
10/10 Game of 20Qs (A game so great it needed a pastebin)

Mar 31st, 2016
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  1. [22:46:42] MidgetAbsol: Question 1: Microwavable
  2. [22:46:44] Microwavable: hi
  3. [22:46:52] Microwavable: is it a dual type
  4. [22:46:56] MidgetAbsol: YES
  5. [22:47:01] Trade: someone ask
  6. [22:47:04] Trade: if its singletyped
  7. [22:47:06] Trade: to confirm
  8. [22:47:08] MidgetAbsol: Question 2: Kyomo
  9. [22:47:20] Kyomo: Is it from gens 4-6?
  10. [22:47:24] MidgetAbsol: YES
  11. [22:47:29] Trade: wow
  12. [22:47:32] Trade: you guys are geniuses
  13. [22:47:35] MidgetAbsol: Question 3: Trade
  14. [22:47:51] TheQueen152: .leave
  15. [22:47:56] Trade: Is it weak to one of its types?
  16. [22:48:01] MidgetAbsol: NO
  17. [22:48:04] Julius Caesar I: Good questiob imo
  18. [22:48:05] MidgetAbsol: .pl
  19. [22:48:05] @Lady Monita: Players (4): Microwavable, Kyomo, Trade, Julius Caesar I
  20. [22:48:06] Trade: i know the answer
  21. [22:48:13] MidgetAbsol: Question 4: Julius Caesar I
  22. [22:48:33] Julius Caesar I: Is it fully evolved?
  23. [22:48:33] Trade: inb4 is it absol
  24. [22:48:40] MidgetAbsol: YES
  25. [22:48:43] Julius Caesar I: Kek
  26. [22:48:46] MidgetAbsol: Question 5: Microwavable
  27. [22:48:49] Julius Caesar I: Absol is gen 3
  28. [22:48:51] Julius Caesar I: So no
  29. [22:48:53] Trade: its also single typed
  30. [22:49:00] Microwavable: is it single typed
  31. [22:49:03] MidgetAbsol: ...
  32. [22:49:04] Trade: :O
  33. [22:49:06] %Latios n.n: Someone ask if it's a Pokemon to confirm
  34. [22:49:07] Trade: nice
  35. [22:49:07] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: lmao
  36. [22:49:08] Julius Caesar I: Lololil
  37. [22:49:09] MidgetAbsol: fking rlly?
  38. [22:49:12] MidgetAbsol: NO
  39. [22:49:13] %Latios n.n: :^)
  40. [22:49:14] Trade: micro with the saves
  41. [22:49:14] Microwavable: no im jking
  42. [22:49:16] Microwavable: rip
  43. [22:49:18] Trade: now we know
  44. [22:49:21] Julius Caesar I: Micro best
  45. [22:49:24] Trade: for 80% its dual typed
  46. [22:49:24] MidgetAbsol: .pick let him redo, nah fuck him
  47. [22:49:24] @Lady Monita: Random pick: nah fuck him
  48. [22:49:30] Microwavable: >nah fuck him
  49. [22:49:31] Trade: dont fuck
  50. [22:49:32] Microwavable: l-lewd
  51. [22:49:35] Trade: thats not allowed anymore
  52. [22:49:41] Trade: do it on chatroulette
  53. [22:49:41] Microwavable: anymore
  54. [22:49:41] Kyomo: no?
  55. [22:49:42] MidgetAbsol: Question 6: Kyomo
  56. [22:49:43] Microwavable: more lewd
  57. [22:50:06] Kyomo: Does it have a form of some sort?
  58. [22:50:09] MidgetAbsol: NO
  59. [22:50:13] Julius Caesar I: ~~is it a Pokemon? ~~
  60. [22:50:18] MidgetAbsol: .Pl
  61. [22:50:18] @Lady Monita: Players (4): Microwavable, Kyomo, Trade, Julius Caesar I
  62. [22:50:22] Julius Caesar I: Ow
  63. [22:50:24] MidgetAbsol: Question 7: Julius Caesar I;
  64. [22:50:39] Julius Caesar I: Trade
  65. [22:50:45] Trade: yes?
  66. [22:50:47] Julius Caesar I: Has the q right?
