3418. [ 581.131103] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 17
  3419. [ 581.131134] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3420. [ 581.131134] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 3
  3421. [ 581.159606] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3422. [ 581.161193] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3423. [ 581.161224] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 17
  3424. [ 581.161224] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3425. [ 581.161224] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 3
  3426. [ 581.161254] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3427. [ 581.161254] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>3 <6>
  3428. [ 581.161926] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3429. [ 581.161956] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 18
  3430. [ 581.161956] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3431. [ 581.161987] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 3
  3432. [ 581.189880] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3433. [ 581.190765] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3434. [ 581.190826] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 18
  3435. [ 581.190856] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3436. [ 581.190887] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 3
  3437. [ 581.190917] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3438. [ 581.190948] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>3 <6>
  3439. [ 581.191711] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3440. [ 581.191741] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 17
  3441. [ 581.191772] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3442. [ 581.191833] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3443. [ 581.219757] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3444. [ 581.221405] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3445. [ 581.221466] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 17
  3446. [ 581.221496] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3447. [ 581.221527] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3448. [ 581.221557] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3449. [ 581.221588] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3450. [ 581.222320] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3451. [ 581.222381] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 18
  3452. [ 581.222412] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3453. [ 581.222442] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 1
  3454. [ 581.249755] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3455. [ 581.250640] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3456. [ 581.250671] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 18
  3457. [ 581.250732] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3458. [ 581.250762] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 1
  3459. [ 581.250793] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3460. [ 581.250823] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>1 <6>
  3461. [ 581.251586] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3462. [ 581.251617] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = c
  3463. [ 581.251647] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 3
  3464. [ 581.251708] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3465. [ 581.279876] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3466. [ 581.281555] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3467. [ 581.281616] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = c
  3468. [ 581.281646] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 3
  3469. [ 581.281677] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3470. [ 581.281707] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3471. [ 581.281738] 80 <6>c <6>3 <6>0 <6>
  3472. [ 581.282470] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3473. [ 581.282531] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = d
  3474. [ 581.282562] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3475. [ 581.282592] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3476. [ 581.309936] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3477. [ 581.310821] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3478. [ 581.310852] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = d
  3479. [ 581.310913] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3480. [ 581.310943] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3481. [ 581.310974] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3482. [ 581.311004] 80 <6>d <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3483. [ 581.311767] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3484. [ 581.311798] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = c
  3485. [ 581.311828] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 4
  3486. [ 581.311859] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3487. [ 581.340057] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3488. [ 581.341705] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3489. [ 581.341766] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = c
  3490. [ 581.341796] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 4
  3491. [ 581.341827] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3492. [ 581.341857] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3493. [ 581.341918] 80 <6>c <6>4 <6>0 <6>
  3494. [ 581.342651] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3495. [ 581.342681] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = d
  3496. [ 581.342742] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3497. [ 581.342773] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 0
  3498. [ 581.370056] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3499. [ 581.370941] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3500. [ 581.370971] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = d
  3501. [ 581.371032] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3502. [ 581.371063] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 0
  3503. [ 581.371093] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3504. [ 581.371124] 80 <6>d <6>0 <6>0 <6>
  3505. [ 581.371887] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3506. [ 581.371917] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 17
  3507. [ 581.371948] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3508. [ 581.372009] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 23
