
mk8 chat for agdq 2016

Jan 9th, 2016
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  1. [1/9/2016 1:31:18 PM] Gogoku7: Who is this person doing MK8
  2. [1/9/2016 1:31:24 PM] Gogoku7: at AGDQ
  3. [1/9/2016 1:31:47 PM] Gogoku7: ^
  4. [1/9/2016 1:31:47 PM] cwifier: boy or girl? I cant tell legit
  5. [1/9/2016 1:31:54 PM] xytheon . !: girl
  6. [1/9/2016 1:32:26 PM] Dread: Lol, it's actually not that hard to see
  7. [1/9/2016 1:32:40 PM] Dread: Anyways, should be fun (drunk)
  8. [1/9/2016 1:32:40 PM] Gogoku7: Does this person have any good TTs? :^)
  9. [1/9/2016 1:33:20 PM] Gogoku7: Is that Sword0fSeals on the couch?
  10. [1/9/2016 1:33:23 PM] cwifier: does anyone know who she is?
  11. [1/9/2016 1:33:26 PM] cwifier: like nnid?
  12. [1/9/2016 1:33:43 PM] xytheon . !: think so
  13. [1/9/2016 1:33:47 PM] xytheon . !: he has a shinx at least
  14. [1/9/2016 1:33:51 PM] Gogoku7: True
  15. [1/9/2016 1:33:53 PM] Gogoku7: Lol
  16. [1/9/2016 1:34:11 PM] Dread: If she doesn't know the MKS no-item cut I know enough
  17. [1/9/2016 1:34:35 PM] Gogoku7: What do you use to Donate for AGDQ?? :o
  18. [1/9/2016 1:34:37 PM] Gogoku7: PayPal? :o
  19. [1/9/2016 1:34:37 PM] xytheon . !: tess is her name
  20. [1/9/2016 1:34:51 PM] cwifier: ye paypal I assume
  21. [1/9/2016 1:35:33 PM] Gogoku7: Thats def Sword
  22. [1/9/2016 1:35:34 PM] Gogoku7: Lol
  23. [1/9/2016 1:36:05 PM] xytheon . !: waluigi voice was so cringe
  24. [1/9/2016 1:36:51 PM] Gogoku7: Why the fuck did she hold the Green Shell
  25. [1/9/2016 1:37:09 PM] xytheon . !: no one knows
  26. [1/9/2016 1:37:13 PM] xytheon . !: the mysteries of life
  27. [1/9/2016 1:37:32 PM] Dread: No no-item cut :(
  28. [1/9/2016 1:37:38 PM] Gogoku7: >Inside drifting
  29. [1/9/2016 1:38:15 PM] cwifier: "they can" uhhh
  30. [1/9/2016 1:40:34 PM] cwifier: every single time someone ties to play a Mario kart game in AGDQ, it turns into a complete shitshow
  31. [1/9/2016 1:42:08 PM | Removed 1:42:25 PM] Raph: This message has been removed.
