
[Cabbage, Chapter 2]

Dec 2nd, 2012
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  1. [Cabbage, Chapter 2]
  2. >"Uh, y-yes! We do! We're just, uh, trying to find it, is all!" the voice responded. You could almost feel the attempted reassuring smile in its tone.
  3. >This was just a grand old mess, wasn't it? You'd been sucked into some kind of bright white light, assuming you'd be going to an afterlife of some sort, only to wake up on a surprisingly comfy something or other and frighten the living daylights out of someone. You assumed the two voices you heard to be the owners of wherever it was you had awoken in, though, really, it was quite possible that you were outside, somewhere. Maybe you'd woken up inside someone's car? Or, perhaps a desert caravan transporting cushion-y furniture? You had no idea, but, wherever it was, it was someone elses property, and they were apparently very surprised about your appearance here.
  4. "If... If you can't find any bandages, wrap the wounds... wrap them in s-some torn up clothes... Just- just do it quickly..."
  5. >The blood loss was wreaking havoc on your mind; you could hardly hear, you couldn't see anything but vague blurs, and your speech was impaired beyond belief. Your cognitive functions were beginning to deteriorate, and you knew that if your wounds weren't wrapped soon, you'd have little to be remembered by but a deep red stain on this incredibly comfortable piece of furniture.
  6. >"Ripped clothes! Got it! I'll be right back!" the excited voice replied, followed by the sound of quick, clacking footsteps.
  7. >How strange... Two sets of steps? You'd heard of seeing double, but never hearing double...
  9. >So, this was your great wish, was it? You finally found a human, and it was currently dying on your couch. Sweet Celestia, wouldn't that leave a stain... That wasn't important right now, though. What was important was finding something to stop the human's bleeding. The big ape must've been in quite the doozy of a fight, he was covered in bruises and scrapes enough to be compared to a minotaur after a night of heavy drinking.
  10. "Okay, so... dresses, dresses, dresses... more dresses... Do I have anything in here that wouldn't rip like tissue paper if I put it on the human?"
  11. >And, just as you finished that sentence, you came upon an old, raggedy jacket that had been sitting around your house for the last two years. It was all torn up from previous adventures, but it'd do, for the job you had. You lifted it telekinetically from its hanger, then began to trot downstairs, ripping the coat into long, thin strips; faux bandages.
  12. >Coming back down to your guest of honor, you found him to still be in the same position: lying down on his back and bleeding profusely from nearly every limb he had- most, you might add, were bent at somewhat odd angles.
  13. "Hey, big guy, I got something to cover those cuts up."
  14. >"Do you...? Good. Do it quick, I don't think I've got too much more blood to lose, here..." he groaned. The human seemed to be male, by what you could tell.
  15. >You laughed softly, then began to wrap the thick fabric around his gaping wounds. Each one absorbed the ichor nicely, keeping it from draining out too quickly and seeping into your couch.
  16. >You breathed a heavy sigh of relief, then looked up at the human, a light grin on your face. However, he did not return it. In fact, he seemed to frown, his eyes taking on a very dark tone.
  17. >"I knew I should've just slept on the street." he grumbled, eyeing you up and down.
  19. >So. Your savior was a mint colored horse. Great. And it talked, too. And used some sort of telekinesis. Either you were hallucinating from blood loss, or this was some serious shit you were seeing. Unfortunately for you, it is the latter. However, on the bright side, she did tend to your wounds rather expertly; today was not the day you would die. You made eye contact with her, then made a move to bring your arm to your side.
  20. >You gritted your teeth and bit back a howl of animalistic pain as you did so. You'd forgotten, that was the broken one. Now, you looked up at her again from where you'd been glancing to your arm, pain nearly bringing you to tears.
  21. "I... need a... splint."
  22. >Her face lit up, eager to help you once more. She rushed back up the stairs she'd emerged out of, and the sounds of frantic searching could be heard as she looked for the materials nescecary for a makeshift splint. Yeah, it was going to be a long, long night, wasn't it?
  24. >You were busy rummaging through drawers and dressers, looking for something, anything to ease that broken arm of his. At least, you assumed it was broken- it looked broken, to say the least. Anyhow, you were looking through your closet again when you found them; two loose planks you'd bought and planned to nail up to the walks for storage space. They'd be going to far better use now.
  25. >Without a thought, you picked them up, and rushed back downstairs, preparing the splint for the human.
  26. >It was going to be a long night.
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