  3509. [ 581.400177] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3510. [ 581.401824] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3511. [ 581.401885] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 17
  3512. [ 581.401916] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3513. [ 581.401977] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 23
  3514. [ 581.402008] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3515. [ 581.402038] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>23 <6>
  3516. [ 581.402770] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3517. [ 581.402832] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 18
  3518. [ 581.402862] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3519. [ 581.402893] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 1
  3520. [ 581.430236] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3521. [ 581.431121] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3522. [ 581.431152] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 18
  3523. [ 581.431213] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3524. [ 581.431243] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 1
  3525. [ 581.431274] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3526. [ 581.431304] 80 <6>18 <6>0 <6>1 <6>
  3527. [ 581.432067] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3528. [ 581.432098] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 17
  3529. [ 581.432128] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = 0
  3530. [ 581.432189] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = 2e
  3531. [ 581.460357] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3532. [ 581.462005] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3533. [ 581.462036] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 17
  3534. [ 581.462066] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = 0
  3535. [ 581.462127] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = 2e
  3536. [ 581.462158] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3537. [ 581.462188] 80 <6>17 <6>0 <6>2e <6>
  3538. [ 581.462921] A1010_i2c_write: tx[0] = 80
  3539. [ 581.462982] A1010_i2c_write: tx[1] = 18
  3540. [ 581.463012] A1010_i2c_write: tx[2] = ff
  3541. [ 581.463043] A1010_i2c_write: tx[3] = bf
  3542. [ 581.490478] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read start
  3543. [ 581.491363] A1010_i2c_read: rx[0] = 80
  3544. [ 581.491394] A1010_i2c_read: rx[1] = 18
  3545. [ 581.491455] A1010_i2c_read: rx[2] = ff
  3546. [ 581.491485] A1010_i2c_read: rx[3] = bf
  3547. [ 581.491516] A1010_write_cmds: CMD ACK block read end
  3548. [ 581.491546] 80 <6>18 <6>ff <6>bf <6>
  3549. [ 581.491607] A1010_write_cmds: block write end
  3550. [ 581.491882] snd_set_device 13 0 0
  3551. [ 581.491943] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3552. [ 581.492034] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3553. [ 581.492980] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3554. [ 581.493164] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3555. [ 581.493316] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3556. [ 581.493560] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3557. [ 581.493621] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3558. [ 581.494293] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3559. [ 581.494598] snd_set_volume 13 0 5
  3560. [ 581.494689] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3561. [ 581.494750] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3562. [ 581.495361] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3563. [ 581.495483] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3564. [ 581.495666] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3565. [ 581.495910] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3566. [ 581.495971] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3567. [ 581.522155] capella_cm3602_ioctl cmd 2
  3568. [ 581.522216] capella_cm3602_disable
  3569. [ 581.523315] proximity 0
  3570. [ 581.527130] capella_cm3602_release
  3571. [ 581.527221] capella_cm3602_disable
  3572. [ 581.527252] capella_cm3602_disable: already disabled
  3573. [ 585.569915] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3574. [ 585.570343] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3575. [ 585.570434] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3576. [ 585.570556] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc3
  3577. [ 585.572052] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x3f
  3578. [ 585.573608] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3579. [ 585.575134] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3580. [ 585.576568] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x10
  3581. [ 585.577972] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x0
  3582. [ 585.579406] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0x0
  3583. [ 585.580810] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3584. [ 585.580902] snd_set_volume 256 0 0
  3585. [ 585.580963] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3586. [ 585.581024] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3587. [ 585.581359] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3588. [ 585.581451] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3589. [ 585.582458] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3590. [ 585.582611] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3591. [ 585.583068] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  3592. [ 585.583160] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3593. [ 585.583221] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3594. [ 585.584899] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3595. [ 585.584960] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 1, value 0xc2
  3596. [ 585.586395] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 2, value 0x1
  3597. [ 585.587799] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 3, value 0x1
  3598. [ 585.589233] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 4, value 0x0
  3599. [ 585.590637] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 5, value 0x0
  3600. [ 585.592041] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 6, value 0x19
  3601. [ 585.593536] tpa2016d2: tpa_set_register: reg 7, value 0xc0
  3602. [ 585.595031] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3603. [ 585.595092] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3604. [ 585.595153] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3605. [ 585.595275] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_CONFIG called 1325 rc 0.
