
TSW 9: Mary Goes to Astronomy Club

Apr 22nd, 2016
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  1. 20:25:00: <IcepickLobotomy> It's after school, the bell has rung leaving the hallways free and open. A few stragglers tarry here and there, some members of clubs, others meeting friends, and some talking with their teachers after class. You easily slip in amidst them, just another face in the crowd.
  2. 20:33:33: mary looks around for a moment if there is one of the others around, and then she tries to go for something where the clubs are listed
  3. 20:37:58: <IcepickLobotomy> Mary: some wondering finds you at the administrative office, the secretary is typing away at her type-writer, and a student volunteer is reading a book. The volunteer perks up when you enter, the name tag reads "Natalia." "Hello, can I help you?" She asks, her English not quite as good as Arina or Kasra's, but still understandable.
  4. 20:53:45: <mary> "Uh.. is there any list of all club and others similars that we have here?"
  5. 20:54:29: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods. "Yes there is." She pulls open a file-cabinet and passes you a list of clubs. "Are you looking for one in particular?"
  6. 20:55:25: <mary> "Uh.. I am unsure , I am a bit unused to the international club affair
  7. 20:56:49: <IcepickLobotomy> "Ah, they tend to meet up in room 419, Monday and Friday." She glances at the calendar "Which would be today."
  8. 21:02:15: <mary> "No, I meant not the international club, I meant that my old school was much smaller
  9. 21:05:48: <IcepickLobotomy> "Oh, oh. Sorry, I misunderstood you. So you're trying to get a idea of what clubs there are?" She slides the paper over to you. It's a surprisingly large list, Sports, literature, a few political activism groups, science, board-games, writing, Band, Choir, even a engineering club. "There's also several smaller groups that aren't listed as official clubs."
  10. 21:06:43: <mary> "That is right Ma'am " she says with southern politeness. "I am trying to get a feeling for them before I join one
  11. 21:07:41: <IcepickLobotomy> "They're usally pretty open about letting people come into meetings and see what it's like, but is there anything in particular you're interested in? Might help to narrow things down a bit."
  12. 21:08:47: <mary> "Uh, ..."She looks it over "you have a astronomy club?"
  13. 21:08:55: mary saw it and is clearly srprised
  14. 21:09:23: <IcepickLobotomy> "We do, I think it's a off-shoot the Science club. Something to do with funding I think?"
  15. 21:10:22: <mary> "What can you tell me about them?"
  16. 21:11:20: <IcepickLobotomy> "Not a whole lot, says here they meet on Monday's in room 402. I think they do trips out for stargazing every so often as well."
  17. 21:12:16: <mary> "Oh thanks for that"
  18. 21:12:58: <IcepickLobotomy> "No problem, if you want any more help drop by any time."
  19. 21:14:30: <mary> "Anything that you would offer as advice="
  20. 21:16:19: <IcepickLobotomy> "Hmm. Mrs Iravani is pretty strict, though she may be a little more relaxed running the club. James Martin is the president, I don't know him at all."
  21. 21:23:00: mary nods after a moment
  22. 21:26:58: <mary> "thanks again for this list"
  23. 21:27:08: <IcepickLobotomy> "No problem."
  24. 21:28:44: <mary> Luckily today is monday.. so she will go and read the list while she is taking a moment for herself to get her lunch
  25. 21:41:44: <IcepickLobotomy> Lunch, and the rest of the school-day, comes and goes without major incident (Aside from Yang slamming a ball into you during PE, but that's par the course.)
  26. 21:45:07: <IcepickLobotomy> Room 402 is a Chemistry Lab, the walls adorned with posters of elements and astronomic material. The large windows face out to the city, glittering towers of steel and glass looming in the distance. You're the first person to arrive.
  27. 21:49:57: <mary> (The devil woman! )
  28. 21:50:33: mary looks around a bit unsure and then slowly moves towards the edge , looking over the poster and well trying to engage in being a wallflower
  29. 21:57:50: <IcepickLobotomy> A few moments pass before a woman, perhaps 30 or so years old wearing a head-scarf and jeans. She's short as well. "Oh hello there."
  30. 22:00:12: <mary> "Uh.. hello?"
