
renderdoc drawcalls

Feb 3rd, 2017
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text 25.94 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 2.7.4 (IronPython 2.7.4 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.42000 (64-bit))
  2. ['APIProps', 'AddLogProgressListener', 'AddLogViewer', 'AddMessages', 'AppWindow', 'CaptureDialog', 'CloseLogfile', 'Config', 'ConfigDirectory', 'ConfigFilename', 'CreateIDShader', 'CurBuffers', 'CurD3D11PipelineState', 'CurDrawcall', 'CurDrawcalls', 'CurEvent', 'CurFrame', 'CurGLPipelineState', 'CurPipelineState', 'CurTextures', 'DebugMessages', 'FrameInfo', 'GetAPIInspector', 'GetCBufferVariableContents', 'GetDebugMessages', 'GetDrawcall', 'GetDrawcalls', 'GetEventBrowser', 'GetPipelineStateViewer', 'GetTextureViewer', 'GetTimelineBar', 'HashBuffer', 'HashBuffers', 'HashShaders', 'HashTexture', 'HashTextures', 'LoadLogfile', 'LogFileName', 'LogLoaded', 'LogLoading', 'RemoveLogViewer', 'RemoveShaderReplacement', 'Renderer', 'ReplaceShader', 'SaveTexture', 'SetContextFilter', 'SetEventID', 'SetIDRendering', 'SetIDRenderingEvents', 'Shutdown', 'TempLogFilename', 'TimelineBar', 'UnreadMessageCount', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__']
  3. ['ID', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'byteSize', 'creationFlags', 'customName', 'length', 'name', 'structureSize']
  4. Mona
  5. False
  6. Mina
  7. Help on FetchBuffer in module __builtin__
  9. | FetchBuffer()
  11. |
  13. |
  14. | Data and other attributes defined here:
  16. |
  18. | __repr__(...)
  19. | __repr__(self: object) -> str
  21. |
  23. None
  24. D:\gta5_frames\GTAVLauncher_2017.02.02_13.26.51_frame18951.rdc
  25. Array[FetchFrameInfo]((<renderdoc.FetchFrameInfo object at 0x000000000000002B [renderdoc.FetchFrameInfo]>))
  26. Extracting from frame 0
  27. D:/gta5_extracted///
  28. Output directory is D:/gta5_extracted///
  29. File prefix is GTAVLauncher_2017.02.02_13.26.51_frame18951_
  30. Found 159 drawcalls.
  31. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  32. drawcall Colour Pass #1 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  33. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  34. drawcall Colour Pass #2 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  35. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  36. drawcall Colour Pass #3 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  37. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  38. drawcall Colour Pass #4 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  39. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  40. drawcall Colour Pass #5 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  41. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  42. drawcall Colour Pass #6 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  43. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  44. drawcall Draw(12) has depth target!
  45. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  46. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  47. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  48. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  49. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  50. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  51. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  52. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  53. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  54. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  55. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  56. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  57. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35169, ID 35161) has depth target!
  58. drawcall Draw(12) has depth target!
  59. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35169, ID 35161) has depth target!
  60. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  61. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35146, ID 35166) has depth target!
  62. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  63. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35147, ID 35146) has depth target!
  64. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35162, ID 35161) has depth target!
  65. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  66. drawcall Compute Pass #1 has depth target!
  67. drawcall Colour Pass #7 (1 Targets) has depth target!
  68. drawcall Colour Pass #8 (4 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  69. drawcall Draw(288) has depth target!
  70. drawcall Draw(288) has depth target!
  71. drawcall Dispatch(240, 135, 1) has depth target!
  72. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  73. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  74. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  75. drawcall Compute Pass #2 has depth target!
  76. drawcall Colour Pass #9 (1 Targets) has depth target!
  77. drawcall Depth-only Pass #1 has depth target!
  78. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  79. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  80. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000) has depth target!
  81. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  82. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  83. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  84. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 7497, ID 7494) has depth target!
