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May 27th, 2015
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  1. import Prelude
  2. import Data.Maybe
  3. import Data.Char (isDigit)
  4. import Data.List ((\\), delete, sort, group)
  7. import Eventloop.EventloopCore
  8. import Eventloop.DefaultConfiguration
  9. import Eventloop.Types.EventTypes
  11. import qualified Eventloop.Module.Websocket.Canvas as C
  12. import qualified Eventloop.Module.BasicShapes as B
  13. import qualified Eventloop.Module.Websocket.Mouse as M
  14. import qualified Eventloop.Module.Websocket.Keyboard as K
  15. import qualified Eventloop.Module.StdOut as S
  16. import Eventloop.Module.Graphs
  19. {- | Start
  20. This function will start the eventloop system using the eventloopConfig
  21. -}
  22. start = startMainloop eventloopConfig
  24. {- | The configuration of the Eventloop system
  25. Uses the graphs module to display graphs. This module
  26. depends on the Keyboard, Mouse, Canvas and BasicShapes modules
  27. -}
  28. eventloopConfig = defaultConfig { moduleConfigurations=[ defaultGraphsModuleConfiguration
  29. , B.defaultBasicShapesModuleConfiguration
  30. , C.defaultCanvasModuleConfiguration
  31. , M.defaultMouseModuleConfiguration
  32. , K.defaultKeyboardModuleConfiguration
  33. , S.defaultStdOutModuleConfiguration
  34. ]}
  35. where
  36. defaultConfig = allModulesEventloopConfiguration beginProgramState eventloop -- Uses beginProgramState and eventloop to build config
  39. {- | ProgramState
  40. This datatype shows which variables are kept
  41. -}
  42. data ProgramState
  43. = ProgramState { pressedKey :: [Char]
  44. , node1Select :: Maybe Node
  45. , node2Select :: Maybe Node
  46. , graph :: Graph
  47. }
  50. {- | Begingraph
  51. This is the start state of the graph
  52. -}
  53. beginGraph = Graph allNodes allEdges Undirected Unweighted
  54. where
  55. allNodes = [ ('a', (50, 50), Red)
  56. , ('b', (150, 50), Blue)
  57. , ('c', (200, 200), Orange)
  58. ]
  59. allEdges = [ ('a', 'b', Green, 5, Thick)
  60. , ('c', 'b', Orange, 3, Thin)
  61. , ('c', 'a', Purple, 2, Thin)
  62. ]
  65. {-| The beginstate of the ProgramState
  66. -}
  67. beginProgramState = ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing beginGraph
  70. {- | Instructions
  71. This is the list of all possible instructions
  72. Feel free to add your own
  73. -}
  74. instructions = [ "Instructions"
  75. , "Press 'n' and click on the screen to create a new node"
  76. , "Press 'r', click on a node and press a letter to rename the node"
  77. , "Press 'e', click on two nodes to create an edge"
  78. , "Press 'd', click on a node to delete the node"
  79. , "Press 'w', click on two nodes and press a number to weight the edge in between"
  80. , "Press 'f', click on two nodes to delete an edge"
  81. , "Press 'c', click on a node to color it red"
  82. , "Press 'b', click on a node to color its neighborhood blue"
  83. , "Press 'a', click on a node to reset all the coloring"
  84. , "Press 'k' and select 2 nodes to check if there's a path between them."
  85. , "Press 'esc' to abort the current operation and start another"
  86. ]
  89. {- | A variable showing which labels are used for visually added nodes
  90. -}
  91. automaticPossibleLabels :: [Label]
  92. automaticPossibleLabels = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9']
  95. {- | A function to determine which label can be used next
  96. -}
  97. nextLabel :: [Node] -> Label
  98. nextLabel nodes
  99. | null leftOverLabels = error "Did not have a leftover label to give to a node. Please do not create so many nodes!"
