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xerath support ban

a guest
Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. Game 1
  2. Xerath Support: gonna be a farm top lane
  3. Xerath Support: what did he say?
  4. Xerath Support: i didnt see it
  5. Xerath Support: cause i tabbed out
  6. Xerath Support: was he mad at me?
  7. Xerath Support: u good sion
  8. Xerath Support: ?
  9. Xerath Support: im so fucked
  10. Xerath Support: forced to buy 2 dorans
  11. Xerath Support: fuck that
  12. Xerath Support: his q has such a low cooldown
  13. Xerath Support: ;-;
  14. Xerath Support: u wanna switch?
  15. Xerath Support: sion shut the fuck up
  16. Xerath Support: why dont you say anything
  17. Xerath Support: ok
  18. Xerath Support: im feeding my ass off now
  19. Xerath Support: holy shit
  20. Xerath Support: so close
  21. Xerath Support: lul
  22. Xerath Support: a bit late
  23. Xerath Support: i was trying to lifesteal off him
  24. Xerath Support: shoulda not pressed your enter
  25. Xerath Support: shouda stfu
  26. Xerath Support: gotta go top now ;-;
  27. Xerath Support: teemo is up a level farm and 2 kills on me
  28. Xerath Support: sion
  29. Xerath Support: u banned my champ out
  30. Xerath Support: i told you there were consequences
  31. Xerath Support: y teemo
  32. Xerath Support: do u find this game fun
  33. Xerath Support: by doing that?
  34. Xerath Support: i honestly wouldnt
  35. Xerath Support: i like doing stuff
  36. Xerath Support: ur rengar with a big mouth
  37. Xerath Support: idk how to follow it u
  38. Xerath Support: p
  39. Xerath Support: looks pre big to me
  40. Xerath Support: can u ban sion
  41. Xerath Support: perma
  42. Xerath Support: i expected that
  43. Xerath Support: just wanna int some more
  44. Xerath Support: cause sion deserves it
  45. Xerath Support: ur mouth isnt as big as your damage tho
  46. Xerath Support: so dont talk all that shit
  47. Xerath Support: because if it was a 1v1 i would have beaten u
  48. Xerath Support: lmao better than his
  49. Xerath Support: no there were 3 people on my screen
  50. Xerath Support: im playing fkin kms music
  51. Xerath Support: because if i didnt know any better i'd get perma banned after this game
  52. Xerath Support: holy fuck man im trying so hard
  53. Xerath Support:
  54. Xerath Support:
  55. Xerath Support:
  56. Xerath Support: what a bunch of pussies
  57. Xerath Support: cant 1v1 the zilean either i guess
  58. Xerath Support: teemo
  59. Xerath Support: u wanna just chill right there
  60. Xerath Support: ima run to your tower real quick
  61. Xerath Support: and ur also a pussy
  62. Xerath Support: check the build ashe
  63. Xerath Support: lul
  64. Xerath Support: im fast as fuck boi
  65. Xerath Support: check mine
  66. Xerath Support: im not playing draven for nothing
  67. Xerath Support: im rly laggy idk what it is
  68. Xerath Support: anyone got any improvements for my new season7 korean build?
  69. Xerath Support: so much lag
  70. Xerath Support: ;/
  71. Xerath Support: and we litterally dont care
  72. Xerath Support: trash?
  73. Xerath Support: thanks
  74. Xerath Support: they say
  75. Xerath Support: koreans play like they have 8 arms
  76. Xerath Support: so they have 8 feet too right?
  77. Xerath Support: brand nice twitter Me Me dude xD
  78. Xerath Support: same with whos mans is this xDDD dude RT 100
  79. Xerath Support: thanks for banning vayne sion
  80. Xerath Support: because of you
  81. Xerath Support: i made sure this game can be possible
  82. Xerath Support: 600 movespeed achieved
  83. Xerath Support: :)
  84. Xerath Support: hey teemo
  85. Xerath Support: i have an idea
  86. Xerath Support: place shrooms everywhere top
  87. Xerath Support: let me pink it
  88. Xerath Support: so i will only trigger 1
  89. Xerath Support: every time i walk
  90. Xerath Support: and then go under tower?
  91. Xerath Support: im reporting sona
  92. Xerath Support: idk why i would be reported
  93. Xerath Support: i'll give you 20$ rp code if you dont report me and commend
  94. Xerath Support: difference is sona is a liar
  95. Xerath Support: i actually cant afford getting reported cause my next ban is perma
  96. Xerath Support: so i would pay that kind of money
  97. Xerath Support: :)
  98. Xerath Support: ggwp
  99. Game 2
  100. Xerath Support: lul
  101. Xerath Support: xer no f till 6
  102. Xerath Support: shaco pls gank me until 6
  103. Xerath Support: xerath no escapes