  85. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  86. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  87. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  88. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  89. drawcall Depth-only Pass #2 has depth target!
  90. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  91. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  92. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  93. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  94. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  95. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  96. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  97. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  98. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  99. drawcall Colour Pass #10 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  100. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) has depth target!
  101. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  102. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  103. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  104. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  105. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  106. drawcall Colour Pass #11 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  107. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  108. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  109. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  110. drawcall Colour Pass #12 (3 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  111. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35911, ID 35905) has depth target!
  112. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35914, ID 35908) has depth target!
  113. drawcall DrawInstanced(4, 4) has depth target!
  114. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) has depth target!
  115. drawcall Colour Pass #13 (3 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  116. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35911, ID 35905) has depth target!
  117. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35914, ID 35908) has depth target!
  118. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  119. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) has depth target!
  120. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  121. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  122. drawcall Compute Pass #3 has depth target!
  123. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  124. drawcall CopyResource(ID 6892, ID 6891) has depth target!
  125. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  126. drawcall Dispatch(32, 32, 1) has depth target!
  127. drawcall Dispatch(1, 1, 1) has depth target!
  128. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  129. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  130. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  131. drawcall Compute Pass #4 has depth target!
  132. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  133. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  134. drawcall ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(0, 0, 0, 0) has depth target!
  135. drawcall ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(0, 0, 0, 0) has depth target!
  136. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  137. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  138. drawcall Compute Pass #5 has depth target!
  139. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  140. drawcall DrawInstancedIndirect(<0, 1>) has depth target!
  141. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  142. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  143. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  144. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  145. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  146. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  147. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  148. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  149. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  150. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  151. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  152. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  153. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  154. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  155. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  156. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  157. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  158. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  159. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  160. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  161. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  162. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  163. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  164. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  165. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  166. drawcall Colour Pass #14 (1 Targets) has depth target!
  167. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  168. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  169. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  170. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  171. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  172. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  173. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  174. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  175. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  176. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  177. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  178. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  179. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  180. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  181. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  182. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  183. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1472, ID 7389) has depth target!
  184. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  185. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  186. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  187. drawcall CopyResource(ID 1500, ID 1499) has depth target!
  188. drawcall Colour Pass #15 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  189. drawcall Present() has depth target!
  190. dir of gbuffersCalls zero is ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'children', 'context', 'copyDestination', 'copySource', 'depthOut', 'dispatchDimension', 'dispatchThreadsDimension', 'drawcallID', 'eventID', 'events', 'flags', 'indexByteWidth', 'indexOffset', 'instanceOffset', 'name', 'next', 'nextDrawcall', 'numIndices', 'numInstances', 'outputs', 'parent', 'parentDrawcall', 'previous', 'previousDrawcall', 'topology', 'vertexOffset']
  191. G-buffer pass has 120 drawcalls.
  192. G-buffer pass is done at EID 3447.
  193. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  194. drawcall Colour Pass #1 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  195. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  196. drawcall Colour Pass #2 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  197. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  198. drawcall Colour Pass #3 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  199. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  200. drawcall Colour Pass #4 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  201. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  202. drawcall Colour Pass #5 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  203. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  204. drawcall Colour Pass #6 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  205. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) has depth target!
  206. drawcall Draw(12) has depth target!
  207. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  208. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  209. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  210. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  211. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  212. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  213. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  214. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  215. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  216. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  217. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) has depth target!
  218. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  219. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35169, ID 35161) has depth target!
  220. drawcall Draw(12) has depth target!
  221. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35169, ID 35161) has depth target!
  222. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  223. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35146, ID 35166) has depth target!
  224. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  225. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35147, ID 35146) has depth target!
  226. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35162, ID 35161) has depth target!
  227. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  228. drawcall Compute Pass #1 has depth target!
  229. drawcall Colour Pass #7 (1 Targets) has depth target!