  3606. [ 585.595458] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3607. [ 585.595550] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3608. [ 585.595825] snd_set_device 0 0 0
  3609. [ 585.595916] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3610. [ 585.595977] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3611. [ 585.596649] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3612. [ 585.596801] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3613. [ 585.596923] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3614. [ 585.597076] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3615. [ 585.597167] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3616. [ 585.597503] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3617. [ 585.597808] snd_set_volume 0 0 5
  3618. [ 585.597869] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3619. [ 585.597930] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3620. [ 585.598541] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3621. [ 585.598663] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3622. [ 585.598815] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3623. [ 585.598968] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3624. [ 585.599029] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3625. [ 585.601318] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf980
  3626. [ 585.601409] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf980 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3627. [ 585.628631] capella_cm3602_open
  3628. [ 585.628723] capella_cm3602_ioctl cmd 2
  3629. [ 585.628784] capella_cm3602_enable
  3630. [ 585.853820] proximity 1
  3631. [ 585.854003] proximity 1
  3632. [ 586.899871] -- END CALL --
  3633. [ 587.242004] audio_enable()
  3634. [ 587.242126] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  3635. [ 587.242187] [RPC] CALL to 30000013:0 @ 0:00000001 (72 bytes)
  3636. [ 587.244476] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf800
  3637. [ 587.244567] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (24 bytes)
  3638. [ 587.244598] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
  3639. [ 587.244628] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3640. [ 587.253417] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3641. [ 587.253540] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3642. [ 587.253570] audmgr: rpc 1000000 0 14
  3643. [ 587.253601] audmgr: rpc READY handle=0x00000001
  3644. [ 587.253601] [RPC] REPLY to xid=23 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3645. [ 587.253662] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3646. [ 587.275787] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3647. [ 587.275970] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3648. [ 587.276000] audmgr: rpc 1000000 1000000 14
  3649. [ 587.276000] audmgr: rpc CODEC_CONFIG volume=0x00000204
  3650. [ 587.276062] audpp: enable
  3651. [ 587.276062] adsp: opening module AUDPPTASK
  3652. [ 587.276153] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3653. [ 587.276184] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc220
  3654. [ 587.277862] [RPC] REPLY to xid=24 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3655. [ 587.277923] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3656. [ 587.277954] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3657. [ 587.278015] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc220
  3658. [ 587.278106] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc220 (24 bytes)
  3659. [ 587.278137] adsp: module AUDPPTASK has been registered
  3660. [ 587.278167] msm_adsp_enable() 'AUDPPTASK'
  3661. [ 587.278198] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3662. [ 587.278228] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc220
  3663. [ 587.278350] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3664. [ 587.280334] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=68 dst=1:fadefade
  3665. [ 587.280456] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160 (64 bytes)
  3666. [ 587.280487] adsp: rpc event=0, proc_id=2, module=3, image=1
  3667. [ 587.280792] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc220
  3668. [ 587.280914] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc220 (24 bytes)
  3669. [ 587.280975] adsp: module AUDPPTASK: READY
  3670. [ 587.280975] [RPC] REPLY to xid=25 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3671. [ 587.281036] [RPC] READ on ept d484d160
  3672. [ 587.282104] audpp: ENABLE
  3673. [ 587.282135] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG ENABLE
  3674. [ 587.284149] adsp: waiting for DSP write ready
  3675. [ 587.287292] htc_pwrsink: ID 1, Util 100%, Total 138000 uA
  3676. [ 587.759796] capella_cm3602_ioctl cmd 2
  3677. [ 587.759826] capella_cm3602_disable
  3678. [ 587.760375] capella_cm3602_release
  3679. [ 587.760406] capella_cm3602_disable
  3680. [ 587.760437] capella_cm3602_disable: already disabled
  3681. [ 587.760894] proximity 0
  3682. [ 587.895202] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3683. [ 587.895446] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3684. [ 587.895507] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3685. [ 587.895538] snd_set_volume 256 1 0
