
Slipstream RX v1.0 Change Log

Jan 31st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. PDF:
  2. - Slipstream RX is officially licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license. People are allowed to fork the project and modify as they see fit, as long as it's for non-commercial purposes, and proper credit is given. I was considering Share-Alike, but OCs can be considered a transformative work building on the original and I refuse to lay ownership to people's characters on principle. If this burns me, then I will go up in flames without regrets.
  3. - I guess it's only appropriate I credit myself, huh? I've put myself in the credits.
  4. - Playtesters have been updated to the folks who have been consistent with feedback-providers/input givers. Thank you all again so much!
  5. - The track locale formerly named Nui-Ahi-Tepua has been renamed to "Temple of Fire" to avoid sensitive connotations with a culture I knew less about than my research had led me to believe. I suppose that's the price of internet research! Take note, folks!
  6. - The Temple of Fire map in sample maps has been changed to Two-Pronged Path.
  7. - The PDF now has a printable character sheet and a sample character sheet attached to it.
  8. - The PDF now has links to the sample maps.
  9. - The book now has new art from back to front! Ow, my hands!
  10. - The index has been removed because I cannot figure out Affinity Publisher 2's Indexing system.
  11. - 0.3 stroke bolding has been changed to 0.2.
  12. - The oneshot character sheets have been altered to be consistent with campaign sheets--pilot on the left, vehicle on the right.
  13. - The maps have been given arrows at the starting line to indicate what direction to go in.
  16. - Added that you cannot use the same Dash Zone twice in a single movement, rather than in general.
  17. - Clarified that Checkpoints/Starting Lines are exempt from Jump Pads and their Feature evasion.
  18. - For testing, we've had a pretty common houserule that diagonal tiles on Features can be bypassed by Grip. This houserule is really fun and gives Grip a huge buff. So it's been implemented--diagonal Features activate from cardinal directions but can be bypassed via Grip. Guide and OoB are special cases!
  19. - Racers now cannot drive backwards past a Checkpoint.
  20. - Dodging an attack does not mandate you redraw your hand right away. You wait until the end of your next turn proper to redraw.
  21. - Clarified that Shifting to move does not allow you to pass a Checkpoint.
  22. - It is now specified that cards are discarded after movement has concluded and the turn has ended, and redrawing happens afterwards. For Abilities that require an order of operations, the specific order is now play > discard > draw.
  23. - Specified that, when Retiring, hand size cannot go below 1. This actually is already said in the book, but now it's explicitly stated.
  24. - Added that, when a player has no cards in their hand and it's their turn, they play off the top of the deck.
  25. - Clarified that for ALL rules that need Checkpoints, the Starting Line also counts as a Checkpoint, rather than just specifically Stunts.
  26. - Clarified that if a respawning vehicle occupies a spot as any other vehicle they cohabitate peacefully, rather than just player vehicles. NPCs are people, too! Technically. Sort of.
  27. - Clarified that Jump Pads activate any Features landed on when movement has ended and the player has landed.
  28. - Clarified that 6 Enemy Racers are the standard amount, more or less can be included to taste.
  29. - Body has been given a universal buff. Playing a card equal to or under the Body's value allows the vehicle to ignore the negatives of one square of Feature in a move.
  30. - A GMing Slipstream RX section has been added to the book to provide a little more information as to GM responsibilities and potential houserule abilities.
  31. - Respawning is now handled completely differently. You no longer lose your maximum hand size, instead you spawn at [Body - 2, minimum 1] Energy and can discard to increase your Energy.
  32. - Altered "Traps will persist on the track" to "Traps CAN persist on the track", to provide an option for GMs to remove traps.
  33. - Boost has been dramatically rehauled. Now it has the same consistent play-under-to-activate effect as the others, providing the ability to play an extra card if you spend 1 Energy. This both gives a downside to Boost builds in that they now are constantly bleeding cards and are especially vulnerable to card denial, but it also gives a buff to them in that their Boosts are considered separate movements and can individually make use of Body/Grip.
  34. - For Pilot rules, Shifts can reduce a Check's value and add to a Challenge's value.
  35. - Losing a Challenge provides a +1 to the next value if it is a Check.
  36. - Pilot resuscitations have been streamlined in explanation slightly. Resuscitation can also happen if a Pilot is not Retired, and can be done to restore 1 Resolve.
  39. - Labeled as Alpha 6 to not cause misunderstanding with Slipstream's (complete!) release version. World of Slipstream RX is still in development!
  40. - New pilot abilities: Dark Horse, Free Pass, Hit and Run, Pro Racer Move, Roll Cage, Slip and Slide, Skim Off (thanks CF!), and Emergency Refuel.
  41. - Clarified that players should be able to freely respec out their skills/abilities as they see fit.
  42. - Backblast still used Interrupt. It now specifies Cut-Off.
  43. - Backblast now specifies that you can Cut-Off with a Shortcut, normally an impossibility, rather than getting two actions (a Shortcut *and then* a Cut-Off).
  44. - Backblast now specifies that the action must be successful for the negative effects to proc.
  45. - Backblast's insta-Retire now happens if Energy is *below* 4, rather than equal to or below.
  46. - Backblast now clarifies what to do in case someone wants to escalate with something other than a Joker.
  47. - Gutter Run and Blast Turn have been merged together into Cannonball Run.
  48. - To separate it Blast Turn has been rehauled to benefit Grip builds much better, acting as a passive ability.
  49. - Drift Boost has been rehauled to be a passive ability.
  50. - Boost Fire has been temporarily removed while I think about wtf to do about it, especially with the advent of the new Boost system. Like Rocket Start, it's turned out to be a bit of a problem child.
  51. - Jackpot was, ironically, too much of a crapshoot. And with the advent of the new Boost changes, it's a little...excessive. It has now been changed to be two cards of the same suit and is now once per checkpoint. Name changed to Trump Suit.
  52. - Pulse Wave has been clarified to be within two squares of you, including diagonals, rather than a 5x5 square.
  53. - Roadkiller has been clarified that the hand size that applies is the current maximum hand size, rather than the "standard" hand size of 4.
  54. - Roadkiller's caveats were too many and too varied. Its effect has been generally streamlined.
  55. - Roadkiller has also been turned into a "Energy OR card" effect--with Forced Induction being once-per-lap and Daily Double being once-per-checkpoint, Roadkiller as a passive allowed for far too frequent draws in comparison. This should give it a limitation!
  56. - Jump Jacks allows an Evade to be launched up to four squares away, rather than three.
  57. - It's About Family has been rehauled to be more mechanically-based rather than narrative-based, while still providing an option for a narrative benefit.
  58. - Hidden Plan's usage case has been clarified, to keep people from using it immediately after a Cut-Off.
  59. - Clarified that Forced Induction allows you to exceed past your maximum hand size, but only for one turn.
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