
CYOA story 1, part 1

May 31st, 2013
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  1. CYOA logbook, first story
  2. Part 1:
  3. Setting: Sweet Apple Acres
  4. Side-kick:Chrysalis
  6. >You're Anonymous. You've been in Equestria for a few months, living in the woods behind Sweet Apple Acres.
  8. >You've gotten by pretty well back here by stealing apples from the trees nearby, but there are a few near the Everfree forest that are all sorts of different colours.
  10. >Without the right handling they taste like shit, but lately that's all you have to eat.
  12. >One day, you're eating these nasty apples, and your hand suddenly starts to glow orange.
  14. >You've seen this before; it's magic! Somehow, these raw, disgusting rainbow-apples have given you magic!
  16. >This could be your chance to prove yourself to the citizens of that nearby town...or make them regret forcing you into the forest.
  18. -Try testing out what the magic can do-
  20. >After careful thought, you've decided that before you do anything too rash, you should find out exactly what this magic can do, and how to use it.
  22. >You have a nasty scratch on your leg from a scuffle you got into with a strange creature in the woods a few days ago, and it hasn't been healing right. That seems like as good a start as any, so you pull up your torn pants leg to have a look at it.
  24. >The skin around it is red and puffy. You put the hand that was glowing a moment ago on top of the gash and concentrate.
  26. >You imagine the wound healing completely in the hope that that's all you have to do to make the magic work. To your relief, your hand begins to glow orange once again, and you feel a horrible itching sensation under your hand.
  28. >You remove it immediately to see that your leg has been healed completely. The skin where the gash was is slightly pink, but it's probably just from new skin growing back.
  30. >You're excited now; you can't wait to try this out again! You look over to the apple you were eating and imagine it floating over to you. To your surprise, however, it remains where it is.
  32. -So healing, but no levitation? And without testing a thousand other things... uhh... Sneak into the ponyville hospital at night to begin miraculous healings that will make us accepted?-
  34. >So you can only heal? That's...kind of a let-down. You walk over to the disgusting rainbow-apple and take another bite. You chew and collect your thoughts.
  36. >Well, at the very least, you should be able to help some ponies in the hospital. Maybe that will get the villagers to trust you.
  38. >A bright green flash blinds you for a brief moment. When you first arrived here, that scared the shit out of you. But now you know it's just Chrysalis.
  40. >She found you in the woods shortly after you arrived and tried to use magic on you, but for some reason, her powers wouldn't affect you at all. So she's taken to stalking you.
  42. >It's not like you mind her showing up like this. After all, she's your only friend here in Equestria.
  44. >"Anonymous! I have come to end your horrible leg pains! Simply join me in my cave, and I shall begin work on a healing spell immediately!
  46. >Oh, great. The cave thing again. She hasn't even noticed that your leg is healed already.
  48. "Actually Chrysalis, my leg is fine. I've healed it on my own."
  50. >She looks surprised. "But- how is that possible? You do not possess magic!"
  52. You shrug. "These apples have given me some sort of healing power. I can't seem to do anything else besides heal, though. I was planning on going to help some ponies at the local hospital tonight. Do you want to join me?"
  54. >She squirms somewhat, but she doesn't say no. For some reason, she just can't seem to leave you alone. "I suppose... the hive can fend for itself for a single night. I shall meet you outside the hospital when Luna's moon rises!"
  56. >And with that, she vanishes in another bright green flash of light. You decide to stock up on these apples, just in case your powers are temporary. You tear the leg off of your pants and make it into a make-shift bag. It can hold five apples.
  58. >That night, you meet Chrysalis outside the hospital, but it's surrounded by guards. There's only one visible door in; there's no way you could make it without being seen.
  60. -Have cheese legs magic your ass in there.-
  62. >There's only one thing to do in this sort of situation.
  64. "Chrysalis, I need you to teleport me into the hospital. Can you do that?"
  66. >She rolls her eyes and her horn glows. "Yes, I can do that." She turns into a white earth pony with a pink mane and blue eyes. She looks just like nurse Redheart.
  68. >"I'll see you inside." Your vision blurs as you're enveloped in a green aura. When you can see straight again, your surroundings are different.
  70. >The room you're in is pitch black. You feel around for a light switch and flick it on as you stumble over a mop bucket. You fall face-first into the door.
