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Aug 20th, 2014
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  2. Facts about Israel
  3. - Fact number 1: Israel is targeting every rocket spot even if it contains civilians. Ex: UNRWA.
  4. - Fact number 2: Israel is a Jewish racist state. It doesn't only hate Palestinians but rejected Africans too.
  5. Fact number 3: Israel is targeting children just for extermination. Ex: Bombing kids on the beach, Sniping kids on the roof while laughing.
  6. Fact number 4: Israel is targeting populated areas under the claim that it contains rockets for Hamas not taking into consideration how many civilian casualties will go down.
  7. Fact number 5: The Jewish state of Israel is not made by authentic Jews, it's made by foreign Jews who came from all over the world.
  8. Fact number 6: Israel is not a civil state for everyone, it's a Jewish state not very different from the concept of Islamic states.
  9. Fact number 7: Since the last war and during what so called peace time, Israel took by force additional thousands of hectares of the Palestinian lands and destroyed many olive fields many times. ( I wonder if they hide rockets too )
  10. Fact number 7: The invasion of Israel by foreign Jews was well planed since Theodore Herzel in the late 18s.
  11. Fact number 8: Jews and Palestinians lived for years together without any conflict till Zionism interfered.
  12. Now you make your own conclusions!!
  15. Lie number 1: Israel targets rocket launching sites and Hamas militants, but provides a multitude of communications and signals that a strike is imminent. No other army gives its enemy a deliberate heads-up. Regardless, any Hamas rocket fire is a warning to any civilians of an impending Israeli retaliation. If they don't leave, they have a death wish.
  17. Lie number 2: Israel accepted over 60,000 black MUSLIM Eritrean refugees over the past few years. Neither Sudan nor Egypt allowed them to stay in their territory. Israel cannot maintain an open door policy to all refugees and illegal immigrants. Those who now still attempt to breach the southern border are interned and eventually deported - just as every other country does with its illegal immigrants and infiltrators.
  19. Additionally, in 1982, Israel absorbed over 14,000 black Ethiopian Jews in an airlift to rescue them from starvation and civil war. They now proudly serve in the IDF and participate in every aspect of Israeli society.
  21. Israel also allows in foreign workers from the Philippines, India, and many South American countries.
  23. In 1976, Israel also adopted over 250 Vietnamese boat people (war refugees) when other countries rejected their bid for asylum. They and their descendants are proud Israeli citizens.
  25. Israel allowed hundreds of members the non-Jewish black Chicago cult "the Hebrew Israelites" to settle as permanent residents in The southern town of Dimona, and they are very grateful to Israel, earning a decent living by selling their arts and crafts all over Israel.
  27. The Bahai world Headquarter and temple is located in the northern city of Haifa, and they are grateful citizens of Israel.
  29. Israel sent IDF field surgical hospitals, mobile clinics, search & rescue teams, and thousands of tons of humanitarian aid to the BLACK earthquake victims in Haiti.
  31. This is just what I remember offhand. There are many more examples that refute the malicious claim of "Israeli racism," institutional or otherwise. It is a logical fallacy to condemn an entire society for the racism of individuals or groups widely reported by Israel haters - but if you feel that's acceptable, allow me to make you a list of Arab and Muslim racism..
  33. Lie number 3: the mistaken targeting of 3 Gaza children near a military target out of 900,000 minors in Gaza is to extermination what our solar system is to the Milky Way Galaxy. The video showing IDF soldiers shooting at suspects on a roof (in the West Bank, not Gaza, as it is deliberately mislabeled) shows 2 older teens or young adults, not children - the video is deliberately mislabeled for propaganda purposes. Their age can easily be determined by their height relative to a large black water tank they use as cover. Those ADULTS were hurling heavy stones or bricks off that rooftop. Despite this attempted murder, the soldier who fired aimed for and hit one of the suspects' legs, thus eliminating the danger to the suspects' intended victims. In combat, all soldiers in all conflicts laugh to relief stress and fear.
  35. Lie number 4: the claims are true, and backed up by gun camera or unmanned drone video showing live rocket or mortar fire and automatic weapons fire from schools, mosques, and hospitals. As I said earlier, any civilians dumb enough to remain in a war zone don't hold their own lives in any high regard...
