

Dec 24th, 2011
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  1. [00:42:03] <@GraionDilach> AttachEffect.Animation - animation: note, whatever you set, animation gets hardcoded to endlessly looping 'til Duration expires AttachEffect.Duration - integer, duration in frames AttachEffect.Cumulative -boolean: If set to yes, unlimited attached effect from this warhead can be on the target. If no, then only one instance can be on a single unit and that one instance gets expanded. Defaults to no.
  2. [00:42:20] <@GraionDilach> Feature: AttachEffect.SpeedMultiplier (float, defaults to 1) Feature: AttachEffect.ArmorMultiplier (float, defaults to 1) Feature: AttachEffect.FirepowerMultiplier (float, defaults to 1)
  3. [00:42:55] <@GraionDilach> AttachEffect.Cloakable also a tag.
  4. [00:45:23] <+mevitar> all are warhead tags, right?
  5. [00:45:36] <@GraionDilach> Or unit.
  6. [00:45:41] <@GraionDilach> You can have both.
  7. [00:45:57] <@GraionDilach> And there is allso an AttachEffect.Delay on units.
  8. [00:45:59] <+mevitar> unit? ah, right, so it is added on creation
  9. [00:46:03] <@GraionDilach> Yep.
  10. [00:46:20] <@GraionDilach> And when it gets expired, it gets readded immediately if Delay is not set.
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