  3686. [ 587.895568] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3687. [ 587.895599] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3688. [ 587.907653] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3689. [ 587.907775] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3690. [ 587.907989] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  3691. [ 587.908020] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3692. [ 587.908050] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3693. [ 587.909027] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3694. [ 587.909057] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3695. [ 587.909118] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3696. [ 587.909118] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3697. [ 587.909271] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3698. [ 587.909301] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3699. [ 587.909484] chk_wakeup_A1010: 1
  3700. [ 587.909484] A1010 not powered
  3701. [ 587.909606] snd_set_device 0 1 0
  3702. [ 587.909637] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3703. [ 587.909698] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3704. [ 587.910156] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3705. [ 587.910217] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3706. [ 587.915374] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3707. [ 587.915496] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3708. [ 587.915618] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3709. [ 587.915740] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3710. [ 587.915771] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3711. [ 587.916015] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3712. [ 587.916198] snd_set_volume 0 1 5
  3713. [ 587.916229] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3714. [ 587.916290] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3715. [ 587.925262] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3716. [ 587.925415] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3717. [ 587.925567] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3718. [ 587.925659] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3719. [ 587.925720] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3720. [ 588.140899] select 1669 (id.partnersetup), adj 15, size 4249, to kill
  3721. [ 588.140960] select 1920 (ackageinstaller), adj 15, size 6265, to kill
  3722. [ 588.140991] send sigkill to 1920 (ackageinstaller), adj 15, size 6265
  3723. [ 588.751098] micropklt_set_color_led_state: AMBER
  3724. [ 588.761077] micropklt_set_color_led_state: AMBER
  3725. [ 590.240905] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3726. [ 590.260223] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3727. [ 590.280029] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3728. [ 590.300140] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3729. [ 590.320281] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3730. [ 590.340362] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3731. [ 590.361267] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3732. [ 590.380493] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3733. [ 590.400634] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3734. [ 590.420623] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 1/10
  3735. [ 590.441040] microp-klt: Setting rhod button-backlight brightness to 0
  3736. [ 590.445892] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3737. [ 590.460937] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3738. [ 590.481140] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3739. [ 590.501159] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3740. [ 590.521270] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 2/10
  3741. [ 590.541320] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3742. [ 590.561523] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3743. [ 590.581665] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3744. [ 590.601654] microp-klt: Setting lcd-backlight brightness2 to: 3/10
  3745. [ 590.641387] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3746. [ 590.641845] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3747. [ 590.641937] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3748. [ 590.641998] snd_set_volume 256 1 0
  3749. [ 590.642059] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3750. [ 590.642150] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3751. [ 590.645233] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3752. [ 590.645446] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3753. [ 590.645843] htc-acoustic_wince: update_hw_audio_path: mic=1, dual_mic=0, speaker=0, headset = 0
  3754. [ 590.645904] htc-acoustic_wince: turn_mic_bias_on(1)
  3755. [ 590.645935] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3756. [ 590.647308] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3757. [ 590.647369] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_SET_HW_AUDIO_PATH pid=1325 result=0
  3758. [ 590.647460] tpa2016d2: set power 0
  3759. [ 590.647491] tpa2016d2: ioctl: TPA2016_SET_POWER called 1325 rc 0.
  3760. [ 590.647705] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_VOLUME_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3761. [ 590.647796] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_CE_TABLE pid=1325 result=0
  3762. [ 590.648101] snd_set_device 0 1 0
  3763. [ 590.648162] [RPC] CALL to 30000002:-1440015804 @ 0:00000001 (60 bytes)