  100. | otherwise = head leftOverLabels
  101. where
  102. currentLabels = map (\(l, _, _) -> l) nodes
  103. leftOverLabels = automaticPossibleLabels \\ currentLabels
  106. {- | Add a node to the graph
  107. -}
  108. addNode :: Graph -> Node -> Graph
  109. addNode g@(Graph{nodes=ns}) n = g {nodes=(n:ns)}
  111. {- returns a list of neighbours of a node -}
  112. getNeighbors :: Graph -> Node -> [Label]
  113. getNeighbors g@(Graph{edges=es, directed=d}) (l,_,_) = getNeighborsByEdges es l d
  115. getNeighborsByEdges :: [Edge] -> Label -> Directed -> [Label]
  116. getNeighborsByEdges [] n d = []
  117. getNeighborsByEdges ((l1, l2, _, _, _):es) l Directed
  118. | l1 == l = [l2]++(getNeighborsByEdges es l Directed)
  119. | otherwise = getNeighborsByEdges es l Directed
  121. getNeighborsByEdges ((l1, l2, _, _, _):es) l Undirected
  122. | l1 == l = [l2]++(getNeighborsByEdges es l Undirected)
  123. | l2 == l = [l1]++(getNeighborsByEdges es l Undirected)
  124. | otherwise = getNeighborsByEdges es l Undirected
  126. existsPath :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Bool
  127. existsPath g n1 n2 = existsHelper g [n1] n2
  129. existsHelper :: Graph -> [Node] -> Node -> Bool
  130. existsHelper g ns n
  131. | elem n ns = True
  132. | length ns == length ns' = False
  133. | otherwise = existsHelper g ns' n
  134. where ns' = ns ++ (getNeighborsByNodeList g ns)
  136. getNeighborsByNodeList :: Graph -> [Node] -> [Node]
  137. getNeighborsByNodeList _ [] = []
  138. getNeighborsByNodeList g (n:ns) = rmdups ((getNodesByLabels g (getNeighbors g n)) ++ (getNeighborsByNodeList g ns))
  140. {- | Paints the list of nodes to a certain colour. -}
  141. paintItColor :: [Node] -> Color -> [Node]
  142. paintItColor [] clr = []
  143. paintItColor ((l,p,c):ns) clr = [(l,p,clr)]++(paintItColor ns clr)
  144. {-
  145. swap123to312 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (b -> c -> a -> d)
  146. swap123to312 f a b c = f c a b
  148. existsPath :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Bool
  149. existsPath g@(Graph{nodes=ns, edges=es}) n1 n2
  150. | n1 == n2 = False
  151. | not (findEdgeFromNodeToNode n1 n2 g == Nothing) = True
  152. | findEdgesBetweenNodes n1 n2 g == [] = any ((swap123to312 findEdgesBetweenNodes) ((removeNodeWithAdjoiningEdges n1 g) n1)) (getNodesByLabels (getNeighbors (removeNodeWithAdjoiningEdges n1 g) n2 ))
  153. | otherwise = True
  154. -}
  155. rmdups :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
  156. rmdups [] = []
  157. rmdups (x:xs) | elem x xs = rmdups xs
  158. | otherwise = [x]++(rmdups xs)
  160. {- | Gets a list of nodes by using a list of labels. -}
  161. getNodesByLabels :: Graph -> [Label] -> [Node]
  162. getNodesByLabels g@(Graph{nodes=ns}) labels = getNBL ns labels
  164. getNBL :: [Node] -> [Label] -> [Node]
  165. getNBL ns [] = []
  166. getNBL ns (l:ls) = [getNodeByLabel ns l]++(getNBL ns ls)
  168. getNodeByLabel :: [Node] -> Label -> Node
  169. getNodeByLabel [] label = error "Node is not found"
  170. getNodeByLabel ((l,a,b):ns) label | l == label = (l,a,b)
  171. | otherwise = getNodeByLabel ns label
  173. {- | Add an edge to the graph
  174. -}
  175. addEdge :: Graph -> Edge -> Graph
  176. addEdge g@(Graph{edges=es}) e = g {edges=(e:es)}
  179. {- | Create an edge based on two nodes
  180. Is drawn from node1 to node2
  181. -}
  182. createEdge :: Node -> Node -> Edge
  183. createEdge (l1, _, c) (l2, _, _)
  184. = (l1, l2, c, 0, Thin)
  187. {- | Finds the edge directed from the first to the second node
  188. -}
  189. findEdgeFromNodeToNode :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Edge
  190. findEdgeFromNodeToNode n1 n2 g
  191. | null possibleEdges = Nothing
  192. | otherwise = Just $ head possibleEdges
  193. where
  194. allEdges = edges g
  195. possibleEdges = filter (edgeRunsFromNodeToNode n1 n2) allEdges
  198. {- | Finds all edges connected to this node
  199. -}
  200. findEdgesAtNode :: Node -> Graph -> [Edge]
  201. findEdgesAtNode (l, _, _) g
  202. = filter (\(el1, el2, _, _, _) -> el1 == l || el2 == l) allEdges
  203. where
  204. allEdges = edges g
  207. {- | Finds all edges that are between two nodes
  208. -}
  209. findEdgesBetweenNodes :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> [Edge]
  210. findEdgesBetweenNodes n1 n2 g
  211. = filter (edgeIsBetweenNodes n1 n2) allEdges
  212. where
  213. allEdges = edges g
  216. {- | Conditional to check if an edge is connected to both nodes
  217. -}
  218. edgeIsBetweenNodes :: Node -> Node -> Edge -> Bool
  219. edgeIsBetweenNodes (l1, _, _) (l2, _, _) (el1, el2, _, _, _)
  220. = (el1 == l1 && el2 == l2) || (el1 == l2 && el2 == l1)
  223. {- | Conditional to check if the runs is directed from the first
  224. to the second node
  225. -}
  226. edgeRunsFromNodeToNode :: Node -> Node -> Edge -> Bool
  227. edgeRunsFromNodeToNode (l1, _, _) (l2, _, _) (el1, el2, _, _, _)
  228. = (l1 == el1) && (l2 == el2)
  231. {- | Removes the node from the graph
  232. -}
  233. removeNode :: Node -> Graph -> Graph
  234. removeNode n g
  235. = g {nodes = allNodes'}
  236. where
  237. allNodes = nodes g
  238. allNodes' = delete n allNodes
  240. {- | Removes the edge from the graph
  241. -}
  242. removeEdge :: Edge -> Graph -> Graph
  243. removeEdge e g
