
princess adventures5 The icequeen come'th, a toll to be paid

Jun 11th, 2014
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  1. [21:52] <~Kroked> Last we say the group they were being Escorted by Evnageline Seriko to the Royal Palace of Eolas
  2. [21:54] <~Kroked> you are currently in the Empresses's Visiting CHambers, the Empress herself absent, though you've been assured she'll arrive shortly. Eva meanwhile, apparently had buisness to take care of
  3. [21:56] * Erina has made Soul carry her large weapon so as to not 'ruin her dress'
  4. [21:57] <~Kroked> Soul is holding it on his lap currently and seems to be deep in thought
  5. [21:58] <~Kroked> "Hey Eri, can I ask you a question?"
  6. [21:58] <Erina> "Sure, what's up?"
  7. [21:59] <~Kroked> "You guys have all this crazy technology and stuff right? Faster than light travel, Remi told me about gates, and you have magic too so, I can't help but wonder..."
  8. [22:00] <~Kroked> "Isn't there and easier way to carry this thing?" he nudges the sword in emphasis
  9. [22:00] <Erina> "You know.....I'm not too sure."
  10. [22:00] <Luna> "Ofcourse there is, you strap it to your back like she does instead of carrying it like its a kitten"
  11. [22:00] <Erina> "It's not too bad, I can usually carry it no problem!"
  12. [22:01] <Remiel> "...Did you lose your sheath again, Erina?"
  13. [22:01] <~Kroked> "Sheath?"
  14. [22:01] <Luna> "That hunk of metal has a sheath?"
  15. [22:01] <Erina> "I thought the thing I use to carry it WAS my sheath."
  16. [22:02] <Remiel> "Honestly, I bought that thing for you so you wouldn't HAVE to carry it around like that."
  17. [22:02] <~Kroked> Soul just looks confused
  18. [22:02] <Luna> "I dont get it either soul, does she have two sheaths for that thing?"
  19. [22:02] <Erina> "But I like carrying it around. It looks cool!"
  20. [22:02] <Erina> "......Just not in this dress."
  21. [22:03] <Erina> "So what's this other sheath thing?"
  22. [22:03] <~Kroked> at that moment
  23. [22:03] <~Kroked> the door to the room opens
  24. [22:03] <~Kroked> BGM
  25. [22:03] * Remiel sighs. "Never mind..."
  26. [22:05] <~Kroked> A Beautiful Imposing blonde woman in a slim fitting Violet dress walks in. her ears and hands adorned with jewlery that somehow is both beautiful, but not gaudy
  27. [22:06] * Luna whispers under her breath "Beautyful..."
  28. [22:07] <~Kroked> she looks you all over with a cold looking gaze "Now, why exactly are you here Princess Erina." she says, her gaze settling on Erina
  29. [22:07] * Erina curtsies. "I am Princess Erina of Animus here to pay my respects to the Empress during my visit to the capital."
  30. [22:08] <Erina> "Ah....I'm traveling on vacation?"
  31. [22:08] <~Kroked> "You mean hear to cover your ass after being caught due to foolishly flashing your ID in a foreign capital while running from home right?"
  32. [22:08] <~Kroked> "I just received word from your brother"
  33. [22:08] <Erina> "R-right......."
  34. [22:09] * Erina looks down at the floor
  35. [22:10] <~Kroked> "I'm detaining you all to the Palace, Evangeline has gone to talk to Spirit on personal buisness, she will also inform him you are hear, and ask him to send someone to fetch you"
  36. [22:14] <~Kroked> "You are welcome to explore any of the first floor, but anywhere else is off limits."
  37. [22:15] <Erina> "Thank you...."
  38. [22:15] <~Kroked> "However"
  39. [22:15] <~Kroked> "I do have one question."
  40. [22:15] <~Kroked> "Who, exactly, is this?" she says, pointing to Soul
  41. [22:40] * Erina continues to dejectedly stare at the ground
  42. [22:41] * Remiel fidgets with her dress, trying to find the courage to speak up.
  43. [22:42] * Luna pats Erina on the back and whispers to her "Have some more confidence will you, i thought you were going on an adventure not sitting in one spot being babysat"
  44. [22:42] <~Kroked> Sabrina's gaze darts to Luna "Quiet, I was not speaking to you"
  45. [22:42] <Erina> "R-right...."
  46. [22:43] <Erina> "This is my long lost brother, Soul Vains."
  47. [22:44] <~Kroked> "... I see. And in what circumstances dd you find him?"
  48. [22:45] <Erina> "I found him during and am currently showing him the worlds he was not aware of."
  49. [22:45] <~Kroked> "Where exactly did you locate him?"
  50. [22:46] <Erina> "W-why do you need to know?"
  51. [22:47] <~Kroked> Sabrina laughs "Because here in Eolas, information is the most valuable thing there is"
  52. [22:48] <Erina> "Then this information would be valuable, wouldn't it?"
  53. [22:48] <~Kroked> Sabrina actually smiles "I see you're catching on. A Proper Princess should always be aware of the habits of their Neighbors"
  54. [22:51] <Erina> "My apologies, I'll be sure to become more studious about the customs of other nations."
  55. [22:53] <~Kroked> "I'm glad you are becoming a small bit wiser than. I will take my leave... unless, of course"
  56. [22:53] <~Kroked> "You wanted to make a deal?"
  57. [22:54] * Erina holds up an outstretched palm, "I'll give you any five pieces of information I can in return for not alerting Spirit to our location."
  58. [22:55] <Erina> "Or at least give us enough time to get away."
  59. [22:55] <~Kroked> "It would have to be some very valuable information than, what could you possibly offer me?"
  60. [22:56] <Erina> "More about Soul would probably be a good place to start."
  61. [22:57] <~Kroked> "Perhaps, but I'd wager I know more about him than you do"
  62. [22:58] <Remiel> ((Can I roll for notice? I wanna see if she has a tell.))
  63. [22:58] <Erina> "I-if you did, why would you have asked me so many questions about him?"
  64. [22:58] <~Kroked> Remiel: go ahead
  65. [22:58] <Erina> (Rolling style)
  66. [22:59] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  67. [22:59] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 71."
  68. [22:59] <~Kroked> Remiel: you can't read her
  69. [23:00] <Luna> (rolling same notice for same thing)
  70. [23:00] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  71. [23:00] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 98."