  72. >She sent you straight into a fucking janitor's closet.
  74. >No harm no foul, you suppose. You turn the light back off and slowly open the door. There's a long corridor with a sign hanging from the ceiling that says, "intense burn ward."
  76. >The corridor stretches about 100 feet with rooms on each side; probably the patient's rooms.
  78. >There's no one in sight, so you should be able to just head out of the closet and get to work.
  80. Do you start here, or move on to another area?
  82. -Start here, since any pony in here is likely to be only checked in on occasionally and will be unconscious-
  84. >Thinking about what you know about hospitals, you recall that burn wards tend to be mostly vacant of doctors at night, so you decide to start here. After one last quick glance to make sure no one is looking, you quietly walk out of the closet and move into the nearest room.
  86. >There's a young pegasus filly resting on a hospital bed. There are flowers and balloons all around the room; she must be well loved by a lot of ponies. You approach her bed, quietly.
  88. >She's got horrible second and third degree burns over her chest and front legs, but the rest of her orange coat seems to be fine. Her purple mane is short and burned in a few places, but is intact for the most part. You roll her onto her side, assuming that she's been given pain medication to help her sleep.
  90. >You rest both hands on her burn injuries, imagining that her coat is once again a bright orange and free of blemishes.
  92. >The burns scab over and vanish as you touch them, leaving a bright and vibrant orange coat behind. Her mane grows back as well.
  94. >You manage to heal her up fairly quickly, but healing her took much more effort than when you healed your leg. She stirs slightly in her sleep, probably reacting to the itching effects of the fast healing.
  96. >Her eyes slowly open. There's nowhere to hide, so you stand out in the open and hope she doesn't notice you.
  98. >Unfortunately, she spots you right away. She makes eye contact, but doesn't open her eyelids all the way, nor does she speak.
  100. -"Yo what's up?"-
  102. >She doesn't say anything for a few minutes, and the silence is beginning to get to you. You're not sure what to do...
  104. "Yo, what's up? How do you feel?"
  106. >She smiles and closes her eyes again. "Thank you..." She passes back out.
  108. >Your heart could melt right now, and you'd be fine with that.
  110. >There's not much else you can do here. You move back out into the hallway, and into another room.
  112. >You move from room to room and heal ponies in a similar fashion, although none of them wake up like the filly did. Most of their burns are just as bad. You have to spend some extra time on the older ones, but you manage to make it through them all. You're completely exhausted by the time you get to the last room, but you push forward and quietly open the door.
  114. >As you do so, you can't help but wonder where the FUCK Chrysalis is. You've been here for almost two hours, but you haven't seen her.
  116. >Because you're lost in thought, you don't notice something very important as you walk into the last room.
  118. There's a nurse in here. She's leaning over the patient's bed. The patient looks worse than all of the other patients you've seen so far.
  120. >The nurse hasn't noticed you yet, so you could probably get back out pretty easily...or you could confront her.
  122. -Walk soft, talk soft, don't confront her, but just quietly make your presence known. It's time to show at least one citizen what you can do-
  124. >As much as you want to remain hidden, you just can't bear to leave one more pony in such bad condition. You don't want to startle the nurse, so you knock softly on the wall.
  126. >She turns around to look for the source of the sound. When she notices you, she stiffens up, but doesn't act.
  128. "I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to help. Please..." You give her a pleading look, and miraculously, she doesn't react negatively.
  130. >"He...he has burns on 3/4ths of his body. We've done all we can, but... we think he won't survive the night." She looks back at the stallion with tears forming in her eyes. It's quite possible that she knows him personally, since she's here alone and after hours.
  132. >"If this were any other than a life or death situation...I-"
  134. "'s okay, I understand. Please, let me help."
  136. >She slowly steps to the side as you approach the stallion. His abdomen has been raised up to keep his blood pressure steady. His face and most of his abdomen are burnt black, and his mane is completely gone. The only part of him that isn't burnt completely is his flank, which is bright white with a blue tail. His cutie mark has been singed off, however, so you're not quite sure who this pony is.
  138. >You try to begin working, but as you lay your glowing hands on the stallion, the magic suddenly stops flowing.
  140. >The nurse looks confused. "Is something wrong?"
