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- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import urllib
- import sys
- import re
- import os
- import subprocess
- import xbmcplugin
- import xbmcgui
- import xbmcaddon
- addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
- pluginhandle = int(sys.argv[1])
- addonID = addon.getAddonInfo('id')
- addonPath = addon.getAddonInfo('path')
- translation = addon.getLocalizedString
- osWin = xbmc.getCondVisibility('')
- osOsx = xbmc.getCondVisibility('system.platform.osx')
- osLinux = xbmc.getCondVisibility('system.platform.linux')
- useOwnProfile = addon.getSetting("useOwnProfile") == "true"
- useCustomPath = addon.getSetting("useCustomPath") == "true"
- customPath = xbmc.translatePath(addon.getSetting("customPath"))
- userDataFolder = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/"+addonID)
- profileFolder = os.path.join(userDataFolder, 'profile')
- siteFolder = os.path.join(userDataFolder, 'sites')
- if not os.path.isdir(userDataFolder):
- os.mkdir(userDataFolder)
- if not os.path.isdir(profileFolder):
- os.mkdir(profileFolder)
- if not os.path.isdir(siteFolder):
- os.mkdir(siteFolder)
- youtubeUrl = ""
- vimeoUrl = ""
- def index():
- files = os.listdir(siteFolder)
- for file in files:
- if file.endswith(".link"):
- fh = open(os.path.join(siteFolder, file), 'r')
- title = ""
- url = ""
- thumb = ""
- kiosk = "yes"
- stopPlayback = "no"
- for line in fh.readlines():
- entry = line[:line.find("=")]
- content = line[line.find("=")+1:]
- if entry == "title":
- title = content.strip()
- elif entry == "url":
- url = content.strip()
- elif entry == "thumb":
- thumb = content.strip()
- elif entry == "kiosk":
- kiosk = content.strip()
- elif entry == "stopPlayback":
- stopPlayback = content.strip()
- fh.close()
- addSiteDir(title, url, 'showSite', thumb, stopPlayback, kiosk)
- addDir("[ Vimeo Couchmode ]", vimeoUrl, 'showSite', os.path.join(addonPath, "vimeo.png"), "yes", "yes")
- addDir("[ Youtube Leanback ]", youtubeUrl, 'showSite', os.path.join(addonPath, "youtube.png"), "yes", "yes")
- addDir("[B]- "+translation(30001)+"[/B]", "", 'addSite', "")
- xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle)
- def addSite(site="", title=""):
- if site:
- filename = getFileName(title)
- content = "title="+title+"\nurl="+site+"\nthumb=DefaultFolder.png\nstopPlayback=no\nkiosk=yes"
- fh = open(os.path.join(siteFolder, filename+".link"), 'w')
- fh.write(content)
- fh.close()
- else:
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('', translation(30003))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- title = keyboard.getText()
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('http://', translation(30004))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- url = keyboard.getText()
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('no', translation(30009))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- stopPlayback = keyboard.getText()
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('yes', translation(30016))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- kiosk = keyboard.getText()
- content = "title="+title+"\nurl="+url+"\nthumb=DefaultFolder.png\nstopPlayback="+stopPlayback+"\nkiosk="+kiosk
- fh = open(os.path.join(siteFolder, getFileName(title)+".link"), 'w')
- fh.write(content)
- fh.close()
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- def getFileName(title):
- return (''.join(c for c in unicode(title, 'utf-8') if c not in '/\\:?"*|<>')).strip()
- def getFullPath(path, url, useKiosk, userAgent):
- profile = ""
- if useOwnProfile:
- profile = '--user-data-dir="'+profileFolder+'" '
- kiosk = ""
- if useKiosk=="yes":
- kiosk = '--kiosk '
- if userAgent:
- userAgent = '--user-agent="'+userAgent+'" '
- return '"'+path+'" '+profile+userAgent+'--start-maximized --disable-translate --disable-new-tab-first-run --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run '+kiosk+'"'+url+'"'
- def showSite(url, stopPlayback, kiosk, userAgent):
- if stopPlayback == "yes":
- xbmc.Player().stop()
- if osWin:
- path = 'C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'
- path64 = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'
- if useCustomPath and os.path.exists(customPath):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(customPath, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=False, creationflags=0x00000008, close_fds = True)
- elif os.path.exists(path):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(path, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=False, creationflags=0x00000008, close_fds = True)
- elif os.path.exists(path64):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(path64, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=False, creationflags=0x00000008, close_fds = True)
- else:
- xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification(Info:,'+str(translation(30005))+'!,5000)')
- addon.openSettings()
- elif osOsx:
- path = "/Applications/Google Chrome"
