
The Night Is Ours - Chapter 1

Aug 6th, 2013
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  1. The Night Is Ours
  2. =================
  4. Chapter I
  5. ---------
  7. >It is night.
  8. >You roll around in your bed, unable to sleep.
  9. >Thoughts torment your tired mind.
  10. >You open your eyes and decide to get up.
  11. >It's a full moon, so turning on the light isn't necessary.
  12. >You open the door to the lantern-lit Canterlot castle hallway.
  13. >Your mind begins to wander as you drag your feet over the polished marble floor.
  15. >Only a week has passed since you were teleported to this world.
  16. >You couldn't remember much about yourself from back in your world.
  17. >Neither do you remember anything about the circumstances that brought you here.
  18. >All you know is that one night, you landed head-first in a room that shimmered like crystal.
  19. >You fell unconscious as your head bashed onto the hard floor.
  20. >When you woke up, you instantly noticed that everything looked brighter.
  21. >And more colourful.
  22. >And there were talking horses that could do magic.
  23. >Princess Celestia was nice enough to let you stay at Canterlot Castle until they would figure out what to do with you.
  25. >You take a turn from the hallway through a door out to a large balcony.
  26. >You put your hands onto the cold railing and look up into the star-filled Equestrian sky.
  27. >A beautiful sight, and so clear without all the light pollution back on earth.
  28. >Back on earth... you still don't know if you ever will get to see that place again.
  29. >Or if you even want to.
  31. >As you were pondering those questions, someone comes up beside you.
  32. >You both stand there in silence for a moment.
  33. "Good evening, Princess Luna."
  34. >"Greetings, Anon."
  35. >She has this weird way of talking.
  36. >"What brings you out here at this time of night?"
  37. "I couldn't sleep, Princess."
  38. >A moment passes.
  39. >"Do you wish to speak about it?"
  40. "I don't mean to bother you with such inane things, Prin-"
  41. >"Please, call me Luna. And I will be happy to listen to you, Anon. I don't get much company."
  42. "I understand."
  43. >The two of you stand side by side, looking out over Canterlot.
  44. >Only a few lights are still on.
  45. >A lone guard is patrolling at the castle gate.
  46. "There has been something on my mind lately."
  47. >Luna raises her ears, but makes no comment.
  48. >You continue.
  49. "Why me? Why of all people back on earth would I be brought here?"
  50. >You pause for a moment.
  51. "I am sometimes afraid that I will become lonely. I'm... different."
  52. >"I can relate, Anon."
  53. >"I sometimes ask the same question to myself as well. Why did I become Princess of the night?"
  54. "Have you found an answer?"
  55. >"Not as of yet. And I probably never will. Things are just how they are."
  56. >"As Princess of the night, I'm not a figure the Equestrians get to see very often."
  57. >"Besides, the one thousand year banishment has certainly not made me more sociable."
  58. Both of you stare into the distance for a moment.
  59. "How do you cope?"
  60. >"I don't."
  62. >Ten silent minutes have passed.
  63. >You breathe in audibly.
  64. "It is a beautiful night."
  65. >"Thank you."
  66. "Are there some chairs here? My feet are getting sore. N-Not that I don't enjoy your company, of course."
  67. >Luna chuckles.
  68. >She levitates two sun loungers over.
  69. >"I do enjoy your attitude. It's not often that I see someone who's not a pony feel this awkward around me."
  70. >You feel blood rushing to your cheeks.
  71. "I-I- didn't mean to give the impre-"
  72. >"Oh Anon, stop being so formal. It's just the two of us here, and since I don't take offense at some informalities, there's no one else around here who would."
  73. >Luna puts down the furniture and occupies one of the sun loungers.
  74. >Hastily, you lie down beside her.
  75. >It feels odd having a Princess warm up to you.
  76. >After all, you're just a simple human in a strange world.
  77. >"Anon" Luna says,
  78. >"I quite enjoy having someone to talk to during these lonely nights."
  79. >You feel like you've finally found something to hold onto in this foreign environment.
  80. "I do enjoy your company as well." you answer.
  81. >You'd have heard Luna's thanks if you hadn't already fallen asleep.
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