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Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. Fluttershy trembled as she slowly stepped into the Everfree Forest. She hoped things would go as planned, but animals, no matter how nice, cute, and harmless they may be, are unpredictable.
  2. "EEP!" Squeaked the pony as a rabbit rustled in the bushes. "I need to get it together. I won't let Rainbow Dash keep calling me a virgin for the rest of my life!"
  3. She continued into the forest, checking constantly behind her for the animal she was seeking.
  4. After what seemed like forever (Which was actually around 30 or so minutes), Fluttershy began to lose her nerve, and her will to continue.
  5. She quickly flashed around, and began sprinting back to her cottage.
  6. "It was a bad idea, It would have never worked!" She cried as she galloped home.
  7. Not paying attention, she tripped on a loose tree root, sending her skidding across the forest floor. Tears from the pain started welling in her eyes, but were soaked up the instant she saw what was in front of her.
  8. It was tracks.
  9. Wolf tracks.
  10. Exactly what she was looking for.
  11. She jumped up on her hooves, and started following the tracks.
  12. She had been preparing this night for weeks. She had been "borrowing" books from Twilight, which told her everything she could learn about the majestic creature. She noted their rituals, preferences, repellents, and behavior. As it turns out, one of the weeds that had been growing in her garden, is actually a "Perfume" for them. The weed's juice emitts an odor, extremely similar to that of a female wolf in heat. This was too perfect for her, and he had to make use of this. She harvested all the weed's she could, and made a concentrated solution that, according to the book, "Would make any canine go feral."
  13. As she followed the tracks, she grin started to appear on her face. It was finally going to happen, and she was in charge of all of it. The tracks were getting heavier, and more centered.
  14. Then out of nowhere, they stopped.
  15. The tracks were gone, and no wolf was to be found.
  16. Her hopes had built up to this moment, and now were crushed. She couldn't help but to break down, and collapse in tears. Her front legs collapsed, leaving her lower half awkwardly suspended by her legs.
  17. "It will never happen, Rainbow Dash will humiliate me about this forever!"
  18. 5 minutes passed, and Fluttershy was still crying. "I am such a loser! Why would anyone do this to me, let alone a wo-OOOOOOOHLF!!"
  19. She cried as she felt a splitting pain run up her spine. It was an unusual pain, something she had never felt before. It hurt, there was no mistaking that. But it was a natural feeling hurt. The hurt that felt like it was supposed to happen. Somewhere, hidden in that hurt, was the feeling of ecstasy. She looked over her shoulder to locate the source of the conflicting feeling, but almost passed out at the realization of what was happening.
  20. There it was, the thing she had been looking for, was standing over her lower body, with its member all the way inside her, including the knot. The canine paid no attention to the yellow horse staring back at her. It was focused completely on two things: It's dick, and the hole.
  21. The wolf slid its paws up and down her flanks, trying to get a good grip. Using it's claws, it found some leverage slightly above the cutie marks on each side of her. It did not hesitate to quickly pull his penis out of her, and ram it back in.
  22. "OH CELESTIA! KEEP GOING PLEASE!" She screamed as the knot pulled out of her with a clean *pop*
  23. The wolf went with it's instinct, and kept thrusting its rump forward and back, keeping no rhythm or sense of beat. It was this uncontrolled thrusting that made Fluttershy go crazy. She knew that animals were unpredictable, but not like she was experiencing now. In her romance novels, she always expected things to start slow, and pick up pace. Where she was now, there was no pace, and that made her feel like something she knew she wasn't. An animal.
  24. Animal's don't last very long, and Fluttershy knew this, so she planned on taking advantage of every second of this. She moved one of her front hooves down her body, towards her cunt. She pressed her hoof onto her clit, making her moan. The wolf continued to push, paying no attention to the doings of his new play toy.
  25. He slid in and out, back and forth, sometimes with the knot, sometimes without. The rough texture of its penis made movements somewhat difficult, but more pleasurable for both parties.
  26. "Please don't sto-a-a-AHP" she cried.
  27. She wished this could go on forever, but she knew what came next. Fluttershy rubbed her hoof in circles on her clit, causing a pressure to build in her lower body. She lowered her hoof, and left the rest entirely to the wolf.
  28. The wolf was almost finished too. His member began to swell as he thrust one final time. Streams of semen shot into her, all in beat. She felt each load slowly fill up her cavity, and in seconds, get rejected from her body by her secretory fluids. Her back legs trembled and collapsed, and the wolf was forced to pull out with an audible *shlop*. She felt streams of sticky, warm fluids ooze out of her vagina, pooling onto the ground below her. All that had just happened finally caught up to her, and she screamed in ecstasy. She rolled over onto her back, and tried to catch her breath.
  29. "Wow... That was... Wonderful.." She said between each pant.
  30. She raised her head to get a good look at her partner, but he was already gone. She started making her plans for that evening. She would go to the lake, clean herself out, go back to her cottage, and make more bottles of that perfume. She would need lots more for what she was planning later that night.Animal's don't last very long, and Fluttershy knew this, so she planned on taking advantage of every second of this. She moved one of her front hooves down her body, towards her cunt. She pressed her hoof onto her clit, making her moan. The wolf continued to push, paying no attention to the doings of his new play toy.
  31. He slid in and out, back and forth, sometimes with the knot, sometimes without. The rough texture of its penis made movements somewhat difficult, but more pleasurable for both parties.
  32. "Please don't sto-a-a-AHP" she cried.
  33. She wished this could go on forever, but she knew what came next. Fluttershy rubbed her hoof in circles on her clit, causing a pressure to build in her lower body. She lowered her hoof, and left the rest entirely to the wolf.
  34. The wolf was almost finished too. His member began to swell as he thrust one final time. Streams of semen shot into her, all in beat. She felt each load slowly fill up her cavity, and in seconds, get rejected from her body by her secretory fluids. Her back legs trembled and collapsed, and the wolf was forced to pull out with an audible *shlop*. She felt streams of sticky, warm fluids ooze out of her vagina, pooling onto the ground below her. All that had just happened finally caught up to her, and she screamed in ecstasy. She rolled over onto her back, and tried to catch her breath.
  35. "Wow... That was... Wonderful.." She said between each pant.
  36. She raised her head to get a good look at her partner, but he was already gone. She started making her plans for that evening. She would go to the lake, clean herself out, go back to her cottage, and make more bottles of that perfume. She would need lots more for what she was planning later that night.
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