Guest User shutdown by Russian Embassy

a guest
Apr 21st, 2012
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  1. Dear Tor Mail User,
  3. Early this morning, April 20, our domain registrar suspended the domain
  5. The reason they gave is because they require us to submit ID documents to them,
  6. apostilized and certified by the Russian Embassy.
  7. We are unable to do this to protect our own identity, and also this request is very
  8. unusual and suspicious.
  9. They have further refused to unlock the domain and allow us to transfer it to a
  10. different registrar.
  12. We have filed a complaint with ICANN as per the domain transfer rules, they are not
  13. allowed to do this.
  14. As it is the weekend, we probably wont get a response until next week, and even to
  15. transfer a domain normally takes about a week to be completed.
  16. For this reason, at the earliest we can hope for is to have the domain back within
  17. two weeks.
  18. It is possible the domain is gone for good and it may not be possible to get it back.
  20. Up until two months ago, the domain was registered with a USA company, Moniker domains.
  21. They were great and we had no problems with them, but with the recent domain
  22. seizures we decided to move the domain offshore.
  23. It appears this was a big mistake, the Russian providers are much worse!
  25. The chances of getting the domain back does not look good, and even if we get it
  26. back it will take a long time.
  27. For that reason we have registered a new domain name and will use that
  28. one to continue the service.
  29. If we do get the domain back, we will change back to using that one.
  31. Every user who had a address now has the same address
  32. Your new email address is: [email protected]
  34. You may continue to use the addresses on the Tor Mail website, but they
  35. will not work with external services.
  36. You should quickly change the email addresses at any services you are using.
  37. If we get the domain back, both addresses will be able to reach you.
  39. If you are using our webmail service, (squirrelmail or roundcube) no changes are
  40. necessary.
  41. If you are using thunderbird or other SMTP software, you will need to change the
  42. "From" address to your new address or you will be unable to send mail.
  44. This message has also been posted at our hidden service, so you can verify its
  45. validity.
  46. http://jhiwjjlqpyawmpjx.onion/
  48. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we were taken by surprise by this and had no time
  49. to avoid it.
  50. Admin.
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