
Philosophy and Science: The Essential Humanness

Mar 24th, 2018
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  1. 16:55 Popper dez_, GET A FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY BUM
  2. 16:55 Popper SMARTEN UP
  3. 16:56 Popper there
  4. 16:57 dez_ Popper: what will you do if i earn more than you?
  5. 16:57 dez_ That will take about a decade
  6. 16:57 dez_ But im sure it will happen
  7. 16:58 dez_ I assume youre in the 70k bracket
  8. 16:58 dez_ And that you will stay there for a long time
  9. 16:58 Popper dez_, I would be surprised if you were more useful than I am, making more money than me as a government employee would be easy
  10. 16:58 Popper get a job in the justice system
  11. 16:58 Popper you'll be making 20k a month in no time, you'll be a fucking useless parasite leeching off the taxpayer
  12. 16:58 Popper but
  13. 16:59 dez_ I left law school exactly because i despise public service
  14. 16:59 Eriu Popper is not useful.
  15. 16:59 Eriu Popper hates evidence. This causes his right-wing mind to punch downward rather than upward.
  16. 16:59 Eriu He innately beliefs in the validity of human hierarchies, no matter if those hierarchies are just or producing useful outcomes.
  17. 17:00 Eriu Therefore, even though the waste/fraud of the poor is nothing -- less than 1% of GDP -- he spends his chat time on that topic.
  18. 17:00 Eriu You'll see him use almost none of his cognitive resources on the war and theft and betrayal of the American project by those higher in the hierarchy than him, e.g. the American government led by the Republicans.
  19. 17:01 Eriu This isn't to be understood as political variation, as contemporary cognitive science has revealed cognitive patterns are primary to 'political variation'.
  20. 17:01 Eriu He, like much of his species, innately beliefs in social stratification. His ideology, as it is, does not make America or any other modern nation state great.
  21. 17:02 Eriu He is a victim to the Nash equilibrium generated for us by the ecosystem in which our species evolved.
  22. 17:02 Eriu Social hierarchies are an effective way to sort sexually reproducing fitness.
  23. 17:02 laceless` Too bad, Popper, it seems like you and he should be pals.
  24. 17:02 Eriu Why should we not mindlessly continue this pattern into the future?
  25. 17:03 Eriu Because evolution made an aspect of itself capable of reflection, which allows intragenerational change mediate through neuronal learning, as opposed to genomic mutation/selection.
  26. 17:03 Eriu The entire point of the human species is to do philosophy, to do history, and to do science.
  27. 17:03 laceless` If you're just going to monologue, Eriu, you can do it somewhere else. Nobody cares about your meaningless self-absorbed babblings.
  28. 17:04 Eriu Casting our introspective eye on the patterns in our own species and how that explains human emotional, social, and political actions is The Essential Humanness.
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