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Sep 20th, 2013
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  1. SOA without the tears (A pragmatic alternative with embedded Rails engines) - Jon Wilkinson, Anthony Zacharakis - Lumosity
  3. - Overview
  4. - failed attempts and why
  5. - what are embedded engines?
  6. - when can I use embedded engines?
  7. - Lumosity have:
  8. - 15 devs
  9. - 45mm users
  10. - Application since 2007
  11. - 28k commits, 160 new commits/week
  12. - a 'large' application
  13. - Large app problems
  14. - slow
  15. - loading gems and files
  16. - build takes 1 hr 7 mins 13 secs (358 tests 2 pending) w/ 24 cores on ruby-1.9.3-p327 [from screen-shot]
  17. - complicated
  18. - end up with a lot of god models
  19. - data flow complexity
  20. - fragile
  21. - adding new features breaks existing features
  22. - Solutions
  23. - SOA (service oriented architecture)
  24. - Basically breaking down your App into several Apps which communicate w/ well defined APIs and explicitly specified dependencies
  25. - A /lot/ of work to break down an existing application into an SOA model
  26. - new bugs (dealing with time-outs)
  27. - dealing with lots of legacy (*cruft*)
  28. - dev friction
  29. - difficult to test
  30. - difficult to secure
  31. - A compromise
  32. - broke code out into modules
  33. - trouble
  34. - discourage code independence
  35. - engines!
  36. - Engines
  37. - miniature applications which provide functionality to the host applications
  38. - engines are isolated and unable to reach into host state
  39. - engine construction is easy ``` rails plugin new <name> --mountable ```
  40. - a trick
  41. - to embed engines in your repo:
  42. - use #local_engine in the GemSpec ``` def local_engine(name); gem name, path: "engines/#{name}"; end ```
  43. - when extracting Tables, prefix tables with the engine name (to prevent conflicts)
  44. - associations, don't use associations because they encourage tight coupling
  45. - paths, ( /login -> /<engine>/login ) they're mounted in a namespace
  46. - seems complicated
  47. - engine specific config
  48. - such as: configuration options, route helpers, feature flags, AB tests, external model data, callbacks, hooks
  49. - make an initialiser and adjust it to do your engine specific config
  50. ```
  51. # in config/initializers/user_auth.rb
  52. class UserAuth::LoginsController
  53. def show
  54. @allow_facebook = Feature.enabled?(:facebook)
  55. end
  56. end
  57. ```
  58. - refactor engine to depend on config
  59. - dependencies
  60. - cross-engine and host dependency is evil, do not depend on the host app or other engines -- you will regret it
  61. - example:
  62. ```
  63. Dearest <%= first_name_or_whatever %>,
  64. We're <%-= deeply_touching_sentiment %> that you joined and thought you should check this out:
  66. <%= image_tag(purchase_driving_gaph_path %>
  67. Warm regards,
  68. Lumosity
  69. ```
  70. - If you want to CDN that image, you add:
  71. ```
  72. UserAuth.cdnize = ->(path) do # lambda notation
  73. UrlMethods.cdnize(path)
  74. end
  75. ```
  76. - in the engine:
  77. ```
  78. cdnized_url = UserAuth.cdnize(<url>)
  79. ```
  80. - avoid main app knowledge of engine internals
  81. - isolate data by putting all main app accesses into a module which explicitly conveys the API
  82. - testing
  83. - use a dummy application.. you don't need to load all your dependencies of your main app
  84. - dummy apps expose hidden dependencies (ex. translation error, the engine was expecting translations which only lived in the main app)
  85. - faster feedback loops
  86. - faster tests better tests
  87. - do not forget about your integration tests (you'll need them since you've got inter-engine dependencies in terms of data flow)
  88. - When should I use engines
  89. - old applications with lots of functions? yes.
  90. - large teams? yes. more independence.
  91. - Lumosity have over a dozen engines in production today inside their app
  92. - benefits
  93. - lightening fast specs
  94. - peace of mind
  95. - self describing
  96. - Thanks
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