
Hugo Finalized

Oct 2nd, 2014
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  1. Hugo
  2. Preferred ultras: U2 generally, U1 for matches with important 1f punishes (Dan, rekka characters) and grounded footsie matchups (Chun, Rose, Guile, etc)
  3. Entry level difficulty: [3/10]
  4. Advanced difficulty: [6/10]
  5. Strengths:
  6. +High damage punishes
  7. +2f long-range unblockable throw
  8. +one of the best in-close mixup scenarios in the game
  9. Weaknesses:
  10. -Easily kept at a distance
  11. -Highly unsafe options
  12. -Huge hurtbox
  14. Anti airs:
  15. EX Shootdown Backbreaker - Most reliable, do from crouching as late as possible (trades do 0 damage)
  16. St. HP - Armored, but won't anti air armorbreaking jump ins (hawk dive) or multi hit jump ins (Air target combos)
  17. U2 - Easiest on tall characters, somewhat specific otherwise
  18. LK Shootdown Backbreaker - no invincibility, do it as early as possible.
  19. EX Lariat - Have to do it late so you get the armor. If you catch high enough you can juggle out of it.
  20. f+HP - bad hurtbox, but you can combo from trade into backbreaker etc.
  21. cr. HP - this move has a good hitbox, but horrible startup and recovery.
  23. Anti focus:
  24. St. MK
  25. Light normal xx LK Lariat
  26. All ground throws
  27. Light normal xx EX lariat
  28. EX Giant Palm Bomber - always gets counter hit, additional combos possible
  29. Light normal xx EX meat squasher
  31. Anti fireball:
  32. super
  33. dd+MK - ignores fireballs
  34. st. HP - gets ultra meter, no dash commit
  35. focus dash SPD - not a true punish, just hard to react to
  36. EX lariat - requires prediction, unsafe, costs meter
  37. well timed claps from fullscreen - not recommended, different fireball speeds screw this up and there's little reward
  39. Reversals/Invincibility:
  40. EX backbreaker catches most jump ins, can autocorrect
  41. EX lariat/EX meat squasher have armor
  42. EX SPD has full strike invincibility
  43. Anti safe jump EX SPD
  45. Punishing combos:
  46. Dankyaku punish SPD
  47. Rekka punish SPD
  48. Hawk dive punish st. MP
  49. Blanka ball punish claps
  50. Rekka punish EX ultra throw
  51. EX hawk dive punish U2
  52. Light blanka ball punish U2
  53. Twin overhead punish U1
  54. Level 2 focus crumple, dash in:
  55. - HP clap, MK backbreaker, 334 dmg
  56. - MP clap, EX clap, LP clap, cr. LK xx LK lariat, 404 dmg
  57. - HP clap, EX clap, EX clap, U2, 550 dmg
  58. Level 2 focus crumple, dash out:
  59. - HP clap, LK backbreaker, 320 dmg
  60. - HP clap, EX clap, 299 dmg
  61. - HP clap, U2, 467 dmg
  62. - HP clap, EX clap, U2, 515 dmg
  63. - HP clap, LP clap xx super (can ultra if near corner), 444 dmg (611 with U2)
  64. Meat squasher, st.MP, 320 dmg - best corner carry
  65. HP Clap, MP Clap, LP Clap, cr. LK xx LK Lariat, 369 dmg
  66. d+j.HP > Cr. LK xx LK lariat, 240 dmg
  67. (Jump over fireball) jump HK, LP clap, cr. LK xx LK lariat, 330 dmg
  68. (Far jump over fireball) jump HP, cr. MK, 220 dmg
  69. HP Clap, MP Clap, EX Clap, LP Clap > Cr.LK xx LK Lariat, 450 dmg
  70. (For something very unsafe) Level 3 focus, HP clap, MP clap, LP clap, cr. LK xx LK lariat, 441 dmg