  72. [23:00] <~Kroked> open roll
  73. [23:01] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  74. [23:01] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 82."
  75. [23:02] <~Kroked> 180
  76. [23:02] <~Kroked> man she's smug
  77. [23:02] <~Kroked> but she doesnt seem to be lying about anything
  78. [23:02] <Erina> ((Rolling style for persuasion/charisma))
  79. [23:03] <~Kroked> roll
  80. [23:03] <Erina> )roll 1d100+43
  81. [23:03] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100+43 and gets 105."
  82. [23:04] * Luna nudges Remiel and shakes her head
  83. [23:04] <~Kroked> you bat your eyebrows and look pretty
  84. [23:04] <~Kroked> Sabrina looks smugly back
  85. [23:05] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100+100
  86. [23:05] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100+100 and gets 175."
  87. [23:05] <~Kroked> her radiance outshines yours
  88. [23:06] <~Kroked> "To see how long before you realized your mistake my dear"
  89. [23:08] <~Kroked> "That you were letting out what many would see as highly valuable information, out for free"
  90. [23:12] <Erina> "Then....Then what about the reason Spirit never lets me leave the castle? What about that?"
  91. [23:12] <~Kroked> "You mean your ilness?"
  92. [23:12] <Erina> "And the nature of it, or at least what we know so far."
  93. [23:13] <~Kroked> "I know quite a bit about it, your brother came to me asking about a cure after all"
  94. [23:13] <Remiel> "...She's trying to keep you talking to get free information out of you."
  95. [23:14] <~Kroked> Remiel: you get a very cold look from Sabrina
  96. [23:14] <~Kroked> "That was very rude"
  97. [23:14] <Erina> "I can't just be silent....I got us into this mess, I need to at least make an effort to get us out."
  98. [23:15] <Luna> "You are just digging the hole deeper princess, let Remiel handle this "
  99. [23:15] <~Kroked> you all feel a plable cold come from Sabrina
  100. [23:16] <~Kroked> "That, was your second Strike miss Arleen"
  101. [23:16] * Luna stiffens on hearing her last name
  102. [23:16] <~Kroked> "You don;t want to get another one"
  103. [23:16] <Remiel> ((Can I roll to see if she's inside my head?))
  104. [23:17] <~Kroked> Remiel: go ahead
  105. [23:17] * Luna thinks to herself "How the hell does she know that, its not in any records"
  106. [23:17] <Remiel> ((Which would that fall under.))
  107. [23:17] <~Kroked> go with notice
  108. [23:18] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  109. [23:18] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 109."
  110. [23:18] <~Kroked> you don't think you feel anyone but yourself
  111. [23:19] <~Kroked> ((roll again))
  112. [23:19] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  113. [23:19] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 113."
  114. [23:19] <~Kroked> open roll
  115. [23:19] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  116. [23:19] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 98."
  117. [23:19] <~Kroked> roll again
  118. [23:20] <~Kroked> You don't seem to feel anyone but yourself, you're pretty confident at least
  119. [23:22] <~Kroked> Sabrina turns back to Erina "Now, before I was so rudely interrupted"
  120. [23:23] <~Kroked> "I know about your illness, as your brother talked to me about a cure"
  121. [23:23] <~Kroked> "He did not like my answer, and we never discussed it again"
  122. [23:24] * Remiel looks at Sabrina curiously.
  123. [23:24] <~Kroked> Remiel: roll notice
  124. [23:25] <Remiel> )roll 1d100+15
  125. [23:25] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100+15 and gets 77."
  126. [23:26] <~Kroked> You aren;t sure, but Sabrina's eyes seem to flicker to yours with a sort of... conspiratorial expression
  127. [23:26] <~Kroked> but the moment passes so quickly you find yourself wondering if it actually happened
  128. [23:32] * Erina finds her confidence slowly slipping away
  129. [23:32] * Remiel places her hand on Erina's shoulder.
  130. [23:32] * Luna snaps out of it and puts a hand on Erinas shoulder
  131. [23:33] * Remiel nudges Soul.
  132. [23:34] <~Kroked> Erina: you suddenly notice Soul has been holding your hand this whole time
  133. [23:35] <~Kroked> you didnt notice due to Sabrina's intense presence
  134. [23:38] <~Kroked> "...Perhaps I should let you think on the matter?"
  135. [23:38] * Erina looks to her companions before smiling. "That would be nice, thank you."
  136. [23:39] <~Kroked> "Than I will see you tonight at dinner"
  137. [23:39] <~Kroked> Sabrina turns with a flourish and takes her leave
  138. [23:39] <~Kroked> the room almost feels warmer now
  139. [23:40] <Erina> "So.....anybody got any ideas?"
  140. [23:42] <Luna> "We have been given free reign of the first floor right? Could always fix up a distraction and make our escape.."
  141. [23:42] <Erina> "That sounds like a good plan. Let's go with that."
  142. [23:43] <Luna> "One large explosion comming up"
  143. [23:43] <Erina> "Uhm.....Please don't"
  144. [23:43] <Luna> "Aww.."
  145. [23:43] <Erina> "Try to remember this IS the royal palace, and tensions ARE high."
  146. [23:44] <Remiel> "That probably won't work."
  147. [23:45] <Luna> "its either we stay here with miss frosty and wait for your king, or we try to get the heck out of here, not seeing any other plans here"
  148. [23:45] <Remiel> "No I mean that it won't work because they're probably listening to us."
  149. [23:46] <Erina> "Maybe we can find a way out by searching the first floor."
  150. [23:46] <Erina> "She's probably expecting us to do this anyway...."
  151. [23:47] <Luna> "You two are all dressed up nice and fancy, guess that leaves the searching to me"
  152. [23:48] <Luna> "Unless Soul would like to stop standing their gawking like an idiot"
  153. [23:48] <Erina> "We can still look around the rooms with you."
  154. [23:49] <Remiel> "They'll probably also be watching our every move..."
  155. [23:49] <~Kroked> "That's true"
  156. [23:49] <Luna> "Then what do we do? Just stay here?"
  157. [23:49] <~Kroked> "Maybe it'd be easier of we split up?"
  158. [23:49] <~Kroked> "We can see more stuff that way"
  159. [23:50] <Remiel> "Actually, there is one thing I want to try and find, first..."