  32. [1/9/2016 1:42:24 PM] cwifier: dude just said it's impossible to dodge blue shells
  33. [1/9/2016 1:42:27 PM] cwifier: HELLOOO
  34. [1/9/2016 1:42:33 PM] Jozeph: no need to be rude
  35. [1/9/2016 1:43:22 PM | Edited 1:43:33 PM] Gogoku7: I donated 5 quasadillas to AGDQ
  36. [1/9/2016 1:43:52 PM] cwifier: I mean, I expect people who play in AGDQ to be very knowledgeable and skilled at the game
  37. [1/9/2016 1:44:02 PM] cwifier: kinda the point of watching speed runs tbh :|
  38. [1/9/2016 1:44:08 PM] Michael Bachiller: COME ON
  39. [1/9/2016 1:44:15 PM] Michael Bachiller: .675 / .103 / fail wp
  40. [1/9/2016 1:44:21 PM] Michael Bachiller: (angry) (angry) (angry)
  41. [1/9/2016 1:44:22 PM] Ansgar :'): goooo
  42. [1/9/2016 1:44:29 PM] Jozeph: haha you suck
  43. [1/9/2016 1:44:40 PM] Michael Bachiller: I went too fucking wide last turn
  44. [1/9/2016 1:47:38 PM] Gogoku7: LMAO
  45. [1/9/2016 1:47:41 PM] cwifier: LMAO this twitch chat is fucking ruthless
  46. [1/9/2016 1:47:47 PM] Gogoku7: SWORD STILL THINKS YOU TRICK WITH DPAD
  47. [1/9/2016 1:49:47 PM] cwifier: sword is the most knowledgeable person on the couch about mk8 :s
  48. [1/9/2016 1:49:52 PM] Cynda: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:49 PM] Cynda:
  50. <<< sword is talking about how right route is faster
  51. just
  52. stop
  53. [1/9/2016 1:50:37 PM | Edited 1:50:52 PM] Gogoku7: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:49 PM] cwifier:
  55. <<< sword is the most knowledgeable person on the couch about mk8 :True
  56. [1/9/2016 1:50:39 PM] Gogoku7: Lmao
  57. [1/9/2016 1:50:53 PM] Pyrus .: .
  58. [1/9/2016 1:51:24 PM] Gogoku7: "Extremely difficult"
  59. [1/9/2016 1:51:31 PM] Gogoku7: Lmao shes getting shit on by the items too
  60. [1/9/2016 1:52:41 PM] Dread: CPUs is really bad in 200cc, Idk how she manages to keep getting killed by them
  61. [1/9/2016 1:55:04 PM] Gogoku7: LMAO
  62. [1/9/2016 1:55:05 PM] cwifier: this is definitely the most entertaining part of agdq so far
  63. [1/9/2016 1:55:27 PM] Gogoku7: Last year they shitted on Wrath running 16 tracks MKWii
  64. [1/9/2016 1:55:37 PM] Đ¥★Joel: Dread - Today 1:52 PM
  65. > CPUs is really bad in 200cc, Idk how she manages to keep getting killed by them
  66. CPUs are bad on every cc xd
  67. [1/9/2016 1:55:44 PM] Jacob: right route on what track
  68. [1/9/2016 1:55:51 PM] Jacob: can't watch stream atm
  69. [1/9/2016 1:55:57 PM] Cynda: TM
  70. [1/9/2016 1:56:06 PM] Jacob: o
  71. [1/9/2016 1:56:15 PM] Gogoku7: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:56 PM] Gogoku7:
  73. <<< SWAG strat
  74. This nigger
  75. [1/9/2016 1:56:25 PM] Zap/Lyto: guys the eel thing is now the swag strat
  76. [1/9/2016 1:56:29 PM] cwifier: "i like to name it swagstrats cause no one has named it"
  77. [1/9/2016 1:56:30 PM] cwifier: LOL
  78. [1/9/2016 1:57:00 PM] xytheon . !: lmao
  79. [1/9/2016 1:57:41 PM] Jozeph: 1:51.060 dMC, wall lap 2
  80. [1/9/2016 1:59:08 PM] Gogoku7: Lol my 5 bucks donation is getting outdone by all these 100+ dollar donations
  81. [1/9/2016 1:59:39 PM] Gogoku7: Can outdo them if I want to eat nothing but ramen for a year
  82. [1/9/2016 2:01:12 PM] cwifier: (facepalm)
  83. [1/9/2016 2:03:21 PM] Gogoku7: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 2:03 PM] Gogoku7:
  85. <<< LMAO
  87. [1/9/2016 2:03:46 PM] Dread: gg
  88. [1/9/2016 2:05:17 PM] Gogoku7: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 2:04 PM] Szymbar Podniósł Jedną Brew ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º):
  90. <<< 13 races, 28 minutes, 70 minutes estimate. Oh well.
