
KidAnonXRarityXColts, Pt 4/Epilogue

Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. >You clutch her soft white hooves tightly
  2. >The hospital door stands before you
  3. >You feel the familiar panic rise in you
  4. >"Are you ready, today, Anon?"
  5. >Her blue eyes gaze into yours
  6. >You take in her pink mane, the little nurse hat on her head
  7. >You fidget with your clothing a lot
  8. >And then nod
  9. "Y-yes, nurse."
  10. >It was gradual at first
  11. >Bigger rooms
  12. >Even dream environments with unicorn magic
  13. >But now it was real
  14. >The big moment
  15. >She pushes the door open
  16. >And the light almost blinds you
  17. >You hold your hand up to your eyes, shielding the gaze
  18. >The nervousness fades away a little when you see your sister standing there
  19. >She's no longer your real sister
  20. >Her head stands level next to your mom
  21. >Your real mom
  22. >You take a breath
  23. >And take a step out into the wide open world
  24. >You close your eyes, bracing yourself
  25. >But you feel relaxed
  26. >Calm
  27. >"Congratulations, Anon."
  28. >You turn towards the nurse, smiling
  29. "Thank you, Nurse."
  30. >The hospital partially functioned as a treatment for various other illnesses
  31. >They were new to yours, but you remember various unicorns staying late up at night to diagnose and understand it
  32. >And now the open space, the world, it didn't feel so big
  33. >And you didn't feel so small
  34. >You walk up to the two mares in front of you
  35. >And bring them both into an embrace
  36. >There's no trace of alcohol on your mother
  37. >You sniff
  38. >And feel a little welling in your eyes
  39. >Your sister snuggles into your grasp
  40. >And you pet her mane
  41. >"I'm glad you're okay, brother."
  42. "T-thank you. Both of you."
  43. >"For what?"
  44. >You turn your head back, towards your mom
  45. >And give her a kiss
  46. >On the cheeks, of course
  47. >The world was a lot stranger than where you were used to
  48. >But you were getting used to it
  49. "Being there, helping me."
  50. >"Anon, mothers never leave their children."
  51. >She rubs a hoof against your cheeks
  52. >"The bond between a mother and her son is stronger than any other."
  58. >"And you remember when she used to dress me up, and only let you lick me?"
  59. >You both laugh at the memory of that day, taking a swig of your hard cider
  60. "And I remember you raising your little flank so high, begging for more."
  61. >"Yeah, and I remember a certain someone being so blue-balled he had to nut his mom."
  62. >You raise your bottle
  63. "Well-played."
  64. >It's a nervous sort of laughter, the kind you use to calm an awkward situation
  65. >The sun was setting down across the hills in the horizon
  66. >And you lean on your sister
  67. >The grave marker casts a longer and longer shadow as the day ends
  68. >It wasn't in the cemetary
  69. >They wouldn't let it be there
  70. >Your sister lays next to you on the blanket underneath
  71. >The grass is dead around here, and it gets itchy to sit down on
  72. >"S-she was pretty nice to us."
  73. >You look out, past the horizon
  74. >Looking at the clouds and the pegasi behind them, just moving them into place
  75. >Your hands rub over your sister's side, and you sigh
  76. "But not to the others."
  77. >It didn't seem wrong back then, what she did
  78. >Drugging them, keeping them docile, using them as a fuck toy
  79. >For you, it was all you knew about the world
  80. >Your sister's head glances down at the stone
  81. >Just a simple 3 diamond shape
  82. >No markings
  83. >All that's left of a life long-lived
  84. >"Why do you think she did it?"
  85. >You shrug, feeling your hands rub gently over her wings
  86. >And take another swig
  87. >It burns your throat slightly, and you let out a sigh
  88. "Regret? Shame?"
  89. >You didn't feel anything when they told you the news
  90. >Dungeons don't play well on some ponies, you suppose
  91. >"No, I"
  93. "Maybe...maybe it wasn't her, y'know?"
