
OneShot - en.yml

Aug 11th, 2016
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YAML 5.42 KB | None | 0 0
  1. nameOfPlugin: "&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]"
  3. consoleError: "&cYou must be a player!"
  4. noPermission: "&cYou don't have permissions!"
  5. wrongUsageCommand: "&cWrong using the command!"
  6. arenaAlreadyExist: "&cArena with name &6{name} &calready exists!"
  7. arenaDoesnotExist: "&cArena with name &6{name} &cdoesn't exist!"
  8. youAreAlreadyInArena: "&cYou are already in game!"
  9. youAreNotInArena: "&cYou aren't already in game!"
  10. arenaIsFull: "&cGame &6{arena} &cis full!"
  11. arenaIsAlreadyStarted: "&cGame is running"
  12. lackOfPlayersInLobby: "&cLack of players in lobby! Countdown will be reset!"
  13. lackOfPlayersInGame: "&cLack of players in game! Game is ending!"
  14. playerLeftGame: "&cPlayer &6{player} &cleft the game!"
  15. blockedCommands: "&cThis command is blocked in this game!"
  16. numberMustBeZeroOrOne: "&cNumber can be only &60 &cor &61&c!"
  17. arenaIsNotAllowed: "&cGame &6{arena} &cis stopped now!"
  18. noNumber: "&cArgument must be as number!"
  19. pleaseReloadConfig: "&cPlease reload configuration before creating sign for new arena!"
  20. kickWhileDisabling: "&cYou was kicked from game, because Administrator reload all files!"
  21. blockedKit: "&cSorry, but this kit is not available in this version!"
  22. gameEnded: "&cGame ended!"
  23. noGames: "&cNo games!"
  25. arenaCreated: "&aOneShot game &6{name} &acreated!"
  26. createMainLobby: "&aMain lobby created!"
  27. lobbyForArenaCreated: "&aLobby for game &6{name} &acreated!"
  28. addedSpawn: "&aSpawnPoint &6{num} &afor game &6{name} &acreated!"
  29. setMinPlayers: "&aMinimum count of players for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}&a!"
  30. setMaxPlayers: "&aMaximum count of players for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}&a!"
  31. setMoneyReward: "&aMoney reward for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}{currChar}&a!"
  32. setGameTime: "&aGame time for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}s&a!"
  33. setLobbyTime: "&aLobby Time for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}s&a!"
  34. setKillsToWin: "&aMaximum count of kills for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}&a!"
  35. cmdAfterXKills: "&aCount of every &6X &akills for game &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}&a!"
  36. allowGame: "&aGame &6{arena} &aset to &6{int}&a!"
  37. joinInLobby: "&aYou joined the game &6{arena}&a! &7({numOfPlayers})"
  38. playerJoinTheGame: "&aPlayer &6{player} &ajoined the game! &7({numOfPlayers})"
  39. leaveArena: "&aYou left the game!"
  40. restoredInventory: "&aYour inventory was restored!"
  41. gameStartsIn: "&aGame starts in &3&l{time}&a!"
  42. gameStarts: "&3Game starts!"
  43. gameEndsIn: "&aGame ends in &3&l{time}&a!"
  44. successfullyReloaded: "&aAll files reloaded!"
  45. signCreated: "&aSign successfully created!"
  46. signRemoved: "&aSign successfully removed!"
  47. whoWon: "&aPlayer &6{player} &awon the game &6{game}&a!"
  48. gameDeleted: "&aGame &6{game} &awas successfully removed!"
  50. playerIsAttacker: "&aYou shot a player &6{victim}&a! &7({kills})"
  51. playerIsVictim: "&cPlayer &6{attacker} &cshot you!"
  52. playerIsAttackerKill: "&aYou killed a player &6{victim}&a! &7({kills})"
  53. playerIsVictimKill: "&cPlayer &6{attacker} &ckilled you!"
  55. joinTitle: "&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]"
  56. joinSubTitle: "&7You joined the game &6{name}&7!"
