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Aug 17th, 2014
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  1. thedisto: Any particular reason that the large neut fleet in HED- is being reported as blue
  2. thedisto: Preferably beforew e bomb them
  3. Andi Onthatop [Brave | Recon] entered the room.
  4. Andi Onthatop [Brave | Recon] left the room.
  5. sandybox entered the room.
  6. thedisto: I was going to ask Anna but Anna isn't in here
  7. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are spectre fleet
  8. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are with us
  9. securitasprotector: Acid Katelo [BRAVE]:
  10. securitasprotector: is it possible to set up a temp link
  11. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: wat
  12. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: no
  13. securitasprotector: tits
  14. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: brave services doesn't have that yet afaik
  15. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: we like to harvest APIs :P
  16. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: ever*
  17. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: stop bombing spectre!
  18. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: giovannititus[test]:
  19. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: huskeradmin:
  20. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: please dont bomb the dudes in hed
  21. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: we are in fleet with them
  22. giovannititus[test]: werlp
  23. securitasprotector: wow
  24. securitasprotector: what the fuck test
  25. giovannititus[test]: no-one told me
  26. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: you are retarded
  27. securitasprotector: pls
  28. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: kill yourself
  29. giovannititus[test]: I'm not FCin btw
  30. giovannititus[test]: fuck you Blue Ice[BRAVE]
  31. giovannititus[test]: you might want to tell us of these plans
  32. securitasprotector: :hero:
  33. securitasprotector: the one time we do amazing bombing run
  34. securitasprotector: it just happens to be
  35. giovannititus[test]: :cleanhands:
  36. giovannititus[test]: next time communicate
  37. giovannititus[test]: tia
  38. giovannititus[test] left the room.
  39. huskeradmin: no one informed me
  40. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: you can't just declare someone temp blue and not tell us or anyone else
  41. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: ffs
  42. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: we did
  43. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: you are retarded
  44. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: (20:59:28) lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are spectre fleet
  45. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are with us
  46. securitasprotector: (12:50:49 PM) thedisto: Any particular reason that the large neut fleet in HED- is being reported as blue
  47. thedisto: Preferably beforew e bomb them
  48. thedisto: I was going to ask Anna but Anna isn't in here
  49. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are spectre fleet
  50. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are with us
  51. annaniedostepny entered the room.
  52. annaniedostepny: fucking test services died
  53. annaniedostepny: and i had to reset
  54. crimson11 entered the room.
  55. huskeradmin: sorry little late
  56. annaniedostepny: NO
  57. securitasprotector: are you serious
  58. securitasprotector: again
  59. annaniedostepny: That as fuckign stupid
  60. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: im here shit
  61. annaniedostepny: i want that fleet reimbursed
  62. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: my bad i was not lookin in here
  63. annaniedostepny: That is significant to an awox that was prewarned and shit
  64. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: what
  65. Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: why was my guest.fc from mumble removed
  66. huskeradmin: where did you prewarn me
  67. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: where i wasnt
  68. huskeradmin: please feel free to show me the logs where you told me
  69. annaniedostepny: 20:59:28) lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are spectre fleet
  70. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are with us
  71. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: i was not warned and i am in brave
  72. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: now now anna
  73. annaniedostepny: fucking 20 fucking minutes ago
  74. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: we can't assume that test will read alliedfc
  75. huskeradmin: u should ping me
  76. securitasprotector: whoa whoa whoa chill out
  77. securitasprotector: it was said in here, nobody noticed, test bombed
  78. securitasprotector: that much is probably understandable
  79. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: just because intel channel says "possible blue" doesnt mean im going to assume blue
  80. securitasprotector: but bombing again
  81. securitasprotector: was really dumb
  82. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: Guest FCs are required to have full account keys in Core now
  83. annaniedostepny: the disto asked
  84. annaniedostepny: we responded
  85. securitasprotector: yeah
  86. securitasprotector: looked pretty clear to me
  87. annaniedostepny: There should of been relay
  88. Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: you understand why im reluctant to give brave my api
  89. huskeradmin: im the FC no disto k thanks
  90. securitasprotector: is thedisto in your fleet?