  244. = g {edges = allEdges'}
  245. where
  246. allEdges = edges g
  247. allEdges' = delete e allEdges
  249. {- | Removes a node, and all edges connected to it,
  250. from the graph
  251. -}
  252. removeNodeWithAdjoiningEdges :: Node -> Graph -> Graph
  253. removeNodeWithAdjoiningEdges n g
  254. = g''
  255. where
  256. g' = removeNode n g
  257. g'' = foldr removeEdge g' (findEdgesAtNode n g)
  259. {- | Rename a node in the edge to the new label
  260. if the node is connected to that edge
  261. -}
  262. renameNodeInEdge :: Node -> Label -> Edge -> Edge
  263. renameNodeInEdge (oldL, _, _) newL (el1, el2, color, weight, thickness)
  264. | oldL == el1 = (newL, el2, color, weight, thickness)
  265. | oldL == el2 = (el1, newL, color, weight, thickness)
  266. | otherwise = (el1, el2, color, weight, thickness)
  269. {- | The eventloop
  270. This function uses the current state and an In event to determine
  271. the new state and what changes should be made as a list of Out events.
  272. -}
  273. eventloop :: ProgramState -> In -> (ProgramState, [Out])
  275. eventloop ps Start
  276. = (ps, [OutGraphs SetupGraphs, OutGraphs $ DrawGraph (graph ps), OutGraphs $ Instructions instructions])
  278. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "f" (Just node1s) _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  279. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  280. | edgeM == Nothing = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g, [])
  281. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Deleted edge from '" ++ [l1] ++ "' to '" ++ [l2] ++ "'\n"])
  282. where
  283. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  284. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  285. allNodes = nodes g
  286. edgeM = findEdgeFromNodeToNode node1s nodeAtPos g
  287. (Just edge) = edgeM
  288. (l1, l2, _, _, _) = edge
  289. g' = removeEdge edge g
  291. {- | If 'w' has been pressed, two nodes are selected and the next key
  292. is a digit, the edge running from node1s to node2s is weighted as that
  293. digit
  294. -}
  295. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "w" (Just node1s) (Just node2s) g) (InGraphs (Key [key]))
  296. | isDigit key && edgeM /= Nothing = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Weighted edge from '" ++ [l1] ++ "' to '" ++ [l2] ++ "' with " ++ (show weight) ++ "\n"])
  297. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g, [])
  298. where
  299. edgeM = findEdgeFromNodeToNode node1s node2s g
  300. (Just edge@(l1, l2, col, w, thick)) = edgeM
  301. weight = read [key] :: Weight
  302. edge' = (l1, l2, col, weight, thick)
  303. g' = (flip addEdge) edge' $ removeEdge edge g
  305. {- | color the selected node red -}
  306. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "c" _ _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) pos))
  307. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  308. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Colored node " ++ [l] ++ " red.\n"])
  309. where
  310. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes pos
  311. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  312. (l, p, _) = nodeAtPos
  313. newNode = (l, p, Red)
  314. allNodes = nodes g
  315. g' = addNode (removeNode nodeAtPos g) newNode
  317. {- | color the neighbourhood blue -}
  318. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "b" _ _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) pos))
  319. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  320. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g'', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g'', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Colored the neighborhood of " ++ [l] ++ " blue.\n"])
  321. where
  322. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes pos
  323. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  324. (l, p, c) = nodeAtPos
  325. nbs = getNeighbors g nodeAtPos
  326. nbsNew = paintItColor (getNodesByLabels g nbs) Blue
  327. allNodes = nodes g
  328. g' = foldl (flip removeNode) g (getNodesByLabels g nbs)
  329. g'' = foldl addNode g' nbsNew
  332. {- | color everything back to normal -}
  333. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "a" _ _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) pos))
  334. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  335. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g'', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g'', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Reset the coloring.\n"])
  336. where
  337. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes pos
  338. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  339. (l, p, c) = nodeAtPos
  340. nodesNew = paintItColor allNodes Orange
  341. allNodes = nodes g
  342. g' = foldl (flip removeNode) g (allNodes)
  343. g'' = foldl addNode g' nodesNew
  346. {- | If 'd' has been pressed and a node is selected
  347. , the node is deleted from the graph
  348. -}
  349. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "d" _ _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  350. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  351. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Deleted node '" ++ [l] ++ "'\n"])
  352. where
  353. (l, _, _) = nodeAtPos