  160. [23:51] <Erina> "It'd probably best to have one person who can search paired with someone dressed up like la- oh? What's up Remi?"
  161. [23:51] <~Kroked> "What's that?"
  162. [23:51] <Remiel> "A library."
  163. [23:51] * Luna pokes Soul "You can let her go now you know"
  164. [23:52] <~Kroked> "Ah! right"
  165. [23:52] <~Kroked> he does so
  166. [23:52] <~Kroked> "Why a library?"
  167. [23:52] <Luna> "Wouldnt a library be more guarded then anywhere else in this place?"
  168. [23:53] <Remiel> "Well, yes. But I was hoping to find some information."
  169. [23:53] <Remiel> "I just hope there's one on the first floor."
  170. [23:55] <Erina> "Let's go look for one then."
  171. [23:55] <~Kroked> you all go off together?
  172. [23:55] <Erina> ((Yes))
  173. [23:55] <Luna> (guess so)
  174. [23:55] <Remiel> ((Damn it, I was hoping to go alone.))
  175. [23:55] <~Kroked> Remiel: do you wish to sneak off?
  176. [23:56] <Remiel> (I can't very well do that if we're all heading towards the same place, now can I?)
  177. [23:56] <Erina> ((We don't know where we're going))
  178. [23:57] <~Kroked> It is a large place, with many hallways and such, it would not be incredibly difficult to find an opportunity
  179. [23:57] <Remiel> ((Sneaking off it is, then.))
  180. [23:57] <~Kroked> roll stealth
  181. [23:58] <~Kroked> the others should roll notice
  182. [23:58] <Remiel> )roll 1d100-25
  183. [23:58] * Crunk --> "Remiel rolls 1d100-25 and gets -19."
  184. [23:58] <Remiel> ...
  185. [23:58] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  186. [23:58] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 13."
  187. [23:58] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100-25
  188. [23:58] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100-25 and gets 69."
  189. [23:58] <Erina> )roll 1d100-25
  190. [23:58] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-25 and gets 38."
  191. [23:58] <~Kroked> Remiel: on your first attempt you run into a suit of armor
  192. [23:58] * Remiel trips
  193. [23:59] <Erina> "Remi! Are you alright?"
  194. [23:59] <Luna> "That was kinda cute, whats got ya distracted?"
  195. [00:00] <Remiel> "I guess I just wasn't looking as to where I was going."
  196. [00:00] <~Kroked> you continue on
  197. [00:02] <Luna> (notice for tunnles/secret passages?)
  198. [00:02] <~Kroked> Erina: Luna roll notice
  199. [00:02] <Erina> )roll 1d100-25
  200. [00:02] * Crunk --> "Erina rolls 1d100-25 and gets -5."
  201. [00:02] <Luna> )roll 1d100+5
  202. [00:02] * Crunk --> "Luna rolls 1d100+5 and gets 60."
  203. [00:02] <~Kroked> Erina: you notice nothing out of the ordinary
  204. [00:02] <~Kroked> Luna: Remiel's gone
  205. [00:03] <Luna> (hows she gone? stealth stealth roll?)
  206. [00:03] <~Kroked> she's just gone
  207. [00:03] <~Kroked> as if she dissapeared from thin air almost
  208. [00:03] <Luna> "Damnit now where did she go"
  209. [00:04] <Erina> "Wait, what do you mean?"
  210. [00:04] <Luna> "Take a look around, missing someone?"
  211. [00:04] <Luna> "Maybe you should of kept holding her hand Soul after all"
  212. [00:05] <~Kroked> "...This is wierd"
  213. [00:05] <Erina> "Remi! Where'd she go!"
  214. [00:05] <~Kroked> "I could've sworn she was just here"
  215. [00:05] <Erina> "When did we get separated?"
  216. [00:05] <Luna> "I have no idea, like soul said, she was just here"
  217. [00:06] <Erina> "We gotta find her!"
  218. [00:06] <Luna> "She couldnt of gotten far, and the guards wouldnt let her outside anyways, just keep calm and lets just keep looking"
  219. [00:07] <Luna> "You two dont have a radio or anything by chance do you?"
  220. [00:08] * Erina begins desperately searching every room they pass.
  221. [00:08] <~Kroked> Violet: some strange girls enter your bedroom
  222. [00:08] <~Kroked> describe yourself and the room
  223. [00:08] <~Kroked> *girls and a man
  224. [00:11] * Violet is sitting at a desk, reading. She has blonde hair reaching down to her back, flowing freely with a slight wave to it. Turning around and looking at the intruder reveals her green eyes and curious expression. She is wearing a light blue dress covering her thin forearms and reaching down to just above the floor
  225. [00:12] * Violet closes the book and stares at the intruders, looking both taken aback and rather unimpressed. "And who might you folks be?"
  226. [00:12] <Luna> "...cuteee"
  227. [00:12] <Erina> "Um....Erina Vains and her friends? Looking for one that got lost?"
  228. [00:13] * Luna pushes Soul out into the hall "Stay out of the ladies room"
  229. [00:13] <~Kroked> Soul just kinda blinks "Uh ok"
  230. [00:14] <Erina> "Have you seen a girl with red hair wearing a nice dress pass by here?"
  231. [00:14] <Luna> "Shes just alittle shorter then i am and is wareing glasses, cant miss her"
  232. [00:14] * Violet stands up (which does very little to add to her height) and tilts her head slightly at Luna. Turning to Erina, "I haven't seen anyone of the sort. Are you lost? Should I call some guards to escort you?"
  233. [00:15] * Violet turning towards the group reveals a little red fairy perched upon her shoulder
  234. [00:15] <Erina> "We're just kinda looking around. Apparently we're your dinner gue- How cute!"
  235. [00:16] <Luna> "Woah! Look at that little one!"
  236. [00:16] * Erina runs up to get a better look at the fairy.
  237. [00:16] * Violet 's fairy flits around to Violet's back and hides in her hair. Violet, stepping away, sighs, "Oh and now you've spooked her"
  238. [00:17] <Erina> "I'm sorry....."
  239. [00:17] <Luna> "Aww im sorry little fella, your just as cute as the little one you are riding on"
  240. [00:18] <Erina> "So uhm....what's your name?"