  91. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: absolutely
  92. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: I was surprised anyone still had guest fc after the change
  93. thedisto: sorry I've been AFK for the last
  94. securitasprotector: =/
  95. annaniedostepny: Must be on test services to communicate test FCs dont even read chat >_>
  96. securitasprotector: that said i dont' see how it's blue's responsibility to seek out every fc who might be leading a fleet at the current time
  97. thedisto: 20 minutes
  98. securitasprotector: posting info in alliedfc should be easily sufficient
  99. securitasprotector: isn't that the point of this channel
  100. annaniedostepny: what is that was a strat op. Spectre has helped us severel times in the past
  101. thedisto: I'm sorry Anna, but I was being pretty proactive and they were in system for 20 minutes before we had a response
  102. annaniedostepny: and you waited 15-20 min before you bombed
  103. annaniedostepny: Miscommunication it happens... but wtf
  104. annaniedostepny: you dont bomb again after you know
  105. annaniedostepny: That is like hey let me spit in your face more
  106. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: i saw someone asking so i responded
  107. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: did you have plans to set them blue prior to the op
  108. annaniedostepny: they are a public entity
  109. annaniedostepny: you cant set them blue
  110. huskeradmin: the only op i see is 2h 39 min from now
  111. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: that's sort of moving the goalposts isn't it
  112. securitasprotector: Sapporo Jones[TEST]: come on mate be reasonable
  113. securitasprotector: it was announced in channel
  114. securitasprotector: a fuckup happened fair enough
  115. securitasprotector: it happens
  116. securitasprotector: but then to do it again
  117. securitasprotector: that was just
  118. securitasprotector: like
  119. annaniedostepny: Yeah i am not exactly pissed about the first time. That can happen.... it was the second time
  120. annaniedostepny: We should of had them in our POS
  121. annaniedostepny: I will agree mistakes were made
  122. annaniedostepny: but for fuck sakes to spit in and do it again after comms blew up like taht
  123. annaniedostepny: That is fucked up
  124. annaniedostepny: also reason we should have fleets hosted on brave comms
  125. annaniedostepny: Cause then it is VERY easy to notice what is going on
  126. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: we are having a consistent issue where communication simply isn't happening. it's becoming a pain point for all of us and manifesting in interesting ways. I can't speak to the second bombing run, I don't know what happened there and I am talking to people to find out
  127. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: but
  128. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: we gotta fix that communication shit yo
  129. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: when did the first bombing run occur?
  130. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: I really have no idea
  131. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: I'm coming in to this late
  132. annaniedostepny: about 01:15
  133. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: ok
  134. annaniedostepny: opps
  135. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: so
  136. annaniedostepny: 20:15
  137. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: it was said in this channel at 2000 that spectre fleet were blues
  138. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: but only at the prompting of disto
  139. securitasprotector: yes mistakes were made
  140. securitasprotector: it should have been said first without disto's prompting
  141. securitasprotector: however
  142. securitasprotector: it was said
  143. securitasprotector: so no bombing should have happened
  144. thedisto: I could have prevented this
  145. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: at that point our fleet was prolly lining up to do the bomb run
  146. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: 15 minutes before hand?
  147. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: we shouldn't have to pull for information like that
  148. annaniedostepny: there should of been more measures to prevent it than just you disto
  149. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: sometimes that's what it takes
  150. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: lining up successful bombing runs is not point and click
  151. crimson11: sapporo, no ones upset over the first run
  152. annaniedostepny: not blaming ou or something....