  31. 22:00:27: <mary> "Miss ..Iravani?"
  32. 22:01:01: <IcepickLobotomy> "Mrs, I'm married, but yes." She gives you a small smile "And who are you?"
  33. 22:03:08: <mary> "Uh, Marry Robinson, I was interested in the astronomy club"
  34. 22:04:58: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods "That's good to hear, we're not exactly the biggest club around. We tend to plan out a monthly star-gazing trip, and on meetings we tend to spend some time talking and sharing news, if things are slow we'll put on a movie or tv show, usually SciFi of some variety."
  35. 22:10:53: <mary> "I, well I had some interest in it , but while I did a bit of reading I never had a telescope "
  36. 22:12:42: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods. "That's not a problem, we're more than happy to share with others. Nickolas and Hikari don't have ones either, but me and James do, so it works out."
  37. 22:16:37: <mary> "Its interesting to see the difference in stargazing if you compare here and the US , including the light polution."
  38. 22:18:51: <IcepickLobotomy> "Yes it's a bit of a difr-" She's cut off as the door opens, followed by chatter. "-ing that if you think the Federation /isn't/ Communist, or even Socialist, then you're in flat out denial. The idea of a utopian state that /isn't/ either of those is laughable." "There's no evidence of it within the series." "There's no evidence against it either!" Two boys wander into the room in a heated...
  39. 22:18:53: <IcepickLobotomy> ...debate "
  40. 22:19:10: <IcepickLobotomy> "Would you both just shut up about that already? Why does it even matter?" Asks a third, female voice.
  41. 22:19:49: <IcepickLobotomy> "This again?" Mrs Iravani observes. "Yes!" The two shout at the same time "He won't admit he's wrong!" They say in sync.
  42. 22:23:29: <mary> "Well the federation is a military dictatorship that assumes it knows better what to do then civilians. Considering how they react to people like Mudd, or that every source of research is military in nature and we never see a civil oversight of starfleet."
  43. 22:28:06: <IcepickLobotomy> The two stop and *stare* at you a moment. They look at each-other, speechless. ". . . Yeah, wel-" "No, don't even start!" The girl, Hikari you assume steps forward, hands on her hips "I've had to listen to that for the last /hour/ . You are going to introduce yourself to her before you even /think/ about starting anything. Got that James?" "Yes ma'am." the glasses clad boy answers.
  44. 22:30:55: <mary> "uh..hi, I am Mary Robinson"
  45. 22:35:08: mary looks at her shoes after a moment
  46. 22:35:13: <IcepickLobotomy> "Hikari Shirai." The girl introduces herself. She's about your height with a short-bob cut of black hair. "James Martin," A short boy with curly red hair, large glasses, and a small spray of freckles waves. "And I am Nickolas Markov." He's tall and pale-skinned, also wearing a pair of thin framed glasses.
  47. 22:40:53: <mary> "Nice to meet you?"
  48. 22:41:01: mary sounds slightly intimidated
  49. 22:41:54: <IcepickLobotomy> "Well, it's good to see another girl interested in the club," Hikari says.
  50. 22:45:09: mary nods a bit unsure
  51. 23:02:31: <IcepickLobotomy> "So," Mrs Iravani steps into the conversation "Anyone see anything interesting over the last week?"
  52. 23:03:22: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari shakes her head, as does James. Nicholas however, speaks up "Think I saw a satellite last night. Small, fast moving gold light."
  53. 23:17:43: <IcepickLobotomy> Mary: You remember. . . standing out by the window, Meagan in your arms as you watched the stars. Then a golden light, like a star, streaking across the night's sky. A harsh crackling noise like interference on the radio, sounded, as a distorted wave like static on a screen washed over the city. You don't know why you didn't remember that.
  54. 23:21:22: <mary> "I, well it went Westwards right? I remember that I heard something so it might have been radio interference"
  55. 23:21:55: <IcepickLobotomy> He nods "Yes, I heard static on the radio when it passed."
  56. 23:31:05: mary nods after a moment "So it might have been a satelite , as a meteor would look less golden and would not have done the radio disruption
  57. 23:31:11: mary is smaaart
  58. 23:32:18: <IcepickLobotomy> "But it didn't look big enough to cause widespread radio-interference."