  241. [00:19] * Violet smiles politely at Luna's comment. The fairy peeks its head slightly out from behind her hair to get a look, then vanishes back into her yellow locks, giving the spot a warm, orange glow.
  242. [00:20] <Luna> "Its so prety, lets introduce ourselves first that might help"
  243. [00:20] * Violet straightens up, "I am Princess Violet of Eolas."
  244. [00:20] <~Kroked> it is at this moment, you realize that the fairy is, technically, on fire
  245. [00:20] <Violet> "And might you two be?"
  246. [00:20] * Erina curtsies as she reintroduces herself, "Princess Erina of Animus."
  247. [00:20] <Luna> "Uhh, My names Luna, nice to meet you. And did you know the little one is on fire..."
  248. [00:22] * Violet gives Luna a pointed look, but says nothing. Turning her gaze to Erina, "Yes, I know, or rather, know of you. Your brother was here some time ago seeing my sister about you." A slightly sad look crosses her face briefly, but quickly vanishes.
  249. [00:23] <Erina> "Right......"
  250. [00:23] <Luna> "Again, its on fire.. are you alright?"
  251. [00:23] <Erina> "So! It was nice meeting you Violet, we're gonna go continue to look for our friend."
  252. [00:24] * Violet turns and walks slightly apart from the two girls. The fairy flies out and rests upon her hand. While comforting it, "Is it not customary to announce a visit from one royal state to another?"
  253. [00:25] <Erina> "That's kind of how we ended up in the palace in the first place."
  254. [00:25] <Luna> "Sorry about that, this was a completly unplanned visit and someone.. picked a random planet to visit"
  255. [00:25] <Erina> "It's not my fault! It looked like a good place to land the ship!"
  256. [00:26] * Violet "There's nothing to worry about. She is fine, as am I." Looks back with a raised eyebrow, "Would I not notice if something burning flew into my own hair?"
  257. [00:27] <Violet> "Who is it you are looking for? And while on the subject, who was the boy outside the door, as well?"
  258. [00:27] <Erina> "We're looking for my friend Remiel, she said something about looking for a library."
  259. [00:28] <Luna> "Dont mind the guy outside, hes nothing but trouble"
  260. [00:28] <Erina> "Oh and the guy out there is my other brother, Soul."
  261. [00:29] <Violet> ""
  262. [00:29] <Luna> "Erina, shushh"
  263. [00:29] <Erina> "Twins, one disappeared, long story."
  264. [00:30] <Violet> "Twins, you say...How...intriguing"
  265. [00:31] <Luna> "Anyways.. we are sorry for the intrusion princess, we will be on our way. Still have to find Remiel "
  266. [00:31] * Luna grabs Erina and makes for the door
  267. [00:31] <Violet> "You said she was looking for the library?"
  268. [00:32] <Erina> "Eep!"
  269. [00:32] * Luna comes to a full stop
  270. [00:32] <Erina> "Yeah, but we got seperated.....and lost...."
  271. [00:32] <Luna> "We think thats where she headed off too, but we have no clue where that is, you wouldnt know by chance would you?"
  272. [00:35] <Violet> "It's nowhere near here. She certainly wouldn't have ended up in the library by mistake. Not in one piece, anyway."
  273. [00:35] <Luna> "Well.. thats odd. Does your castle here have a habbit of making people vanish into thin air?"
  274. [00:36] <Erina> "That......doesn't sound good. We need to find her!"
  275. [00:38] * Violet looks down at the floor a little shyly. "Perhaps I could be of some help in that."
  276. [00:39] * Erina pulls Violet into a hug, "Thank you so much!"
  277. [00:39] <Luna> "As nice as that would be, i dont think adding princess kidnapping to our list of deeds here would be good for our health.. are you sure about this?"
  278. [00:41] * Violet is a little surprised, but accepts the hug politely, if hesitantly.
  279. [00:41] * Violet barely reaches her chest
  280. [00:41] * Erina is bending down for the hug.
  281. [00:42] <Luna> "Erina remember to let her breath.. dont want to add murder to the list"
  282. [00:43] <Violet> "I am in my own home, after all. I don't think there would be much risk of any mistaken 'kidnapping' in the palace"
  283. [00:43] <Violet> "Besides. My sister wouldn't allow it."
  284. [00:43] * Violet 's facial expression goes noticeably softer when talking about Sabrina
  285. [00:44] <Luna> "You really do like her dont ya? If theres no misunderstandings then, we will gladly accept any help you can offer"
  286. [00:45] * Violet smiles brightly, the happiest she's looked since bursting into her room, "Yes, she's the greatest big sister in the world"
  287. [00:46] <Violet> "Now"
  288. [00:46] <Violet> "Which one of you is closest to your missing friend?"
  289. [00:46] * Erina grabs Violet by the hand, and makes her way to the door, "Then Violet, let's go look for Remi!"
  290. [00:46] <Erina> "Oh, uh. I am."
  291. [00:46] <Erina> "we've been close since childhood."
  292. [00:46] <Luna> "That would be the one carting you around like a stuffed animal, please be more gentle Erina"
  293. [00:47] <Luna> "You gotta take it easy with the little ones"
  294. [00:47] <Erina> "But she's so cute!"
  295. [00:48] <Luna> "I know, but she wont be cute if you break her"
  296. [00:48] * Violet retracts her hand, rubbing her slender wrist lightly "Looking won't be necessary. If you'll allow me, I can look into your mind just enough to know her, and use that information to find her."
  297. [00:49] * Violet makes no comment by the cute remarks, but her face goes slightly red
  298. [00:49] <Luna> "I donno if that would be safe for you... This one is scatter brained at the best of times"
  299. [00:49] <Erina> "Okay...., but try not to look at anything you don't need to...."
  300. [00:50] * Violet reaches up to places two fingers to each side of Erina's temple "All I need you to do is just think about her."
  301. [00:51] <~Kroked> Violet: roll your potential
  302. [00:51] * Erina begins to concentrate on Remiel
  303. [00:53] <~Kroked> not just 100
  304. [00:54] <Violet> )roll 1d100+60
  305. [00:54] * Crunk --> "Violet rolls 1d100+60 and gets 64."
  306. [00:55] <~Kroked> Violet: you feel a backlash of fatigue
  307. [00:55] <~Kroked> you weren;t quite succesful
  308. [00:55] <Luna> "Are you alright Violet?"