  153. crimson11: its the second run
  154. crimson11: when everyone yelled in here
  155. crimson11: they were blue
  156. crimson11: 1st run, shit happens, 2nd run, wtf really is this arguement distilled down
  157. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: crim i dont have sound on unless someone pings my name
  158. securitasprotector: who did the second run and why
  159. securitasprotector: is basically what i'd like to know
  160. securitasprotector: at least
  161. annaniedostepny: 1st one = well we fucked the pooch on that one (lets look into how to prvent) the second one was (Hey look i am test and give no fucks)
  162. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: based on what I am hearing from the fleet
  163. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: hey test
  164. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: it is not about being test and giving no fucks
  165. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: instead of being retarded little faggots
  166. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: why dont you bomb some enemies
  167. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: it was about bombing a larger cva fleet
  168. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: when we need you to bomb
  169. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: instead of being useless cunts
  170. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: all the fucking time
  171. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: Blue Ice[BRAVE]: let's not say things we can't take back friend
  172. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: blue calm down
  173. huskeradmin: your fleets dead
  174. huskeradmin: deal with u
  175. securitasprotector: blue
  176. securitasprotector: chill
  177. Sinnister Agenda {Brave}: seriously blue chill
  178. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: (21:34:18) Sapporo Jones[TEST]: Blue Ice[BRAVE]: let's not say things we can't take back friend
  179. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: you are shit
  180. securitasprotector: DONT LISTEN TO BLUE
  181. securitasprotector: blue please
  182. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: it makes no difference what you say
  183. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: lololololol
  184. huskeradmin: ok sorry im a bit mad
  185. huskeradmin: i didnt know
  186. huskeradmin: heres the story
  187. huskeradmin: from my end
  188. huskeradmin: neut fleet was reported while we were out blopsing
  189. huskeradmin: we dropped on a paladin and came back and they were still around
  190. huskeradmin: i made the call to form bombers so we can bomb them
  191. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: did you seriously post about this on reddit? :cripesbert:
  192. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: (21:14:12) Blue Ice[BRAVE]: (20:59:28) lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are spectre fleet
  193. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are with us
  194. securitasprotector: thedisto: Any particular reason that the large neut fleet in HED- is being reported as blue
  195. thedisto: Preferably beforew e bomb them
  196. thedisto: I was going to ask Anna but Anna isn't in here
  197. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are spectre fleet
  198. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: they are with us
  199. annaniedostepny entered the room.
  200. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: are you unable to open your eyes?
  201. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: you saw we pinged for feroxes
  202. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: so maybe ask
  203. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: if you see a fleet
  204. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: with exactly the same doctrine with us
  205. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: maybe there is something going on
  206. Agustus palpius [TEST] entered the room.
  207. huskeradmin: your assuming
  208. huskeradmin: i never saw a ping for no ferox
  209. huskeradmin: was it a test ping?
  210. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: So we're doing feroxes now for a bit of fun.
  212. Feroxes in blue ice's fleet
  213. Dictor/Hictor>Scimi/Basi>Huginn/Lach>Ferox>Scythe
  214. sigma comms
  216. Tackle under Stath vaille
  217. phi comms
  219. ##### SENT BY: Blue Ice (Brave Collective); TO: online.all; WHEN: 2014-08-17 19:42:54 #####
  220. huskeradmin: oh its a brave ping
  221. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: He doesn't get BRAVE pings.
  222. huskeradmin: ^
  223. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: grow up then and get our pings
  224. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: Another reason why allied channels should be on BRAVE services
  225. huskeradmin: lol il do that
  226. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: and be less useless
  227. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: That's the bigger issue
  228. huskeradmin: get mad more broh
  229. huskeradmin: but no one ever approached me and told me ferox was doing somethign with u
  230. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: yeah im mad
  231. lorilath [BRAVE Cap Command]: i signed up for all test services so i get all the info
  232. sandybox: we'll make sure to put our ops on your forums...oh
  233. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: because you are retarded
  234. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: i post my ops on your shitty forums
  235. securitasprotector: yo can we stop the test vs brave thing
  236. securitasprotector: i like harmony
  237. securitasprotector: and peae
  238. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: the least you can fucking do is sign up for our pings
  239. securitasprotector: *peace
  240. securitasprotector: and butterflies
  241. securitasprotector: lets agree a lot of shit cascaded and went rong
  242. securitasprotector: *wrong
  243. securitasprotector: and like
  244. securitasprotector: fix it
  245. securitasprotector: aka
  246. huskeradmin: Blue Ice[BRAVE]: ok il do that for future
  247. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: Blue Ice[BRAVE]: your tone is all wrong friend
  248. securitasprotector: Step 1: make sure to notify in alliedfc of any neutral fleets
  249. Step 2: Check allied FC for said notifications
  250. Step 3: Get unified services/have everyone signed up on both please
  251. Step 4: Work together on things
  252. Step 5: chill out
  253. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: I don't appreciate you talking to anyone in this channel in such a way
  254. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: you think i give a fuck?
  255. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: no that's the problem
  256. annaniedostepny: Yeah we now have groups and stuff being fixed.
  257. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: then im leaving this channel
  258. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: ok then
  259. annaniedostepny: We should probably get all test on our services.