  230. drawcall Colour Pass #8 (4 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  231. drawcall Draw(288) has depth target!
  232. drawcall Draw(288) has depth target!
  233. drawcall Dispatch(240, 135, 1) has depth target!
  234. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  235. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  236. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  237. drawcall Compute Pass #2 has depth target!
  238. drawcall Colour Pass #9 (1 Targets) has depth target!
  239. drawcall Depth-only Pass #1 has depth target!
  240. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  241. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  242. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000) has depth target!
  243. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  244. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  245. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  246. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 7497, ID 7494) has depth target!
  247. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  248. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  249. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  250. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  251. drawcall Depth-only Pass #2 has depth target!
  252. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  253. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  254. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  255. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  256. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  257. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  258. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  259. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  260. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  261. drawcall Colour Pass #10 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  262. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) has depth target!
  263. drawcall Draw(4) has depth target!
  264. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  265. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  266. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  267. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  268. drawcall Colour Pass #11 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  269. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  270. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  271. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  272. drawcall Colour Pass #12 (3 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  273. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35911, ID 35905) has depth target!
  274. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35914, ID 35908) has depth target!
  275. drawcall DrawInstanced(4, 4) has depth target!
  276. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) has depth target!
  277. drawcall Colour Pass #13 (3 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  278. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35911, ID 35905) has depth target!
  279. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35914, ID 35908) has depth target!
  280. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  281. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) has depth target!
  282. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  283. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  284. drawcall Compute Pass #3 has depth target!
  285. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  286. drawcall CopyResource(ID 6892, ID 6891) has depth target!
  287. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  288. drawcall Dispatch(32, 32, 1) has depth target!
  289. drawcall Dispatch(1, 1, 1) has depth target!
  290. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  291. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  292. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  293. drawcall Compute Pass #4 has depth target!
  294. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  295. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  296. drawcall ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(0, 0, 0, 0) has depth target!
  297. drawcall ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(0, 0, 0, 0) has depth target!
  298. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  299. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  300. drawcall Compute Pass #5 has depth target!
  301. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  302. drawcall DrawInstancedIndirect(<0, 1>) has depth target!
  303. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  304. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  305. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  306. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  307. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  308. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  309. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  310. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  311. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  312. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  313. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  314. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  315. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  316. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  317. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  318. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  319. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  320. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  321. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  322. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  323. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  324. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  325. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  326. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  327. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  328. drawcall Colour Pass #14 (1 Targets) has depth target!
  329. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) has depth target!
  330. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  331. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  332. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  333. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  334. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  335. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  336. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  337. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  338. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  339. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  340. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  341. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  342. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  343. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  344. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  345. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1472, ID 7389) has depth target!
  346. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  347. drawcall Draw(3) has depth target!
  348. drawcall Draw(6) has depth target!
  349. drawcall CopyResource(ID 1500, ID 1499) has depth target!
  350. drawcall Colour Pass #15 (1 Targets + Depth) has depth target!
  351. drawcall Present() has depth target!
