
Mega Man Fan Game Ideas Bin

Aug 3rd, 2013
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  1. Mega Man: Crystal Crisis
  3. Theme: Island Resort. Robot Masters manage different parts of the island.
  5. Story: DR. WILY ISN'T THE VILLAIN! A meteorite strike brings mysterious crystals to the planet, their unique energy signature disrupting electronics around the world. When reports come of BrightStar Resort's robots going mad and attacking the populace, and Dr. Wily goes missing, Mega Man is sent to investigate...
  7. Robot Masters:
  8. - Ocean Man (Beach)
  9. - Weapon: Depth Charge. A charging attack that lets Mega Man travel through the air as well.
  10. - Weak To: Canyon Drill.
  11. - Canyon Man (Construction)
  12. - Weapon: Canyon Drill. A slow-moving projectile that can destroy weak walls and harm shielded enemies.
  13. - Weak To: Optic Drone.
  14. - Optic Man (Security)
  15. - Weapon: Optic Drone. An controlable weapon that fires lasers as it moves.
  16. - Weak To: Rolling Concerto.
  17. - Melody Man (Nightclub)
  18. - Weapon: Rolling Concerto: A wheel of solid sound that can be charged for a brief period.
  19. - Weak To: Honey Bomb.
  20. - Honey Woman (Greenhouse)
  21. - Weapon: Honey Bomb. A sticky mine that traps enemies and detonates after a short period, or can be remotely detonated.
  22. - Weak To: Plasma Barrier.
  23. - Plasma Man (Power)
  24. - Weapon: Plasma Barrier. Hold the Fire Button to charge the shield, using up ammo but granting a bigger shield with better protection time.
  25. - Weak To: Stretch Strike.
  26. - Stretch Woman (Gym)
  27. - Weapon: Stretch Strike. A ground-crawling projectile that travels down walls.
  28. - Weak to: Flying Pan.
  29. - Cook Man (Restaurant)
  30. - Weapon: Flying Pan. A boomerang-shaped burning disc that can recover far-off items.
  31. - Weak To: Depth Charge.
  33. Stretch Woman is unphased by Plasma Man's shield, Plasma Man's shield gives Honey Woman the bug zapper treatment, Honey Woman's buzzing disrupts Melody Man's song, Melody Man's sonic weapons disrut Optic Man's sensitive sensors, Optic Man's lasers crack Canyon Man's armor, Canyon Man's sturdy weapons beats fragile and bouyant water bots like Ocean Man, Ocean Man douses Cook Man, and Cook Man's food is WAY too unhealthy for yoga
  35. - Draco Man (Children's Entertainment, SECRET BOSS)
  36. - Weapon: Draco Ball. An iron mace that rolls around the arena.
  37. - Weak To: ???
  43. Gameplay:
  44. - Charge Shot and Slide.
  45. - Bosses have Ultra Meter akin to SFxMM.
  46. - Rush Coil and Rush Jet. Rush Adapter for Final Boss, maybe.
  47. - One set of Fortress Levels, akin to classic Mega Man.
  48. - Shorter levels akin to MM2.
  49. - Bonus Levels akin to MM3. Found by shattering a crystal in each level.
  50. - Playable Robot Masters a la MMPU?
  51. - Draco Man is Secret Boss =D
  53. Design Notes:
  54. - Don't be MMU. MMU was designed for romhack speedrunners. Don't design it for them.
  55. - Make your levels have checkpoints, god damn it.
  56. - Focus on the big obstacles first, then follow through. Introduce them one at a time.
  57. - Bosses shouldn't do too much damage - the player should be able to tank a hit or two before they can get the pattern down.
  58. - Enemies have obvious, learnable attack patterns.
  59. - Stages shouldn't have any unexpected surprises, and those that do should have visible solutions.
  60. - Special Weapons exist to make the game easier, not possible.
  61. - Nothing should be invincible/unfair. The player should never be screwed over because the cloud suddenly turned into a buzsaw and they didn't know it, or be forced to re-do long sections as punishment for dying.
  62. - Longer stages = more checkpoints.
  63. - You wanna beat the whole game with just the Mega Buster? God's Speed, you magnificent bastard!
  64. - 5 colour limit on sprites - Black, White, Flesh Tone and 2 colours for Robot Masters. Enemies should have less colours.
  65. - For small enemies, maximum of 38x38 sprites.
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