  94. >You finish off your cider, dropping it onto the ground
  95. "Maybe she was driven by some external forces."
  96. >Your sister looks up to you, an eyebrow raised
  97. >"Are you drunk?"
  98. "Maybe."
  99. >Your hands idly run over her wings, massaging it
  100. >And she chuckles, nuzzling into you
  101. >Her warm body holds against you as silence descends for a few moments
  102. "How's your dad?"
  103. >"Still..."
  104. >You nod
  105. >The drugs had addled his brain so much
  106. >And they had placed him in a coma while the unicorns studied him
  107. >Like your therapy, the most important step was the dream therapy
  108. >Something the princess of the night seemed pleased to help with
  109. >At least, that's what the eggheads told you
  110. >They were going to draw him out from the miasma, inch by inch
  111. >Like they sunk you into your fears, inch by inch
  112. >Another silence descends on the air in between you
  113. >"I still sometimes think of him."
  114. "What do you mean?"
  115. >"I-inside."
  116. >You look at her, an eyebrow raised
  117. >"My therapist tells me that I should stop thinking about it."
  118. >She sighs, taking a swig of her cider
  119. >"But every time I look at my son, I'm just reminded of how he was conceived."
  120. "Where is-"
  121. >"Sometimes, I don't know if I'm right to care for him."
  122. >You rub her side gently, massagaging her fur
  123. >And her head leans into you
  124. >"I still get those...thoughts around him. Thoughts I can't tell my therapist."
  125. >She nuzzles into you
  126. >"You're the only one who would understand."
  128. >You pause for several moments, before you can muster the strength to ask
  129. "H-have you..."
  130. >A shake from her head yields a sigh of relief from you
  131. >"But I keep thinking about it, and I think back to how mom must've felt, seeing us, so...vulnerable."
  132. >You give her a gentle squeeze, hand around her neck
  133. "I think it sometimes, too."
  134. >Her head turns up, looking at you from below, a quizzical expression on her face
  135. "About mom, I mean."
  136. >She gives a soft smile
  137. "I still think about that time we...did it, and even though it's supposed to feel wrong, it just felt...right."
  138. >"I guess we're both a little weird, huh?"
  139. "Yeah, I guess we are."
  140. >A pause
  141. >"How did it feel?"
  142. "Amazing. It felt right, and she was just so warm."
  143. >You close your eyes, imagining that night
  144. >And how soft and warm her insides felt, and how natural it felt, how it kept coming to your mind
  145. >Your sister bumps against you
  146. >"Remembering it a little too fondly?"
  147. >You cough, adjusting your pants as you feel the material push against you
  148. >And quickly try to change the subject
  149. "Found a coltfriend yet?"
  150. >"Nothing permanent."
  151. "Hmm?"
  152. >"You know the kind. Good for a roll in the hay, nothing else."
  153. "Pretty easy, huh?"
  154. >"Oh ha ha."
  155. >You laugh, picking up another bottle
  156. >Cracking it open, you take a drink
  157. >She finishes off hers
  158. >And you hand her another
  159. "Who's the best lay you've had?"
  160. >"You mean besides you?"
  161. >You give a slight chuckle
  162. "What do you think she would say if she were here right now?"
  163. >Your sister coughs and clears her throat
  164. >"Oh, darlings, save some for mommy."
  165. >You laugh at her impression
  166. >It wasn't that funny, but it just felt normal to laugh, comforting to do it
  167. "You know, I never asked...what was it like that day?"
  168. >"Before or after you nutted your real mom?"
  169. "I know nothing about what happened after."
  170. >"Yeah, I can imagine."
  171. "What do you mean?"
  172. >"Well, you did pass out."
  173. >Now that you think about it, you had never bothered to ask for some reason
  174. "What did happen after?"
  176. >"You know Rumble's father? My grandfather?"
  177. >You nod, picking up your drink
  178. >One hoof idly brushes at your side, tickling a little
  179. >Her other hoof moves under her head, supporting it
  180. >"He came inside me right before it all came down."