  354. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  355. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  356. allNodes = nodes g
  357. g' = removeNodeWithAdjoiningEdges nodeAtPos g
  360. {- | If 'e' has been pressed, a node selected and a new node is selected
  361. an edge is drawn between the two nodes
  362. -}
  363. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "e" (Just node1s) _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  364. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  365. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Created edge from '" ++ [l1] ++ "' to '" ++ [l2] ++ "'\n"])
  366. where
  367. (l1, _, _) = node1s
  368. (l2, _, _) = nodeAtPos
  369. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  370. allNodes = nodes g
  371. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  372. g' = addEdge g $ createEdge node1s nodeAtPos
  374. {- | If 'k' has been pressed, a node selected and a new node is selected
  375. an edge is drawn between the two nodes
  376. -}
  377. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "k" (Just node1s) _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  378. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  379. | otherwise = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g, [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g, OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Edge from '" ++ [l1] ++ "to " ++ [l2] ++ "'exists: '" ++ (show hasPath) ++ ".'\n"])
  380. where
  381. (l1, _, _) = node1s
  382. (l2, _, _) = nodeAtPos
  383. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  384. allNodes = nodes g
  385. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  386. hasPath = existsPath g node1s nodeAtPos
  388. {- | If 'r' has been pressed, a node selected and a new key stroke
  389. comes in, the label of the selected node is changed
  390. -}
  391. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "r" (Just node1s) _ g) (InGraphs (Key [l]))
  392. = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g'', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g'', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Renamed node '" ++ [oldL] ++ "' to '" ++ [l] ++ "'\n"])
  393. where
  394. allNodes = nodes g
  395. allEdges = edges g
  396. (oldL, p, color) = node1s
  397. node' = (l, p, color)
  398. allEdges' = map (renameNodeInEdge node1s l) allEdges :: [Edge]
  399. g' = (flip addNode) node' $ removeNode node1s g
  400. g'' = g' {edges = allEdges'}
  403. {- | If 'n' has been pressed and the mouse has
  404. clicked at a position where there is no node yet,
  405. a new node is inserted at that point
  406. -}
  407. eventloop ps@(ProgramState "n" _ _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  408. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing g', [OutGraphs $ DrawGraph g', OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Inserted node '" ++ [nextlabel] ++ "'\n"])
  409. | otherwise = (ps, [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage "Tried to insert a node on another node"])
  410. where
  411. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  412. allNodes = nodes g
  413. nextlabel = nextLabel allNodes
  414. newNode = (nextlabel, p, Orange)
  415. g' = g {nodes=(newNode:allNodes)}
  418. {- | Buffer the last node selected if it doesn't
  419. trigger an event on first spot
  420. -}
  421. eventloop ps@(ProgramState _ Nothing _ g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  422. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [])
  423. | otherwise = (ps {node1Select = Just nodeAtPos}, [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "[1st Select] Click on node '" ++ [l] ++ "'\n"])
  424. where
  425. (l, _, _) = nodeAtPos
  426. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  427. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  428. allNodes = nodes g
  431. {- | Buffer the last node selected if it doesn't trigger an event on second spot -}
  432. eventloop ps@(ProgramState _ (Just _) Nothing g) (InGraphs (Mouse (Click _) p))
  433. | nodeAtPosM == Nothing = (ps, [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage "Clicked on not a node\n"])
  434. | otherwise = (ps {node2Select = Just nodeAtPos}, [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "[2nd Select] Click on node '" ++ [l] ++ "'\n"])
  435. where
  436. (l, _, _) = nodeAtPos
  437. (Just nodeAtPos) = nodeAtPosM
  438. nodeAtPosM = onNode allNodes p
  439. allNodes = nodes g
  442. {- | Abort current operation and reset start on "esc" -}
  443. eventloop ps (InGraphs (Key "esc"))
  444. = (ProgramState [] Nothing Nothing (graph ps), [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage "Aborted current operation\n"])
  447. {- | Stop the system on "s" -}
  448. eventloop ps (InGraphs (Key "s"))
  449. = (ps, [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage "Stopping system...\n", Stop])
  452. {- | Buffer the last press key if it doesn't trigger an event -}
  453. eventloop ps@(ProgramState _ _ _ _) (InGraphs (Key key))
  454. = (ps {pressedKey = key}, [OutStdOut $ S.StdOutMessage $ "Buffered keystroke '" ++ key ++ "'\n" ])
  457. {- | For all other In events, do nothing -}
  458. eventloop ps _ = (ps, [])
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