  37. Lie number 5: the differentiation between "authentic" Jews and "foreign" Jews is patently and maliciously false. The original Jews of Israel and Judaea were dispersed to dozens of countries over the past 4,000 years. Many intermarried and many new converts added new "non-Semitic" DNA to the Jewish gene pool. Thus, Jews are neither a monolithic race nor an ethnic group, and multiple genetic studies have found various degrees of original Levant DNA in all Jewish bloodlines.
  39. Between 1949 - 1951, Arab and Muslim countries expelled over 850,000 Middle Eastern Jews who were descendants of Palestinian and Spanish Jews, with no reason other than guilt by association and Ani-Semitism following the hard-won Zionist victory against 5 invading Arab armies in 1948, and most of these Jewish Arab refugees emigrated to Israel. Thus, the Jewish gene pool became reinvigorated, stronger, and more diversified for the first time in centuries. Thank you, Muslims!
  41. Yearning for Jerusalem (Zion) is mentioned thousands of times in the Torah, Jewish prayers, and various religious texts, but nowhere is "Al Quds" (Jerusalem, in Arabic) mentioned in the Quran or any other Islamic text as a Muslim holy city - except as the ancestral capital of the Jews.
  43. Lie number 6: to even begin to compare Israel, which has hundreds of churches and mosques, to Arab and Muslim states, which have destroyed nearly all their churches, Buddhist temples, and synagogues, and built victory mosques over the ruins (like Al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount in East Jerusalem), is a fallacy and intellectual dishonesty of the highest order.
  45. Shame on you.
  47. As for separation of religion and state, the SECULAR government of Israel continuously reduces and eliminates taxpayer-funded assistance, exemptions, incentives, and subsidies to religious groups and their institutions, with the exception of the preservation of historical buildings and religious sites. By contrast, the world is witnessing a rapid, progressive rate of radicalization of Islamic nations, with all the violent sectarian conflicts and atrocities. Israel hosts annual gay pride parades while Arab and Muslim countries hang, imprison, ad torture homosexuals.
  49. Shall I talk about women and children's rights under Islam next?
  51. Lie number 7: a "no-man's land" a few dozen meters deep adjacent to the border fence between Israel and Gaza was established to deter suicide bombers and tunnels. While it eliminated suicide attacks, it only led to a more elaborate and complex tunnel system intended to help militants infiltrate Israel in a spectacular planned September 24, 2014 mass murder and abduction operation. This is why the IDF had to send troops into Gaza - to seek out, discover, and destroy these terror tunnels.
  53. Lie number 7 (Tony apparently can't count): the Zionist Movement, founded in 1873 by Theodore Herzl, set out to legally acquire land in Palestine with generous donations from wealthy Jewish sponsors in Europe and the US through mutually-consensual purchases of land from the local Arab and absentee Ottoman landowners. These purchases continued for over 60 years until the UN proposed the 1947 Partition Plan, which split formerly PUBLIC OTTOMAN LAND between a Jewish and Arab state. Israel got stuck with mostly uninhabitable desert in the Negev region, in addition to territory where Jews were already the majority population, namely along the central coast and the Galilee.
  55. Not a single Arab land owner was ever involuntarily displaced or forcibly evicted between 1880-1948. In fact, today, Israeli (formerly Palestinian) Arabs constitute the majority private land owners within Israel's 1967 borders. Imagine that!
  57. Lie number 8: in fact, from 1880 to 1929, ZIONISTS lived peacefully with local Palestinian Arabs. But the end of WWI, and the arbitrary division of the former OTTOMAN EMPIRE between the British and French Empires - including breaking off 2/3 of the formerly Ottoman province of Palestine and giving it (and all its Arab inhabitants) to the small Bedouin Hashemite tribe from Arabia as a post-war favor - set off distrust and tensions between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. NOT Zionism, and NOT Zionists.
  59. In addition, conflicting British promises, and the hateful, inciting anti-Semitic rhetoric of the pro-Nazi, self-serving, power-hungry Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, only inflamed Palestinian Arabs to riot against and attack Jews, beginning with the 1929 Hebron Massacre of 63 religiously devout Jews whose families were living in the city for centuries, long before the first secular Zionists arrived.
  61. Now draw your own conclusions
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