  58. gameStartsInTitle: "&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]"
  59. gameStartsInSubTitle: "&7Game starts in &3{time}"
  60. gameStartsSubTitle: "&6Game starts!"
  61. endGameTitle: "&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]"
  62. endGameSubTitle: "&6The end!"
  63. winnerTitle: "&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]"
  64. winnerSubTitle: "&7Winner of game is &3{player}&7!"
  66. scoreBoardHeadName: "&f&lOne&e&lShot"
  67. scoreBoardHeadNameInGame: "&f&lOne&e&lShot &3&l{time}"
  68. scoreBoardMinPlayers: "&7Minimum players"
  69. scoreBoardSumOfPlayers: "&7Players in Lobby"
  70. scoreBoardCountDown: "&7Game starts in"
  71. scoreBoardInfoStats: "&7Stats"
  72. colorOfPlayerInSB: "&7{player}"
  74. signHeadName: "&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]"
  75. signGameWaiting: "&7Waiting..."
  76. signGameRunning: "&4Running"
  77. signGameStopped: "&4Stopped"
  78. signGameEnding: "&4Ending"
  80. signLeave: "&7Leave the game"
  81. signFourthLine: "&l---&1&lClick&0&l---"
  82. signNumOfPlayers: "&7[&3{sumOfPlayers}&7/&3{maxPlayers}&7]"
  84. statsInfoHeadName: "&3=====&7[&f&lOne&e&lShot&7]&3====="
  85. statsPlayedGames: "&aPlayed games: &3{sum}"
  86. statsWinGames: "&aWon games: &3{sum}"
  87. statsKills: "&aKills: &3{sum}"
  88. statsDeaths: "&aDeaths: &3{sum}"
  89. statsNoStats: "&cNo stats..."
  90. statsDisabled: "&cStatistics isn't available now!"
  92. cmdJoin: "&aJoin the game: &3{cmd}"
  93. cmdLeave: "&aLeave the game: &3{cmd}"
  94. cmdStats: "&aYour stats: &3{cmd}"
  96. listOfArenas: "&aList of arenas: &6{arenas}"
  97. colorOfEnabledArena: "&6"
  98. colorOfDisabledArena: "&c"
  99. addedMoneyReward: "&aYou recieved &6{money}{currBalance} &afor Win game!"
  101. kitDoesNotExist: "&cKit with name &6{kit} &cdoesn't exist!"
  102. kitSelected: "&aKit &6{kit} &aselected!"
  103. kitSelectedInGame: "&cYou can't select kits during playing game!"
  104. youMustBeInLobby: "&cYou must be in Lobby while selecting kits!"
  106. GUIListHeadName: "&1&lSelect your kit"
  107. GUIKitSwordName: "&2&lSword"
  108. GUIKitArrowName: "&2&lArror"
  109. GUIKitSpeedName: "&2&lSpeed"
  110. GUIKitExplosionName: "&2&lExplosion"
  111. GUIKitShieldName: "&2&lShield"
  112. GUISelectKits: "&6&lKit selector"
  113. GUILeave: "&6&lLeave game"
  114. GUIKitClickInLore: "&eClick to select this kit!"
  116. GUIKitSwordLore:
  117.    - "&3\u270E &eBetter sword during game!"
  118.     - ""
  119.     - "&3\u270E {click}"
  120. GUIKitArrowLore:
  121.    - "&3\u270E &eMore arrows during game!"
  122.     - ""
  123.     - "&3\u270E {click}"
  124. GUIKitSpeedLore:
  125.    - "&3\u270E &eWalk faster than normal players!"
  126.     - ""
  127.     - "&3\u270E {click}"
  128. GUIKitExplosionLore:
  129.    - "&3\u270E &eArrow makes Explosion!"
  130.     - ""
  131.     - "&3\u270E {click}"
  132. GUIKitShieldLore:
  133.    - "&3\u270E &eBetter defence in battle!"
  134.     - ""
  135.     - "&3\u270E {click}"
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