

Dec 25th, 2013
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  1. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:34:49 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Hi there
  2. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:34:53 AM] ndege: Hi
  3. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:35:02 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): What can I do for you this fine holiday?
  4. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:35:26 AM] ndege: Did you know christmas is actually a greek pagan holiday with homosexual roots that has nothing to do with jesus' birth
  5. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:36:10 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Do I know you? This isn't what I expected from a stranger.
  6. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:36:16 AM] ndege: Oh
  7. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:37:05 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): If that's what you believe, then that's fine. I don't agree on what you believe though.
  8. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:37:11 AM] ndege: Why not
  9. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:39:28 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): I believe Christmas is a time for giving and loving to those who are less fortunate; it's about generosity and spreading the Christmas spirit.
  10. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:39:47 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): What you believe doesn't influence my belief in the slightest potential.
  11. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:40:04 AM] ndege: I believe that the media feeds people lies and people voluntarily eat them up without looking into it
  12. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:40:29 AM] ndege: No one knows for sure when Jesus was born. Some biblical scholars suggest it may have been around the month of July, August or September. Most all agree it could not have been in December.
  14. In the 4th century, the Roman Catholic Church chose December 25th as the day to celebrate the birth of Christ or "Christ Mass" (even though nowhere in the Bible does it state we should celebrate Christ's birth). At the time, Romans were celebrating the Roman winter festival Saturnalia, commemorating the dedication of the temple of the god Saturn, and Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, "the birthday of the Unconquered Sun". It is believed that the Church wanted to convert people without them having to give up their holidays. So, instead, these pagan holidays were incorporated into the Christian church under the guise of "Christ Mass".
  16. Some people believe Saturnalia was the inspiration for the pagan festival of Yule, which celebrated the birth of the pagan Sun God, Mithras. Although not on the exact same days, Christmas customs are nearly identical to the customs of the people during these pagan winter holidays. For example, during Dies Natalis Solis Invicti "Mummers" were groups of costumed singers and dancers who traveled from house to house entertaining their neighbors. From this, the Christmas tradition of caroling was born. During the pagan festival of Yule, evergreen trees were worshipped. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe was as a fertility ritual. Candles were lit to encourage Mithras, and the sun, to reappear next year, and hollyberries were thought to be a food of the gods. The word Yule actually means "wheel," a pagan symbol for the sun. In German paganism, Odin was a chief God with a long white beard. Children would place their boots, filled with carrots, straw or sugar, near the chimney for Odin's flying horse, Sleipnir. Odin would then reward those children for their kindness by replacing Sleipnir's food with gifts or candy. Sounds a lot like Santa Claus, but instea
  17. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:40:40 AM] ndege: but instead of boots, we now have Christmas stockings.
  19. Today during Christmas celebrations, along with the pagan traditions of Santa Claus, caroling and mistletoe, some are found to still be worshipping the tree: "Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree, with all our hearts we love thee."
  20. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:40:56 AM] ndege: Sorry didnt mean greek tho, i meant roman
  21. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:40:57 AM] ndege: I mix them up
  22. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:41:44 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Do you have a source where you got that from?
  23. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:41:54 AM] ndege: I can find it for you hold on
  24. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:44:20 AM] ndege:
  25. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:44:33 AM] ndege: Read section 2 (II)
  26. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:45:12 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Judaism Online?
  27. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:45:20 AM] ndege: That isnt judaism online
  28. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:45:56 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Yes it is. The website title shows it. Either it is or it is run by the same group.
  29. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:46:10 AM] ndege: Ok
  30. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:46:10 AM] ndege:
  31. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:46:39 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Can you tell me why you're doing this?
  32. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:46:52 AM] ndege: Im trying to enlighten my fellow human beings
  33. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:46:55 AM] ndege: Into stop believing lies
  34. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:47:47 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Believe what you want to believe, but you can't change my belief about Christmas.
  35. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:47:57 AM] ndege: Ok
  36. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:48:05 AM] ndege: Thats your choice
  37. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:48:25 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): Goodbye and happy holidays.
  38. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:48:35 AM] ndege: There's nothing holy about christmas
  39. [U:1:158829125] 12/25/2013 [8:48:48 AM] ndege: Good bye
  40. [U:1:29525163] 12/25/2013 [8:48:56 AM] The_Thang (Happy Holidays!): I beg to differ.
  41. ───────────────────
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