  91. [1/9/2016 2:08:07 PM] cwifier: 2:07 Theinno3: I think i'm somehow losing knowledge listening to this guy talk
  92. [1/9/2016 2:08:11 PM] cwifier: ^lol
  93. [1/9/2016 2:08:46 PM] Gogoku7: RAINBOW ROAD
  94. [1/9/2016 2:09:07 PM] Dread: RR8 one of the best 200cc tracks :O
  95. [1/9/2016 2:09:43 PM] Gogoku7: Teh fuck he talking about
  96. [1/9/2016 2:10:18 PM] cwifier: even good players fall off there guys
  97. [1/9/2016 2:10:41 PM] Dread: Nice words (chuckle)
  98. [1/9/2016 2:11:13 PM] cwifier: (giggle)
  99. [1/9/2016 2:11:56 PM] Jozeph: .214 lap 2 dMC
  100. [1/9/2016 2:12:09 PM] Daniel: bad
  101. [1/9/2016 2:12:18 PM] Daniel: i have better with tanooki mario
  102. [1/9/2016 2:12:36 PM] Jozeph: I don't do early hop strat
  103. [1/9/2016 2:12:43 PM] Daniel: same
  104. [1/9/2016 2:12:46 PM] Daniel: lol
  105. [1/9/2016 2:12:55 PM] Jozeph: and no dpad
  106. [1/9/2016 2:13:19 PM] Daniel: salt.
  107. [1/9/2016 2:13:32 PM] Jozeph: I
  108. [1/9/2016 2:13:36 PM] Gogoku7: Sword getting annoyed from getting interrupted
  109. [1/9/2016 2:13:39 PM] *** Daniel has changed the conversation picture. ***
  110. [1/9/2016 2:14:31 PM] Gogoku7: Kappa overload in chat
  111. Jorde 🎤
  112. [1/9/2016 2:18:32 PM] cwifier: clapping for taking an inside line (clap)
  113. [1/9/2016 2:18:37 PM] Gogoku7: LOOOOOOOL
  114. [1/9/2016 2:18:43 PM] Gogoku7: BURNED OUT
  115. [1/9/2016 2:18:49 PM] Pyrus .: DUSTY DESERT
  116. [1/9/2016 2:19:08 PM] Gogoku7: EX POSED
  117. [1/9/2016 2:22:28 PM] Dread: > Fake Raceway
  118. [1/9/2016 2:24:41 PM] Gogoku7: DK JUNGLE BEAT
  119. [1/9/2016 2:24:44 PM] Gogoku7: EXPO SED
  120. [1/9/2016 2:24:57 PM] Dread: Losing brains from watching this
  121. [1/9/2016 2:25:40 PM] Gogoku7: LMAO
  122. [1/9/2016 2:25:42 PM] cwifier: 2:25 Tonymain07: can we get a donation incentive to get blue guy to stop talking?
  123. [1/9/2016 2:26:51 PM] Gogoku7: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 2:26 PM] Gogoku7:
  126. EXPOSED
  127. [1/9/2016 2:29:51 PM] Gogoku7: Bumped in wall
  128. EXPOSED
  129. She was so proud of her grind on the ramp
  130. [1/9/2016 2:30:29 PM] Gogoku7: lol you should do a live stream on exposing her. :p
  131. [1/9/2016 2:33:11 PM] xytheon . !: gok sitting in front of a camera shouting "EXPOSED" every time she messes up slightly xd
  132. [1/9/2016 2:34:56 PM] Gogoku7:
  133. [1/9/2016 2:34:58 PM] Gogoku7: I'd use this^
  134. [1/9/2016 2:36:24 PM] Gogoku7: BUMP IN SWINGING PENDULUM
  135. EXPOSEd
  136. [1/9/2016 2:37:27 PM] cwifier: "on lap 3 everything starts speeding up"
  137. "....wait, except that for some reason"
  138. [1/9/2016 2:38:32 PM] Gogoku7: "Blue spark boost"
  139. [1/9/2016 2:40:04 PM] Gogoku7: He's implying she found this
  140. [1/9/2016 2:40:19 PM] Gogoku7: Lmao