  59. 23:34:35: <mary> "It might have bounced in the ionosphere..."
  60. 23:35:49: <IcepickLobotomy> "Maybe, I can ask my brother, he's big into ham radio, he might know." Says James
  61. 23:36:38: <mary> "Well I am not a radio fan I only remember that ionosphere stuff might have a influence like a sunspot
  62. 23:39:55: <IcepickLobotomy> "Maybe, but the local radios don't recive signals from that far, which means it'd probably be propagating some sort of interference or something." Hikari scribbles on a pice of paper "I mean, it'd have to be generating the signal to do that, so it might be a satellite, but why and who? And if it's not, then /what/ and /how/ ?"
  63. 23:43:17: <mary> "Spy satelites ? Or a strong comunication one that has a mallfunction
  64. 23:44:26: <IcepickLobotomy> "No idea. You'
  65. 23:45:25: <IcepickLobotomy> 'd think a spy sat would want to /mask/ it's emissions, but a malfunctioning communication satellite? Maybe, though that'd need to be a pretty heavy emitter I think." James says, he's leaning back in a chair, one leg bouncing anxiously.
  66. 23:47:37: <mary> "hmhm...."
  67. 23:49:23: <IcepickLobotomy> The conversation trails off as others remain in thought.
  68. 23:51:45: <IcepickLobotomy> "Sooo. . . StarTrek?" James asks. Hikari snorts "We washed StarTrek last week, it's my turn to pick something." Nicholas groans "No, you always pick Garzilla." "Godzilla!" "Whatever."
  69. 23:56:08: <mary> "what are your different interests?"
  70. 23:56:26: mary softly speaks up from her hiding place.. next to a a table
  71. 23:56:36: mary tries to distract herself
  72. 23:57:07: <IcepickLobotomy> James speaks first. "Computers, mostly." Nicholas shrugs "I like to write." Hikari leans over and stage whispers "He likes to write poetry."
  75. 20:45:15: mary seems to be surprised for a moment and then, nods "Yes I had fun, even if it was a bit surprising I have to say . And I think I want to come back again ."
  76. 20:45:23: mary nods and then afte a second adds something
  77. 20:45:30: <mary> "That is if you want me around for that.."
  78. 20:45:46: <IcepickLobotomy> "Of course we do."
  79. 20:55:01: mary nods after a moment and then smiles
  80. 20:58:05: <IcepickLobotomy> "So," She slings her backpack over her shoulders "I'll see you next week then Mary."
  81. 20:59:46: <mary> "Yes uh.. anything further that I should know or prepare for next time?"
  82. 21:00:20: <IcepickLobotomy> "Might be good to bring a movie or something."
  83. 21:02:00: <mary> "Anything that I should or should not bring?"
  84. 21:02:38: <IcepickLobotomy> "Uh, nothing. . PG-13 I think the the phrase? Keep it at that level."
  85. 21:10:16: <mary> "Well what where the last few movies that you watched?"
  86. 21:11:18: <IcepickLobotomy> "We watched some startrek last week, Plan 9 from Outspace the week before that, and before /that/ a documentary on Neptune."
  87. 21:13:35: <mary> "Well, then I will try to get something interesting then but I can not promise anything."
  88. 21:14:53: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, we've all subjected each-other to misses now and again."
  89. 21:18:15: <mary> "Yes but, well you are more used to each other. And hmhm are we 4 the only members ?"
  90. 21:19:03: <IcepickLobotomy> "Yeah, we're pretty small, main reason we're actually a club is Mrs. Irazani, she's really into Astronomy."
  91. 21:21:10: <mary> "She seemed quite invested in the more scientific moments of our talk"
  92. 21:22:05: <IcepickLobotomy> "Yeah," She holds open the door leading outside. A blast of hot Mediterranean air greets you "She is a science teacher."
  93. 21:27:57: mary is after all used to hot air and so she isn't to put out from this "Thanks , and I kind of assumed so"
  94. 21:33:07: <IcepickLobotomy> "Well it's not exactly a big secret either. But it is nice to have a place were we can enjoy some like-minded company."