  67. [22:50:53] MidgetAbsol: oh fuck
  68. [22:50:57] Trade: o
  69. [22:51:01] MidgetAbsol: Question 7: Trade
  70. [22:51:01] Julius Caesar I: n_n
  71. [22:51:03] MidgetAbsol: lol oops
  72. [22:51:13] Julius Caesar I: π°π
  73. [22:51:13] MidgetAbsol: my bad
  74. [22:51:21] Trade: Is it in a prime number gen?
  75. [22:51:25] MidgetAbsol: .addpoint Julius Caesar I
  76. [22:51:25] @Lady Monita: Players (4): Microwavable, Kyomo, Trade, Julius Caesar I(1)
  77. Bugs10 joined
  78. [22:51:29] Trade: i like to mix things up
  79. [22:51:33] MidgetAbsol: does nothing but its for good behaviour
  80. [22:51:34] Julius Caesar I: Wot
  81. [22:51:41] Julius Caesar I: Geegee
  82. [22:51:54] MidgetAbsol: NO
  83. [22:52:01] MidgetAbsol: Question 8: Julius Caesar I
  84. [22:52:05] Trade: ask if composite gen
  85. [22:52:13] Julius Caesar I: Kek
  86. [22:52:14] Microwavable: 4/6
  87. [22:52:18] MidgetAbsol: the fucks a composite
  88. [22:52:35] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: A composite number is a positive integer which is not prime (i.e., which has factors other than 1 and itself).
  89. [22:52:35] Trade: the opposite of prime
  90. [22:52:36] Trade: ???
  91. [22:52:45] MidgetAbsol: oh okay
  92. [22:52:48] Julius Caesar I: Is the generation number a composite square?
  93. [22:52:54] MidgetAbsol: YES
  94. [22:52:59] Julius Caesar I: Kek gen 4
  95. [22:53:01] MidgetAbsol: could of just asked if its gen 4
  96. [22:53:01] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: kek
  97. [22:53:02] Trade: kek gen 6
  98. [22:53:06] Trade: 4*
  99. [22:53:10] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: sorry, we're math nerds
  100. [22:53:16] MidgetAbsol: Question 9: Microwavable
  101. [22:53:17] Julius Caesar I: ^
  102. [22:53:23] Julius Caesar I: Arrow block
  103. [22:53:23] MidgetAbsol: arrow blocked lmao
  104. [22:53:26] MidgetAbsol: fuck sniped
  105. [22:53:30] Microwavable: is it a starter
  106. [22:53:39] MidgetAbsol: YES
  107. [22:53:42] Trade: O
  108. [22:53:43] Kyomo: o
  109. [22:53:44] Trade: GG
  110. [22:53:46] Trade: ONLY 3
  111. [22:53:46] Julius Caesar I: Oh kek
  112. [22:53:50] Trade: oh shit no
  113. [22:53:52] MidgetAbsol: Question 10: Kyomo
  114. [22:53:53] Trade: theres only one
  115. [22:54:03] Microwavable: 3
  116. [22:54:05] Trade: no
  117. [22:54:07] Microwavable: yes
  118. [22:54:11] Trade: i swear
  119. [22:54:15] Julius Caesar I: No lol
  120. [22:54:16] Trade: do you not play pokemon
  121. [22:54:22] Trade: its agumon
  122. [22:54:22] MidgetAbsol: Kyomo if you guess its 1/3 chance of getting it
  123. [22:54:25] Kyomo: Ik
  124. [22:54:25] Trade: rip leak
  125. [22:54:29] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: no
  126. [22:54:32] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: it's graymon
  127. [22:54:35] Trade: o right
  128. [22:54:36] Kyomo: Kek Ima go with Torterra
  129. [22:54:38] Julius Caesar I: All gen 4 starters are multi type though
  130. [22:54:46] MidgetAbsol: Kyomo has made a guess at the pokemon
  131. [22:54:52] MidgetAbsol: drumroll please
  132. [22:54:58] Julius Caesar I: Gg
  133. [22:55:00] MidgetAbsol: kyomo...
