
Oh dear god why?

Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. I hope this reaches you, @realDonaldTrump . I really fucking do, because right now I'm kind ove pissed, in fact, I've never been this pissed before. You say you're eliminating the Arts and Music program from the U.S.?
  2. Really?
  3. tell me something, is your youngest, Baron, a part of any Arts or Music? If he is, then tell me, how can you do this to us?
  4. How can you tear apart the one thing that's kept America sane for so very long? Why are you such a vengeful person? Why do you have so much anger in your heart, so much fear, so much loathing?
  5. Tell me something, are you going to launch a nuke at a small midwestern family because they say something against you? Are you going to continually violate the very freedoms we hold so dear to our hearts, because someone slighted you, and now you're taking your pent up frustration on us all?
  6. Are you really that much of a coward, a fraud really, that you'd screech at the moon for waking you up because it was a cloudless night? Donald, the arts are what they are, a place for all of us to go and express ourselves, and your just gutting that.
  7. Donald, I don't care what titles you have, who you appoint, or what lofty ideals of a fallen angel you think you might attain. Community theaters are a place where people that don't make it into a college or big city production can go and be a part of the art form they love.
  8. It takes kids off the street, puts hope in peoples hearts, and I saw you, singing your black heart out to whatever song was playing. That man playing the song you loved started out in community theater.
  9. Band as well? Dear god, you ARE the fifth horseman of the apocalypse. Where did all of this anger come from? Where is the core of it come from? May god have mercy on your soul for the bloodshed you're about to unleash.
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