  260. Blue Ice[BRAVE]: and you can go fuck yourselves
  261. Blue Ice[BRAVE] left the room.
  262. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: sounds good
  263. securitasprotector: yo guys don't pay attentiont o blue ice too much
  264. securitasprotector: he put a lot into this fleet
  265. securitasprotector: he just needs to rage out
  266. securitasprotector: a bit
  267. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: don't worry. Very few people do anymore
  268. huskeradmin: get mad all u want i made a mistake
  269. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: it's a pattern, the last instance in a series
  270. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: WHY AM I PINK
  271. Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: this channel is really cool now
  272. GanjaLotus [HONOR]: Lol Aben
  273. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: Blue ice's views are those of himself only and do not represent the views of Brave Collective
  274. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: ^
  275. thedisto: It's ok for him to be mad
  276. GanjaLotus [HONOR]: ^ That lol
  277. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: NO PINK
  278. huskeradmin: it was a bad call and obviouslywrong so chill out il fix my self get on brave services going forward
  279. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: WOO
  280. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: But he does have one valid point which has been made time and again. When running coalition ops together, everyone really should be on BRAVE mumble.
  281. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: It's so much easier to coordinate
  282. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: does test not have global command?
  283. securitasprotector: i could get behind that
  284. thedisto: We were simply running a blops fleet when a particulary big target appeared
  285. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: ^
  286. huskeradmin: i dont do anything with brave excpet blops
  287. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: it was just a predditors op
  288. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: thedisto: I understand. Not pointing fingers at you or anyone.
  289. DivineRapier [BRAVE]: It's simply a practice which would solve many of these type of issues.
  290. securitasprotector: yeah i don't think it was anyone's particular fault
  291. securitasprotector: BUTTTT
  292. huskeradmin: its fine u guys can blame me
  293. securitasprotector: that last bombing run was what really ticked blue off
  294. securitasprotector: and understandably so
  295. securitasprotector: cause everyone kenw at that point
  296. huskeradmin: ok let me explaint he last bomb run
  297. huskeradmin: i bobmed the scythes because cva was in
  298. Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: jabber has some cool fonts guys
  299. thedisto: Although it's not hard especially hard to sit in a dedicated command channel on two comms
  300. thedisto: Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: you obviously haven't met wheniaminspace
  301. huskeradmin: they tackeld the scythes so i bombed everything seeing as I already had destroyed the ferox fleet the scythes werent getting away
  302. Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: cant say i have
  303. thedisto: )))
  304. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: oh, fuck
  305. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: so, basically it sounds like moral of the story is everyone involved fucked up, but none of it was willfull?
  306. GanjaLotus [HONOR]: Oh god my eyes...
  307. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: exactly
  308. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: we are nbsi, we saw neuts, we bombed
  309. Aben Sokoln [HONOR]: a
  310. GanjaLotus [HONOR]: Colorblindness is killing me here
  311. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: we weren't told in advance about a joint op
  312. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: so neuts got bombed
  313. Malcoreh Vakarhn [BRAVE]: no no no, I ain't attacking NBSI
  314. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: then we were told it was a joint op
  315. securitasprotector: please dont' kill me but that was actually a really good bombing run
  316. annaniedostepny: anyway BRAVE services are almost fully up. Simple fact is we should start migrating all alliances to our services for fleets
  317. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: so we bombed a cva gang that was pushing in the shit of the temp blue fgleet
  318. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: that's the tl;dr
  319. crimson11 left the room.
  320. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: lots of neuts died
  321. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: etc
  322. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: also whoever started that reddit thread is really dumb
  323. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: hahaha
  324. annaniedostepny: Yeah and they have formed for start ops for us. Do you want to allies that just LOVE fighting anything off our side ?
  325. GanjaLotus [HONOR]: Linky Sapp?
  326. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: ^
  327. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: I love me some reddit drama :)
  328. GanjaLotus [HONOR]: Same =)
  329. thedisto:
  330. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: ty
  331. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: ahhh
  332. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: r/eve
  333. Acid Katelo [BRAVE]: assumed it was an r/bravenewbies post
  334. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: there may be one
  335. Sapporo Jones[TEST]: vOv
  336. Grega Oriki [TEST]: this made my day
  337. huskeradmin: Bohs
  338. huskeradmin: its over and done with
  339. huskeradmin: im very sorry
  340. huskeradmin: i did not know
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