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Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. Nazrin - by Tyrz
  3. AJS's Supercool Judging System!
  5. * My focus is on fun factor, fairness, and challenge of the danmaku. Aesthetics will be a MINOR component to reward going the extra mile or punish bad design choices.
  6. * I will score your entry based on the difficulty that is most "playable" for me (typically somewhere around Normal/Hard) while still being fun and fair
  7. ** I will not factor in how well your difficulty settings are balanced, however. That'd just kinda complicate things.
  8. ** It would still be to your benefit to make balanced difficulties though--or at least more than one--so I can find a difficulty most suited to me for scoring
  10. My scoring system will be as such:
  11. >0 -- Unplayable (i.e. broken, extremely buggy, etc.)
  12. >1 -- Terrible/No effort
  13. >2 -- Bad
  14. >3 -- Needs work
  15. >4 -- Has potential
  16. >5 -- Average
  17. >6 -- Okay
  18. >7 -- Decent
  19. >8 -- Good
  20. >9 -- VERY good
  21. >10 -- One of the best things I've seen
  23. -Stage portion (if you have one): X/10
  24. -Each nonspell (midboss included): X/10
  25. -Each spell card (midboss included): X/10
  26. *All scores will then be averaged, then multiplied by 2 to give a final score of XX.XX/20.00
  27. *Aesthetic bonus
  28. (May be applied to individual pattern scores for making especially pretty/eye-sore attacks, or to overall score for general script aesthetics):
  29. *You will receive neither a penalty nor bonus for making a decent to look at script that doesn't stand out. I don't want to tip things in the favor of advanced scripters too much.
  30. -Score bonus for going above and beyond to make something beautiful: +4% if applied to individual attack score; +2% if applied to overall script score
  31. -Score penalty for making poor aesthetic choices that make certain things hard to see or look at: -4% if applied to individual attack score; -2% if applied to overall script score
  33. I will also do my best to provide commentary on every aspect of your script throughout my judging, pointing out things you did right and things you could
  34. improve on. I wouldn't call myself an expert, but these comments will just be my honest opinions and advice on what you could do for future scripts, or if you
  35. wanted to improve your contest entry script after the contest.
  37. ***DISCLAIMER: Please don't get hurt if I give your script bad/mediocre scores. I try to be as strict and objective as possible when scoring, so even scripts that I personally liked or thought
  38. were pretty decent may still get "meh" scores from me. I try not to sugarcoat things in the hopes that you can improve, and so long as you're willing to listen to advice, I have nothing but
  39. respect for you. Also, I'm just really really picky... So please bear with me ^^; **
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  45. Difficulty judged: Hard
  47. Stage: 5/10
  48. *It felt rather repetitive, with the frequent overusage of streaming and random bullets
  49. *However, I really liked the part with the slow enemies that left trails of blue bullets. I wish there was more of that
  51. Cirno Nonspell: 5/10
  52. *The light orbs would have made an interesting element to dodge, but I feel they're not very "present" enough to bring much to the table
  53. *Dodging the pellet bullets, even with the light orbs around, is fairly trivial
  55. Cirno Spell (Ice Sign "Perfect Icicle"): 7/10
  56. *This one's not too difficult, but it's fairly fun to dodge
  57. *I wish Cirno didn't move around so much though
  59. Nazrin Nonspell 1: 2/10
  60. *It's just a ripoff of one of Nazrin's canon patterns, but without the part of the pattern that made it interesting
  61. *Very boring, it's just moving back and forth
  63. Nazrin Spell 1 (Rod Sign "Blue Rod"): 2/10
  64. *Another ripoff of one of Nazrin's spells. Not much to say here
  66. Nazrin Nonspell 2: 6/10
  67. *Fairly fun with the added element of the bouncing bullets
  68. *However, I think your warning should have been a bit more obvious. I barely noticed the red flashing
  70. Nazrin Spell 2 (Defense Sign "Treasure Guard"): 8/10
  71. *I really like the dynamic you have going on between the slow predictable bullets and the fast slightly unpredictable bullets. Makes for very fun dodging!
  73. Nazrin Spell 3 (Search Sign "Uranium Detector"): 4/10
  74. *Another ripoff, but this one's still rather fun to dodge
  75. *Avoiding the slower bullets will still watching out for the lasers is quite fun
  77. Nazrin Nonspell 3: 6/10
  78. *Pretty decent, but I wish it had been a bit faster and a bit more intense. It still feels rather underwhelming
  80. Nazrin Spell 4 (Jeweled Sign "Rare Treasure"): 3/10
  81. *Another ripoff. Not bad for dodging, but the RNG god can really decide how fun this spell may be
  83. Nazrin Spell 5 ("Rod"): 2/10
  84. *Extremely rudimentary, just a simple "stream the lasers while dodging bullets" type of spell. Doesn't help that it drags on for quite a bit as well
  86. Nazrin Nonspell 4: 5/10
  87. *Fairly fun to dodge, though can be a bit too dense at times
  89. Nazrin Spell 6 (Treasure Sign "Drop Treasure"): 3/10
  90. *Not a bad concept, borrowing an idea from Double Spoiler, but the pattern is extremely simple and it is VERY easy to screw yourself. I often end up just bombing through this one
  92. Nazrin Spell 7 (Vision Sign "Great Gold Pendulum"): 4/10
  93. *Decent pattern, even if it is just slow BoWaP with aimed bullets and a few extra elements
  96. Average score: 62/140 = 44.29% + [2% AESTHETIC BONUS] = 46.29%
  98. FINAL SCORE: 9.26/20
  100. Final comments:
  101. -My biggest issues were all the patterns you basically just ripped off from Nazrin's canon battle
  102. -And the ones that weren't ripped off just felt uninspired
  103. -You've got creative ideas, I know you do. That's why I enjoyed your Flandre. Don't be afraid to branch out and deviate from canon!
  104. -It's not like Nazrin's a final or EX boss, so you don't have a lot of material to work off if you just make a strict copy of her fight
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