  71. HP clap, MP clap, LP clap xx Hammer Mountain xx shootdown backbreaker, 544 dmg
  73. Confirm combos:
  74. LP LP LP LP LP, 205 dmg
  75. LP clap, cr. LK xx LK Lariat, 210 dmg
  76. MP clap, LP clap, cr. LP xx LK lariat, 290 dmg
  77. MP clap, EX clap, LP clap, cr. LP xx LK lariat, 389 dmg
  78. Leap Attack, cr. LP xx LK lariat, 180 dmg
  79. cr. LP xx Hammer Mountain (empty cancel), 430 dmg
  80. cr. LP (counter hit) xx LP Clap > Cr. LK xx LK Lariat, 253 dmg
  81. cr. LP (counter hit) xx EX clap, LP clap, light normal xx LK lariat, 352 dmg
  83. Important Juggles:
  84. Ultra throw, LP clap, backbreaker, 288 dmg
  85. Ultra throw, LP clap, U2, 462 dmg
  86. Ultra throw, EX clap, U2, 512 dmg
  87. Ultra throw, EX clap, EX clap, U2, 573 dmg
  88. Ultra throw, LP clap, super, U2, 659 dmg
  90. Corner:
  91. Ultra throw when opponent cornered, autocorrect LK backbreaker, 240 dmg
  92. Ultra throw when hugo cornered, HK backbreaker, 280 dmg
  94. Ultra setups:
  95. U1:
  96. (Focus) dash forward U1
  97. Empty jump U1
  98. Whiff dd+mk, U1
  99. cr. MK, dash, dd+mk, U1
  100. Light normal, U1 (tick throw)
  101. cr. LK FADC U1
  102. Whiff meaty clap, U1
  104. U2:
  105. Clap on airborne opponent (backdash etc.)
  106. Ultra Throw - It's better if you use Clap after UT; that way, the opponent will always be at the right height to land U2
  107. (EX) Lariat on an airborne opponent
  110. Footsies:
  111. st. LP
  112. cr. LP
  113. st. MP
  114. cr. MP
  115. cr. LK
  116. cr. MK
  117. st. LK
  118. st. HP
  119. All of these attacks have good range. cr. LP and cr. MP look the same, but cr. MP has slightly more range. Same deal with cr. LK and cr. MK.
  120. - st. HP is a good tool because it has armor. When the opponent tries to out-poke you, use this. St.HP is also an overhead, so crouchers aren't safe.
  121. - LK or EX Meat Squasher is a great tool when used at a range that makes it hard for the opponent to react to it. LK version is particularly good because it's fast.
  122. - Clapping in footsies is often difficult to reaction punish and offers high reward for low risk
  123. - If a clap connects from too far away you can combo to st. MP or cr. MK
  124. - Universal overhead dodges lows and you can combo out of it.
  125. - Lariat combos can be situationally spaced to be safe (vs T. Hawk)
  126. - Empty cancel cr. LK xx LK lariat, or cr. LP xx super, etc.
  127. - What you generally want to do is move forward and block, use lights buffered with claps, and slowly inch your opponent to the corner. if he's holding his ground and throwing out slow normals, use st. HP to beat them, or FADC through them and spd. If your opponent respects the clap, then you should be able to catch him with a light into LK meat squasher which gives you the corner immediately.
  129. Pressure:
  130. Typically you want to use the light normals buffered into LP clap. Counter hit will cause LP clap to combo and you can confirm into cr. LK xx LK lariat. You can also mix this range with cr. LK xx LK meatsquasher
  131. Also, while you should use cr. LK xx LP clap for footsies and pokes, you should cr. LKxx EX clap for block strings. The gap is bigger, but the frame advantage off of a blocked EX clap will allow you to continue pressure with a light xx clap, or grab, or tick throw setup.
  132. Just keep in mind that all cr. LK xx clap things are punishable by quick normals.
  133. - An option select MK Meat squasher catches most teleports
  134. - After any lariat, empty jump forward, dd+MK/MP clap xx Option select of your choice (This hits meaty on all except decapre and chunli.)
  135. - Predictive or option select meaty (EX) shootdown backbreaker and U2 catch backdashes, jumps, and some airborne reversals.
  136. - Hugo's reset potential is unreal. Any combo into a light normal he can reset into ultra throw or meat squasher, or do backbreaker or block predicting jump out or reversal respectively. You can also reset to SPD/U1 if they're blocking.
  138. Mixups:
  139. - cr. LP xx clap vs cr. LP xx meat squasher vs cr. LP, bait reversal, punish
  140. - far j.HP vs far empty jump 360
  141. - Meat squasher reset vs Lariat reset
  142. - Clap, SPD vs clap, backbreaker
  143. - meaty low forward vs meaty sweep
  144. Hugo's biggest benefit comes off of the various ways he can pressure after a knockdown. Hugo on opponent's wakeup can do different versions of claps to connect or fake a connect.
  145. - HP clap, pause, 360 - beats downback
  146. - HP clap, pause, backbreaker/cr. MK - beats backdash/jump
  147. - HP clap, pause, EX backbreaker/U2 - beats many airborne reversals
  148. - HP clap, st. HP - a good halfway option, beats neutral jump and armors through some reaction moves while hitting overhead
  149. - HP clap, another clap - another good halfway option. Deals block damage, additional pressure, safe.
