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Mar 24th, 2017
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  1. Blackstone’s Notes on the Arts of Fleshcraft (Translated from Abyssal, translators notes in [ ]).
  2. 04/06/2352.
  3. I have made a breakthrough in communing with It, courtesy of the powders I traded with the [literally translates to The Far Ones, possibly trading company/gang of some sort?]. Ever since I unearthed the Vault, I have been wracked by Its incomprehensible demands. However, with the aid of the dream state induced by the powders, I have worked out what It seeks.
  4. [Unknown word, may be a proper name, no translation available] requires a new form, one that no ordinary human can provide. To this end, It has provided me with the tools to mould the flesh like clay, and create a vessel for it. The task ahead is arduous, and I have created this new series of journals to record my progress.
  5. [Note, the following spell was gained from the same journal. Matches no known school of magic]
  6. Blood Control.
  7. One of the first spells gifted by It, and vital for subjects to survive vivisection. One the creature is enthralled, it allows control of the blood’s viscosity and flow, allowing for easy reshaping of the circulatory system.
  9. Spell Information:
  10. Control Blood
  11. Corrupt (4 Autism to learn)
  12. Level: Sor/Wiz 4
  13. Components: V, S, M.
  14. Casting Time: 1 Action
  15. Range: 100ft + 10ft per level
  16. Duration: 1 round per level.
  17. Saving Throw: Fort
  18. Spell Resistance: Yes
  19. This spell causes the victim's blood to become thick and clotted, or thin and watery.
  20. BLOOD CLOTTING: Each round this spell persists, the victim must make a Fort Save to avoid taking 1 point of CON damage. The victim suffers -2 on attack rolls and skill checks. While under the effects of this spell, the victim is immune to bleeding damage, and if reduced to less than 0 HP, has a 50% chance each round to stabilize. This spell counters and dispels BLOOD THINNING.
  21. BLOOD THINNING: Each time the victim suffers a wound, they take an additional 1 point of damage each round due to bleeding. Multiple wounds result in cumulative blood loss. A successful Heal check (DC 15) or the application of any cure wounds spell or Heal stops the bleeding. A victim reduced to less than 0 HP cannot stabilize, and quickly bleeds to death. This spell counters and dispels the BLOOD CLOTTING effect.
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