  134. [22:55:04] BBgun999: inb4, wrong
  135. [22:55:04] Kyomo: proll wrong lel
  136. [22:55:06] Trade: is wrong
  137. [22:55:06] MidgetAbsol: CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  138. [22:55:08] Microwavable: gg
  139. [22:55:10] Trade: youre wrong
  140. [22:55:12] MidgetAbsol: is what i would say if you was right
  141. [22:55:13] Brawl MK: its wrong
  142. [22:55:13] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: lol
  143. [22:55:14] MidgetAbsol: but you arent
  144. [22:55:15] Trade: LOL
  145. [22:55:17] Brawl MK: lol
  146. [22:55:17] BBgun999: XD
  147. [22:55:19] MidgetAbsol: .elim Kyomo
  148. [22:55:19] @Lady Monita: Players (3): Microwavable, Trade, Julius Caesar I(1)
  149. [22:55:20] Kyomo: lel
  150. [22:55:20] Julius Caesar I: Kek rickroll
  151. [22:55:20] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: git own'd
  152. [22:55:22] Trade: what is this steve harley shit
  153. [22:55:22] BBgun999: I called it!
  154. [22:55:32] Brawl MK: lol Trade
  155. [22:55:38] MidgetAbsol: Question 11: Trade
  156. [22:55:38] Trade: Kyomo feeling like ms columbia
  157. [22:55:40] Julius Caesar I: Be good guy trade and ask if it's fighting type
  158. [22:55:46] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: lol
  159. [22:55:49] Julius Caesar I: n_n
  160. [22:55:51] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: >good guy trade
  161. [22:55:53] Trade: um
  162. [22:55:56] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: I don't think that exists
  163. [22:56:01] Microwavable: trade say some weird thing and get yo self out
  164. [22:56:02] Trade: good guy trade is like the exact opposite
  165. [22:56:04] MidgetAbsol: Ask if starter type tbh
  166. [22:56:06] Trade: both words
  167. [22:56:10] Trade: is it
  168. [22:56:15] Trade: a pokemon?
  169. [22:56:20] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: lol
  170. [22:56:20] Microwavable: LOL
  171. [22:56:23] Julius Caesar I: Lol
  172. [22:56:27] MidgetAbsol: YES
  173. [22:56:29] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: can confirm
  174. [22:56:30] Microwavable: tbh stall out until all 20 rounds and we all win
  175. [22:56:30] Trade: NICE
  176. [22:56:32] Microwavable: y/n
  177. [22:56:36] Trade: y
  178. [22:56:36] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: it's Graymon!
  179. [22:56:36] MidgetAbsol: Question 12: Julius Caesar I
  180. [22:56:50] Trade: o shit is it a yugi oh card?
  181. [22:56:52] MidgetAbsol: Microwavable you wont all win lmao
  182. [22:56:54] Julius Caesar I: Is it from gen 2?
  183. [22:56:54] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: oh
  184. [22:56:55] Trade: its joey wheeler
  185. [22:56:58] Trade: NICE
  186. [22:56:59] MidgetAbsol: NO
  187. [22:57:00] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: Duel Monsters
  188. [22:57:02] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: :O
  189. [22:57:02] Julius Caesar I: Kek
  190. [22:57:02] MidgetAbsol: i hate you all rn
  191. [22:57:09] Microwavable: MidgetAbsol what if we all guess it correct
  192. [22:57:09] MidgetAbsol: Question 13: Microwavable
  193. [22:57:13] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: yes make it duel monsters !11!
  194. [22:57:15] MidgetAbsol: then you will
  195. [22:57:15] Trade: trolling harder than santa claus during easter
  196. [22:57:17] BBgun999: im not in, but I know it
  197. [22:57:22] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: Red Eyes Black Dragon, calling it
  198. [22:57:24] Microwavable: is it a electric type
  199. [22:57:27] Trade: :O
  200. [22:57:29] Trade: good one
  201. [22:57:30] MidgetAbsol: if no-one gets it right then ill win monita
  202. [22:57:31] Julius Caesar I: :)
  203. [22:57:32] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: :O
  204. [22:57:33] MidgetAbsol: NO
  205. [22:57:35] Trade: sure
  206. [22:57:39] BBgun999: ik it
  207. [22:57:43] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: we're all smartasses
  208. [22:57:44] MidgetAbsol: Question 14: Trade
  209. [22:57:48] Microwavable: ^ @ Fuuta★of☆the★Stars
  210. [22:57:52] Trade: Can you catch it in a master ball???
  211. [22:57:55] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: !~!