  142. -white with blue tail? is this S.A.? shit, why would the magic stop working now. Lead the nurse to one of the already-healed ponies and explain about the apples-
  144. > It's a good thing that you've brought a few extra apples. You untie the sack that has your apples in it and grab one, then tie it back up.
  146. >As you bring it to your mouth, the nurse gives you a look of uncertainty. "Do you really think this is a good time to just stop and have yourself a snack?! What are you doing? Why would you suddenly stop! Can you help him, or not?!"
  148. >Uh-oh, this is bad. She's freaking out.
  150. "Look, you just have to trust me. I'm trying to-"
  152. >"I should have known better than to trust you! I'm going to get the guards." She quickly trots out of the room before you can stop her. You rush out into the hallway and call out to her.
  154. "Miss, wait! Please, you just have to trust me!" But she's not here. How could she have vanished so quickly? This hallway is really long...
  156. >You notice that you've left one of the doors open; it's the room with the filly that you healed first. Maybe she's in there?
  158. >It takes you a few seconds, but you jog down to the open door and look inside. The nurse is staring at the little orange filly in complete shock. She didn't hear you come in.
  160. "I healed her." She turns around fast as a bullet and stares at you in surprise. "I've healed every other pony in this wing as well, save for the stallion in the last room. I just needed to eat another apple; they're what's letting me do this."
  162. >She looks back at the filly, then back to you. "I-I'm sorry, it's just..." She sighs and stares at the ground. You think she might be crying again, but she looks back up with a soft expression.
  164. >"I believe you. I'm sorry. It's just...well, I've heard so many bad things about you, and- well, I'm sorry I acted so silly."
  166. "It's fine. Let's head back and get him healed up, then I'll be out of your mane, okay?"
  168. >She gives you a quick nod, then you both head back into the hallway, closing the filly's door behind you both and heading into the stallion's room.
  169. >The nurse closes the door behind her as you both enter the room. You walk up to the apple sack you left on the ground and pick up an apple, then tie it shut. You polish the apple on your shirt, then take a big bite. Then another, and another, and another.
  171. >Not only has all this magic made you tired, it's also made you extremely hungry. Hopefully that won't be a problem later. You approach the stallion and lay your hands on him again. His breathing is ragged, and his eyes are swollen shut. You can only hope that the apples do the trick.
  173. >Thankfully, they do; your hands begin to glow a soft orange as you touch his abdomen. You concentrate, imagining his coat growing back over perfect pink skin, and his blue mane growing back long and thick.
  175. >The blisters and scars fade away at your touch. The nurse gasps in disbelief, but stays quiet otherwise.
  177. >After what seems like an eternity, you finally manage to cleanse him of almost all of his burns, and his ragged breathing becomes steady.
  179. >You can't quite heal one spot on his face. It's been reduced to a small scar under his left eye, but you doubt he'll mind living with a scar.
  181. >You turn to flash a smile at the nurse, but she's not next to you any more. You turn around and look at the door...which is open.
  183. >You distinctly remember the nurse closing it.
  185. -Let her spread the word, whoever she was. Beat a hasty retreat, go out the window or something.-
  187. >You're not sure who that nurse was, or even where she would go. You're too tired to think about it. In your current state, there's probably not much else you can do for other ponies, so it's probably about time to GTFO.
  189. >You move over to the window in the hopes that you can just hop out, but that's not the case. Once you open the window, you realize that you're a few stories up. There's a fire escape leading down to the ground, however. (ironically, you're in a burn ward) There's still guards patrolling the grounds below.
  191. >Rather than leaving through the window, you decide that it would be a better idea to just find the stairs and look for another way out.
  193. >But once you make it out into the hallway and back to the closet you came from, you realize that you have no idea where to start looking. There aren't any signs that say "stairs", so you have to guess.
  195. The end of the hall splits in two directions; one is short with a single door, and the other goes on for about forty feet with several doors, then forks again.
  197. >You could easily get lost in here, so it might not be such a bad idea to go out of the window after all.
  199. There's still no sign of the nurse, so you can't help but wonder why she would suddenly leave without saying anything.
  201. -Try to softly call out for Chrysalis. Where the hoof did she go?-
  203. >Suddenly, a thought occurs to you- where the fuck is Chrysalis? She promised to meet you inside, then magick'd you into a closet and never showed up.
  205. "Chrysalis, are you there? I need some help."
