
Living with Kinoreia (Occasionally Updated)

Jun 21st, 2015
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  1. I was playing Monster Hunter in my apartment, as I do from time to time, hunting Rathian for a ruby. The damn things are nigh impossible to get, and I needed three for various things. There was a thunderstorm at the time, raging on almost right on top of me. Liking thunderstorms, I had the window open and was playing near it. The exhausted Rathian in game (a rather small one) charged me, just as lightning struck my building.
  3. Next thing I know, I was on the floor with something (two somethings, rather) soft pressed against my face, and a weight all over me. Cracking my eyes open showed green-scaled breasts pressed against my head, and an almost entirely stark naked woman (my hand was directly on the skin of her ass) lying on top of me, unconcious. My Hunter did his little celebratory arm pump as the quest cleared itself, as the Rathian was technically hunted according to the game. My 3DS was lying on the floor a few feet from me, screen pointed at me.
  5. No ruby.
  7. No...anything, actually. The Rewards screen was totally barren.
  9. Cursing my luck, I looked over my new...guest.
  11. She had human skin on most of her body, pale and soft. Halfway down her thighs (which I swear could crush a watermelon) to her Rathian-like four toed feet was covered in green scale, thick and protective...though the protection was of dubious use when most of her body was exposed. The same scale covered her arms down to her hands, the outer portion of which had the exact wing structure that the Rath species was known for. One 'finger' was on her wrist, another sprouting out just below her elbow joint, and the third terminated the wing on her upper arm, just below the shoulder. Her wings lacked the small pit of lethally toxic spines at the top, though the outer edges did have rather sharp claws all the way down to the middle of the wing, reducing in size until they were just a bump on the surface.
  13. Her tail was almost as long as she was tall, extending out from where the tailbone would terminate in humans. Its tip had dozens of thorns that ranged from four to six inches long, though her back lacked them like her wings did, thankfully, as my other hand was resting there and I very much appreciated not being lethally poisoned. Her feet were exactly as one would find on a normal Rathian, simply reoriented for human-like locomotion. I assumed her claws that acted as toes were toxic as well, and I was in no rush to actually find out.
  15. Rolling her off of me with little effort (which was surprising), I took a look at her other features.
  17. Like I had thought, she was, for all intents and purposes, practically naked. She had a very modest scale 'bra' and 'thong', keeping her barely decent, though like I had figured her rump was uncovered by these scales. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly turned on, but at the moment figuring out who she was was a bit more important than figuring out how to have sex with her.
  19. Did I mention I lived alone in my apartment, and had for four years?
  21. Her face had a green crest along her chin and jawline, leading up into her bright blue hair. Said crest had two 'teeth' on it, pearly white and rather large. Her chin had the familiar white spike that Raths were known for jutting out roughly an inch in front of her. She had a small scar going from her right eyebrow to right cheek, thin and almost missable. Ears covered in inflexible green scale poked out from underneath her hair, looking much like a Rathian's own. Twin blue 'tails' of hair came from under her scalp and ended at her shoulders, covering her ears over a bit.
  23. She groaned a little, rolling her head to presumably keep the light out of her eyes.
  25. I considered calling an ambulance, though what they could potentially do for a Rathian half-breed was little, depending entirely on how human-like she actually was. If it only ran skin-deep and her organs were entirely different...
  27. "No wait, that's stupid. This is a costume. Really, really well done, but still just a costume."
  29. As I thought about how much that must have cost her to build and deliberated on the ambulance a little more, she had woken up. Before I could jog myself from my thoughts, she did it for me by grabbing my throat and tackling me to the floor, the thump echoing throughout the apartment floor.
  31. "Who are you!?" She demanded, looking around. "Where am I?!"
  33. I was both too shocked and lacking enough air to respond, instead making a choking sound and grabbing at her wrist. As it didn't seem like she was going to let me go (holy hell was she strong for how thin she looked), I did the one thing that had gotten a response out of every woman before her: I grabbed her breasts, my longer arms easily closing the distance. As I hoped she would, she responded with a rather girlish yelp and a swift release, covering her chest with an extended wing.
  35. "Hands off, those aren't for you, human!" She barked, blushing furiously.
  37. "Will you cool off and let me answer you!?" I asked, rubbing my throat. A small amount of blood came from where the points on her claws had punctured through, but it wasn't enough to be worried about.
  39. The Rathian looked around at her surroundings once more, before slowly lowering her guard. It was now that I realized just how much taller than her I was, and I wasn't exactly a specimen of 'all that was man', as it were.
  41. "...fine. One more unwanted grab like that, human, and you lose the limb."
  43. "Stephen." I supplied.
  45. "What?"
  47. "That's my name. What's yours?"
  49. The little Rathian thought for a moment.
  51. "...Kino. My name is Kino."
  53. "Well, Kino, I'd be glad to give you a tour of my home." I said, spreading my arms wide and backing up a bit. I saw the eye roll, but decided to ignore it.
  54. ---
  55. The tour had gone well, though she had pointed out that my living space was...cramped. I agreed with her, but told her that outside causes were practically forcing me to live here. I couldn't afford a nicer place with my current job, and getting a better job was beyond me.
  57. "So why don't you take up Hunting? You're rather good at it." Kino asked, both curious and taking a jab at me all at once.
  59. "Because wyverns don't exist here." I replied, rubbing my temples. "That, and I'm not exactly the largest person on Earth. I couldn't do much."
  61. "W-what?" The Rathian said, dumbfounded. " wyverns?"
  63. "None, unless you count the ones in our fantasy books."
  65. She appeared to be going through shock, so I got up to get her some water...until I heard a cheer.
  67. "YES! That means two things!"