  309. [00:55] * Erina glances back to where Soul was holding Anima, but decided against mentioning it
  310. [00:56] <Erina> "Violet, were you using psionics?"
  311. [00:56] * Violet staggers back slightly
  312. [00:56] * Luna notices the glance from Erina and an idea hits her
  313. [00:57] <Luna> "Soul get in here!"
  314. [00:57] <Erina> "No!"
  315. [00:57] <Luna> "No?"
  316. [00:57] <~Kroked> Soul peeks his head around the corner "Which is it?"
  317. [00:57] * Violet 's fairy flits around her in a worried fashion
  318. [00:57] <Erina> "The gem's.....dangerous. If things go wrong it makes the psychic backlash much worse."
  319. [00:58] <Luna> "That i didnt know.. nevermind soul"
  320. [00:58] * Luna walks over to violet "Are you alright?"
  321. [00:58] <~Kroked> Soul gives you both a funny look and retreats
  322. [00:58] <Erina> "Are you okay?"
  323. [01:00] * Violet sits down on the chair at her desk, with a hand to her head. "Yes...Thank you. I think I'll be alright." She lifts a hand, to which the fairy flies. She smiles reassuringly at it.
  324. [01:00] <Erina> "Here Violet, just sit down and relax. Just concentrate and focus on your power, for a bit. It should help if you're willing to try again.""
  325. [01:00] <Luna> "Told ya it wasnt safe in her head... are you sure your alright?"
  326. [01:00] * Violet looks out towards the door as Soul is walking away, "Soul, was it? You need not leave. You can stay with your friends in here."
  327. [01:01] <~Kroked> SOul shrugs and leans up against the wall
  328. [01:02] * Violet 's fairy flits to Erina's eyelevel
  329. [01:04] * Erina stares at the fairy flitting around her field of vision
  330. [01:05] * Violet she attempts to place a fiery hand upon your face
  331. [01:07] * Erina makes no effort to move as she tries to make sure the psychic backlash didn't hit Violet too badly.
  332. [01:07] <Luna> "...Violet whats your little friend tring to do?"
  333. [01:08] * Violet Looks up at her little fairy, but too late. The fairy places a hand upon Erina's cheek, burning it.
  334. [01:09] * Erina attempts to endure it
  335. [01:09] * Violet leaps up, fatigue forgotten, apologizing.
  336. [01:09] <Luna> "Erina!"
  337. [01:10] * Violet The fairy removes its hand and flies back to Violet's open palm, where it sits down and glares hotly at Erina.
  338. [01:10] * Erina rubs her cheek a bit. "It's fine, it's fine, I'm alright."
  339. [01:11] <Violet> "I'm sorry, I didn't realize-"
  340. [01:11] * Violet pauses, her eyes slightly losing focus. She sits back down, before continuing.
  341. [01:11] <Erina> "Don't worry about it. Really."
  342. [01:11] <Luna> "Just take some time to rest"
  343. [01:12] <Violet> "S-she can be really defensive. It wasn't your fault. Honestly."
  344. [01:12] * Luna looks at the living flame and says softly "It wasnt Erinas fault please dont be mean to her "
  345. [01:13] <~Kroked> Violet: the faigue passes
  346. [01:13] <~Kroked> you're tired, but not to bad anymore
  347. [01:13] * Violet The fairy looks up curiously at Luna. It flies up and lightly places a hand upon her cheek, sending not a burning feeling, but a pleasant warmth.
  348. [01:14] <Luna> "See, thats better now isnt it?"
  349. [01:16] * Violet smiles at Luna. "She likes you."
  350. [01:16] * Violet I should introduce you three. This is Celia. She's my best friend in the whole world." Celia flies to her outstretched finger, and Violet brings her up to her own face, rubbing small cheek against smaller cheek.
  351. [01:16] * Luna slowly brings her hand up to the living flame offering it as a seat
  352. [01:17] <Luna> "Shes a cutie just like her partner is."
  353. [01:18] * Erina looks like she's resisting the urge to hug the small girl again.
  354. [01:18] <Luna> "Now then are you sure theres no other way to find Remiel? Dont really feel good about putting you through that again. "
  355. [01:19] * Violet Celia takes the offered seat, spreading the comfortable warmth along her hand.
  356. [01:20] * Luna squees in delight as the little one warms her hand
  357. [01:21] <Violet> "I...would rather not, as well. Not with such an item that you have."
  358. [01:21] <Luna> "The sword is effecting you from all the way over here?"
  359. [01:22] <Erina> "I wouldn't feel right putting you at risk by using it....I mean I use it, but that's my decision."
  360. [01:23] * Violet smiles, "No, I would just rather not risk...upsetting this gem Erina mentioned"
  361. [01:23] <Luna> "Fair enough, plan B then, lets go back to where we saw Remiel last and look around "
  362. [01:24] <Luna> "Maybe this place has some secret passages or trap doors she fell into"
  363. [01:24] * Violet Celia flies back to Violet and rests upon her head, as she stands up.
  364. [01:25] * Luna looks alittle sad as Celia leaves her hand
  365. [01:25] <Erina> "Well it's not sentient, it's just a rather high grade psychic crystal. Still dangerous though."
  366. [01:26] <Violet> "There isn't anything of the sort, certainly not on this floor of the palace. But Celia and I will try our best to assist you three."
  367. [01:27] <Luna> "This keeps getting weirder then, where could she of vanished to?"
  368. [01:27] * Violet tilts her head slightly, "Hmm, I would much like a chance to look at such a crystal."
  369. [01:28] * Violet turns to Soul, and, with a polite curtsy, introduces herself.
  370. [01:28] <~Kroked> Soul nods and proffers the sword
  371. [01:29] <~Kroked> the door, which soul had previously closed, opens
  372. [01:29] <Erina> "Watch out it's kinda heavy."
  373. [01:29] <~Kroked> its Remiel
  374. [01:30] * Remiel stands in the doorway nervously.
  375. [01:30] * Violet attempts to lift the sword, but judges it to indeed be too heavy
  376. [01:30] <Remiel> "Um, hi?"
  377. [01:30] * Luna looks on in surprise "Remiel?"
  378. [01:31] <Erina> "Remi!"
  379. [01:31] * Violet turns to the new stranger. "Oh, you must be their friend!"