  3764. [ 590.648254] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980
  3765. [ 590.656433] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf980
  3766. [ 590.656616] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf980 (24 bytes)
  3767. [ 590.656799] htc-acoustic_wince: dex_update_audio_done
  3768. [ 590.656951] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_ARM11_DONE pid=1325 result=0
  3769. [ 590.657043] htc-acoustic_wince: ioctl: ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_AUDIO_SETTINGS called pid=1325 result=0
  3770. [ 590.657135] audio_disable()
  3771. [ 590.658203] audio_dsp_event: CFG_MSG DISABLE
  3772. [ 590.658233] audpp: disable
  3773. [ 590.659271] msm_adsp_disable() 'AUDPPTASK'
  3774. [ 590.659332] audpp: DISABLE
  3775. [ 590.659423] [RPC] CALL to 3000000a:0 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes)
  3776. [ 590.659484] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc220
  3777. [ 590.660308] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf980
  3778. [ 590.660430] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf980 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3779. [ 590.660522] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d0ccc220
  3780. [ 590.660675] [RPC] READ on ept d0ccc220 (24 bytes)
  3781. [ 590.660766] adsp: closing module AUDPPTASK
  3782. [ 590.660797] [RR] x REMOVE_CLIENT id=1:d0ccc220
  3783. [ 590.660858] [RR] send control message cmd=6 srv.cmd=6 prog=00000001:d0ccc220 id=-1071137200:c005ea44
  3784. [ 590.660949] adsp: disable interrupt
  3785. [ 590.661010] [RPC] CALL to 30000013:0 @ 0:00000001 (44 bytes)
  3786. [ 590.661834] [RR] - ver=1 type=7 src=0:fffffffe crx=0 siz=20 dst=1:fffffffe
  3787. [ 590.661895] [RR] o RESUME_TX id=0:00000001
  3788. [ 590.665802] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=0 siz=28 dst=1:d4abf800
  3789. [ 590.666015] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (24 bytes)
  3790. [ 590.666046] audmgr: rpc_reply status 0
  3791. [ 590.666107] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3792. [ 590.693084] [RR] - ver=1 type=1 src=0:00000001 crx=1 siz=64 dst=1:d4abf800
  3793. [ 590.693237] [RR] x RESUME_TX id=1:d4abf800
  3794. [ 590.693298] [RR] send control message cmd=7 srv.cmd=7 prog=00000001:d4abf800 id=-736354464:c017c788
  3795. [ 590.693481] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800 (60 bytes)
  3796. [ 590.693511] audmgr: rpc 1000000 6000000 14
  3797. [ 590.693603] audmgr: DISABLED
  3798. [ 590.693664] ------------------------------
  3799. [ 590.693756] htc_pwrsink: ID 1, Util 0%, Total 38000 uA
  3800. [ 590.695251] [RPC] REPLY to xid=26 @ id=0:00000001 (24 bytes)
  3801. [ 590.695373] [RPC] READ on ept d4abf800
  3802. [ 598.881530] micropklt_set_color_led_state: OFF
  3803. [ 598.906036] micropklt_set_color_led_state: GREEN
  3804. ======================= RUNNING PROCESSES ===================
  3806. 1 0 272 S /
  3807. 2 0 0 SW [kthreadd]
  3808. 3 0 0 SW [ksoftirqd/0]
  3809. 4 0 0 SW [watchdog/0]
  3810. 5 0 0 SW [events/0]
  3811. 6 0 0 SW [khelper]
  3812. 7 0 0 SW [suspend]
  3813. 8 0 0 SW [kblockd/0]
  3814. 9 0 0 SW [cqueue]
  3815. 10 0 0 SW [kmmcd]
  3816. 11 0 0 SW [btaddconn]
  3817. 12 0 0 SW [btdelconn]
  3818. 13 0 0 SW [kondemand/0]
  3819. 14 0 0 SW [smd_tty]
  3820. 15 0 0 DW [rpcrouter]
  3821. 16 0 0 SW [kadspd]
  3822. 17 0 0 SW [navi_wq]
  3823. 18 0 0 SW [detection/0]
  3824. 21 0 0 SW [kswapd0]
  3825. 22 0 0 SW [aio/0]
  3826. 23 0 0 SW [panel_on/0]
  3827. 24 0 0 SW [tty_wq/0]
  3828. 25 0 0 SW [usb_mass_storag]
  3829. 26 0 0 SW [kstriped]
  3830. 27 0 0 SW< [krfcommd]
  3831. 28 0 0 SW [krpcserversd]
  3832. 29 0 0 DW [battery]
  3833. 30 0 0 SW [mmcqd]
  3834. 70 0 0 SW< [loop2]
  3835. 90 0 0 SW< [loop1]
  3836. 96 0 0 SW [pdflush]
  3837. 102 0 0 SW< [loop0]
  3838. 139 0 1736 S busybox telnetd -b -l /bin/sh
  3839. 1242 0 1740 S /bin/sh /bin/ -c /sdcard/conf/gingerbread.
  3840. 1264 0 1736 S sleep 500
  3841. 1287 0 248 S /sbin/ueventd
  3842. 1292 0 1740 S /bin/sh
  3843. 1293 1000 804 S /system/bin/servicemanager
  3844. 1294 0 3860 S /system/bin/vold
  3845. 1295 0 3848 S /system/bin/netd
  3846. 1297 0 668 S /system/bin/debuggerd
  3847. 1298 1001 5476 S /system/bin/rild
  3848. 1299 0 83524 S zygote /bin/app_process -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote
  3849. 1300 1013 23908 S /system/bin/mediaserver
  3850. 1301 1002 1256 S /system/bin/dbus-daemon --system --nofork
  3851. 1306 0 812 S /system/bin/installd
  3852. 1308 1017 1744 S /system/bin/keystore /data/misc/keystore
  3853. 1310 2000 3324 S /sbin/adbd
  3854. 1327 0 0 SW [pdflush]
  3855. 1334 1000 193m S system_server
  3856. 1502 1000 103m S
  3857. 1511 10010 99628 S
  3858. 1547 10003 107m S android.process.acore
  3859. 1636 10014 114m S
  3860. 1650 10013 97000 S
  3861. 1657 10023 90904 S
  3862. 1669 10019 91932 S
  3863. 1685 10026 99700 S
  3864. 1700 1001 119m S
  3865. 1733 10001 90788 S
  3866. 1799 10025 94176 S
  3867. 1821 10011 91196 S
  3868. 1828 10043 119m S com.metago.astro
  3869. 1949 0 2064 S /system/bin/pppd /dev/smd1 defaultroute local usepeer
  3870. 1974 10032 90772 S
  3871. 1983 10007 92844 S
  3872. 1990 10042 90776 S com.svox.pico
  3873. 2008 10024 95448 S
  3874. 2017 10006 114m S
  3875. 2046 10044 112m S com.GetLogs
  3876. 2075 0 0 DW [audmgr_rpc]
  3877. 2095 0 740 S sh -
  3878. 2103 0 1740 R ps
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