
UHCS Modded ServerPack Modlist

Feb 18th, 2014
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  1. Armor Status HUD v1.15
  2. bspkrs Core v5.3
  3. Status Effect HUD v1.19
  4. Ars Magica 2 v1.1.2b
  5. autoutils v1.6.4-1.0.1
  6. BackTool v2.0.1
  7. BiblioCraft v1.5.5
  8. Binnie Core v1.8.0
  9. Biomes O'Plenty v1.2.1.416
  10. Buildcraft vA-4.2.2
  11. Carpenter's Blocks v2.0.2
  12. ChickenChunks v1.3.3.3
  13. Chisel v1.5.0fix
  14. CodeChicken Core v0.9.0.7
  15. CoFH Core v2.0.0.2
  16. CompactSolars v4.4.19.282
  17. ComputerCraft v1.58
  18. DartCraft Beta v0.2.15
  19. EnderStorage v1.4.3.5
  20. Equivalent Exchange 3 v0.1.0.1
  21. Extra Utilities v1.0.2
  22. Gravity Gun v2.0.0
  23. Mob Amputation v2.0.1
  24. FlatSigns v1.4.0.15
  25. Forestry vA-2.3.11
  26. Furniture Mod v3.2.5
  27. Gregtech
  28. Hats v2.1.1
  29. Immibis Core v57.1.94
  30. Industrialcraft-2 v2.0394
  31. IronChest v5.4.1.702
  32. LiquidXP v57.1.1
  33. MagicBees v2.1.9
  34. Mapwriter v2.0.16
  35. AdvancedSolarPanels v3.4.6
  36. GraviSuite v1.9.8
  37. Naura v2.1.14
  38. NeiAddons v1.10.3.61
  39. NeiPlugins v1.1.0.6
  40. NotEnoughItems v1.6.1.8
  41. Obsidiplates v2.0.0.15
  42. Openblocks v1.2.5
  43. OpenModsLib v0.2
  44. PortalGun 2.0.2
  45. PortalGunSounds
  46. ProjectRED (Base, Compat, Integration, Lighting, Mechanical, World) v4.2.2.19
  47. QuarryPlus v1.5.5.3
  48. RailCraft v8.3.2.0
  49. Redstone Arsenal v1.0.0.0
  50. SoulShards v2.0.15
  51. StevesCarts v2.0.0.b10
  52. TinkersConstruct v1.5.2.6
  53. ThaumCraft v4.0.5b
  54. ThaumicTinkerer v2.1-74
  55. ThaumicTinkererKAMI vJ6
  56. ThermalExpansion v3.0.0.2
  57. TwilightForest v1.20.3
  58. IchunUtil v2.4.0
  59. Waila v1.4.5a
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