  207. >There's no response, so you keep trying.
  209. "Chrysalis! Where are you?"
  211. >You can't call out to her too loudly, else you run the risk of being found or waking the patients in the rooms.
  213. >Now that you think of it, she disguised herself as Nurse Redheart... doesn't she normally work in the wing that delivers babies?
  215. >You smack your palm on your forehead; you've left Chrysalis alone for almost three hours, disguised as a well-known nurse, in a hospital filled with defenceless patients.
  217. >She's not really your responsibility or anything, but you don't really know how to get out of the hospital, and even still, you don't know where the babies are delivered.
  219. -take the fire escape UP-
  221. >If you go deeper into the hospital, you're going to get lost, and you know it. You've also got no idea where Chrysalis is, so your best bet is to just leave via fire escape. You head back into the stallion's room and notice that you've left your bag of apples. Damn, it's a good thing you came back and got them. You pick them up, tie them to your pants, and step out the window, closing it behind you.
  223. >As you step out onto the metal railing, however, you notice that the stairs are out heading down. Somehow, the steps have been destroyed, and there's no way you can make it without causing a bunch of noise.
  225. >This hospital must be losing funding or something.
  227. >You turn back to the window and try to open it, but try as you might, you can't get it to open, so that leaves you with one option.
  229. >Looks like you're going up. You can either try to get in through the next window up, or head straight up to the roof, which isn't too far away, and hope there's another way down.
  231. -check out the roof so we can look around the other edges-
  233. >There's not much point in heading back into the hospital you're trying to leave, so you just head straight up to the roof to look for another way down.
  235. >You're pretty exhausted at this point, but you manage to make it up the stairs without any trouble. The stairs creak and sway slightly, but otherwise hold up.
  237. >The fatigue brought on by your work is beginning to get to you.
  239. >Once you reach the roof, you have to take a moment to catch your breath. After you rest up for a bit, you head over to the other edges to look for another way down.
  241. >You're in luck! There's two other ways down. One is through a fire escape, and the other is on a pulley-operated elevator that ponies probably use to clean the windows of the building with.
  243. >You're pretty tired, but you could probably manage the elevator if you take your time. The stairs would probably be an easier and safer option, but judging from the condition of the steps on the one you just came from, you could be wrong.
  245. >There's also a door leading back into the hospital.
  247. -Yell-
  249. >You're not sure what to do. If you head down the stairs, you might be caught when you reach the bottom, and that wouldn't look good on your part, no matter how many ponies you helped.
  251. >On the other hand, the elevator might be too much for you to handle in your current state. The door to the hospital is just as risky as the other two options.
  253. >The stress from all of your sneaking around and your lack of sleep is starting to get to you. You don't know what to do, and you don't know how you can get out of this hospital without giving the wrong impression. So, you do what any normal human being would do.
  255. >You yell at the top of your lungs in frustration, and it echoes off into the night. It makes you feel a little better, but you're still not any closer to figuring a way out of your dilemma.
  257. >You peek over the edge of the roof to see if the guards noticed your screaming.
  259. >They don't seem to have noticed anything, but it's hard to tell from up here. Some of your energy has come back from the adrenaline rush caused by your yelling.
  261. (these anons posted at the same time with good numbers, so I used both.)
  262. -grow wings-
  263. -Jump from the window yelling "I CANNOT DIE!"-
  265. >You've decided to go back inside and rest for a moment. You walk over to the door and step inside. The door leads to a staircase, but there's another door a ways down on the right, so you decided to head in there. You've done enough walking up and down stairs for one night.
  267. >Thankfully, the door isn't locked, so you step inside. It looks like a lounge of some sort; there's a sofa with big, red cushions set up next to a few chairs with similar looking red cushions. You walk over to the sofa and lay down to rest for a moment. Your eyes start to feel heavy and you begin to slowly drift away.
  269. >After what seems like a few moments, you hear the door opening. You open your eyes wide in panic and your heart begins to beat furiously; you're wide awake now.
  271. >You jump off of the couch and slide behind it. A tough-looking stallion walks into the room, followed by the nurse from before. She yells out, "We know you're in here, you filthy human! You killed my brother! You're no healer, you're a monster!"
  273. >What?! You didn't kill anyone! That's crazy, and there's no way you're letting her take you away. Adrenaline pumping, you jump out from behind the sofa and stare them down. The stallion takes a step towards you, and you step backwards towards the window. This continues until your back is up against it.