- if useCustomPath and os.path.exists(customPath):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(customPath, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=True)
- elif os.path.exists(path):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(path, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=True)
- else:
- xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification(Info:,'+str(translation(30005))+'!,5000)')
- addon.openSettings()
- elif osLinux:
- path = "/usr/bin/google-chrome"
- if useCustomPath and os.path.exists(customPath):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(customPath, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=True)
- elif os.path.exists(path):
- fullUrl = getFullPath(path, url, kiosk, userAgent)
- subprocess.Popen(fullUrl, shell=True)
- else:
- xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification(Info:,'+str(translation(30005))+'!,5000)')
- addon.openSettings()
- def removeSite(title):
- os.remove(os.path.join(siteFolder, getFileName(title)+".link"))
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- def editSite(title):
- filenameOld = getFileName(title)
- file = os.path.join(siteFolder, filenameOld+".link")
- fh = open(file, 'r')
- title = ""
- url = ""
- kiosk = "yes"
- thumb = "DefaultFolder.png"
- stopPlayback = "no"
- for line in fh.readlines():
- entry = line[:line.find("=")]
- content = line[line.find("=")+1:]
- if entry == "title":
- title = content.strip()
- elif entry == "url":
- url = content.strip()
- elif entry == "kiosk":
- kiosk = content.strip()
- elif entry == "thumb":
- thumb = content.strip()
- elif entry == "stopPlayback":
- stopPlayback = content.strip()
- fh.close()
- oldTitle = title
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(title, translation(30003))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- title = keyboard.getText()
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(url, translation(30004))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- url = keyboard.getText()
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(stopPlayback, translation(30009))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- stopPlayback = keyboard.getText()
- keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(kiosk, translation(30016))
- keyboard.doModal()
- if keyboard.isConfirmed() and keyboard.getText():
- kiosk = keyboard.getText()
- content = "title="+title+"\nurl="+url+"\nthumb="+thumb+"\nstopPlayback="+stopPlayback+"\nkiosk="+kiosk
- fh = open(os.path.join(siteFolder, getFileName(title)+".link"), 'w')
- fh.write(content)
- fh.close()
- if title != oldTitle:
- os.remove(os.path.join(siteFolder, filenameOld+".link"))
- xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
- def parameters_string_to_dict(parameters):
- paramDict = {}
- if parameters:
- paramPairs = parameters[1:].split("&")
- for paramsPair in paramPairs:
- paramSplits = paramsPair.split('=')
- if (len(paramSplits)) == 2:
- paramDict[paramSplits[0]] = paramSplits[1]
- return paramDict
- def addDir(name, url, mode, iconimage, stopPlayback="", kiosk=""):
- u = sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(url)+"&mode="+urllib.quote_plus(mode)+"&stopPlayback="+urllib.quote_plus(stopPlayback)+"&kiosk="+urllib.quote_plus(kiosk)
- ok = True
- liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage=iconimage)
- liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name})
- ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=u, listitem=liz, isFolder=True)
- return ok
- def addSiteDir(name, url, mode, iconimage, stopPlayback, kiosk):
- u = sys.argv[0]+"?url="+urllib.quote_plus(url)+"&mode="+urllib.quote_plus(mode)+"&stopPlayback="+urllib.quote_plus(stopPlayback)+"&kiosk="+urllib.quote_plus(kiosk)
- ok = True
- liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage=iconimage)
- liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name})
- liz.addContextMenuItems([(translation(30006), 'RunPlugin(plugin://'+addonID+'/?mode=editSite&url='+urllib.quote_plus(name)+')',), (translation(30002), 'RunPlugin(plugin://'+addonID+'/?mode=removeSite&url='+urllib.quote_plus(name)+')',)])
- ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=u, listitem=liz, isFolder=True)
- return ok
- params = parameters_string_to_dict(sys.argv[2])
- mode = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get('mode', ''))
- name = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get('name', ''))
- url = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get('url', ''))
- stopPlayback = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get('stopPlayback', 'no'))
- kiosk = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get('kiosk', 'yes'))
- userAgent = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get('userAgent', ''))
- if mode == 'addSite':
- addSite()
- elif mode == 'showSite':
- showSite(url, stopPlayback, kiosk, userAgent)
- elif mode == 'removeSite':
- removeSite(url)
- elif mode == 'editSite':
- editSite(url)
- else:
- index()
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