  380. [01:31] * Erina runs up and hugs her
  381. [01:31] <Erina> "I was so worried! Where'd you go?"
  382. [01:31] <Luna> "That saves us some trouble i guess.. where have you been?"
  383. [01:31] <~Kroked> SOul just seems... confused
  384. [01:32] * Remiel returns the gesture. "I'm sorry... I think I took a wrong turn somewhere, and before I realized it, you guys were gone."
  385. [01:33] * Remiel looks at the young girl. "Oh, why hello there!"
  386. [01:33] <Erina> "Remi, this is Violet. She's Sabrina and Evangeline's younger sister."
  387. [01:33] * Violet smiles politely and curtsies again, "Hello."
  388. [01:33] <Erina> "Violet, this is my best friend Remiel."
  389. [01:35] <Remiel> "Pleased to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but...well...As you can see..."
  390. [01:35] <Erina> "Ah!"
  391. [01:35] * Violet Celia flits quickly around Remiel's face, before diving into Violet's hair once again"
  392. [01:35] * Erina releases her friend from the hug.
  393. [01:36] <Luna> "And that firey little ones name is Celia, cute huh?"
  394. [01:36] <Remiel> "...Was that a sheele?"
  395. [01:38] * Violet frowns slightly, "That was my best friend, who just so happens to be a sheele. Why do you ask?"
  396. [01:40] <Remiel> "Sorry, didn't mean to offend. I just remembered reading something about them, is all."
  397. [01:41] <Luna> "Is that the name for fairys in these parts?"
  398. [01:41] * Violet nods cautiously at Remiel
  399. [01:42] <Remiel> "um...Not quite."
  400. [01:43] <Erina> "Oh um, Violet. Would you happen to know any...uhm...discrete ways to get out of the palace?"
  401. [01:43] <Remiel> "If I remember correctly, they're more like...Manifestations of magic...kinda."
  402. [01:44] <Remiel> "It was a long time ago when I read about them."
  403. [01:44] <Luna> "So shes even more special then i thought, wow your lucky to have one as a friend Violet"
  404. [01:45] <Remiel> "very."
  405. [01:45] * Violet gives Remiel a pointed frown, then turns to Erina, "Why would you want to leave? Aren't you staying for dinner?"
  406. [01:46] <Erina> "Well, you see there's a very long story behind that...."
  407. [01:46] <Erina> "Basically, I'm not supposed to be out of the castle back home and if I stay, Spirit will probably be sending people to take me home."
  408. [01:49] * Remiel opens her mouth as if she were about to say something, but quickly closes it.
  409. [01:49] * Luna nudges Remiel "Whats a matter?"
  410. [01:49] * Violet looks at Erina incredulously, "You...left your palace. Without...permission?" The very idea seems almost alien to her.
  411. [01:50] <Remiel> "It's nothing."
  412. [01:51] * Luna looks slightly concered "...alright."
  413. [01:51] <Erina> "Truth be told, when I spent every day confined to the castle only seeing doctors who said the same thing and ran the same tests every day, I felt dead inside. Thanks to a friendly guard I was able to sneak out on my birthday."
  414. [01:53] <Erina> "It was my first adventure, and it was on it that I met Remi over there. I mean, I'd seen here now and then at the castle, but I never really 'met' her y'know? But after a small scuffle with some bullies we hung out and became friends. She even saved my life when my condition flared up."
  415. [01:54] <Erina> "I guess it was that day that made me fall in love with the spirit of adventure, and little by little I made plans to leave and go on a real one before.......Well, that's how we got here at least, give or take a few stops."
  416. [01:57] <Luna> "Annnd the abridged version, we stay here and her adventure stops. As fun as it would be to stick around here, we cant be having that just yet"
  417. [01:58] * Violet looks genuinely impressed and amazed, as if she were looking at a person who could casually bend reality to her very will.
  418. [02:02] <Luna> So, we gotta go, and if you know a way out thats of the secretive fashion that would help us out a great deal Violet."
  419. [02:03] * Violet blinks a few times, and regains her composure, looking slightly embarrassed "Well I don't know of any secret was out of the palace, but I don't think my big sister would want you to leave, anyway."
  420. [02:03] * Violet frowns, looks down at the ground, and mumbles
  421. [02:04] <Luna> "I know, i know, but we cant stay here either, once the kings men get here there will be no way out"
  422. [02:04] <~Kroked> you all hear a the sound a of a bell
  423. [02:05] <Erina> "Eep!"
  424. [02:05] <~Kroked> Violet: it's the dinner bell
  425. [02:05] <Erina> "What was that?"
  426. [02:05] <Luna> "...That better not be what i think it was"
  427. [02:08] <Luna> "Violet? What was that bell for?"
  428. [02:13] * Violet smiles weakly, "That's the dinner bell. I think it's a little late for you all to...leave..."
  429. [02:14] * Violet 's face goes serious in though for a moment, then brightens, "I know! I could ask my big sister to let not tell the king on you! I'm sure she would understand!"
  430. [02:14] <Erina> "Y-you'd do that?"
  431. [02:14] * Erina pulls Violet into another 'gentler' hug. "Thank you!"
  432. [02:14] <Luna> "But he already knows and is sending people for her?"
  433. [02:14] * Violet smiles again, "Of course!"
  434. [02:14] * Remiel sighs a breath of relief.
  435. [02:15] <~Kroked> you head to dinner?
  436. [02:15] <Erina> ((yes))
  437. [02:15] <Remiel> ((yeah))
  438. [02:15] * Violet returns the hug enthusiastically
  439. [02:15] * Violet leads them to the dining hall
  440. [02:15] <Luna> (this will only end badly, yes)
  441. [02:17] <~Kroked> You head there, where Sabrina is already waiting at the head of the table, a wonderful looking dinner already set at each of the plates. Violet you immediatly go to your seat to the right of Sabrina, and Erina you are sat on Sabrina's left side
  442. [02:17] <~Kroked> Remiel is place next to Erina and luna next to Violet
  443. [02:18] <~Kroked> Soul is next to Remiel
  444. [02:18] <~Kroked> "I see you met my little sister"
  445. [02:19] <~Kroked> "I do hope you were considerate to our guests Violet?"
  446. [02:19] * Violet greets Sabrina with a happy smile and grasps hands with her briefly.
  447. [02:20] * Remiel briefly glances at Sabrina.
