

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. The Holy Grail. These three words alone are responsible for a mountain of corpses and rivers of blood in the past two millenia, since the death of Jesus Christ. Many died in droves, unaware of what they truly sought, dying in far off lands in the name of god and country, but a select few have fought and died, knowing full well the nature of the grail. These warriors are called mages, and their war the Grail War. At times throughout history, the magi of various powerful houses (such as the Einzberns or Tohsakas) and unaffiliated magi with everything to gain (and lose) have warred for possession of the Grail, and its wish-granting powers. In the four previous grail wars, there was no winner. But now, on the eve of the Fifth Grail War, the magi of the world stir for their own chance at immortality.
  4. Magi in the Vineyard: This is a hack of the Dogs in the Vineyard system, to allow the players to participate in the Holy Grail War as magi and their servants. This hack does NOT directly involve any of the events of Fate/Zero or Fate/Stay Night, though it can if you wish. The purpose behind this is to allow storytellers the freedom of including or not including some of the more overarching metaplot elements, such as Einzbern Homunculi, Angra Mainyu, or Gilgamesh.
  6. The Player Characters are Magi participating in the Holy Grail War. They are created using standard DitV character creation. In addition, each background gains an extra pair of trait dice that must be spent on a magic or magic knowledge-related trait.
  8. Well-Rounded: 2d6
  9. Strong History: 2d4
  10. Complicated History: 2d8
  11. Strong Community: 2d10
  12. Complicated Community: 2d6
  14. Servants:
  16. Servants are the vehicle through which Magi fight for supremacy in the Grail War. They're stronger and faster than their masters, and have specialized knowledge based on their Class. Each servant is a Heroic Spirit from human history, summoned by artifacts, and fighting to have their own wishes granted by the Holy Grail. Servants have special character generation rules.
  18. Each Class has its own Base Stats and Traits detailed below. In addition, each Servant has a background chosen for them, and the stat die and trait die from that background go on top of these die.
  20. Saber: Acuity 4d6, Body 5d6, Heart 2d6, Will 2d6 Traits: 3d4
  21. Archer: Acuity 4d6, Body 3d6, Heart 2d6, Will 2d6 Traits:2d6
  22. Lancer: Acuity 4d6, Body 5d6, Heart 1d6, Will 2d6 Traits: 2d4
  23. Rider: Acuity 3d6, Body 3d6, Heart 2d6, Will 3d6 Traits: 2d6
  24. Caster: Acuity 1d6, Body 1d6, Heart 4d6, Will 5d6 Traits: 2d6
  25. Berserker: Acuity 2d6, Body 5d6, Heart 2d6, Will 2d6 Traits: 2d6
  26. Assassin: Acuity 2d6, Body 3d6, Heart 1d6, Will 4d6 Traits: 2d8
  28. Servants also gain Trait Die for a Noble Phantasm, much like Masters gain trait die for Magic. The Noble Phantasm trait die are the same based on background as for Magi.
  30. Magic: Masters in the world of the Grail War are magi, capable of performing magic spells and rituals. It is this magic that was behind both the finding of the Grail in the 18th century, and behind the summoning of the Servants in each Grail War.
  32. Each Magi has a number of free trait dice to put towards magic traits from their background, and are free to put any number of other trait die into further magic ability. Performing a spell or ritual in combat, directed at another magi, or when otherwise under duress, requires a Heart+Will roll. Outside of combat, it just requires time and reagents to perform simple spells or spells that do not have another magi or magical item as a target. Erasing the memories of human bystanders to make them forget the fight they just saw does not require a roll, nor does using magic to locate a specific place. Attempting to cast a long range ritual against another magi, or trying to locate a powerful magical artifact to give you the edge you need, will require a roll. Directly resisting a spell also requires a Heart+Will roll, but some mages may prefer to simply shoot the other magi while he's casting a complicated ritual.
  34. Command Seals: Each Master has three command seals at the start of the Grail War, given to them by the Church. These seals can be used to either directly augment a Servant's power, giving them the edge in what would otherwise be a stalemate (or losing fight), or to force a Servant to directly act against their own wishes, like forcing a particularly chivalrous servant to to perform a dishonorable act. Command Seals do not regenerate under normal circumstances, so use them wisely!
  36. When using a Command Seal to augment a Servant's ability, the Servant acts as if they have an additional 2d10 trait that applies to their next roll, in addition to any traits they normally have that would apply to the roll. Using a command seal to force a Servant to act against their wishes also augments their power, but to a lesser degree. Command Seals used in this way grant the servant a 2d6 trait in addition to any other traits they might have on their next roll. Command seals CAN be applied more than once to a given roll, but using all of your seals in this manner is a huge gamble.
  38. In addition, Command seals can be used to apply to a dice roll that is currently in effect. In this case, the extra dice are rolled immediately and added to the pool of remaining dice. Of course, this might invite the opposing Master to use command seals of their own...
  40. Noble Phantasms: Each Servant has one or more Noble Phantasms, magical relics from their time when they walked the earth. These noble phantasms are created using one or more same-size trait dice. When creating a noble phantasm, it must be classified according to the following list:
  41. Anti-Unit
  42. Anti-Self
  43. Anti-Mind
  44. Anti-Team
  45. Anti-Gate
  46. Anti-Army
  47. Anti-Fortress
  48. Anti-Populace
  49. Anti-City
  50. Anti-Country
  51. Anti-World
  52. Anti-Planet
  53. Anti-Thaumaturgy
  54. Anti-Divine
  55. Barrier
  57. Noble Phantasms will grant their trait dice to the roll should the classification be met (ex. A servant with an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm would gain the trait dice when fighting a single other man-sized unit, but not an army or a gigantic monster.)
  59. Current Servant Status:
  60. Saber-Earthflame
  61. Archer-
  62. Lancer-Ikiryo
  63. Rider-Iterationdrive
  64. Caster-Easymode
  65. Berserker
  66. Assassin
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