  95. 21:35:31: <mary> "Yes, and well I like that this is a enviroment where I can use my head."
  96. 21:36:06: <IcepickLobotomy> "Your classes not challenging you?"
  97. 21:38:10: <mary> "Well it varies, it is mostly a question of the material as some of it is different from what I am used to"
  98. 21:45:06: <IcepickLobotomy> "Ah, your old school was a bit ahead in some places compared to here." She nods "Same thing happened to me when I transferred here, but it will probably even out after a bit. If you're really far ahead you could try getting into one of the advanced classes as well."
  99. 21:46:36: <mary> "Uh no. it is more that my old one was a bit behind in a number of things..."
  100. 21:46:40: mary looks somewhat ashamed.
  101. 21:48:46: <IcepickLobotomy> "Oh, uh. . Sorry. Uh, I the school does offer free tutoring and after-school programs if you're feeling a bit behind."
  102. 21:49:01: <IcepickLobotomy> "What year are you in anyways?"
  103. 22:19:00: <mary> "Nah it is more that my old shcool had bad material and so I have to work in some areas a bit more while I can do it slightly better in others And I am a junior"
  104. 22:19:35: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods. "Sophomore myself, so I don't think I can offer much help unless you start taking Japanese."
  105. 22:22:19: <mary> "Well I only have some Ancient language and slight bits of french"
  106. 22:23:48: <IcepickLobotomy> "Ohh, french. Jues nu su. . . something something?" "
  107. 22:28:33: <mary> "Je me sens très bien, et votre offre de japonais est agréable"
  108. 22:29:43: <IcepickLobotomy> "Uhh, I think you said that my offer was a good deal?"
  109. 22:31:55: <mary> "Yes which is more then I could have said in japanese"
  110. 22:32:25: <IcepickLobotomy> "And more than I could say in French."
  111. 22:32:34: <IcepickLobotomy> "So I think we're pretty equal in that regard."
  112. 22:34:12: <mary> "Well, at least we share a common language, Science Fiction"
  113. 22:34:32: <IcepickLobotomy> "A truly universal language."
  114. 22:36:35: <mary> "Like Mathemathics"
  115. 22:37:41: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari makes a face "Ugg, maybe, though I really wonder about that."
  116. 22:44:17: <mary> "Well I did not say that we speak nerd like our fellow members"
  117. 22:45:38: <IcepickLobotomy> "True," The two of you make your way up the stairwell to the tram station. "We've all got our own talents afterall."
  118. 22:46:40: <mary> "Yes, some of us just more aplicable then others. So, what are you doing beyond visiting the club?"
  119. 22:47:52: <IcepickLobotomy> "School work, help my mother run the shop, hang out around the city." She shrugs "Normal stuff for the most part, you?"
  120. 22:55:33: <mary> "Mostly taking care of my little sister , I am here on a scholarship and so in a den , which well, it is a fairly multi national one"
  121. 22:56:27: <IcepickLobotomy> "Ah, cool. You enjoying it here." She comes to a stop, waiting for her tram to arrive.
  122. 22:58:00: <mary> "Well yes , as I said it is a bit strange with how I am with the school work, and well I mostly lack time for hobbies right now . And what shop does your family own?"
  123. 22:58:44: <IcepickLobotomy> "Tea chop, though my father is a engineer working for METI."
  124. 22:58:48: <IcepickLobotomy> *shop
  125. 23:01:40: <mary> "I hope he is okay with all that happens here?"
  126. 23:02:46: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods. "He is," the 'So far' hangs in the air. "So, you mentioned a sister?"
  127. 23:05:03: <mary> "Yes, Meagan, alas I can not introduce you to her. "she lets it hang a moment in the air as she tries to make a joke "Because her vocabulary so far is at the level of"brrrirply"
  128. 23:05:11: mary makes baby noises
  129. 23:08:59: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari smiles. "Oh, she sounds cute."
  130. 23:10:09: <mary> She is very much so
  131. 23:10:16: <mary> ""
  132. 23:10:30: mary glows "Even if I still have to train her when to hit someone with her food and when not"
  133. 23:13:52: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari giggles, her twin-tailed hair bobbing in the motion of her head. "Sometimes I'm not sure if I like being a only child or not."