  448. [02:20] <~Kroked> Sabrina doesnt react
  449. [02:20] <Erina> "She was really fun to meet and talk to."
  450. [02:21] * Luna throws a worried look at Remiel as if to say "We better keep our traps shut this time"
  451. [02:22] <~Kroked> "Good I'm glad, she's a little angel really."
  452. [02:22] * Remiel doesn't notice, she's too busy looking down at her food.
  453. [02:22] * Violet beams at Sabrina, "Yes, sister, I was going to help them find their lost friend, but then she showed up before I could help them. Celia really likes them, too"
  454. [02:22] * Erina subconciously rubs the small burn
  455. [02:23] <~Kroked> "Well thats good than."
  456. [02:23] <~Kroked> "Now why don't we all dig in?"
  457. [02:23] <~Kroked> Sabrin starts first, taking a bit out of some potatoe like dish
  458. [02:23] * Violet is entirely at ease around Sabrina, and is utterly oblivious of everyone else's terror
  459. [02:24] * Erina slowly eats the food in front of her while trying to remember all the manners classes from her childhood.
  460. [02:25] <~Kroked> Erina: as you eat Sabrina speaks to you
  461. [02:25] <~Kroked> "Now... Erina I have a strange question but please, bear with me"
  462. [02:25] <~Kroked> "If you could be anything, what would it be?"
  463. [02:25] * Violet eats her food like the dainty little princess she is, occasionally giving a piece to Celia, who burns it up in her hands
  464. [02:26] <Erina> ".......A good friend that people think of fondly."
  465. [02:26] * Remiel looks back and forth between Erina and Sabrina.
  466. [02:27] <~Kroked> "...I see, Well, if it means anything, I think you already are"
  467. [02:27] <~Kroked> Erina: you are starting to get drowzy
  468. [02:27] * Erina tries to stay awake.
  469. [02:27] <~Kroked> the world around you is beggining to get cloudy
  470. [02:28] * Erina pushes herself back from the table and tries to shake it off.
  471. [02:28] <Luna> "Erina?"
  472. [02:28] <~Kroked> Everyone, you watch as Erina collapses at her seat into Remiel's lap next to her
  473. [02:28] <~Kroked> Erina: you fall unconcious
  474. [02:29] <~Kroked> Sabrina slowly gets up
  475. [02:29] * Remiel looks down at Erina, and begins accumulating zeon
  476. [02:29] * Violet leans forward, concerned, "Sister! What happened to her?"
  477. [02:29] <Luna> "Remiel is she alright?"
  478. [02:29] <~Kroked> "Be calm. Remiel, explain."
  479. [02:29] * Luna reaches for her knife at the swell of her back
  480. [02:30] * Remiel looks up "I'm sorry, I asked the empress for a favor."
  481. [02:30] <~Kroked> SOul is wary
  482. [02:31] <Luna> "Asked for what? Whats going on?!"
  483. [02:31] <Remiel> "She said she knew how to cure Erina's illness."
  484. [02:31] * Violet with a worried look, directs her words towards her sister again, "What did she ask for?"
  485. [02:32] <Luna> "How? i thought you guys said the only means to do it that you knew of you would never do, whats going on damnit!?"
  486. [02:33] <~Kroked> "I never said /I/ would never do it"
  487. [02:33] <~Kroked> "I said the King was unwilling to"
  488. [02:33] <~Kroked> Sabrina flicks her wrist and all the food dissapears from the table
  489. [02:33] <Remiel> "She said there was another way, and even if You would be willing to do it, Soul. Erina would never agree."
  490. [02:34] <Luna> "Hold on, hold on, no were not killing him to get this done either"
  491. [02:34] <~Kroked> "Please move Eina onto the table
  492. [02:34] <Remiel> "It's not that, I swear."
  493. [02:34] <~Kroked> "Not a soul here will die"
  494. [02:34] * Violet tugs on Sabrina's sleeve, "What's going to happen to Erina, sister?"
  495. [02:34] <~Kroked> "She is going to be reborn Violet "
  496. [02:34] * Remiel picks up Erina and places her on the table.
  497. [02:35] <Luna> "Remi.. what about you"
  498. [02:35] <Remiel> "I already paid my end of the deal."
  499. [02:35] <~Kroked> Sabrina walks up next to Remiel and begins to concentrate, you all watch as Magic runes and energy becomes vsible around her in the form of a Violet patterns
  500. [02:36] * Remiel stops accumulating zeon.
  501. [02:36] <Luna> "I fucking knew it, no you cant! You know how Erina is going to feel after this right? You cant leave her."
  502. [02:36] <~Kroked> she takes a deep breath and... a body begins to slowly appear next to Erina's
  503. [02:36] <Remiel> "It's not like that, I swear."
  504. [02:36] <~Kroked> it looks like Erina... and yet not
  505. [02:37] <Luna> "Then why are you so sad damnit, somethings wrong here"
  506. [02:37] <~Kroked> she is different, with a light pair of wings on her back, she has a slight glow of the ethereal to her
  507. [02:37] <Remiel> "The price I had to pay... was information."
  508. [02:38] <Luna> "...Memories?"
  509. [02:38] <Remiel> "Not quite."
  510. [02:38] <~Kroked> Sabrina sighs as she finishes the first spell, obviously drained.
  511. [02:38] <Remiel> "Secrets."
  512. [02:38] <~Kroked> "You can explain afterwords"
  513. [02:38] * Violet helps Sabrina back into her seat.
  514. [02:39] <Luna> "If theres anything left after to explain! I sware if either of them are hurt you are in for something lady!"
  515. [02:39] <~Kroked> Sabrina shakes her head at Violet
  516. [02:39] <~Kroked> "Not yet"
  517. [02:39] <~Kroked> "I have one more important job"
  518. [02:39] <Remiel> "It's not like that, I swear, Luna."
  519. [02:39] <~Kroked> "I must move the soul to the new vessel"
  520. [02:40] <~Kroked> she concentrates again, magic runes filling the air, and she touches the center of Erina's chest.
  521. [02:40] <Luna> "Soul! Common you got me on this one right? This doesnt feel right!"
  522. [02:40] <~Kroked> as she slowly moves her hand away, a small bright white light follows
  523. [02:40] <~Kroked> SOul is to busy staring at the spectacle in awe
  524. [02:41] * Remiel moves over to Luna.