  150. - HP clap, light normal, meat squasher/ultra throw - a reset option
  151. - MP clap, backthrow - safest option, good success and low commitment
  152. - MP clap, block - baits shoryukens looking to punish HP clap
  153. - MP clap, SPD - punishes people respecting HP clap
  154. - MP clap, backbreaker/U2/cr. MK - punishes jump back and backdash
  155. - MP clap, cr. HK - an overhead, punishes jump and backdash still, but also a mixup with cr. MK
  156. - Any successful clap, light clap, cr.LK xx LK lariat - a conversion.
  157. Hugo has a lot of ways of setting up MP vs HP clap after landing most of his attacks.
  158. - cr. MK, dash forward MP clap whiff vs HP clap to hit
  159. - SPD, then MP clap whiff vs HP clap to hit
  160. - Backbreaker, whiff st. MP then MP clap to whiff vs HP clap to hit
  161. - Meatsquasher dash toward, dash back, wait a few frames, then MP clap to whiff vs HP clap to hit
  162. - cr. HK, wait a few frames, MP clap to whiff vs HP clap to hit
  163. - Toward throw, toward dash, whiff st. MP, then MP clap to whiff vs HP clap to hit
  164. - Back throw, toward dash, toward dash, then MP clap to whiff vs HP clap to hit
  165. - Ultra 1 wait a few frames, then MP clap to whiff vs HP clap to hit
  166. Now with everything above that is meaty, (so all the HP clap options), you can set up an option select to catch all jumps, most back dashes, and even some special reversals. So after any HP clap meaty setup you can immediately input ultra 2 or ex back breaker as an option select. Do this during the previous setups
  167. Notes on the option selects -
  168. If your opponent uses delayed wake up on any of the HP clap meaties, then you can immediately do ultra throw after and it will grab them. Watch for the technical to pop up during HP clap so you should be able to go into ultra throw on reaction.
  170. Notes:
  171. - Plink st. MP after meat squasher for optimal consistency.
  172. - Juggling from Hammer Mountain into shootdown backbreaker, rather than cancelling it, inflicts more damage
  173. - Hugo can combo light normals on big characters after meat squasher. These are normally inferior but they can be cancelled to super.
  174. - Hugo can also combo super to U2 in the corner on tall characters and slow fallers.
  175. - You can plink all claps with hard kick. The input is qcb+P ~ HK.
  176. - It's dramatically easier to combo out of Leap Attack when doing it meaty. You can also combo from some things meaty you can't normally combo from, such as st. HP.
  177. - Hugo's ultra throw range is 2 blocked cr. LPs away. If you kara the throw, you can be 3 blocked cr. LPs away. The kara is hcb+LP ~ LK
  178. - Be careful when using Meat Squasher. The input command isn't as forgiving as Moonsault Press. You need to hit all of your inputs in order for MS to come out.
  179. - Meat Squasher has not only different ranges, but different speeds as well. HK & EX versions are the slowest. Choose your version wisely for ticks.
  180. - The frame data of all Hugo's light normals is nearly identical. st. LP is the farthest but is duckable. st. LK is particularly far and slow, and cr. LP is particularly short and fast. cr. LK is the only one that can be plinked but Hugo's combo options are so limited this is basically a non-factor. Only st. LP and cr. LP chain. Only cr. LK hits low.
  181. - Hugo has the ability to "armor cancel." This allows him to kara EX lariat into any other special move, thus giving the new move the armor for one frame. Input the command for EX Lariat, and immediately input the command for another move (e.g. QCF + KK xx HCB + K). Note that in order for the armor cancel to execute, Hugo must be struck by an attack during the 1st frame of EX Lariat's animation. Successfully armor cancelling will not consume a meter for the EX lariat, but you still need at least one bar to do this. Doing armor cancel EX lariat into EX meat squasher can give it two hits of armor.
  182. - The shootdown backbreaker from super inflicts stun damage.
  183. - Even if meat squasher dizzies, stand strong will still combo.
  184. - Ultra 1 has unusually long invincible and active periods, which mean it can be used to beat safe jumps and some other things.
  185. - Clap kara 360 is obscenely hard to execute but can add substantial range to spinning piledrivers. The input is HCB+LP ~ up/back+K
  187. Pros:
  188. Mottseru Ojisan, AlucarD, khanniball DS, Storm Kubo, RB
  190. Credit
  191. King9999
  192. Kensanity
  193. Vulcan Hades
  194. AlucarD
  195. UltraDavid
  197. Bafael's youtube:
  198. Playlist for Bafael's other character tutorials:
  199. Bafael's twitter:
  200. Bafael's twitch:
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