  275. >"It's all over, you scum!" He says with a severe tone. Not if you can do anything about it. You reach into your pack of apples and rip it open, which causes the apples to roll on the floor. You pick one up and take a big bite of it.
  277. >The stallion charges, and you let him run into you. You both crash through the window and you scream.
  281. >The stallion is in an absolute panic now. He tries to cling to you as you both free-fall, but you kick him away. Using the magic from the apple, you imagine great, flowing, hawk-like wings sprouting from your back, and your shoulder blades erupt in pain.
  282. >You let your new wings beat steadily, keeping you floating in place as you watch the stallion plummet to his death. The nurse sees you floating, and you smile at her.
  284. >"I'll get you for this, you bastard! You haven't seen the last of me!"
  286. >Like you care, you've got wings now. You fly off over Ponyville as the sun begins to rise, your fatigue completely gone.
  288. -Go experiment with the tree and it's apples, trying out ways to become extremely powerful without relying on apples.-
  290. >Well, you've decided that since you don't have any apples left and you've just killed someone, you should probably get some more and get the hell out of here. Maybe you can find a way to keep your magic and not have to eat the apples.
  292. >Some help Chrysalis was. She just vanished when you needed her most. You'll get over it; you'll make new friends. BETTER friends. Friends that don't try to trick you into getting raped in a cave, or that don't abandon you in a hospital when you need their help.
  294. >After about half an hour you make it back to you tree, but you're not alone here. Princess Celestia has found you out, and she starts shooting lasers at you from her horn while you fly. Rather than land and deal with her, you take off into the sky.
  296. >"Criminal scum! Get back here!' She takes flight and continues to shoot lasers at you. She keeps calling you "criminal scum" and saying, "you should have paid the fine!"
  298. >Eventually, she catches up with you and shoots you down. You plummet straight down to the ground, all while she laughs maniacally.
  300. >Just before you hit the ground, you take a deep breath and sit straight up on the sofa.
  302. >What the fuck? You take a look around; you're back in the lounge. You look out the window and see that the sun is peeking out over the horizon.
  304. >Damn, you must have fallen asleep in here. Those apples gave you some pretty fucked up dreams.
  306. -See what's happening in the burn ward now-
  308. >You yawn and stretch your arms and back, which pops satisfyingly as you twist it and lean forward. You feel pretty good, despite the long night you had. After sleeping in the forest for so long, a sofa's cushion might as well be a cloud. You stand up and go back up to the roof, but realize that it's too late to try and leave through either the fire escape or the pulley elevator. There will be ponies all over the streets soon, and it would just look suspicious. So you decide to head back down the staircase.
  310. >The roof access staircase leads to every floor, so it shouldn't be too hard to just head down and walk out the front door. You were definitely delirious from a lack of sleep and food, so you just weren't thinking clearly last night. It didn't even register to you that you might be able to leave this way.
  312. >After climbing down the staircase for a minute or two, you come across the door that leads to the burn ward. You can't help but wonder how the patients are doing, so you crack it open to take a peek.
  314. >The orange pegasus filly is hopping around happily with a few other patients that you treated last night. There are a few nurses that are scolding them, but most of them are just looking on in complete shock. The nurse from the night before might have told them what happened.
  316. >That's good enough for you. A smile creeps across your face as you start back down the stairs, the door shutting itself behind you.
  318. >It isn't long before you reach the bottom of the staircase. You push open the emergency exit door and step out into the sunlight. There aren't very many ponies out yet, but soon there will be. Already there are a few running about, beginning their daily chores and heading off to their jobs. A few notice you leaving the hospital and give you dirty looks, but you just smile and wave at them. Maybe they'll see you in a new light soon.
  320. >You head back to your little area behind the apple farm, your stomach growling the entire way. You've got some apples left, but they're still disgusting. If only you had some money, you would buy some breakfast.
  322. >Just as you think this, you feel something hit your shoe, so you look down and spot something shiny in the dirt. You bend down to pick it up, and realize that it's a twenty-bit piece!
  324. >You pocket the coin and hum a cheerful tune as you head to the market, imagining all the delicious fruit you're going to buy with all this money.
  326. >Maybe your luck is turning around.
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