  69. "...which are?" I asked, dumbfounded. Surely she had a Rathalos mate?
  71. "One: Kino wins the title of "Queen" by default!" She crooned, beaming proudly.
  73. "And two is...?"
  75. "And two: I don't need to deal with that nasty Seregios anymore! Bastard was always trying to sleep with me, though a few doses of my venom made his scaly rear back off."
  77. I blinked as I brought back the water, which she eyed warily.
  79. "What's that?"
  81. "Water?"
  83. "No no, the thing the water is in." She said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
  85. "Oh. It's just a glass, nothing too fancy." I said with a shrug.
  87. "Hunters don't carry these on them..." Kino said as she took it into her clawed hands, carefully taking a drink. "Mm...tastes funny."
  89. "Probably the fluoride." I said with a small smile, taking the glass back.
  91. "What's that?"
  93. "It's a mineral, helps keep your teeth strong."
  95. "Feh, I don't need help with that!" Kino said with a huff, crossing her arms. "I've gotten this far without help!"
  97. I rolled my eyes at her display, walking back to close my 3DS that was still on the floor. It closed with a snap, drawing Kino's attention once more.
  99. "Hey, what is that thing? I saw it earlier, right before you *groped* me."
  101. "It's my 3DS, it's a video game console. It's where you came from, actually." I said, looking the device over. No damage aside from a small scuff from the fall. The game itself, however, was somewhat screwed up. The quest that I had been doing was missing from the list, and I knew for a fact it wasn't one that cycled. There still were Rathian quests available, but that particular capture quest was simply...gone.
  103. "Uh, what...?" I asked myself, hearing the Rathian approach. "Odd..."
  105. "What?"
  107. "The quest I was doing before you knocked me on my's gone." I said, gesturing at the screen where the quest numbers skipped quest 12 and continued directly to 13.
  109. The Rathian shrugged.
  111. "I just remember four hunters coming after me. I charged at one...and then here I am."
  113. I looked her over again, noting the markings on her wings.
  115. "Holy shit." I said, realization dawning. This wasn't some costume. This was literally her. Not some really well done cosplay, she *was* the Rathian that had hit me in the game.
  117. The lightning...?
  119. Kino looked at me with an arched eyebrow.
  121. "Is there something on my face?"
  123. "You're...actually a Rathian." I said with a deadpan tone.
  125. "Yes...?" She replied, confused.
  127. "Holy shit. I have to be hallucinating. Lighting hit my home and...knocked me out, yeah. This is a fever dream."
  129. Kino rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen, leaving me to deal with my crisis alone.
  131. "I hit my head, and now I'm seeing a green scaled wyvern woman. A fever dream. I'll wake up in the"
  133. I looked around, noting that I was very much not in the hospital and in fact still standing in the middle of my living room like a yutz. One more attempt had me still standing there, TV displaying static from the hit on the building.
  135. I sighed.
  137. "Fantastic. I have an almost naked wyvern woman in my home. How hosed am I...?"
  139. "OW!" Came a cry from the kitchen, as something popped out of the toaster. "Insolent little box, I'll show YOU heat!"
  141. "Ack, Kino, no!"
  142. ---
  144. Three days had passed in relative peace, Kino making herself comfortable in my apartment. She had claimed the living room as her 'nest', and had gone about making it more 'homey'. Honestly, she was just making a wreck of it, but there wasn't much I could do. Any protest was shut down by a display of teeth and talons, and a fair bit of flame. As I was horribly squishy and quite flammable, I backed down every time.
  146. Today, however, was different. I was set up with heat-treated flame-resistant leather, arming myself with a frying pan and a pan lid. I planned on kicking her out of the living room, then moving her to the second bedroom. It was there for the second roommate that had never moved in, so she could use that one to her heart's content.
  148. I went into the living find it empty, and the front door open.
  150. "Oh no. Oh NO!" I cried, dropping my 'weapon' and dashing out of the door. Who knows what kind of trouble she was getting into, and who knows what kind of response a wyverness would warrant! I shuddered to think of the local police bringing firearms to bare against her, simply because she was hotheaded enough to get into a fight with anyone that challenged her.
  152. Sprinting into the parking lot, I looked around for any sign of Kino. A scale, a talon mark on the concrete, anything.
  154. "Kino!?" I called, looking around when she didn't respond. Either out of range or ignoring me, I surmised. A splash off to my left drew my attention, and I looked just in time to see the wyverness surface from a dive into the apartment complex's pool. She had it all to herself, though whether she drove the others out for that special privilege was debatable. "There you are!"
  156. She looked at me like I had sprouted another head, before rolling her eyes and moving for the diving board again.
  158. "This is fun! Why didn't you tell me about this before?" She asked, hauling herself out of the pool and stepping onto the board.
  160. "I didn't want anyone to see you." I replied bluntly, eyes narrowed in irritation.
  162. "Feh. They all think I'm in 'cosplay', whatever that is." Kino fired back, before charging to the end of the diving board and leaping halfway across the pool with her powerful Rathian legs. Some small part of me wondered briefly about what it would be like to be between them, but I shook that thought to the back of my mind.
  164. The resultant splash was large enough to tag me a bit, my shoes soaked through in an instant. I could only sigh, part of me thankful that was all they thought of the Rathian. A cosplay, a costume. If I could keep that illusion up, we'd be set. Part of me knew that, eventually, that little plan would come crashing down around me...but I only needed to keep that illusion up until I could find some other way to introduce her to the community without her burning everything down or killing anyone.
  166. Maybe, just maybe, I could pull this off.
  167. ---
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