  525. [02:41] <Luna> "Damnit useless guy"
  526. [02:41] <~Kroked> Sabrina carefully moves the soul, and gently places it in the center of the new being's chest
  527. [02:41] * Luna readies her second knife and starts accumlating ki
  528. [02:42] <~Kroked> Sabrina falls to one knee, heavily drained
  529. [02:42] <~Kroked> "It is done"
  530. [02:42] * Remiel grabs Luna by the shoulders. "Please. I know you don't know me very much, but please, trust me."
  531. [02:42] <Luna> "If either one of you lose ANYTHING in all this, neither of you will be happy"
  532. [02:42] <Luna> "If i can stop that i will"
  533. [02:43] * Violet tries to help catch her sister as best as a tiny 12 year old can
  534. [02:43] <~Kroked> Violet: you do so, and help Sabrina into a seat
  535. [02:44] <~Kroked> "Don't worry, soon... she'll wake up"
  536. [02:44] <~Kroked> "And you'll see"
  537. [02:44] <~Kroked> Erina: you wake up
  538. [02:44] <~Kroked> you feel... different, lighter
  539. [02:44] <Luna> "I dont want soon, i want NOW! Fix whatever you did and break the deal with Remiel we are leaveing!"
  540. [02:44] <~Kroked> more free
  541. [02:45] <~Kroked> as if some kind of weight has been lifted off your chest
  542. [02:45] <Remiel> "I already paid my end of the bargain."
  543. [02:45] <~Kroked> "And I have fulfilled mine"
  544. [02:45] * Violet moves over to Luna and reaches up, placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her.
  545. [02:45] * Erina slowly sits up and looks around the room, "Ugh......what happened?"
  546. [02:45] * Remiel turns around to see Erina.
  547. [02:45] <~Kroked> you all watch as the being next to Erina sits up
  548. [02:47] <Remiel> "...Erina?"
  549. [02:47] * Luna loses the grip on her knives and drops to her knees
  550. [02:47] <Luna> "W-whats going on here already..."
  551. [02:47] <~Kroked> Soul continues to gape in disbeleif
  552. [02:48] <Erina> "Hey Remi, do you know what's going on? Last I remember I was eating dinner and........."
  553. [02:48] <~Kroked> Sabrina speaks in a ragged voice "Remiel made a deal with me Erina "
  554. [02:48] * Erina freezes as she sees her body next to her, and screams.
  555. [02:48] <Erina> "Oh no!"
  556. [02:49] * Luna flinches at the scream and starts to tear up
  557. [02:49] <~Kroked> Sabrina doesn't even flinch "Do not worry"
  558. [02:49] <Erina> "Am I dead? Am I a ghost right now? Is that why I feel lighter!?"
  559. [02:49] <~Kroked> "I made you a new body"
  560. [02:49] <Remiel> "No, you're not dead."
  561. [02:49] <~Kroked> "And tranferred your soul to it"
  562. [02:49] <~Kroked> "You no longer have to die"
  563. [02:50] * Erina feels her cheek, "Oh hey the burn's gone.......wait what?"
  564. [02:50] <~Kroked> "Violet , could you go fetch me some water?"
  565. [02:50] * Violet rushes to grab water, and brings it back, offering it to her sister.
  566. [02:51] <Erina> "....I've already come to terms with the illness, you don't need to give me false hope like that....."
  567. [02:51] <~Kroked> "Remiel and I made a deal" Sabrina says after drinking
  568. [02:51] <~Kroked> "She gave me something I desired, and in return, I made you a new body, with a heart that was clean, and without problems"
  569. [02:52] <~Kroked> "I than moved your soul into it"
  570. [02:52] <Erina> "W-w-what?"
  571. [02:53] * Luna still tears in her eyes glancing back and forth from Remiel to Erina
  572. [02:53] <Luna> "But what was givin up, deal this deal that, what did you take!"
  573. [02:53] <~Kroked> "Information"
  574. [02:53] <~Kroked> "That's all"
  575. [02:53] * Violet Celia flits out of Violet's hair, much to her distress, and up to Erina. It places its hand upon Erina's cheek in the same spot it had touched before. A calming warmth spreads from the tiny fairy's hand.
  576. [02:54] <~Kroked> "Afterall, information is power"
  577. [02:54] * Erina slowly makes her way over to Remiel and places her hands on her friend's shoulders, "Remi, please, look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't need to do anything too drastic for my sake."
  578. [02:55] <~Kroked> Erina: you feel a slight breeze
  579. [02:55] * Luna gets up, vaults over the table, grabs Remiel and starts shakeing her
  580. [02:55] <Luna> "What was it!? Are you still you in there!?"
  581. [02:55] * Remiel looks straight at Erina, smiling, tears welling up in her eyes. "I didn't."
  582. [02:57] * Erina pulls Remiel into a tight hug with tears streaming from her eyes. "I-I don't know what I can say......It almost feels like a dream......Remi...Thank you so much, there's nothing I can even imagine that I can do to make it up to you...."
  583. [02:57] <Erina> "A-and Y-Your Highness, thank you so much as well....for this new chance at life."
  584. [02:58] <~Kroked> Sabrina just gives a small wave "It's nothing"
  585. [02:58] * Violet smiles back and forth from Erina to her sister
  586. [02:58] * Erina eventually notices the breeze and looks down
  587. [02:59] <~Kroked> Erina: you're naked
  588. [02:59] <~Kroked> naked as a newborn... which you are technically
  589. [02:59] * Luna wipes her eyes and clears her throat "ya dont mind me, i wasnt worried or anything"
  590. [02:59] <~Kroked> Soul continues to gape
  591. [03:00] * Violet offers to give Erina some of her clothes, forgetting that she is probably half her size
  592. [03:00] * Erina turns bright red before hiding behind Remiel.
  593. [03:00] * Luna punches soul in the head, not hard enough to do him harm just to get him to stop gawking
  594. [03:00] <~Kroked> over the next hour or so, you get yourself decent and dressed
  595. [03:00] * Erina makes a point to go and hug and cry with Luna as well
  596. [03:00] <~Kroked> END RP
  597. [03:00] <~Kroked> 20 exp for everyone but Remiel
  598. [03:01] <~Kroked> Remiel: 42 exp for you
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