  141. [1/9/2016 2:40:35 PM] Rhodechill: Sword's commentary made me laugh.  "Why don't you take the tamporine SC on Music Park"
  143. "Too much air, slowa"
  145. "......of course"
  146. [1/9/2016 2:41:08 PM] Pyrus .: it is slower
  147. [1/9/2016 2:41:10 PM] Pyrus .: on 200
  148. [1/9/2016 2:41:15 PM] Pyrus .: thats what he said
  149. [1/9/2016 2:41:16 PM] Gogoku7: LMAO
  150. [1/9/2016 2:41:16 PM] cwifier: "this doesn't look hard, but' IT IS HARD"
  151. [1/9/2016 2:41:30 PM] Gogoku7: "Nice 3/3"
  152. [1/9/2016 2:41:30 PM] Rhodechill: ok not just that
  153. [1/9/2016 2:41:33 PM] Gogoku7: Fails as she lands it
  154. [1/9/2016 2:41:36 PM] Dread: That strat isn't even faster
  155. [1/9/2016 2:41:41 PM] Pyrus .: ^
  156. [1/9/2016 2:41:43 PM] xytheon . !: lmao
  157. [1/9/2016 2:41:45 PM] Rhodechill: "Nice 3/3 s turns"
  158. [1/9/2016 2:41:48 PM] Rhodechill: lol
  159. [1/9/2016 2:41:56 PM] Jorde 🎤: hard 200cc strats on rgv
  160. [1/9/2016 2:42:04 PM] xytheon . !: probably looked impressive for the casual even with terrible lines after and dirt hit
  161. [1/9/2016 2:42:10 PM] cwifier: can someone here please do a 150cc 32 track next year :(
  162. [1/9/2016 2:42:20 PM] Rhodechill: Sword could do a better 200cc try right now in 1 try
  163. [1/9/2016 2:42:31 PM] cwifier: tired of seeing mk get butchered on agdq
  164. [1/9/2016 2:42:35 PM] Dread: Can do a 200cc 48 tracks speedrun (idea)
  165. [1/9/2016 2:42:41 PM] cwifier: last year wrath on mkwii, and this year again
  166. [1/9/2016 2:43:45 PM] Pyrus .:
  167. [1/9/2016 2:43:52 PM] Gogoku7: LMAO
  168. [1/9/2016 2:44:31 PM] Rhodechill: what happened on 'dusty desert'? 
  169. [1/9/2016 2:44:35 PM] Gogoku7: ^
  170. [1/9/2016 2:44:37 PM] Pyrus .: nothing
  171. [1/9/2016 2:44:39 PM] Gogoku7: She burned out on the line
  172. [1/9/2016 2:44:39 PM] Pyrus .: its just
  173. [1/9/2016 2:44:41 PM] Gogoku7: EXPOSED
  174. [1/9/2016 2:44:42 PM] Pyrus .: dusty desert>
  175. [1/9/2016 2:51:23 PM] Gogoku7: [Saturday, January 9, 2016 2:51 PM] Gogoku7: <<< Pretty noticable that MK is not very loved by AGDQ organizers and viewers
  176. At least they got KVD to play SMK
  177. [1/9/2016 2:51:59 PM] sG Sergeant Guy (ghost): do they even know about firehopping?
  178. [1/9/2016 2:52:09 PM] Cynda: they talked about it
  179. [1/9/2016 2:52:10 PM] Pyrus .: yea they did
  180. [1/9/2016 2:52:11 PM] Cynda: in the first race
  181. [1/9/2016 2:52:25 PM] sG Sergeant Guy (ghost): what did they say about it
  182. [1/9/2016 2:52:47 PM] cwifier: like barely anything
  183. [1/9/2016 2:52:51 PM] cwifier: other than it makes you go faster
  184. [1/9/2016 2:52:53 PM] sG Sergeant Guy (ghost): (facepalm) (facepalm) (facepalm)
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