  352. Found 1 potential HUD passes.
  353. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  354. drawcall Colour Pass #1 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  355. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) does not have depth target
  356. drawcall Colour Pass #2 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  357. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) does not have depth target
  358. drawcall Colour Pass #3 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  359. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) does not have depth target
  360. drawcall Colour Pass #4 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  361. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) does not have depth target
  362. drawcall Colour Pass #5 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  363. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) does not have depth target
  364. drawcall Colour Pass #6 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  365. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 54602, ID 54606) does not have depth target
  366. drawcall Draw(12) does not have depth target
  367. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) does not have depth target
  368. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  369. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) does not have depth target
  370. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  371. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) does not have depth target
  372. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  373. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) does not have depth target
  374. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  375. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) does not have depth target
  376. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  377. drawcall CopySubresourceRegion(ID 54594, ID 54586) does not have depth target
  378. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  379. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35169, ID 35161) does not have depth target
  380. drawcall Draw(12) does not have depth target
  381. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35169, ID 35161) does not have depth target
  382. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  383. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35146, ID 35166) does not have depth target
  384. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  385. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35147, ID 35146) does not have depth target
  386. drawcall CopyResource(ID 35162, ID 35161) does not have depth target
  387. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  388. drawcall Compute Pass #1 does not have depth target
  389. drawcall Colour Pass #7 (1 Targets) does not have depth target
  390. drawcall Colour Pass #8 (4 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  391. drawcall Draw(288) does not have depth target
  392. drawcall Draw(288) does not have depth target
  393. drawcall Dispatch(240, 135, 1) does not have depth target
  394. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  395. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  396. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  397. drawcall Compute Pass #2 does not have depth target
  398. drawcall Colour Pass #9 (1 Targets) does not have depth target
  399. drawcall Depth-only Pass #1 does not have depth target
  400. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) does not have depth target
  401. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  402. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000) does not have depth target
  403. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  404. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  405. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  406. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 7497, ID 7494) does not have depth target
  407. drawcall Draw(4) does not have depth target
  408. drawcall Draw(4) does not have depth target
  409. drawcall Draw(4) does not have depth target
  410. drawcall Draw(4) does not have depth target
  411. drawcall Depth-only Pass #2 does not have depth target
  412. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  413. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  414. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  415. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  416. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  417. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  418. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  419. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  420. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  421. drawcall Colour Pass #10 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  422. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) does not have depth target
  423. drawcall Draw(4) does not have depth target
  424. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  425. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  426. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  427. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  428. drawcall Colour Pass #11 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  429. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  430. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) does not have depth target
  431. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) does not have depth target
  432. drawcall Colour Pass #12 (3 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  433. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35911, ID 35905) does not have depth target
  434. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35914, ID 35908) does not have depth target
  435. drawcall DrawInstanced(4, 4) does not have depth target
  436. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) does not have depth target
  437. drawcall Colour Pass #13 (3 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  438. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35911, ID 35905) does not have depth target
  439. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 35914, ID 35908) does not have depth target
  440. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  441. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1440, ID 1437) does not have depth target
  442. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  443. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  444. drawcall Compute Pass #3 does not have depth target
  445. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  446. drawcall CopyResource(ID 6892, ID 6891) does not have depth target
  447. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  448. drawcall Dispatch(32, 32, 1) does not have depth target
  449. drawcall Dispatch(1, 1, 1) does not have depth target
  450. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  451. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  452. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  453. drawcall Compute Pass #4 does not have depth target
  454. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  455. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  456. drawcall ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(0, 0, 0, 0) does not have depth target
  457. drawcall ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(0, 0, 0, 0) does not have depth target
  458. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  459. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  460. drawcall Compute Pass #5 does not have depth target
  461. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) does not have depth target
  462. drawcall DrawInstancedIndirect(<0, 1>) does not have depth target
  463. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  464. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  465. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  466. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  467. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  468. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  469. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  470. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  471. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  472. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  473. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  474. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  475. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  476. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  477. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  478. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  479. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  480. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  481. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  482. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  483. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  484. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  485. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  486. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  487. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  488. drawcall Colour Pass #14 (1 Targets) does not have depth target
  489. drawcall ClearRenderTargetView(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) does not have depth target
  490. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  491. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  492. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  493. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  494. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  495. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  496. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  497. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  498. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  499. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  500. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  501. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  502. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  503. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  504. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  505. drawcall ResolveSubresource(ID 1472, ID 7389) does not have depth target
  506. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  507. drawcall Draw(3) does not have depth target
  508. drawcall Draw(6) does not have depth target
  509. drawcall CopyResource(ID 1500, ID 1499) does not have depth target
  510. drawcall Colour Pass #15 (1 Targets + Depth) does not have depth target
  511. drawcall Present() does not have depth target
  512. Rendering ids... 7389
  513. 7392
  514. 7398
  515. 7395
  516. done.
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