  212. [22:57:57] Jtrainer22: hey
  213. [22:57:57] BBgun999: bruh
  214. [22:57:57] Julius Caesar I: Lol
  215. [22:58:02] Julius Caesar I: Nice
  216. [22:58:10] MidgetAbsol: Only if you are in a randomizer
  217. [22:58:14] Trade: o i c
  218. [22:58:17] Trade: good hints right now
  219. [22:58:29] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: ikr
  220. [22:58:31] MidgetAbsol: Question 15: Julius Caesar I
  221. [22:58:35] Julius Caesar I: Is it lady Monita's new gen mecha?
  222. [22:58:35] Trade: can someone ask if its weak to missingno
  223. [22:58:41] Trade: ooo
  224. [22:58:41] Brawl MK: plz
  225. [22:58:57] MidgetAbsol: I dont even know what that means
  226. [22:58:59] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: this is going into a quotebook
  227. [22:59:03] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: all of them
  228. [22:59:06] Julius Caesar I: lol
  229. [22:59:06] MidgetAbsol: question 16: Microwavable
  230. [22:59:15] Trade: this is novelty water you talking about
  231. [22:59:23] Microwavable: is it weak to ground ;)
  232. [22:59:26] Trade: oooooo
  233. [22:59:28] Julius Caesar I: Nice
  234. [22:59:29] Trade: NICE
  235. [22:59:31] MidgetAbsol: YES
  236. [22:59:37] Trade: :O
  237. [22:59:41] MidgetAbsol: Question 17: Trade
  238. [22:59:58] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: Trade, ask if it can learn struggle
  239. [22:59:58] BBgun999: kk
  240. [23:00:01] Trade: does it evolve from another pokemon???
  241. [23:00:02] BBgun999: XD
  242. [23:00:06] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: lmao
  243. [23:00:08] MidgetAbsol: i hate you all
  244. [23:00:27] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: this is going to a quotebook of its own
  245. [23:00:42] Julius Caesar I: Does it resist it's primary typing?
  246. [23:00:43] julia is bad: smh fots
  247. [23:00:53] MidgetAbsol: YES
  248. [23:00:56] Trade: :O
  249. [23:01:00] MidgetAbsol: Question 18.5: MidgetAbsol
  250. [23:01:31] MidgetAbsol: Question 19: Microwavable
  251. [23:01:54] Microwavable: is it infernape
  252. [23:02:07] Julius Caesar I: Inb4 nit
  253. [23:02:09] MidgetAbsol: microwavable has made an attempt at guessing the pokemon
  254. [23:02:14] MidgetAbsol: drumroll please
  255. [23:02:14] Trade: :OOO
  256. [23:02:19] Trade: damnit
  257. [23:02:23] MidgetAbsol: Microwavable
  258. [23:02:27] Julius Caesar I: No second rick rioll
  259. [23:02:31] MidgetAbsol: CONGRATULATIONS
  260. [23:02:31] Brawl MK: it is
  261. [23:02:31] • Microwavable dRUM ROLL
  262. [23:02:35] Microwavable: i lost
  263. [23:02:36] julia is bad: you lost
  264. [23:02:36] Microwavable: lol!_!
  265. [23:02:36] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: lol
  266. [23:02:38] MidgetAbsol: is what i would be saying if you was right
  267. [23:02:38] Julius Caesar I: I know the bluff
  268. [23:02:41] Brawl MK: wrong
  269. [23:02:41] Trade: LOL
  270. [23:02:41] MidgetAbsol: BUT YOU ARE
  271. [23:02:44] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: and you are!
  272. [23:02:44] Julius Caesar I: You are right!
  273. [23:02:44] Microwavable: :OOO
  274. [23:02:45] Yellow$¢$Skarmory☺: LOL
  275. [23:02:45] Trade: LOL
  276. [23:02:45] julia is bad: dumb
  277. [23:02:47] %Fuuta★of☆the★Stars: :OO
  278. [23:02:49] +xArashi: smh
  279. [23:02:49] MidgetAbsol: .win Microwavable
  280. [23:02:50] @Lady Monita: The winner is Microwavable! Thanks for hosting.
  281. [23:02:50] Yellow$¢$Skarmory☺: so troll
  282. [23:02:51] Panda: I call this "Seacresting"
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