  181. >You faintly remember a scream
  182. >"He didn't realize what happened until I called dad by 'dad'."
  183. >"And he just flung himself out of me as quick as he could."
  184. "Well, I remember up until that part."
  185. >"Yeah, well, they pinned mom down afterwards. They called the authorities, and they just took us all in."
  186. >Her eyes glaze a little as she continues through her memories
  187. >"You should've seen the contraption."
  188. >The white covering, the massive thing
  189. >"Ornate as it could be. They were going to strap me in it."
  190. >Well, that solves that mystery
  191. >A bit of a disappointment
  192. >You had thought there was something elaborate in it
  193. >You chuckle as your mind wanders through what could've been
  194. >Toys from kidnapped colts
  195. >The bones of the dead stallions over the year
  196. >That would've made for a creepy twist in the retelling of your life
  197. >"What's so funny?"
  198. "I just expected something else under there."
  199. >She sighs
  200. >And her eyes turn towards the sunset
  201. >"It's pretty, isn't it?"
  202. "Yeah."
  203. >"If mom were here..."
  204. "We'd be pounding each other."
  205. >You give an awkward laugh, and she gives you a smile
  206. >"Yeah, I guess you're right."
  207. >And she stares back out towards the sky
  209. >It's silent for another awkward moment as you both stare at the grave
  210. >"Do you still think about our first time?"
  211. >You look down on her, eyebrows raised
  212. "What brought that up?"
  213. >"I don't know, maybe it was you talking about your mom."
  214. >She gives you a grin
  215. >And you sigh
  216. "Why, do you?"
  217. >She leans into you, looking forwards
  218. >"What would you say if I said yes?"
  219. "I'd say I do too."
  220. >Her head withdraws, and brings her neck back, head lifted higher, as she looks at you
  221. >"Really?"
  222. "Yeah."
  223. >She brings her hooves up, wrapping around your shoulders, moving into you
  224. >"I thought I was alone."
  225. >Your hand rubs against her mane and back
  226. "Sis, you're never alone. I'm always here for you."
  227. >The dropped bottles roll against the grass, falling away
  228. >And you hold each other again, but her scented mane fills your nostrils
  229. >You smell sweetness, a flowery scent that reminds you of your past mother
  230. "You smell good."
  231. >She laughs, body vibrating against yours
  232. >"Well, you too."
  233. >She leans her head up
  234. >Eyes looking at yours
  235. >The same look she gave you all those years ago
  236. >And she leans her head up towards you
  237. >Her muzzle gets closer
  238. >And you hold her back
  239. "We can't."
  240. >She looks down to the side
  241. >"Do you know how often I think about it?"
  242. >Maybe as often as you think about her
  243. >"Every stallion I'm with, every time I touch myself..."
  244. >Well, maybe not
  245. >"I still think of you."
  246. >Her sad eyes peer up to yours
  247. >And you wordlessly lean into her
  249. >Your lips connect and her eyes close and you feel her body moving up
  250. >Her taste floods into your mouth, filling you with sweetness and a trace of your mom
  251. >Spring, beautiful flowers
  252. >Your heart thumps against hers
  253. >They match together
  254. >Her hooves move all over your body
  255. >And you lean into her
  256. >Body moving on top of her, covered in her soft fur
  257. >Her tongue moves into your mouth
  258. >And your tongue presses against hers
  259. >They play against each other, and you taste, lick, flick against her
  260. >You're on top of her, you feel your arousal pressing through your pants
  261. >And you feel her wetness, feel her legs wrap around yours, tuck you in, pull you into her
  262. >And you pull back, panting, hands on her shoulders
  263. "We can't."
  264. >Her hooves remove herself from your shoulders
  265. >Her legs loosen
  266. "Sis, you know we can't."
  267. >"Why? I'm not your actual sister."