  104. Xerath Support: 2 minutes left
  105. Xerath Support: no f
  106. Xerath Support: he almost has f back again
  107. Xerath Support: he still dont have it
  108. Xerath Support: and janna made me waste ignite
  109. Xerath Support: ;-;
  110. Xerath Support: look xerath hp
  111. Xerath Support: gg shaco is bronze 16
  112. Xerath Support: had so many opportunities to get this team tilted as fuck
  113. Xerath Support: gg vayne fed
  114. Xerath Support: report vayne
  115. Xerath Support: dude
  116. Xerath Support: u farm under tower against draven
  117. Xerath Support: how do u die so much?
  118. Xerath Support: and lose 2 towers/
  119. Xerath Support: draven got fed report vayne
  120. Xerath Support: please
  121. Xerath Support: im not getting into an argument with you
  122. Xerath Support: you fed him more than janna did
  123. Xerath Support: she has 3 deaths
  124. Xerath Support: u have 5
  125. Xerath Support: LUL 5 deaths and saying it's jannas fault
  126. Xerath Support: not whining tho
  127. Xerath Support: sorry
  128. Xerath Support: report vayne please
  129. Xerath Support: vayne
  130. Xerath Support: when you realise your lane is lost
  131. Xerath Support: u dont keep fighting
  132. Xerath Support: u turtle under tower until u can group
  133. Xerath Support: whatever man u lost us the game WHATEVER MAN
  134. Xerath Support: im gonna run down mid soon whatever man
  135. Xerath Support: poppy no f
  136. Xerath Support: nice tp coming in
  137. Xerath Support: from the ADC
  138. Xerath Support: stop taking farm
  139. Xerath Support: run from mid
  140. Xerath Support: gg
  141. Xerath Support: f/f
  142. Xerath Support: y say no?
  143. Xerath Support: how do we win without an adc?
  144. Xerath Support: vayne inting?
  145. Xerath Support: ur draven and u dont know what inting means?
  146. Xerath Support: holy fawk
  147. Xerath Support: but ur a draven player
  148. Xerath Support: int feed
  149. Xerath Support: INTentional
  150. Xerath Support: rpeort jlqhbewkhgqj'43nt5
  151. Xerath Support: AHGEH"lgiqe
  152. Game 3
  153. Xerath Support: lul 4 subs content creator?
  154. Xerath Support: L
  155. Xerath Support: U
  156. Xerath Support: L
  157. Xerath Support: pussy as fuck my dude
  158. Xerath Support: shaco been here for like 90 sec
  159. Xerath Support: shaco topside
  160. Xerath Support: trap there
  161. Xerath Support: trund no ult
  162. Xerath Support: noghost
  163. Xerath Support: fckin hate u
  164. Xerath Support: can i get a gank
  165. Xerath Support: shacos been top 3 times
  166. Xerath Support: and has been usefull
  167. Xerath Support: c
  168. Xerath Support: o
  169. Xerath Support: m
  170. Xerath Support: e
  171. Xerath Support: t
  172. Xerath Support: o
  173. Xerath Support: p
  174. Xerath Support: lol
  175. Xerath Support: u know shaco watches pink ward
  176. Xerath Support: but hes challenger
  177. Xerath Support: and ur bronze?
  178. Xerath Support: we both know you're lying when u say that
  179. Xerath Support: he climbed to challenger by playing ap shaco top
  180. Xerath Support: lmfao
  181. Xerath Support: ur such a pussy m8
  182. Xerath Support: 1v1 me no jgs trundle
  183. Xerath Support: lmao crybaby.. ur camping me
  184. Xerath Support: im so fed up with this fucking ganks
  185. Xerath Support: 2v1ing me lul
  186. Xerath Support: 1v1 me
  187. Xerath Support: ur so fucking trash have to ult for me
  188. Xerath Support: muted
  189. Xerath Support: ur so trash trundle
  190. Xerath Support: press r and right cick
  191. Xerath Support: all u do
  192. Xerath Support: get muted
  193. Xerath Support: damn nice
  194. Xerath Support: worth am i right?
  195. Xerath Support: kappa worth
  196. Xerath Support: damn u guys are actually trash
  197. Xerath Support: like what i thought
  198. Xerath Support: camped
  199. Xerath Support: u cant kill anyone else
  200. Xerath Support: u cant kill anyone else tho
  201. Xerath Support: :/
  202. Xerath Support: no
  203. Xerath Support: ?
  204. Xerath Support: ?
  205. Xerath Support: ?
  206. Xerath Support: k
  207. Xerath Support: no gold for trundle
  208. Xerath Support: missed e
  209. Xerath Support: fk
  210. Xerath Support: yo
  211. Xerath Support: say rekt kid
  212. Xerath Support: in all chat
  213. Xerath Support: to trundle
  214. Xerath Support: lmfao
  215. Xerath Support: .
  216. Xerath Support: rekt kid
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