  134. 23:20:06: <mary> "Well that changes when you have 4 siblings and "
  135. 23:23:27: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari says nothing for a moment before carefully leaning over a putting one arm around Mary,. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up."
  136. 23:24:03: <mary> "It.. its not your fault."
  137. 23:24:25: mary shivers for a moment and closes her eyes as she leans into the hug
  138. 23:24:45: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods "Maybe not, but I still feel bad about it."
  139. 23:28:17: <mary> "Well, it . is not uncommon and I. should not make ."
  140. 23:28:26: mary shuts up
  141. 23:29:25: <IcepickLobotomy> "That doesn't make . . " She sighs "Sorry, I'll drop the subject if you want."
  142. 23:36:40: <mary> "No it is ..okay"
  143. 23:38:22: <IcepickLobotomy> Uh so. . . What's your stop here anyways? I'm getting of at Tower 3."
  144. 23:49:19: <mary> "Well it seems then that we are getting off at the same time"
  145. 23:54:20: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods again. "Yeah, guess we are, you want to stop by and see the tea-shop?"
  146. 23:57:21: <mary> "I would be delighted to "
  147. 23:57:30: mary lets the souuthern drawl escape for a moment
  148. 23:57:40: <IcepickLobotomy> "Awesome, it's down on floor 5, so not to far from the station."
  149. 23:59:25: <mary> "Uh, anything that I should do or do not ? I only remember that if it is something good I should remove my shoes..?"
  152. 00:01:06: <IcepickLobotomy> The tram pulls into the massive MircoPolis, the sun sliding away as its displaced by artificial lighting. The station is clean gleaming tiles, which quickly gives way to the paved flooring of the lower commercial area o the MircoPolis. Hikari leads you out into one of the side passages, filled with smaller Mom and Pop stores, including her mother's. Opening the door reveals a small, covey...
  153. 00:01:08: <IcepickLobotomy>, the shelves lined with tea-cups, pots, packages of tea, and jars of tea-leaves. It has a dry earthy scent to it. The gentle song of a stringed instrament drifts softly through the air from some hidden speakers.
  154. 00:07:27: mary looks around interested as she takes in the rich scent of the gathered leaves
  155. 00:10:58: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari guides you behind the counter, past a loose "door" of beads. The back of the store is filled with jars and leaves labeled in Japanese. The dry scent is almost overpowering. Hikari's mother is leaned over the counter with her back to you. She is carefully measuring some loose leaves into a jar. "Hello Hikari, who's your friend?"
  156. 00:12:47: mary waits a second in case hikari wants to introduce her
  157. 00:16:23: <IcepickLobotomy> "Mom, this is Mary, we met at Astronomy club. Mary, this is my Mother, Miki."
  158. 00:17:04: <mary> "Hello, nice to meet you Misses [Lastnamethat I lost in the logs] "
  159. 00:24:29: <IcepickLobotomy> The woman turns around. She's taller than you or Hikari, but shares her daughter's features. You can see the similar lines in her face, sharp and angular, though Hikari's are softer more cute than pretty. Her black hair is tied in a tight bun. She's paler as well, her eyes are older, not quite as soft or trusting as Hikari. She brushes off a few loose leaves off her apron before offering...
  160. 00:24:30: <IcepickLobotomy> ...her hand to you. "Nice to meet you as Mary, please call me Miki."
  161. 00:25:48: <mary> "If you wish so "She smiles at her and then takes her hand " I am one of the more recent transfer students so I am still a bit overwhelmed from the city. Which would explain how I missed your shop despite living in the same tower.
  162. 00:26:37: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods and escorts the two of you to one of the small tables near the corner. "There are a number of shops as well, and mine is rather out of the way."
  163. 00:39:21: <mary> "Well yeah but one should still at least try to know there surounding well enough. But then that is in such a city a fear a loffy ideal"
  164. 00:41:50: <IcepickLobotomy> She nods and turns to her daughter "You should listen to your friend, you should be more aware of your surroundings." Hikari blinks and pouts. Her mother pats the girl on the head "Now, would the two of you like some tea?"