  268. >You get up, sitting down, while she gets up and sits on her haunches, face level with yours
  269. "They say-"
  270. >"Have they been through what we've been through?"
  271. "Well-"
  272. >"Bro, every morning since I could, I've made you cum. What do they know?"
  273. >You sigh, and fumble around for an explanation
  274. >"If they went through what we did, do you think they would say the same thing?"
  275. >She almost leaps into you, and her weight sends you backwards
  276. >And now she's on top of you, breathing hard, face blushed
  277. >"I've dreamed about that night we finally did it, when I finally felt you in me."
  278. >Her hoof moves to your mouth as you protest
  279. >"Let me finish."
  280. >You nod
  282. >"They tell me that I should learn to control myself, look for a healthy relationship."
  283. >She seems a little smaller as she continues
  284. >"But I can't. I can't let go of what happened. I keep thinking to that day, how good it felt."
  285. >She rubs herself gently against your pants, and you feel the wetness seeping down
  286. >"Even when I'm with one or two or three stallions, I'll never get the feeling I got when I was with you."
  287. >Her hooves move to the sides of you
  288. "Why?"
  289. >"Because you know. Because you were there. You know what we've been through. What it was like for sex to be...casual."
  290. >You furrow your brows
  291. >"The others don't get it. They think it's weird. They think I'm a slut. But you don't, do you?"
  292. "No, never."
  293. >"Exactly! You know what it was like to have someone available all the time to please you."
  294. "That doesn't mean we should keep-"
  295. >"Do you know how my son hasn't been through the same thing?"
  296. >That took you a little by surprise
  297. "How?"
  298. >"You help. Not directly, but I think of you, of you being there, and..."
  299. >Her voice trails off as she takes up grinding against you in earnest
  300. "So, what, it's blackmail then?"
  301. >"Nothing like that. I just want...just one more time. And don't tell me you're not enjoying this."
  302. >She leans back, and you see the top of her glistening marehood
  303. >Of course, this prompts a reaction and she laughs
  304. >She did make a lot of sense, though
  305. >Why was it so wrong?
  307. >It wasn't right what your mom did to all those colts
  308. >But what you and she had was pure, and you both cared about her
  309. >What was holding you back?
  310. >"Is it me, or does it look like you're considering it?"
  311. >Her breasts bounce in front of you, and you're reminded of your mo- of Rarity
  312. >And how your first time with hers was in suspiciously the same position
  313. >And as memories of what she did to all those other colts flooded in-
  314. >You feel her hooves take your hands
  315. >You don't resist
  316. >She takes your hands, and move them to her breasts
  317. >Moving them against hers so you feel the softness of her mounds
  318. >You're erect, the arousal pushing through your pants against her
  319. >"Well?"
  320. "I..."
  321. >She leans over, eyes moving down to a half-lidded position
  322. >"What, your sis not hot enough for you now?"
  323. "Fine, but just one time."
  324. >She squeals, wings flapping slightly while her tail flickers
  325. "But not in this position."
  326. >It was still a little weird, thinking of that day at Rarity's
  327. >She hmphed, and got up, getting away from you, and walking up to the stone
  328. >You raise an eyebrow as she rested herself against it
  329. >Bending her forehooves over it as she waved her backside towards you
  330. >"Let's give mom one more show?"
  332. >Well, screw it, no one was going to know
  333. >You groggily walk up behind her, unbuckling your belt
  334. >They would tell you it was wrong and not right, but what did they know?
  335. >You two had been raised together, and her mouth around your cock was a morning ritual
  336. >You had only rutted once, and you've thought back on that moment every day, constantly
  337. >And here it was, being offered to you on a silver platter
  338. >Your hands run to her flanks, and her wings flare out even further more
  339. >"Let's show mom she hasn't hurt us."
  340. >You nodded, pressing your tip against her
  341. >Sliding it up and down
  342. >"Which position did you like mom most in?"
