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Apr 21st, 2016
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  1. [12:05:08] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Great.
  3. I found out a user keep stressing/DDoSing my server and my host want to go to police with it. Is it possible that you can blacklist a IP ? Because he stress a server he don't own at all. Server IP: I did some stress test a few days/weeks ago but this guy keep stressing it...
  4. [14:48:32] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: He keep doing it on same ips and is that even allowed?
  5. [14:53:01] Website Support: We don't have logs and therefore we can't even say for sure that's coming from us.
  6. [14:53:26] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: But it say "There is already a flood running on this target." on our website
  7. [14:53:38] Website Support: I did some stress test a few days/weeks agoWe assume that every user just like you using our service for legitimate reason.
  8. [14:53:55] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: When i try to boot it for 30 seconds so it coming from (The Stress website) website
  9. [14:54:54] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: That is true but
  10. [14:53] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone:
  12. <<< But it say "There is already a flood running on this target." on our website
  13. [14:54:57] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: For the IP
  14. [14:55:30] Website Support: Mhh oh well we don't have a blacklist system
  15. [14:55:38] Website Support: so the only way is block the user
  16. [14:55:44] Website Support: which I can not find out because we've no logs
  17. [14:56:04] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Any idea what to do ? You should could find running attacks right now
  18. [14:56:28] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: And what user/ip that attack the server or starting the attack
  19. [14:56:55] Website Support: mhh no
  20. [14:57:01] Website Support: we've removed any IP logs
  21. [14:57:05] Website Support: access/error log on webserver
  22. [14:57:26] Website Support: and boot log only contain user id, method and boot time, the target itself is encrypted like the password we use with a SALT key
  23. [14:57:43] Website Support: this is to protect our customers and ourself from hackers or other people that want to know what's going on ;)
  24. [14:57:50] Website Support: So in our case, we don't know, they don't know :)
  25. [14:57:52] Website Support: no one knows :P
  26. [15:00:02] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Really bad
  27. [15:00:24] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Last thing is go to police ...
  28. [15:01:15 | Redigerede 15:01:25] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: NC3 Police will take our case. Thanks for letting me know :)
  29. [15:01:18 | Fjernede 15:01:28] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Denne meddelelse er blevet fjernet
  30. [15:01:47] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Have a nice day.
  31. [15:04:26] Website Support: Yea alright well as from our side I would like to help you
  32. [15:06:20] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: But aslong you don't have any logs or know anything about who start the attacks for like two weeks 24/7 we can not do anything else. All i know is that its a danish person
  33. [15:06:35] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: And the ips
  34. [15:08:24] Website Support: yea that sucks a lot
  35. [15:08:31] Website Support: mhh well how you're being attacked?
  36. [15:08:39] Website Support: what's under attack?
  37. [15:08:46] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: Our dedicated server
  38. [15:10:26] Website Support: you've no firewall?
  39. [15:10:33] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: 750 Gbps DDoS Protection
  40. [15:10:40] Website Support: Voxility?
  41. [15:10:45] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: But your system do something that make the connection with Steam servers down
  42. [15:10:53] Website Support: Yea we have VSE
  43. [15:10:58] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: No, we use danish datacenter
  44. [15:11:04] Website Support: well our VSE method probably is used
  45. [15:11:09] Website Support: we've updated it a couple days ago
  46. [15:11:14] Website Support: and now it's almost impossible to stop
  47. [15:11:19] Website Support: it bypass even voxility, ovh, nfoserver etc.
  48. [15:11:21] Website Support: it's very epic now
  49. [15:11:38] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: It attack steam servers and not the server or?
  50. [15:11:59] Website Support: yea
  51. [15:12:08 | Redigerede 15:12:12] Website Support: it's 'valve source engine'
  52. [15:12:21] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: So it only attack the connection with the server and steam? How the fuck
  53. [15:13:09] Website Support: yea
  54. [15:13:17] Website Support: it look like real user traffic
  55. [15:13:35] Website Support: you can't even differentiate what's the attack and what's the normal user since it's spoofed
  56. [15:14:02] Website Support: hypothetically spoken of course. I do not say it coming from us.
  57. [15:14:16] Website Support: There's no way you can track back attacks to us
  58. [15:14:24] Website Support: and tbh
  59. [15:14:26] Website Support: if they not use us
  60. [15:14:29] Website Support: they will use someone else lol
  61. [15:14:33] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: But it say "There is already a flood running on this target." on our website
  62. [15:14:42] Website Support: this text should not be there anymore
  63. [15:14:43] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: We do not wish to close you. Just the attack
  64. [15:14:50] Website Support: You can't close us.
  65. [15:14:57] Website Support: We're in Ukraine, outside of European Union
  66. [15:15:01] Website Support: + there's no evidence
  67. [15:15:09] Website Support: + even if someone coming to check, there's still no evidence
  68. [15:15:16] Website Support: so yea best you go to OVH, Voxility, NFOserver etc.
  69. [15:15:25] Website Support: buy yourself a server with good firewall (OVH probably you can afford)
  70. [15:15:30] Website Support: free firewall to alls ervers
  71. [15:15:35] Website Support: they have "game Firewall"
  72. [15:15:37] Demin / Mathias / UartigZone: We have more DDoS Protection than OVH have
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