  165. 00:51:02: <mary> "Well she seemed quite aware as far as I saw.." she weakly tries to defend her "Uh yes please but I am not good enough with tee to know what I should take"
  166. 00:54:41: <IcepickLobotomy> "Oolong then." Hikari says "Don't worry, it's good." A few moments later Miki has set a small pot of tea on the table along with a pair of tea-cups. "I'm going to finish up in back, if you two want anything let me know."
  167. 01:10:11: mary nods and let herself be guided by the more forcefull females
  168. 01:14:01: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari lets the tea step for a few minutes, carefully feeling out the flow of conversation at a relaxing pace before she pours the tea. It's a pale yellow color, and the steam carries a delicate woody aroma. Hikari takes a small drink with a relaxed sigh. "I always stop by the shop after school and have some tea."
  169. 01:21:00: <mary> "Well, why would you not do so ?" She asks while she looks at the tea and takes a deep breath to try out the taste before she takes a small sip, and then a bigger one as it is to her liking
  170. 01:23:21: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari blinks "Good point. You like it?"
  171. 01:25:11: <mary> "I . yes? I can not really compare it because we only had sweet ice tea "
  172. 01:27:14: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari makes a face and whispers "Don't let my mother hear tha-" The woman in question seems to appear out of thin air. "Oh you poor dear." She shakes her head "I'm going to have to send some tea home with you then."
  173. 01:34:12: mary nearly shrieks as the appears right next to her " arbuwash?"
  174. 01:35:43: <IcepickLobotomy> Miki smiles, "Sorry about that." She steps behind the counter and you can hear her moving through the shelves. Hikari gives you a sympathetic smile "Sorry, she does that. It's somewhat disconcerting how quiet she moves."
  175. 01:37:08: <mary> "...You are not a tea making ninja right?"
  176. 01:37:53: <IcepickLobotomy> She looks up from the counter and just smiles.
  177. 01:42:17: <mary> "If I find a black Pjama in my room I know who was it."
  178. 01:45:15: <IcepickLobotomy> "Historically, ninja dressed as everyday people." Miki sets down a small bag with several sample's of tea, each with a small attached note explaining it's place of origin and suggested brewing time. "Here you are, a sample pack to take home."
  179. 01:49:29: <mary> "Uh. I can't possibly just take them.."
  180. 01:50:52: <IcepickLobotomy> She smiles "No, please do take it. I hand them out to anyone who's interested. I got most of my regular customers by giving out free sample packs, if you like it you'll want more, and thus buy it."
  181. 01:51:25: <IcepickLobotomy> "Besides, I can't let one of Hikari's friend go without having experienced some quality tea."
  182. 01:52:37: <mary> "Well in that case..." She looks unsure at Hikari for a moment.
  183. 01:53:25: <IcepickLobotomy> Hikari leans forward "Mom, stop making people think you're a ninja, you're not, I'd have noticed by now." She nods to you "And please take the tea Mary, it's a gift."
  184. 01:55:59: mary nods and then smiles somewhat relived , its not like she is used to people mistaking her for having friends.
  185. 02:02:51: <IcepickLobotomy> "Hikari, if I /were/ a ninja, do you think it'd be easy to tell?" "No, but I think you'd have brought me into the family business by now." Her mother smiles, cat-like "Oh how wonderful, I'd love to have your help in the shop." "No wait that's not what I meant!" Miki hears nothing however as she heads into the back.
  186. 02:04:19: <mary> "That was a well laid trap from her there for you " she says after a moment with a smile
  187. 02:04:57: <IcepickLobotomy> ". . . ." She pouts again and takes a long drink from her tea "And I walked right into it."
  188. 02:11:58: <mary> "Well you should have been used to it..."
  189. 02:13:26: <IcepickLobotomy> She shrugs "I don't mind helping out, I just wish she'd ask me like a normal person sometimes."
  190. 02:17:48: <mary> "And giving you a chance to say no?
  191. 02:18:27: <IcepickLobotomy> "I wouldn't say no unless I really had to."
  192. 02:18:40: mary raises a eyebrow
  193. 02:19:33: <IcepickLobotomy> ". . . . . " She drinks her tea ". . . I learned my lesson already."
  194. 02:27:40: <mary> "Well then..."
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