  343. >It feels weird, thinking about it
  344. >You slide in as your mind reaches towards the past
  345. >You feel your sister's body tighten and stretch
  346. >And her warm insides hug against you
  347. "When she let me into you."
  348. >She giggles, the vibrations tossing your cock around inside her
  349. >"No really."
  350. "Well..."
  351. >You slowly start thrusting, and hear her body smack softly against the stone
  352. "I liked the first time we did it."
  353. >"H-how was it?"
  354. "Soft, warm, like nothing else. She made me her first for the day, and I remember her forcing me into her."
  355. >Her insides hugged tight against you, squeezing you as hard as she could
  356. >"You like being forced?"
  357. >It did feel nice
  358. "I don't know. She was on top of me, letting me squee-"
  359. >"Is that why you didn't want to there?"
  360. >You nod, and she faces forward, thrusting with your motion
  361. >Your conversation dies down as you focus on the feeling of each other
  362. >On the sibling bond between the two of you
  363. >Culminated only once over the years
  364. >And now for the second time
  365. >You feel her soft fur push against your skin
  366. >And it doesn't take long at all this time
  367. >You push deep into her
  368. >And release
  369. >Her wings stiffen even further as she moans
  370. >You feel the cum squirt into her, coat her surroundings, flow out of her hole
  371. >You see it dripping down her legs, and you lean over, panting
  372. >And hold it there, embracing her
  374. >Several moments pass, the two of you basking in the afterglow
  375. >"That was wonderful, brother."
  376. >Her insides squeeze against your limp dick, keeping you nice and warm
  377. >"You're always welcome to me any time, brother."
  378. >You look at her as she turns her head backwards
  379. >"I know no stallion will match you. You're free to me, just like I was to you."
  380. >The offer sounds really good
  381. >it took those thoughts away from your mom
  382. >And probably hers away from your son
  383. >It would help you both
  384. >"I'm always yours."
  385. >Her walls constrict, giving you a tight hug
  386. "Thank you, sis."
  387. >Some of the cum drips down her leg
  388. >Falling onto the soil below
  389. >And probably seeping down lower
  390. >Onto your mother
  391. >The last traces of her
  392. >A fitting finale
  393. >She always did like your cum
  395. >"I love you, mom!"
  396. >"Good bye!"
  397. >Your sister's son trots off towards another day at school
  398. >You stop in front of the doorway, waving him good bye
  399. >Your sister closes the door, and winks at you
  400. >And not with her eyes
  401. >You take in her body, her whitish fur, the round curves of her pregnant belly
  402. >"Thanks for helping me move, brother."
  403. "No problem, sis. Where's your husband?"
  404. >"At work, he won't be getting home until a lot late."
  405. >She wiggles her behind and you walk up behind her, unzipping yourself
  406. "He left you all alone to move stuff?"
  407. >"Well, he did know my brother was coming to help."
  408. >You smile at her as your finger runs up her slit, drawing breaths from her
  409. "He should really be keeping you company more."
  410. >"Y-yeah."
  411. >You finger digs into her, as you pull down your pants
  412. >And thrust your index into her warm pink folds
  413. >She squeezes around you, and leans forward
  414. >Her front hooves thud slightly against the glass of the door in front of you
  415. >You see ponies walking by
  416. >And wonder if any of them would stop to admire your sis' breasts, swaying as you moved your fingers
  417. >"I-I'm already wet, just do it."
  418. "Gladly."
  419. >You take your fingers out, licking them
  420. >And position yourself, gripping her flanks
  421. >As you thrust into her again
  422. >She lets out a large gasp, and you see her pregnant stomach sway
  423. >You hold yourself there, stroking her wings
  424. >Caressing her stomach
  425. >Leaning in, on top of her
  426. >"I've missed you, brother."
  427. "Me too, sis."
  429. >It wasn't long before you finished inside her
  430. >And helped her unpack
  431. >And you were on your way, back to your own life, and caring for your aging mother
  432. >Whose bright, lovely smile greeted you every day
  433. >Life was looking better
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